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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Motyvacija kūno kultūros pamokose: mokytojo ir mokinių panašumai ir skirtumai / Motivation in physical education lesson: differences and similarities between the teacher and pupils

Galijotaitė, Vita 06 September 2013 (has links)
Kūno kultūros pamokos metu ugdoma mokinių fizinės ypatybės ir gebėjimai, mokoma sporto technikos veiksmų, mokoma gražiai bendrauti bei bendradarbiauti. Kūno kultūros specialistas, suteikia motyvacijos mokinių asmenybės savybėms bei galioms tobulėti. Pedagogo tinkamas motyvavimas mokinius, gali pamoką padaryti malonesnę. Tyrimo objektas – mokytojų motyvavimas ir mokinių motyvacija kūno kultūros pamokose. Darbe buvo siekiama tikslo išanalizuoti mokytojų ir mokinių motyvacijas kūno kultūros pamokose, parašyti panašumus ir skirtumus. Siekiant atsakyti į tyrimo tikslą, buvo keliami šie uždaviniai: išanalizuoti kūno kultūros mokytojų motyvaciją mokyti, nustatyti veiksnius įtakojančius mokinių motyvaciją kūno kultūros pamokose ir palyginti mokytojų ir mokinių motyvacijos veiksnių skirtumus kūno kultūros pamokose. Darbo pagrindą sudarė kūno kultūros mokytojams skirta anketa ir 9 - 12 klasių mokinių anketa. Šios abi anketos buvo naudojamos, siekiant nustatyti 9 – 12 klasių moksleivių veiksnius, motyvuojančius dalyvauti kūno kultūros pamokose. Tyrimas buvo atliekamas taikant apklausos metodą, apklausiant 223 respondentus. 41 kūno kultūros mokytoją ir 182 mokinius. Anketa buvo parengta pagal A. C. Garn, D. J. Cothran, 2006 klausimyną. Tyrime dalyvavusių mokytojų ir 9 – 12 klasių mokinių apklausa atskleidė, kad motyvacija kūno kultūrai turi įtakos visapusiškam asmenybės ugdymui. Išaiškėjo, jog veiksmingiausia yra vidinė motyvacija, kuri susijusi su mokinio užtikrintumu, gebėjimu padaryti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / During physical education lessons pupils develop their physical qualities and abilities. They are taught actions of sport technique as well as considerate communication and cooperation. The specialist of physical education motivates and helps improve pupils‘ personal features and potency. An appropriate motivation of an educator makes the lesson much more enjoyable. The object of the study – teachers‘ and pupils‘ motivation during the lesson of physical education. The aim of the work was to analyse teachers‘ and pupils‘ motivations during the lessons of physical education and present similarities and differences between the both. The following tasks were raised to respond to the purpose of the study: to analyse the teachers‘ of physical education motivation to teach, determine factors that influence pupils‘ motivation during the lessons of physical education and compare the differences of teachers‘ and pupils‘ motivational factors during the lessons. The foundation of the work constituted of the questionnaire for the teachers and a questionnaire for the pupils of 9 – 12 forms. The both questionnaires were used to determine the factors motivating the pupils of 9 – 12 forms to participate in physical education lessons. The study was carried out by applying the survey method and interviewing 223 respondents – 41 teachers of physical education and 182 pupils. The questions were prepared according to the questionnaire formed by A. C. Garn, D. J. Cothran, 2006. The survey of... [to full text]

Studentų emocinės būklės testavimo metu tyrimas panauduojant biometrines technologijas / Research of emotional state students during test using biometric technology

Vlasenko, Andrej 29 March 2012 (has links)
Disertacijoje nagrinėjamas kompiuterinės sistemos kūrimas, su kuria būtų galima nustatyti asmens psichoemicinę būseną pagal jo balso signalų požymius. Taip pat pateikiama vyzdžio skersmens matavimo sistema. Taigi, pagrindiniai mokslinio tyrimo objektai yra žmogaus balso požymiai ir jo vyzdžio dydžio pa-sikeitimo dinamika. Pagrindinis disertacijos tikslas – sukurti metodikas ir algo-ritmus, skirtus automatiškai apdoroti ir išanalizuoti balso signalo požymius. Šių sukurtų algoritmų taikymo sritis – streso valdymo sistemos programinė įranga. Šiame darbe sprendžiami keli pagrindiniai uždaviniai: analizuojant kalbėtojo balsą, kalbančiojo psichoemocinės būklės identifikavimo galimybės ir vyzdžio dydžio kaitos dinamika. Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, keturi skyriai, rezultatų apibendrinimas, naudotos literatūros sąrašas ir autoriaus publikacijų disertacijos tema sąrašas. Įvade aptariama tiriamoji problema, darbo aktualumas, aprašomas tyrimų objektas, formuluojamas darbo tikslas bei uždaviniai, aprašoma tyrimų metodi-ka, darbo mokslinis naujumas, darbo rezultatų praktinė reikšmė, ginamieji teigi-niai. Įvado pabaigoje pristatomos disertacijos tema autoriaus paskelbtos publika-cijos bei pranešimai konferencijose ir disertacijos struktūra. Pirmajame skyriuje pateikta asmens biometrinių bei fiziologiniu požymiu analizės pagrindu sukurta „Rekomendacine biometrinė streso valdymo sistema” (angl. Recommended Biometric Stress Management System). Sistema gali padėti nustatyti neigiamą streso lygį... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The dissertation investigates the issues of creating a computer system that uses voice signal features to determine person’s emotional state. In addition pre-sented system of measuring pupil diameter.The main objects of research include emotion recognition from speech and dynamics of eye pupil size change.The main purpose of this dissertation is employing suitable methodologies and algo-rithms to automatically process and analyse human voice parameters. Created algorithms can be used in Stress Management System software. The dissertation also focuses on researching the possibilities of identification of speaker’s psy-choemotional state: applying the analysis of speaker’s voice parameters and the analysis of dynamics of eye pupil size change. The dissertation consists of four parts including Introduction, 4 chapters, Conclusions and References. The introduction reveals the investigated problem, importance of the thesis and the object of research and describes the purpose and tasks of the paper, re-search methodology, scientific novelty, the practical significance of results ex-amined in the paper and defended statements. The introduction ends in present-ing the author’s publications on the subject of the defended dissertation, offering the material of made presentations in conferences and defining the structure of the dissertation. Chapter 1- the Recommended Biometric Stress Management System found-ed on the speech analysis. The System can assist in determining the level of... [to full text]

Lärares pedagogiska handlingar : En studie av lärares uppfattningarav att vara pedagogisk i klassrumsarbetet

Eriksson, Inger January 1999 (has links)
This study concerns teachers' conceptions of what it means to be pedagogical. The work has itsstarting point in van Manen's work concerning pedagogical tact. By using this concept vanManen tries to describe teachers' tacit and intuitive skills to decide what to do or what not to do in any given situation. This study is based largely on the assumption that van Marten's concept is too narrow and perhaps invalid in certain contexts. The study was conducted as a phenomenographical study with the help of video-stimulated-recall-interviews. Four aspects of the phenomena were identified:: The pedagogical relation: this aspect is constructed by four qualitatively different conceptions: parent-like, friend-like, manager-like and partner-like. The pedagogical control: this aspect is also constructed using four conceptions: as a question of finesse, negotiation, organisation and as a question of rules of the game. The pedagogical teaching: here the aspect consists of three conceptions: to transmit know-ledge, to make children work and to help children learn. The pedagogical ways of coping with dilemmas: the last aspect is made up by three conceptions: situational, principle and methodological. Different types of dilemmas occur according to whether the classroom is organised as collective teaching or individualised teaching. The results show that the phenomena being pedagogical can only be partly understood throughthe concept pedagogical tact. Further, the understanding of the phenomenon seems to be dependent on how the classroom is organised. Being pedagogical can therefore be seen as complex and as contextually dependent. It is influenced not only by cultural and historical factors but also on the type of activities undertaken.

Hälsofrämjande skola : en sambandsanalys mellan hälso- och riskvariabler / Health Promoting School : a correlation analyses between health- and riskvariables

Woxberg, Anna-Kari January 2005 (has links)
Att öka möjligheterna för unga att leva ett hälsosamt liv framstår som allt angelägnare både ur ett individuellt och ur ett samhälleligt perspektiv. Skolan är därför en utmärkt arena för ett hälsofrämjande arbete. WHO:s konferenser i Ottawa 1986 och i Sundsvall 1991 betonade behovet av en perspektivförskjutning inom folkhälsoarbetet från att förebygga ohälsa till att främja hälsa. WHO tog också initiativ till flera internationella nätverk. ”Health promoting school” är ett sådant som handlar om att skapa en kontinuerlig process där hela skolans vardag utvecklas som en stödjande och främjande fysisk och psykosocial miljö för hälsa, välbefinnande och lärande samt att stärka hälsoundervisningen. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att kartlägga och beskriva samband mellan några hälso- respektive riskvariabler för att testa en hypotes om skolan som en hälsofrämjande arena. Hypotesen formulerades enligt följande:-Skolor med en hög andel elever med hälsofrämjande upplevelser har en låg andel elever med riskbeteenden och vice versa. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av befintliga data från två enkätundersökningar, ”Hälsoenkäten” och den mer riskrelaterade ”CAN-enkäten”. De båda enkätundersökningarna var totalundersökningar riktade till år 9 elever i Gävleborgs län. Undersökningarna genomfördes vid skilda men nära tidpunkter under våren 2002. Fem frågeställningar valdes ur respektive enkät. Elevernas egna utsagor på dessa frågeställningar utgör materialet till denna studie. Analysen genomfördes i två steg. I steg ett studerades om det förelåg något samband på skolnivå och i steg två studerades samband på individnivå. Resultatet visade inga samband mellan hälsofrämjande upplevelser och riskbeteenden. Den formulerade forskningshypotesen förkastas alltså. I litteraturen finns flera studier som styrker resultatet i denna studie samtidigt som litteraturen också fortsatt visar på vikten av hälsofrämjande arbete i skolan. I framtiden bör begreppet ”Hälsofrämjande skola” förtydligas, en tydlig organisation skapas, tydliga strategier utarbetas och ges ett ledningsansvar. / It is increasingly stressed as more important to increase the possibility for young people to live a healthy life, both through an individual as well as a community perspective. The school is therefore a perfect health promoting setting. WHO:s conferences in Ottawa, 1986 and Sundsvall, 1997 both stressed the need to shift perspective from prevention to promotion. WHO also took initiative to set up several international networks. “Health promoting school” was one example involving creating a supportive and health promoting physical, mental and social environment for health, wellbeing and learning as well as strengthening the health education. The aim of this study was to survey and describe the connection between some health- and risk related variables to test a hypothesis about the school as a health promoting setting. The hypothesis was formulated: -schools with a high percentage of students with health-related experiences has a low percentage of students with risk behaviours and vice versa. Available data from two different questionnaires were used, the “Health questionnaire” and the more risk-related “CAN questionnaire”. The two questionnaires were both conducted among all students within the ninth school year in the county of Gävleborg. They were administrated as separate but adjacent studies during the spring term of 2002. Five questions were chosen from each questionnaire. Responses from the students consists the material used in this study. The analyses were made in two steps. Initially, school level connections were studied, later individual level connections. The result did not find any connections between more health related and risk related variables. The formulated hypothesis is therefore rejected. There are several studies in the literature supporting the findings in this study. At the same time there is continuing or increasing support for the idea of a health promoting school. In the future the concept “Health promoting school” needs to be clarified as well as strategies, organisation and leadership. / <p>ISBN 91-7997-125-3</p>

Contributo para a compreensão das condições de sucesso académico em jovens do concelho de Ponte de Lima

Sousa, Agostinho Costa January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Pesquisa dos indicadores explicativos da participação dos alunos com necessidades educativas especiais no desporto escolar-levantamento no distrito de Viana do Castelo

Esperança, Ana Luísa Sousa January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

A actividade desportiva de competição em população com necessidades educativas especiais-estudo do desempenho motor em jovens com dificuldades de aprendizagem na modalidade de atletismo na Ilha de S. Miguel

Tavares, Maria Alexandra Azevedo Dias January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

O envolvimento dos alunos surdos na actividade física-estudo realizado nas escolas do 2 e 3 ciclo do Ensino Básico e Ensino Secundário de distrito de Braga

Borges, Maria da Graça Rebelo January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Análise comportamental das instruções e perguntas de uma professora universitária em sala de aula de uma turma de matemática

Polonio, David Marconi [UNESP] 26 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:28:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-04-26Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:16:58Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 polonio_dm_me_bauru.pdf: 752692 bytes, checksum: 095a7c51d8a349cb377a5116237c7dee (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Apesar das universidades no Brasil serem responsáveis pela formação de profissionais de nível superior, pelo desenvolvimento de pesquisas e pela realização de atividades de extensão, os docentes universitários muitas vezes não recebem preparação para ensinar. E uma das dificuldades encontradas por este professor está em identificar procedimentos de ensino que favoreçam a aprendizagem de seus alunos. Na visão da análise do comportamento o sucesso ou fracasso do ensino está nas relações entre as respostas dos indivíduos envolvidos no processo e as condições nas quais ele ocorre. Neste sentido, o professor tem um papel de destaque por ser quem escolhe o método a ser utilizado. Neste trabalho foram analisados dois procedimentos de ensino comumente utilizados por professores, a apresentação de perguntas e de instruções. Instruções e perguntas são comportamentos verbais, e ambos podem funciona como regra especificando o reforço que modelou a topografia da resposta e colocou-a sob o controle do estímulo e são úteis para resolver a questão da primeira ocorrência da resposta. O presente trabalho apresenta um modelo de investigação de variáveis possivelmente relacionadas ao comportamento de Instruir e Perguntar de uma professora universitária do curso de matemática. Para isto, foram feitas filmagens e análises de seis aulas, procurando observar o que a professora fazia, em que momento, e como os alunos se comportavam diante do fazer da professora, e também qual a ação dela após as respostas dos alunos. As instruções e perguntas foram identificadas. Em seguida, as instruções foram classificadas como: instruções mínimas, instruções que descreviam o antecedente e a resposta e a consequencia e instruções completas. Foram identificados as situações em que as instruções e as perguntas ocorreram e analisadas possíveis relações entre a situação... / Although Brazilian universities are responsible for top-level professionals' education, research development and for carrying out extension activities, professors are rarely prepared to teach. And one of the difficulties faced by professors is to identify teaching procedures that promote learning of their students. At the behavior analysis poitnof view the success or failure of education is on relations between the responses of people involved in the process and the on conditions under which it occurs. So, teachers have a important role because they choose the teaching method that will be used. In this paper two procedures commonly used by teachers in the classroom were examined, the presentation of questions and instructions. Both are verbal behaviors, and can function as a rule by specify the reinforcement that modeled the response topography and placed it under stimulus control. Both are efficient in promoting the first occurrence of the response. This paper presents an investigation model of variables possibly related to Instruct and Ask Question behaviors of a college professor of a mathematics course. To this aim, six classes were filmed and analyzed; trying to see what the professor did, when she did, and how students behave as a consequence, and also how she acts after the students' responses. After Instructions and questions were identified, the instruction were classified as minimal instructions, instructions that described the antecedent and the response, instructions that described the response and consequence or complete instructions. The situation in which the instructions and questions were presented and possibly relations between the antecedent situations and the events subsequent to these instructions or questions were analyzed. It was identified the frequency of students' behaviors subsequent to the asking question ant instructing behaviors of the professor. These ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

An Analysis of the Pupil Control Ideology of Principals and Teachers in Public Elementary Schools in the Province of Sukhothai, Thailand

Seefa, Dumrong 08 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study was to determine the pupil control ideology—conceptualized as a continuum from custodialism to humanism—of principals and teachers in public elementary schools in the province of Sukhothai, Thailand. The instrument, the Pupil Control Ideology Form (PCI Form), consists of twenty likert-type items. Responses to each statement are indicated on a five-point scale, ranging from "strongly agree" (five points) to "strongly disagree" (one point). Scores derived from the PCI Form were used as indicators of respondents' orientation toward the control of pupils in elementary schools of Sukhothai, Thailand. The reliability coefficient of the PCI Form yielded a Pearson Product Moment Coefficient of .91 and .95 when using the Spearman-Brown formula. The instrument (PCI Form) was translated into Thai, validated by six judges who were selected on the basis of their positions and knowledge of Thai education. The reliability of the revised questionnaire was determined by a pilot study (test-retest technique) which involved twentyteachers and ten principals of public schools in Sukhothai, Thailand. The results of the Pearson Product Moment Coefficient gave the correlation of .87 and .93 using the Spearman-Brown formula.

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