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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cavity Purge Flows in High Pressure Turbines

Dahlqvist, Johan January 2017 (has links)
Turbomachinery forms the principal prime mover in the energy and aviation industries. Due to its size, improvements to this fleet of machines have the potential of significant impact on global emissions. Due to high gas temperatures in stationary gas turbines and jet engines, areas of flow mixing and cooling are identified to benefit from continued research. Here, sensitive areas are cooled through cold air injection, but with the cost of power to compress the coolant to appropriate pressure. Further, the injection itself reduces output due to mixing losses.A turbine testing facility is center to the study, allowing measurement of cooling impact on a rotating low degree of reaction high pressure axial turbine. General performance, flow details, and cooling performance is quantified by output torque, pneumatic probes, and gas concentration measurement respectively. The methodology of simultaneously investigating the beneficial cooling and the detrimental mixing is aimed at the cavity purge flow, used to purge the wheelspace upstream of the rotor from hot main flow gas.Results show the tradeoff between turbine efficiency and cooling performance, with an efficiency penalty of 1.2 %-points for each percentage point of massflow ratio of purge. The simultaneous cooling effectiveness increase is about 40 %-points, and local impact on flow parameters downstream of the rotor is of the order of 2° altered turning and a Mach number delta of 0.01. It has also been showed that flow bypassing the rotor blading may be beneficial for cooling downstream.The results may be used to design turbines with less cooling. Detrimental effects of the remaining cooling may be minimized with the flow field knowledge. Stage performance is then optimized aerodynamically, mixing losses are reduced, and the cycle output is maximized due to the reduced compression work. The combination may be used to provide a significant benefit to the turbomachinery industry and reduced associated emissions. / Strömningsmaskinen i dess olika variationer bildar den främsta drivmotorn inom kraftproduktion och flygindustrin. En förbättring av denna väldiga maskinpark har potentialen till betydande inverkan på globala utsläpp. Områden som identifierats kunna dra nytta av vidare forskning är ombandningsprocesser och kylning. Dessa områden är inneboende i stationära gasturbiner och jetmotorer på grund av de heta gaser som används. Kylning uppnås genom injektion av kall luft i kritiska områden och försäkrar därmed säker drift. Kylningen kommer dock till en kostnad. På cykelnivå krävs arbete för att komprimera flödet till korrekt tryck. Dessutom medför injektionen i sig förluster som kan härledas till omblandningsprocessen. Syftet med detta arbete är att samtidigt undersöka de fördelaktiga kylegenskaperna som nackdelarna med inblandning för att på så sätt bestämma den uppoffring som måste göras för en viss kylning. Alla förbättringar tros dock inte behöva föregås av en uppoffring. Om påverkan av kylningen på huvudflödet är välförstådd kan designen justeras för att ta hänsyn till denna förändring och minimera inverkan. Denna metodologi riktar sig mot ett särskilt kylflöde, kavitetsrensningsflödet, som har till uppgift att avlägsna het luft från den kavitet som uppkommer uppströms rotorskivan i ett högtrycksturbinsteg. Studien kretsar kring en turbinprovanläggning som möjliggör detaljerade strömningsmätningar i ett roterande turbinsteg under inverkan av kavitetsrensningsflödet. Högtrycksturbinsteget som används för undersökningen är av låg reaktionsgrad. Här kvantifieras generell prestanda genom mätning av vridmomentet på utgående axel. Flödesfältet kvantifieras med pneumatiska sonder, och kylningsprestandan predikteras genom gaskoncentrationsmätningar. Resultaten visar avvägningen och sambandet mellan turbinverkningsgrad och kylning i kavitet samt huvudkanal. Flödet mäts i detalj, och de effekter som kan förväntas uppkomma då ett turbinsteg utsätts för en viss mängd av kylflödet kvantifieras. De kvantitativa resultaten för det undersökta steget visar på en förlust i verkningsgrad på 1.2 procentenheter för varje procentenhet av kavitetsrensningsflödet i termer om massflödesförhållande. Samtidigt ses kyleffektiviteten öka med 40 procentenheter. Den lokala inverkan på flödesfältet nedströms rotorn för det undersökta steget är 2° i flödesvinken och en ändring på 0.01 i Machnummer för varje procentenhet av kylflödet. Dessa ändringar ses i form av ökad omlänkning och reducerad hastighet nära hubben, och vice versa omkring halva spännvidden. Inverkan av aktuell driftpunkt understryks genom arbetet. Det har också visats att ett läckage som kringgår rotorbladen i vissa kan fall ge fördelaktig kylning i områden nedströms. Denna kombinerade kunskap kan användas för design av turbiner med så låg mängd kylning som möjligt samtidigt som säker drift bibehålls. Den negativa inverkan av den återstående kylningen kan minimeras genom kunskapen om hur flödesfältet påverkas. Genom detta optimeras stegverkningsgraden aerodynamiskt, omblandningsförluster minimeras, och cykeleffekten maximeras genom det minskade kompressionsarbetet till följd av de reducerade kylmängderna. Kombinationen kan ge en betydande förbättring för turbinindustrin och minskade utsläpp. / <p>QC 20171129</p>

Obnova francouzského mediálního systému po skončení 2. světové války / Re-creation of French Media System after the Second World War

Soběslavská, Zuzana January 2014 (has links)
This thesis describes the situation of French media during World War II and after its end. It compares the degree of collaboration in the territory occupied by Nazi Germany and in the area administered by Vichy government with Marshall Pétain as its head. The work notes that the Vichy government gradually becomes pro-German. It also emphasis on the Resistance movement as the new French media arises just of Resistance press. After the Liberation extensive trials with collaborators were carried out. This work is focused on the purge held in media especially. It explains the re-creation of new French press on Resistance press basis, politically mostly left-winged. The field is evenly professionalized - schools arise, the technical equipment is improved, women have been entering the editorial departments. But the shaky political situation, including the threat of the Cold War, results in a crisis of the political press. Journalists react by putting emphasis on truth and facts, and create, within co called new left tendency, platform for emerging democracy. The press of entertainment (sports and women's magazines, e.g.) is also developed as reaction to politics. Radio broadcast and telecast are slowly growing after the Liberation. However military conflicts in colonial areas (Indochina, Algeria, etc.)...

Experimental and Computational Investigation of Inlet Temperature Profile and Cooling Effects on a One and One-Half Stage High-Pressure Turbine Operating at Design-Corrected Conditions

Mathison, Randall Melson 24 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Personální "očista" na ústředních úřadech Československé republiky po roce 1945 / Personnel "Purge" at Central Authorities in Czechoslovak Republic after 1945

Šímová, Eva January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis attends to personnel "purge" in the field of public administration in Czechoslovakia after World War II in a broader context. "The purge" of civil servants is presented in the context of the overall development of the Czechoslovak Republic in the period 1945 -1948 and with the general requests of the postwar "purge". The attention is paid to the status of civil servants, particularly in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia and in the postwar period. The next part of this thesis is focused on the activity of the purgatory commissions, which operated on the basis of the Decree of the President. In the selected ministries is performed the analysis and the comparison of the model cases of "purge" of the civil servants.

Development of analytical methods for ultra-trace determination of total mercury and methyl mercury in natural water and peat soil samples for environmental monitoring

Pietilä, H. (Heidi) 28 October 2014 (has links)
Abstract Mercury is a global pollutant that accumulates easily in forest soils, even in remote areas. Mercury accumulated in soils can be subsequently released into surface waters causing an increased eco-toxicological and human health risk. The most toxic form of mercury to humans and wildlife is methyl mercury (MeHg), which can be formed in the environment via methylation processes. In freshwaters, MeHg is readily accumulated in fish, which are the main source of human exposure to MeHg. The determination of both total mercury and MeHg concentrations in environmental samples, such as natural waters and soils, is important in environmental risk assessment. This study involved the development of analytical methods for the determination of ultra-trace total mercury and MeHg concentrations in humic-rich natural water and peat soil samples. Each developed method was carefully optimized and validated by using real natural water and peat soil samples, certified reference materials and/or reference methods. The cold vapor inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CV-ICP-MS) method developed during this study was found to be a reliable method for the determination of total ultra-trace mercury concentrations in natural freshwaters. Purge and trap gas chromatography, coupled to an ICP-MS, was used in mercury speciation analysis. Together with species-specific isotope dilution this technique proved to be a reliable method in MeHg determinations. Prior to instrumental determination, MeHg was successfully isolated from humic-rich water and peat soil samples using N2-assisted distillation. The analytical methods developed in this study were successfully applied to an investigation of the effects of forest harvesting practices on the mobilization of mercury in boreal forest catchments. / Tiivistelmä Elohopeaa pääsee ilmakehään sekä luonnollisista lähteistä (mm. tulivuorenpurkaukset ja kiviaineksen rapautuminen), että ihmisen toiminnan kautta. Elohopean viipymäaika ilmakehässä on hyvin pitkä, minkä vuoksi se voi kulkeutua kauas päästölähteestä ennen päätymistään maaperään ja vesistöihin. Ympäristössä olevasta epäorgaanisesta elohopeasta voi muodostua erittäin myrkyllistä metyylielohopeaa, joka rikastuu helposti ravintoketjussa. Metyylielohopean muodostuminen on merkittävä osa elohopean biogeokemiallista kiertoa, minkä vuoksi metyylielohopean määrittäminen näytteen kokonaiselohopeapitoisuuden ohella antaa tärkeää tietoa elohopean käyttäytymisestä ympäristössä. Tutkimuksessa kehitettiin analyysimenetelmät, joilla määritettiin ultrapieniä kokonaiselohopea- ja metyylielohopeapitoisuuksia humuspitoisista luonnonvesistä ja turvemaanäytteistä. Tutkimuksessa käytetyt näytteet oli kerätty turvemaametsien valuma-alueilta Sotkamosta. Luonnonvesinäytteiden kokonaiselohopeapitoisuuksien määrityksessä käytettiin kylmähöyrymenetelmää (CV) yhdistettynä induktiiviplasma-massaspektrometriaan (ICP-MS). Vesi- ja turvenäytteiden metyylielohopeapitoisuuksien määrityksessä elohopeaspesiekset erotettiin kaasukromatografisesti (GC) ja määritettiin isotooppilaimennus-ICP-MS:lla. Ennen GC-ICP-MS -määritystä näytteet esikäsiteltiin typpiavusteisella tislausmenetelmällä ja esikonsentroitiin ’purge and trap’ -tekniikalla. CV-ICP-MS ja ’purge and trap’ GC-ICP-MS -menetelmät optimoitiin huolellisesti sekä laiteparametrien, että reagenssimäärien suhteen. Menetelmillä saatavien tulosten oikeellisuus varmistettiin vertailumateriaalien ja/tai vertailumenetelmien avulla. Kehitettyjä analyysimenetelmiä hyödynnettiin tutkimuksessa, jossa seurattiin metsähakkuiden mahdollisia vaikutuksia elohopean huuhtoutumiseen ja metyloitumiseen ojitetuilla turvemailla.

Média a jejich řízení v letech 1945-1955 na Plzeňsku / Media and their management in the region of Pilsen 1945-1955

Kosnarová, Kateřina January 2008 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Media and their management in the region of Pilsen 1945 - 1955" deals with media management in the Pilsen region within historical context of the first decade after the Second World War. It starts with restitution of press in May 1945 and foundation of the radio station in Pilsen. It observes restitution of the journalist organization in Pilsen, including post-war purge of journalists. Further, it describes growing influence of the communist party on media management in the Pilsen region until February 1948 when the communist party definitively gained political power in Czechoslovakia. After the so-called Victorious February, the thesis deals with another wave of purge among journalists in the Pilsen organization and abortion of non-communist press. It introduces the process of nationalization of the printing industry and new goals for journalists and media defined by the communist party. Finally, it describes the first half of the 1950s when other press restrictions and reorganizations of the printing industry in the Pilsen region took place. It presents foundation of a censorship office, the Main Board for Publishing Control (HSTD), within the management of press and radio in the Pilsen region. The thesis is a historical study which tries to approach a less documented period of...

A Component-based Model of a Fuel Cell Vehicle System

Salomonsson, David, Eng, Erik January 2021 (has links)
Improving the efficiency and performance of vehicle propulsion systems has always been desirable, and with increasing environmental awareness this has become increasingly topical. A particularly strong focus today is at fossil-free alternatives, and there is a strong trend for electrification. Hybrid powertrains of different types can bring benefits in certain aspects, and there is a lot of research and development involved in the making of a new powertrain. In this thesis, a complete powertrain for a fuel cell hybrid electric vehicle is modeled, with the intention of contributing to this trend. The model can be used to investigate design choices and their impact on energy consumption. A component-based library is developed, with the purpose of being easy to implement for different configurations. The results show that it is possible to assemble and simulate a complete hybrid drivetrain, using the modeled components, while not being very computationally heavy. The developed models correspond well with reality while being modular and easy to implement.

Le profil des hormones de la régulation de l'appétit dans la maigreur / Hormonal appetite regulation profile in thinness

Germain, Natacha 22 November 2010 (has links)
La première cause de maigreur chez les femmes dans les pays occidentaux est l’anorexie mentale (AM). La maigreur constitutionnelle (MC) regroupe des femmes d’Indice de masse corporelle identique aux AM mais sans les anomalies psychologiques, biologiques ou hormonales (pas d’aménorrhée) rencontrées dans l’AM. Les troubles du comportement alimentaire (TCA) comprennent l’AM restrictive pure (AM-R), l’AM avec crises boulimiques (AM-BP) et la boulimie nerveuse (BN). Notre travail explore ces troubles à la lumière de la régulation de l’appétit dont le centre organique (noyau arqué) reçoit des afférences de peptides périphériques tels que la leptine, le PYY, le GLP1 , la ghréline et l’obéstatine. Nous montrons un profil orexigène dans l’AM-R, témoignant d’une intégrité du système de régulation de la prise alimentaire et adaptatif, luttant contre la restriction alimentaire. Nous avançons le concept de ghrélino-résistance dans l’AM-R dont le substratum biologique est peut-être l’obéstatine. Nous montrons une ghréline basse chez les AM-BP comme chez les BN permettant un diagnostic différentiel précis et rapide. A l’inverse, nous montrons un profil anorexigène constitutif chez les MC participant au maintien du poids bas, proposant la MC comme un modèle humain de résistance à la prise de poids. Ces hormones peuvent agir comme arbitre organique objectif entre des entités cliniques parfois à tort confondues. Une leptine basse chez une jeune fille maigre signe une AM, une ghréline basse chez une AM signe la présence de crises boulimiques. Ces éléments forts nous poussent à continuer notre travail de précision et de phénotypage de ces entités pour mieux en comprendre la physiopathologie / The commonest group of underweight young women in the developed world is restrictive anorexia nervosa (AN). However, constitutional thinness (CT) is a condition described in the same low weight range as AN. CT women display normal menstruation an do not present with psychological or hormonal features of AN. Eating disorders (EA) displays Anorexia Nervosa with restrictive food behaviour (AN-R), Anorexia Nervosa with binge purge associated (AN-BP) and bulimia Nervosa (BN ). Food intake is controlled by the arcuate nucleus through integration of peripheral hormonal signals such as leptin, ghrelin, peptide YY (PYY) and glucagon like peptide 1 (GLP-1). Our objective was to understand thinness and EA through those hormonal signals. AN-R presents an orexigenic adaptative profile contrasting with the anorexigenic constitutive one in CT, proving the integrity of the appetite regulation system. We propose the ghrelin resistance concept with the putative obestatin. AN-BP presents a very different profile of appetite regulatory peptides when compared with AN-R, with low ghrelin levels. The hormones appear to be valuable biomarkers to distinguish AN and CT in severe underweight patients and to diagnose binge purge in AN. The assessment of ghrelin (and eventually obestatin) could be of particular interest for differential diagnosis between AN-R and AN-BP. The assessment of leptin could also be useful for differential diagnosis between AN and CT

The Cinema of Anxieties / Rethinking Collective Anxieties as a Genre in Post-9/11 Hollywood Movies

AlMouslie, Rabya 16 August 2023 (has links)
Dieses Buch ruft das Genre Kino der (kollektiven) Ängste ins Leben und beschreibt und analysiert dieses Genre anhand beispielhafter Fallstudien nach dem 9/11. Es liefert vielschichtige Filmanalysen zu vier Hollywood-Filmen; Crash (2004), The Brave One (2007), The Company Men (2010) und The Purge: Election Year (2016). Diese Forschung stellt einen Versuch dar, eine abgrenzende Definition dieses Kinos als filmisches (Sub-)Genre zu konzipieren und einen Überblick über die Eigenschaften dieses Kinos zu geben, wobei besonderes Augenmerk auf post-9/11 Filme mit der Angst-Narrativ der inneren Bedrohung gelegt wird. Dieses Genre steht an der Schnittstelle ästhetischer Erkenntnisse, historischer Entwicklungen, kultureller Phänomene und politisch-ideologischer Schattierungen, was die Hybridisierung zu einem der Hauptmerkmale dieser Filmgattung macht. Diese Studie betrachtet das kollektive Angstkino nach dem 9/11 als eine Ansammlung historischer Ängste, von denen einige aus genau dieser Zeit stammen (wie der Patriot Act und die ständigen Alarmstufen Rot), während andere auf frühere Epochen der US-Geschichte zurückgehen (wie die Ankunft der ersten europäischen Siedler in einer unbekannten feindlichen Umgebung, die Hexenjagd in Salem, der Rote Schrecken, die Bürgerrechtsbewegung und die satanische Panik). Anders gesagt, das Buch untersucht die inneren Assoziationen der Filme mit einer Reihe historischer Ängste von der Gründung Amerikas bis zur Gegenwart. Darüber hinaus geht diese Studie den Echos dieser Ängste nach und beleuchtet ihre Ausdrucksformen und ihre Echos in anderen Filmen, literarischen Werken, Genres und Mythen. Obwohl die untersuchten Ängste oft mit relativ spezifischen Problemen verbunden sind (wie Race-Ängste und Kulturkriege, Kriminalitätsängste und Waffenkultur, Wirtschaftsängste und der Finanzcrash sowie politische Ängste und Wahlparanoia), sind sie immer noch überwiegend, nach Ansicht der Autorin, das Produkt eines halben Jahrhunderts neoliberaler Politik. / This book brings 'the cinema of (collective) anxieties' to life as a genre, and it describes and analyzes this genre based on exemplary post-9/11 case studies. Thus, it provides multilayered film analyses of four Hollywood movies; Crash (2004), The Brave One (2007), The Company Men (2010), and The Purge: Election Year (2016). This research constitutes an attempt to conceptualize a demarcating definition of this cinema as a cinematic (sub)genre and to provide an outline of the traits and characteristics of this cinema while paying special attention to the cycle of post-9/11 movies depicting the fear narrative of internal threat. This genre stands at a junction of aesthetic realizations, historical developments, cultural phenomena, and political-ideological shades, which makes hybridization one of the leading features of this cinematic genre. This study approaches the post-9/11 collective anxiety cinema as an accumulation of historical anxieties, some of which stem from this very period (such as the Patriot Act and the constant Red Alerts), while others date back to earlier eras in US history (such as the arrival of the first European settlers in an unknown hostile environment, the Salem Witch Hunt, the Red Scare, the civil rights movement, and the Satanic panic). In other words, the book explores the films' inner associations with bundles of historical anxieties from the inception of America until the current era. Furthermore, this study traces the echoes of these anxieties and highlights their forms of expression and their echoes in other movies, literary works, genres, and myths. Although the examined anxieties are often tied to relatively specific problems (like racial anxieties and culture wars; crime anxieties and gun culture; economic anxieties and the financial crash; political anxiety and election paranoia), they are still largely, in the author's view, the product of half a century of neoliberal policies.

La Cina da impero a Stato nazionale: la definizione di uno spazio politico negli anni Venti. / LA CINA DA IMPERO A STATO NAZIONALE: LA DEFINIZIONE DI UNO SPAZIO POLITICO NEGLI ANNI VENTI / China from Empire to Nation-State: Defining a Political Space in the 1920s.

CAPISANI, LORENZO MARCO 13 July 2017 (has links)
La tesi si concentra sul Partito Nazionalista Cinese negli anni Venti come punto privilegiato di osservazione del cambiamento politico della Cina dopo la Prima guerra mondiale. Questo decennio rappresentò un momento di definizione identitaria sia per i comunisti sia per i nazionalisti. La storiografia ne ha sottolineato numerosi aspetti, ma si è finora occupata del periodo 1919-1928 come una preistoria degli anni Trenta piuttosto che come un autonomo segmento di storia cinese. Studi recenti hanno superato implicitamente questo approccio criticando due date periodizzanti fondamentali per il Novecento cinese: la nascita della Repubblica nazionalista (1911) e la nascita della Repubblica Popolare (1949). A metà tra queste due date, gli anni Venti sono emersi come snodo decisivo nel passaggio da impero a Stato nazionale, durante cui si definì un nuovo spazio di discussione politica. Questo processo, pur interno, subì l’influsso delle strategie internazionali di sovietici e statunitensi dando vita a una nuova visione non soltanto della rivoluzione ma anche dello Stato post-rivoluzionario. Le classi dirigenti nazionalista e comunista, durante la collaborazione, si rivelarono dinamiche e tale “competizione” si trasferì anche all’interno di ciascun movimento diventando un fattore determinante per il successo o il fallimento del partito inteso come moderna formazione politica. / The thesis focuses on the Chinese Nationalist Party in the 1920s as a special standpoint to analyze the political changes in China after the World War I. That decade was crucial for shaping the identity of nationalists and communists. Many works have already examined some aspects, but they mostly considered the years 1919-1928 as a pre-history of the Thirties rather than an autonomous part of Chinese history. Recent studies have overcome this approach by criticizing two of the main periodization in the Chinese twentieth century: the birth of the nationalist Republic (1911) and the birth of the People’s Republic (1949). Halfway, the 1920s stood out as a critical juncture in the transition from empire to nation-state. A new space of political discussion was defined. The process, albeit internal, was under the influence of the USSR and US international strategies and gave birth not only to a new vision of the revolution, but also to a vision of the post-revolutionary state. Also, the nationalist and communist leaderships turned out to be dynamic. That "competition" may be seen also within the two political movements and became a shaping factor for the success or failure of the party as a modern political formation.

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