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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Senelių globos įstaigų gyvenimo sąlygų vertinimas ir jų gerinimo kryptys / Evaluation and the ways of improvement of living conditions in elderly homes

Rynkevič, Jolanta 26 June 2014 (has links)
Dėl gyventojų senėjimo proceso vis daugiau kalbama apie socialinių paslaugų plėtojimą vyresnio amžiaus asmenims. Nors šiuo metu politikos prioritetas yra bendruomeninių socialinių paslaugų vystymas, vis dėlto auga vyresnio amžiaus gyventojų dalis, kurie naudojasi ilgalaikės socialinės globos paslaugomis stacionariose globos institucijose. Socialinės globos paslaugų gerinimas yra vienas iš Europos Komisijos nurodomų prioritetų. Vis dėlto nėra atliktų tyrimų rezultatų, kurie nušviestų apie teikiamų socialinės globos paslaugų kokybę. Lietuvoje yra patvirtinti globos standartai, apimantys paslaugų skyrimą, asmens grovės ir poreikių užtikrinimą, aplinkos ir būsto pritaikymą ir pan. Šie standartai yra gana platūs ir apima nemažai vertinimo krypčių. Darbe buvo pasirinkta vertinti vieną iš tų krypčių – globos namų gyvenimo sąlygas. Darbo tikslas yra ištirti senelių globos įstaigų gyvenimo sąlygas ir jų gerinimo kryptis. Šiam tikslui pasiekti buvo analizuojamos globos namų gyventojų veiklumo skatinimo prielaidos, analizuojami senėjimo procesai, svarbūs pasirenkant gyvenimo sąlygų gerinimo kryptis. Taip pat buvo analizuojamos globos namų aplinkos kokybės bei aplinkos išteklių gerinimo kryptys. Galiausiai buvo tiriami globos įstaigos gyventojų, jų artimųjų bei darbuotojų vertinimai apie gyvenimo sąlygas globos namuose ir jų gerinimo kryptis. Atliktas kiekybinis tyrimas, pasirinktas anketinės apklausos metodas. Globos namų gyventojų imtis buvo sudaryta naudojant tikslinę netikimybinę... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Due to aging population it is more and more spoken about development of social services for elderly people. Development of community social services is the priority of Lithuanian politics. However, the amount of elderly people who use institutionalized social services is still growing. Improvement of social care services is one of the priorities indicated by European Commission. However, there are no research results that would show what the quality of given social services is. Ministry of Social Security and Labour has confirmed the social care standards. These standards include appointment of services, meeting person‘s needs, etc. The standards are pretty extensive and include many ways of evaluation of social care services. It was chosen to evaluate the living conditions in elderly homes. The purpose of this master dissertation is to evaluate the ways of improvement of living conditions in elderly homes. To reach this purpose the preconditions of elderly home residents‘ activity stimulation were analysed, as well as aging processes that are important choosing the ways of improvement of living conditions. Also the ways of improvement the qualities of habitation and resources in the surroundings were analysed. Finally, the evaluation of living conditions of the residents, their family members and the personnel were explored. The quantitative research was accomplished. There was chosen the questionnaires method for this survey. The objective respondent sample was implemented... [to full text]

The importance of effective school leadership : A study performed in senior secondary schools in the Southern Region of Botswana / Opaletswe Baipoledi

Baipoledi, Opaletswe January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the importance of effective school leadership. The study was conducted in senior secondary schools in the southern region of Botswana. The southern region comprises of the south and south central regions which has twelve (12) senior secondary schools, out of which seven (07) schools were randomly sampled for the study. Both interviews and questionnaires were used as research tools. One hundred and eighty nine (189) questionnaires were distributed and only one hundred and four (104) were completed and returned. Eight interviews were conducted among school leaders. Results from the questionnaires were analyzed using frequencies, percentages and tables. Results from the interview were analyzed within a framework that was structured along the lines of the research questions. The study reveals that most of the teachers have a teaching qualification (PGDE), have adequate teaching experience, and are generally young (30-35 years). In terms of position of responsibility, most of them are clustered around senior teacher II (42.3%) and teacher/educator (36.5%). The study also reveals that schools performance is hampered largely by indiscipline and laziness towards schoolwork by both stakeholders. The school leaders must act as catalysts in creating a learning environment and be actively involved in implementing improvement strategies that help both students and teachers to enhance their learning and achievement (cf. 2. 16. 2). / Thesis (M.Ed)--North-West University, Mafikeng Campus, 2007

The importance of effective school leadership : A study performed in senior secondary schools in the Southern Region of Botswana / Opaletswe Baipoledi

Baipoledi, Opaletswe January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the importance of effective school leadership. The study was conducted in senior secondary schools in the southern region of Botswana. The southern region comprises of the south and south central regions which has twelve (12) senior secondary schools, out of which seven (07) schools were randomly sampled for the study. Both interviews and questionnaires were used as research tools. One hundred and eighty nine (189) questionnaires were distributed and only one hundred and four (104) were completed and returned. Eight interviews were conducted among school leaders. Results from the questionnaires were analyzed using frequencies, percentages and tables. Results from the interview were analyzed within a framework that was structured along the lines of the research questions. The study reveals that most of the teachers have a teaching qualification (PGDE), have adequate teaching experience, and are generally young (30-35 years). In terms of position of responsibility, most of them are clustered around senior teacher II (42.3%) and teacher/educator (36.5%). The study also reveals that schools performance is hampered largely by indiscipline and laziness towards schoolwork by both stakeholders. The school leaders must act as catalysts in creating a learning environment and be actively involved in implementing improvement strategies that help both students and teachers to enhance their learning and achievement (cf. 2. 16. 2). / Thesis (M.Ed)--North-West University, Mafikeng Campus, 2007

婚外情事件與婚姻品質、心理調適之研究- 以丈夫外遇為例 / A Research on Married Men’s Extramarital Affairs, Marriage Qualities, and Psychological Adjustments.

江程碧鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
對家庭婚姻而言,外遇既不是夫妻雙方所能預期,更難以預防,事件發生了,除讓彼此有機會去檢視婚姻中發生的問題!任何一方外遇,對另一半的配偶總會造成傷害。而我國傳統社會文化對妻子的期待,偏重於「家庭」的成就,或稱有責任感,因為社會對妻子的肯定,是來自於其家庭的幸福、丈夫的成就,而較少妻子自我的表現,一旦又有了子女,更會因母職而常受制於家庭、婚姻,所以當丈夫外遇時,顯然妻子會遭遇許多心理、社會衝突與困境。因此,妻子面對丈夫外遇之心路歷程及生活調適所面臨的婚姻品質與家庭壓力情形,為值得探究的課題。 本研究採用質性研究法中的深入訪談法,選取的對象為30到50歲的已婚女性,並盡量尋求彼此差異質性較大之受訪者,共邀請12位丈夫外遇之已婚女性參與訪談,著重蒐集資訊的豐富內涵與深度,以探討妻子面對丈夫外遇時婚姻關係、困境與衝突,以期深入了解妻子所面臨的問題,並探究其心理調適、走出悲傷及面對人生的歷程。訪談資料經歸類、分析,所得研究結果如下: 一、為保婚姻,妻子處境艱辛:因為妻子比較重視婚姻關係,且在父權婚姻處於相對的弱勢,所以才會在丈夫外遇後產生許多困境。 二、單方付出,丈夫依然故我:妻子甘之如飴在婚姻中不斷地為丈夫付出,為家庭犧牲,而卻没有關照自己。 三、付出較多,妻子婚姻弱勢:儘管妻子擁有工作、經濟獨立,但她們在心理上、情緒上都比較依賴丈夫,所以就容易使自己在婚姻關係中,屈從丈夫、處於次等地位。 四、價值內化,妻子以夫為貴:原生家庭父母親的教養,讓妻子甘心當個以夫為貴、為家庭犧牲奉獻的小女人。 五、妻子自責,承擔一切後果:妻子為了維繫關係、挽回丈夫,除了自責之外,也不敢找人傾訴,深怕事情公開,與丈夫關係無法回復,只能自己默默承受一切。 六、浴火重生,重整生活方式:當妻子發現已經無法挽回丈夫時,為了早日解脫,重整生活,讓自己有個新的未來,就是此時期妻子浴火重生的關鍵。 七、心灰意冷,轉而愛護自己:當妻子對丈夫心灰意冷、對夫妻關係澈底絶望時,她才會開始闗照自己的需要。 八、尋求幫助,提供情緒支持:妻子的社會支持主要來自朋友、家人與團體,也因為獲得這些社會支持,才有辦法度過危機,朝向更積極的人生邁進。 另根據本研究發現做以下建議: 一、人生苦短,妻宜慎思。 二、原諒丈夫,放過自己。 三、正面思考,快樂生活。 四、延續性愛,維持親密。 五、放眼未來,謊言勿聽。 六、善用資源,勇於求助。 七、健全家庭,培育孩子。 八、丈夫收心,體恤妻子。 / The growing trend of extramarital affair is becoming a world-wide phenomenon. When an extramarital affair occurs, the impact can be felt not just by the spouses, but also their children, workplace as well as their social circles. The tradition that women should play their role in the family still exists in current society, thus it is often viewed as a natural duty of women to bear children and take full responsibilities to raise the family. This trend would give the wife a sense of security; however, it strengthens women's dependence on men and weakens their sense of self-determination. In a case where the husband is having an extramarital affair, the wife often encounters a great deal of emotional and financial dilemmas in deciding what is in her best interests to do, especially if there are children involved. This study adopts in-depth interview on 12 married women between 30~50 years old whose husbands have been indulged in extramarital affairs. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the marital relationships, the dilemmas, and the emotional conflicts these women experienced in responding to extramarital affairs. The results of this study are summarized as follows: I. In traditional Chinese families where family structure is hierarchical, the husband generally has more authorities over the wife, which creates a variety of issues for the wife when the husband is having an extramarital affair. II. Many wives would sacrifice themselves by giving up their pursuit of careers for the good of their families. These women may find themselves later faced with the difficult task of trying to begin or revive their lives III. Although many wives have full time jobs and are financially independent, they are still emotionally dependent on their husbands. VI. Influenced by traditional views, many wives would simply concentrate on taking care of their husbands and children and placing their hope fully on their husbands. V. In a case where the husband has an extramarital affair, the wife would question her own competence as a wife and force herself to keep the matter undisclosed to save her husband’s reputation and for the fear that her intolerance would threaten their marriage. VI. When the wife feels deeply disappointed about her marriage, she would start to realize her true values and fulfill her needs. VII. When the wife discovers that her marriage can not be saved, she would replace herself in the priority. VIII. Wives who suffered from extramarital affairs should seek help from other people. Proper psychological consultancy can serve as an effective way towards good mental health. Suggestions: I. It is important for the wife to understand that she is not alone and she is still a valuable person even though this has happened to her. II. The wife should learn through time to forgive the husband and do what is best for the family. III. The wife should learn how to deal with the resentments caused by extramarital affair and replace the negative thinking with positive affirmations IV. Intimacy is one of the most essential forces that binds the spouses together. Both spouses should understand that making love is as important as love itself. V. Both spouses should understand that divorce is not the only solution for extramarital affairs. The wife should take into consideration to rework on the marriage and save it for a better tomorrow. VI. The wife should seek a counselor for psychological and emotional assistance. Once the trouble spots in the relationship are found, both can begin to take actions and try to resolve the issues. VII. Both spouses need to understand that their children need both parents to develop at various stages of their lives. VIII. The husband should stop seeing the lover and understand that affection and companionship may be some of the most important emotional supports the wife needs to recover from his affair.

Avaliação da escolha de rota dos motoristas frente à cobrança de pedágio e rodovias de qualidades distintas

Zignani, Rita de Cassia January 2007 (has links)
A malha rodoviária brasileira é caracterizada por vias com níveis de qualidade heterogêneos. Em geral, rodovias que possuem cobrança de pedágio apresentam melhor estado de conservação. Essa dissertação tem como objetivo avaliar a escolha de rota de diferentes classes de usuários, considerando-se a cobrança de pedágio e a diferença na qualidade das vias. A avaliação envolveu a realização de duas fases de pesquisa. A primeira fase buscou estimar os valores monetários dos atributos de tempo e distância de viagem através da técnica de Preferência Declarada. A segunda fase utilizou estes valores monetários como parâmetros da função de custo generalizado da modelagem de alocação de tráfego para estimar a escolha de rota dos usuários. A partir da metodologia proposta, um estudo de caso foi realizado em um trecho rodoviário que apresenta uma rodovia pedagiada e uma rota concorrente de menor qualidade sem cobrança. Os resultados da aplicação prática não refletiram os dados de fluxo observados nas rodovias avaliadas. A partir desta constatação, um questionário complementar foi elaborado buscando identificar o comportamento habitual dos usuários na região de estudo. Através dos resultados da pesquisa complementar, verificou-se que a maioria dos entrevistados não possuía conhecimento sobre a rota alternativa. A utilização dos dados provenientes destes usuários na modelagem não se mostrou apropriada, uma vez que sua escolha de rota não é baseada nas relações de tempo, distância e penalidades nas vias, consideradas nos modelos de alocação de tráfego. Com isso, pode-se verificar neste estudo que os princípios e limitações das técnicas e ferramentas utilizadas, bem como de sua utilização conjunta, devem ser avaliados. / The Brazilian road system is characterized by roads with heterogeneous level of quality. Generally, tolled roads present better quality conditions than those not tolled. This work aimed to evaluate the route choice of different user’s classes considering toll collection and roads of different qualities. This evaluation was carried out with a methodology composed of two phases preceded by definition of the study region and the users classes considered. The first phase intended to estimate monetary values of time and distance through the Stated Preference technique. The second phase used these monetary values as parameters in an assignment model generalized cost function to estimate user’s route choice. From the proposal methodology, a case study was carried out in a road stretch that presents a tolled highway and a worse quality and without charge alternative route. The practical application results did not reflected the observed flow data in the evaluated highways. From these results, a complementary questionnaire was elaborated to identify the habitual user’s behavior in the study region. It was observed that the majority of the interviewed ones did not have knowledge of the alternative route. Using these data in the modeling was not appropriate because their route choice is not based in time, distance and road penalties relationship like in the assignment models. Thus, it was verified in this study that the principles and limitation of the used techniques and tools, as well as the joint use of these, might be taken in consideration.

Listová zelenina jako zdroj výživově významných fenolických látek / Leaf vegetable as a source of phenolic compounds with nutritional value.

TRÖSTLOVÁ, Daniela January 2013 (has links)
The present work treats the amount of phenolic substances in salad plants. A part of this vast plant group is made of flavonoids, which are important by their accessibility and significant biological activity. Quercetin and rutin are in the main focus of this work. They are noted for their favourable biological effects. Having antioxidant qualities, they prevent and stop the lipid peroxidation and they dispose of free radicals. Flavonoids are used in medicine and can prevent the formation of chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease or atherosclerosis. The amount of phenolic substances in the chosen sample of ten salad plants was determined by means of micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography (MECC) and by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). We have used a freeze-dried material for the analysis. The utmost amount of quercetin was found in lettuce grown on outside garden. 48 600 mg/kg of dry matter highly exceeded the amount of quercetin in other plants. There were other phenolic substancs as well: rosmarinic acid, caffeoylchinol acid and caffeic acid. Among others, we found derivatives and colourants of caffeic acid as well.

Avaliação da escolha de rota dos motoristas frente à cobrança de pedágio e rodovias de qualidades distintas

Zignani, Rita de Cassia January 2007 (has links)
A malha rodoviária brasileira é caracterizada por vias com níveis de qualidade heterogêneos. Em geral, rodovias que possuem cobrança de pedágio apresentam melhor estado de conservação. Essa dissertação tem como objetivo avaliar a escolha de rota de diferentes classes de usuários, considerando-se a cobrança de pedágio e a diferença na qualidade das vias. A avaliação envolveu a realização de duas fases de pesquisa. A primeira fase buscou estimar os valores monetários dos atributos de tempo e distância de viagem através da técnica de Preferência Declarada. A segunda fase utilizou estes valores monetários como parâmetros da função de custo generalizado da modelagem de alocação de tráfego para estimar a escolha de rota dos usuários. A partir da metodologia proposta, um estudo de caso foi realizado em um trecho rodoviário que apresenta uma rodovia pedagiada e uma rota concorrente de menor qualidade sem cobrança. Os resultados da aplicação prática não refletiram os dados de fluxo observados nas rodovias avaliadas. A partir desta constatação, um questionário complementar foi elaborado buscando identificar o comportamento habitual dos usuários na região de estudo. Através dos resultados da pesquisa complementar, verificou-se que a maioria dos entrevistados não possuía conhecimento sobre a rota alternativa. A utilização dos dados provenientes destes usuários na modelagem não se mostrou apropriada, uma vez que sua escolha de rota não é baseada nas relações de tempo, distância e penalidades nas vias, consideradas nos modelos de alocação de tráfego. Com isso, pode-se verificar neste estudo que os princípios e limitações das técnicas e ferramentas utilizadas, bem como de sua utilização conjunta, devem ser avaliados. / The Brazilian road system is characterized by roads with heterogeneous level of quality. Generally, tolled roads present better quality conditions than those not tolled. This work aimed to evaluate the route choice of different user’s classes considering toll collection and roads of different qualities. This evaluation was carried out with a methodology composed of two phases preceded by definition of the study region and the users classes considered. The first phase intended to estimate monetary values of time and distance through the Stated Preference technique. The second phase used these monetary values as parameters in an assignment model generalized cost function to estimate user’s route choice. From the proposal methodology, a case study was carried out in a road stretch that presents a tolled highway and a worse quality and without charge alternative route. The practical application results did not reflected the observed flow data in the evaluated highways. From these results, a complementary questionnaire was elaborated to identify the habitual user’s behavior in the study region. It was observed that the majority of the interviewed ones did not have knowledge of the alternative route. Using these data in the modeling was not appropriate because their route choice is not based in time, distance and road penalties relationship like in the assignment models. Thus, it was verified in this study that the principles and limitation of the used techniques and tools, as well as the joint use of these, might be taken in consideration.

Estudo da correla??o das caracter?sticas dermatogl?fica e somatot?pica com as qualidades f?sicas das atletas de voleibol da Sele??o Infanto-juvenil do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte

Cabral, Suzet de Ara?jo Tinoco 21 September 2004 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:14:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SuzetATC.pdf: 990829 bytes, checksum: b21ef05d5a9f2ddf8b1e822a79e11e1a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004-09-21 / The purpose of the present study is to identify the dermatoglyphic and somatotypic characteristics and the physical qualities of athletes from the under-17 State volleyball team, in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The sample was composed of athletes, n = 14, aged 15.0 ? 0.88 years, weight (Kg) 58.3 ? 5.90 and height (cm) 169.4 ? 7.97, members of the referred team. For data collection Cummins & Midlo s (1942), o dermatoglyphic method and Heath & Carter s (1967) somatotypic method were used and to evaluate physical qualities, 2400m, 50m, Shuttle Run, abdominal , Sargent test and medicine-ball toss were performed. Fingerprints show that the group presents genetic predisposition for the following physical qualities: explosive force and velocity. As to somatotype, the group was endo-ectomorphic. At physical evaluation the group presented low Vo2 max values and reasonable levels of explosive force, local muscular endurance, agility and velocity. We conclude that: according to the dermatoglyphic model observed, the group needs training strategies to improve coordination and agility; somatotype reveals the necessity for reducing fat levels and increasing muscular mass; the evaluation of physical qualities demonstrates the need for better physical preparation. This study traces the profile of the under-17 volleyball player from Rio Grande do Norte, with respect to genetic and somatotypic aspects and physical qualities, which will serve as a parameter for future state teams / O presente estudo teve como objetivo identificar as caracter?sticas dermatogl?ficas, somatot?picas e das qualidades f?sicas das atletas de voleibol da sele??o infanto-juvenil do estado do Rio Grande do Norte. A amostra foi composta de atletas, n=14 com idade 15,0?0,88, peso (Kg) 58,3?5,90 e estatura (cm) 169,4?7,97, convocadas para a referida sele??o. Para a coleta de dados utilizou-se o m?todo dermatogl?fico de Cummins & Midlo (1942), o m?todo somatot?pico de Heath & Carter (1967) e para avaliar as qualidades f?sicas os testes de 2400m, 50m, Shuttle Run, abdominal, Sargent test e arremesso de medicine-ball. As impress?es digitais demonstram que o grupo apresenta uma predisposi??o gen?tica para as qualidades f?sicas: for?a explosiva e velocidade. Quanto a somatotipia o grupo caracterizou-se como endo-ectom?rfico. Na avalia??o f?sica o grupo apresentou baixos valores para Vo2m?x e valores razo?veis para for?a explosiva, RML, agilidade e velocidade. Conclu?mos que: de acordo com o modelo dermatogl?fico encontrado, o grupo necessita de estrat?gias de treinamento para melhorar as atividades coordenativas e agilidade; o somatotipo revela necessidade de diminuir o percentual de gordura e aumentar a massa muscular; a avalia??o das qualidades f?sicas demonstra necessidade de uma melhor prepara??o f?sica. A partir desse estudo ficou caracterizado o perfil da atleta infanto-juvenil de voleibol do Rio Grande do Norte, nos aspectos gen?ticos, somatot?picos e de qualidades f?sicas que servir? de par?metro para futuras sele??es

User and Business Value : A Dual-Stakeholder Perspective on IT Systems

Airaksinen, Tom, Byström, Erik E. January 2007 (has links)
When discussing the value of an information technology (IT) system, the most common approach is to take on the perspective of either the organization introducing the IT system or the end users. The purpose of this thesis has been to study the values of both stakeholder groups in order to define what system characteristics are the most desirable from a dual-stakeholder point of view. Through a series of contextual inquiries, interviews and questionnaires, the value perceptions of end users and IT managers at a large European rail operator were investigated. The results of the study point to a high degree of similarity in the value perceptions of end users and IT managers, although the former were generally focused on short-term value while the latter also were concerned about long-term, sustaining value. The findings are applicable to practitioners wishing to take a dual perspective on IT value as well as academics looking to find touch points between usability and business strategy. In the context of end users and IT managers, the most important system characteristics that maximize value for both stakeholder groups were found to be Availability, Recoverability, Efficiency, Reliability and Future Proofness.

A disputa entre PSDB e PT nas eleições presidenciais - 1994-2006 / The dispute between the PSDB and PT for presidential elections ran - 1994-2006

José Paulo Martins Junior 07 December 2007 (has links)
Esta tese de doutoramento trata da disputa entre o PSDB e o PT nas eleições presidenciais ocorridas no Brasil entre 1994 e 2006. O objetivo principal é identificar quais são as variáveis que estão associadas ao voto nos dois partidos que nos permitem prever com alguma precisão as chances de voto em cada um deles. A análise será procedida com auxílio de bancos de dados representativos dos eleitores brasileiros. São observadas diversas variáveis, classificadas em dois grupos: no primeiro estão as variáveis relacionadas a aspectos de longo prazo que incidem sobre o comportamento eleitoral, as características demográficas, sócio-econômicas e político-ideológicas dos eleitores, no segundo estão as variáveis ligadas diretamente ao processo eleitoral, as avaliações dos governos e dos candidatos. A hipótese mais importante a ser testada é que as variáveis de curto prazo têm impacto muito maior sobre as chances de voto nos partidos do que as variáveis de longo prazo. Isso indica que o contexto eleitoral afeta mais o resultado das eleições presidenciais do que qualquer aspecto estrutural, seja social, econômico ou político. Os resultados obtidos com a utilização de regressões logísticas corroboram a hipótese e apontam para diferenças importantes entre o voto no PSDB e no PT. / This Ph.D. thesis is about the dispute between the PSDB and PT for presidential elections ran in Brazil between 1994 e 2006. Its main objective is to identify the variables linked to votes given for both parties which would lead us to predict under a certain precision degree the chances each one has against other. The analysis is based on relevant databases from brazilian electoral activities. Several variables were observed and separated in two different groups: the first contains the ones related to long term aspects linked to the voters behavior as well as demographics, socio-economic, and political-ideological variables, while the second one contains the variables directly linked to the electoral process, to candidates evaluations and the country issues. The most important hypothesis to be tested is the one of short term variables making a bigger impact over each party vote chance when compared to the long term ones. Considering the hypothesis valuable, this presents the scenary of the electoral context with a bigger effect over presidential election than any other voter structural aspect either social, economic or political. The given result corroborates with the hypothesis and came from logistics regressions, pointing out relevant differences between votes given in favour of PSDB and PT.

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