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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The influence of architectural decisions on technical debt in microservice applications

kale, Shubham, Ghamari Noodehi, Mohammad Javad January 2020 (has links)
Nowadays, while software industries are aiming to develop their software continuously, their delivery is hindered by technical debt.  Preventing technical debt would be valuable if it is considered in architectural decisions. On the other side, since microservices architecture is adaptable to build cloud applications and has other advantages, it has become a trend in the software industries. Due to the popularity of microservices and the importance of technical debt in the software industry, this research aims to find the influence of architectural decisions on technical debt in microservices applications. In this research, we explore architectural decisions in microservice applications and their qualities that impact technical debt.   We calculated the repetitiveness of selected microservices architectural decisions and the extra effort that they need to meet qualities to prevent technical debt. Spearman correlation coefficient used to calculate the relation between extra effort on the qualities of architectural decisions in microservice applications that affect technical debt. Furthermore, we calculated the correlation between the repetitiveness of selected architectural decisions and the effort for their qualities to find the effect of repetitiveness on qualities that reduce technical debt.   Our result shows that every architectural decision that we have explored for microservice applications needs some extra effort to increase the quality that can prevent technical debt. Correlation between qualities and repetitiveness of architectural decisions shows that weak correlation, which proves that increasing or decreasing of repetitiveness would not change the demand for extra effort to prevent technical debt.


George Swamy, Lenard January 2019 (has links)
Moving the body in physical space with both a conscious and a subconscious awareness on the position of the limbs is in itself an engaging experience. This element of engagement has been one of the core reasons for turning to movement based technologies and interactions in the field of education. Using these technologies kids learn complex topics of maths and science at an improved rate of understand. However, one such activity or a subject where there is an absence of these movement based tools is Programming. Kids still use traditional interface tools such as a mouse and a computer to learn and write code.This is a detailed case study of a 10 week design process developing and studying the interactions with a programming environment based on whole body movement for children. Through a Research through design approach, this study borrows key elements from existing visual and tangible programming tools, concepts of Kinesthetic interactions and child centric design. The investigation is further guided by the methodologies primarily influenced by the principles of Kid Centered Design and the design by movement approach. The design process is characterized by progressive cycles of conceptual design, supported by prototyping and testing. The conceptual design is further evaluated through user studied where I identify key experiential qualities that are inherent to the kinesthetic approach to programming. The aim of this these is to provide these experiential qualities as starting points for further development of tools and technologies inspired by body movements

Exploring the Career Experiences and Leadership Perceptions of Nonprofit Executives in Central Florida: A Mixed-Methods Study

Bell, JahKiya S. 01 January 2016 (has links)
Exploring the Career Experiences and Leadership Perceptions of Nonprofit Executives in Central Florida: A Mixed-Methods Study. JahKiya S. Bell, 2016: Applied Dissertation, Nova Southeastern University, Abraham S. Fischler College of Education. Key Words: nonprofit organizations, leadership effectiveness, leadership qualities, administrator characteristics. This applied dissertation was designed to explore the professional and leadership development thoughts and experiences of nonprofit administrators in the Central Florida region. Administrators play a significant role for in ensuring the sustainability and success of nonprofit organizations. Administrators must possess the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will allow them to lead their organization to accomplish goals while securing necessary funding from diversified sources. In Central Florida—defined in this study as Orange, Osceola, and Seminole Counties—as of 2012 there were 1,485 health and human services nonprofit organizations in the region, which is 42% increase in the number of nonprofit organizations in the past ten years. An increase in the number of nonprofit organizations is indicative of an increase in competition for available funds. The problem addressed by this research was that while research is available about general leadership practices and the knowledge and skills necessary to become a leader, there was a lack of knowledge regarding the specific experiences of nonprofit administrators in Central Florida. This study collected and discussed the academic and professional credentials held by participating nonprofit administrators and leaders in the Central Florida, as well as reviewed these leaders’ perspectives on the knowledge, skills, and leadership practices required to lead a nonprofit organization.

Evaluation of the Business and Leadership Components of a Registered Nursing to Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program

Strommen, Linda 01 January 2010 (has links)
This applied dissertation was designed to evaluate the business and leadership components of a Registered Nursing (RN) to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program at the university. The problem was that an evaluation of the present RN-to-BSN curriculum had not been conducted since 2006 to determine if the best practices in business and leadership were current, applicable, and relevant in the current RN-to-BSN curriculum. The researcher utilized an evaluation methodology to assess the business and leadership components of an RN-to-BSN nursing program. An evaluation tool was developed and used to compare expected outcomes (criteria) of current practices to expected outcomes (criteria) of best practices in the field of nursing. The expected outcomes (criteria) of current best practices were developed from a review of the literature, data collected from RN-to-BSN alumni students, and input from formative and summative committees. Thirteen specific procedures guided the study to assess the value, merit, and worth of the program and to answer six research questions. The final evaluation by the expert panel revealed that the current best practices in business and leadership taught in Nursing 4020 and Nursing 4030 courses were not current with preferred best practices. The final report recommended updating the courses with current best practices collected from the literature, formative and summative committee members, practicing RNs, and experts in the nursing profession.

Emprendimiento de negocio: Nushuro / Nushuro: Cushuro nuggets

De Los Santos, Fiorella Alejandra, Guevara Córdova, Luis Manuel, Horruitiner Cervantes, Jheremy Israel, Morán Vallejos, Renzo Antonio, Zurita Montoya, Milen Aracely 03 July 2019 (has links)
Se tomó la decisión de realizar este proyecto, por la tendencia de consumo de productos saludables en diversas partes del mundo. Para ello, se realizó una investigación, que arroja como finalidad desarrollar un plan de emprendimiento o negocio escalable, global, rentable e innovador; el cual deberá ser sostenible a partir de explotar la creatividad y la puesta en marcha de la innovación. Además, de considerar siempre los requerimientos de apertura del mercado. Nushuro se centra en clientes de sexo femenino o masculino, desde los 18 años hasta los 55 años, de los niveles socioeconómicos A y B, y a personas cuya alimentación es saludable. Asimismo, la propuesta de valor es brindar un producto único y diferenciado, esto es debido a que el Cushuro es un alga que posee diferentes cualidades nutritivas. El proyecto constara de tres etapas que serán previamente planteadas y validadas, las cuales comprenden la validación del problema de nuestro público objetivo, la validación de la propuesta mediante la aplicación del Concierge para evaluar el impacto en las ventas y, la validación de la rentabilidad y viabilidad financiera del proyecto, para un rango de 5 años. Para la viabilidad de este proyecto, se requiere de una inversión inicial de S/.18, 000, los cuales serán financiados mediante aportes de accionistas y un inversionista. Tras elaborar el análisis financiero, obtenemos que la Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR) es del 37.42% y un Valor Actual Neto (VAN) de S/.18, 125.27, lo cual nos indica que el proyecto es viable. / The decision to carry out this Project was made due to the trend of consumption of healthy products in various parts of the world. For this purpose, an investigation was carried out, which aims to develop a scalable, global, profitable and innovative business or entrepreneurial plan; which must be sustainable from exploiting creativity and the implementation of innovation. In addition, we always consider the market opening requirements. Nushuro focuses on female or male clients from 18 years to 55 years of age, from socioeconomic levels A and B, and to people whose diet is healthy. Also, the value proposition is to provide a unique and differentiated product, this is because the Cushuro is an algae that has different nutritional qualities. The project will consist of three stages that will be previously proposed and validated, which include the validation of the problem of our target audience, the validation of the proposal through the application of the Concierge to evaluate the impact on sales and the validation of profitability and financial viability of the project, for a range of 5 years. For the viability of this project, an initial investment of S /.18, 000 is required, which will be financed by contributions from shareholders and an investor. After elaborating the financial analysis, we obtain that the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is 37.42% and a Net Present Value (NPV) of S /.18, 125.27, which indicates that the project is viable. / Trabajo de investigación


Hölbling, Markus January 2021 (has links)
This project is an elaboration of how luminaire design can provide for fundamental human needs. Visual needs in terms of task performance, orientability and visual comfort; emotional needs in terms of soothing feelings of safeness and cosiness; and biological needs in terms of circadian rhythm and resetting of our biological clock in the morning. These needs are tested through three bedroom scenarios named focus, contemplation and dawn, each with their own demands and desires on lighting qualities.  I have submerged into desired lighting qualities and atmosphere in a bedroom context; into how circadian rhythm can be promoted through lighting design; into how the perception of space can be effected through light; into how responsible use of natural resources can be achieved; and finally into what the impact and consequences of the design intervention are. The investigation is performed in a generic bedroom situation without daylight considerations. A prototype has been produced in order to perform observations and measurements.  Through the investigation I can state that luminaire design is able to provide for visual, emotional and biological needs. By simultaneously working with light qualities and shape of the luminaire, and having formulated the specific scenarios focus, contemplation and dawn, qualitative observations and experience could be supplemented by quantitative measurements and drive the design process forward towards intended lighting effects, characteristics and impacts on the human body and mind.

Ledaregenskaper på distans, vilka egenskaper upplever chefer att de behöver utveckla? / Remote leadership skills, which qualities do leaders feel they need to develop?

Danielsson Källmark, Christina, Forsberg, Andrea January 2023 (has links)
Distansarbete förväntas öka, vilket innebär att framtidens ledare bör kunna leda sina medarbetare på distans. Det finns en stor mängd forskning inom ämnet ledarskap men det är ännu oklart om aktuella ledarskapsteorier även kan appliceras på distansledarskap och det krävs mer forskning kring just ledarskap på distans. Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka egenskaper chefer upplever att de behöver, eller behöver utveckla, för att förbättra sitt ledarskap på distans. Det undersöktes i en kvalitativ studie genom att hålla semistrukturerade intervjuer med mellanchefer på en statlig organisation. Datan analyserades genom induktiv tematisk analys. Resultatet visade att de egenskaper som chefer upplevde behövas är en ömsesidig tillit mellan sig själv och medarbetarna, att man som chef är närvarande och tillgänglig, anpassningsbar och empatisk samt kommunikativ. Egenskaperna, utifrån chefernas olika perspektiv, upplevs hänga ihop. Exempelvis krävs god kommunikation för att vara närvarande och tillgänglig. / Remote work expects to increase, which means that future leaders should be able to lead their employees remotely. There’s a large amount of research on the subject of leadership, but it’s still unclear whether current leadership theories apply to remote leadership and more research is required. The purpose of this study is to investigate which qualities managers feel they need, or need to develop, to improve their remote leadership. It was investigated in a qualitative study by holding semi-structured interviews with managers at a government organization. Data were analyzed through inductive thematic analysis. The results showed that the qualities managers felt were needed are mutual trust between themselves and employees, that as a manager you’re present, available, adaptable, empathetic and communicative. The qualities, based on the managers' different perspectives, are perceived to be connected to each other. For example, good communication is required to be present and available.

Macroeconomic Factors and their role in Moderating Diversification effect of Asset Classes in the EU

Nilsson, Karl, Zheng, Tanyue January 2023 (has links)
After the 2008 financial crisis, some have questioned the historically positive benefits ofdiversification, meanwhile others have stated a clear misunderstanding of whatdiversification entails. This study argues diversification is still viable in portfolio theory,and that more effort should be emphasized on macroeconomic factors’ role in theoptimal portfolio. According to the Rational choice theory, investors want to reduce riskwithout lowering expected returns. Modern portfolio theory believes it is possible to doso, by combining less-than-perfect correlated asset classes in a portfolio. The businesscycle theory adds a further perspective by considering cycling movements in themacroeconomic environment, which this study ties to the correlation of asset classes.This study enriches the range of macroeconomic factors and asset classes, focusing onthe EU area, and subsequently, identifies existing relationships. Hence, the researchquestion, “Do macroeconomic factors moderate diversification effect across assetclasses in the EU?” is answered.Results are achieved through the positivist paradigm and the deductive researchapproach, and further, a panel data analysis including 18 macroeconomic factors and 8asset classes during the 2013 to 2022 time periods. The OLS single regression model isused, and results are compared to the previous literature.The characteristics of these 70 relationships are presented. Further, the level of impactfor 18 macroeconomic factors is ranked, the unemployment rate is the most impactfulfactor and GDP impact on gross public debt is the least impactful factor. An investor'sperspective is kept during the thesis to inspire professional investors, especiallyportfolio managers to be detail-oriented when they design diversification strategies andconstruct the optimal portfolios. Also, the results regarding institutional quality indexesincrease the importance of the social and sustainable segment of macroeconomicfactors, which should be considered by investors in the future. Ultimately, this studycontributes to previous literature by examining the empirical results through the lens ofRational choice theory, Business cycle theory, and Modern portfolio theory.

The design of a smartphone-based AR application to support the experiential quality of life-like in a museum / Utformningen av en smartphone-baserad AR-applikationen för att stödja en levande upplevelse och interaktion på ett museum

Dang, Sandra January 2018 (has links)
In the perfect scenario, augmented reality (AR) is described to blend the physical world with virtual elements in such way that the user can’t differentiate them, having the potential to make the interactions with virtual objects in an AR experience feel life-like. With the latest advancements in AR for mobile devices, applications that use this technology are increasing. Many cultural heritage sites and museums take advantage of integrating AR in their programs to create enriched environments and increased engagement from their audience. This study investigated how to design for a life-like experience in a museum environment, presenting animated virtual animals that represent the same preserved animals exhibited in the physical environment. The study was grounded in a Research through Design process where a smartphone application prototype was developed and tested to find important elements that create life-like interactions. The functionalities that were developed for the prototype were discussed by their experiential qualities and summarized into points that a designer should consider when designing for a similar life-like experience. / Augmented reality (AR) beskrivs som en förstärkning av den fysiska världen genom tillägget av virtuellaelement. I det perfekta scenariot, görs tillägget på ett sådant sätt att användaren inte kan differentiera det verkliga från det virtuella och skapar på så sätt möjligheter för utvecklare och designers att utforma interaktioner med virtuella objekt som känns levande. Med de senaste framstegen inom AR för mobila enheter, har applikationer som använder denna teknik ökat. Många kulturarv och museer integrerar AR i sina program för att skapa berikade miljöer och ökat engagemang hos sina besökare. I denna studie undersöktes hur man utformar levande upplevelser på ett museum genom att representera de fysiskt bevarade djuren på ett museumet med animerade virtuella djur. Studien grundades i en designprocess där en AR-prototyp för smartphone-telefoner utvecklades och testades. Vidare diskuterades viktiga egenskaper och funktionaliteter i prototypen som bidrog till att interaktionen kändes levande för att sedan sammanfattas i punkter som andra designers kan överväga vid utformande av liknande upplevelser och interaktioner.

Social cohesion in Gilbert Hill : What can be done to better integrate the informalitywithin the formal planning process / Socialsammanhållning i Gilbert Hill : Hur man bättre kan integrera det informella iden formella planeringsprocessen

Johansson, Emma, Carlsbrand, Gustav January 2018 (has links)
The government in Maharashtra are trying to rehabilitate the informal settlements in Mumbai through the slum rehabilitation authority and its rehabilitation scheme and we wanted to learn more about how it worked and how it affects living conditions for former residents of an informal settlement and how it can differ from those still living there. This study has a focus on a specific informal settlement in Mumbai, called Gilbert Hill. Through observations and interviews with people living in the area, the research investigates resident’s opinions and experiences. Interviews with officials, involved in the planning of Mumbai were conducted, in order to learn how the interaction between formal and informal structures looks like. The results will be presented in this report and will give an insight of the life in an informal settlement in Mumbai as well as the thoughts and efforts with the rehabilitation of said settings. Our findings have been analysed and discussed in the light of David Harvey’s The right to city, displacement theories, theories about the public private partnership and what it is that makes informal settlements to persist. We have discovered that it is not as easy as to just redevelop an informal settlement according to a uniform plan. Residents have special bonds to the neighbourhood, both between each other and to the place itself. Even though the residents might be viewed as impoverished and underprivileged they still should have a right to form their future as well as their surroundings. They certainly have a will to do so.

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