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Det här är Mixed Martial Arts! : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om hur svensk dagspress framställer MMA / This is Mixed Martial Arts! : A quantitative study of the framing of Mixed Martial Arts in Swedish daily newspapersWångdahl, Max, Östling, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Purpose/aim: This study was performed in order to describe how Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is reported in Swedish daily newspapers during a five-year period. MMA is a relative new sport in Sweden and it is important that the description by the Swedish daily newspapers is accurate and balanced. Then this sport will have the same opportunities to grow as already well-established sports in Sweden. Material/Method: The material consists of 159 articles from six different daily newspapers gathered from 2006-12-07 to 2011-12-07. Quantitative content analysis is used to investigate how the newspapers describe MMA. The result from this quantitative analysis are then compiled, analysed and discussed by applying theories of agenda setting, framing and moral panic. Main results: The result shows that the Swedish daily newspapers give a relative neutral and balanced picture in their coverage of MMA but they are affected to a certain degree of moral panic. A neutral framing of MMA was common in the majority of the newspapers. Swedish newspapers have fulfilled the requirements that you should have on balanced journalism. A majority of the articles described MMA with more or less deviancy and therefore made MMA “Folk Devils”. Further there was a consensus among politicians and other right-thinking people that MMA is a threat to and is dangerous to society. The negative reporting of MMA in the daily newspapers is volatile with one-year cycles with start in late 2009. With one quarter of the articles describing MMA as a problem, there is preconception that MMA is likely to have a negative impact on society. There is a disproportion in the reporting of MMA as a threat as “Swedish Sports” have approved MMA as a sport, but still report it as a problem. Therefore there is some kind of moral panic about MMA in Swedish daily newspaper.
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Rea – dags att reagera? : En kvantitativ studie om könsfördelningen i ett barnprogram i Sveriges television.Larsson, Linn January 2015 (has links)
You know that electronic device where you with just a simple click on a button can open a world of knowledge? This device is the television, the most powerful weapon in the media world. But with all this power comes great responsibility. I am going to study a children program called Rea to see how equal the gender representation is. Who has got the power, men or women? Does the result reflect our society in representation? To do this I have been watching the entire 21:st season of Rea to find out how kids are represented in numbers and what role they play in the program based on their gender. Are the boys in charge and doing all the bold and brave tests and stunts? Are the girls quiet, sweet and nice as the stereotypical picture? Is it time to react and really see what media is trying to say with what they show us? If so, this analysis of Rea is a start.
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Kommersialiseringen i Aftonbladet : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om kommersialiseringens framfart i tidningen Aftonbladet under helger/röda dagarAsplund, caroline, Wahlgren, Linn January 2015 (has links)
This essay is about commercialization as a concept and expression in journalism, since there is a concern that what sells is what have been put on the agenda. Journalisms main purpose is to provide citizens with an insight into the world beyond their own experiences and give people a social perspective. Commercial materials are often available in many different media, some people say that the commercialization threaten democracy and impair quality journalism. As more people choose to consume and read the newspaper over the weekend the purpose of this essay is to examine if the commercialization increased in the newspaper Aftonbladet during weekends / holidays, and to investigate how much the commercialization takes place in the newspaper. We also wanted to see which news topic that permeated the newspaper. Through a quantitative content analysis we investigated the empirical material gathered during 14 days (230415-060515) of the daily press Aftonbladet, where the advertisements and articles were analyzed units. Altogether, it became 1115 units of analysis that showed that the commercialization increased by 6% during weekends / holidays. The survey also showed that the newspaper Aftonbladet consists of nearly half commercialization and the news topic entertainment and ads were the dominant subjects. With agenda setting theory and priming we were able to analyze and discuss what was found.
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"Out of the Closets and into the Streets" : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om medierapporteringen under Pridefestivalen / "Out of the Closets and into the Streets" : A quantitative content analysis of media coverage during Stockholm Pride FestivalJohansson, My, Hahto, Anna January 2013 (has links)
This study examines how the media reports on the Pride Festival in Stockholm and what news topics and themes it prioritizes. The purpose of this paper is to examine whether the media coverage of Pride highlights political questions related to social and societal problems. One of the main focuses of the study is on how the media covers male and female homosexuality. The newspapers examined are the tabloids Aftonbladet and Expressen and the respected dailies Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet. The study extends over three periods: 19-07-2010 to 07-08-2010, 25-07-2011 to 14-08-2011, and 24-07-2012 to 11-08-2012. Several key theories and themes frame the study. One of the theoretical bases of this study is agenda theory, which is based on the idea that issues get more media attention when the audience perceives them as important. Another key theory in the study is the theory of news values, which concerns how potential news items are evaluated editorially. The study also looks at the theme of sex and gender as a power aspect and how the representation of the sexes appears in today's media. Using quantitative content analysis, 291 articles have been studied. The results show that media coverage during the Pride festival includes articles that address both serious and non-serious issues. Furthermore, the results show that the coverage of male homosexuals is more frequent than of female homosexuals. However, the majority of the articles focused on the collective concept “LGBT” and not on gender related issues.
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Män som marknadsföring : En kvantitativ studie om män och maskulinitet i reklam riktad till olika mediegenerationer genom olika TV-plattformar / Men as marketingHjortblad, Fredrik January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera hur män och maskulinitet framställs i reklam riktad till olika mediegenerationer genom olika TV-plattformar. Frågeställningarna har sitt fokus i att tydliggöra hur männen framställs i reklaminslagen genom bland annat hur de agerar, vilka personlighetstyper som uppvisas och även vilka likheter och skillnader som kan påvisas mellan de olika mediegenerationerna. Studiens urval har sett till att analysera reklaminslag på både traditionell TV och webb-TV för att på så sätt påvisa en skillnad mellan dessa, då reklam idag mer specifikt kan riktas till en speciell målgrupp. Urvalet har också bestått i att urskilja olika mediegenerationer där dessa har legat till grund för den efterföljande resultatdelen. Detta har studerats genom en kvantitativ innehållsanalys där ett kodschema har skapats och resultatet sedan kodats i IBM SPSS. De teorier som legat till grund för uppsatsen är främst Lissie Åströms teori om personlighetstyperna ”centripetal” och ”centrifugal”. Det läggs också ett stort fokus på att beskriva maskulinitet och hur den uppvisas i reklam genom bland annat stereotypiserande. Uppsatsens resultat visar att skillnaden mellan de olika plattformarna är förhållandevis liten och att de stora skillnaderna finns att se i hur åldersgrupperna framställs i reklaminslagen, där de yngre visar en betydande större del maskulina karaktärsdrag i förhållande till de andra mediegenerationerna. / The purpose of this paper is to analyse how men and masculinity is portrayed in advertising aimed to different media generations through different TV-platforms. These framing of questions have their focus in clarifying how men shown in advertising on TV act, which personality types are exhibited and also the similarities and differences that can be detected between the different media generations. The study’s selection that has been analysed is advertisements on both traditional TV and web-TV to thereby detect a difference between them. There has also been a selection to distinguish the different media generations where these are the basis for the subsequent result sections. The data has been studied by the use of a quantitative content analysis in which a coding scheme has been created. The theories that formed the basis of this paper are mainly Lissie Åström’s theory of the personality types ”centripetal” and ”centrifugal”. There is also a large focus on describing masculinity and how it is presented in advertising by including stereotyping. The essays results show that the difference between the different platforms is relatively small and that the major differences can be seen in the age groups presented in the advertisements, where the younger group is showing a significant greater proportion of masculine traits in relation to the other generations.
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Är ni ett vanligt parti idag? : En studie om Sverigedemokraternas gestaltning i Aftonbladet och Expressen 2010 och 2012Rydberg, Christian January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study was to determine to what degree the framing of the political party the Sweden Democrats had changed in swedish media, from 2010 in contrast to 2012. Particular interest was directed towards the framing of the party as a problem.This was done by studying the news articles during 12 weeks in 2010, and 12 weeks in 2012, in the newspapers Aftonbladet and Expressen. These particular newspapers were especially interesting to study since they have been outspokenly critical of the party. Both of the newspapers can be said to be among the most clearly critical towards the Sweden Democrats.I studied 256 published articles retrieved through the news database Newsline. Quantitative content analysis was used to determine patterns and tendencies. The theories used to determine variables and the analysis of the articles were the framing theory of Robert Entman (1993) and Jesper Strömbäck (2009). Theories regarding the function of news media in democracy were also used in the analysis from the context of Nord & Strömbäck (2012).The study showed that a slightly more negative framing of the party occurs in 2012. Framing of the party as a problem for the democratic principles occurred less, and moral evaluations were similar between the years. The term xenophobic was mostly used to describe the party in the the overall few instances it was used during both years, with a slight shift towards more neutral and less evocative descriptions like immigration critical in 2012.
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Obezita v českých médiích / Obesity in the Czech mediaKovářů, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
Obesity is one of the most serious problems of the contemporary civilization. Although its causes are multifactorial, some authors blame media for the increase of obesity. However, media can also be seen from another perspective. It can be seen as a tool for activating people towards a healthier lifestyle and thus moderate obesity. This work is based on this second view. On the basis of the health communication are formulated requirements on informing about obesity. I use quantitative content analysis to verify whether Czech media works according to these requirements. I come to the conclusion that the Czech media fulfills the requirements only partially. Although media consider obesity as a problem and gives factually correct information, it blames mostly individuals, which is not in accordance with the recommendations of the health communication. Likewise, it offers mainly individual forms of solutions. Compared with foreign media it focus less on childhood obesity too.
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Hur medierna framställer kvinnor i sportsammanhang : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av hur kvinnor respektive män inom sporten representeras i lokaltidningen Smålänningen.Almén, Amélie January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the study was to investigate the representation of women’s sports and men’s sports, in the local newspaper Smålänningen. A study I conducted through examining how many articles on men’s sports and how many articles on women’s sports have been published over the last four years. I chose to investigate two months of every year; January and March. I also examined which sports were the most occurring ones. I used the method of quantitative content analysis to investigate the questions. Through the method I performed an overall analysis of how many articles were written about men’s sports, and how many articles were written about women’s sports in Smålänningen. The result of the quantitative content analysis showed that female athletes are misrepresented and that men’s sports dominates Smålänningens reporting. It also showed that there were more articles written by female journalists than articles based on performances achieved by female athletes. Further, my study showed that the reporting on women’s sports have become more regular in Smålänningen.
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Vem snackar i spelrummet? : En kvantitativ undersökning av Stefan Löfven och Donald Trumps mediala utrymme i Aftonbladet. / Look who is talking in the media : A quantitavie investigation of Donald trump and Stefan Löfvens medial space in AftonbladetKungberg, Mimmi, Rydeberg, Amelia January 2017 (has links)
This study aims to show how much space Donald Trump and Stefan Löfven get in the digital edition of the Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet. To investigate this, a quantitative content study was used, counting the number of articles in which they appear between January 21st 2017 and July 21st 2017. In total 967 news articles were included in the study where articles appearing in the entertainment and sports section were excluded as well as editorials and columns. In the articles we counted the amount of words and how long the quotes of the two persons were. We also counted how many articles in which both Donald Trump and Stefan Löfven appear and how the quotes were distributed between them. To count the articles we created a coding scheme with rules for interpretation. The result of the study was that Donald Trump appeared more frequently in the tabloid than Stefan Löfven. This tells us that Aftonbladet priorities news about Donald Trump over news about Stefan Löfven which can be explained by globalisation, which is one of the theories used in this study, along with the theory of news values. However it was also clear that procentually Stefan Löfven was quoted more than Donald Trump. This can mean that even though globalisation brings nations across the world closer to each other, the physical distance still has a factor in what news sources appear in the news media.
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The Swedish Parliamentary Debate on European Affairs – What Makes it to the Pages? : A quantitative content analysis of news media reporting from the RiksdagJohansen, Hanna January 2019 (has links)
The long-spun Brexit process has been named a symbol of an alleged disconnection between the European Union’s high-level decision-makers and its citizens. This thesis aims to contribute to the existing literature on the role of national parliaments in brining EU affairs closer to the citizens. More specifically, it turns attention to the Riksdag, and to how informative parliamentary debates on EU affairs are communicated to Swedish citizens. Earlier studies have provided valuable insights into how political opinions on EU affairs are presented in electoral manifestoes and behind closed doors in the Riksdag’s committees. By conducting a quantitative content analysis on Swedish news medias’ coverage of the Riksdag’s debate on EU-affairs over the last ten years, this study offers a first insight into how EU debates are conveyed to the wider Swedish audience. Drawing on previous research on national parliaments, the concept of opposition and theories from the field of political communication, three hypotheses are formulated. While the first hypothesis aims to test whether Swedish news media provide citizens a diverse set of positions from the Riksdag’s debate on EU affairs, the second hypothesis seeks to illuminate which parliamentary actors that are most prominent in medias’ reporting from the Riksdag. Finally, the third hypothesis turns attention to the mode in which EU affairs are presented in news media. None of the hypotheses are unambiguously supported by evidence. The implications are that the media to some extent filter the parliamentary debate. A filter that at occasions may exclude diverging positions on EU affairs. Further, though governments are presented as the main actor in the majority of all analysed articles, the Riksdag is close behind. The result implies that the Riksdag is indeed competing with the government in being the main agenda setter in Swedish news media. Nevertheless, it also suggests that oftentimes, the Riksdag is referred to as one unit, without news media distinguishing the diverging positions within the institution. Finally, the finding from the third hypothesis suggests that the Riksdag is somewhat restricted when it comes to shaping the discourse surrounding EU affairs. In spite of the Riksdag’s increased focus on policy-aspects of EU affairs, the mediated image of the very same debate may still be presented as a concern of polity or procedure. Ultimately, despite not providing any clear support for the hypotheses, the somewhat filtered mediated image of the Riksdag’s debate on EU affairs may carry implications for national parliaments’ ability to bring EU affairs closer to the citizens of the Union.
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