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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Producera mängdgrafer genom BIM : Produce quantity take-off graphs using BIM

El-Zouki, Robert January 2017 (has links)
Avvikelser i ett byggprojekt leder till bland annat förseningar. De kan även leda till för tidigt avslutadeaktiviteter. Oavsett blir detta ett problem då kontraktstiden för underentreprenörer är bestämda.Vad detta betyder är att blir en underentreprenör färdig för tidigt kommer det finnas en tidbuffert itidplan mellan färdig- och nästa aktivitet. Detta anses som en kostnad eftersom det inte utförs någotarbete. Blir en underentreprenör sen med färdigställande av en aktivitet blir detta ocksåproblematiskt då detta skjuter fram aktiviteter på den kritiska linjen. Förutsatt att de aktiviteternaligger på den kritiska linjen. Det ska förtydligas att fler former av avvikelser finns. Bland annatfelleverans, försenad transport, oförutsedda hinder under produktion m.m. En metod att åskådliggöra avvikelser tidigt efter initiering är att kontinuerligt under produktion följaupp aktiviteter med hjälp av mängdgrafer. Mängdgrafer är diagram som visar byggd mängd pertidsenhet och kumulativ byggd mängd. De ger en visuell bild över hur produktionen ligger till inuläget och med hjälp av dessa kan beslut fattas om ändringar i produktionen för att projektet skatidsmässigt åter hamna i fas. Mängdgrafer kommer i tre former. Planerade-, aktuella- &prognostiserade mängdgrafer. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka hur BIM-verktyg under projektering kan stödja ettprojekt under produktion genom att förutse avvikelser. Ifall avvikelser upptäcks tidigt kan resurserjusteras eller arbetstider ändras för att projektet färdigställs enligt tidplan. Studien visar att mängdgraferna kan utvecklas relativt enkelt men det krävs väl genomtänktplanering och struktur på arbetet. Det rekommenderas att samordna en bra arbetsmetod för helaarbetet från början till slut genom att ha en samordnare som styr över modellen men också andratjänstemän som känner till programmet tillräckligt bra för att stötta och avlasta samordnaren vidbehov. Studien visar också att det är viktigt att modellutvecklare levererar modellen med bra ochstrukturerad namnbeteckning för objekten. Detta för att enklare kunna koppla KPI-tal till korrektmängdgraf. CoClass-klassifikationssystem (projektnamn BSAB 2.0) borde ligga till grund förnamngivning av objekt. / Deviations in a construction project lead to delays. They can also lead to prematurely completed activities. In any case, this will be a problem since the contract period for subcontractors is determined. What this means is that if a subcontractor completes its task prematurely, there will be a time buffer in the timetable between completed and next activity. This is considered a cost because no work is being done. If a subcontractor completes an activity late, this is also problematic as it displaces activities on the critical line. If the activities are on the critical line. It should be clarified that more types of deviations exist. Including delivery, delayed transport, unforeseen obstructions during production, etc. One method of avoiding deviations is to continuously monitor production activities using quantity take-off graphs. These graphs are charts showing built-up amount per unit of time and cumulative built-up amount. They give a visual picture of the state of production, and from there, decisions can be made about changes in production so that the project will follow the time schedule again. Quantity take-off charts come in three forms. Planned, actual & forecast quantity take-off graphs. The purpose of this degree project is to investigate how BIM tools during design phase can support a project under production phase by predicting deviations. If deviations are early discovered, resources can be adjusted or working hours changed to complete the project according to time schedule. The study shows that the quantity graphs can be developed relatively easily, but well thought out planning and structure are required. It is recommended to coordinate a good working method for the entire work from start to finish by having a coordinator who controls the model but also other officials who know the program well enough to support and relieve the coordinator if necessary. The study also shows that it is important that model developers deliver the model with a good and structured designation of object. This is easier to connect KPI-numbers to the correct quantity takeoff graph. CoClass classification system (project name BSAB 2.0) should be used as the basis for naming of objects.

Conceptual Quantity Modeling Of Single Span Highway Bridges By Regression, Neural Networks And Case Based Reasoning Methods

Asikgil, Mert 01 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Conceptual estimation techniques play an important role in determining the approximate costs of construction projects especially during feasibility stages. Moreover, pre-design estimates are also crucial for the contractors. With the help of the conceptual predictions companies can determine approximate project costs and can gain several advantages before tendering phase. The main objective of this thesis is to focus on modeling of quantities instead of costs and to develop quantity take-off models for pre-design cost estimation of bridge projects. Majority of the existing studies focus on modeling of costs for conceptual cost estimation. This study includes modeling of the quantity take off items in a specific single span highway bridge using three different techniques namely, linear regression, neural network and case based reasoning. During this study 40 single span highway bridge projects whose owner is Republic of Turkey General Directorate of Railways, Ports and Airports Constructions were investigated and models for each work item were developed. Then by integrating the quantity take off estimations with unit costs, total project costs were calculated. As a result by evaluating the prediction performance of the models, comparison of the methods was achieved. Results are discussed along with the advantages of the proposed method for conceptual cost estimation of bridge projects.

A Knowledge-based system framework for semantic enrichment and automated detailed design in the AEC projects

Aram, Shiva 08 June 2015 (has links)
Adoption of a streamlined BIM workflow throughout the AEC projects’ lifecycle will provide the project stakeholders with the rich information embedded in the parametric design models. Users can incorporate this rich information in various activities, improving efficiency and productivity of project activities and potentially enhancing accuracy and reducing errors and reworks. Two main challenges for such a streamlined information flow throughout the AEC projects that haven’t been sufficiently addressed by previous research efforts include lack of semantic interoperability and a large gap and misalignment of information between available BIM information provided by design activities and the required information for performing preconstruction and construction activities. This research effort proposes a framework for a knowledge-based system (KBS) that encapsulates domain experts’ knowledge and represents it through modularized rule set libraries as well as connected design automation and optimization solutions. The research attempts to provide a methodology for automatic semantic enrichment of design models as well as automated detailed design to fill the information gap between design and preconstruction project activities, streamlining BIM workflow and enhancing its value in the AEC projects.

The State of BIM-Based Quantity Take-Off Implementation Among Commercial General Contractors

Tagg, Morgan Christian 01 November 2017 (has links)
Building Information Modeling (BIM) plays an important role in today's construction industry. Models are tools that help stakeholders communicate, visualize building geometry, perform trade coordination and clash detection among others. A less popular aspect of BIM that shows high potential is the quantity take-off (QTO) feature. Yet, its implementation among commercial general contractors (GC) has not received as much attention. The purpose of this study was to identify how the BIM QTO features were being implemented among commercial general contractors, what challenges they faced and how they worked to overcome those challenges. Through a three-step process including semi structured interviews with estimators, preconstruction, BIM and Virtual Design Construction (VDC) managers, valuable insights on the BIM QTO implementation state among general contractors were gathered and analyzed. Links between BIM QTO benefits, project design phases and delivery methods, software, training, leadership and jurisdictions were discussed. The data indicated that BIM QTO's benefits were best leveraged through early general contractor involvement, the adequate contract framework, trained BIM QTO estimators, and early and strategic communication between owners, designers and estimators. The conditions for increased efficiency were discussed along with the solutions to the common BIM-based QTO challenges.

A modelagem da informação da construção (BIM) em empresas instaladoras de sistemas prediais. / Building Information Modeling (BIM) in building systems companies.

Guerretta, Luis Felipe 06 February 2017 (has links)
Modelagem da Informação da Construção ou BIM (Building Information Modeling) é um processo inovador aplicado na gestão de todo o ciclo de vida de um empreendimento. Por meio do BIM, desenvolve-se o modelo virtual do empreendimento a ser construído. Os componentes deste modelo contêm geometria e parâmetros com dados técnicos relevantes para sua caracterização e utilização. No segmento de obras de sistemas prediais, os contratantes ditam os valores dos contratos, cabendo às empresas construtoras e instaladoras fazerem uma estimativa de orçamento acurada para dominar os custos e mensurar seus riscos no contrato almejado. Dada esta perspectiva, existe a necessidade de determinar com precisão os quantitativos do projeto, ponto de partida de qualquer orçamento analítico ou detalhado. Este trabalho, dividido em dois estudos de caso, destina-se a compreender como a Modelagem da Informação da Construção pode alterar o processo de orçamentação nas empresas instaladoras, auxiliando na extração de quantitativos e compatibilização dos projetos. Baseando-se em um fluxo de trabalho BIM descrito por Eastman et al. (2011) e utilizando-se em conjunto o processo de modelagem proposto por Nguyen (2010), propõe-se que o desenvolvedor do modelo BIM de sistemas prediais seja a empresa instaladora, por esta ser o agente ativo na orçamentação e execução dos sistemas prediais. Nos estudos de caso, foi comparado a acurácia dos quantitativos de componentes do empreendimento dentre as propostas orçamentarias das empresas instaladoras, o modelo BIM criado, e o quantitativo real utilizado na execução de uma obra de um centro comercial. Os resultados desta pesquisa sugerem que a utilização do BIM é uma alternativa viável para as empresas instaladoras em seus processos de orçamentação, considerando-se o nível de detalhamento e as informações inseridas e a serem extraídas do modelo, conforme o processo apresentado e o guia de modelagem criado no decorrer deste trabalho. / Building Information Modeling is an innovative process applied to the management of the entire lifecycle of a project. Through BIM, the virtual model of the project to be constructed is developed. The components of this model contain geometry and parameters with relevant technical data for their characterization and use. In the building systems works market segment, contractors dictate the values of contracts and is up to the construction and installation companies to make an accurate estimate of the budget to master the costs and measure their risks on the desired contract. Given this perspective, there is a need to accurately determine the quantities of the project, which are the starting point of any analytical or detailed budget. This work, divided into two case studies, was designed to understand how Building Information Modeling can change the budgeting process in the building systems companies, assisting in the quantity take off and design coordination processes. Relying on a BIM workflow described by Eastman et al. (2011) and jointly using the modeling process proposed by Nguyen (2010), it is proposed the building systems company to be the developer of the MEP model, as this is the active agent in the costing and execution of building systems. In these case studies, we compare the accuracy of the quantitative components of the project, among: the building systems companies, the BIM model and the actual quantities used in the execution of a small shopping center. These results suggest that the use of BIM is a viable alternative to the MEP companies in their budgeting processes, considering the level of detail and the model information input and output, according to the process and modeling guide proposed here.

A modelagem da informação da construção (BIM) em empresas instaladoras de sistemas prediais. / Building Information Modeling (BIM) in building systems companies.

Luis Felipe Guerretta 06 February 2017 (has links)
Modelagem da Informação da Construção ou BIM (Building Information Modeling) é um processo inovador aplicado na gestão de todo o ciclo de vida de um empreendimento. Por meio do BIM, desenvolve-se o modelo virtual do empreendimento a ser construído. Os componentes deste modelo contêm geometria e parâmetros com dados técnicos relevantes para sua caracterização e utilização. No segmento de obras de sistemas prediais, os contratantes ditam os valores dos contratos, cabendo às empresas construtoras e instaladoras fazerem uma estimativa de orçamento acurada para dominar os custos e mensurar seus riscos no contrato almejado. Dada esta perspectiva, existe a necessidade de determinar com precisão os quantitativos do projeto, ponto de partida de qualquer orçamento analítico ou detalhado. Este trabalho, dividido em dois estudos de caso, destina-se a compreender como a Modelagem da Informação da Construção pode alterar o processo de orçamentação nas empresas instaladoras, auxiliando na extração de quantitativos e compatibilização dos projetos. Baseando-se em um fluxo de trabalho BIM descrito por Eastman et al. (2011) e utilizando-se em conjunto o processo de modelagem proposto por Nguyen (2010), propõe-se que o desenvolvedor do modelo BIM de sistemas prediais seja a empresa instaladora, por esta ser o agente ativo na orçamentação e execução dos sistemas prediais. Nos estudos de caso, foi comparado a acurácia dos quantitativos de componentes do empreendimento dentre as propostas orçamentarias das empresas instaladoras, o modelo BIM criado, e o quantitativo real utilizado na execução de uma obra de um centro comercial. Os resultados desta pesquisa sugerem que a utilização do BIM é uma alternativa viável para as empresas instaladoras em seus processos de orçamentação, considerando-se o nível de detalhamento e as informações inseridas e a serem extraídas do modelo, conforme o processo apresentado e o guia de modelagem criado no decorrer deste trabalho. / Building Information Modeling is an innovative process applied to the management of the entire lifecycle of a project. Through BIM, the virtual model of the project to be constructed is developed. The components of this model contain geometry and parameters with relevant technical data for their characterization and use. In the building systems works market segment, contractors dictate the values of contracts and is up to the construction and installation companies to make an accurate estimate of the budget to master the costs and measure their risks on the desired contract. Given this perspective, there is a need to accurately determine the quantities of the project, which are the starting point of any analytical or detailed budget. This work, divided into two case studies, was designed to understand how Building Information Modeling can change the budgeting process in the building systems companies, assisting in the quantity take off and design coordination processes. Relying on a BIM workflow described by Eastman et al. (2011) and jointly using the modeling process proposed by Nguyen (2010), it is proposed the building systems company to be the developer of the MEP model, as this is the active agent in the costing and execution of building systems. In these case studies, we compare the accuracy of the quantitative components of the project, among: the building systems companies, the BIM model and the actual quantities used in the execution of a small shopping center. These results suggest that the use of BIM is a viable alternative to the MEP companies in their budgeting processes, considering the level of detail and the model information input and output, according to the process and modeling guide proposed here.

Mängdavtagning från dynamisk BIM-modell, en fallstudie på NCC Montagebro / Model based quantity take off from a dynamic BIM-model, case study on NCC Montagebro

Fransson, Emelie January 2012 (has links)
Byggbranschen har flertalet gånger blivit kritiserad för att inte uppnå samma utveckling och produktivitet som andra sektorer. Visionen om ett effektivt samhällsbyggande är ändå positiv och en av de stora nämnarna för framgång är BIM, Building Information Modeling. Arbetsmetoden, som handlar om att effektivt tillhandahålla information, tillämpas redan i relativt stor utsträckning på hussidan. Samtidigt ligger bro- och anläggningssidan i startgroparna för att följa efter husbyggnad i utvecklingen. NCC Montagebro är en prefabricerad betongbro som utvecklades på 80-talet och som återigen lyfts fram för utveckling. De tidigare standardmåtten har avskaffats för att i högre grad möta kundens önskemål om längd och bredd. Problemet med de fritt valbara måtten är att det inte finns något underlag att utgå ifrån vid prissättning i ett anbud. Syftet med detta arbete var därför att undersöka möjligheten med att upprätta en parameterstyrd BIM-modell att använda för mängdavtagning. Genom att belysa hinder och möjligheter var målet att resultatet skulle kunna användas för fortsatt utveckling av produkten. Studien utfördes med hjälp av intervjuer med verksamma personer i branschen och en praktisk fallstudie. Resultaten från dessa diskuterades utifrån de uppställda frågeställningarna och den tidigare redovisade litteraturstudien. En viktig aspekt som framkommit under studien är att möjligheten att effektivisera och standardisera prissättningen går hand i hand med graden av standardisering för brokonceptet som helhet. För att kunna göra en generell och anpassningsbar modell måste det utredas vilka mått och parametrar som ska vara standard och vilka som kan justeras fritt för varje nytt projekt. Detta och alla övriga erfarenhetsdokument borde samlas i en egen tekniska plattform för NCC Montagebron. Studiens slutsats är att det går att effektivisera prissättningen av NCC Montagebro med hjälp av BIM men det är inte ett tillräckligt argument för att skapa en BIM-modell. Förslagsvis bör modellen uppdateras med mer information så att den kan utnyttjas i fler delprocessen för annars går en stor del av syftet med BIM förlorat. / The Construction Industry has been criticized several times for their slow development and for not being as productive as other industries. In orderto achieve an efficient Architecture, Engineering & Construction (AEC) Industry, Building Information Modeling, BIM, is one of the most debatedtopics in the field. The work process, which is about to efficiently provide information about a project, is already applied in the building construction. On the other hand, bridge and civil construction are just about to start the implementation of BIM. NCC Montagebro is a prefabricated concrete bridge which was developed in the 1980s and is once again up-to-date for product development. Theprevious standard dimensions have been removed in order to meet the customers’ requirements for length and width. A problem that occurs when allowing the customers to choose the dimensions is that there is no corresponding documentation to base the pricing on. The aim of this work was to investigate the possibility of establishing a parametric BIM model to use for quantity take off. A goal was to facilitate the continuing improvement of the product by highlighting obstacles and opportunities. The study was carried out through interviews and a practical case study. The results of these were discussed from the stated research questions andthe previously reported literature review. An important aspect emerging from the study is that the ability to rationalize and standardize the pricing depends on the degree of standardizationof the whole bridge concept. To make a general and flexible model it is necessary to examine which dimensions and parameters that should be set to default and which can be freely adjusted for each new project. These decisions and all other documents of experience should be gathered in a special technical platform for the NCC Montagebro. The study concludes that it is possible to rationalize the pricing of NCC Montagebro by using BIM but the arguments may not be enough to design a BIM model. The model should be provided with additional information so that it can be used in several sub-processes because otherwise, a large part of the purpose of BIM is lost.

Why is BIM not being used in a larger extent in the construction industry? : A study on BIM used for quantity take-off at medium-sized construction companies / Varför används inte BIM i större utsträckning inom byggbranschen? : En studie om BIM vid mängdavtagning hos medelstora entreprenadföretag

Sohlberg, Gabriella, Lorentzon, Henny January 2021 (has links)
Compared to other industries, the construction industry is slow to take advantage of the benefits of digitalization. There are many different parties involved in projects, which makes it a versatile but also fragmented industry, which in this case is not to its advantage. Building information modeling (BIM) is a tool that could improve the cooperation between these parties and which has many other benefits associated with it, such as time- and cost savings. Quantity take-off in BIM is something that can be carried out at a low degree of maturity and is considered to be one of the most useful working methods that BIM enables. Despite the many benefits that studies have shown, many companies in the construction industry have still not fully implemented a working method where BIM is used for quantity take-off.The purpose of the project is to investigate the BIM use among parties in the Swedish construction industry. More specifically, this study will examine the working methods of medium-sized construction companies with quantity take-off. Since the work with quantity take-off has been shown to be linked to more basic BIM use, this factor can be seen as a good indicator for the development of BIM within companies. Medium-sized construction companies have been chosen as they are a good representative of the large mass of parties in the construction industry who have both the capacity and the finances to implement BIM. Furthermore, this project also aims to locate the difficulties in using these digital working methods for quantity take-off.The study is performed as a qualitative case study where ByggDialog AB exemplified a medium-sized construction company in the construction industry. In semi-structured interviews, employees were asked to answer questions concerning the subject of the study.The results of the study have shown that the willingness to develop working methods with BIM at medium-sized construction companies exists, but that visions and ambitions are limited by the adjustment costs that a BIM-implementation would entail. The fact that there are no requirements or demands from customers is another factor that contributes why BIM is not used more today. As a result of the fact that the customers today are not prepared to finance a BIM-implementation, the development is not driven further within the studied company.In this case study, we have identified that the studied medium-sized construction company does not use BIM for quantity take-off. This is not due to that the contractors do not want to, but because it is difficult to motivate that a BIM-implementation would cover the costs involved. This study therefore indicates that in the short term it is not profitable to implement BIM as it entails large conversion costs for companies. / Byggbranschen är jämfört med andra branscher långsam på att utnyttja de fördelar som finns med digitalisering. Det är många olika aktörer inblandade i projekt vilket gör det till en mångsidig men även fragmenterad bransch, vilket i det här fallet inte är till dess fördel. Building information modeling (BIM) är ett verktyg som skulle kunna förbättra samarbetet mellan dessa aktörer och som har många andra fördelar kopplat till sig såsom tids- och kostnadsbesparing. Mängdavtagning i BIM är något som kan genomföras vid en låg mognadsgrad och anses vara en av de mest användbara arbetsmetoderna som BIM möjliggör. Trots de många fördelar som studier påvisat har många företag inom byggbranschen fortfarande inte fullt ut implementerat ett arbetssätt där BIM används vid mängdavtagning.Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka BIM-användningen hos aktörer i den svenska byggbranschen. Mer specifikt kommer detta examensarbete att granska medelstora entreprenörers arbetssätt med mängdavtagning. Eftersom mängdavtagning har visats vara kopplat till mer grundläggande BIM-användning kan denna faktor ses som en god indikator för utvecklingen av BIM inom företag. Medelstora entreprenadföretag har valts då dessa är en god representant för den stora massan av aktörer inom byggbranschen som både har kapaciteten och ekonomin att implementera BIM. Vidare syftar detta examensarbete också till att lokalisera svårigheterna vid användning av dessa digitala arbetssätt för mängdavtagning.Studien är utförd som en kvalitativ fallstudie där ByggDialog AB fått exemplifiera ett medelstort entreprenadföretag i byggbranschen. Medarbetare har i semistrukturerade intervjuer fått svara på frågor som berör studiens ämne.Resultatet i studien har visat att viljan att utveckla arbetssätt med BIM hos medelstora entreprenadföretag finns men att visioner och ambitioner begränsas av de omställningskostnader som en BIM-implementering skulle medföra. Att det inte finns någon efterfrågan eller krav från beställare är en annan faktor som spelar in i varför BIM inte används mer idag. Som en följd av att beställarna idag inte är beredda att finansiera en BIM-implementering så drivs inte utvecklingen vidare inom det studerade företaget.Vi har i denna fallstudie identifierat att det studerade medelstora entreprenadföretaget ej använder sig av BIM vid mängdavtagning. Detta beror inte på en ovilja hos entreprenörerna, utan för att det är svårt att argumentera för att en BIM-implementering skulle täcka de kostnader som det innebär. Denna studie indikerar därför att det på kort sikt inte lönar sig att implementera BIM då det innebär stora omställningskostnader för företagen.

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