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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Una Revolucion Ni mas ni Menos: The Role of the Enlightenment in the Supreme Juntas in Quito, 1765-1822

Brammer, Beau J. 23 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Context and design in the colonial district of Quito = Contexto y diseño en el area colonial de Quito

Kubeš, Miroslav January 1982 (has links)
Songs Everything passes yet all remains but we only pass by, pass by leaving paths, paths over the sea. I never sought glory, nor to leave my song in the memory of men; I love subtle worlds, weightless and graceful like bubbles of soap. Wanderer, your footprints are the only path; wanderer, there is no path, path is made as you walk. By wandering the path is made, and as you look back you will see the trail that you will never step on agam. Wanderer, there is no path only ripples in the sea . . from the poem "Cantares" by Antonio Machado Cantares Todo pasa y todo queda pero lo nuestro es pasar, pasar haciendo caminos, caminos sobre la mar. Nunca perseguí la gloria, ni dejar en la memoria de los hombres mi canción; yo amo los mundos sutiles, ingrávidos y gentiles como pompas de jabón. Caminante son tus huellas el camino y nada más; caminante, no hay camino se hace camino al andar. Al andar se hace camino y al volver la vista atrás se ve la senda que nunca se ha de volver a pisar. Caminante no hay camino sino estelas en el mar. .. del poema "Cantares" de Antonio Machado / Master of Architecture

Discurso y relaciones de poder en la primera mitad del siglo XX

Kingman Garcés, Eduardo 26 November 2003 (has links)
La tesis pretende explicar el tránsito de la ciudad señorial a la de la primera modernidad. Su contexto es Quito, a finales del siglo XIX e inicios del siglo XX. Si bien se trata de una investigación histórica, ha sido planteada desde problemas y preguntas del presente. La tesis muestra los factores económicos, sociales, culturales y urbanísticos que operaron durante ese tránsito, para luego pasar al estudio de algunos de los dispositivos de manejo de la población que entraron en juego en la época señalada, así como a las relaciones ambiguas entre los modernos dispositivos higienistas y de la planificación urbana y los del ornato y la policía. En la tesis se da una atención particular a los sistemas de administración de las poblaciones y los individuos en contextos urbanos y urbano-rurales. Para esto se pasa revista a distintos espacios que van desde los barrios de la ciudad hasta los hospicios y los hospitales.Las descripciones a Quito en el siglo XVIII y en la primera mitad del XIX, al mismo tiempo que dan cuenta del desarrollo de lazos patrimoniales basados en la diferenciación de ordenes jerárquicos, muestran una ciudad plebe izada en donde las formas culturales "que escapaban a las normas" estaban generalizadas y en la que "se habían mezclado" los estilos de vida. Este orden señorial, estamental y al mismo tiempo diverso, comenzó a modificarse en términos sociales y culturales, y en el caso específico de Quito, a finales del siglo XIX y las primeras décadas del siglo XX, en el contexto de un tipo de modernidad periférica (en Quito como en otras ciudades de los Andes se adoptó el espíritu moderno, pero las bases que sirvieron para ello no fueron siempre modernas). / The dissertation tries to explain the transition from the aristocratic city to the so-called the city of the first modernity. Its intertexture is Quito, at the ending of the XIX century and the beginning of the XX century. Although it's an historical investigation, it has been oriented from the perspective of the problems and answers of the present. The thesis shows the economic, social, cultural and urban factors that had operated during the transitional process. It reviews, also, some of the mechanisms of population's administration that came in play during the period in analysis, as well as the discourses and imaginaries that served as their basis. It treats about the mechanisms of poverty care that performed under the charity idea and its passing to a system of beneficence and public assistance. We analyze, also, the ambiguous relationships between the hygienist modern systems and urban planning, and the Ornament and police systems. The thesis pays particular attention to the administration's systems of the population and individuals in urban and urban-rural contexts. To cover this target we review different spaces that goes from city suburbs to hospitals and hospices.Quito's descriptions in XVIII century and the first half of XIX century, at the same time that provides us a report of the development of patrimonial links based on the differentiation of hierarchical orders, shows us a plebeian city in which the cultural forms "that breaks away with norms" were generalized and in which life styles "had been mixed". This aristocratic, "estamental" order, as well as diverse, began to be modified itself in social and cultural terms, specifically in the case of Quito, at the end of XIX century and the first decades of XX century, in the context of a type of peripheral modernity. In Quito as well as in other Andean cities were adopted a modern spirit, but its bases were not always modern.

Low-income mestiza and Black women's organizations and NGOs in Quito, Ecuador: a micro-level analysis of the impact of neoliberal policy

Stifter, Rachel Catherine 28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available / text

Ethnic lords of Quito in the age of the Incas the political economy of North-Andean chiefdoms /

Salomon, Frank Loewen. January 1978 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Cornell University, 1978. / Vita. Bibliography: p. 317-350.

Le mal-développement de l'Équateur : analyse des relations entre santé, éducation et environnement. : le cas de la ville Quito

Sarrade Cobos, Diana 07 December 2009 (has links)
Le mal-développement de l’Equateur et de sa capitale est un phénomène complexe qui peut être analysé selon des angles variés. La dimension socio-environnementale, rarement étudiée, vise à remettre en question les études purement économiques en apportant une perspective différente. Cette thèse suit cette approche et repose sur l’analyse de trois facteurs du développement : la santé, l’éducation et l’environnement. Par ailleurs, afin d’appréhender la problématique équatorienne, il est important de revenir sur l’histoire économique et politique du pays. La recherche et l’analyse se concentrent sur la période 1948-2008. Ces années marquent l’intégration du concept de développement dans la gestion étatique par le Président Galo Plaza Lasso et l’entrée en vigueur de la dernière Constitution. L’approche pluridimensionnelle et pluridisciplinaire de l’Ecologie politique permet d’identifier les principales causes et conséquences du mal-développement du pays et de sa capitale, Quito. Après cinquante ans de politiques vouées à la croissance, l’Equateur connaît aujourd’hui une crise sociale, économique et environnementale qui témoigne de l’échec du modèle économique libéral. Fondée sur l’exploitation et l’exportation des ressources naturelles, l’économie équatorienne n’a pas participé à l’amélioration des conditions de vie de l’ensemble de la population mais à l’intégration du pays dans le commerce international. Ce choix a conduit au renforcement des inégalités sociales et à la détérioration des milieux. L’Etat, soumis aux intérêts de l’élite financière et dépendant de l’économie mondiale, ne s’est jamais engagé dans un processus de redistribution des richesses. L’étude des conditions sanitaires, éducationnelles et environnementales de la société équatorienne ont confirmé son mal-développement. Malgré l’existence d’un appareil légal qui garantit aux citoyens le droit à la santé, à l’éducation et à un environnement sain, les politiques instaurées n’ont pas permis d’assurer à toute la population de bonnes conditions de vie. Dans le processus de développement de l’Equateur et de Quito, ce ne sont pas les lois et les politiques qui font défaut mais les mécanismes d’application. Dans les domaines de la santé, de l’éducation et de l’environnement, les pouvoirs publics agissent le plus souvent en fonction des dispositions internationales. La problématique urbaine, étudiée à travers le cas de Quito, montre les enjeux de la gestion locale. Bien que la ville connaisse d’importantes difficultés pour offrir à ces citoyens une situation de bien-être, les autorités municipales semblent davantage déterminées à poser les bases d’un meilleur développement. Les réflexions menées autour du pouvoir local ouvrent une voie nouvelle pour l’analyse du développement. / The poor-development of Ecuador and its capital is a complex phenomenon that could be analyzed under diverse angles. The socio-environmental dimension, rarely studied, aims to question the “limited” economic studies by providing a different perspective. This thesis follows the mentioned approach and it is based on the analysis of three factors for development: health, education and environment. Furthermore, in order to understand the Ecuadorian issue, it is important to go back to the economic and political history of the country. The research and the analysis focus on the period from 1948 to 2008. These years establish the incorporation of the concept of development in the Governmental Administration by the President Galo Plaza Lasso and by the endorsement of the last Constitution. The multidimensional and multidisciplinary approach of Political Ecology, allows identifying the main causes and outcomes of the poor-development of the country and its capital, Quito. After fifty years of policies that tore down the growth, Ecuador is experiencing at the moment a social, economic and environmental crisis that exhibits the failure of the liberal economic model. Based on the exploitation and exports of its natural resources, the Ecuadorian economy has not contributed to improve the life conditions of its entire population, but it contributed to integrate the country into the international trade market. This choice has led to the strengthening of social inequalities and to the deterioration of the milieu. The government, subdued by the interests of the financial elites and reliant of the global economy, never engaged in a process of wealth redistribution. The study of the Ecuadorian society in terms of health conditions, education and environment has confirmed its poor-development. Despite the existence of a legal system that guarantees citizens’ right to healthcare, education and a well being, the policies brought in to place didn’t allow to ensure proper living conditions for the entire population. There are not the laws or policies that have failed during the Ecuadorian developmental process, but the mechanisms to enforce them. In health, education and environmental matters, the public authorities, more often than not, act in accordance to the international pronouncements. The urban issue, studied throughout the case of Quito, shows the problematic of the local administration. Although the city shows significant difficulties to provide a situation of welfare to its citizens, local authorities seem to be more determined to build the foundations of an enhanced development. The thoughts carried out around the local power open a new path to the analysis of development.

Séneca en los Andes. Neoestoicismo y crítica social en Quito a fines del siglo XVII

Ponce Leiva, Pilar 12 April 2018 (has links)
This article analyzes the influence of neo-stoicism in the works of Francisco Rodríguez Fernández, who was one of the most outstanding readers of Seneca in Quito toward the end of the seventeenth century. The article highlights how he used this line of thought as an ethical and political instrument to combatcorruption and injustices in Quito’s society, and to contribute to the regeneration of the Spanish monarchy and its American possessions.

Slavery and the context of ethnogenesis: African, Afro-Creoles, and the realities of bondage in the Kingdom of Quito, 1600-1800

Bryant, Sherwin Keith 06 January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Planeamiento estratégico para el distrito metropolitano de Quito

Baño Narváez, Verónica Paulina, Esteves Castillo, Jimmy, Mera Shugulí, Kléver Alejandro, Zúñiga Villanueva, Fernando Uriel 13 September 2018 (has links)
El presente Plan Estratégico del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito (DM Quito) ha sido desarrollado en base a la metodología de D´Alessio (2015) y pretende lograr que para el 2028 el DM Quito se ubique entre las primeras diez ciudades de América Latina para hacer negocios y turismo de manera que llegue a cumplir este propósito impulsado por el crecimiento de la producción de bienes y servicios, optimización de recursos, emprendimiento, creación de centros de enseñanza técnica, mejora del sistema de atención y cobertura de salud, inversión extranjera, explotación del sector turístico, cuidado del medio ambiente, y protección del patrimonio cultural. Los aspectos mencionados entregarán al DM Quito fuentes de ingresos y posicionamiento de marca que aporten hacia la competitividad, lo cual contribuirá a la mejora de las condiciones y calidad de vida de los ciudadanos, nacionales y extranjeros dentro de un marco de respeto al ambiente, de forma que se promueva el emprendimiento y la sostenibilidad. En la actualidad el DM Quito, desde un punto de vista externo, enfrenta amenazas como un Gobierno Nacional sin una política clara de desarrollo, dependencia del precio del petróleo, migración, incremento del riesgo país y la apreciación del dólar; no obstante, también se visualizan importantes oportunidades tales como su ubicación geográfica, concentra a la mayoría de empresas multinacionales, Gobierno Nacional con apertura al diálogo, reducción de las tasas de crédito, economía dolarizada y en crecimiento, incentivo al emprendimiento en la industria del turismo y potencial de convertirse en un clúster tecnológico. Desde un punto de vista interno el DM Quito muestra debilidades como alto índice de mortalidad materna infantil, poder de marca, capital de innovación, dependencia de proveedores externos y dinamismo económico. Sin embargo, muestra también interesantes fortalezas entre las cuales están las atracciones turísticas, cede de instituciones educativas, cooperación internacional, desarrollo tecnológico y eliminación de barreras arancelarias. En base a este análisis se han definido cinco objetivos de largo plazo, siete estrategias, dieciocho objetivos a corto plazo y siete políticas de gestión. El organismo encargado de la ejecución del plan es el Municipio del DM Quito. Representa una enorme responsabilidad que requiere compromiso de gestión estratégica, gestionar los recursos necesarios, evaluar el plan de manera periódica, actualizar y motivar al recurso humano para finalmente alcanzar la visión planteada. / The Strategic Plan of the Metropolitan District of Quito (DM Quito) has been developed based on the methodology of D'Alessio (2015) and aims to achieve that by 2028 the DM Quito will be among the first ten cities in Latin America to do business and tourism, which will be reached by driving the growth of the production of goods and services, optimizing the resources, developing entrepreneurship, creating technical education centers, improving the health care and coverage system, promoting foreign investment, exploiting tourism, caring for the environment, and protecting the cultural heritage. The aspects mentioned will offer DM Quito with sources of income and brand positioning that contribute towards competitiveness, which will contribute to the improvement of the conditions and quality of life of citizens, national and foreign, within a framework of respect for the environment, promoting entrepreneurship and sustainability. Currently, the DM Quito, from an external point of view, faces threats such as a National Government without a clear development policy, dependence on the price of oil, migration, increased country risk and the appreciation of the dollar, but also there are important opportunities like the geographic location, concentration of multinational companies, National Government with openness to dialogue, reduction of credit rates, dollarized and growing economy, incentive to entrepreneurship in the tourism industry and potential to become a technological cluster. On the other hand, the DM Quito shows weaknesses for instance, high infant mortality rate, brand power, innovation capital, dependence on external suppliers and economic dynamism. However, it also shows interesting strengths for example, tourist attractions, transfer of educational institutions, international cooperation, technological development and elimination of tariff barriers. Based on this analysis, it has been defined five long-term objectives, seven strategies, eighteen short-term objectives and seven management policies. The organism responsible for the execution of the plan is the Municipality of DM Quito, a big responsibility that requires a commitment to strategic management, resources management, constant evaluation of the strategic plan, and update and motivate the human resources to finally reach the proposed vision.

Paleopathology of human remains from the Plaza San Marcos, Quito, Ecuador

Unknown Date (has links)
Skeletal remains provide an exceptional opportunity to document the biological adaptations that a population undergoes in response to environmental, political and economic changes (Perry, 2007). For over 35 years, bioarchaeological analyses have documented such changes indigenous Ecuadorians. In 2007, Victoria Dominguez excavated remains at the Plaza San Marcos in Quito, Ecuador. I analyzed these remains, documented evidence of pathologic conditions and trauma, and compared this native population to other indigenous populations and to European cohorts. My analyses revealed increased violence and pathologic conditions in the Plaza San Marcos population when compared to populations occupying Quito prior to colonization and during Spanish control. Indigenous remains also exhibited more pathologic conditions and trauma than European remains. Historic accounts of life in Quito describe increased violence and hardships for natives following emancipation from Spain. My analyses did not reveal increased interpersonal violence, but did demonstrate evidence of increased general pathologies following independence. / by Ronda R. Graves. / Thesis M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2009. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2009. Mode of access: World Wide Web.

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