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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Responsible Production of Materials in the light of Sustainable Development Goal 12: Development of a systemic assessment scheme for an environmentally responsible material production cycle – Case study aluminium

Feiel, Susanne 02 February 2022 (has links)
Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, systematisch Möglichkeiten zur gezielten und qualitativen Entkopplung von Umweltauswirkungen im Rahmen der Verantwortungsaussage des SDG 12 in Bezug auf einzelne Stoffströme zu identifizieren. Zu diesem Zweck wurde ein Schema zur Bewertung der Verantwortung erstellt, das sich auf die Systemgrenzen der Umwelt und die systemischen Produktionsströme einzelner Materialien konzentriert. Einzelne generische Prozesseinheiten wurden identifiziert und Umweltindikatoren, die Planetary Boundaries, ausgewählt. Das entwickelte Schema wurde dann in einer Fallstudie mit dem Beispielmaterial Aluminium auf seine Funktionalität getestet, indem das Material mit den Umweltindikatoren in jeder Prozesseinheit seiner spezifischen Produktionsroute kalibriert wurde. Dabei zeigte sich, dass die entwickelte Bewertung in der Tat eine systematische Identifizierung des Entkopplungsraums innerhalb eines Materialflusses ermöglicht und somit als funktional und übertragbar auf andere Materialflüsse und andere Dimensionen wie die soziale oder wirtschaftliche sowie die Verbrauchsdimension angesehen werden kann.:1 Introduction 2 Context of the Thesis 3 Sustainable Development Theories - The Road to Sustainable Industrial Development 4 Objectives and Structure of the Thesis 5 Development of a Responsibility Assessment Scheme 7 Aluminium as Key Material in our Society 8 The Aluminium Production System 9 Assessment Instructions 10 Case study – Aluminium Life Cycle and Planetary Boundary Matrix Calibration 11 Evaluation, Discussion of Results and Conclusion 12 Bibliography / This thesis aimed to systematically identify opportunities for targeted and qualitative environmental impact decoupling within the responsibility proposition of SDG 12 in relation to single material flows. To do this a responsibility assessment scheme was created that focused on the system boundaries environment and systemic production flows of single materials. Individual generic unit processes were identified and environmental indicators, the Planetary Boundaries, were chosen. The scheme designed was then tested in a case study for its functionality with the example material Aluminium, through calibrating the material with the environmental indicators in each unit process of its specific production route. This showed that the assessment designed indeed allowed for systematic identification of decoupling space within a material flow and can thus be considered as functional and transferrable to other material flows and other dimensions like the social or economic, as well as the consumption dimension.:1 Introduction 2 Context of the Thesis 3 Sustainable Development Theories - The Road to Sustainable Industrial Development 4 Objectives and Structure of the Thesis 5 Development of a Responsibility Assessment Scheme 7 Aluminium as Key Material in our Society 8 The Aluminium Production System 9 Assessment Instructions 10 Case study – Aluminium Life Cycle and Planetary Boundary Matrix Calibration 11 Evaluation, Discussion of Results and Conclusion 12 Bibliography

Die Zukunft der Mongolei im Zeichen sinkender Rohstoffpreise

Thießen, Friedrich, Maurer, Thomas 05 November 2015 (has links)
Mongolia is a country whose Gross Domestic Income relies heavily on raw material prices. The recent downturn in important commodity prices like copper or coal affect national income, taxes and the social welfare system. Mongolia should try to diversify its industries further to become less dependent on commodity business cycles. Mongolia should also try to lower the rate of corruption, which in many countries is highly correlated with mining businesses. Modern high tech companies and business technologies are corruption averse. Relationships based on corruption are short-lived and instable. This is what those companies do not like. A country like Mongolia that strives towards high wealth and less dependence on commodities should try to get rid of corruption.

Mongolia’s Future and Declining Raw Material Prices

Thießen, Friedrich, Maurer, Thomas January 2015 (has links)
Mongolia is a country whose Gross Domestic Income relies heavily on raw material prices. The recent downturn in important commodity prices like copper or coal affect national income, taxes and the social welfare system. Mongolia should try to diversify its industries further to become less dependent on commodity business cycles. Mongolia should also try to lower the rate of corruption, which in many countries is highly correlated with mining businesses. Modern high tech companies and business technologies are corruption averse. Relationships based on corruption are short-lived and instable. This is what those companies do not like. A country like Mongolia that strives towards high wealth and less dependence on commodities should try to get rid of corruption.

Ekonomické aspekty environmentálního užití stavebních materiálů na bázi sekundárních surovin. / Economic aspects of environmental use of building materials based on secondary raw materials.

Ťažký, Tomáš Unknown Date (has links)
The disses thesis is focused on usage of secondary raw materials from the electric power industry, specifically fly ash as a component for the building industry, concentrated on concrete. Two main streams are covered, environmental and economical. Reasons, which led to focus on the selected subject are coming mainly from the scarcity and availability of high-quality mineral resources, environmental pressure for usage of industry byproduct, reducing emissions and economical pressure to reduce production cost, especially raw materials. The main purpose of the work was to verify the possibility of increasing the usability of fly ash as a mineral additive in the technology of concrete production with materials retrieved from coal fired power plants and applying mechanical activation of fly ash. The main goal of the experimental part of work was to demonstrate improvement of fresh and hardened concrete properties as a main condition to support economic efficiency of mechanical activated fly ash. Base on previous facts the methodology was covering two main areas, the experimental and the assessment. Relatively large sets of tests were performed, using a wide range of tested high temperature fly ash and fluidized bed combustion fly ash granulometrically treated, by mixing and grinding. Results of the testing confirmed focused parameters for concrete and mortar mechanical properties, total economical efficiency of the targeted solution and the subject of the dissertation. In the experiment section has been retrieved valuable findings contributing to the overall knowledge of the faculty, also for the practical application. The results of the tests confirmed the achievement of the planned target parameters, both in terms of physical and mechanical properties of experienced mortars and concretes, as well as the overall economic efficiency of the proposed design and the topic of the disses thesis. Within the experimental work, valuable professional knowledge and benefits w

Causal latent space-based models for scientific learning in Industry 4.0

Borràs Ferrís, Joan 30 October 2023 (has links)
[ES] La presente tesis doctoral está dedicada a estudiar, desarrollar y aplicar metodologías basadas en datos, fundamentadas en modelos estadísticos multivariantes de variables latentes, para abordar el paradigma del aprendizaje científico en el entorno de la Industria 4.0. Se pone especial énfasis en los modelos causales basados en variables latentes que utilizan tanto datos provenientes de un diseño de experimentos como, principalmente, datos provenientes del proceso de producción diario, es decir, datos históricos. La tesis está estructurada en cinco partes. La primera parte discute el paradigma del aprendizaje científico en el entorno de la Industria 4.0. Se destacan los objetivos de la tesis. Además, se presenta una descripción exhaustiva de los modelos basados en variables latentes, sobre los cuales se fundamentan las metodologías novedosas propuestas en esta tesis. En la segunda parte, se presentan las novedosas aportaciones metodológicas. En primer lugar, se muestra el potencial de PLS para analizar datos del DOE, con o sin datos faltantes. Posteriormente, el potencial de los modelos causales basados en variables latentes se centra en definir el espacio de diseño de la materia prima que proporciona garantía de calidad con un cierto nivel de confianza para los atributos críticos de calidad, junto con el desarrollo de un nuevo índice de capacidad multivariante basado en el espacio latente para clasificar y seleccionar proveedores para una materia prima particular utilizada en un proceso de fabricación. La tercera parte pretende abordar aplicaciones novedosas mediante modelos causales basados en variables latentes utilizando datos históricos. En primer lugar, se trata de su aplicación en el ámbito sanitario: la Pandemia COVID-19. En este contexto, se utiliza el uso de modelos basados en variables latentes para desarrollar una alternativa a los ensayos clínicos controlados con placebo. Luego, se utilizan modelos basados en variables latentes para optimizar procesos en el marco de aplicaciones industriales. La cuarta parte presenta una interfaz gráfica de usuario desarrollada en código Python que integra los métodos desarrollados con el objetivo de ser autoexplicativa y fácil de usar. Finalmente, la última parte discute la relevancia de esta disertación, incluyendo propuestas que merecen mayor investigación. / [CA] Aquesta tesi doctoral està dedicada a estudiar, desenvolupar i aplicar metodologies basades en dades, fonamentades en models estadístics multivariants de variables latents, per abordar el paradigma de l'aprenentatge científic a l'entorn de la Indústria 4.0. Es posa un èmfasi especial en els models causals basats en variables latents que utilitzen tant; dades provinents d'un disseny d'experiments com, principalment, dades provinents del procés de producció diari, és a dir, dades històriques. La tesi està estructurada en cinc parts. A la primera part es discuteix el paradigma de l'aprenentatge científic a l'entorn de la Indústria 4.0. Es destaquen els objectius de la tesi. A més, es presenta una descripció exhaustiva dels models basats en variables latents, sobre els quals es fonamenten les noves metodologies proposades en aquesta tesi. A la segona part, es presenten les noves aportacions metodològiques. En primer lloc, es mostra el potencial de PLS per analitzar dades del DOE, amb dades faltants o sense aquestes. Posteriorment, el potencial dels models causals basats en variables latents se centra a definir l'espai de disseny de la matèria prima que proporciona garantia de qualitat amb un cert nivell de confiança per als atributs crítics de qualitat, juntament amb el desenvolupament d'un nou índex de capacitat multivariant basat en l'espai latent per a classificar i seleccionar proveïdors per a una primera matèria particular utilitzada en un procés de fabricació. La tercera part pretén abordar aplicacions noves mitjançant models causals basats en variables latents utilitzant dades històrques. En primer lloc, es tracta de la seva aplicació a l'àmbit sanitari: la Pandèmia COVID-19. En aquest context, es fa servir l'ús de models basats en variables latents per desenvolupar una alternativa als assaigs clínics controlats amb placebo. Després s'utilitzen models basats en variables latents per optimitzar processos en el marc d'aplicacions industrials. La quarta part presenta una interfície gràfica d'usuari desenvolupada en codi Python que integra els mètodes desenvolupats amb l'objectiu de ser autoexplicativa i fàcil d'usar. Finalment, l'última part discuteix la rellevància d'aquesta dissertació, incloent-hi propostes que mereixen més investigació. / [EN] The present Ph.D. thesis is devoted to studying, developing, and applying data-driven methodologies, based on multivariate statistical models of latent variables, to address the scientific learning paradigm in the Industry 4.0 environment. Particular emphasis is placed on causal latent variable-based models using both data coming from a planned design of experiments and, mainly, data coming from the daily production process, namely happenstance data. The dissertation is structured in five parts. The first part discusses the scientific learning paradigm in the Industry 4.0 environment. The objectives of the thesis are highlighted. In addition to that, a comprehensive description of latent variable-based models is presented, on which the novel methodologies proposed in this thesis are founded. In the second part, the novel methodological contributions are presented. Firstly, the potential of PLS to analyze data from DOE, with or without missing runs is illustrated. Then, the potential of causal latent variable-based models is concentrated on defining the raw material design space providing assurance of quality with a certain confidence level for the critical to quality attributes, jointly with the development of a novel latent space-based multivariate capability index to rank and select suppliers for a particular raw material used in a manufacturing process. The third part aims to address novel applications by means of causal latent variable-based models using happenstance data. First, it concerns a health application: the Pandemic COVID-19. In this context, the use of latent variable-based models is applied to develop an alternative to placebo-controlled clinical trials. Then, latent variable-based models are used to optimize processes within the framework of industrial applications. The fourth part introduces a graphical user interface developed in Python code that integrates the developed methods with the aim of being self-explanatory and user-friendly. Finally, the last part discusses the relevance of this dissertation, including proposals that deserve further research. / Borràs Ferrís, J. (2023). Causal latent space-based models for scientific learning in Industry 4.0 [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/198993

Analýza organizace výroby ve vybraném podniku se zaměřením na možnosti uplatňování procesního řízení / Analyse of factory management in selected company, analyse is focused on possibilities of procedural control

VÁCLAVÍKOVÁ, Eva January 2008 (has links)
My graduations theses is focused on a problem of production management in selected plant and on exercise of process under control . At the beginning there is an explanation of a competition and its ifluence on business strategy. Next I described logistical processes and a competition among them. For describing the company{\crq}s situation I used economic and productive counts: changes of quantity and price of products in year 2006 compared with year 2005. Next description was company´s organization structure together with a reliability of officers. Then I used SWOT analyse for pointing at weaknesses of company, that the company have to make less important by its strengths and at the same time to be prepared for opportunities and threats sequent upon a competition. My graduation theses contains a description of main companys´ processes since order processing to supplying and raw material suppliers at the end. Real choice and rating of supplier is described in the model situation. Next I was concerned with a production, its organizations, scheduling and production control. Last but not least I was concerned with a stocking and expedition. A distribution is last logistic process in organization. I described Czech and foreign logistic processes too. In fine I assessed economic situations, main company{\crq}s processes and present managerial structures.

I. Tagung des Deutsch-Chilenischen Forums für Bergbau und mineralische Rohstoffe - Zusammenfassung

13 March 2018 (has links) (PDF)
In der Zusammenfassung der Tagung werden die behandelten Themen sowie wichtige Sprecher kurz vorgestellt. Themen sind Innovation im Bergbau, Nachhaltigkeit im Bergbau (New Climate Economy), Aufarbeitung von Halden und Tailings und Industrie 4.0 im chilenischen Bergbau sowie technologische Neuerungen. Wesentliche Kooperationsprojekte werden genannt. Das Deutsch-Chilenische Rohstoffforum wurde durch das „Kompetenzzentrum Bergbau und Rohstoffe“ der Deutsch-Chilenischen Industrie- und Handelskammer inhaltlich vorbereitet. / In the summary the topics of the meeting and important speakers are listed and shortly presented. Topics are the efficency of resources, environmental aspects, secondary mining and human resources in the mining industry of Chile. Technological innovations of the mining industry are also in the focus of the meeting. Some projects for cooperation are introduced. The German-Chilean Raw Materials Forum was organized by the „Kompetenzzentrum Bergbau und Rohstoffe“ of the Deutsch-Chilenische Industrie- und Handelskammer.

II. Tagung des Deutsch-Chilenischen Forums für Bergbau und mineralische Rohstoffe - Zusammenfassung

13 March 2018 (has links) (PDF)
In der Zusammenfassung der Tagung werden die behandelten Themen sowie wichtige Sprecher kurz vorgestellt. Themen sind Innovation im Bergbau, Nachhaltigkeit im Bergbau (New Climate Economy), Aufarbeitung von Halden und Tailings und Industrie 4.0 im chilenischen Bergbau sowie technologische Neuerungen. Wesentliche Kooperationsprojekte werden genannt. Das Deutsch-Chilenische Rohstoffforum wurde durch das „Kompetenzzentrum Bergbau und Rohstoffe“ der Deutsch-Chilenischen Industrie- und Handelskammer inhaltlich vorbereitet. / In the summary the topics of the meeting and important speakers are listed and shortly presented. Topics are the efficency of resources, environmental aspects, secondary mining and human resources in the mining industry of Chile. Technological innovations of the mining industry are also in the focus of the meeting. Some projects for cooperation are introduced. The German-Chilean Raw Materials Forum was organized by the „Kompetenzzentrum Bergbau und Rohstoffe“ of the Deutsch-Chilenische Industrie- und Handelskammer.

III. Tagung des Deutsch-Chilenischen Forums für Bergbau und mineralische Rohstoffe - Zusammenfassung

13 March 2018 (has links) (PDF)
In der Zusammenfassung der Tagung werden die behandelten Themen sowie wichtige Sprecher kurz vorgestellt. Themen sind Innovation im Bergbau, Nachhaltigkeit im Bergbau (New Climate Economy), Aufarbeitung von Halden und Tailings und Industrie 4.0 im chilenischen Bergbau sowie technologische Neuerungen. Wesentliche Kooperationsprojekte werden genannt. Das Deutsch-Chilenische Rohstoffforum wurde durch das „Kompetenzzentrum Bergbau und Rohstoffe“ der Deutsch-Chilenischen Industrie- und Handelskammer inhaltlich vorbereitet. / In the summary the topics of the meeting and important speakers are listed and shortly presented. Topics are the efficency of resources, environmental aspects, secondary mining and human resources in the mining industry of Chile. Technological innovations of the mining industry are also in the focus of the meeting. Some projects for cooperation are introduced. The German-Chilean Raw Materials Forum was organized by the „Kompetenzzentrum Bergbau und Rohstoffe“ of the Deutsch-Chilenische Industrie- und Handelskammer.

IV. Tagung des Deutsch-Chilenischen Forums für Bergbau und mineralische Rohstoffe - Zusammenfassung

13 March 2018 (has links) (PDF)
In der Zusammenfassung der Tagung werden die behandelten Themen sowie wichtige Sprecher kurz vorgestellt. Themen sind Innovation im Bergbau, Nachhaltigkeit im Bergbau (New Climate Economy), Aufarbeitung von Halden und Tailings und Industrie 4.0 im chilenischen Bergbau sowie technologische Neuerungen. Wesentliche Kooperationsprojekte werden genannt. Das Deutsch-Chilenische Rohstoffforum wurde durch das „Kompetenzzentrum Bergbau und Rohstoffe“ der Deutsch-Chilenischen Industrie- und Handelskammer inhaltlich vorbereitet. / In the summary the topics of the meeting and important speakers are listed and shortly presented. Topics are the efficency of resources, environmental aspects, secondary mining and human resources in the mining industry of Chile. Technological innovations of the mining industry are also in the focus of the meeting. Some projects for cooperation are introduced. The German-Chilean Raw Materials Forum was organized by the „Kompetenzzentrum Bergbau und Rohstoffe“ of the Deutsch-Chilenische Industrie- und Handelskammer.

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