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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A refuncionalização do espaço urbano na cidade criativa: reflexões a partir do 4º Distrito em Porto Alegre – RS

Contassot, Pedro Toscan Pittelkow January 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objeto de estudo a refuncionalização do espaço urbano através dos princípios que compõem a cidade criativa, tomando como ponto de partida o 4º Distrito de Porto Alegre – RS. O surgimento de grupos ligados à economia criativa, à economia do conhecimento e à economia da experiência promove uma transformação das funções urbanas, dialogando com a preservação das formas urbanas e do patrimônio histórico cultural. O 4º Distrito, região subutilizada na zona periférica do centro da cidade desde o processo de desconcentração industrial, é escolhido por esses profissionais em função dos baixos valores de troca do solo. A área ressurge como espaço central nas discussões sobre planejamento urbano a partir da possibilidade de retomada do seu crescimento econômico. Nesse âmbito, a pesquisa tem como objetivo compreender a ocorrência do processo de substituição de funções ligadas à indústria pela economia criativa, identificar qual a percepção dos grupos locais acerca da região e analisar como opera o planejamento estratégico nesse contexto Através de estudos relacionados à refuncionalização de áreas degradadas após a transição para a economia pós-fordista, e de entrevistas com empreendedores da economia criativa e moradores do 4º Distrito, se buscou compreender o caso da região como um fragmento de uma ordem mais ampla de revalorização do solo urbano nas áreas centrais. Com a ampliação de setores da economia ligados à informação e à cultura, considerados produtos centrais na primeira fase do Século XXI, promove-se a valorização de um fragmento histórico esquecido da cidade de Porto Alegre. A pesquisa aponta o pioneirismo da cidade criativa em um momento inicial do processo de refuncionalização da região. Posteriormente a essa dinâmica, o planejamento estratégico e as parcerias público-privadas se apresentam como caminhos para a revalorização do solo urbano. / This research's object of study is the re-functionalization of the urban space through the principles that make up the creative city, taking as a starting point the 4th District of Porto Alegre - RS. The emergence of groups linked to creative economy, knowledge economy and experience economy promotes a transformation of the urban functions, dialoguing with the preservation of urban forms and cultural-historical heritage. The 4th District, underutilized region in the peripheral zone of the city center since the process of industrial deconcentration, is chosen by these professionals due to the low soil exchange values. The area reappears as a central space in the discussions about urban planning based on the possibility of resuming its economic growth. In this scope, the research aims to understand the occurrence of the process of substitution of functions linked to the industry by creative economy, to identify the perception of local groups about the region and to analyze how the strategic planning operates in this context. Through studies related to the re-functionalization of degraded areas after the transition to post-Fordist economy, and through interviews with entrepreneurs of the creative economy and residents of the 4th District, an attempt was made to understand this case as a fragment of a broader revaluation order of urban land in central areas. With the expansion of sectors of the economy linked to information and culture, considered to be central products in the first phase of the XXI Century, it is promoted the valuation of a forgotten historical fragment of the city of Porto Alegre. The research points to the pioneering of the creative city in an initial moment of the process of re-functionalization of the region. Subsequent to this dynamic, strategic planning and public-private partnerships are presented as ways to revalue urban land.

Estéticas audiovisuais na redemocratização Argentina : símbolos entre publicidade e cinema na obra de Eliseo Subiela

Duvoisin, Aline Almeida January 2018 (has links)
Nesta dissertação, estudamos o encantamento das estéticas audiovisuais cinematográficas e publicitárias de Eliseo Subiela a fim de averiguar a ideia de realidade que elas ajudam a construir. Buscamos entender as propostas estéticas cinematográficas que se distanciaram dos realismos durante o período de redemocratização da Argentina, partindo do pressuposto de que esse distanciamento é resultado de uma aproximação entre os campos cinematográfico e publicitário. Consideramos inicialmente os conceitos de desencantamento e reencantamento do mundo para entender as diferenças de encantamento entre esses dois campos comunicacionais, recorrendo a Max Weber, Antônio Flávio Pierucci, Wolfgang Schluchter, Jürgen Habermas, David Morgan, Jesus Martín-Barbero, Alkis Kontos e Rudy Albino de Assunção. O contato com estudiosos do imaginário – como Gilbert Durand, Mircea Eliade e Carl Gustav Jung – veio para dissipar o antagonismo que permeava os dois conceitos sociológicos. A partir disso, adotamos o imaginário como heurística e optamos pelo uso do termo encantamento, entendendo que os seres humanos entram em contato com o mundo sempre através de imagens e que são incapazes de se desvencilhar da magia. Desenvolvemos uma reflexão sobre valores e tendências simbólicas que permeiam as imagens técnicas e os campos cinematográfico e publicitário. Para isso, mobilizamos teóricos das imagens – como Vilém Flusser, Jacques Aumont, Arlindo Machado, Hans Belting e Régis Debray; pesquisadores da publicidade geral e argentina – como Jean Baudrillard, Malena Contrera, Raúl Eguizábal e Orlando Aprile; e estudiosos do cinema geral e argentino – como Jacques Aumont, Edgar Morin, Claudio España, Ricardo Manetti, Alberto Ciria e José Luis Visconti. Inspiramo-nos na mitocrítica durandiana para elaborar um método de interpretação específico para o caso estudado. Interpretamos simbolicamente redundâncias percebidas num corpus de 30 comerciais e seis filmes de Subiela. Percebemos que a cinematografia subieliana mostra abertura ao universo simbólico, revelando aspectos da realidade concreta que fizeram emergir certos símbolos. Os comerciais desse realizador argentino, embora em muitos casos apresentem tendências simbólicas semelhantes a dos filmes, se mostram mais fechados ao imaginário, ocultando a origem dos símbolos e decepando sua multivalência. Aventamos que o retorno à realidade mítica através da cinematografia de Subiela pode se relacionar com a necessidade de encontrar um sentido depois do horror vivenciado durante os anos que antecederam a redemocratização. / In this dissertation, we study the enchantment of Eliseo Subiela‟s cinematographic and advertising audiovisual aesthetics in order to ascertain the idea of reality that they collaborate to build. We intend to understand cinematographic aesthetics proposals that move away from realisms in the period of re-democratization of Argentina, assuming that this distance was result of an approximation between cinematographic and advertising fields. We initially considered the concepts of disenchantment and re-enchantment of the world in order to understand enchantment differences between these communicational fields, resorting to Max Weber, Antônio Flávio Pierucci, Wolfgang Schluchter, Jürgen Habermas, David Morgan, Jesus Martín-Barbero, Alkis Kontos and Rudy Albino de Assunção. The contact with scholars of imaginary – such as Gilbert Durand, Mircea Eliade and Carl Gustav Jung – came to dispel the antagonism that permeated the two sociological concepts. From this, we adopt the imaginary as heuristic and we choose to use the term enchantment, understanding that humans always come into contact with the world through images and they are unable to get rid of magic. We develop a reflection on values and symbolic tendencies that permeate technical images and cinematographic and advertising fields. For this, we mobilized image theorists – such as Vilém Flusser, Jacques Aumont, Arlindo Machado, Hans Belting and Régis Debray; researchers of general and Argentine advertising – such as Jean Baudrillard, Malena Contrera, Raúl Eguizábal and Orlando Aprile; and scholars of general and Argentine cinema – such as Jacques Aumont, Edgar Morin, Claudio España, Ricardo Manetti, Alberto Ciria and José Luis Visconti. We draw inspiration from Durand's mythocritique to elaborate a method of interpretation specific to the case studied. We interpret symbolically perceived redundancies in a corpus of 30 commercials and six films directed by Subiela. We realize that Subiela‟s cinematography shows openness to symbolic universe, revealing aspects of concrete reality that have given rise to certain symbols. The commercials of this Argentine director, although in many cases they have similar symbolic tendencies to those of films, they are more closed to the imaginary, hiding the origin of symbols and cutting of its multivalence. We point out that return to mythic reality through Subiela's cinematography can be related to the need to find meaning after the horror experienced during the years leading up to re-democratization.

Diffraction d'ondes de cisaillement en acoustique picoseconde et mesure de leur coécient de réflexion à une interface : modélisation et expériences / Diffraction of picosecond shear waves and measurement of their reflection coeffcient at a single interface : modeling and experiments

Viel, Alexis 15 June 2017 (has links)
L'optoacoustique picoseconde est une technique qui permet de sonder la matière à l'échelle submicronique. L'objectif de ce travail est la synthèse d'ondes de cisaillement de fréquences GHz dans des couches minces isotropes pour l'analyse des propriétés transverses de la matière. C'est grâce à la diffraction du champ acoustique à l'intérieur du transducteur que ces ondes de cisaillement sont synthétisées. Nous exposons dans une première partie le développement des outils théoriques nécessaires à l'analyse de la répartition spatiale du champ acoustique généré lors de l'interaction laser-matière. Les diagrammes de directivité ainsi établis permettent de prévoir les directions de rayonnement privilégiées. Par une méthode de post traitement adaptée,nous synthétisons ensuite des ondes transverses dans ces directions particulières. Lorsque le transducteur est chargé par un milieu dont on cherche à connaître les propriétés transverses, les ondes de cisaillement synthétisées sont réfléchies à l'interface entre le transducteur et ce milieu. L'analyse du coefficient de réflexion permet alors de déterminer les propriétés mécaniques du milieu à sonder. Nous illustrons cette méthode numériquement et expérimentalement dans le cas d'une interface titane/glycérol. / Picosecond optoacoustics is a technique that can probe properties of matter on a submicronscale. The aim of this work is to synthesize shear waves at GHz frequencies in a thin isotropiclayer in order to analyse its shear properties. Transverse waves are synthesized using diffraction.In the first part we develop theoretical tools in order to analyse the spatial repartition of theacoustic field generated by the laser-matter interaction. Directivity patterns predict the particulardirections for which amplitude of the shear waves is higher. Thus, we synthesized shearwaves in these particular directions using a dedicated post processing method. To investigateshear properties of a film lying on the sample, we study the reection of shear waves betweenthe transducer and the lying film. Starting with either simulated or experimental recordedwaveforms, we demonstrate the method in the specific case of the titanium/glycerol interface.

Speciální pomůcky pro žáky postižené specifickou poruchou učení na 1. stupni základní školy. / Special aids for young learners afflicted with specific disorder of learning in elementary schools.

MEDOVÁ, Michaela January 2007 (has links)
The theoretical part of the thesis describes problems of diagnoses of specific disorders of learning, especially dyslexia, dysgraphia and dysortographia. It establishes the notions, describes the manifestations, etiology and diagnostics of learning disorders. Afterwards, the re-education of dyslexia is described in more detail. The practical section contains learning aids for students who suffer from specific disorders of learning in the subject of Czech langueage in grade 5, term 1. This regards the use of working lists and flash cards designed for use with the given age group. Also included are systematic instructions with which, through the use of these aids, characterizes and offers their use during teaching.

Práce s dyskalkulikem / Remedial approaches to students with discalculia

MATĚJKOVÁ, Daniela January 2011 (has links)
Thesis: "Remedial approaches to students with discalculia" defines the term of specific learning disability, individual specific learning disabilities with an emphasis on discalculia (mathematics disorder). It gives a brief overview of the methods, forms, aids (tools), individual re-education practices and affects the possibilities to integrate these students into current elementary school. The practical part deals with the integration of dyscalculia students into the teaching process and to identify forms, methods and aids (tools) that are provided by the teacher. It consists of three casuistries and questionnaire results

A retextualização em inglês/língua estrangeira em contexto acadêmico na perspectiva da linguística sistêmico-funcional

Santos, Sulany Silveira dos January 2016 (has links)
Esta tese investiga, sob a perspectiva da Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional (HALLIDAY e MATTHIESSEN, 2004,2014), os processos de retextualização empregados por estudantes de inglês como língua estrangeira na produção de textos em contextos acadêmicos. O conceito retextualização (MARCUSCHI, 2001) constitui-se na produção de um novo texto a partir de um ou mais texto(s)-fonte e trata-se de prática comum em contextos acadêmicos. Tem-se como objetivo verificar as operações de retextualização relacionadas às metafunções da linguagem – ideacional, interpessoal e textual - e como essas se materializam nos respectivos sistemas léxico-gramaticais e no gênero específico no qual se enquadram. O corpus constituise de retextualizações produzidas a partir de diferentes texto(s)-fonte. Os resultados indicam que as estratégias de retextualização estão intimamente relacionadas ao conhecimento da função que etapas e fases dos gêneros desempenham na construção de significados. Procurase contribuir para as práticas de escrita em ILE em contextos acadêmicos, oferecendo uma abordagem sistêmico-funcional dos processos de retextualização envolvidos no desenvolvimento dessa habilidade. / This study investigates, under the perspective of Systemic Functional Linguistics (HALLIDAY and MATTHIESSEN, 2004, 2014), the retextualization processes learners of English as a Foreign Language use when writing texts in academic contexts. Retextualization (MARCUSCHI, 2001) is understood as the production of a new text based on one or more source-texts and is a recurrent practice in academic contexts. The study investigated the processes of retextualization related to the metafunctions of language –ideational, experiential and textual- and their realization in the respective lexicogrammar structures as well as in the specific genre to which they are related. The corpus comprises retextualizations produced from different source-texts. The results indicate that the retextualization strategies are intimately connected to the knowledge of the function the stages and phases of the genres play in the construction of meaning. The purpose of the study is to contribute to writing practices of English as a Foreign Language in academic contexts, putting forward a systemic-functional approach to the retextualization processes involved in the development of writing skills.

Um sistema baseado em agentes para re-anotação de genomas / An agent-based system for re-annotation of genomes

Nascimento, Leonardo Vianna do January 2005 (has links)
A análise da informação contida em seqüências genéticas tem ganho cada vez mais importância nos dias atuais. A chamada anotação genética tem o objetivo de, a partir de uma ou mais seqüências, determinar suas características estruturais e funcionais. Muitos processos de anotação já foram realizados com êxito aumentando consideravelmente nosso conhecimento acerca do mecanismo genético de diversos organismos. A re-anotação genética é um processo que visa revisar o resultado da anotação, em virtude da disponibilidade de novas informações. Neste trabalho foi desenvolvido um sistema de re-anotação automática, onde tarefas de análise repetitivas podem ser automatizadas e os dados na anotação re-analisados periodicamente, a fim de que possíveis modificações possam ser detectadas. O sistema é baseado na tecnologia de agentes. Cada agente é responsável pela execução de diferentes ferramentas de bioinformática. Ao final do processo, os resultados individuais são combinados a fim de atingir o objetivo da análise. O sistema demonstrou eficácia na análise realizada em organismos procariontes durante a fase de validação. Ambientes de re-anotação como este são ferramentas interessantes a serem futuramente integradas a sistemas de anotação existentes. / The analysis of the information present in genetic sequences is gaining more importance nowadays. The genetic annotation aims to determine structural and functional characteristics of the sequences. Many annotation processes have already been carried out, improving our knowledge about the genetic mechanism of several organisms. The genetic re-annotation is a process that aims to review the annotation results when new information is available. This work presents an automatic re-annotation system where repetitive analysis tasks can be automated and annotation data are periodically re-analysed in order to detect possible differences. The system is based on the agent technology and each agent must execute different bioinformatics tools and merge its results in order to reach the analysis goals. The system proved to be efficient on the analysis carried out in procariotic organisms in the validation process, becoming an interesting tool to be integrated in annotation systems in the future.

Transferts radiatifs dans les écoulements hypersoniques de rentrée atmosphérique terrestre / Radiative transfers in earth atmospheric re-entry's hypersonic flows

Lamet, Jean-Michel 21 September 2009 (has links)
Le dimensionnement des protections thermiques des véhicules spatiaux nécessite la connaissance des flux de chaleur à la surface de l'engin. Pour le type de rentrée atmosphérique étudié dans ces travaux (rentrée terrestre à 10-12 km/s ou plus), le rayonnement contribue de manière significative à l'échauffement pariétal. Nous présentons dans cette étude, le développement et la mise en œuvre de modèles et d'outils numériques permettant de prédire les transferts radiatifs dans les couches de choc de rentrée terrestre hors d'équilibre en géométrie multi-dimensionnelle. Nous avons d'abord formulé dans une approche raie par raie l'expression des propriétés radiatives relatives à des plasmas de N2-O2 hors d'équilibre. Cette formulation est adaptée à une modélisation multi-température et/ou une modélisation par niveau électronique du déséquilibre thermique. Les expressions obtenues ont été mises en œuvre sur le cas d'épreuve FIRE II afin de déterminer les luminances au point d'arrêt pour quatre points de trajectoire. Les résultats montrent un bon accord global avec les données en vol dans les différents intervalles de mesure allant de l'IR à l'UV, hormis pour le point de rentrée le plus hors d'équilibre. Les calculs montrent également que la partie VUV du spectre contribue de manière très importante à la luminance à la paroi et que la prise en compte du déséquilibre chimique est primordiale. Un modèle approché de propriétés radiatives a ensuite été développé sur la base d'un modèle statistique à bandes étroites (MSBE) pour les systèmes électroniques moléculaires optiquement non minces (dans notre application), d'un modèle à coefficients d'émission et d'absorption moyennés par bande étroite pour les systèmes électroniques optiquement minces et les continua, et d'une approche raie par raie pour les transitions lié-lié atomiques. La mise en œuvre de cette modélisation hybride a nécessité une formulation adaptée de l'ETR pour tenir compte du déséquilibre et des corrélations spectrales. Des validations systématiques du MSBE, contribution par contribution, ont été réalisées. Le modèle hybride a ensuite été validé sur le cas d'épreuve FIRE II par rapport à des calculs raie par raie. Le modèle hybride a été implémenté dans le solveur radiatif ASTRE, code basé sur une approche de Monte Carlo. L'implémentation a été validée par rapport à une méthode de lancer de rayons sur une con_figuration plans tangents. Des calculs 3D de rayonnement ont ensuite été réalisés sur le cas d'épreuve FIRE II. Les résultats montrent des écarts de l'ordre de 10-15 % sur les flux au point d'arrêt par rapport aux résultats obtenus dans l'approximation des plans tangents habituellement utilisée dans la littérature. Les outils développés permettent d'obtenir des résultats relativement bien convergés (5 %) en géométrie tri-dimensionnelle (100000 cellules) en un temps CPU raisonnable permettant d'envisager des calculs couplés à terme. / Thermal protection design of spacecraft requires the knowledge of heat fluxes at the vehicle surface. For the kind of atmospheric entry considered in this work (earth reentry at 10-12 km/s or more), radiation significantly contributes to the surface heating. We present in this study, the development and the use of models and numerical tools to predict radiative transfers in the shock layers encountered in earth re-entry in nonequilibrium conditions and multi-dimensionnal geometry. First of all, we have formulated, in a line by line approach, the expressions of radiative properties of N2-O2 plasmas in nonequilibrium conditions. This formulation is suitable for a multi-temperature and/or a electronic state to state description of the thermal nonequilibrium. It has been used to simulate the test case FIRE II in order to determine radiative intensity at the stagnation point for four trajectory points. Results show a good agreement with flight data for different spectral measurement ranges form IR to UV, except for the trajectory point in strong nonequilibrium conditions. Calculations show moreover that VUV spectral range contributes significantly to the intensity at the wall and that taking into account chemical nonequilibrium is crucial. An approximate model of radiative properties has been developed on the basis of a statistical narrow band (SNB) model for optically thick (in our application) electronic molecular systems, of a box model for optically thin electronic molecular systems and continua, and of a line by line approach for atomic lines. The use of the hybrid model has required a suitable RTE formulation to take into account nonequilibrium and spectral correlations. Systematic validations of the SNB model for each contribution have been carried out. The hybrid model has then been validated on the test case FIRE II against line by line calculations. The hybrid model has been implemented in the ASTRE radiative solver, which is based on a Monte Carlo approach. The implementation has been validated in comparison with a ray tracing method on a tangent slab configuration. 3D radiative calculations have been then carried out on the test case FIRE II. Results show discrepancy of 10-15 % on the fluxes at the stagnation point with results obtained in the tangent slab approximation which is usually used in the litterature. The developed tools allow to obtain relatively well converged (5 %) results in tri-dimensional geometry (100000 cells) with a reasonable CPU time enabling to consider coupled calculations in futur works.

Makespan Minimization in Re-entrant Permutation Flow Shops

Hinze, Richard 09 April 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Re-entrant permutation flow shop problems occur in practical applications such as wafer manufacturing, paint shops, mold and die processes and textile industry. A re-entrant material flow means that the production jobs need to visit at least one working station multiple times. A comprehensive review gives an overview of the literature on re-entrant scheduling. The influence of missing operations received just little attention so far and splitting the jobs into sublots was not examined in re-entrant permutation flow shops before. The computational complexity of makespan minimization in re-entrant permutation flow shop problems requires heuristic solution approaches for large problem sizes. The problem provides promising structural properties for the application of a variable neighborhood search because of the repeated processing of jobs on several machines. Furthermore the different characteristics of lot streaming and their impact on the makespan of a schedule are examined in this thesis and the heuristic solution methods are adjusted to manage the problem’s extension.

Limitação de mandato e oportunismo fiscal: evidências para a conta restos a pagar dos municípios brasileiros / Term limits and fiscal opportunism: evidence for unpaid spending obligations account of Brazilian municipalities

Rodrigo Borges de Almeida 03 June 2016 (has links)
A literatura empírica de ciclos políticos orçamentários pouco aborda a influência da limitação de mandato na existência do oportunismo fiscal por parte do ocupante do poder executivo nas finanças dos vários entes da federação. Nesse sentido, à luz da Nova Economia Política, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar o impacto dos diferentes incentivos enfrentados no Brasil por prefeitos em primeiro mandato - aqueles que são elegíveis para a reeleição - e em segundo mandato - aqueles que não podem candidatar-se à reeleição - na gestão fiscal dos municípios. Para além da avaliação de todo o mandato eletivo, também foi analisado o impacto da diferenciação dos dois tipos de incumbentes na inscrição de valores em restos a pagar nos anos eleitorais. Os resultados obtidos via painel clássico sugerem uma efetiva diferenciação entre prefeitos em primeiro e segundo mandato em anos não eleitorais, com prefeitos em primeiro mandato inscrevendo maiores valores em restos a pagar processados e total em relação aos prefeitos de segundo mandato. Ademais, seguindo a legislação de responsabilidade fiscal brasileira, prefeitos em segundo mandato reduziram a inscrição de valores nessas rubricas em ano eleitoral, embora prefeitos em primeiro mandato tenham aumentado a inscrição de valores em restos a pagar não processados. / The empirical literature on political budget cycles has not studied all the influences of term limitations in the existence of fiscal opportunism by politicians in the various levels of government. In this sense, regarding the Political Economy, the objective of this research was to investigate the impact of different incentives faced by first-term mayors in Brazil - those who are eligible for re-election - and second-term mayors - those who cannot apply for re-election - in the fiscal management at the local level. Beyond the assessment of the entire mandate, it was also evaluated the impact of differentiation of the two types of incumbents in the management of the unpaid spending obligations in election years. Results obtained via classic panel suggest an effective differentiation between first and second-term mayors in non-election years, as first-term mayors exhibit higher unpaind recognized spending obligations and total unpaid spending obligations values in comparison to second-term mayors. Moreover, following the Brazilian fiscal responsability law, second-term mayors reduced values in these items in election year, although first-term mayors had higher values on average for unpaid and unrecognized spending obligations.

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