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Fosforavskiljning i reaktiva filter vid småskalig avloppsrening / Reactive Filter Materials for Removal of Phosphorus in Small Scale Wastewater Treatment PlantsStark, Therese January 2004 (has links)
<p>An excessive input of nutrients to lakes and other water bodies has created a problem with eutrophication in Sweden. Untreated, or partially treated, domestic sewage is a major source for discharge of phosphorus (P), which is the nutrient most frequently responsible for eutrophication of most fresh waters and the Baltic Sea. The waste water can be cleaned by filter materials, which have a high P-retention ability and which after saturation may be used as fertilizers. Four potentially suitable filter materials were tested in batch- and column experiments in this study. In the batch experiments, the following materials were shaken with waste water in time series ranging from 5 seconds to 60 minutes: coarse (1-4 mm) and fine (0-2 mm) Polonite® (heated bedrock from Poland); Filtralite® (light expanded clay aggregates with limestone added before burning); water cooled blast furnace slag (BF-slag) and BF-slag mixed with 10% burned limestone. In the column experiment, the phosphorus sorption capacity in BF-slag and BF-slag mixed with burned limestone was observed under saturated and unsaturated flow conditions for 10 weeks. The waste water used in both experiments originated from the full scale testing site at Ångersjön in Sweden. After the column experiment was ended, the filter materials were investigated with XRD (X-ray diffraction) and SEM (scanning electron microscope) in order to figure out which chemical reactions that had taken place.</p><p>The results from the batch experiments show that fine Polonite® and BF-slag mixed with limestone have the fastest P sorption capacity. Already after 5 seconds of shaking the materials showed effective retention of P. The coarse Polonite®, Filtralite® and BF-slag showed similar sorption capacities, although the coarse Polonite® tended to be somewhat inferior. The column studies showed that the materials used in the columns had a sorption capacity of 98 % or more. The XRD and SEM indicated that an amorphous calcium-P-compound was created in the filter material.</p> / <p>I Sverige är reningen av fosfor i vatten från enskilda avlopp ofta bristfällig, vilket bland annat kan leda till övergödning av sjöar, hav och vattendrag. Sedan några år tillbaka har olika filtermaterial med speciella reaktiva egenskaper, som bland annat avskiljer fosfor från avloppsvatten, undersökts. Tanken med filtermaterialen är att de efter mättnad med näringsämnen ska kunnas användas som jordförbättringsmedel. I denna rapport har några olika filtermaterial, lämpade för fosforavskiljning, undersökts genom skak- och kolonnförsök. I skakförsök, där skaktiderna varierade mellan 5 sekunder och 60 minuter, testades Polonite®, Filtralite®, Hyttsand och Hyttsand blandad med 10 % bränd kalk. Polonite® är en upphettad form av bergarten opoka varav två olika kornstorleksfraktioner (0-2 mm och 1-4 mm) användes. Filtralite® och Hyttsand är antropogena filtermaterial. Filtralite® tillverkas i Norge och består av kalkhaltiga kulor av expanderad lera (Leca®). Hyttsand framställs genom vattenkylning av masugnsslagg som bildas vid framställningen av råjärn vid stålverket i Oxelösund. I kolonnförsöken, som utfördes under 10 veckor, studerades Hyttsand och Hyttsand blandad med 10 % bränd kalk under omättade och mättade flödesförhållanden. I samtliga experiment användes avloppsvatten från reningsverket vid Ångersjön, där Filtralite® och Hyttsand testas i fullskala. Efter kolonnförsöken avslutats undersöktes filtermaterialen med XRD (röntgendiffraktion) och SEM (svepelektron mikroskop) för att utreda vilka mekanismer som medverkat vid avskiljningen av fosfor.</p><p>Resultaten från skakförsöken visade att finkornig Polonite® och Hyttsand blandad med kalk avskiljer fosfor effektivt redan efter skakning i 5 sekunder. Grovkornig Polonite, ren Hyttsand och Filtralite® sorberade fosfor tämligen likartat, även om den grovkorniga Poloniten® tenderade att vara aningen sämre än de övriga. Resultaten från kolonnförsöken visade att fosfor kunde avskiljas till över 98 % i alla kolonner och att det bildats amorfa fosfatföreningar, främst med kalcium, under den 2,5 månader långa experimentperioden.</p>
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The Role of Arsenite in the Induction of C-Reactive Protein and Aberrant Insulin SignalingDruwe, Ingrid Leal January 2012 (has links)
Metabolic syndrome affects approximately 25% of the US population and increases risk for the development of cardiovascular disease, as well as, and Type 2 diabetes. Inorganic arsenite exposure has been associated with cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes. The mechanisms by which arsenic increases these health risks has not been fully elucidated. In this report we show two pathways by which arsenite may contribute to metabolic syndrome. First through induction of C-Reactive Protein (CRP) and secondly through inhibition of insulin stimulated glucose uptake. CRP is a clinical marker for metabolic syndrome and a predictive clinical marker for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Treatment of HepG2 cells with arsenite resulted in elevated CRP production and secretion. In addition, treatment of FvB mice with 100 ppb sodium arsenite via drinking water for six months starting at weaning age resulted in dramatically higher levels of CRP in both the liver and inner medullary region of the kidney. Further, mouse Inner Medullary Collecting Duct cells (mIMCD-3), a mouse kidney cell line, were stimulated with CRP, which resulted in activation of NFkappaB. Pretreatment with Y27632, a Rho kinase inhibitor, prior to CRP stimulation attenuated NFkappaB activation. Additionally, L6 myocytes, an insulin responsive cell line, exposed to arsenite for 4 or 7 days showed decreased insulin-stimulated glucose uptake but no decrease in AKT activation. In addition, we found that ERK activity decreased, while p38 MAPK activity increased, in response to prolonged arsenite treatment. These data support the epidemiological evidence that chronic exposure to low physiologically relevant levels of arsenite can contribute to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. These data provide a novel pathway by which arsenic can contribute to metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.
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Smoking Cessation : Treatment Intensity and Outcome in Randomized Clinical TrialsNohlert, Eva January 2013 (has links)
The primary aim was to compare the effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions of different intensities in a clinical dental and a telephone setting in Sweden. Methods: A total of 300 smokers were randomized to High or Low Intensity Treatment (HIT or LIT) at the Public Dental Service, County Council of Västmanland. Effectiveness (abstinence rate) was measured after 1yr (paper I) and 5-8yrs (paper III). A cost-effectiveness analysis was conducted, based on intervention costs, number of abstinent participants after 1yr, and a Markov modelling of future costs and health (in QALYs) consequences (paper II). In paper IV, 586 callers to the Swedish National Tobacco Quitline (SNTQ) were randomized to high-intensity proactive or low-intensity reactive service, and effectiveness was measured after 1 yr. Effectiveness measures were self-reported point prevalence, 6-month continuous abstinence, and sustained abstinence. Results: Absolute quit rates were 7% higher with HIT than with LIT on all measures and increased by 8% from 1yr to 5-8yrs. Point prevalence was 23% vs. 16% (p=.11) after 1yr and 31% vs. 24% (p=.16) after 5-8yrs. Six-month continuous abstinence was 18% vs. 9% (p =.02) after 1yr and 26% vs.19% (p=.18) after 5-8yrs. Sustained abstinence was 12% vs. 5% (p =.03) after 5-8yrs. Nicotine dependence was a strong predictor for abstinence at 1yr and achieved abstinence at 1yr was a strong predictor for abstinence at long-term follow-up. The cost-effectiveness analysis showed that both HIT and LIT were cost-effective, and LIT was even cost-saving compared with doing nothing. HIT was more costly and more effective than LIT, and the cost of each extra QALY gained by HIT was 100,000SEK, which is considered very cost-effective in Sweden. Proactice and reactive services were equally effective at the SNTQ. Point prevalence was 27% and 6-month continuous abstinence was 21% after 1yr. Being smoke-free at baseline was the strongest predictor for abstinence at 1yr. Conclusion: Support at high as well as low intensity in a clinical dental setting in Sweden and at the SNTQ was effective in achieving smoking cessation. Both high- and low-intensity interventions were very cost-effective in a clinical dental setting.
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Logopedų išgyvenamo nerimo priklausomybė nuo teikiamos pagalbos pobūdžio / Dependence of Anxiety Experienced by Speech Therapist on The Type of Assistance RenderedKrištopaitytė, Justė 02 September 2010 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe analizuojama logopedų išgyvenamo nerimo priklausomybė nuo teikiamos pagalbos pobūdžio. Lyginami logopedai, dirbantys ikimokyklinėse ugdymo įstaigose, mokyklose, bei sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose. Suformuluota hipotezė, kad skirtingose įstaigose dirbantys logopedai išgyvena skirtingą nerimą.
Tyrime dalyvavo 103 logopedai iš įvairių Lietuvos miestų, apskričių ir rajonų.
Anketinės apklausos metodu, naudojantis Spielberger, Chanin savęs vertinimo, nerimastingumo diagnostikos skalėmis, tirtas logopedų išgyvenamo reaktyvaus ir asmeninio nerimo lygis, prašant nurodyti savo savijautą esamuoju momentu ir savijautą, vyraujančią dažniausiai. Skirtingo nerimo išgyvenimui nustatyti buvo lyginami logopedų, dirbančių ikimokyklinėse įstaigose, mokyklose bei sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose, atsakymai. Analizuojant tyrimo duomenis, ieškota logopedų išgyvenamo nerimo ypatumų tarpusavio ryšio, atsižvelgiant į teikiamos pagalbos pobūdį.
Tyrimu nustatyta, kad dauguma logopedų išgyvena žemą reaktyvaus nerimo lygį. Tuo tarpu asmeninio nerimo dažniausiai patiriamas vidutinis ir aukštas lygmuo. Specialistai, turintys aukštesnę kvalifikacinę kategoriją (metodininko, eksperto) linkę išgyventi vidutinį asmeninio nerimo lygį, tuo tarpu mažiau profesinės patirties turintieji – aukštą.
Visi logopedai išgyvena žemą reaktyvaus nerimo lygį, nepriklausomai nuo įstaigos, kurioje dirba. Tačiau specialistai, dirbantys ikimokyklinėse įstaigose, patiria aukštą asmeninio nerimo lygį. Jie... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The present Bachelor Thesis analyses dependence of anxiety experienced by speech therapists on the type of rendered aid. Speech therapists employed by pre-school education establishments, schools as well as heath care establishments are being compared. We have formulated a hypothesis that speech therapists employed by different establishments experience different levels of anxiety.
103 speech therapists from different towns, districts and regions of Lithuania have participated in the research.
The level of reactive and personal anxiety has been analysed within application of questionnaire method, by using Spielberger’s, Chanin’s self assessment, anxiety diagnostics scales, asking them to indicate their feelings at the current moment and the feelings prevailing most often. In order to determine different anxiety experienced by speech therapists employed by pre-school education establishments, schools as well as heath care establishments, their responses are compared. Taking into account research data, inter-relation between peculiarities of anxiety experienced by speech therapists has been searched considering the type of rendered aid.
On the basis of the research it has been determined that most of speech therapists experience a low level of reactive anxiety. Meanwhile the experienced personal anxiety usually ranks to medium or high level. Specialists with a higher qualification category (supervisor, expert) tend to experience a medium level of anxiety, meanwhile the... [to full text]
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Studies of α-synuclein Oligomers-with Relevance to Lewy Body DisordersFagerqvist, Therese January 2013 (has links)
The protein alpha-synuclein (α-synuclein) accumulates in the brain in disorders such as Parkinson’s disease (PD) and dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB). It is believed that the monomeric form of α-synuclein can adopt a partially folded structure and start to aggregate and form intermediately sized oligomers or protofibrils. The aggregation process can continue with the formation of insoluble fibrils, which are deposited as Lewy bodies. The oligomers/protofibrils have been shown to be toxic to neurons and are therefore believed to be involved in the pathogenesis of the actual diseases. The overall aims of this thesis were to investigate the properties of α-synuclein oligomers and to generate and characterize antibodies against these species. In addition, the potential for immunotherapy of the α-synuclein oligomer-selective antibodies were evaluated in a transgenic mouse model with α-synuclein pathology. Stable, β-sheet rich α-synuclein oligomers were induced by incubation with either one of the reactive aldehydes 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (HNE) and 4-oxo-2-nonenal (ONE). The oligomers exhibited distinct morphological properties, although both types were toxic when added to a neuroblastoma cell line. The seeding effects of ONE-induced oligomers were studied in vitro and in vivo. The oligomers induced seeding of monomeric α-synuclein in a fibrillization assay but not in a cell model or when injected intracerebrally in transgenic mice. It seemed, however, as if the oligomers affected α-synuclein turnover in the cell model. By immunizing mice with HNE-induced oligomers antibody producing hybridomas were generated. Three monoclonal antibodies were found to have strong selectivity for α-synuclein oligomers. These antibodies recognized Lewy body pathology in brains from patients with PD and DLB as well as inclusions in the brain from young α-synuclein transgenic mice, but did not bind to other amyloidogenic proteins. Finally, immunotherapy with one of the oligomer/protofibril selective antibodies resulted in lower levels of such α-synuclein species in the spinal cord of α-synuclein transgenic mice. To conclude, this thesis has focused on characterizing properties of α-synuclein oligomers. In particular, antibodies selectively targeting such neurotoxic forms were generated and evaluated for passive immunization in a transgenic mouse model. Such immunotherapy may represent a future treatment strategy against Lewy body disorders.
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Roles of LESIONS SIMULATING DISEASE1 and Salicylic Acid in Acclimation of Plants to Environmental Cues : Redox Homeostasis and physiological processes underlying plants responses to biotic and abiotic challengesMateo, Alfonso January 2005 (has links)
In the natural environment plants are confronted to a multitude of biotic and abiotic stress factors that must be perceived, transduced, integrated and signaled in order to achieve a successful acclimation that will secure survival and reproduction. Plants have to deal with excess excitation energy (EEE) when the amount of absorbed light energy is exceeding that needed for photosynthetic CO2 assimilation. EEE results in ROS formation and can be enhanced in low light intensities by changes in other environmental factors. The lesions simulating disease resistance (lsd1) mutant of Arabidopsis spontaneously initiates spreading lesions paralleled by ROS production in long day photoperiod and after application of salicylic acid (SA) and SA-analogues that trigger systemic acquired resistance (SAR). Moreover, the mutant fails to limit the boundaries of hypersensitive cell death (HR) after avirulent pathogen infection giving rise to the runaway cell death (rcd) phenotype. This ROS-dependent phenotype pointed towards a putative involvement of the ROS produced during photosynthesis in the initiation and spreading of the lesions. We report here that the rcd has a ROS-concentration dependent phenotype and that the light-triggered rcd is depending on the redox-state of the PQ pool in the chloroplast. Moreover, the lower stomatal conductance and catalase activity in the mutant suggested LSD1 was required for optimal gas exchange and ROS scavenging during EEE. Through this regulation, LSD1 can influence the effectiveness of photorespiration in dissipating EEE. Moreover, low and high SA levels are strictly correlated to lower and higher foliar H2O2 content, respectively. This implies an essential role of SA in regulating the redox homeostasis of the cell and suggests that SA could trigger rcd in lsd1 by inducing H2O2 production. LSD1 has been postulated to be a negative regulator of cell death acting as a ROS rheostat. Above a certain threshold, the pro-death pathway would operate leading to PCD. Our data suggest that LSD1 may be subjected to a turnover, enhanced in an oxidizing milieu and slowed down in a reducing environment that could reflect this ROS rheostat property. Finally, the two protein disulphide isomerase boxes (CGHC) present in the protein and the down regulation of the NADPH thioredoxin reductase (NTR) in the mutant connect the rcd to a putative impairment in the reduction of the cytosolic thioredoxin system. We propose that LSD1 suppresses the cell death processes through its control of the oxidation-reduction state of the TRX pool. An integrated model considers the role of LSD1 in both light acclimatory processes and in restricting pathogen-induced cell death.
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In Reaction to an Ideological Other: Why Secessionism in Scotland is Left WingSotiriu, Sabrina Elena 21 August 2012 (has links)
Secessionist movements have been found historically on both sides of the political spectrum, and sometimes have tried to remain apolitical completely, but because of the rise of partisan politics, secessionism has inevitably become politicized. Variations in Western European secessionism can be noticed, and as such, explanations put forward may be deemed insufficient, or incomplete. In my thesis I tested the hypothesis that secessionism varied on the political spectrum because it has been consolidated against ideological Others (in Scotland against Thatcher’s Conservatives between 1974 and 1990). I tested this methodologically through process tracing and theoretically by looking at the consolidation of the Scottish National Party through reactive nationalism. Specifically I analyzed the nationalist discourse used to justify ideological positioning in the 1970s and 1980s in propaganda materials and archival documents, and if and how this ideological choice was reflected or interpreted in newspapers (for opinions on how this consolidation was perceived by the electorate).
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Body composition, physical activity and C-reactive protein in children : the PLAY study / Berna HarmseHarmse, Berna January 2006 (has links)
Obesity is currently the most common and costly nutritional problem in
developed countries and ten percent of the world's school-aged children are
estimated to be overweight to some extent. Low-grade systemic inflammation
is increasingly emerging as a significant component of the metabolic
syndrome. Youth in lower income families are particularly vulnerable because
of poor diet and limited opportunities for physical activity. In developing
countries obesity among youth is rising among the urban poor, possibly due to
their exposure to Westernised diets coinciding with a history of under-nutrition.
The aim of this study was to assess the association between serum CRP and
physical activity and to assess the association between serum CRP and body
composition in black high-school children from a township in the North West
Province (NWP), South Africa.
Methods and results: The study group consisted of 193 school children
between the ages 13 to 18 years (78 boys and 115 girls) residing in lkageng,
the township outside of Potchefstroom in the North West Province, South
Africa. Children were from a black ethnic group, living in a poor socioeconomic
setting. Demographic and body composition measurements were
taken and fasting blood samples were drawn for serum C-reactive protein
(CRP) measurements. The difference between serum CRP of overfat versus
girls with a normal fat percentage was non-significant (p = 0.46). Boys with
body fat percentage >20% (n=16) had .a mean serum CRP of 1.42 2.16
mg/L and for boys with a normal fat percentage (n=53) mean serum CRP was
0.89 k 1.62 mg/L. The Mann-Whitney U-test for the difference between mean
CRP of the two groups of boys was Z=1.39, p=0.16 (no significant
difference), but with a trend of higher serum CRP concentration in the boys
with higher % body fat. For the boys, the only positive partial correlation was
between serum CRP and triceps skinfold (r=0.327, p=0.045). In the girls'
group no statistically significant partial correlations were found between CRP
and body composition variables. There was no significant difference between
serum CRP concentrations of the three physical activity categories of girls.
Interestingly, there was an inverse correlation between percentage body fat and fitness in the boys' group (r=-0.509 and p= 0.008). The difference in log
CRP between activity groups showed a trend of lower serum CRP with higher
physical activity in the girls.
Conclusion: This study showed no statistically significant associations
between serum CRP and body composition, except for the positive correlation
between triceps skin fold and serum CRP in boys, or CRP and physical
activity, but clear trends were noted of an inverse association between CRP
and physical activity in the girls. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Nutrition))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007
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An investigation of the performance and stability of zinc oxide thin-film transistors and the role of high-k dielectricsKhan, Ngwashi Divine January 2010 (has links)
Transparent oxide semiconducting films have continued to receive considerable attention, from a fundamental and application-based point of view, primarily because of their useful fundamental properties. Of particular interest is zinc oxide (ZnO), an n-type semiconductor that exhibits excellent optical, electrical, catalytic and gas-sensing properties, and has many applications in various fields. In this work, thin film transistor (TFT) arrays based on ZnO have been prepared by reactive radio frequency (RF) magnetron sputtering. Prior to the TFT fabrication, ZnO layers were sputtered on to glass and silicon substrates, and the deposition parameters optimised for electrical resistivities suitable for TFT applications. The sputtering process was carried out at room temperature with no intentional heating. The aim of this work is to prepare ZnO thin films with stable semiconducting electrical properties to be used as the active channel in TFTs; and to understand the role of intrinsic point defects in device performance and stability. The effect of oxygen (O2) adsorption on TFT device characteristics is also investigated. The structural quality of the material (defect type and concentration), electrical and optical properties (transmission/absorption) of semiconductor materials are usually closely correlated. Using the Vienna ab-initio simulation package (VASP), it is predicted that O2 adsorption may influence film transport properties only within a few atomic layers beneath the adsorption site. These findings were exploited to deposit thin films that are relatively stable in atmospheric ambient with improved TFT applications. TFTs incorporating the optimised layer were fabricated and demonstrated very impressive performance metrics, with effective channel mobilities as high as 30 cm2/V-1s-1, on-off current ratios of 107 and sub-threshold slopes of 0.9 – 3.2 V/dec. These were found to be dependent on film thickness (~15 – 60 nm) and the underlying dielectric (silicon dioxide (SiO2), gadolinium oxide (Gd2O3), yttrium oxide (Y2O3) and hafnium oxide (HfO2)). In this work, prior to sputtering the ZnO layer (using a ZnO target of 99.999 % purity), the sputtering chamber was evacuated to a base pressure ~4 x 10-6 Torr. Oxygen (O2) and argon (Ar) gas (with O2/Ar ratio of varying proportions) were then pumped into the chamber and the deposition process optimised by varying the RF power between 25 and 500 W and the O2/Ar ratio between 0.010 to 0.375. A two-level factorial design technique was implemented to test specific parameter combinations (i.e. RF power and O2/Ar ratio) and then statistical analysis was utilised to map out the responses. The ZnO films were sputtered on glass and silicon substrates for transparency and resistivity measurements, and TFT fabrication respectively. For TFT device fabrication, ZnO films were deposited onto thermally-grown silicon dioxide (SiO2) or a high-k dielectric layer (HfO2, Gd2O3 and Y2O3) deposited by a metal-organic chemical deposition (MOCVD) process. Also, by using ab initio simulation as implemented in the “Vienna ab initio simulation package (VASP)”, the role of oxygen adsorption on the electrical stability of ZnO thin film is also investigated. The results indicate that O2 adsorption on ZnO layers could modify both the electronic density of states in the vicinity of the Fermi level and the band gap of the film. This study is complemented by studying the effects of low temperature annealing in air on the properties of ZnO films. It is speculated that O2 adsorption/desorption at low temperatures (150 – 350 0C) induces variations in the electrical resistance, band gap and Urbach energy of the film, consistent with the trends predicted from DFT results.
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Adaptive control for active distribution networksSansawatt, Thipnatee Punim January 2012 (has links)
Rise of the global environmental awareness and climate change impacts caused by greenhouse gases emissions brings about a revolution in the power and energy industries to reduce fossil fuels and promote low-carbon and renewable distributed generation (DG). The new dimensions, mainly encouraged by the governments’ legislative targets and incentives, have allowed the development of DG worldwide. In the U.K., renewable DG especially wind is being connected on distribution networks and ranges widely in scales. Despite the growing number of potential DG sites, the surplus generation present on the passive networks can lead to some technical problems. In particular, rural networks where wind farms exist are prone to voltage rise and line thermal constraints. In order to accommodate new DG and ensure security of supply and network reliability, active management to mitigate these issues are required. In addition, the duties to provide cost-effective DG connections at avoided expensive investment incurred from conventional solutions, e.g., reinforcement and maintain robust network are a major challenge for Distribution Network Operators (DNOs). This thesis endeavours to develop an adaptive control scheme that provides local and real-time management against voltage variations and line capacity overload at the point of wind connections on rural distribution networks. Taking into account maximising power exports and providing an economically-viable control scheme, the wind turbine’s capability, comprising reactive power control and active power curtailment, is used. Whilst the thesis concentrates on the decentralised control applying several different algorithms, in addition, semi-coordinated and centralised approaches that adopt on-load tap changing transformers’ regulation and Optimal Power Flow tool are developed. Comparisons of these approaches based upon measures, i.e., economics, DG penetration and performance are determined. As an outcome, the developed scheme can enable growing integration of renewable DG on distribution networks and can be seen as an interim solution for the DNOs towards Smart Distribution Networks.
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