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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reciprocal Communication as a Form of Nonverbal Communication: A Qualitative Approach

Penrod, John Christian 08 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The current state of psychological research in nonverbal communication is briefly summarized and several problems are noted. Reciprocal communication (RC) is suggested, defined, and qualitatively investigated as a way of describing the experience of emotional compatibility in communication, with an emphasis on form, degree, and timing as fundamental aspects of nonverbal communication. Support for three different levels of emotional compatibility (fully, partially, and nonreciprocal) is found. Variation in the interpretation of nonverbal communication when communication is perceived as either intentional or unintentional is noted, and a system of categorizing reciprocal communication is suggested. Further patterns in nonverbal communication are observed, and terminology suggested.

The Reciprocal Relationship Between Group Therapeutic Relationships and Group Member Symptom Improvement: An Archival Analysis

Rands, Aileen Marie 14 April 2022 (has links)
Researchers and clinicians have long recognized that therapeutic relationships play a fundamental role in client symptom change during treatment. At the same time, it has been proposed that improvement in client symptoms is associated with improvement in therapeutic relationships. To date, very few studies have investigated this reciprocal relationship; even fewer have examined group therapeutic relationship factors. The present study is an archival analysis on Group Questionnaire (GQ) (i.e., positive bond, positive work, and negative relationship) and Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45) data that aims to analyze the reciprocal relationship between group therapeutic relationships and client symptom change. More specifically, this study replicates and expands upon pioneer studies in this area (i.e., Tasca & Lampard, 2012; Tasca et al., 2016b; Obeid et al., 2018). Various analyses were used to address the proposed research questions (i.e., bivariate cross-lagged panel model (CLPM), latent growth curve model with structured residuals (LGC-SR), latent change score model with change-to-change coupling (LCS-CC), and three-level multilevel models). Results indicate weak evidence of a reciprocal relationship between group therapeutic relationships and client symptom change. Further, results indicate that therapeutic relationship quality is more dominant in predicting client symptoms change compared to the reciprocal. Evidence of this was found for each subscale of the GQ as it assessed various aspects of group therapeutic relationships (i.e., positive bond, positive work, negative relationship). These results highlight the importance of group therapeutic relationships in explaining outcome.

The Effects Of Reciprocal Teaching Strategies On Students' Comprehension Of A Seventh Grade Life Science Text

Bess, Brooke 01 January 2007 (has links)
This action research study was conducted with 7th grade life science students at a public middle school in central Florida. The author used Reciprocal Teaching (RT) as described by Annemarie Palincsar and Anne Brown (1984) to examine changes in student comprehension when reading their life science textbook and changes in how the students used the predicting, questioning, and summarizing strategies. The RT strategies ask students to employ 4 strategies: predict what they will read, generate questions about what was read, clarify any ideas that were not understood in the reading, and summarize the main idea of the reading. Students were given a pre and post reading comprehension test, they completed reading response worksheets to record their predictions, questions, clarifications, and summaries. Students were explicitly taught the 4 strategies prior to using them and the strategies were reinforced through teacher modeling (using think aloud teaching to show students how to use the strategies) and expert scaffolding (giving students the support needed while using the strategies). The teacher-researcher also examined if the students showed change in their level of proficiency when using the strategies after they had been taught them. Analysis of data revealed that student comprehension did increase after being taught the four reading strategies. Data also showed that students became increasingly more proficient when using the strategies as the study progressed. Data analysis also uncovered the unexpected pattern of increased student participation during whole-class and reading group discussions. Further research is needed to examine the effects of teaching highly proficient students specific reading strategies and to see how the explicit instruction of reading strategies affects student participation and achievement during inquiry-based laboratory investigations.

Reciprocal Transplant and Machine Learning Study of Oak Mistletoe on Three Host Oak Species in Santa Margarita, California

Abelli-Amen, Ella 01 June 2021 (has links) (PDF)
At Santa Margarita Ranch, California, oak mistletoe (Phoradendron villosum) parasitizes valley oak and blue oak but cannot be found growing on coast live oak despite its abundance and ability to parasitize coast live oak in other areas. It seems as though this species of mistletoe is specializing on certain host oak trees, but the mechanisms of this specialization are unknown. In order to investigate this pattern, we utilized a type of machine learning in GIS called supervised classification as well as a reciprocal transplant study in the field. The three species of oak trees were classified with 87% accuracy using drone imagery and 95% accuracy using open source NAIP imagery. This classification technique could be applied to the whole state of California as long as ground truth points for each species were collected. This could be extremely useful for large scale forest management projects and ecological questions. Unfortunately, the classifier was unsuccessful at distinguishing mistletoe from host and so the number of mistletoe on each host could not be quantified using this technique. The reciprocal transplant study involved collecting mistletoe fruit from individuals growing on each of the three hosts and experimentally applying them back onto all three hosts. This allowed us to test whether there are host races of mistletoe that specialize at growing on certain hosts. We found that seeds from each host origin germinated equally well regardless of where they were dispersed, and seeds survived best on coast live oak, regardless of where they originated from. Based on these results, there must be some mechanism, other than host races, that explains the lack of mistletoe on coast live oaks at Santa Margarita Ranch. Future projects should investigate whether evidence for host races can be found at a later stage of seedling development and the roll of bird dispersers in creating the pattern.

Hur undervisar lärare i läsförståelse? : En studie om vilka strategier lärarna använder och tydliggör i sin läsförståelseundervisning.

Aronsson, Thea, Karmefors, Emelie, Pantzar, Erica January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med vårt examensarbete är att undersöka hur lärare undervisar i läsförståelse. Vi vill skapa oss en uppfattning om hur läsförståelsen utformar sig i årskurserna 1-3. Studiens frågeställningar är: “Vilka strategier använder lärare i sin undervisning i läsförståelse i årskurs 1-3?” och “Hur kan lärares undervisning förstås utifrån läsundervisningsmodeller?”. Först presenteras läsförståelse och lärarens undervisning i förhållande till styrdokument och hur läsundervisningen ser ut i skolan idag. Därefter redovisas tidigare forskning kring studiens område och efter detta presenteras de tre modellerna (SVR, RT och Snows modell) som ligger till grund för analysen av studiens empiri. Observationer genomfördes på 3 lärare och intervjuer genomfördes med nio lärare. Empirin sammanställdes och analyserades fram till ett analysschema och teman kunde sedan skapas. Med dessa teman gjordes sedan en analys och även en diskussion där empirin kopplas till tidigare forskning. Analysen visar att lärarna använder sig av en variation av läsförståelsemodellerna och en framträdande strategi är användningen av bildstöd. Resultatet av studien visar att lärarna lägger fokus på anpassningar, motivation och socialisering, dessa är nyckelfaktorerna till Snows modell. Detta möjliggör att eleverna lyckas med sin läsförståelse. Till slut framförs didaktiska implikationer med eventuellt nya fortsatta forskningsfrågor.

Soar to Success: An Instructional Inquiry on a Reading Comprehension Curriculum for Students with Significant Reading Deficits

Buhlman, Tina Bisaro January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Limitations of Functional Recovery of Stretch Reflex Circuitry After Peripheral Nerve Regeneration

Horstman, Gabrielle Marie 18 September 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Reciprocal peer tutoring effect on high frequency sight word learning, retention, and generalization of first- and second-grade urban elementary school students

Al-Hassan, Suha January 2003 (has links)
No description available.


eizadshenass, sogol 25 September 2014 (has links)
<p>Haldane’s rule states “when in the F1 offspring of two different animal races one sex is absent, rare, or sterile, that sex is the heterozygous sex”. Many studies regarding hybrid male sterility and in-viability have been done in order to better understand the process of speciation in males. Yet the study of speciation in hybrid females has been largely ignored. In our study we re-examined the extent of fertility in F1 reciprocal females of hybridization between <em>Drosophila simulans and D. mauritiana</em> species<em>.</em> Hybridization between these species produces fertile females and sterile males. Our goal was to address the following questions: 1. Are F1 hybrid females fully fertile? 2. Are there any maternal effects observed in reciprocal female hybrids? 3. Are there significant differences in ovariole numbers between the reciprocal hybrids? and 4. What is the state of the hybrid ovaries as a function of age? In order to answer these questions we looked at the level of oviposition and egg hatchability and the differences in ovariole numbers in pure species and F1 females. Our results indicated that the reciprocal hybrid females are not only fully fertile but they also showed heterosis. The heterosis observed in the hybrids can be attributed in part to the presence of maternal effects. The reciprocal hybrids also showed differences in ovariole number compared to each other and to the parental species. Our findings signify the importance of maternal effects as a potentially powerful mechanism for moderating the rates of evolution of speciation in hybrid females.</p> / Master of Science (MSc)

Hur lärare arbetar med läsning i olika skolämnen / How teachers work with reading in different school subjects

Olsson, Henrik, Wall, Johan January 2024 (has links)
Under hela skolgången och i alla skolans ämnen stöter elever på texter. Utifrån det syftar denna studie till att undersöka hur lärare arbetar med textläsning för att eleverna ska förstå textens innehåll. Inriktningen har varit på läsförståelsearbete i andra ämnen än svenska. Våra teoretiska utgångspunkter har varit modellerna Reciprocal teaching och Transaction instruction strategies, varav båda tar upp flertalet strategier vad gäller läsförståelse.  Som metod har observationer använts, där två lärare i årskurs 4 respektive 5 observerats under totalt sex olika lektioner i ämnena matematik, biologi, geografi och historia. Efter observationerna visar resultatet att lärarna till stor del använder sig av de olika lässtrategierna som våra teorier tar upp, som till exempel textsammanfattning och att koppla texten till tidigare erfarenheter och kunskaper. I matematikundervisning är dock användningen av lässtrategier inte lika vanligt förekommande, åtminstone inte på de två matematiklektioner som har observerats. Därför har också längden på studien problematiserats utifrån att alla lektioner inte innehåller arbete med läsning. Utifrån det föreslås bland annat studier under längre tidsperioder med användning av Reciprocal teaching och Transactional instruction strategies, där man också kan ta del av elevers resultat och utveckling.

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