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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design under constraints of Dependability and Energy for Wireless Sensor Network / Conception sous contraintes de sûreté de fonctionnement et de consommation d’énergie, pour les réseaux de capteurs sans fil

Hoang, Van Trinh 08 December 2014 (has links)
Le contexte incertain dans lequel évoluent les applications embarquées influencefortement ces dernières. L'objectif de disponibilité induit généralement une forteredondance matérielle et fonctionnelle. A l'inverse, le paramètre de consommation prôneun nombre et un fonctionnement à minima des ressources. Avec la réduction de latechnologie, la variabilité des procédés de fabrication induit la possibilité accrue dedéfaillances. De façon à garantir une qualité de service acceptable par l'utilisateur, et cesur la totalité de la durée de vie du circuit, il convient de mener des études associant dèsles phases amont les deux paramètres sûreté de fonctionnement et consommation. Cettethèse a pour objectif de proposer une nouvelle conception pour les réseaux de capteurssans fil, afin de réduire consommation d'énergie et d'augmenter la fiabilité du réseau. / The uncertain contexts in which recent WSN embedded applications evolve have bigimpact on these applications. Traditionally, the objective of availability generally doubleshardware and functional redundancy; it means that the overhead is doubled in term ofenergy and cost. Besides, wireless node system is powered by limited battery; hencepower consumption parameter is only set to a number of components and functionalitiesat minimum resources. However, due to the technology reduction, process variabilityconducts to increase the possibility of failures. In order to guarantee an acceptablequality of service for the users, and on the operating lifetime of the system, it should carrystudies at the upper phases involving both dependability and consumption constraints.This thesis aims to propose novel design for wireless sensor networks, in order to reduceenergy consumption and to increase network dependability.

A high-level methodology for automatically generating dynamically reconfigurable systems using IP-XACT and the UML MARTE profile / Méthodologie de conception de haut niveau pour la génération automatique des systèmes dynamiquement reconfigurables en utilisant IP-XACT et le profil UML MARTE

Ochoa Ruiz, Gilberto 14 November 2013 (has links)
La principale contribution de cette thèse porte sur la proposition et le développement d'une approche d'Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles (IDM), liée à une méthodologie basée sur des composants, pour faciliter la conception, design et implantation des Systèmes Dynamiquement Reconfigurables sur puce (FPGA). La méthodologie proposée repose sur l'utilisation du paradigme Metadata-based Composition Framework, et fortement basée sur des standards, tels qu'UML MARTE et, en particulier, l'IEEE IP-XACT, qui est exploitée comme représentation intermédiaire pour les IPs utilisés et pour la plateforme matérielle composée aux hautes-niveaux d'abstraction. Un procès d'emballage permet la réutilisation des bloques IP, qui ont été enveloppés par des interfaces PLB (IP statiques) et propriétaires (IP dynamiques). Subséquemment, la libraire est utilisée pour la composition d'un modèle de plateforme en UML, mais qui étant générative, permet la création d'une description cible de la composante matérielle de la plateforme, dans la forme d'un modèle spécifique à Xilinx Platform Studio, obtenu par des transformations des modèles. Les chaines de transformations pour la création de la libraire et de la plateforme, respectivement, ont été développées et implantées en utilisant Sodius MDWorkbench, un outil IDM conçu pour la création et manipulation des modèles et leur méta - modèles, ainsi que la définition et exécution des transformations des modèles associées / The main contribution of this thesis consists on the proposition and development a Model-driven Engineering (MDE) framework, in tandem with a component-based approach, for facilitating the design and implementation of Dynamic Partially Reconfigurable (DPR) Systems-on-Chip. The proposed methodology has been constructed around the Metadata-based Composition Framework paradigm, and based on common standards such as UML MARTE and the IEEE IP-XACT standard, an XML representation used for storing metadata about the IPs to be reused and of the platforms to be obtained at high-levels of abstraction. In fact, a componentizing process enables us to reuse the IP blocks, in UML MARTE, by wrapping them with PLB (static IPs) and proprietary (DPR blocks) interfaces. This is attained by reflecting the associated IP metadata to IP-XACT descriptions, and then to UML MARTE templates (IP reuse). Subsequently, these IP templates are used for composing a DPR model that can be exploited to create a Xilinx Platform Studio FPGA-design, through model transformations. The IP reflection and system generation chains were developed using Sodius MDWorkbench, an MDE tool conceived for the creation and manipulation of models and their meta-models, as well as the definition and execution of the associated transformation rules.

Le principe de normativité criminelle, reconfiguration du principe de légalité criminelle / The criminal normativity principel, reconfiguring of criminal law principle

Drago, Marie-Line 05 December 2016 (has links)
Le constat est aujourd’hui unanime. Le principe de légalité criminelle est affaibli par les évolutions du droit. En effet, la loi pénale n’est plus l’unique source du droit pénal, sa qualité est en déclin et le juge joue désormais un rôle incontestable en droit pénal. Ces évolutions sont ancrées dans le droit pénal, dont elles sont des paramètres. Il est impossible de revenir en arrière afin de retrouver un droit pénal conforme au principe de légalité criminelle, tel que proclamé par les révolutionnaires de 1789. Il convient alors de le faire évoluer. Ainsi, ces paramètres ont en commun d’être à l’origine de la norme pénale. Contrairement à la loi pénale, la norme pénale intègre toutes les évolutions du droit pénal. Cette norme pénale est au cœur du droit pénal dont elle en est la source. Le principe de légalité criminelle n’est donc plus configuré autour de la loi pénale, mais autour de la norme pénale. Par conséquent, il convient de parler de principe de normativité criminelle. Cette reconfiguration est ainsi la solution face à un principe de légalité criminelle et une loi pénale en déclin. Elle permet de garantir la protection des droits et liberté individuelle tout en tenant compte des évolutions du droit. Il convient dès lors d’affirmer « qu’il n’y a pas d’infraction sans norme pénale ». / The consensus today is unanimous. The principle of criminal legality has been weakened by developments in law. Statute law is no longer the sole source of criminal law ; its influence is declining and judges will play an indisputable role in criminal law. These developments are rooted in criminal law, of which they are parameters. It is impossible to find a criminal law in history that conforms to the principle of criminal legality such as that proclaimed by the revolutionaries of 1789. It is therefore appropriate that it should evolve. Therefore, these parameters are together the origin of the criminal standard. Contrary to statute law, this standard integrates all developments in common law. This standard is at the core of the common law for which it is the source. The principle of criminal legality is therefore no longer configured with reference to statute law but the criminal standard. As a consequence, we should speak of the principle of the standardisation of criminal law. This reconfiguration is therefore the solution to a principle of criminal legality and a statute law in decline. It allows for the guaranteed protection of individual rights and liberties taking into account developments of law. From now on, it shoudl be affirmed « that there is no crime without the criminal standard ».

Business process resource networks: a multi-theoretical study of continuous organisational transformation

Stebbings, H. 04 1900 (has links)
Drawing on multiple theoretical lenses, this research studies continuous transformation, or ‘morphing’, of a business process resource network (BPRN). The aim is to further our understanding of continuous organisational change at the lowest levels of analysis within an organisation: that is, at the resource level, and that resource’s relationships to other resources as they exist within a BPRN. Data was gathered from a single, in depth case study. Analysis was achieved by means of mapping BPRN evolution using ‘temporal bracketing’, ‘visual’ and ‘narrative’ approaches (Langley, 1999). The analysis revealed two mechanisms that appear to govern microstate morphing: bond strength and stakeholder expectation. In addition, four factors emerged as important: environmental turbulence, timing and timeliness of changes, concurrency of changes, and enduring business logic. An emergent model of microstate morphing which acknowledges the importance of socio-materiality in actor network morphogenesis (ANM) is presented. This study shows how effective relationships and configuration of resources within the BPRN can be achieved to facilitate timely, purposeful morphing. Five propositions are offered from the emergent ANM model. Specifically, these relate to the conditional operating parameters and the identified generative mechanisms for continuous organisational transformation within the BPRN. Implications for practice are significant. A heuristic discussion guide containing a series of questions framed around the ANM model to highlight the challenges of microstate morphing for practitioners is proposed. Two routes for future research are suggested: replication studies, and quantifying BPRN change in relation to an organisation’s environment using a ii survey instrument and inferential statistical analysis based on the ANM model features and propositions.

Algorithmes distribués pour l'optimisation de déploiement des microrobots MEMS / Distributed algorithms for optimizing the deployment of MEMS microrobots

Lakhlef, Hicham 24 November 2014 (has links)
Les microrobots MEMS sont des éléments miniaturisés qui peuvent capter et agir sur l'environnement. Leur taille est de l'ordre du millimètre et ils ont une faible capacité de mémoire et une capacité énergétique limitée. Les microrobots MEMS continuent d'accroître leur présence dans notre vie quotidienne. En effet, ils peuvent effectuer plusieurs missions et tâches dans une large gamme d'applications telles que la localisation d'odeur, la lutte contre les incendies, le service médical, la surveillance, le sauvetage et la sécurité. Pour faire ces taches et missions, ils doivent appliquer des protocoles de redéploiement afin de s'adapter aux conditions du travail. Ces algorithmes doivent être efficaces, évolutifs, robustes et ils doivent utiliser de préférence des informations locales. Le redéploiement pour les microrobots MEMS mobiles nécessite actuellement un système de positionnement et une carte (positions prédéfinies) de la forme cible. La solution traditionnelle de positionnement comme l'utilisation d'un GPS consommerait trop d'énergie. De plus, l'utilisation de solutions de positionnement algorithmique avec les techniques de multilatération pose toujours des problèmes à cause des erreurs dans les coordonnées obtenues.Dans la littérature, si nous voulons une auto-reconfiguration de microrobots vers une forme cible constituée de P positions, chaque microrobot doit avoir une capacité mémoire de P positions pour les sauvegarder. Par conséquent, si P est de l'ordre de milliers ou de millions, chaque noeud devra avoir une capacité de mémoire de positions en milliers ou millions. Parconséquent, ces algorithmes ne sont pas extensibles ou évolutifs. Dans cette thèse, on propose des protocoles de reconfiguration où les noeuds ne sont pas conscients de leurs positions dans le plan et n'enregistrent aucune position de la forme cible. En d'autres termes, les noeuds ne stockent pas au départ les coordonnées qui construisent la forme cible. Par conséquent, l'utilisation de mémoire pour chaque noeud est réduite à une complexité constante. L'objectif desalgorithmes distribués proposés est d'optimiser la topologie logique du réseau des microrobots afin de chercher une meilleure complexité pour l'échange de message et une communication peu coûteuse. Ces solutions sont complètement distribués. On montre pour la reconfiguration d'une chaîne à un carré comment gérer la dynamicité du réseau pour sauvegarder l'énergie, on étudie comment utiliser le parallélisme de mouvements pour optimiser le temps d'exécution et lenombre de mouvements. Ainsi, on propose une autre solution où la topologie physique initiale peut être n'importe quelle configuration initiale. Avec ces solutions, les noeuds peuvent exécuter l'algorithme indépendamment du lieu où ils sont déployés, parce que l'algorithme est indépendant de la carte de la forme cible. En outre, ces solutions cherchent à atteindre la forme de la cible avec une quantité minimale de mouvement. / MEMS microrobots are miniaturized elements that can capture and act on the environment. They have a small size, low memory capacity and limited energy capacity. These inexpensive devices can perform several missions and tasks in a wide range of applications such as locating odor, fighting against fires, medical service, surveillance, search, rescue and safety. To do these tasks and missions, they have to carry out protocols of redeployment to adapt to the working conditions. These algorithms should be efficient, scalable, robust and should only use local information. Redeployment for mobile MEMS microrobots currently requires a positioning system and a map (predefined positions) of the target shape. Traditional positioning solutions such as using GPS consumes a lot of energy and it is no applicable in the micro scale. Also, the use of an algorithmic solution positioning with multilateration techniques causes problems due to errors in the coordinates obtained. In the literature works, if we want a microrobots self-reconfiguring to a target shape consisting of P positions, each microrobot must have a storage capacity of at least P positions to save them. Therefore, if P equals to thousands or millions, every node must have a storage capacity of thousands or millions of positions. However, these algorithms are notscalable. In this thesis, we propose protocols of self-reconfiguration where nodes are not aware of their position in the plane and do not record the positions of the target shape. Therefore, the memory space required for each node is significantly reduced at a constant complexity. The purpose of these distributed algorithms is to optimize the logical topology of the network of mobile MEMS microrobots to seek a better complexity for message exchange and inexpensive communication.In this work, we show for the reconfiguration of a chain into a square, how to handle the dynamicity of the network to save energy, and we study how to use parallelism in motion to optimize the execution time and the number of movements. Furthermore, another solution is proposed where the initial physical topology may be any connected configuration. With thesesolutions the nodes can execute the algorithm regardless of where they are deployed, because the algorithm is independent of the map of the target shape. Furthermore, these solutions seek to achieve the shape of the target with a minimum amount of movement.

ChipCflow - em hardware dinamicamente reconfigurável / ChipCflow - in dynamically reconfigurable hardware

Vitor Fiorotto Astolfi 04 December 2009 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, houve um grande avanço na computação reconfigurável, em particular em hardware que emprega Field-Programmable Gate Arrays. Porém, esse aumento de capacidade e desempenho aumentou a distância entre a capacidade de projeto e a disponibilidade de tecnologia para o desenvolvimento do projeto. As linguagens de programação imperativas de alto nível, como C, são mais apropriadas para o desenvolvimento de aplicativos complexos que as linguagens de descrição de hardware. Por isso, surgiram diversas ferramentas para o desenvolvimento de hardware a partir de código em C. A ferramenta ChipCflow, da qual faz parte este projeto, é uma delas. A execução dos programas por meio dessa ferramenta será completamente baseada em seu fluxo de dados, seguindo o modelo dinâmico encontrado nas arquiteturas de computadores a fluxo de dados, aproveitando ao máximo o paralelismo considerado natural desse modelo e as características do hardware parcialmente reconfigurável. Neste projeto em particular, o objetivo é a prova de conceito (proof of concept) para a criação de instâncias, em forma de operadores, de um algoritmo ChipCflow em hardware parcialmente reconfigurável, tendo como base a plataforma Virtex da Xilinx / In recent years, reconfigurable computing has become increasingly more advanced, especially in hardware that uses Field-Programmable Gate Arrays. However, the increase of performance in FPGAs accumulated the gap between design capacity and technology for the development of the design. Imperative high-level programming languages such as C are more appropriate for the development of complex algorithms than hardware description languages (HDL). For this reason, many ANSI C-like programming tools for the development of hardware came to existence. The ChipCflow project, of which this project is part, is one of these tools. The execution of algorithms through this tool will be completely directed by data flow, according to the dynamic model found on Dataflow Architectures, taking advantage of its natural high levels of parallelism and the characteristics of the partially reconfigurable hardware. In this project, the objective is a proof of concept for the creation of instances, in the form of operators, of a ChipCflow algorithm on a partially reconfigurable hardware, taking as reference the Xilinx Virtex boards

Um middleware para coreografias de serviços web escaláveis em ambientes de computação em nuvem / A middleware for scalable web services choreographies in the cloud

Thiago Furtado de Mendonça 08 July 2015 (has links)
Composição de serviços é um tópico que tem atraído cada vez mais o interesse por parte de pesquisadores na área de sistemas distribuídos. Além disso, o interesse por ambientes baseados em nuvem tem crescido significativamente conforme o seu uso aumenta e se firma como um importante modelo de negócios. Coreografias são formas de composições de serviços em que não há pontos centrais de falha; a responsabilidade da sua execução é distribuída entre os vários serviços componentes. Devido à natureza distribuída do fluxo de informações e dados de controle, o cumprimento de \\textit{Service Level Agreements} (SLAs) depende estritamente do monitoramento da Qualidade de Serviços (QoS), recursos virtuais da nuvem e mecanismos de reconfiguração dinâmica, capazes de automaticamente adaptar composições a mudanças de estado no sistema. Nesta dissertação, abordamos o estudo do gerenciamento de QoS em coreografias de serviços. Para isso desenvolvemos um sistema de middleware capaz de implantar e gerenciar o QoS de composições. Este teve seu desempenho avaliado utilizando o serviço Amazon EC2. Os resultados da avaliação mostram que com pouco esforço por parte dos desenvolvedores de composições, é possível cumprir o SLA de composições dentro do esperado utilizando escalabilidade horizontal ou vertical provida pelo middleware automaticamente. Adicionalmente, a nossa proposta traz economias em relação ao custo de implantação pois diminui a quantidade de recursos subutilizados. / Service composition has been a hot topic that has attracted the interesting of researchers in the distributed system area. Moreover, the interesting in cloud computing based environment has grown significantly. Its use has grown and it became to be a important business model. Choreographies are an specific kind of service composition that has no single point of failure; the responsibility of execution is distributed among the services. Due to the distributed nature of the these systems, the fulfilment of Service Level Agreements (SLAs) depends strictly on and automatic way to monitoring Quality of Service (QoS) and virtual computional resources as well as dinamic reconfiguration mechanisms, to be capable of automatically adapting compositions to changing environment. In this work, we studied QoS management in service choreographies. In order, we devised a middleware system capable of deploy service compositions and manage QoS of them. The middleware was evaluated using the Amazon EC2 cloud provider. The results shows that with less effort from the composition providers, it is possible to fulfil SLAs using horizontal or vertical scalability provided by the middleware automatically. Additionaly, our proposal brings up a cost reduction of deploy by decreasing the amount of underused resources.

Algoritmy rozvrhování výroby s dynamickými rekonfiguracemi a údržbou / Project Scheduling with Dynamic Reconfigurations and Maintenance

Halčin, Marián January 2017 (has links)
Thesis deals with the topic of computational scheduling of production with dynamic reconfigurations and maintenance. The problem is formally defined by a mathematical model named Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem which was extended by dynamic reconfiguration and maintenance. Number of different schedule generation algorithms were proposed based on this model. Also methods of solution optimization based on genetic algorithms were described. The typology of production orders of which different task types are created was described in the experimental part. The result of the experiments is clear recommendation of scheduling algorithm for given task type. For the conclusion, thesis deals with the case study of choice of suitable solution for specific production companies.

VHDL návrh řídicí jednotky robota určeného pro samočinný pohyb v bludišti / VHDL Design of Robot Controller for Autonomous Robot Movement in Maze

Podivínský, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis describes design and implementation of a robot controller for autonomous movement in a maze. Robot represents an exemplary system, which is designed for testing and validation of fault-tolerance methodologies. A part of this work contains introduction to reliability of digital systems, especially those which are based on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). Moreover, this introduces techniques that ensure robustness against faults in digital systems; attention is devoted to the usage of FPGA technology in this area and a technique called partial dynamic reconfiguration.

Operativno planiranje rekonfiguracije distributivnih mreža primenom višekriterijumske optimizacije / Operation Planning of Distribution Network Reconfiguration by the Multiobjective Optimization

Kovački Neven 08 March 2018 (has links)
<p>U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji razvijen je novi algoritam za operativno planiranje rekonfiguracije distributivnih mreža. Cilj ovog algoritma jeste određivanje skupa konfiguracija distributivnih mreža, čijim se uzastopnim primenama optimizuje njihov rad tokom određenog vremenskog perioda. U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji predložen je novi algoritam za rešavanje navedenog problema, a koji je zasnovan na metodi Lagranžove relaksacije.</p> / <p>This PhD thesis proposes a new algorithm for the operation planning of the<br />distribution network reconfiguration. The aim of this algorithm is to determine<br />the set of the distribution network topologies (configurations) which optimizes<br />the distribution network operations during the given time period. In order to<br />enable processing of the real-life distribution networks, this PhD thesis<br />proposes a new algorithm for the operation planing of the distribution network<br />reconfiguration which is based on the Lagrange relaxation approach.</p>

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