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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Quelques contributions vers la simulation parallèle de la cinétique neutronique et la prise en compte de données observées en temps réel

Mula, Olga 24 September 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Dans cette thèse nous avons tout d'abord développé un solveur neutronique de cinétique transport 3D en géométrie déstructurée avec une discrétisation spatiale par éléments finis (solveur MINARET). L'écriture d'un tel code représente en soi une contribution importante dans la physique des réacteurs car il permettra de connaître de façon très précise l'état du coeur au cours d'accidents graves. Il jouera aussi un rôle très important pour des études de fluence de la cuve des réacteurs. D'un point de vue mathématique, l'apport le plus important dans l'écriture de ce solveur a consisté en l'implémentation d'algorithmes modernes adaptés aux architectures actuelles et à venir de calcul parallèle, permettant de réduire de façon significative les temps de calcul. Un effort particulier a été mené pour paralléliser de façon efficace la variable temporelle par l'algorithme pararéel en temps. Ce travail a consisté dans un premier temps à analyser les performances que le schéma classique de pararéel apporte dans la résolution de l'équation de transport de neutrons. Ensuite, nous avons cherché à améliorer ces performances en proposant un schéma de pararéel qui intègre de façon plus optimisée la présence de schémas itératifs autres que le pararéel dans la résolution de chaque pas de temps de l'équation du transport. L'idée principale de ce nouveau schéma consiste à limiter le nombre d'itérations internes pour chaque pas de temps du solveur fin et d'atteindre la convergence au cours des itérations pararéelles. Dans un second temps, une réflexion a été entamée autour de la question suivante: étant donné le haut degré de précision que MINARET fournit dans la connaissance de la population neutronique, serait-il possible de l'utiliser en tant qu'outil de surveillance pendant l'opération d'un réacteur nucléaire? Et, qui plus est, comment rendre un tel outil à la fois cohérent et complémentaire par rapport aux mesures prises \textit{in situ}? Une des difficultés majeures de ce problème réside dans le besoin de fournir les simulations en temps réel alors que, malgré nos efforts pour accélérer les calculs, les méthodes de discrétisation utilisées dans MINARET ne permettent pas des calculs de coeur à une telle vitesse. Cette question a été abordée en développant tout d'abord une généralisation de la méthode Empirical Interpolation (EIM) grâce à laquelle on a pu définir un processus d'interpolation bien posé pour des fonctions appartenant à des espaces de Banach. Ceci est rendu possible par l'utilisation de formes linéaires d'interpolation au lieu des traditionnels points d'interpolation et une partie de cette thèse a été consacrée à la compréhension des propriétés théoriques de cette méthode (analyse de convergence sous hypothèse d'ensemble de petite dimension de Kolmogorov et étude de sa stabilité). Ce processus d'interpolation (appelé Generalized EIM) permet de reconstruire en temps réel des processus physiques de la façon suivante: étant donné un système pouvant être décrit par une EDP paramétrée et sur lequel des mesures peuvent être prises \textit{in situ}, on construit d'abord une base d'interpolation constituée de solutions de cette EDP pour différentes valeurs du paramètre grâce à GEIM (ceci est fait par un algorithme greedy). On donne ensuite une approximation en temps réel de l'état du système via une fonction interpolée exprimée dans la base calculée et qui utilise des mesures acquises \textit{in situ} comme données d'entrée (et modélisées mathématiquement par les formes linéaires). La méthode a été appliquée avec succès dans des exemples simples (équations de Laplace et de Stokes) et nous espérons que les développements actuels et à venir pourront mener à son emploi dans des cas réels plus complexes comme celui de la reconstruction de la population neutronique dans un coeur de réacteur avec MINARET.

Approche thermomécanique de l’interface meule/pièce/lubrifiant lors de la rectification de dentures d'engrenage en acier nitruré : impacts sur l’intégrité du matériau rectifié / Thermomechanical approach of the interface wheel/workpiece/lubricant during a nitride steel gear grinding : impacts on the grinded material integrity

Lavisse, Bruno 19 October 2017 (has links)
La rectification est un procédé de fabrication permettant d’obtenir des états de surface avec une rugosité très faible. Elle est généralement utilisée sur des matériaux très durs pour lesquels les autres procédés d’usinage ne sont pas adaptés, cependant, ce procédé fait intervenir des mécanismes d’enlèvement matière complexes et difficiles à mettre en oeuvre. Lors du processus de rectification, l'énergie de rectification est principalement convertie en chaleur entre la pièce, la meule, le liquide d'arrosage et les copeaux. Les températures et les flux de chaleur à l'interface meule/pièce dépendent de la géométrie du contact, du matériau rectifié, de la meule (taille de grains, géométrie, densité, porosité, usure), de son dressage, des paramètres de rectification (profondeurs de passe, vitesse d'avance, vitesse de meule, conditions de dressage), des conditions d'arrosage et de lubrification. Les températures élevées peuvent engendrer des transformations métallurgiques superficielles, des gradients de contraintes résiduelles, ainsi que des variations dimensionnelles notables. D’une façon générale l’intégrité de surface peut être grandement modifiée par cette interaction. Les conditions de rectification doivent garantir les critères de qualité et d'intégrité du matériau tout en répondant aux besoins d’augmentation de la productivité en milieu industriel. L'objectif cette thèse a été l'étude mécanico-thermique de l'interface meule/pièce/lubrifiant, dans le but de réduire le risque d'endommagement lors de la rectification d’une denture d’engrenage en acier nitruré et de qualifier les transformations éventuelles impactant l’intégrité de la pièce qui lui est associé. Pour cela nous avons développé plusieurs axes de recherche. Nous avons proposé et vérifié expérimentalement à partir d’une méthode inverse et de mesures de température par thermocouple rectifiable, un modèle de flux thermique permettant, en utilisant une mesure d’effort de prédire le profil de température à l’interface meule/pièce/lubrifiant. Nous avons effectué un comparatif détaillé de meules dans le but de déterminer celle qui permettra pour un état de surface donné de limiter le risque d’endommagement thermique du matériau rectifié. Pour effectuer cette étude, nous nous sommes intéressés à la profondeur de passe maximale admissible de chaque meule avant brûlure. Ce comparatif a été mené à la fois en laboratoire et en milieu industriel. Nous avons ensuite étudié l’influence des endommagements thermiques provoqués par la rectification en étudiant et en qualifiant la microstructure de l’acier nitruré. L’utilisation de moyens de mesure classiques (dureté, MEB EBSD, DRX) ou inédits et peu utilisés sur les brûlures de rectification (bruit Barkhausen, spectroscopie Raman) nous a permis de définir les modifications du matériau endommagé en termes de contraintes résiduelles, de dureté, de tailles de grain et de création d’oxydes. Enfin, nous avons mené une étude détaillée sur l’influence de la lubrification lors de la rectification de notre acier nitruré. Nous avons pour cela modifié indépendamment les débits et vitesses d’arrosage en sortie de buse et observé les changements que cela engendrait sur le profil température dans la zone de rectification et sur le coefficient de répartition de la pièce / The grinding process is very useful to obtain a very precise surface finish. It is generally used on very hard materials which cannot be machined by other conventional machining processes. However grinding involves very complex material removal mechanisms and most of the time is difficult to set up. During the grinding process, the main grinding energy is converted into heat between chip, lubricant, wheel and workpiece. Temperature and heat flux in the grinding zone depend on the contact geometry, on the material, on the wheel (grit size, geometry, porosity, wear), on the dressing, on the grinding parameters (depth of cut, workpiece speed, wheel speed) and on lubrication conditions. High temperatures result in thermal damage such as metallurgical changes, stress gradients, and changes in workpiece dimensions. In general terms, because of this process, surface integrity may be seriously damaged. Grinding parameters have to guarantee the workpiece quality and have to respond to the productivity improvement in machining and cutting industry. The target of this thesis was the mechanical and thermal study of the grinding zone between workpiece, wheel and lubricant in order to reduce the burn risk during the grinding of a nitrided steel gear. The purpose was also to define possible transformations associated to this damage. To achieve it, we developed several research topics. We proposed an experimentally verified heat flux model, usable to predict accurately the nitrided steel temperature in the lubricated grinding zone. This model is based on an inverse method and temperature measurements with a workpiece/foil thermocouple. We made a grinding wheel comparative study in order to determine the wheel capable, for a given workpiece roughness, of limiting the risk of burn. To perform this study, we focused, for each wheel, on the maximum allowable depth of cut before burning. This comparative study was led both in laboratory and industrial conditions. We also studied the influence of thermal damages in grinding by studying and qualifying the nitrided steel microstructure. The use of classical measurement techniques such as: hardness, SEM, EBSD and DRX or original and underused techniques such as Barkhausen noise or Raman spectroscopy permitted to define changes in the burned grinded materials. Between the two states of materials (burned and no burned), we observed differences in hardness, grain size and ferrous oxides creation. At last, we made a detailed study on the lubrication efficiency during grinding of the nitrided steel. For this purpose we changed independently fluid flow and jet speed in outlet nozzle. Then we observed the modifications this could cause on the temperature distribution in the grinding zone and on the workpiece heat partition ratio

Diametermätning av timmer med stereovision

Isaksson, David, Fredriksson, Jonas January 2018 (has links)
Syfte – Syftet för den här studien är att utveckla en metod för att mäta diametern på travat timmers ändträytor i en bild med förvridet perspektiv där ytorna befinner sig på olika djup i förhållande till varandra, för att effektivisera mätning inom skogsindustrin. Metod – Denna studie genomfördes i samarbete med Cind AB, och arbetet var uppdelat i två faser med Design Science Research som forskningsmetod. I Fas 1 rektifierades bilder på ändträytorna manuellt och i Fas 2 utnyttjades ett punktmoln för att uppskatta rektifieringsplanet. Detta gjordes i en stereokamerarigg i skala 1:25 på 139 stockar. Samtliga stockar mättes digitalt i de rektifierade bilderna och manuellt med ett digitalt skjutmått. Ett konfidensintervall för differensen beräknades fram för att bedöma mätnoggrannheten. Resultat – Konfidensintervallet för Fas 1 tyder på att metoden har potential då rektifieringsplanet placeras korrekt, vilket Fas 2 visar är en svår och komplex uppgift. Slutsatser – Den utvecklade metodens mätnoggrannhet uppnådde inte studiens mål på 5% felmarginal. Det skulle dock vara möjligt att mäta ändträytor med god noggrannhet om punktmolnet har tillräckligt hög kvalitet. Begränsningar – Mjukvaran som använder punktmolnet för att rektifiera bilderna är en modifierad version av Cinds proprietära produkt. Datamängden som används i studien samlas endast in via Cinds testrigg. / Purpose – The purpose of this study is to develop a method for measuring the diameter of piled logs on a truck in a picture that has skewed perspective and where the end surfaces are at different depths in relation to each other. The intent of this method is to further streamline log measurement in the logging industry. Method – This study was conducted in collaboration with Cind AB, and the work was split in two phases with Design Science Research as research method. In Phase 1, images with log end surfaces were rectified manually, and in Phase 2 a point cloud was used to estimate the rectification plane. This was done with a stereo camera rig in scale 1:25 on a total of 139 logs. All logs were digitally measured in the rectified images and manually measured with a digital caliper. A confidence interval for the difference was calculated to assess the measurement accuracy. Findings – The confidence interval from Phase 1 indicates that the developed method has potential when the rectification plane is placed correctly, which Phase 2 shows is a difficult and complex task. Conclusions – The developed method did not reach the desired measurement accuracy of 5% margin of error, which means that the goal of the study was not achieved. It would be possible to measure the end surfaces of logs with high precision if the point cloud is of a sufficiently high quality. Limitations – The software that utilizes point cloud information to rectify the images is a modified version of Cind’s proprietary product. The dataset that is used in this study is collected solely through Cind’s test rig.

Revisão histórica de soluções geométricas do problema da quadratura do círculo

Souza, Djenal dos Santos 26 August 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / At this study, we review some of the main geometric solutions in squaring the circle, having a free translation into Portuguese of some articles related to the squaring of the circle second Hobson[5] e analyzing their in uence throughout history in the evolution of mathematics. In this work we try to understand how the problem of squaring the circle is presented throughout history, began reviewing the main registers of the problem, from the century V a-C. Then we wrote a theoretical foundation of squaring the circle and the determination of , displaying ancient accounts of quadrature in dependence on the transcendence of this irrational number. Next, we write some contributions of ancient civilizations, which is cited the work of the Greeks, before and after Archimedes, as well as approximations determined by Indian, Chinese and Arabic. In the Renaissance period we nd mathematicians such as Leonardo Pisano, George Purbach and Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa, which they used the Archimedes method and obtained better results for approach . In the fteenth and sixteenth centuries, with advances in trigonometry introduced by Copernicus, Rheticus, Pitiscus and Johannes Kepler allowed the problem of squaring the circle had a better approach. In this period we reviewed the studies of Snellius and Huygens, the theorems of Huygens and Gregory's work. In the nal part of this work we selected some constructions of recti cation and squaring the circle. Among them stand out: the squaring the circle by Descartes and another by Ramanujan, both with intereszing results. / No seguinte estudo, revisamos algumas das principais soluções geométricas referentes a quadratura do círculo, apresentando uma tradução livre para o português de alguns artigos relacionados como a quadratura do círculo segundo Hobson[5] e analisando suas in uências ao longo da história na evolução da Matemática. Neste trabalho tentamos compreender como o problema da quadratura do círculo apresentou-se ao longo da histó- ria. Iniciamos revisando os principais registros do problema, desde do século V a.C. Em seguida, escrevemos uma fundamentação teórica da quadratura do círculo e da determina ção de , exibindo relatos antigos da quadratura em dependência com a transcendência deste número irracional. Na sequência, escrevemos algumas contribuições de civilizações da antiguidade, onde são citados os trabalhos dos gregos, antes e depois de Arquimedes, assim como aproximações determinadas pelos indianos, chineses e árabes. No período do Renascimento encontramos matemáticos como Leonardo Pisano, George Purbach e Cardeal Nicolau de Cusa, os quais usaram o método de Arquimedes e obtiveram resultados melhores para aproximação de . Nos séculos XV e XVI, os avanços na trigonometria introduzidos por Copérnico, Rheticus, Pitiscus e Johannes Kepler permitiram que o problema da quadratura do círculo tivesse uma melhor abordagem. Ainda neste período revisamos os estudos de Snellius e Huyghens, os Teoremas de Huyghens e a obra de Gregory. Na parte nal deste trabalho selecionamos algumas construções da reti cação e da quadratura do círculo . Entre elas destacarmos: as construções da quadratura do círculo feitas por Descartes e outra por Ramanujan, ambas com resultados interesantes.

Propriedades tecnológicas da madeira termorretificada de três espécies de Eucalyptus / Technological properties of thermally modified wood from three Eucalyptus species

Cademartori, Pedro Henrique Gonzalez de, Cademartori, Pedro Henrique Gonzalez de 17 December 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T13:34:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Pedro Henrique Gonzalez de Cademartori.pdf: 2886719 bytes, checksum: 352a362f9db748d742e87be22ddaa1b0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-12-17 / This study aimed to evaluate physicomechanical and chemical behaviour of Eucalyptus grandis, Eucalyptus saligna e Eucalyptus cloeziana thermally modified wood. To achieve this, six trees of each species were randomly selected and samples measuring 1.6 x 1.6 x 25cm were prepared. The samples were thermally modified through exposure to nine treatments in an oven and in an autoclave steriliser. The process conditions in the oven were: temperatures between 180 and 240ºC and time of exposure of 4h, whereas for the treatments in autoclave a constant temperature (127°C) and pressure (1.5kgf/cm²) were used for 1h. The evaluation of the physical properties was done through the performance of weight loss, equilibrium moisture content, stability dimensional and specific gravity tests. Colour changes and wettability were measured by colorimetric and contact angle techniques, respectively. Regarding mechanical properties, thermally modified wood was evaluated through the performance of static bending tests and non-destructive ultrasonic tests. Chemical modifications were qualitatively measured through infrared spectroscopy (ATR-IR). The main results showed that thermal treatments significantly influenced weight loss, equilibrium moisture content and dimensional stability. On the other hand, specific gravity did not show a great behaviour in order to explain the influence of thermal treatments on wood. A gradual darkening in both radial and tangential sections was observed, mainly due to a high reduction of L* after treatment 2 (180°C), since a* and b* showed distinct behaviour. Generally, stiffness remained constant when related to the control treatment, whereas mechanical strength decreased significantly, mainly after the treatments 6, 7, 8 and 9. The use of the non-destructive ultrasound technique obtained coefficients of determination between 0.66 and 0.80 for the relationship MOE x Ed. The wettability of thermally modified wood presented the best results in the treatments 2, 3, 4 and 5 for all the species, with the contact angle increasing and remaining with high stability as a function of time of exposure. Infrared spectroscopy showed modifications in different peaks, mainly related to the hemicelluloses and crystallinity of the structure, representing thermal degradation of the material as a function of temperature of treatment. Therefore, the thermal treatments reduced hygroscopicity and modified the colour of the wood. The mechanical strength was reduced significantly and the ultrasound was efficient in order to estimate the modulus of elasticity. Wettability decreased significantly as a function of the thermal treatments and infrared spectroscopy (ATR-IR) demonstrated to be an excellent tool for the qualitative analysis of chemical modifications due to thermal treatments. / O presente estudo objetivou avaliar o comportamento físico, mecânico e químico das madeiras de Eucalyptus grandis, Eucalyptus saligna e Eucalyptus cloeziana submetidas a diferentes tratamentos de termorretificação. Para tal, selecionaram-se ao acaso seis árvores de cada espécie para a confecção de corpos de prova com dimensões de 1,6 x 1,6 x 25cm. Submeteram-se os corpos de prova a nove tratamentos de termorretificação a partir da utilização de uma estufa e uma autoclave de esterilização. As condições de processo para os tratamentos em estufa foram temperatura entre 180 e 240°C e tempo de exposição de 4h, enquanto que a temperatura dos tratamentos em autoclave permaneceu constante em 127°C e pressão de 1,5 kgf/cm² durante 1h. A avaliação das propriedades físicas foi realizada por meio de ensaios de perda de massa, teor de umidade de equilíbrio, estabilidade dimensional e massa específica. Verificaram-se as alterações na coloração e molhabilidade por meio das técnicas de colorimetria e ângulo de contato, respectivamente. Mecanicamente, o material foi avaliado por meio de ensaios de flexão estática e ultrassom. As modificações químicas foram avaliadas qualitativamente por espectroscopia no infravermelho (ATR-IR). Os principais resultados mostraram significativa influência da termorretificação na perda de massa, teor de umidade de equilíbrio e estabilidade dimensional. Por outro lado, a massa específica não apresentou comportamento capaz de explicar a influência da termorretificação. Observou-se escurecimento gradual na madeira das três espécies em ambas as seções, em que se ressalta uma forte redução do L* após o tratamento 2 (180°C), diferentemente do a* e b* que apresentaram comportamento distinto. Verificou-se que, enquanto a rigidez da madeira termorretificada manteve-se inalterada quando relacionada ao tratamento de referência, a resistência do material foi significativamente reduzida, principalmente após os tratamentos 6, 7, 8 e 9. Já a utilização da técnica não destrutiva de ultrassom permitiu a obtenção de coeficientes de determinação entre 0,66 e 0,80 para a relação MOE x Ed. A molhabilidade da madeira termorretificada apresentou os melhores resultados para os tratamentos 2, 3, 4 e 5 na madeira das três espécies, em que o ângulo de contato elevou-se e manteve-se com maior estabilidade ao longo do tempo. A técnica de ATR-IR identificou modificações nos picos relacionados, principalmente as hemiceluloses e também à cristalinidade da estrutura, incitando a degradação térmica do material conforme o aumento da temperatura. Dessa maneira, concluiu-se que os tratamentos empregados foram suficientes para reduzir a higroscopicidade, bem como modificar os tons de cor para cada temperatura utilizada. A resistência mecânica foi significativamente reduzida e, ao mesmo tempo, o ultrassom mostrou-se eficiente quanto à predição do módulo de elasticidade. A molhabilidade da madeira reduziu significativamente conforme o emprego dos tratamentos. A ATR-IR mostrou-se como uma excelente ferramenta de análise qualitativa das modificações químicas ocorridas durante a termorretificação.

Detecting and Tracking Players in Football Using Stereo Vision

Borg, Johan January 2007 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to investigate if it is possible to use stereo vision to find and track the players and the ball during a football game. The thesis shows that it is possible to detect all players that isn’t too occluded by another player. Situations when a player is occluded by another player is solved by tracking the players from frame to frame. The ball is also detected in most frames by looking for ball-like features. As with the players the ball is tracked from frame to frame so that when the ball is occluded, the positions is estimated by the tracker.

Towards hardware accelerated rectification of high speed stereo image streams

Bankarusamy, Sudhangathan January 2017 (has links)
The process of combining two views of a scene in order to obtain depth information is called stereo vision. When the same is done using a computer it is then called computer stereo vision. Stereo vision is used in robotic application where depth of an object plays a role. Two cameras mounted on a rig is called a stereo camera system. Such a system is able to capture two views and enable robotic application to use the depth information to complete tasks. Anomalies are bound to occur in such a stereo rig, when both the cameras are not parallel to each other. Mounting of the cameras on a rig accurately has physical alignment limitations. Images taken from such a rig has inaccurate depth information and has to be rectified. Therefore rectification is a pre-requisite to computer stereo vision. One such a stereo rig used in this thesis is the GIMME2 stereo camera system. The system has two 10 mega-pixel cameras with on-board FPGA, RAM, processor running Linux operating system, multiple Ethernet ports and an SD card feature amongst others. Stereo rectification on memory constrained hardware is a challenging task as the process itself requires both the images to be stored in the memory. The FPGA on the GIMME2 systems must be used in order to achieve the best possible speed. Programming a system that does not have a display and for used for a specific purpose is called embedded programming. The purpose of this system is distance estimation and working with such a system falls in the Embedded Systems program. This thesis presents a method that makes rectification a step ahead for this particular system. The functionality of the algorithm is shown in MATLAB and using VHDL and is compared to available tools and systems.

Zpracování a vizualizace stereo snímků / Stereo image processing and visualisation

Karásek, Miroslav January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the processing of stereo images. It described the principles of calibration and rectification of stereo images. The thesis described several methods for finding important points. SURF method is then implemented for practical solution. Finding correspondences is realized using the methods of image processing library OpenCV. Reconstructed spatial coordinates of points and write by the format specified VRML97. Finally, there is introduced evaluated accuracy of spatial data acquisition and comparison of computational cost generated programs.

Optimalizace parametrů optické soustavy digitálního holografického mikroskopu pro odražené světlo. / Optimization of parameters of the optical system of reflected-light digital holographic microscope.

Dostál, Zbyněk January 2009 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the construction design of reflective type of holographic microscope together with the proposal for the mechanical imposition of optical elements. Thesis contains parts where the illumination beam tracing through the optical system is calculated and discussed, followed up with the accuracy requirements for rectification mechanisms and their design. The three-dimensional model of modularly solved microscope is presented in conclusion of this thesis together with selected microscope sub-assemblies.

Failure analysis of railway switches and crossings for the purpose of preventive maintenance.

Jalili Hassankiadeh, Seyedahmad January 2011 (has links)
In the Swedish railway network there are about 12000 units of track switches and crossings, which at 13000 Km, make up about 5.5 percent of the total track length. However, the maintenance cost for S&C is more than 13 percent of the total maintenance cost which is high in comparison with their proportion. The aim of the project is to conduct research into classification of the different modes of failure in S&C components and to perform a statistical analysis to converge the data in order to determine the most important failures that occur in turnouts.

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