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Exploring amino-acid radicals and quinone redox chemistry in model proteinsWesterlund, Kristina January 2008 (has links)
<p>Amino-acid radical enzymes have been studied extensively for 30 years but the experimental barriers to determine the thermodynamic properties of their key radical cofactors are so challenging that only a handful of reports exist in the literature. This is a major drawback when trying to understand the long-range radical transfer and/or catalytic mechanisms of this important family of enzymes. Here this issue is addressed by developing a library of well-structured model proteins specifically designed to study tyrosine and tryptophan radicals. The library is based on a 67-residue three-helix bundle (α<sub>3</sub>W) and a 117-residue four-helix bundle (α<sub>4</sub>W). α<sub>3</sub>W and α<sub>4</sub>W are single-chain and uniquely structured proteins. They are redox inert except for a single radical site (position 32 in α<sub>3</sub>W and 106 in α<sub>4</sub>W). Papers I and II describe the design process and the protein characteristics of α<sub>4</sub>W as well as a voltammetry study of its unique tryptophan. Paper III and V describe two projects based on α<sub>3</sub>C, which is a Trp-32 to Cys-32 variant of α<sub>3</sub>W. In Paper III we use α<sub>3</sub>C to investigate what effect the degree of solvent exposure of the phenolic OH group has on the redox characteristics of tyrosine analogs. We show that the potential of the PhO•/PhOH redox pair is dominated by interactions with the OH group and that the environment around the hydrophobic part of the phenol has no significant impact. In addition, we observe that interactions between the phenolic OH group and the protein matrix can raise the phenol potential by 0.11-0.12 V relative to solution values. The α<sub>3</sub>C system is extended in Paper V to study quinone redox chemistry. Papers III and V contain protocols to generate the cofactor-containing α<sub>3</sub>C systems and descriptions of their protein properties. Paper IV describes efforts to redesign α<sub>3</sub>Y (a Trp-32 to Tyr-32 variant of α<sub>3</sub>W) to contain an interacting Tyr-32/histidine pair. The aim is to engineer and study the effects of a redox-induced proton acceptor in the Tyr-32 site.</p>
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Redesign av mobil robotstationEbrahimi Heravi, Farzad, Rydstedt, Veve January 2010 (has links)
<p>Denna rapport beskriver ett projekt där målet är att att komma fram till vidareutveckling av mobil robotplattform, med attraktiv och förtroendegivande utseende, enligt uppdragsgivarens önskemål.</p><p> Projektet skulle resultera i en CAD-modell och modell i skala 1:10 som styrdes av ett antal krav från uppdragsgivaren i form av en kravspecifikation. </p><p> Projektet fortlöpte i huvudsak under vinter 2010 och är ett examensarbete för Högskoleingenjör inom Produktutveckling på Mälardalens Högskola.</p><p> Uppdragsgivarna på Robotdalen, som höll på att utveckla en mobil robotplattform, Opiflex, ville ha hjälp med redesign av detta. Vår uppgift handlade om att förbättra robotplattformen Opiflex så att den blir mer användarvänlig. Det fanns ett behov att ge robotplattformen mer attraktivt utseende och vidareutveckla vissa detaljlösningarna.</p><p> Projektavgränsningar berodde mest på tidsbrist. Begränsad tid tillät oss inte utveckla detaljlösningar för djupt.</p><p> Ett antal koncept togs fram av helhetsstilen för robotplattformen och därefter valdes ut de bästa koncepten. De två bästa koncepten utvecklades och kombinerades till slut ihop till den enda slutgiltiga konceptet.</p><p> Resultatet blev en CAD-modell som fick positiv reaktion av uppdragsgivare.</p><p> Vi anser att vi har lyckats med design av en produkt som utstrålar kvalitet och funktionalitet. Beviset på detta var uppdragsgivarens reaktion när de fick se konceptet redan i inledningsfasen. Vi fick en positiv feedback redan från början av konceptvalet och följaktligen kan vi påstå att våra lösningar har varit en bidragande orsak till produktens image.</p><p> </p>
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An Employment Policy Agenda for Working FamiliesKochan, Thomas A. 02 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Exploring amino-acid radicals and quinone redox chemistry in model proteinsWesterlund, Kristina January 2008 (has links)
Amino-acid radical enzymes have been studied extensively for 30 years but the experimental barriers to determine the thermodynamic properties of their key radical cofactors are so challenging that only a handful of reports exist in the literature. This is a major drawback when trying to understand the long-range radical transfer and/or catalytic mechanisms of this important family of enzymes. Here this issue is addressed by developing a library of well-structured model proteins specifically designed to study tyrosine and tryptophan radicals. The library is based on a 67-residue three-helix bundle (α3W) and a 117-residue four-helix bundle (α4W). α3W and α4W are single-chain and uniquely structured proteins. They are redox inert except for a single radical site (position 32 in α3W and 106 in α4W). Papers I and II describe the design process and the protein characteristics of α4W as well as a voltammetry study of its unique tryptophan. Paper III and V describe two projects based on α3C, which is a Trp-32 to Cys-32 variant of α3W. In Paper III we use α3C to investigate what effect the degree of solvent exposure of the phenolic OH group has on the redox characteristics of tyrosine analogs. We show that the potential of the PhO•/PhOH redox pair is dominated by interactions with the OH group and that the environment around the hydrophobic part of the phenol has no significant impact. In addition, we observe that interactions between the phenolic OH group and the protein matrix can raise the phenol potential by 0.11-0.12 V relative to solution values. The α3C system is extended in Paper V to study quinone redox chemistry. Papers III and V contain protocols to generate the cofactor-containing α3C systems and descriptions of their protein properties. Paper IV describes efforts to redesign α3Y (a Trp-32 to Tyr-32 variant of α3W) to contain an interacting Tyr-32/histidine pair. The aim is to engineer and study the effects of a redox-induced proton acceptor in the Tyr-32 site.
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Omkonstruktion av bärande ram till Cibes Lift modell A5 / Redesign of the supporting frame to Cibes Lift model A5Mickelsson, Fredrik, Nordin, Roger January 2013 (has links)
Företaget Cibes lift AB tillverkar skruvdrivna plattformshissar i olika storleksklasser för laster upp till tusen kilogram. Plattformhissar är ett mindre utrymmeskrävande alternativ till vanliga standardhissar och lyder under EU:s maskindirektiv. Masskonsumtion och prissättning tvingar företag att utveckla nya strategier för att hantera större flexibilitet och lägre tillverkningskostnader. Då även Cibes jobbar kontinuerligt med att kostnadseffektivisera sina produkter hade arbetet till syfte att göra en omkonstruktion av den bärande ramen till företagets standardmodell A5. Den nya ramkonstruktionen skulle utvecklas med avseende på kostnadsreducering, moderna tillverkningstekniker och hög tillverkningseffektivitet. Genom en litteraturstudie i ämnet, kostnadseffektiv produktion, identifierades en modell för konstruktionsprocessen som tillämpades i arbetet med omkonstruktionen. Omkonstruktionen utgick från ett belastningstest och en finita elementanalys av den befintliga ramen där kritiska punkter identifierades och randvillkor verifierandes. Genom produktutvecklingsmetoden kvalitetshuset skapades en teknisk specifikation med målvärden för omkonstruktionen. För att identifiera tillgängliga produktionsresurser och utveckla en konstruktion anpassad till de resurser som finns att tillgå besöktes i ett tidigt skede två tänkbara underleverantörer. Tillsammans genererade nulägesanalysen, den tekniska specifikationen och de tillgängliga produktionsresurserna en konceptmodell. Konceptmodellen utvärderades genom att med teori för utböjning analysera olika tänkbara tvärsnitt för bärande profiler. Profiler och övriga komponenter dimensionerades sedan genom finita elementanalyser mot hållfasthetskrav enligt gällande standard och kostnadskrav för att skapa en optimal lösning. Resultatet av arbetet är en standardiserad bärande ram som passar företagets samtliga tre varumärken. Ramen är uppbyggd av enbart plåt och kallformade profiler anpassad för en mer automatiserad produktion. I jämförelse med den befintligta konstruktionen har vikten minskats med drygt tre procent, den förväntade inköpskostnaden sänkts med cirka 15 procent och nedböjningen av den bärande ramens golv minskades med runt 33 procent. Vår slutsats av detta arbete är att den modell som används för konstruktionsprocessen är väl lämpad för att generera kostnadseffektiva produkter. / The company Cibes Lift AB manufactures screw-driven platform lifts in different sizes for loads up to a thousand kilogram. Platform lifts are a less space consuming alternative to usual standard elevators and subjected to the EU Machinery Directive. Mass consumption and pricing is forcing companies to develop new strategies to handle greater flexibility and lower their manufacturing costs. Since also Cibes are continuously working with cost efficiency of their products the work had the aim to make a redesign of the supporting frame to their standard model A5. The new frame design would be developed in terms of cost reduction, modern manufacturing techniques and high production efficiency. Through a literature review on the subject of cost-effective production a model for the design process were identified and applied in the process of the redesign. The redesign started with a practical load test and a finite element analysis of the existing frame in which critical points were identified and boundary conditions was confirmed. The product development method the House of Quality where used to create a technology specification and target values for the redesign. To identify the available production resources and develop a design appropriate to the available resources two possible subcontractors were visited in an early state. Together the analysis of current frame, the technical specification and the available production resources generated a concept model. The concept model was evaluated by the theory of deflection and analyze of various possible cross-sections for the bearing profiles. Profiles and other components were dimensioned trough finite element analyses against the strength requirements according to applicable standards and cost requirements in order to create an optimal solution. The result of this work is a standardized supporting frame that fits all the company's three brands. The frame is constructed entirely of steel and cold-formed sections designed for a more automated production. In comparison with the current design the weight has been reduced by more than three percent, the expected purchase cost has been reduced by approximately 15 percent and the deflection of the supporting frames floor was reduced by around 33 percent. We make the conclusion by this work that the model used for the redesign is well suited to generate cost-effective products.
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Redesign av mobil robotstationEbrahimi Heravi, Farzad, Rydstedt, Veve January 2010 (has links)
Denna rapport beskriver ett projekt där målet är att att komma fram till vidareutveckling av mobil robotplattform, med attraktiv och förtroendegivande utseende, enligt uppdragsgivarens önskemål. Projektet skulle resultera i en CAD-modell och modell i skala 1:10 som styrdes av ett antal krav från uppdragsgivaren i form av en kravspecifikation. Projektet fortlöpte i huvudsak under vinter 2010 och är ett examensarbete för Högskoleingenjör inom Produktutveckling på Mälardalens Högskola. Uppdragsgivarna på Robotdalen, som höll på att utveckla en mobil robotplattform, Opiflex, ville ha hjälp med redesign av detta. Vår uppgift handlade om att förbättra robotplattformen Opiflex så att den blir mer användarvänlig. Det fanns ett behov att ge robotplattformen mer attraktivt utseende och vidareutveckla vissa detaljlösningarna. Projektavgränsningar berodde mest på tidsbrist. Begränsad tid tillät oss inte utveckla detaljlösningar för djupt. Ett antal koncept togs fram av helhetsstilen för robotplattformen och därefter valdes ut de bästa koncepten. De två bästa koncepten utvecklades och kombinerades till slut ihop till den enda slutgiltiga konceptet. Resultatet blev en CAD-modell som fick positiv reaktion av uppdragsgivare. Vi anser att vi har lyckats med design av en produkt som utstrålar kvalitet och funktionalitet. Beviset på detta var uppdragsgivarens reaktion när de fick se konceptet redan i inledningsfasen. Vi fick en positiv feedback redan från början av konceptvalet och följaktligen kan vi påstå att våra lösningar har varit en bidragande orsak till produktens image.
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The Settlement Home for Children : foster care redesign and the fate of a 100-year institutionCortez-Neavel, Elizabeth 23 February 2015 (has links)
For almost 100 years, the Settlement Home for Children has provided an anchor of stability in the uncertain lives of hundreds of abused and neglected Texas children and young adults. The child welfare organization has evolved to fit the needs of the Central Texas community, transforming programs or overhauling its system of care when legal or social changes in child welfare called for reform. Advocates and state officials have lauded the Home as a model of innovation in statewide foster care services. Today, however, this century-old establishment faces an uncertain future as the state implements its long-awaited Texas Foster Care Redesign. Some Settlement Home staff said the redesign could change the entire structure and operation of their programs. It will cut state funding to child placement agencies. Redesign eliminates the list of criteria used to place children in appropriate care, and could change how – and to whom – the Home provides care. The privatization of the entire foster care system is the foundation of redesign and will alter the Home's relationship with the state, potentially forcing the Home to close down as a child placement agency. / text
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The Settlement Home for Children : foster care redesign and the fate of a 100-year institutionCortez-Neavel, Elizabeth 23 February 2015 (has links)
For almost 100 years, the Settlement Home for Children has provided an anchor of stability in the uncertain lives of hundreds of abused and neglected Texas children and young adults. The child welfare organization has evolved to fit the needs of the Central Texas community, transforming programs or overhauling its system of care when legal or social changes in child welfare called for reform. Advocates and state officials have lauded the Home as a model of innovation in statewide foster care services. Today, however, this century-old establishment faces an uncertain future as the state implements its long-awaited Texas Foster Care Redesign. Some Settlement Home staff said the redesign could change the entire structure and operation of their programs. It will cut state funding to child placement agencies. Redesign eliminates the list of criteria used to place children in appropriate care, and could change how – and to whom – the Home provides care. The privatization of the entire foster care system is the foundation of redesign and will alter the Home's relationship with the state, potentially forcing the Home to close down as a child placement agency. / text
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The Settlement Home for Children : foster care redesign and the fate of a 100-year institutionCortez-Neavel, Elizabeth 23 February 2015 (has links)
For almost 100 years, the Settlement Home for Children has provided an anchor of stability in the uncertain lives of hundreds of abused and neglected Texas children and young adults. The child welfare organization has evolved to fit the needs of the Central Texas community, transforming programs or overhauling its system of care when legal or social changes in child welfare called for reform. Advocates and state officials have lauded the Home as a model of innovation in statewide foster care services. Today, however, this century-old establishment faces an uncertain future as the state implements its long-awaited Texas Foster Care Redesign. Some Settlement Home staff said the redesign could change the entire structure and operation of their programs. It will cut state funding to child placement agencies. Redesign eliminates the list of criteria used to place children in appropriate care, and could change how – and to whom – the Home provides care. The privatization of the entire foster care system is the foundation of redesign and will alter the Home's relationship with the state, potentially forcing the Home to close down as a child placement agency. / text
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O movimento metamórfico do capital e a reestruturação produtiva: o caso do Centro Industrial do SubaéFreitas, Maslowa Islanowa January 2005 (has links)
Submitted by Suelen Reis (suziy.ellen@gmail.com) on 2013-04-15T11:32:52Z
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Tese Maslowa Freitasseg.pdf: 716513 bytes, checksum: a4530e7cf3989af2fec7165b9c22f9e6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Meirelles(rodrigomei@ufba.br) on 2013-05-16T17:58:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Tese Maslowa Freitasseg.pdf: 716513 bytes, checksum: a4530e7cf3989af2fec7165b9c22f9e6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-05-16T17:58:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Tese Maslowa Freitasseg.pdf: 716513 bytes, checksum: a4530e7cf3989af2fec7165b9c22f9e6 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2005 / Este estudo busca analisar a reestruturação produtiva no Centro Industrial do Subaé, no município de Feira de Santana, a partir da introdução das novas tecnologias no processo produtivo e das novas formas de gestão da força de trabalho, observando seus impactos nas relações e condições de trabalho. Para a compreensão do processo de reestruturação produtiva, primeiramente, situa-se a discussão sobre o trabalho, considerado categoria central de análise e elemento fundante e estruturante da sociabilidade; em seguida, discutese como ele se configura e se expressa enquanto trabalho produtivo no processo de valorização do capital; apresenta-se, então, uma análise sobre sua organização e as formas fenomênicas que ele assume no capitalismo (taylorismo, fordismo e toyotismo); a partir daí, faz-se uma discussão sobre sua ressignificação na contemporaneidade. Assume-se como referência a crise do padrão de acumulação do capital iniciada na década de 70, no contexto de uma reorganização da produção social da vida, utilizando-se a teoria marxiana como paradigma analítico-conceitual. Procura-se, a partir deste marco teórico, discutir a reestruturação produtiva brasileira com o objetivo de identificar os modos e a magnitude deste processo no CIS e suas particularidades. Neste sentido, fez-se uma investigação empírica através de entrevistas com dirigentes e trabalhadores de oito empresas localizadas no CIS. Concluiu-se, a partir de alguns indicadores (mudanças no processo produtivo e na gestão da força de trabalho, salário, qualificação, terceirização e percepção dos trabalhadores) que existe neste distrito industrial uma reestruturação produtiva em andamento, que seus fundamentos se constituem similarmente à maneira como ele tem ocorrido internacional e nacionalmente em termos históricos, possuindo singularidades que se inscrevem em uma heterogeneidade que é própria do processo em termos de sua configuração concreta. / Salvador
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