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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Territorial reforms in Europe: effects on administrative performance and democratic participation

Ebinger, Falk, Kuhlmann, Sabine, Bogumil, Jörg 05 November 2019 (has links) (PDF)
Territorial reform is the most radical and contested reorganisation of local government. A sound evaluation of the outcome of such reforms is hence an important step to ensure the legitimation of any decision on the subject. However, in our view the discourse on the subject appears to be one sided, focusing primarily on overall fiscal effects scrutinised by economists. The contribution of this paper is hence threefold: Firstly, we provide an overview off territorial reforms in Europe, with a special focus on Eastern Germany as a promising case for cross-country comparisons. Secondly, we provide an overview of the analytical classifications of these reforms and context factors to be considered in their evaluation. And thirdly, we analyse the literature on qualitative performance effects of these reforms. The results show that territorial reforms have a significant positive impact on functional performance, while the effects on participation and integration are indeed ambivalent. In doing so, we provide substantial arguments for a broader, more inclusive discussion on the success of territorial reforms.


VANIA FINHOLDT ANGELO LEITE 12 June 2012 (has links)
[pt] Esta pesquisa se insere na discussão das reformas educativas e nas reformulações da política educativa que vêm ocorrendo em diferentes países e no Brasil. O trabalho pretende contribuir para essa discussão, ao analisar a atuação da coordenadora com as professoras, no processo de recontextualização da política oficial de Língua Portuguesa do primeiro ano, em uma escola da Rede Municipal de Ensino Fundamental, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, partindo do princípio de que coordenadora e as professoras são coprodutoras e intérpretes criativas do texto das políticas educativas. A pesquisa tem a seguinte questão: de que forma o coordenador pedagógico comprometido com um projeto pedagógico, em torno do qual empreende suas ações, em conjunto com os professores,pode equilibrar a política oficial (proposta externa) com o projeto da escola (proposta interna). Para fundamentar a análise do processo de implementação da política curricular, utilizo o Ciclo de Políticas proposto por Stephen Ball e colaboradores (Ball et al., 1992) e a teoria de Basil Bernstein (1996), no que se refere ao Modelo do Discurso Pedagógico. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa que utilizou os seguintes instrumentos: observação das reuniões de Centros de Estudos, Conselhos de Classe e aulas do primeiro ano; entrevistas com a coordenadora, as professoras do primeiro ano e a da sala de leitura; análise documental das Orientações Curriculares e Cadernos de Apoio Pedagógico do primeiro ano. O estudo evidencia que, no processo de implementação da política curricular de Língua Portuguesa no primeiro ano, a coordenadora buscou assegurar o processo de ensino e aprendizagem dos alunos, desenvolvendo os projetos de leitura (proposta interna), juntamente com as professoras, ao mesmo tempo, em que cumpria as determinações da SME (proposta externa), em relação à meta e ao o quê ensinar (conteúdos de alfabetização em Língua Portuguesa). A coordenadora defende e orienta as professoras a direcionarem o trabalho para uma prática de sala de aula com características do modelo de competência, no que se refere ao como ensinar. Esse equilíbrio, entre a proposta pedagógica da escola e a proposta da SME, resulta em um modelo pedagógico misto nos seguintes aspectos: a) em relação ao modelo de competência: a coordenadora defende que as professoras façam intervenções de acordo com a lógica do adquirente, seguindo seu nível de ritmo; b) em relação ao modelo de desempenho: a coordenadora segue as Orientações Curriculares no que se refere ao o quê ensinar no primeiro ano e aos critérios bem definidos para avaliar os alunos. / [en] This research is part of the discussions about educational reforms. It’s also included in the reformulations of the educational policy, which is being carried out in different countries, including Brazil.The work intends to contribute to this discussion, analyzing the role and the possibilities of the pedagogical coordination action onfirst grade Portuguese Language curricular policyexecution. Its object has been one public school at Rio de Janeiro city, assuming that the coordinator and the teachers are co-producers and creative readers of the educational policy text. The research is based on that question: How the pedagogical coordinator, engaged in a pedagogical project which guides its actions along with the teachers at the school she works, balances the State policy (external proposal) with the school project (internal proposal). To provide a basis to the analyses of the curricular policy execution process, I use the Stephen Ball’s Policies Cycle (Ball et al, 1992) and the Basil Bernstein’s theory (1996),regarding the Pedagogical Speech Model. It’s a qualitative research which used the following instruments: observation of Teachers’ Studies Meetings, Teachers’ conference and first grade classes; interviews with the coordinator, and with the first grade and reading room teachers; document analyses of the Curricular Guidelinesand the Pedagogical Support Guides to the first grade. The study shows that the coordinator has sought to ensure the teaching/learning process of the students, during the implementation process of the Portuguese Language curricular policy. She has developed reading projects (internal proposal) along with the teachers and, at the same time, she has obeyed the determinations of the SME (external proposal), regarding the goal and the what to teach (Portuguese Language literacy program). The coordinator defends and guides the teachers to direct their classes, following the competence model regarding how to teach. This balance between the school pedagogical proposal and the SME proposal results in a hybrid pedagogical model in these aspects: a) as regards to the competence model, the coordinator stands up that the teachers intervene in accordance with the student logic, following the rhythm and learning style of each one; b) as regards to the performance model, the coordinator follows the CurricularGuidelinesonwhatto teach on first grade and on well defined criteria to evaluate the students.

Efeitos das reformas institucionais no setor bancário sobre a produtividade dos bancos brasileiros / Effects of institutional reforms in the banking sector on the productivity of Brazilian banks

Lima, Daniel Guilherme de 04 August 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho visa estudar a evolução da produtividade dos bancos brasileiros ao longo dos anos de 2000 a 2014, analisando o período pré e pós 2003, quando iniciou-se a introdução de reformas institucionais que afetaram o setor bancário, dando base à sustentabilidade do crescimento do crédito na economia e fortalecendo a estrutura das operações tanto à pessoa física quanto à pessoa jurídica. O estudo é introduzido através da estimação de funções de produção e obtenção de medidas de produtividade total dos fatores (PTF) para 86 bancos individuais, empregando as técnicas de Levinsohn e Petrin (2003) e de Ackerberg, Caves e Frazer (2015) para controlar problemas de endogeneidade e colinearidade que surgem por conta da variável não observada (produtividade) e da escolha dos insumos. Os bancos foram divididos em três grupos: (i) intensivos em operações de crédito, utilizando como critério a razão de operações de crédito/total do ativo maior ou igual a 50% no período anterior às reformas; (ii) não intensivos em operações de crédito, reunindo bancos com a razão anteriormente mencionada menor que 10%, tendo como premissa que esse conjunto não é afetado diretamente pelas reformas; e (iii) os cinco maiores bancos do sistema financeiro brasileiro em relação ao ativo total. Os resultados mostram que (i) a produtividade agregada dos bancos oscilava sem direção definida no período anterior às reformas, mas mostraram um crescimento após as reformas; (ii) bancos intensivos em operações de crédito apresentaram ganho de produtividade de 7,0% a.a. após as reformas, totalizando 110,7% no período de 2004 a 2014, o que representa um crescimento bem mais expressivo que os 4,3% a.a. para os bancos não intensivos, totalizando ganho de 58,9% após as reformas; e (iii) maior realocação do produto de bancos menos produtivos para bancos mais produtivos durante a crise financeira mundial de 2008. / This paper aims to study the productivity of Brazilian banks from 2000 to 2014, analyzing the period before and after 2003, when began the introduction of institutional reforms affecting the banking sector, supporting the sustainability of credit growth in the economy and strengthening the structure of operations both to individuals as to legal entities. The study is introduced by estimating production functions and obtaining the total factor productivity (TFP) for 86 individual banks, implementing the methodology proposed by Levinsohn and Petrin (2003) and Ackerberg, Caves and Frazer (2015) to control problems of endogeneity and collinearity that arise due to the unobserved variable (productivity) and the choice of inputs. Banks were divided into three groups: (i) intensive in credit operations, using as criteria the ratio of credit operations/total assets greater than or equal to 50% in the period before the reforms; (ii) non-intensive in credit operations, bringing together banks with aforementioned ratio less than 10%, with the assumption that this group is not directly affected by the reforms; and (iii) the five largest banks in the Brazilian financial system in relation to total assets. The results show that (i) the aggregate productivity of banks fluctuated without a defined direction in the period before the reforms, but showed growth after the reforms; (ii) intensive banks in credit operations showed productivity gains of 7.0% (compound annual growth rate) after the reforms, totaling 110.7% from 2004 to 2014, which represents a much more significant growth than the 4.3% per year for non-intensive banks, totaling a gain of 58.9% after the reforms; and (iii) higher relocation of the product from less productive to more productive banks during the global financial crisis in 2008.

Les pensions de réversion en France : Equivalent Patrimonial des Droits à la Retraite, impacts des réformes et niveau de vie des pensionné(e)s. / Survivors' pensions in France : Pension wealth, pension reforms impacts and standard of living of pensioners

Tagne, Christian 29 September 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie les pensions de réversion en France en mettant l’accent sur la dimension patrimoniale « implicite» des droits à la retraite. En effet, les droits à pensions constituent une composante de la « richesse »des assurés, appréhendée comme une épargne « implicite » encore appelée équivalent patrimonial des droits à la retraite (EPDR). Après avoir analysé, dans le chapitre 1, la grande diversité des règles d’ouverture et de service de la pension de réversion entre les régimes, ainsi que les différentes logiques sous-jacentes des pensions de réversion entre secteur privé et secteur public, nous montrons, dans le chapitre 2, que l’EPDR évalué est plus important, en moyenne, dans les régimes du secteur public en raison des qualifications plus importantes des conjoints défunts dans ces régimes et des conditions de liquidation des retraites plus avantageuses. Par ailleurs,l’inégalité dans la distribution de cette « richesse de pensions » est moindre que celle généralement observée sur le patrimoine réel des ménages, mais se décompose de manière différente selon l’ancien secteur d’activité du conjoint défunt. Aussi, plusieurs facteurs, autres que la pension de réversion, expliqueraient le niveau de l’EPDR. L’analyse, dans le chapitre 3, de l’impact sur l’EPDR de l’augmentation de la durée d’assurance lors des réformes de 1993 et de 2003 montre une réduction significative de l’EPDR des pensionné(e)s dont le conjoint défunt avait validé au moins 60 trimestres de cotisation, mais était touché par la mesure. Enfin, dans le chapitre 4, nous montrons que les dispositifs de réversion permettent en moyenne aux veuves et aux veufs de maintenir leur niveau de vie antérieur au décès de leur conjoint, avec toutefois des nuances selon que le défunt était ancien cadre du privé, ancien non cadre du privé ou ancien fonctionnaire civil d’État. / This thesis examines survivors’ pensions in France by focusing on the implicit patrimonial dimension of pension rights. Indeed, pension rights are a component of the wealth of insured persons, considered as an implicit saving also called Pension wealth (PW). After examining in Chapter 1 the wide heterogeneity of rules governing the openness and service of survivors’ pensions between schemes, as well as the logic underlying survivors’ pensions between the private and public sectors, we show, in Chapter 2, that calculated Pension wealth is higher on average in public sector schemes due to the higher qualifications of the spouses deceased in these schemes and the more favorable retirement benefit conditions. Moreover, inequality in the distribution of Pension wealth is smaller than that generally observed on the real wealth of households, but Pension wealth is distributed differently according to the previous sector of activity of the deceased spouse. On the other hand, several factors, other than the survivor’s pension, would explain the level of Pension wealth. In Chapter 3, we show that the increase in the duration of insurance caused by the 1993 and 2003 reforms has significantly reduced Pension wealth for derived pensioners right whose deceased spouse had validated at least 60 quarters of contribution, but was affected by thoses measures.Finally, in Chapter 4, we show that survivors’ schemes on average allow widows and widowers to maintain their standard of living prior to the death of their spouses, although there are differences depending on whether the deceased was a private sector executive, a non-executive wage earner or a civil servant of the State.

New public management reforms : an empirical study of human resources critical factors, in the context of the Greek public sector

Liveris, Panagiotis D. January 2015 (has links)
This work is an endeavour on the subject of the Critical Success Factors imposed by Human Resources, in the process of reforms, under the context of New Public Management, particularly, as this applies in the Greek Public Sector and more specifically in the cases of ISO implementation. The fundamental issues it attempts to elucidate are the Human Resources policies that must be applied, so that employees become an integral element for the successful implementation of any introduced reforms. Many scholars have pointed out the gap in literature regarding the effect of New Public Management (NPM) reforms on the human factor. Moreover, in the current Greek reality, in the context of the economic recession and the debt crisis, where public administration reforms are mandatory, the thorough examination of the vital issues, pertaining to Human Resources, consists a major priority. The qualitative research method applied with the employees of the reformed organisations has further aspired to ponder and determine what really matters during the transformational process from the employees’ point of view. The conclusions we have reached underpin the importance of Human Resources motivational factors in the reform process, taking into consideration that the employee is the catalyst for any change effort. Some of those factors were found to be also part of the ISO concept per se, thus, their implementation would boost the employees’ morale, while others must be carefully analysed, planned and implemented by all the stakeholders to further facilitate the change process. We have to bear in mind that, especially under the current dire economic environment, quality reforms could be a challenge, as they combine fiscal discipline and at the same time aspire to increase the employees’ and citizens’ satisfaction. This study goes further to suggest that, the implementation of ISO reforms could help all the participants, provided that the decision makers take into serious consideration the Critical Success Factors outlined herewith, that have been extracted from a survey conducted pertinent to our research. This study focused on the reforms/ISO process as implemented by the Intermediate Managing Authority of the Ionian Islands. Further research on the implications from the implementation of NMP doctrines on Human Resources should be conducted in other Greek governmental organisations, in order to reaffirm the results and possibly enhance the suggested model. Conclusively, our ultimate target is to assist decision makers and encourage them to utilise the arguments depicted, towards the successful implementation of NPM doctrines.

“Andei, sempre tendo o que ver e ainda não fora visto”: a modernização urbana pelotense a partir de crônicas e fotografias (1912-1930)

Gonçalves, Mariana Couto 17 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2018-11-08T15:30:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Mariana Couto Gonçalves_.pdf: 4080536 bytes, checksum: e0a01319530981e5bcc6f80fb8a4b131 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-08T15:30:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mariana Couto Gonçalves_.pdf: 4080536 bytes, checksum: e0a01319530981e5bcc6f80fb8a4b131 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-08-17 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Na virada do século XIX para o XX, o Brasil vivenciou a instalação de um governo republicano que priorizou a modernização da nação, através da implantação de reformas urbanísticas que implicaram na iluminação e pavimentação das ruas, ajardinamento das praças e vias públicas, instalação de bondes elétricos, tratamento da água e do esgoto e na edificação de residências salutares, bem como em medidas de higienização. Na presente tese, analisamos o processo de modernização ocorrido na cidade de Pelotas (RS), entre as décadas de 1910 e 1920, a partir da análise de crônicas e fotografias que nos trazem informações tanto sobre as transformações operadas no ambiente urbano, quanto sobre como foram vivenciadas pelos diferentes indivíduos que circularam por seus bairros e ruas. As narrativas textuais – obtidas a partir dos jornais A Opinião Pública, Correio Mercantil, Diário Popular, O Libertador e O Rebate – e as imagéticas – extraídas do Álbum de Pelotas, Ilustração Pelotense e Almanach de Pelotas – foram compreendidas à luz dos referenciais da História Cultural, com o propósito de identificar como foi efetivado esse processo, quais os atores sociais envolvidos e de que forma ele foi representado nas fontes históricas analisadas. A investigação que realizamos demonstrou que o processo de modernização desencadeado pelo Intendente Cypriano Corrêa Barcellos e vivenciado cotidianamente pelos pelotenses consolidou a existência de múltiplas cidades contidas em uma única Princesa do Sul. / At the turn of the nineteenth century to the twentieth, Brazil experienced the installation of a republican government that prioritized the modernization of the nation, through the implementation of urban reforms that implied lighting and paving of the streets, gardening of squares and public roads, installation of trams electrical, water and sewage treatment and in the construction of healthy residences, as well as hygiene measures. In the present thesis, we analyze the modernization process that took place in the city of Pelotas (RS), between the decades of 1910 and 1920, based on the analysis of chronicles and photographs that give us information on both the transformations in the urban environment and on how were experienced by the different individuals that circulated through their neighborhoods and streets. The textual narratives - obtained from the newspapers A Opinião Pública, Correio Mercantil, Diário Popular, O Libertador e O Rebate - and the images - extracted from the Álbum de Pelotas, Ilustração Pelotense e Almanach de Pelotas - were understood in the light of the references of History Cultural, with the purpose of identifying how this process was carried out, which social actors were involved and how it was represented in the historical sources analyzed. Our research has shown that the process of modernization triggered by the Mayor Cypriano Corrêa Barcellos and experienced daily by the Pelotenses consolidated the existence of multiple cities contained in a single Princesa do Sul.

Simulação de choques em modelo de crescimento com interdependência /

Costa Junior, Celso José. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Carlos Alberto Cinquetti / Banca: Aquiles Elie Guimarães Kalatzis / Banca: André Luis Corrêa / Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir algumas reformas institucionais e políticas econômicas voltadas ao crescimento. Para tanto, valemo-nos de simulações econômicas, um tipo de abordagem alternativa que usa técnicas matemáticas e deduções para resolver um modelo objetivo. A simulação econômica desta dissertação reflete que o grau de abertura comercial é um fator relevante de peso para possíveis alterações estruturais nas economias. Nota-se que, nos países com baixo grau de abertura, o custo do capital é o principal entrave para o crescimento econômico. E, naquelas economias com alto grau de abertura, a maior dinâmica compensaria os problemas causados pelo custo do capital. Quando comparados os dois tipos de reformas (contínua versus pontual), a reforma "contínua" trará uma qualidade de ganho mais expressivo do produto relativo do que a reforma "pontual". Outra conclusão é que, as economias com maior grau de abertura devem ter uma maior preocupação com respeito à qualidade das suas instituições, devido à maior potencialidade causada pela maior abertura comercial / Abstract: The objective of this work is to discuss some institutional reforms and economic politics related to the growth. Therefore, it is based on economic simulations, a type of alternative approach that uses mathematical techniques and deductions to solve an objective model. The economic simulation of this dissertation reflects that the trade opening level is an important factor of weight for possible structural alterations in the economies. It is noticeable that, in the countries with low opening level, the cost of the capital is the main setback for the economic growth. And, in those economies with high opening level, the largest dynamics would compensate the problems caused by the cost of the capital. When compared the two types of reforms (continuous versus punctual), the "continuous" reform will bring a more expressive gain quality of the relative product than the "punctual" reform. Other conclusion is that, the larger opening level economies should have a larger concern regarded to the quality of its institutions, due to the largest potentiality caused by the largest trade opening / Mestre

Políticas públicas educacionais e democratização do acesso à escola média nas décadas de 1980 e 1990 no Brasil /

Lima, Aparecido Lopes de. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Neusa Maria Dal Ri / Banca: Cândido Giraldez Vieitez / Banca: Sandra Aparecida Riscal / Resumo: O presente estudo tem por objetivo principal investigar o processo de democratização do acesso à escola média nas décadas de 1980 e 1990, no Brasil. Esse processo de democratização da escola é analisado como um fenômeno perpassado por contradições expressas por diferenciação social entre os alunos de acordo com a origem social. Considera-se que a conceituação de democracia é múltipla de acordo com a concepção de educação, de estado e de sociedade. Sendo assim, realizou-se uma abordagem das concepções de democracia relacionadas à educação e ao processo de democratização da escola, a saber, as concepções de democracia liberal, neoliberal e socialista marxiana, e analisou-se as implicações sócio-econômicas e culturais do período enfocado. Situa-se o objeto deste estudo sob o impulso da democratização político-formal pelo qual passou a sociedade brasileira e das mudanças no cenário político-econômico e cultural internacional nas duas últimas décadas do século XX, em que a educação básica adquire caráter de centralidade para impulsionar o desenvolvimento. A partir de princípios legais estabelecidos na Constituição Federal de 1988, na Lei 9.394/96, Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (LDB), entre outros, são asseguradas a igualdade de condições para o acesso e permanência na escola e a gestão democrática do ensino público. Sob a lógica capitalista, a escola assume caráter de neutralidade. Finalmente, a partir desses princípios, problematiza-se e analisa-se a ocorrência de diferenciação social no interior da escola e a escassa participação efetiva de pais e alunos na gestão escolar. A escola pública brasileira, ainda que destinada à população de baixa renda, não é una e nem neutra. / Abstract: This present study aims mainly to investigate the process of democratization of access to high school in the decades of 1980 as well as 1990, in Brazil. Such process of democratization of access to school is assessed as an everlasting phenomenon of contradictions expressed through social differentiation amongst students according to their social origins. It is considered that the conceptualization of democracy is multiple towards the conception of education, state and society. Thus, an approach of the conceptions of democracy related to education as well as to the process of democratization of school was performed, in order to obtain further knowledge on the concepts of liberal, neo-liberal and Marxist-socialist democracy, and the socio-economic and cultural implications of the aforementioned period were analyzed. The focus of this study is placed somewhere under the impulse of the political-formal democratization through which Brazilian society underwent along with the changes in the political-economical scenario, with international culture as a whole in the last two decades of the 20th century, in which basic education acquires a key feature character for the booting of development. Based on the legal principles established by the Federal Constitution of 1988, under law 9.394/96, Law of Guidelines and Basing of National Education (LDB), amongst others, the equality of conditions of access and endurance in school, as well as the democratic management of public education are granted. Under the capitalist logic, school takes a neutral stand. At last, based on these very same principles, the occurrence of social differentiation inside school campuses as well as the scarce effective actuation of parents and students over school administration shape themselves as a problem, and are, therefore, analyzed. / Mestre

Agências reguladoras e Estado no Brasil : reformas e reestruturação neoliberal nos anos 90 /

Rosa, Ádima Domingues da. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Francisco Luiz Corsi / Banca: Adilson Gennari / Banca: Marcos Tadeu Del Roio / Resumo: As últimas décadas do século XX se caracterizaram por um conjunto de alterações e reformas na estrutura estatal brasileira. Frente a esse quadro, o trabalho busca reconstruir o processo de emergência das agências reguladoras nos anos 90, tomandoas como dimensão destacada da nova configuração do Estado no Brasil e da inserção do País no novo cenário de mundialização do capital. A estruturação das agências está inserida num momento de transformação do Estado, que adquire uma dimensão cada vez mais gerencial e regulacionista, em detrimento de suas conformações desenvolvimentistas no plano econômico e político. Tais mudanças institucionais têm como embasamento a cultura da competição, que não se localiza apenas no âmbito institucional, mas opera como retorno à cultura do liberalismo e do individualismo social como parâmetro das políticas públicas. / Abstract: The last decades of the twentieth century were characterised by a group of changes and reforms in the Brazilian. In this context, the work seeks to reconstruct the process of create of regulatory agencies in the nineties, taking them as design of the new configuration of State in Brasil, showing the new faces of the capital. The structure of the agencies is part of this transformations from State, that acquire a dimension management and regulationist front of declination of the developmentalist project. These institutional changes have as parameter the culture of competition, which is located not only in the institutional framework, but operates as a return to the liberalism and individualism culture as a parameter of public policies. / Mestre

Analýza důchodového systému v Německu se základním porovnáním důchodového systému v České republice / Analysis of Pension System in Germany and Comparison with the Czech Republic

Sedláčková, Lucie January 2010 (has links)
Graduation theses Analysis of retirement systém in Germany with fundamental comparison retirement system in Czech republic will analyse retirement systém in Germany. Attention will be apply to reforms already carried out and problematic issues retirement systém. Retirement system than will be compared with retirement system in Czech republic in the main features. Component of the graduation theses will be teoretical solution of selected problems of the retirement system in Czech republic.

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