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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

GIS i regional planering : Regionerna Västernorrland, Kalmar län och Dalarna / GIS in regional planning : The regions of Västernorrland, Kalmar län and Dalarna

Furberg, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
In the process of analysing and monitoring the growth and development work, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a useful tool. GIS maps can explain the world by putting spatial aspects in relation to each other. The County Council of Västernorrland was converted into a Region in 2017 and thus received responsibility for the regional development work. Currently, the region does not have a GIS operation of its own but has realized that a regional GIS management would facilitate by more efficient analyses and better decision support.  The purpose of this study is to compare and describe how GIS is used in similar Regions and how GIS can be used in Region Västernorrland. A value table with selected factors such as area and population has been created to identify similar regions to Region Västernorrland. The study examines how GIS is handled in Region Kalmar län and Region Dalarna. Interviews with GIS users in each Region have been compared with theories on GIS usage in public and regional activities to discuss how the regional GIS usage can be developed. The result shows that the regional GIS use has a development potential in several areas shown in previous studies. Lack of data, knowledge and organizational coordination are some of the areas that GIS users handle. The interviews also show that there are interests and opportunities for regional GIS management.

Arapiraca/AL e Itabaiana/SE: a feira livre como gênese e desenvolvimento de dois centros regionais do interior do Nordeste brasileiro / Arapiraca/AL and Itabaiana/SE: the street market as genesis and development of two regional centers in the Brazilian Northeast country towns

Firmino, Paul Clívilan Santos 18 December 2015 (has links)
Localizadas no Agreste alagoano e sergipano, respectivamente, as cidades de Arapiraca e Itabaiana, são portadoras de uma dinâmica singular, despontando como centros regionais no interior do Nordeste brasileiro. A gênese do processo que resultou nesse quadro de referência alicerça-se, sobretudo, na feira livre que assumiu relevância e se refletiu na expansão do comércio e no surgimento de diversas iniciativas industriais. Por conseguinte, contribuindo à criação de uma gama de novos e diversificados serviços e o consequente crescimento das suas economias. No caso de Arapiraca a feira ganha impulso com o desenvolvimento da cultura fumageira, enquanto em Itabaiana o caminhão é o responsável direto pela expansão da feira livre. Nesta perspectiva, o presente trabalho propõe analisar essa gênese ancorada no papel da feira, combinada com outros eventos como as atividades agrícolas, considerando a força e o espírito de iniciativa do povo agrestino. Destarte, foi essencial revisitar os eventos que marcaram cada período na história econômica dos seus respectivos estados e a influência na economia de Arapiraca e Itabaiana, ao tempo em que buscou fazer relação da feira livre com a proposta dos dois circuitos da economia urbana (SANTOS, [1979] 2008). O uso de um referencial teórico-metodológico centrado no entendimento de variáveis como feira livre, desenvolvimento econômico e regional, industrialização, economia natural e de mercado, dinamicidade e centralidade, a partir das concepções de autores como Andrade (1979 e 1998), Braudel (1998), Bispo (2013), Carvalho (2012), Carvalho e Costa (2012), Guedes (1999), Lima (1965), Mamigonian (1965, 2009), Melo (1980), Rangel (1959, 2012c), Santos ([1980] 2010), Santos e Silveira (2010) entre outros, mostrou-se imprescindível nesta investigação. Trilhando por este caminho, a concreção da investigação deu-se mediante o trabalho de campo, que contou com aplicação de questionários com feirantes, consumidores, caminhoneiros e empresários/industriais das duas cidades analisadas. Assim, foi possível constatar um desenvolvimento centrado nas iniciativas locais, com surgimento de pequenos negócios originados do circuito inferior, onde a mão de obra local, o capital próprio e as técnicas não tão modernas, foram a base para o sucesso de iniciativas em diversos ramos. Dessa forma, refletindo-se decisivamente no desenvolvimento econômico desses dois importantes centros regionais do interior do Nordeste brasileiro. / The Arapiraca and Itabaiana cities, which are localized in the agreste from Alagoas and Sergipe, have a single dynamic highlighting itself owing to its regional centers in the Brazilian northeast town. The reason of such prominence is, above all, the street market, which gained relevance and it was responsible for commerce expansion and onset of several industrial initiatives. Moreover, it has contributed to the creation of new and range services and subsequent growth of their economies. In the case of Arapiraca the street market gains momentum with the development of the tobacco culture, while in Itabaiana the truck is directly responsible for the expansion of the street market. In this perspective, this study aims to analyze this genesis based in the free market role, combined with other events such as agricultural activities, considering the strength and spirit of initiative of the agreste citizens. Thus, it was essential to revisit the events that marked each period in the economic history of their respective states and influence in Arapiraca and Itabaiana economy at the same time it tried to connect the free market to the proposal of the two circuits of the urban economy (SANTOS, [1979] 2008). The theoretic-methodological referential use centered on the comprehension of variables like street market, economic and regional development, industrialization, natural and market economy, dynamism and centrality, from the ideas of authors such as Andrade (1979 and 1998), Braudel ( 1998), Bishop (2013), Carvalho (2012), Carvalho and Costa (2012), Guedes (1999), Lima (1965), Mamigonian (1965, 2009), Melo (1980), Rangel (1959, 2012c), Santos ([1980] 2010), Santos and Silveira (2010) among others, proved to be essential on this investigation. Treading on this path, the concretion of research took place through fieldwork, which included questionnaires with merchants, consumers, truckers and businessmen analyzed the two cities. Thus, there has been development centered on local initiatives, with the appearance of small business originated from the lower circuit where local labor, equity and techniques not quite as modern, were the basis for the success of initiatives in several fields. Therefore, reflecting decisively on economic development of these two important regional centers in the country towns of the Brazilian Northeast.

Suburbanizace ve vztahu k regionálnímu rozvoji - s přihlédnutím k teorii udržitelného rozvoje / Suburbanisation and Regional Development according to the Theory of Sustainable Development

Huberová, Jana January 2009 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Suburbanization and Regional Development according to the Theory of Sustainable Development" deals with the processes of suburbanization, with a focus on its negative impacts, e.g. urban sprawl, and the influence of these processes concerning regional development and sustainable development. The problems of suburbanization and the associated public policy are analyzed on two basic levels: 1. Analysis of the policy (especially regional policy, policy of urban planning) on particular levels of governance with analysis of key documents (strategic political documents, both national and supranational); 2. Analysis of the regional development of the Central Bohemia (with cases studies of Vysoký Újezd and Horoměřice) influenced by the suburbanization process in surrounding Prague (analysis of indices of regional development that are closely connected with suburbanization, such as migration, construction, property price development and also other socio-economic indices). The result of the thesis is a model analysis that creates the framework for the evaluation of suburbanization concerning regional development. This is carried out according to the concept of sustainable development and proposes the basic set of indices relevant for measuring the influence of suburbanization on sustainable...

Průmyslový upgrading a regionální rozvoj: Český automobilový průmysl / Industrial upgrading and regional development - Czech automotive industry

Ženka, Jan January 2011 (has links)
Disertační práce vychází z perspektivity globálních hodnotových řetězců a globálních produkčních sítí, které poskytují vhodný konceptuální rámec pro analýzu pravděpodobnosti delokalizace a intenzity průmyslového upgradingu. Průmyslový upgrading je považován za nezbytnou podmínku udržení konkurenceschopnosti vyspělých zemí, které čelí růstu cen výrobních faktorů. V první části práce se autor zabývá otázkou, které obory zpracovatelského průmyslu Česka jsou nejvíce ohroženy přesunem výroby do zahraničí a zda dochází ke koncentraci mezinárodně mobilních, nákladově orientovaných investic v zaostávajících regionech s vysokou mírou nezaměstnanosti a dostupnými investičními pobídkami. V druhé části byla pro období 1998-2006 měřena intenzita upgradingu široce vymezeného automobilového průmyslu Česka, jakožto nosného oboru české ekonomiky. Cílem bylo zjistit, zda byly firmy v automobilovém průmyslu Česka schopny inovovat a modernizovat své výrobní kapacity pro udržení konkurenceschopnosti navzdory rostoucím nákladům i poklesu poptávky v krizovém období 2008-2009. Vzhledem k nadměrné orientaci české ekonomiky na automobilový průmysl byly očekávány významné dopady na vývoj regionálního vzorce nezaměstnanosti. Pro tyto účely byly vytvořeny dvě unikátní databáze mikrodat, založených na ročních podnikových...

Sportovní cestovní ruch a jeho vliv na rozvoj regionů / Sport tourism in regional development

Soukupová, Lenka January 2019 (has links)
Title: Sport Tourism and its Influence on Development of Regions Objectives: The objective of the thesis is to introduce the sport tourism as a convenient tool for the regional development, to find out if the regions think about it in this way nowadays and how the sport tourism is incorporated in the strategic documents if so. The finding if the sport tourism is considered as a separate branch or if it is still divided into sport and tourism industry is also remarkable. This thesis sets the target to outline the different ways of the sport tourism application in a regional development and to determine certain recommendations as well. Methods: The methods used at research are qualitative content analysis and semi- structured interview. The analysis is used for the strategic documents of regions and the interviews are held with the regional representatives and the private institution agents chosen by a snowball sampling. Subsequently, a holistic analysis and an interpretation of discovered results are made. Results: I have revealed that sport and tourism are both part of the strategic documents of the regions, but no region uses the term 'sport tourism' in these documents. Sport and tourism are still two separate industries in the conception of the regions. Basically, it is possible to say that sport...

Vliv dálnice D5 na rozvoj Rokycan / Impact of D5 highway on Rokycany development

Plecitá, Monika January 2010 (has links)
Highways building and expressways in general has been taking place all over the world for tens of years. As one of the major advantages of this building up is almost automatically, except an improvement of traffic situation, mentioned the benefit to the regional development in concerned areas. However, there are a few executed studies of highways impact on the regional development and most of them are from abroad. The studies show that presence of highway has a different impact on each region. But, they also warn on the adverse effects of highways on the regional development, especially in the peripheral regions. In those regions highways rather further deepen the disparities between the core and the periphery. The town of Rokycany acts as a relatively strong centre for its hinterland and thanks to D5 highway as a suburban area of the nearby and ten times larger city of Pilsen. The traffic diverting out of the town centre was necessary even if the local shopkeepers can experience a drop of incomes. The local authorities and the major firms welcome the presence of highway.

Konjunkturální Bratislava / Conjunctural Bratislava

Sokol, Daniel January 2010 (has links)
Conjunctural Bratislava is complex regional study which emphasises the topic of identity and social features of the city and its impact on the physical infrastucture and organisation of the city. First theoretical part introduces the Theory of conjunctural city based on connection between hierarchy and dynamic development in broad sense. Second part provides the systematic view of Bratislava, explaining some aspects of the theory (population, economy, urbanism, transportation, culture). Short chapter is dedicated to current conceptual ideas of Bratislava in terms of a city and a region, too. The last part of the study brings a brief prognostic view of main prospects of the city and some possible problems which may occure soon or later. Empirical study in appendix is aimed to Bratislava's hiphop culture and its musical production. I have chosen four songs for the analysis (three local ones and one from Prague hip hop group PSH). Bratislava has been chosen for its uniqueness, being one of the very few remaining conjunctural cities in Europe. Keywords: Bratislava, city, identity, hierarchy, theory, regional development, hip hop

Konjunkturální Bratislava / Conjunctural Bratislava

Sokol, Daniel January 2011 (has links)
Conjunctural Bratislava is regional study which emphasises the topic of identity and social features of the city and its impact on the physical infrastucture and organisation of the city. First theoretical part introduces the Theory of conjunctural city based on connection between hierarchy and dynamic development in broad sense. Second part provides the systematic view of Bratislava, explaining some aspects of the theory (population, economy, urbanism, transportation, culture). Short chapter is dedicated to current conceptual ideas of Bratislava in terms of a city and a region, too. The last part of the study brings a brief prognostic view of main prospects of the city and some possible problems which may occure soon or later. Empirical study in appendix is aimed to Bratislava's hiphop culture and its musical production. I analysed three local hip hop songs. Bratislava has been chosen for its uniqueness, being one of the very few remaining conjunctural cities in Europe.

Vliv dálnice D5 na rozvoj Rokycan / Impact of D5 highway on Rokycany development

Plecitá, Monika January 2011 (has links)
Highways building and expressways in general has been taking place all over the world for tens of years. As one of the major advantages of this building up is almost automatically, except an improvement of traffic situation, mentioned the benefit to the regional development in concerned areas. However, there are a few executed studies of highways impact on the regional development and most of them are from abroad. The studies show that presence of highway has a different impact on each region. In peripheral regions highways rather further deepen the disparities between the core and the periphery. The town of Rokycany acts as a relatively strong centre for its hinterland and thanks to D5 highway as a suburban area of the nearby and ten times larger city of Pilsen. The traffic diverting out of the Rokycany centre was necessary even if the local shopkeepers can experience a drop of incomes. The local authorities and the major firms welcome the presence of highway. But we can't ratify development of Rokycany caused by highway D5. Key words: highway, regional development, Rokycany, questionnaire enquiry

Výrobní sítě automobilového průmyslu jako faktor regionálního rozvoje v Česku / Production Networks of Automobile Industry as a Factor of Regional Development in Czechia

Doležalová, Anna January 2011 (has links)
Production Networks of Automobile Industry as a Factor of Regional Development in Czechia Abstract Thesis "Production Networks of automotive industry as a factor of regional development in Czechia" deals with linking economic globalization, global production networks and regional development. The main purpose is to analyze the relationship between regional development and the Czech automotive industry, depending on the position of automotive firms in global production networks. The work focuses on three areas: quantitative analysis of the automobile supplier sector, the spatial heterogenity of firms located in different positions in global production networks and formulating typology of regional development potential. The methodology employs 37 indicators for inter-regional comparisons. Based on comparative analysis, I identified a typology of regions according to their regional develompent potential. Keywords: automotive industry, global production networks, regional development

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