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The Koza Centre - an alternative to the custody of federally sentenced women in CanadaProuse, Stephanie 28 October 2016 (has links)
This practicum explores potential for a new prison typology for federally sentenced women within Canada. The Koza Centre is an alternative to designs and practices currently in place that have the potential to create barriers to successful rehabilitation and reintegration.
The primary intention of this work is to understand the issues and needs that are shared by many women who have come into conflict with the law and respond with an appropriate design. The methodology for this includes a brief history of women’s imprisonment in Canada and current political contexts, an analytical framework focused on overall well-being, and precedent studies. From this, programming and strategies have been developed that inform an evidence-based design.
The result is a design focused on rehabilitation through the building of healthy relationships, ties to the community, programming that fosters successful reintegration, and supportive interior design that facilitates the well-being of those within the space. / February 2016
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«Le grand retour» : le processus de rapatriement chez l’étudiant en échange à l’internationalMcPhedran, Elizabeth 12 1900 (has links)
L’augmentation rapide de l’interdépendance mondiale, provoquée par le développement de la mondialisation, exige une redéfinition de la notion traditionnelle de l’éducation supérieure. Au Canada, comme dans le reste du monde, plusieurs universitaires, fonctionnaires du gouvernement et étudiants insistent maintenant sur l’intégration de l’internationalisation dans l’éducation supérieure à travers des échanges interculturels et des études à l’étranger, dans l’espoir que les générations canadiennes à venir développent une perspective globale et deviennent des « citoyens du monde » (Comité consultatif sur la stratégie du Canada en matière d’éducation internationale, 2012). Pourtant, pour garantir que l’étudiant qui participe à un échange profite le plus de son expérience internationale, nous devrons comprendre comment une telle expérience l’influence tant à court terme qu’à long terme. Bien que d’autres études se soient concentrées sur le court terme (le séjour à l’étranger et ses impacts immédiats), peu ont examiné le retour de l’étudiant, sa réintégration dans sa société d’origine et les effets subséquents à long terme, tels que les développements personnels qui pourraient suivre le rapatriement.
Cette étude qualitative examine les témoignages de huit étudiants au premier cycle de l’Université de Montréal sur la façon dont ils ont vécu leur rapatriement à Montréal après un échange pédagogique à l’étranger. Quoique certains chercheurs présentent la notion de rapatriement comme une série d’événements déconnectés, notre analyse fait ressortir une tendance similaire dans tous nos témoignages qui nous permet dorénavant de considérer ce rapatriement comme un processus en trois étapes interconnectées. En empruntant à la théorie Intercultural Personhood de Kim (2008), nous sommes désormais en mesure de qualifier ces trois étapes comme étant le stress, l’adaptation et l’évolution. Non seulement cette interprétation nous aide à mieux comprendre les difficultés rencontrées par l’étudiant à l’occasion de son retour, mais elle facilite également l’identification des transformations identitaires qui apparaissent à ce moment-là et la manière dont ces transformations influencent le processus de rapatriement. / The rapidly increasing interconnectedness of the world brought on by the expansion of globalization calls for a redefinition of the traditional notion of higher education. As such, many Canadian educators, government officials, and students alike are insisting on the importance of internationalizing higher education through intercultural exchanges and studying abroad, in the hopes that current and future generations of Canadians will acquire a global perspective and become citizens of the world (Advisory Panel on Canada’s International Education Strategy, 2012). Yet in order to ensure that students are gaining the most from their international experience, it is important to understand the impact that studying abroad can have, both in the short and long term. While many past studies have focused on the short-term, or the actual time spent abroad and subsequent impacts, few have examined the exchange student’s re-entry into their society of origin and subsequent long-term effects, such as personal developments that surface during repatriation.
In this qualitative study, eight undergraduate students from the University of Montreal were interviewed regarding how they lived their reintegration into Montreal society after returning home post studying abroad. While academics that have broached the subject in the past tended to view repatriation as a static series of events, our data analysis showed a similar pattern that surfaced in all respondents’ testimonials allowing us to henceforth recognize this repatriation as an interconnected three-step process. By borrowing from Kim’s theory of Intercultural Personhood (2008), we are now able to define these three distinct phases as stress, adaptation, and growth; all of which not only help to better understand the difficulties students face during their process of reintegration but also facilitate the identification of possible identity transformations that surface upon re-entry and how these transformations impact the repatriation process.
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Exile and the political cultures of the Greek polis, c. 404-146 BCGray, Benjamin D. January 2011 (has links)
This thesis uses the evidence for a wide range of phenomena relating to the exile of citizens, by judicial decision or through stasis, to investigate the political cultures of Greek poleis in the period c. 404-146 BC: the fundamental ideas about citizenship which were in circulation in poleis in that period. Political communication in the context of exile phenomena forced citizens to make explicit their fundamental assumptions about the criteria for civic inclusion and exclusion and about the extent and basis of civic obligation. Analysis of surviving evidence for that communication thus offers unique insights into prominent Greek ideas about citizenship. This method is applied, in chapters 1 and 2, to laws and discussions relating to, first, lawful expulsion and exclusion and, second, civic reconciliation and the reintegration of exiles; and, in chapters 3 and 4, to the political rhetoric, organisation and ideas of participants in exclusionary stasis and of exiled citizens. Wherever possible, ancient Greek philosophers’ arguments, rhetoric and assumptions are compared with those of non-philosophers. Study of the four different bodies of evidence suggests that most poleis’ political cultures were distinguished by their extremes, paradoxes, indeterminacies and contradictions. In particular, many poleis’ political cultures included very significant, radical norms of civic voluntarism, encouraging citizens to exercise extensive voluntary initiative in political contexts. Moreover, most poleis political cultures were dominated by two coexisting, radically opposed basic paradigms of the good polis and of good citizenship: these are defined in the introduction and chapter 1 as a ‘unitarian teleological communitarian’ paradigm and a ‘libertarian contractarian’ paradigm. In addition to revealing fundamental ideas of citizenship, some of the exile evidence enables study of the effects of those ideas in practice in this period: citizens’ political choices, claims and behaviour in relevant periods of stress, such as a bout of exclusionary stasis or a spell of political agitation while in exile, represent a well-defined and revealing case-study of the multiple, competing effects of those ideas on political interaction. It is argued that the exile evidence suggests that the same fundamental ideas of citizenship were conducive both to civic stability and flourishing and to destructive civic unrest.
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Intervention dans le processus de réinsertion sociale au Québec : une étude du point de vue des agents de réinsertion sociale en collectivitéRoy, Emmanuelle 06 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire a pour objectif de comprendre l’expérience de travail des agents œuvrant en réinsertion sociale auprès de condamnés provinciaux en collectivité au Québec. Plus précisément, cette recherche souhaite saisir le rôle exercé par ces agents, dans un contexte où ils exercent un double mandat de sécurité publique et de réinsertion sociale. L’étude tente aussi de mettre en lumière leurs pratiques de travail, inscrites dans une logique de gestion efficace des risques. Enfin, ce mémoire vise à comprendre la place qu’occupe la réinsertion sociale dans le cadre de leur travail. Pour ce faire, l’approche qualitative a permis de mener quinze (15) entretiens auprès d’agents de probation et d’intervenants issus du secteur communautaire responsables de la surveillance de justiciables provinciaux en collectivité. Deux (2) thèmes principaux émergent de ces entrevues. D’une part, Le travail est décrit par les participants en regard du double rôle exercé, des responsabilités légales et cliniques qui leur incombent, et de l’intervention centrée sur le risque et la réinsertion sociale auprès des contrevenants. D’autre part, Le contexte de travail réfère au partenariat établi entre les intervenants, au recours aux outils actuariels, ainsi qu’aux instances modulant leurs pratiques de travail : les médias, la Commission québécoise des libérations conditionnelles et les Services correctionnels du Québec. Il ressort de nos analyses que la sécurité publique par la gestion efficace des risques se manifeste par une forme de rationalisation des pratiques de travail et par l’intégration d’un rôle de contrôle. Il appert cependant que ces deux (2) aspects sont motivés avant tout par le désir de venir en aide à la population contrevenante. Il résulte finalement de l’étude que la réinsertion sociale ne constitue qu’un objectif de l’intervention parmi d’autres. Les participants doivent jongler avec ces diverses finalités afin de s’ajuster à l’acteur principal de leur travail : le contrevenant. / This thesis aims to understand the work experience of professionals involved in offender reintegration in a community monitoring context in Quebec. More specifically, this research aims to grasp their role, considering that they must both ensure public safety and promote reintegration. The study also attempts to bring to light their work practices, based on effective risk management logic. Finally, this thesis aims to understand the role of reintegration within their functions. To proceed, the qualitative approach was used to conduct fifteen (15) interviews with probation officers and community workers in charge of offender supervision in Quebec. Two (2) main themes emerged from these interviews. On one hand, Work is described in regards to role duality, legal and clinic responsibilities and intervention focused on risk and reintegration. On the other hand, the Work context refers to partnerships created with other professionals involved in the reintegration, actuarial assessment, as well as instances that may influence their work practices, such as the media, the Parole Board of Quebec and the Correctional Services of Quebec. It appears from our analysis that public safety through effective risk management results in rationalization of their practices as well as monitoring as a part of their role. However, it seems that these two (2) aspects are primarily motivated by a strong desire to help offenders. Our study shows that those implicated in the reintegration process must juggle with multiple goals within their duties. Reintegration is not the only objective pursued, as they must constantly adjust their actions to focus on the main character involved in their work: the offender.
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Le retour en communauté des détenus âgés : entre marginalisation et insertion, des expériences pluriellesGuenat, Claire 04 1900 (has links)
À l’heure actuelle, au Canada, un détenu sous responsabilité fédérale sur cinq est âgé de plus de cinquante ans, ce qui représente une augmentation de 101% depuis le début des années 2000. Alors que tout semble indiquer qu’un nombre croissant de détenus âgés seront remis en liberté, très peu d’études se concentrent sur ce qu’ils vivent après la détention. Ce mémoire propose donc de comprendre leur expérience de retour en communauté et de faire ressortir le regard qu’ils posent sur celle-ci. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, nous nous sommes intéressées au vécu de dix-sept hommes âgés de cinquante ans et plus ayant purgé leur peine au sein d’établissements carcéraux québécois. Par l’entremise d’entrevues semi-dirigées, nous sommes parvenues à mettre en avant que le retour en communauté des détenus âgés est marqué par de multiples difficultés, exacerbées par leur âge, leur statut pénal et le cadre institutionnel dans lequel ils évoluent. Toutefois, cette expérience est vécue différemment selon la présence de solidarités familiales qui leur permettent d’accéder à un statut social valorisant et leur offrent la possibilité d’exister socialement. / Nowadays in Canada, one out of five prisoners under federal jurisdiction is aged 50 and over, representing a 101% increase since the early 2000s. While everything seems to indicate that an increasing number of seniors will be released in the coming years, only a few studies have focused on life after prison. This thesis aims to understand their reentry process and to highlight the meaning they give to their experience. Our semi-structured interviews focused on the lived experiences of seventeen senior men, all of whom had served their sentence in Quebec detention centers. We found that the reentry of senior prisoners is marked by multiple difficulties, often intensified by their age, penal status and the institutional environment they evolved in. However, the reentry is experienced differently depending on whether the familial solidarity has allowed them to reach a gratifying social status and enables them to exist.
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När hjälp och stöd blir till bojor och hinder : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares arbete med att återintegrera våldsutsatta kvinnor med skyddade personuppgifter i samhället.Björndahl, Linda, Saxe, Cecilia January 2017 (has links)
In the society of today there is a gender power order where men are parent of women. This superiority tends to permeate and affect institutions and organizations of the society. The responsibility of abused women in Sweden lies with the social services and is controlled by the social services act. Together with the national guidelines and common advice of the social board the idea is for the business to form strategies and actions to provide help and support for abused women. The purpose of our investigation is to see how social workers are working to reintegrate women who live with protected personal data in the society based on the right to be self sufficient and independent. A qualitative study using semi-structured interviews were conducted. The empirical data, based on six social secretary experience, evaluated through a thematic analysis and linked to previous research and theoretical perspectives SOC and gender power. The conclusions we have reached are that the work is affected by both experience, way of work, as well as guidelines and limitations in the legislation. The activities offered are helping women in the acute phase but the long termed work have several limitations mainly for protected women. / I dagens samhälle råder en könsmaktsordning där män är överordnade kvinnor. Överordningen tenderar även att genomsyra samhällets institutioner och organisationer. Ansvaret för våldsutsatta kvinnor i Sverige ligger på socialtjänsten och regleras i socialtjänstlagen. Tillsammans med Socialstyrelsens nationella riktlinjer och allmänna råd utformas strategier och insatser för att ge hjälp och stöd till våldsutsatta kvinnor. Syftet med undersökning var att titta på hur socialsekreterare arbetar för att återintegrera kvinnor med skyddade uppgifter i samhället, utifrån rätten att vara självförsörjande och självständig. En kvalitativ studie med semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes. Det empiriska materialet, baserat på sex socialsekreterares erfarenheter, utvärderades genom en tematiskanalys och kopplades till tidigare forskning och de teoretiska perspektiven KASAM och könsmaktsordningen. Våra slutsatser är att socialsekreterarnas arbete påverkas av såväl erfarenhet, arbetsformer, riktlinjer samt begränsningar i lagstiftningen. Erbjudna insatser hjälper de våldsutsatta kvinnorna i den akuta fasen men i det långsiktiga arbetet återfinns åtskilliga begränsningar främst för skyddade kvinnor.
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Caracterização do perfil de dependentes químicos sensíveis ao acolhimento em comunidades terapêuticas / Characterization of the profile of chemical dependentes with response to the host in therapeutic communitiesRuiz, Geny Cristina Dias 08 February 2019 (has links)
Introdução: As estratégias de abordagem para dependentes químicos ainda constituem desafios para a formulação das políticas públicas da saúde, da assistência social e do trabalho e, nesse contexto, o papel do tratamento em comunidades terapêuticas (CTs), como uma alternativa encontrada pelo poder público, ainda é objeto de controvérsia. Objetivo: Caracterizar o perfil dos dependentes químicos com remissão sustentada e reinserção social, mediante tratamento em CTs. Metodologia. Realizou-se pesquisa avaliativa, retrospectiva, mista, destinada a caracterizar a estrutura, o processo e resultados das práticas assistenciais desenvolvidas por CTs do município de Ribeirão Preto. A organização das CTs, bem como o perfil sociodemográfico e epidemiológico dos dependentes químicos atendidos foram obtidos por meio de pesquisa documental e entrevista semiestruturada com os gestores e profissionais. Os fatores preditores de adesão, abstinência e reinserção social dos dependentes químicos foram obtidos por meio de estudo de múltiplos casos, considerando a perspectiva da equipe e dos acolhidos. Resultados: As CTs avaliadas estavam regulamentadas e aptas a ofertar o atendimento em saúde mental, com estruturas e processos amparados pela legislação. Dentre os 711 prontuários estudados, o acesso às CTs foi feito, predominantemente, a partir do Sistema de Assistência Social com 408 casos (57,40%), seguido da demanda espontânea em 168 (23,62%) e, finalmente, pelo Sistema de Saúde que encaminhou 135 (19,98%) pacientes. A internação foi motivada pelas dependências do crack em 341 (47,84%) pacientes, da cocaína em 226 (31,78%), do álcool em 138 (19,40%) e de outras drogas em 7(0,98%). Os homens negros e pardos representavam a maioria dos acolhidos: 428 (60,19%); 267(37,55%) estavam na faixa etária dos 30 aos 40 anos; 227(31,92%) possuíam apenas o ensino fundamental incompleto; 296 (41,63%) declararam receber até um salário mínimo; 226 (31,78%) não possuíam renda e 53% não tinham vínculos familiares. A alta terapêutica foi dada para 205 (28,83%) pacientes; 412 (57,94%) solicitaram alta; 81 (11,39%) deixaram a CT com alta administrativa e 13 (1,84%) abandonaram o tratamento. Após o processo de acolhimento, dentre os 47 pacientes em condição de remissão sustentada e reinserção social, verificou-se, de forma significativa, que a maioria recebeu alta terapêutica, a situação conjugal modificou-se, de 19,15% para 87,23% de casados/amasiados, o índice de vínculo familiar positivo passou de 55,32% para 97,87% e as faixas de renda de até 3 salários mínimos passaram de 23,4% para 48,94, e acima de 3 salários mínimos de 8,51 para 31,91%%. Conclusão: As comunidades terapêuticas são pouco reconhecidas como componente da rede psicossocial pelo sistema de saúde, têm baixa adesão dos acolhidos, mas é um componente assistencial que pode favorecer a remissão sustentada por meio do estabelecimento de vínculos afetivos, do trabalho e da renda / Introduction: The strategies in order approaching chemicals dependents are still challenges for public health formulation, social assistance and labor policies in this context, the role treatment in a therapeutic community, as an alternative found by the public power, is still study object. Objective: To characterize chemical dependents profile with sustained remission and social reinsertion, through treatment in therapeutic communities. Methodology: It is an evaluation, retrospective, mixed research, designed to characterize the structure, process and results of care practices developed by Therapeutic Communities in the city of Ribeirão Preto. The organization of TCs, as well as the sociodemographic and epidemiological profile of the chemical dependents attended were obtained through documental research and semi-structured interview with the management team. Identifying predictors of adherence, abstinence and social reinsertion of the chemical dependents were obtained by means of a multiple case study, considering the team and hostages perspectives. Results: The evaluated TCs were regulated and able to offer mental health care, with structures and processes supported by legislation. Among the 711 charts studied, access to TCs was predominantly from the Social Assistance System with 408 cases (57.40%), followed by spontaneous demand in 168 (23.62%) and, finally, by the Health System which referred 135 (19.98%) patients. The hospitalization was motivated by crack dependencies in 341 (47.84%) patients, cocaine in 226 (31.78%), alcohol in 138 (19.40%) and other drugs in 7 (0.98%). Blacks and browns account for the majority of harbored: 428 (60.19%); 267 (37.55%) are between 30 and 40 years of age; 227 (31.92%) have incomplete elementary education only; 296 (41, 63%) reported receiving up to one salary; 226 (31.78%) had no income and 53% had no family ties. Higher therapy was recorded for 205 (28.83%) patients; 412 (57.94%) requested discharge, 81 (11.39%) left the TC with administrative discharge and 13 (1.84%) left the treatment. After the reception process, among the 47 patients in a condition of sustained remission and social reintegration, it was verified that the majority received high treatment, the marital situation changed from 19.15% to 87.23% of married/positive, family bond index went from 55.32% to 97.87% and the income brackets of up to 3 minimum wages increased from 23.4% to 48.94, and above 3 minimum wages from 8.51 to 31, 91%%. Conclusion: Therapeutic communities are little recognized as a component of the psychosocial network by the health system, have low adherence, but it is an assistance component that can induce sustained remission through the establishment of affective, work and income bonds
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Previous issue date: 2015-04-07 / This dissertation deals with systems, prison systems and the control and efficiency of
electronic monitoring in the enforcement of sentences. It seeks to prove that despite
the progressive system in the execution of the sentence in Brazil to present itself as a
set of principles and rules that aim to achieve retributive nature of the punishment of
more human way through social reintegration, is primarily reinforcing the control of
the bodies submitted to serve their sentences. In turn, the alternative and
technological means of indirect monitoring, based on the electronic monitoring has
been used as a mechanism or control gear, while despises the parallel
implementation of social inclusion policies and therefore humanity of the convict. In
order to confirm this hypothesis, the research is based on disciplinary power
reference in the kidnapping of institutions, in particular in prison and electronic
monitoring system from the way the criminal agencies even react to the condemned
as machinery or gear maintenance of relations of power and control over the
convicts. Through national and foreign literature, as well as the assessment of
administrative and legal documents relating to criminal enforcement, analysis of the
reality of electronic monitoring in Brazil and especially in Goiás, objective reinforce
that finding, to expose the grounds of implementation of that electronic gear - in
Goiás through electronic anklets - although a less painful form of surveillance and
punishment than the classic system embodied in prisons, have the urge or the time
control objective and actions of inmates who are not oportunizado social inclusion
policies even the most traditional and basic shapes, namely, education, work, medical
and psychological care. / Esta dissertação trata dos sistemas, regimes prisionais, controle e da eficiência da
monitoração eletrônica na execução das penas, buscando demonstrar, que apesar
do sistema progressivo na execução da pena no Brasil se apresentar como um
conjunto de princípios e regras que objetivam alcançar a natureza retributiva da pena
de modo mais humano por meio da reintegração social, primordialmente vem
reforçando o controle dos corpos submetidos ao cumprimento de penas. O meio
alternativo e tecnológico de vigilância indireta, consubstanciada na monitoração
eletrônica tem sido utilizada como mecanismo ou engrenagem de controle, enquanto
despreza a implantação paralela de políticas de inserção social e,
consequentemente, a humanidade do apenado. Com o intuito de comprovar essa
hipótese, a pesquisa se apoia na referência do poder disciplinar nas instituições de
sequestro, em especial no sistema prisional e de monitoramento eletrônico a partir
da forma como as agências penais reagem diante do condenado até mesmo como
maquinarias ou engrenagens de manutenção das relações de poder e controle sobre
os apenados. Por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica nacional e estrangeira, bem como
pela apreciação de documentos administrativos e judiciais referentes a execução
penal, a análise da realidade da monitoração eletrônica no Brasil e, especialmente
em Goiás, objetiva reforçar aquela constatação, ao expor que a razão da
implantação daquela engrenagem eletrônica – no estado, por tornozeleiras
eletrônicas – embora uma forma menos dolorosa de vigilância e punição do que o
sistema clássico consubstanciado nas prisões, tem o impulso ou o objetivo de
controle do tempo e das ações dos apenados a quem não é oportunizado políticas
de inclusão social, ainda que pelas formas mais tradicionais e básicas, quais sejam,
educação, trabalho e atendimento médico-psicológico.
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Políticas públicas educacionais na Penitenciária Estadual de Maringá - Paraná (1999-2010): possibilidade de reinserção social do apenado / Public educational policies in the State Penitentiary of Maringa-Paraná (1999-2010): possibility of social rehabilitation of the inmatesGarutti, Selson 06 March 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-03-06 / The present thesis is linked to the Program of Post-Graduation in Education, Concentration area: History and Education Policy. Entitled " Public Educational Policies in the State Penitentiary of Maringa-Paraná (1999-2010): possibility of social rehabilitation of the inmates.", analyzes educational policies for the prison system that have been implemented at the State Penitentiary in Maringa, Parana (PEM-PR) from the political cycle on Public Security, consisting of its subsystems, in its implications and contributions to the process of social reintegration for inmates. The complex Penitentiary System (Paraná) was going through a deep crisis of legitimacy of their innocuous actions, coming in recent decades, the state delegate responsibilities of goods and services to the private sector, thus, different management models, characterized by the participation of society civil. With this, we can see a paradigm shift in state action, direct provider to regulator, with immediate repercussions for the substance of Educational Public Policy for the Prison System in Paraná as a whole. Also, the Brazilian prison system, as a political institution, still maintains a punitive, rather than an educational, social reintegration of inmates, ie, there is a clear contradiction between what is constituted in the legal system and what is effectively held in the prison system, preventing thus the implementation of public policies that actually produce results. From these contradictions, this research aims to analyze the educational activities implemented in the Maringa State Penitentiary - Paraná, between the years 1999 to 2010 as a public policy as a possibility of social rehabilitation of inmates. Qualitative research, documentary and field whose theoretical framework the Policy Cycles Model, consisting of Howlett; Ramesh; Perl (2013). With respect to the structure of the thesis, the text is divided into a total of three chapters. In the first chapter the historical context in which renders this research, therefore, constitutes a bibliographical review of the documentation produced by the State concerning public safety in its various classifications. In the second chapter, the contextualization of the field of policies, critical to the analysis of public policies, emphasizes the conceptual aspects of the analytical model of the Political cycle, as a mechanism for understanding the process of policy formulation. In the third chapter are presented the results of documentary research in the area of Occupational and qualification Division of State Penitentiary from Maringa (DIOQ-PEM-PR) and field research in the space the CEEBJA "Teacher Tomires Moreira de Carvalho" (School allocated within the PEM), having as a tool for collecting a semi-structured questionnaire, applied to the subject of the search. As well as the analysis of data collected in the survey about educational actions implemented in PEM during the period delimited. These results support the conclusion that, in the period studied, educational Public Policies implemented in the Maringa State Penitentiary were classified as type of distributive policy, benefiting a large number of recipients, but in relatively small scale. Aimed distribute individual benefits, exploited by clientelism, there were many different interests and access opportunities, which reduced the chances of conflict. Therefore, served very well as redemptive mechanism to reduce the prison population and not as an emancipatory public policy of the subjects inmates in conditions of social vulnerability / Esta Tese está vinculada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, Área de Concentração: História e Políticas Educacionais. Intitulada “Políticas públicas educacionais na Penitenciária Estadual de Maringá - Paraná (1999-2010): possibilidade de reinserção social do apenado”, analisa as políticas públicas educacionais para o sistema penitenciário que foram implementadas na Penitenciária Estadual de Maringá-Paraná (PEM-PR) a partir do ciclo de políticas sobre Segurança Pública, constituído por seus subsistemas, em suas implicações e contribuições para o processo de reinserção social para apenados. O complexo Sistema Penitenciário (Paranaense) passava por uma profunda crise de legitimidade de suas ações inócuas, vindo, nas últimas décadas, a delegar responsabilidades estatais de bens e serviços aos setores privados, constituindo assim, diferentes modelos de gestão, caracterizados pela participação da sociedade civil. Com isso, percebe-se uma mudança de paradigma na atuação do Estado, de prestador direto para regulador, com repercussões imediatas na substância das Políticas Públicas Educacionais no Sistema Penitenciário Paranaense como um todo. Também, o Sistema Penitenciário brasileiro, como instituição política, ainda mantém um caráter punitivo, em detrimento a um caráter educativo, de reintegração social dos apenados, ou seja, há uma evidente contradição entre aquilo que está constituído no ordenamento jurídico e aquilo que efetivamente é realizado no sistema penitenciário, inviabilizando assim, a implantação de políticas públicas que efetivamente produzam resultados. A partir dessas contradições, esta pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar as ações educativas implementadas na Penitenciária Estadual de Maringá - Paraná, entre os anos de 1999 a 2010, enquanto política pública como possibilidade de reinserção social dos apenados. Pesquisa de caráter qualitativo, documental e de campo que tem como referencial teórico o Modelo de Ciclos de Políticas, constituído por Howlett; Ramesh; Perl (2013). Com relação à estrutura da tese, o texto se divide em um total de três capítulos. No primeiro capítulo realiza-se o contexto histórico em que se processa esta pesquisa, para tanto, constitui-se uma revisão bibliográfica da documentação produzida pelo Estado a respeito da segurança pública em suas diversas classificações. No segundo capítulo, realiza-se a contextualização do campo das políticas, fundamental para a análise de políticas públicas, salientando os aspectos conceituais do modelo analítico do Ciclo de Políticas, como mecanismo de compreensão do processo de formulação de políticas. No terceiro capítulo são apresentados os resultados da pesquisa documental no espaço da Divisão Ocupacional e de Qualificação da Penitenciária Estadual de Maringá (DIOQ-PEM-PR) e a pesquisa de campo no espaço do CEEBJA “Professora Tomires Moreira de Carvalho” (Escola alocada no interior da PEM), tendo como instrumento de coleta um questionário semiestruturado, aplicado aos sujeitos da pesquisa. Bem como, a análise dos dados coletados na pesquisa sobre as ações educacionais implementadas na PEM durante o período delimitado. Os resultados desta pesquisa permitem concluir que, no período estudado, as Políticas Públicas educacionais implementadas na Penitenciária Estadual de Maringá foram classificadas como sendo do tipo política distributiva, beneficiando um grande número de destinatários, todavia em escala relativamente pequena. Visou distribuir benefícios individuais, instrumentalizada pelo clientelismo, houve multiplicidade de interesses e de possibilidades de acesso, o que reduziu as chances de conflito. Portanto, serviu muito bem como mecanismo remissório para diminuição da população carcerária e não como política pública emancipatória dos sujeitos apenados em condições de vulnerabilidade social.
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EDUCAÇÃO PARA A CIDADANIA: POSSIBILIDADES DE REINTEGRAÇÃO DA PESSOA ENCARCERADA / EDUCATION FOR CITIZENSHIP: possibilities for reintegration of the incarcerated person.Bettim, Niúra Silva 20 February 2018 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2018-02-20 / This thesis is inserted in the research line "State, Policies and Educational
Institutions". The object of study refers to the reconquest of the citizenship of the
incarcerated person, through possibilities of attending higher education and
reentering the labor market. The general objective is to study the roots of human
inequality generated by the State and civil society, concerning the stigmatization of
incarcerated individuals and verify the possibility of reconquering their citizenship
through higher education and re-entry into the job market. Specific objectives are: a)
to study the possibilities offered by civil society and the State through an agreement
between public and private entities to prison inmates to attend higher education in
public and private institutions; b) to analyze the conditions of the agreement signed
between Government and a private college for the granting of full annual
scholarships, to the re-educatees of the prison system of open and semi-open
regime and to the ex-prisioners that attending a college education; c) understand if
the education provided by higher education to incarcerated person and to ex-convicts
makes their reintegration possible into the job market and to the normal life. The
empirical field comprises an official entity and a private higher education institution
that have signed an agreement to offer courses to the incarcerated person of the
semi-open and open regime as well as ex-prisoners. The theoretical reference
comprises: a) studies on the inequality between men and the counterpoint between
the State and civil society, on Rousseau (2007), Engels (2006), Marx (1998) and
Gramsci (1999); b) ideological apparatus of power and the school as an instrument of
domination and subjugation to social class, on Gramsci (1999), Althusser (1980); c)
dignity of the individual and reintegration of the incarcerated person on Gramsci
(1999), Manacorda (2007), Arendt (2013), and Goffman (2008). The research
problem is therefore expressed: What are the possibilities of social reintegration of
the incarcerated person who obtained the education through higher-level courses?
The time frame of this research is is 2002-2017. The adopted method is dialecticalhistorical
materialism and the research approach is qualitative and quantitative, with
interviews and questionnaires, thematic oral history and content analysis. The
research subjects are two leaders and six students. It is noted that although the right
to education is an inalienable right, it practically does not embraces the incarcerated
person and ex-convicts of the prison system. In order to higher education becomes
an affirmative action there must be an effective commitment of the State to the public
policies and guarantee of the allocation of financial resources. The participation of
the society in these policies is essential, especially in the achievement of the actions
and programs. From the categories analyzed in this investigation, results the
following conclusions: a) the higher education offered through the agreement, does
not meet the demands of the learners, as a result of obstacles created for obtaining
the scholarship; b) the right to education, as an inalienable right, is a factor of
reconstruction of the dignity as well as the reintegration of the person imprisoned
through work; c) the opportunity offered by the agreement is not very effective, not
only because of the low-esteem stigmas carried by the ex-prisoners, but also
because of the difficulties created by the governing entities in their return to society. / Esta tese insere-se na Linha de Pesquisa “Estado, Políticas e Instituições
Educacionais”. O objeto de estudo é a reconquista da cidadania da pessoa
encarcerada ao cursar o ensino superior e (re)ingressar no mercado de trabalho. O
objetivo geral consiste no estudo da desigualdade humana relativa à estigmatização
dos indivíduos encarcerados visando a identificar as possiblidades de reconquista de
sua cidadania por meio da formação superior e do (re)ingresso no mercado de
trabalho. São objetivos específicos: a) estudar as possibilidades, oferecidas pela
sociedade civil e pelo Estado, por meio do convênio entre entidades públicas e
privadas às pessoas encarceradas e aos egressos do sistema prisional para cursar
ensino superior; b) analisar as condições do convênio realizado entre o órgão oficial
e uma faculdade privada em Goiás para oferecimento de bolsas anuais, integrais,
aos reeducandos do sistema prisional, do regime semiaberto e aberto, e aos
egressos para cursarem o ensino superior; c) compreender se a educação
propiciada pelo ensino superior aos indivíduos encarcerados e egressos do sistema
prisional oferece possibilidades de sua reintegração ao trabalho e à vida. O campo
empírico compreende um órgão oficial e uma faculdade privada que firmaram
convênio para ofertar cursos aos encarcerados do regime semiaberto e aberto e aos
egressos do sistema prisional. O referencial teórico compreende: a) estudos sobre a
desigualdade entre os homens e o contraponto entre o Estado e a sociedade civil,
em Rousseau (2007), Engels (2006), Marx (1998) e Gramsci (1999); b) aparelhos
ideológicos de poder e a escola como instrumento de dominação e sujeição à classe
social em Gramsci (1999) e Althusser (1980); c) a dignidade da pessoa humana e a
reintegração da pessoa encarcerada em Gramsci (1999), Manacorda (2007), Arendt
(2013) e Goffman (2008). O problema de pesquisa é assim expresso: Quais as
possibilidades de reintegração social da pessoa encarcerada que obteve a formação
em cursos de nível superior? A pesquisa tem o recorte temporal entre 2002-2017. O
método adotado é o materialismo histórico-dialético. A investigação é
qualiquantitativa, com entrevistas e questionários, história oral temática e análise de
conteúdo. Os sujeitos da pesquisa são dois dirigentes e seis aprendentes. Constatase
que, apesar de o direito à educação ser um direito inalienável, ele praticamente
não abrange os detentos e egressos do sistema prisional. Para que a educação
superior se concretize como ação afirmativa deve haver efetivo comprometimento do
Estado com as políticas públicas e garantia de destinação de recursos financeiros. A
participação da sociedade civil é imprescindível, na consecução das ações e
programas. Das categorias analisadas resultam as seguintes conclusões: a) a
educação superior oferecida, objeto do convênio, não atende às demandas dos
aprendentes em decorrência de obstáculos criados para obter a bolsa de estudos; b)
o direito à educação, como direito inalienável é fator de reconstituição da dignidade,
assim como a reintegração da pessoa encarcerada por meio do trabalho; c) a
oportunidade oferecida pelo convênio possui pouca efetividade, não apenas pelos
estigmas da baixa-estima carregados pelos ex-detentos, mas também pelas
dificuldades criadas pelos órgãos dirigentes no retorno desses à sociedade.
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