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Frälsningens makt : En kvalitativ studie om frälsningens inverkan på upphörande med brottslighet i Colombia / The Power of SalvationPaulsson, Caroline January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att studera betydelsen av frälsning för upphörande med brott hosen grupp kriminella personer och vad som har gjort att de inte återfaller i brottslighet. Föratt kunna besvara studiens frågeställningar genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuermed frälsta och icke-frälsta fångar och före detta fångar i Colombia. Utifrån intervjuernagjordes en tematisk analys baserat på bakomliggande orsaker till brottslighet, anledningtill frälsning och anledning till att inte återfalla i brottslighet. Alla intervjupersoner varöverens om att frälsningen blev en vändpunkt i deras liv, efter att de bestämt sig för attförändras. Ekonomiskt och socialt stöd i olika former och Gud beskrivs avintervjupersonerna som anledningarna till att de inte återfallit i brottslighet.Avslutningsvis konkluderades att det verkade krävas en kombination av Gud ochmateriella ting för att någon inte ska återfalla i brottslighet, samt att intervjupersonernagjorde ett aktivt val när de slutade begå brott. / The aim of the study was to examine the importance of salvation in desistance from crimein a group of criminals, and what keeps them from turning back to crime. In order toanswer the study’s questions, semi-structured interviews were conducted with redeemedand non-redeemed prisoners and former prisoners in Colombia. Based on the interviews,a thematic analysis was made covering the underlying causes of crime, the reason forsalvation and the reason for not turning back to crime. All interviewees agreed thatsalvation became a turning point in their lives as they decided to change. Financial andsocial support in various forms and God is described by the interviewees as the reason fornot turning back to crime. In conclusion, it seems that a combination of God and materialthings are required for not turning back to crime, and that the interviewees made an activechoice to stop committing crimes.
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Tooth-anchored vs. bone-anchored maxillary expansion: a randomized controlled trial comparing dental and skeletal effectsCote, Brent 11 1900 (has links)
Aim:To investigate the differences, if any, between tooth-anchored maxillary expansion (TME) and bone-anchored maxillary expansion (BME) in terms of the produced longitudinal dentoskeletal changes -and the stability of these changes- in adolescents with maxillary constriction.
Methods:Sixty two suitable subjects were randomly assigned to one of three groups: (1) TME group; (2) BME group; (3) Control group. Lateral cephalograms, posteroanterior cephalograms, and dental casts were obtained at baseline and at three post-expansion time points. Records from all time points were analyzed.
Results:There were no clinically significant differences between the TME and BME groups at any data collection time point. Both showed initial increases in dentoskeletal widths and dental tipping which were subsequently largely lost to relapse in the absence of retention.
Conclusion:There are no clinically significant differences in the dentoskeletal changes -or the stability of these changes- produced by TME and BME in adolescents with maxillary constriction.
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Människan bakom brottet : En kvalitativ studie om den individuella upplevelsen av att återfalla i brott / The human behind the crime : A qualitative study of the individual experience of relapse into crimeJonsson, Sofia, Söderberg, Susanne January 2012 (has links)
Despite the fact that society is investing substantial resources in individuals not to relapse into crime, then relapse is still a large percentage of new crimes. Crime is something that all societies are dealing with and at all social levels. By punishing individuals they are excluded from the society. This serves as a form of social control. It has been shown that there is no solution to the problem. Punitive legal system generates stigma. Social reactions to crime are designed as an individual problem and not as a social problem. The correctional treatment is the fourth largest authority in Sweden and the main goal is to prevent relapse in crime. Despite this 41 % fall into crime again within 3 years. The study aims to examine the experiences of recidivism and to promote understanding of individual perceptions of factors that were critical to relapse into crime. A qualitative method was used because the objective was to access the subjective experiences. The study is based on six interviews with individuals who relapsed into crime. The theoretical framework is broad. This is because different theories get different conclusions. Theorists as George Herbert Mead, Charles Horton Cooley, Erving Goffman, Thomas J. Scheff, Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann are relevant for the interpretative work in this study. The conclusion made is that group identity, social integration and loneliness are important to study when trying to find why individuals relapse into crime. Keywords: crime, relapse, socialization, stigma, self, criminal self, social bonds / Trots att samhället satsar stora resurser på att individer inte ska återfalla i brott, återfaller ändå en stor andel i nya brott. Brottslighet är något man har försökt att komma tillrätta med i alla samhällen och på alla sociala nivåer som avspeglas i samhället. Genom att bestraffa individer exkluderas de från samhället. Bestraffning ska försvara de andras intressen och tjänar som en form av social kontroll. Det har visat sig att det inte löser problemet. Straffande rättssystem genererar stigma. Samhällets syn på brott är utformat som en individuell problematik och inte som ett socialt problem. Kriminalvården är Sveriges fjärde största myndighet. Det viktigaste målet är att förebygga återfall i brott. Trots detta återfaller 41 % i brott återigen inom 3 år. Syftet med studien var att undersöka upplevelser av återfall i brott. Samt att skapa förståelse för individuella uppfattningar om faktorerna som är avgörande för att återfalla i brott. En kvalitativ metod har använts då önskan var att komma åt subjektiva upplevelser. Studien bygger på sex intervjuer utförda med individer som återfallit i brott. Den teoretiska referensramen är bred då olika slutsatser som teoretiker framför är relevanta för studien. Bland annat används George Herbert Meads, Charles Horton Cooleys, Erving Goffmans, Thomas J. Scheffs och Peter L. Berger och Thomas Luckmanns tankesätt. Den konklusion som görs är att grupptillhörighet, integration i samhället och ensamhet är viktigt att studera vidare när man vill finna faktorer till varför en individ återfaller i brott. Nyckelord: kriminalitet, återfall, socialisation, stämplingar, självet, kriminella självet, sociala band
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Ett aktivit företag : Undersökning av motivationsfaktorer och barriärer samt underlag till utveckling för fler fysiskt aktiva anställda / An active company : A study of motivational factors and barriers and a basis for development of more physically active employeesMoberg, Evelina, Tovstedt, Ebba January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka den fysiska aktivitetsnivån hos de anställda samt ta reda på vilka motivationsfaktorer och barriärer de upplevde till fysisk aktivitet. Syftet innefattade även att se om motiv och barriärer skiljde sig beroende på aktivitetsnivå, ålder och kön. En del av syftet var även att undersöka hur aktiviteten kring företagets erbjudande till fysisk aktivitet såg ut. Undersökningen genomfördes genom att deltagarna (n=139) besvarade en omarbetad form av Motivation Till Upprätthållande Av Motionsvanor (MTUAM), en svensk version av Physical Activity Stages Of Change samt några bakgrundsfrågor. Resultatet visade att 55 procent var tillräckligt fysiskt aktiva enligt Folkhälsoinstitutets rekommendationer. Resultatet visade även att de främsta motivationsfaktorerna var förbättrad kondition, förbättrad hälsa samt ökad fysisk styrka. De främsta barriärerna var mycket att göra i hemmet, stress/tidsbrist och brist på motivation. Resultatet visade även att det fanns signifikanta skillnader i motiv och barriärer beroende på aktivitetsnivå och kön. Det fanns även en signifikant skillnad mellan ålder och motiv. Det framkom att 28 procent utnyttjar företagets erbjudande till fysisk aktivitet och att de främsta orsakerna till att det inte utnyttjades var tidsbrist, avsaknad av målsättning samt att de tränar på egen hand. Resultatet diskuterades sedan i förhållande till den tidigare forskningen. / The purpose of this study was to investigate the employees physical activity level and to identify the motivators and barriers they experienced to physical activity. The purpose included investigating if the motives and barriers differed depending on activity level, age and gender. It also examined the activity the company’s offer of physical activity concerning. The participants (n=139) responded to a revised form of Motivation for Maintenance of Exercise Habits (MTUAM), a Swedish version of the Physical Activity Stages of Change and a few background questions. The results showed that 55 percent were sufficiently physically active according to the recommendations of the Swedish Institute of Public Health. The results also showed that the main motivation factors were improved fitness, improved health and greater physical strength. The main barriers were a lot to do at home, stress/lack of time and lack of motivation. The results also showed that there were significant differences in motivations and barriers depending on activity level and gender. There also was a significant difference between age and motives. It was discovered that 28 percent used the company’s offer of physical activity. The main reasons why it was not used were lack of time, lack of goals and that they train on their own. The results were then discussed in relation to the research.
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The Roles Of Perceived Expressed Emotion Of The Schizophrenic Patients And The Expressed Emotion Of Their Caregivers On Symptom Severity And Quality Of LifeBastug, Gulbahar 01 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
This study aimed to examine relative effect of perceived expressed emotion of schizophrenic patients and their caregivers&rsquo / expressed emotion on the symptom severity and quality of life at the framework of Vulnerability-Stress Model. Before the main study, for evaluating the psychometric properties of the Perceived Expressed Emotion Scale (PEES) a pilot study was conducted with the seventy five patients. Results of the pilot study provided support for the reliability and validity of PEES that had two factors, namely, criticism/hostility and emotional over-involvement. The main study was conducted at two stages. At time one assessment, one hundred and sixteen patients were administered PEES, Positive and Negative Symptom Scale for schizophrenia (PANSS), WHO&rsquo / s Quality of Life Scale (WHOQOL-BREF), and open ended questions to explore the views about their illness. Their caregivers were administered Expressed Emotion Scale (EES). After six month follow up, time two assessment was conducted 103 patients remained on the study using PANSS and WHOQOL-BREF. In order to test the main hypothesis of the study a series of repeated ANOVA analyses were conducted. The results revealed that patients&rsquo / perceived expressed emotion was a more robust component on quality of life and symptom severity than caregivers&rsquo / expressed emotion. It was found that patients&rsquo / perceived criticism/hostility was a toxic element on positive and negative symptoms, and total scores of PANSS, whereas patients&rsquo / perceived emotional over-involvement had a protector effect on social and environmental domain of standardized culture of WHOQOL-BREF. It was seen that symptom severity evaluated using PANSS improved from time one assessment to time two assessment. After discussing the findings in the framework of the literature, the limitations and the clinical implications of the results and directions for future studies were suggested.
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Tooth-anchored vs. bone-anchored maxillary expansion: a randomized controlled trial comparing dental and skeletal effectsCote, Brent Unknown Date
No description available.
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Development and Application of Serum Assay to Monitor Response to Therapy and Predict for Relapse in Acute Myeloid LeukemiaGhahremanlou, Mohsen 22 November 2013 (has links)
The diagnosis and monitoring of AML relies predominantly on the identification of blast cells in the bone marrow and peripheral blood. While at the time of diagnosis the identification of leukemic cells is relatively easy, during remission the identification of small numbers of blasts is problematic. This is most evident by the fact that patients who achieve complete remission frequently relapse, despite pathologic examination indicating a marked reduction in leukemic cell burden. In this thesis I have explored the potential of using serum proteins secreted by leukemic cells as a means of monitoring disease in patients. To identify proteins that might be useful for monitoring, I took advantage of published gene expression arrays and looked into online bioinformatics databases. Using specific characteristics, I was able to identify approximately 107 candidate proteins secreted by AML cells. RT-PCR analysis and ELISA assays were performed to evaluate the variability of expressions and serum level differences of twelve different proteins in the list.
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Development and Application of Serum Assay to Monitor Response to Therapy and Predict for Relapse in Acute Myeloid LeukemiaGhahremanlou, Mohsen 22 November 2013 (has links)
The diagnosis and monitoring of AML relies predominantly on the identification of blast cells in the bone marrow and peripheral blood. While at the time of diagnosis the identification of leukemic cells is relatively easy, during remission the identification of small numbers of blasts is problematic. This is most evident by the fact that patients who achieve complete remission frequently relapse, despite pathologic examination indicating a marked reduction in leukemic cell burden. In this thesis I have explored the potential of using serum proteins secreted by leukemic cells as a means of monitoring disease in patients. To identify proteins that might be useful for monitoring, I took advantage of published gene expression arrays and looked into online bioinformatics databases. Using specific characteristics, I was able to identify approximately 107 candidate proteins secreted by AML cells. RT-PCR analysis and ELISA assays were performed to evaluate the variability of expressions and serum level differences of twelve different proteins in the list.
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Tratamento do surto de esclerose múltipla em hospital-dia : estudo de custo-minimizaçãoFinkelsztejn, Alessandro January 2007 (has links)
A esclerose múltipla (EM) é considerada doença rara no país, porém tem um grande impacto econômico na sociedade, pois é uma das causas mais importantes de incapacidade em adultos jovens. A doença manifesta-se através de surtos, ou seja, pioras neurológicas agudas, com sintomas instalando-se em horas ou poucos dias. O tratamento do surto é altamente eficaz, podendo reverter o déficit neurológico estabelecido. A única forma regulamentada de tratamento é através da internação em hospital, porém poderia ser realizado em regime de hospital-dia que, contudo, não é previsto pelo Sistema Único de Saúde. Este é um estudo de custo-minimização, desenvolvido com o objetivo de comparar os custos do tratamento do surto de EM à base de corticóide, em regime de internação e regime de hospital-dia, com o objetivo de confirmar a economia deste último. Verificaram-se todos os materiais, medicamentos e profissionais necessários ao tratamento de pulsoterapia com metilprednisolona em pacientes com EM. Esta lista foi orçada tomando-se como referência os valores praticados pelo Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre em sua última compra. Além disto, os valores salariais foram baseados no piso salarial das categorias de profissionais envolvidos no tratamento. Idealizou-se um hospital-dia com 12 leitos, respeitando todas as recomendações do Ministério da Saúde. Os custos do tratamento completo em regime de internação e em hospital-dia foram respectivamente R$ 564,23 e R$ 172,41 - uma redução absoluta de R$ 391,82 e relativa de 69,44%. O levantamento do número de Autorizações de Internação Hospitalar (AIHs) para tratamento de surto de esclerose múltipla em todo o país foi de 10.157 no período de 2002 a 2006. Considerando todo este período, o número de diárias hospitalares (pacientes-dia) que poderiam ter estado disponíveis para ocupação por outras patologias foi de 93.816. Concluiu-se que o tratamento do surto da esclerose múltipla em hospital-dia é bem mais econômico que o regime de internação, promovendo uma potencial relevante economia à sociedade, permitindo melhor utilização dos leitos hospitalares. / Multiple sclerosis is considered a rare disease in Brazil; however has a great economical impact in our society, and is known as one of the most important causes of disability among young adults. Multiple sclerosis is characterized by neurological relapses, occurring in a period of hours or a few days. The treatment of relapses with corticosteroids in high doses is highly effective in relieving the neurological deficit. It can be administered as inpatient or outpatient basis, the last not authorized by the Brazilian Public Health System. This is a cost-minimization analysis in order to compare the costs of this treatment as inpatient to outpatient. We checked the costs of all materials, medications and professionals necessary for this procedure, based in the reference prices practiced at Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Moreover, the costs of the professionals involved in this procedure were based on those practiced and suggested by the health labor union in our district. We planned an ideal day-hospital for the outpatient basis treatment, characterized by “twelve simultaneous armchairs”, following all the recommendations from the Brazilian Ministry of Health. The estimated costs of treatment were R$ 564,23 and R$ 172,41, for inpatient and outpatient basis, respectively. This represented a saving of R$ 391,82, meaning a relative reduction of 69,44% in total costs. The number of inpatient basis treatment from 2002 through 2006 in Brazil as a whole, was 10.157. If those patients could have been submitted to an outpatient basis treatment, it would have saved of 93.816 hospital beds. The treatment of relapses of multiple sclerosis as outpatient basis is less expensive than inpatient treatment, promoting an economy for the society, and allowing a better and more rational utilization of hospital beds.
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Exploring family support for adolescents after rehabilitation for drug abuseMzolo, Makhosazana Patricia 01 1900 (has links)
Despite the fact that a lot of information exist in the literature regarding factors leading to drug abuse, consequences of drug abuse for adolescents; little exists that focuses on family support for adolescents after rehabilitation. The purpose of this study was to explore family support for adolescents after rehabilitation for drug abuse. The study was based on semi-structured interview based qualitative research.
Findings during interviews was that the families have no clear understanding or are not skilled as to how to continue supporting the adolescents after they are discharged from the rehabilitation centre. What was also interesting according to the participants was that even in the rehabilitation centres families are not made part of or involved during the rehabilitation process.
There is a need to make the rehabilitation centres aware that families need to be involved during the rehabilitation process of the adolescent so that it becomes easy for the families to continue supporting the adolescents after they have completed the rehabilitation process. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)
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