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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Samhällsordningen i Birgitta Trotzigs Dykungens dotter / The Social Order in Birgitta Trotzig's Dykungens dotter

Flodell, Hampus January 2023 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att visa hur sociala förhållanden tematiseras i Birgitta Trotzigs roman Dykungens dotter, med fokus på uteslutningsförhållanden. Med hjälp av en strukturalistisk metod hämtad från Michel Serres avtäcker analysen närvaron av en särskild operation av grundande uteslutning inom olika samhälleliga sfärer som presenteras i romanen. Operationen betraktas i analogi med den syndabocksmekanism som René Girard teoretiserat. Det blir därmed möjligt att i det samhälle som Trotzigs roman presenterar se en hierarkisk ordning byggd på ett uteslutet element, ett som förkroppsligas i bland annat den växande kroppen, den trängtande sexualiteten, den kringdrivande befolkningen och dylandets levande oordning.

René Richard et son oeuvre : au confluent du pays mythique et de la tradition

Bouchard, Jo-Anne 12 April 2018 (has links)
Fruit d'une recherche originale, cette thèse constitue la première biographie critique de l'artiste d'origine suisse René Richard (1895-1982). N'appréciant pas la vie de colon à Cold Lake, dans le nord de Alberta, Richard se fit trappeur nomade dans le Nord-Ouest canadien, puis finit par s'établir au Québec à l'aube de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, suivant les conseils du peintre canadien Clarence Gagnon (1881-1942) qu'il avait rencontré à Paris et sous la direction duquel il avait appris les rudiments de son art, de 1927 à 1930. Depuis Baie Saint-Paul, au Québec, le peintre et dessinateur allait connaître une popularité grandissante grâce au concours d'un certain nombre de personnalités de l'intelligentsia québécoise. Paradoxalement, l'engouement pour René Richard auquel les journaux font écho atteint des sommets alors même que son œuvre accuse des signes d'essoufflement et que le discours de l'artiste vieillissant prend le pas sur sa production proprement dite. Au contact du conteur, diverses personnalités de l'époque ont signé des textes colorés évoquant le récit de son parcours artistique, réputé exceptionnel. Cette quinzaine de textes fondateurs de la légende du trappeur peintre alimenteront notamment la plume de Gabrielle Roy (1909-1983), qui dédicacera à René Richard son roman La Montagne secrète en 1961, fixant par le fait même la légende du trappeur peintre. La vie de René Richard a fait l'objet de récits où la réalité et le mythe se confondent, souvent. Nous avons tenté de faire la lumière sur ce phénomène, tout en cherchant à baliser son parcours à partir de repères sûrs. Parallèlement, nous avons voulu montrer de quelle manière l'artiste avait lui-même contribué à l'émergence et à la floraison de son mythe, nous efforçant de mieux cerner les milieux qui l'influencèrent aux différentes étapes de son parcours. Pour y arriver, nous avons choisi de privilégier une trame biographique, compte tenu de l'absence d'études monographiques sérieuses. Le découpage chronologique que nous avons adopté reflète les principaux jalons du parcours de Richard, nous permettant de mesurer l'écart entre les faits et la légende, et de voir comment la légende s'est élaborée et stratifiée. Nous avons également cherché à identifier les préoccupations de l'artiste, à définir son marché et à jauger l'accueil de la critique afin de pouvoir, ultimement, mieux situer la place de René Richard dans l'histoire de l'art au Québec et au Canada. Il appert qu'à sa manière, Richard, au triple titre d'aventurier, d'artiste et de conteur, aura contribué à enrichir le thème du Nord, son apport à ce chapitre s'avérant indissociable de celui de la romancière Gabrielle Roy.

La violence selon René Girard

Côté, Louise 25 April 2018 (has links)
La revue des différents écrits sur le concept de la violence montre qu'il n'existe guère de solution facile pour enrayer ce phénomène. Ce travail a été consacré à la recherche de nouvelles pistes de solution. Pour ce faire, nous nous sommes basés sur l'hypothèse anthropologique de René Girard. Cette hypothèse permet, entre autres, d'aborder différemment les questions comme l'origine et la genèse de la violence dans l'histoire des cultures. Elle permet aussi d'examiner des propositions de solutions nouvelles. Selon Girard, la violence nait du désir de l'être humain et c'est par le biais de la relation à l'autre qu'on en arrive à la rivalité. C'est en remontant toute l'organisation sociale et religieuse que Girard nous fait découvrir comment l'être humain s'y est pris pour limiter, au cours des siècles, les effets de la violence. En nous basant sur les données de cette hypothèse, notamment sur les concepts de mimésis d'apprentissage et d'appropriation énoncés par Girard, il nous a semblé possible d'envisager la mise au point d'un processus psycho-pédagogique plus efficace pour la réinsertion sociale des délinquants. Ce processus implique que l'éducateur et le délinquant soient pleinement conscients du caractère mimétique qui influence et limite leurs relations réciproques. / Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 2015

Préparation à la lecture des Méditations de Descartes

Comtois, Nicolas 24 April 2018 (has links)
Le présent mémoire interroge le mode de lecture des Méditations métaphysiques de Descartes. Leur auteur a souligné en plusieurs endroits que, pour bien comprendre son texte, il fallait le « méditer sérieusement ». Il faut nous demander quel sens avait cette recommandation pour lui. Descartes avait connaissance des origines de la méditation dans la philosophie antique ; il y a lieu de croire que c'est avant tout de ce point de vue qu'il en envisageait l'exercice. Il a par ailleurs donné à son texte une forme qui rappelle celle des manuels chrétiens de dévotion ; il a trouvé là un moyen de doter son texte d'une structure reconnaissable mais également d'établir un rapport d'autorité avec son lecteur. Des indices font enfin croire qu'il avait une connaissance pratique des modèles de méditation proposés dans les Exercices spirituels d'Ignace de Loyola et dans les écrits d'Augustin d'Hippone. Il a pu trouver dans le premier des procédés permettant de surmonter les obstacles posés dans la méditation par l'union de l'âme et du corps. Il a pu trouver dans le second un itinéraire capable de mener à la connaissance intuitive de l'âme et de Dieu ; de manière à fonder et à garantir la mathesis universalis. Il faut avoir ce contexte à l'esprit au moment de lire les Méditations de Descartes. Nous devons nous défaire de nos propres préjugés si nous voulons pouvoir méditer avec lui.

Israel's narrative of origins in Genesis one and two from the perspective of René Girard's mimetic theory

Ruckhaus, Keith Raymond 12 1900 (has links)
This thesis explores the implications of René Girard’s mimetic theory on Genesis 1 and 2 in the Old Testament. It tests the extent to which Genesis 1 and 2 are structured sacrificially or mythically as outlined by Girard. René Girard’s theory is summarized and clarified as to how the theory can be applied to biblical texts. In addition, Girard’s theory is explained in the context of theory-making in late modernity, and critiques of Girard from biblical, anthropological, sociological, and theological perspectives are addressed. A sacrificial structure is explored in Genesis and Exodus that informs the exegesis of Genesis 1 and 2. The critical elements in Girard’s scapegoat mechanism—acquisitive desire leading to rivalry, crisis, and ultimately to an expulsion—are examined in the expulsion of the Hebrews from Egypt (Exodus 1) and the expulsions of Abraham and Isaac in Genesis (Gen 12-21). A particular pattern takes shape that structures the narratives in the Pentateuch. An exegesis of Israel’s narrative of origins in Genesis 1 and 2 follows, incorporating Girard’s theoretical insights with higher critical methods conventionally employed to the Old Testament. The thesis discovers striking parallels with Israel’s narrative of origins. They are indeed sacrificially structured, but they also interrogate that structure and describe an alternative sacrificial response. The sacrifice that Yahweh instigates dismantles the mythical structure even as it moves through the sequence. The thesis concludes with a validation of Girard’s theory and explains how Girard’s theory can be useful to the current exegetical tasks. / Biblical and Ancient studies / D. Th. (Old Testament)

A formação e o trabalho do psicólogo em instituições públicas: uma proposta de análise institucional do vínculo / The University education and the work of psychologists in public institutions: a proposal for institutional analysis of the bond

Colosio, Robson 09 March 2012 (has links)
Esta tese aborda algumas questões que envolvem a formação e o trabalho de psicólogos em instituições públicas ao propor uma perspectiva de análise que privilegia a dimensão das relações intersubjetivas (grupo) como fundamentais à compreensão do campo institucional, a partir da referência teórica da Psicologia Social, de Pichon-Rivière; da Análise Transicional, de René Kaës e das contribuições de José Bleger. Apoia-se na Análise Institucional do Discurso (Guirado) para propor um recorte metodológico que toma o conceito de vínculo como unidade de análise dos fenômenos institucionais e como constituição do sujeito psíquico, nas várias dimensões de sua determinação: intrapsíquica, intersubjetiva (consciente e inconsciente) e transubjetiva, e nos processos psíquicos grupais e institucionais que se manifestam pelas suas malhas, amarrações, pactos, rupturas, enrijecimentos etc. Trabalha-se com a noção de sujeito do inconsciente enquanto sujeito do grupo (Kaës) para pensar as relações que ele estabelece no campo institucional para realização de sua tarefa na instituição. O campo de investigação constitui-se de relatórios elaborados por alunos graduação do IPUSP para a parte prática da disciplina Processos Grupais (visita a uma instituição pública). Como resultado de análise, evidencia-se promover uma formação em Psicologia centralizada no grupo e no âmbito do coletivo para a construção de uma postura de psicólogo pesquisador voltado ao campo institucional (como trabalhador ou consultor). Para isso, exige-se a ampliação das articulações entre instituições de formação e trabalho, no estabelecimento de espaços de troca pelos quais a formação do psicólogo realize-se entre ambos. O trabalho do psicólogo pesquisador nas instituições, orientado pela Análise Institucional do Vínculo e indissociavelmente realizado pelo dispositivo de grupo, estabelece-se no cumprimento da função de intermediário nas relações institucionais de forma a criar espaços de transicionalidade que contribuam no trabalho psíquico grupal, na superação de obstáculos, na geração de processos de transformação e mudança e no cumprimento da tarefa social da instituição / This thesis discusses some issues of the university education and the work of psychologists in public institutions by proposing a perspective of analyses which emphasizes the dimension of intersubjective relations (the group) as central in order to comprehend the institutional field. Its theoretical basis is the Social Psychology (Pichon-Rivière), the Transitional Analyses (René Kaës) and Blegers contributions. It is also supported from the contributions of the Institutional Analyses of the Discourse (Guirado), to propose a methodological frame which considers the concept of bond as a unity of analyses of institutional phenomena as well as in the constitution of the psychic subject, in the various dimensions of its determination such as: intrapsychic, intersubjective (conscious and unconscious) and transubjective; and also of the psychic grupal and institutional processes which are expressed by the meshes, moorings, pacts, stiffening, disruptions etc. It has been worked with the concept of subject of the unconcious as being subject of group for to think its relationships in the institutional field for the accomplishment of its institutional task. The field of investigation is composed by reports elaborated by students of degree at IPUSP for the discipline Processes Group (visiting a public institution). The main results of the analyses show the great importance of promoting a university education centralized in the group and the collective scope in order to organize a training of the psychologist as a researcher of institutional field (as worker or consultant). For so, it is required the work of promoting the links among university education and work institutions towards the creation of exchanges possibilities in which the university education could take place in both spaces. The work of psychologist researcher in the institutions, driven by the Institutional Analysis of the Bound and inextricably develloped by the group as a device, is developed when it assumes the function of the intermediary in the institutional relationships and generates transitional spaces that contribute to the grupal psychic work of surpassing barriers, in the process of change and transformation and the accomplishment of institution social task


Morais, Rogério Cavalcante de 19 February 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T11:07:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ROGERIO CAVALCANTE DE MORAIS.pdf: 2888343 bytes, checksum: 703c15350891bd366f004d12d08a2c12 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-19 / This thesis aims to establish relationships between different artistic systems involving intertextualities and relations between text and image. We analyze homological procedures between them. Selected texts from different periods, styles and language system. These texts are listed in order to provide readings that can mobilize fruitful way of the senses. The corpus is made up of the stories; "The telltale heart," Edgar Allan Poe, "Love", by Clarice Lispector, and screens; "Luncheon on the Grass" by Édouard Manet, and "Lovers" by René Magritte. We analyze the existing dialogue in the look between the two languages, verbal and plastic-visual. The work is theoretical basis authors dealing with intertextuality as well as analog and homological procedures addressing different systems. We demonstrate how the game looks permeates and immobilizes the form of artistic training. / Esta dissertação se propõe a estabelecer relações entre sistemas artísticos distintos envolvendo intertextualidades e relações entre texto e imagem. Analisaremos procedimentos homológicos entre eles. Para isso, selecionamos textos de diferentes épocas, estilos e sistema de linguagem. Esses textos serão relacionados de modo a propiciar leituras que possam mobilizar de maneira profícua os sentidos. O corpus é constituído pelos contos; O coração denunciador , de Edgar Allan Poe, Amor , de Clarice Lispector, e as telas; Almoço na Relva , de Édouard Manet, e Os amantes , de René Magritte. Analisaremos o diálogo existente no olhar entre as duas linguagens, verbal e plástico-visual. O trabalho tem como embasamento teórico, autores que tratam da intertextualidade bem como dos procedimentos analógicos e homológicos abordando sistemas diferentes. Demonstraremos como o jogo de olhares permeia e imobiliza a forma de capacitação artística.

Israel's narrative of origins in Genesis one and two from the perspective of René Girard's mimetic theory

Ruckhaus, Keith Raymond 12 1900 (has links)
This thesis explores the implications of René Girard’s mimetic theory on Genesis 1 and 2 in the Old Testament. It tests the extent to which Genesis 1 and 2 are structured sacrificially or mythically as outlined by Girard. René Girard’s theory is summarized and clarified as to how the theory can be applied to biblical texts. In addition, Girard’s theory is explained in the context of theory-making in late modernity, and critiques of Girard from biblical, anthropological, sociological, and theological perspectives are addressed. A sacrificial structure is explored in Genesis and Exodus that informs the exegesis of Genesis 1 and 2. The critical elements in Girard’s scapegoat mechanism—acquisitive desire leading to rivalry, crisis, and ultimately to an expulsion—are examined in the expulsion of the Hebrews from Egypt (Exodus 1) and the expulsions of Abraham and Isaac in Genesis (Gen 12-21). A particular pattern takes shape that structures the narratives in the Pentateuch. An exegesis of Israel’s narrative of origins in Genesis 1 and 2 follows, incorporating Girard’s theoretical insights with higher critical methods conventionally employed to the Old Testament. The thesis discovers striking parallels with Israel’s narrative of origins. They are indeed sacrificially structured, but they also interrogate that structure and describe an alternative sacrificial response. The sacrifice that Yahweh instigates dismantles the mythical structure even as it moves through the sequence. The thesis concludes with a validation of Girard’s theory and explains how Girard’s theory can be useful to the current exegetical tasks. / Biblical and Ancient studies / D. Th. (Old Testament)

Scienza e ideologia "A la Lumière du Marxisme" : il contributo del Cercle de la Russie Neuve nel processo di elaborazione e attivazione nel materialismo dialettico in Francia / Science and Ideology “in the light of Marxism” : the contribution of the Cercle de la Russie neuve in the process of elaboration and activation of dialectical materialism in France / Science et idéologie « à la lumière du marxisme » : la contribution du Cercle de la Russie neuve dans le procès d’élaboration et d’activation du matérialisme dialectique en France

Carlino, Fabrizio 30 January 2014 (has links)
Le Cercle de la Russie neuve est couramment présenté comme le lieu d’origine du « marxisme à la française » ; à savoir, d’une pensée marxiste reconduite au matérialisme des Lumières, définie en 1939 comme « rationalisme moderne » et qui sera, à partir de l’après-guerre, l’une des références idéologiques majeures du PCF. Et pourtant, les premiers travaux de ce groupe –dont le rôle joué dans l’introduction du matérialisme dialectique dans le débat philosophique en France est méconnu – sont consacrés à la démonstration de l’hétérogénéité du marxisme à la tradition rationaliste et matérialiste française, en proposant en revanche une lecture hégélianisante de la philosophie de Marx. Pour décrire le procès qui a conduit à ce véritable renversement de sens, et identifier les instances qui en étaient à l’origine, il ne suffit pas de remonter aux écrits des auteurs se réclamant du marxisme, pour les rendre à nouveau lisibles : il s’agit plutôt d’en suivre les thèses au-delà de leur formulation, dans leurs effets ainsi que dans leur interaction avec le champ idéologique dans lequel elles interviennent et qui à son tour les surdétermine. A la lumière de cette double forme d’existence de la philosophie marxiste – en tant que théorie, dans son élaboration, et en tant qu’idéologie, dans son activation – il est possible de réinscrire l’histoire de son introduction en France dans sa problématique originaire, et par là de l’interroger au-delà de la marque du stalinisme qui lui a été imprimée et qui en recouvre comme une pierre tombale sa propre spécificité. / The Cercle de la Russie neuve is commonly described as the place of origin of the “marxisme à la français”, namely, a Marxist thought reduced to Enlightenment materialism, and defined in 1939 as “modern rationalism”. And yet, at first the work of this group was aimed to demonstrate the heterogeneity of Marxism to the French rationalist and materialist tradition, proposing instead a Hegelian reading of Marx's philosophy.

A formação e o trabalho do psicólogo em instituições públicas: uma proposta de análise institucional do vínculo / The University education and the work of psychologists in public institutions: a proposal for institutional analysis of the bond

Robson Colosio 09 March 2012 (has links)
Esta tese aborda algumas questões que envolvem a formação e o trabalho de psicólogos em instituições públicas ao propor uma perspectiva de análise que privilegia a dimensão das relações intersubjetivas (grupo) como fundamentais à compreensão do campo institucional, a partir da referência teórica da Psicologia Social, de Pichon-Rivière; da Análise Transicional, de René Kaës e das contribuições de José Bleger. Apoia-se na Análise Institucional do Discurso (Guirado) para propor um recorte metodológico que toma o conceito de vínculo como unidade de análise dos fenômenos institucionais e como constituição do sujeito psíquico, nas várias dimensões de sua determinação: intrapsíquica, intersubjetiva (consciente e inconsciente) e transubjetiva, e nos processos psíquicos grupais e institucionais que se manifestam pelas suas malhas, amarrações, pactos, rupturas, enrijecimentos etc. Trabalha-se com a noção de sujeito do inconsciente enquanto sujeito do grupo (Kaës) para pensar as relações que ele estabelece no campo institucional para realização de sua tarefa na instituição. O campo de investigação constitui-se de relatórios elaborados por alunos graduação do IPUSP para a parte prática da disciplina Processos Grupais (visita a uma instituição pública). Como resultado de análise, evidencia-se promover uma formação em Psicologia centralizada no grupo e no âmbito do coletivo para a construção de uma postura de psicólogo pesquisador voltado ao campo institucional (como trabalhador ou consultor). Para isso, exige-se a ampliação das articulações entre instituições de formação e trabalho, no estabelecimento de espaços de troca pelos quais a formação do psicólogo realize-se entre ambos. O trabalho do psicólogo pesquisador nas instituições, orientado pela Análise Institucional do Vínculo e indissociavelmente realizado pelo dispositivo de grupo, estabelece-se no cumprimento da função de intermediário nas relações institucionais de forma a criar espaços de transicionalidade que contribuam no trabalho psíquico grupal, na superação de obstáculos, na geração de processos de transformação e mudança e no cumprimento da tarefa social da instituição / This thesis discusses some issues of the university education and the work of psychologists in public institutions by proposing a perspective of analyses which emphasizes the dimension of intersubjective relations (the group) as central in order to comprehend the institutional field. Its theoretical basis is the Social Psychology (Pichon-Rivière), the Transitional Analyses (René Kaës) and Blegers contributions. It is also supported from the contributions of the Institutional Analyses of the Discourse (Guirado), to propose a methodological frame which considers the concept of bond as a unity of analyses of institutional phenomena as well as in the constitution of the psychic subject, in the various dimensions of its determination such as: intrapsychic, intersubjective (conscious and unconscious) and transubjective; and also of the psychic grupal and institutional processes which are expressed by the meshes, moorings, pacts, stiffening, disruptions etc. It has been worked with the concept of subject of the unconcious as being subject of group for to think its relationships in the institutional field for the accomplishment of its institutional task. The field of investigation is composed by reports elaborated by students of degree at IPUSP for the discipline Processes Group (visiting a public institution). The main results of the analyses show the great importance of promoting a university education centralized in the group and the collective scope in order to organize a training of the psychologist as a researcher of institutional field (as worker or consultant). For so, it is required the work of promoting the links among university education and work institutions towards the creation of exchanges possibilities in which the university education could take place in both spaces. The work of psychologist researcher in the institutions, driven by the Institutional Analysis of the Bound and inextricably develloped by the group as a device, is developed when it assumes the function of the intermediary in the institutional relationships and generates transitional spaces that contribute to the grupal psychic work of surpassing barriers, in the process of change and transformation and the accomplishment of institution social task

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