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Ontologies pour la gestion de sécurité ferroviaire : intégration de l'analyse dysfonctionnelle dans la conception / Ontologies for railway safety management : integration of the dysfunctional analysis into the designDebbech, Sana 14 October 2019 (has links)
La sécurité-innocuité est une propriété émergente des systèmes critiques de sécurité (SCS), notamment les systèmes ferroviaires. Cet aspect émergent complexifie leur processus du développement et nécessite un raisonnement judicieux permettant de diminuer les dangers. Cette thèse propose une approche ontologique qui intègre les activités de sécurité dès les premières phases de conception des SCS. Ce cadre structuré offre une harmonisation sémantique entre les domaines impliqués, tels que l'ingénierie de sécurité et l'Ingénierie des Exigences Dirigée par les Buts (IEDB). La logique métier intégrée dans cette approche est validée par des cas d'étude ferroviaires d'accidents réels et d'une mission télé-opérée. Dans un premier temps, nous avons proposé une ontologie d'analyse dysfonctionnelle appelée DAO et fondée sur l'ontologie de haut niveau UFO. DAO considère les aspects sociaux-techniques et environnementaux des SCS et intègre les différents types de fautes et de propriétés cognitives liés respectivement aux défaillances techniques et aux erreurs humaines. Le modèle conceptuel de DAO est exprimé en OntoUML et formalisé en langage OWL afin de fournir un support de raisonnement. Ensuite, un pont sémantique est établi entre les mesures de sécurité, les buts de sécurité et les exigences de sécurité par le développement d'une ontologie de gestion de sécurité orientée-but, appelée GOSMO. La gestion des décisions de sécurité s’appuie sur la réinterprétation du modèle de contrôle d'accès Or-Bac d'un point de vue sécurité-innocuité. Afin d'assurer la cohérence globale des exigences, GOSMO permet de structurer la gestion des évolutions des exigences et leur traçabilité. / Safety is an emergent property of safety critical systems (SCS), including railway systems. This emergent aspect exacerbates their development process and requires a thorough reasoning to reduce hazards. This thesis proposes an ontological approach that integrates safety activities from the early design stages of SCS. This structured framework provides a semantic harmonization between the involved domains, such as safety engineering and Goal Oriented Requirements Engineering (GORE). The business logic integrated in this approach is validated by real rail accident scenarios and a remotely operated task. At first, we proposed a dysfunctional analysis ontology called DAO and based on the high-level ontology UFO. DAO considers the socio-technical and environmental aspects of SCS and integrates the different types of faults and cognitive properties that are respectively related to technical failures and human errors. The DAO conceptual model is expressed in OntoUML and formalized in OWL language in order to provide a reasoning support. Then, a semantic bridge is established between safety measures, safety goals and safety requirements through the development of a goal-oriented security management ontology, called GOSMO. The management of safety decisions is based on the reinterpretation of the Or-Bac access control model from a safety point of view. In order to ensure the overall consistency of requirements, GOSMO allows structuring the management of requirements changes and their traceability
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Synergizing Systems : Using SSM in prototypical system developmentZafar, Ali, Svensson, Oscar January 2020 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with a research project conducted with a Swedish company to provide recommendations for developing a prototypical information system for the company. The system’s goal was to consolidate data regarding the company’s supply chain and packaging conditions in order to find improvements in packaging development. The thesis employed the use of Soft Systems Methodology to aid with the system development process. A qualitative explorative study was designed for this purpose. Soft Systems Methodology was used after exploring alternative methodologies. This was chosen as the researchers found it important to engage the case company in the system development process. Four semi-structured interviews and two workshops with the relevant officials were the main methods of collecting data. Models such as a rich picture, CATWOE and PQR formula were utilized during the research to visualize important aspects of the system development process. As a result of the research, the researchers were able to provide the company with recommendations for how to further proceed with the development process. Another result of the study was that Soft Systems Methodology was able to unlock tacit information. The methodology also allowed for a consideration of the implementation of an iterative process to support the development. The results of this research suggest that introducing and making use of Soft Systems Methodology is very stimulating in an environment not already using it. The research provided insights needed for progress towards a successful implementation of a new information system, and contributes a real-world SSM case in a corporate environment. The researchers also suggest future opportunities for research that could further build on the work presented in the thesis.
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Service-Support Systems Engineering - Ein fallstudienbasierter Ansatz zur Gestaltung dienstleistungsunterstützender InformationssystemeÖzcan, Deniz 20 July 2016 (has links)
Das Wachstum wissensintensiver Branchen hat zur Folge, dass eine auf die Bedürfnisse abgestimmte Unterstützung der Geschäftsprozesse unerlässlich ist, um im Wettbewerb bestehen zu können. Der technologische Fortschritt und die zunehmende Digitalisierung eröffnen gegenwärtig Wachstumspotenziale, die es mittels entsprechender informationstechnologischer Unterstützung zu realisieren gilt. So haben mobile Technologien in der betrieblichen Systemlandschaft Einzug gehalten, wo sie u.a. verstärkt in der Dienstleistungsbranche eingesetzt werden, um als dienstleistungsunterstützendes Informationssystem (Service-Support System) eine optimierte Bereitstellung von Services an variablen Standorten zu ermöglichen. Zuzuordnen im Forschungsfeld der hybriden Wertschöpfung liegt die Zielsetzung der Dissertation in der systematischen Untersuchung von mobilen dienstleistungsunterstützenden Informationssystemen und den damit verbundenen Gestaltungsanforderungen und -methoden, die das Design und die Implementierung eines Service-Support Systems unterstützen. Im Ergebnis umfasst diese Dissertation acht wissenschaftliche Erst- und Koautorenschaften der Verfasserin, die den Forschungsparadigmen der Wirtschaftsinformatik folgen. Es wurde Gestaltungswissen erarbeitet, welches für die Systementwicklung handlungsrelevant ist. Dabei liegt die fallstudienbasierte Forschungsarbeit der anwendungsorientierten Wissenschaft zugrunde und behandelt die Problemstellung am Beispiel des Maschinen- und Anlagenbaus.
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Vers un langage de haut niveau pour une ingénierie des exigences agile dans le domaine des systèmes embarqués avioniques / Toward a high level language for agile requirements engineering in an aeronautical contextLebeaupin, Benoit 18 December 2017 (has links)
La complexité des systèmes conçus actuellement devient de plus en plus importante. En effet,afin de rester compétitives, les entreprises concevant des systèmes cherchent à leur rajouter de plus en plusde fonctionnalités. Cette compétitivité introduit aussi une demande de réactivité lors de la conception desystèmes, pour que le système puisse évoluer lors de sa conception et suivre les demandes du marché.Un des éléments identifiés comme empêchant ou diminuant cette capacité à concevoir de manière flexibledes systèmes complexes concerne les spécifications des systèmes, et en particulier l’utilisation de la languenaturelle pour spécifier les systèmes. Tout d’abord, la langue naturelle est intrinsèquement ambiguë et celarisque donc de créer des non-conformités si client et fournisseur d’un système ne sont pas d’accord sur lesens de sa spécification. De plus, la langue naturelle est difficile à traiter automatiquement, par exemple, onpeut difficilement déterminer avec un programme informatique que deux exigences en langue naturelle secontredisent. Cependant, la langue naturelle reste indispensable dans les spécifications que nous étudions,car elle reste un moyen de communication pratique et très répandu.Nous cherchons à compléter ces exigences en langue naturelle avec des éléments permettant à la fois de lesrendre moins ambiguës et de faciliter les traitements automatiques. Ces éléments peuvent faire partie demodèles (d’architecture par exemple) et permettent de définir le lexique et la syntaxe utilisés dans lesexigences. Nous avons testé les principes proposés sur des spécifications industrielles réelles et développéun prototype logiciel permettant de réaliser des tests sur une spécification dotée de ces éléments de syntaxeet de lexique. / Systems are becoming more and more complex, because to stay competitive, companies whichdesign systems search to add more and more functionalities to them. Additionally, this competition impliesthat the design of systems needs to be reactive, so that the system is able to evolve during its conception andfollow the needs of the market.This capacity to design flexibly complex systems is hindered or even prevented by various variouselements, with one of them being the system specifications. In particular, the use of natural language tospecify systems have several drawbacks. First, natural language is inherently ambiguous and this can leadsto non-conformity if customer and supplier of a system disagree on the meaning of its specification.Additionally, natural language is hard to process automatically : for example, it is hard to determine, usingonly a computer program, that two natural language requirements contradict each other. However, naturallanguage is currently unavoidable in the specifications we studied, because it remains very practical, and itis the most common way to communicate.We aim to complete these natural language requirements with elements which allow to make them lessambiguous and facilitate automatic processing. These elements can be parts of models (architectural modelsfor example) and allow to define the vocabulary and the syntax of the requirements. We experimented theproposed principles on real industrial specifications and we developped a software prototype allowing totest a specification enhanced with these vocabulary and syntax elements.
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Workflows in der energieorientierten ProduktentwicklungReichel, Thomas 11 November 2013 (has links)
Der weltweit steigende Bedarf an Energie und natürlichen Ressourcen, insbesondere an fossilen Brennstoffen und seltenen Metallen, sowie die angestrebte Reduktion des CO2-Ausstoßes führen zu steigenden Preisen für Energie und Rohstoffe. Der Energie- und Ressourcenbedarf muss daher neben der Funktionalität und den Kosten eines technischen Produkts in Planungs- und Entwicklungsprozesse einbezogen werden. Für eine Minimierung des Energie- und Ressourcenbedarfs sind insbesondere die frühen Phasen der Produktentwicklung von großem Interesse, da in diesen Phasen die wesentlichen Eigenschaften eines Produkts für den gesamten Lebenszyklus zu großen Teilen festgelegt werden. Durch die Forderung nach kürzeren Markteinführungszeiten bei gleichzeitigem Anstieg der Komplexität technischer Produkte ist der Einsatz von Softwaresystemen zur Unterstützung der Planungs- und Entwicklungsprozesse unabdingbar.
Die Zielstellung der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Entwicklung und Realisierung von Methoden und Verfahren zur softwaretechnischen Unterstützung ausgewählter Abläufe der Produktentwicklung. Die gewählten Abläufe sind die Ausarbeitung von Anforderungsspezifikationen für technische Produkte, die Priorisierung von Anforderungen sowie die Analyse und Bewertung des Energiebedarfs von Werkzeugmaschinen. Der Schwerpunkt der Methoden und Verfahren liegt einerseits auf der Strukturierung und Koordinierung der Zusammenarbeit von Domänenexperten in den ausgewählten Abläufen der Produktentwicklung und andererseits auf der Erweiterung der Abläufe um Energie- und Ressourcenbetrachtungen. Die softwaretechnische Unterstützung der gewählten Abläufe ermöglicht es, die Komplexität der zu entwickelnden Produkte beherrschbar zu machen und den manuellen Aufwand der Domänenexperten in den Abläufen zu verringern.
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Ut med det gamla och in med det nya : En fallstudie om upphandling och implementering av ett nytt informationssystem inom offentlig sektorLinde, Carolina, Bäckström, Eric January 2023 (has links)
Upphandling av informationssystem har visat sig vara ett komplext fenomen inom offentlig sektor där LOU binder upp kravställarprocessen. Studien undersöker hur ett lärosäte arbetar med utveckling och förändringsarbete inom ramen för LOU för att informationssystemet ska stödja verksamhetens behov. Detta görs genom en explorativ fallstudie med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studien ger en förståelse för hur en verksamhet inom offentlig sektor arbetat med upphandling av system, såväl som genererar värdefulla insikter. I empirin framgår det att strategisk kommunikation bidrar till användarinvolvering och aktivt deltagande som förbättrade möjligheterna till att uppnå acceptans för systembytet. Resultaten identifierar även en konflikt mellan systemutveckling och upphandling kring balanseringen av krav där det gäller att som upphandlare ställa tillräckligt med krav men samtidigt inte göra en alltför omfattande kravspecifikation och låsa in sig utan lösningar. Resultaten mynnar ut i en modell över processen för upphandling och implementering och lämnar läsaren med en förståelse för hur upphandlings- och implementeringsarbetet kan se ut. Detta för att möta det kunskapsgap som finns om forskning kring systemutveckling, implementering och förändringsarbete kopplat till LOU. Av fallstudien kan vi dra slutsatsen att det är avgörande att en verksamhets informatik- och organisationsstrategi stödjer varandra för att verksamhetsutveckling inkluderat ett systembyte ska nå framgång.
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[pt] Considerando a disponibilidade do Big Data para engenharia de software, como no caso do GitHub, a semi-automação da elicitação de requisitos não funcionais (NFRs) é uma estratégia fundamental para a definição de requisitos. Como tal, a elicitação de NFRs, dentro da automação da leitura de documentos, pode gerenciar a massa de informações valiosas existentes nos dados disponíveis. Esta tese explora esse contexto em três partes, a escolha de fontes apropriadas de informação, uma elicitação de descoberta de fatos e a identificação de NFRs. As avaliações realizadas mostraram que a automação enfrenta um balance entre eficiência e eficácia. Esse equilíbrio é detalhado com diferentes estratégias inovadoras. O conhecimento adquirido é organizado como um catálogo SIG (Softgoal Interdependence Graph). / [en] Considering the availability of Big Data for software engineering, as the case of GitHub, the semi-automation of non-functional requirements (NFRs) elicitation is a key strategy towards requirements definition. As such, NFRs elicitation, within the automation of document reading, can manage the mass of valuable information existing in available data. This thesis explores this context in three parts, the choice of proper sources of information, a fact-finding elicitation, and NFRs identification. The assessments performed showed that the automation faces a trade-off between efficiency and efficacy. This trade-off is detailed with different novel strategies. The acquired knowledge is organized as a SIG (Softgoal Interdependence Graph) catalog.
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It is widely recognised that information and communication technologies development is a risky activity. Despite the advances in software engineering, many software development projects fail to satisfy the clients' needs, to deliver on time or to stay within budget. Among the various factors that are considered to cause failure, an inadequate requirements practice stands out. Model-driven development is a relatively recent paradigm with the potential to solve some of the dragging problems of software development. Models play a paramount role in model-driven development: several modelling layers allow defining views of the system under construction at different abstraction levels, and model transformations facilitate the transition from one layer to the other. However, how to effectively integrate requirements engineering within model-driven development is still an open research challenge. This thesis integrates Communication Analysis, a communication-oriented business process modelling and requirements engineering method for information systems development, and the OO Method, an object-oriented model-driven software development method provides automatic software generation from conceptual models. We first provide a detailed specification of Communication Analysis intended to facilitate the integration; among other improvements to the method, we build an ontology-based set of concept definitions in which to ground the method, we provide precise methodological guidelines, we create a metamodel for the modelling languages included in the method, and we provide tools to support the creation of Communication Analysis requirements models. Then we perform the integration by providing a technique to systematically derive OO-Method conceptual models from Communication Analysis requirements models. The derivation technique is offered in two flavours: a set of rules to be manually applied by a human analyst, and an ATL model transformation that automates this task. / España Cubillo, S. (2011). METHODOLOGICAL INTEGRATION OF COMMUNICATION ANALYSIS INTO A MODEL-DRIVEN SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/14572
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Quantifying Trust in Wearable Medical DevicesThomas, Mini January 2024 (has links)
This thesis explores a methodology to quantify trust in wearable medical devices (WMD) by addressing two main challenges: identifying key factors influencing trust and developing a formal framework for precise trust quantification under uncertainty. The work empirically validates trust factors and uses a Bayesian network to quantify trust. The thesis further employs a data-driven approach to estimate Bayesian parameters, facilitating query-based inference and validating the trust model with real and synthetic datasets, culminating in a customizable parameterized trust evaluation prototype for WMD. / Advances in sensor and digital communication technologies have revolutionized the capabilities of wearable medical device (WMD) to monitor patients’ health remotely, raising growing concerns about trust in these devices. There is a need to quantify trust in WMD for their continued acceptance and adoption by different users. Quantifying trust in WMD poses two significant challenges due to their subjective and stochastic nature. The first challenge is identifying the factors that influence trust in WMD, and the second is developing a formal framework for precise quantification of trust while taking into account the uncertainty and variability of trust factors. This thesis proposes a methodology to quantify trust in WMD, addressing these challenges.
In this thesis, first, we devise a method to empirically validate dominant factors that influence the trustworthiness of WMD from the perspective of device users. We identified the users’ awareness of trust factors reported in the literature and additional user concerns influencing their trust. These factors are stepping stones for defining the specifications and quantification of trust in WMD.
Second, we develop a probabilistic graph using Bayesian network to quantify trust in WMD. Using the Bayesian network, the stochastic nature of trust is viewed in terms of probabilities as subjective degrees of belief by a set of random variables in the domain. We define each random variable in the network by the trust factors that are identified from the literature and validated by our empirical study. We construct the trust structure as an acyclic-directed graph to represent the relationship between the variables compactly and transparently. We set the inter-node relationships,
using the goal refinement technique, by refining a high-level goal of trustworthiness to lower-level goals that can be objectively implemented as measurable factors.
Third, to learn and estimate the parameters of the Bayesian network, we need access to the probabilities of all nodes, as assuming a uniform Gaussian distribution or using values based on expert opinions may not fully represent the complexities of the factors influencing trust. We propose a data-driven approach to generate priors and estimate Bayesian parameters, in which we use data collected from WMD for all the measurable factors (nodes) to generate priors. We use non-functional requirement engineering techniques to quantify the impacts between the node
relationships in the Bayesian network. We design propagation rules to aggregate the quantified relationships within the nodes of the network. This approach facilitates the computation of conditional probability distributions and enables query-based inference on any node, including the high-level trust node, based on the given evidence.
The results of this thesis are evaluated through several experimental validations. The factors influencing trust in WMD are empirically validated by an extensive survey of 187 potential users. The learnability, and generalizability of the proposed trust network are validated with a real dataset collected from three users of WMD in two conditions, performing predefined activities and performing regular daily activities. To extend the variability of conditions, we generated an extensive and representative synthetic dataset and validated the trust network accordingly. Finally, to test the practicality of our approach, we implemented a user-configurable, parameterized prototype that allows users of WMD to construct a customizable trust network and effectively compare the trustworthiness of different devices. The prototype enables the healthcare industry to adapt and adopt this method to evaluate the trustworthiness of WMD for their own specific
use cases. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / In this thesis, two challenges in quantifying trust in wearable medical devices, are addressed. The first challenge is the identification of factors influencing trust which are inherently subjective and vary widely among users. To address this challenge, we conducted an extensive survey to identify and validate the trust factors. These factors are stepping stones for defining the specifications and quantifying trust in wearable medical devices.
The second challenge is to develop a precise method for quantification of trust while taking
into account the uncertainty and variability of trust factors. We constructed a Bayesian network, that captures the complexities of trust as probabilities of the trust factors (identified from the survey) and developed a data-driven approach to estimate the parameters of the Bayesian network to compute the measure of trust.
The findings of this thesis are empirically and experimentally validated across multiple use
cases, incorporating real and synthetic data, various testing conditions, and diverse Bayesian network configurations. Additionally, we developed a customizable, parameterized prototype that empowers users and healthcare providers to effectively assess and compare the trustworthiness of different wearable medical devices.
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Design and Implementation of a Model-Driven Software Production Method: from Strategy to CodeNoel López, René Alejandro 15 April 2024 (has links)
[ES] Cada día surgen nuevas tecnologías que cambian el mundo tal y como lo conocemos: cómo aprendemos, trabajamos y nos relacionamos. Este escenario lleva a las organizaciones a adaptar rápidamente no sólo sus productos y servicios, sino también su estructura y estrategias para sobrevivir y prosperar. Como se ha estudiado ampliamente, alinear la tecnología de la información con objetivos de alto nivel es clave para que una organización se adapte rápidamente a su entorno. Los métodos de desarrollo dirigidos por modelos (MDD) han contribuido a ello al incluir los objetivos de negocio en el proceso de desarrollo de software, proporcionando trazabilidad, calidad y eficiencia mediante transformaciones de modelo a modelo. Sin embargo, los métodos MDD existentes no han incluido la estrategia y la estructura de la organización en el proceso de desarrollo. Esta tesis integra la información organizacional en un método MDD existente compuesto por OO-Method, un método MDD orientado a objetos, y Análisis de Comunicaciones, un método de modelado de procesos de negocio orientado a la comunicación. A ellos, se integran las principales contribuciones de esta tesis: LiteStrat, un método de modelado organizacional, y Stra2Bis, un método para diseñar procesos de negocio alineados estratégicamente. LiteStrat permite modelar las influencias externas que demandan el desarrollo de nuevo software, y la estrategia y la estructura organizacional para abordar dicha influencia. Stra2Bis integra LiteStrat y Análisis de Comunicaciones a través de tres reglas de transformación, generando una estructura de procesos de negocio alineada con la organización. Hemos realizado validaciones experimentales de las mejoras de completitud y precisión de los modelos producidos por los métodos, y de la eficacia y satisfacción de sus usuarios. El trabajo futuro se centra en la aplicación de los métodos en la industria y en su evolución continua. / [CA] Cada dia sorgixen noves tecnologies que canvien el món tal com el coneixem: com aprenem, treballem i ens relacionem. Aquest escenari porta a les organitzacions a adaptar ràpidament no sols els seus productes i servicis, sinó també la seua estructura i estratègies per a sobreviure i prosperar. Com s'ha estudiat àmpliament, alinear la tecnologia de la informació amb objectius d'alt nivell és clau perquè una organització s'adapte ràpidament al seu entorn. Els mètodes de desenvolupament dirigits per models (MDD) hi han contribuït en incloure els objectius de negoci en el procés de desenvolupament de programari, proporcionant traçabilitat, qualitat i eficiència mitjançant transformacions de model a model. No obstant, els mètodes MDD existents no han inclòs l'estratègia i l'estructura de l'organització en el procés de desenvolupament. Aquesta tesi integra la informació organitzacional en un mètode MDD existent compost per OO-Method, un mètode MDD orientat a objectes, i Anàlisis de Comunicacions, un mètode de modelatge de processos de negoci orientat a la comunicació. A ells, s'integren les principals contribucions d'aquesta tesi: LiteStrat, un mètode de modelatge organitzacional, i Stra2Bis, un mètode per a dissenyar processos de negoci alineats estratègicament. LiteStrat permet modelar les influències externes que demanden el desenvolupament de nou programari, i l'estratègia i l'estructura organitzacional per a abordar aquesta influència. Stra2Bis integra LiteStrat i Anàlisi de Comunicacions a través de tres regles de transformació, generant una estructura de processos de negoci alineada amb l'organització. Hem realitzat validacions experimentals de les millores de completesa i precisió dels models produïts pels mètodes, i de l'eficàcia i satisfacció dels seus usuaris. El treball futur se centra en l'aplicació dels mètodes en la indústria i en la seua evolució contínua. / [EN] New, disruptive technologies emerge daily, changing the world as we know it: how we learn, work, and socially interact. This ever-changing scenario pushes organisations to quickly adapt not only their products and services but also their structure and strategies to survive and thrive. As has been widely studied, aligning information technology to high-level goals is key for an organisation to adapt quickly to its environment. Model-driven development (MDD) methods have contributed to this by systematically including business goals in the software development process, providing traceability, quality and efficiency through model-to-model transformations. Yet, existing MDD methods have not included organisational strategy and structure in the development process. This thesis integrates organisational information into a baseline MDD method composed of the OO-Method, an object-oriented model-driven development method, and Communication Analysis, a communication-oriented business process modelling method. The baseline MDD method is extended by the main contributions of this thesis: LiteStrat, an organisational modelling method, and Stra2Bis, a method for designing strategically aligned business processes. LiteStrat supports modelling the external influences that drive new software development endeavours and the strategy and organisational structure to address such influence. Stra2Bis integrates LiteStrat and Communication Analysis through three model-to-model transformation guidelines, generating the scaffold of business processes aligned with the organisation's structure and strategy. Sound experimental validations were performed to assess the methods' improvements in completeness and accuracy and their effect on the method users' efficiency and satisfaction. Further work regards implementing the methods into industrial contexts and their continuous evolution. / Project Participation: SREC: Desarrollo ágil de sistemas desde requisitos a código (SREC). PID2021-123824OB-I00: Agencia Estatal de Investigacion, España. 2022-2025. DELFOS: Sistema de información para la gestión de variaciones genómicas. PDC2021-121243-I00 - Agencia Estatal de Investigacion, España. 2021-2023. OGMIOS: Sistema inteligente de apoyo a la toma de decisiones clínicas en medicina de precisión. INNEST/2021/57 - Agencia Estatal de Investigacion, España. 2021-2023. / Noel López, RA. (2024). Design and Implementation of a Model-Driven Software Production Method: from Strategy to Code [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/203527
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