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On the domain-specific formalization of requirement specifications - a case study of ETCSDorka, Moritz 25 August 2015 (has links)
This paper presents a piece of software to automatically extract requirements captured in Microsoft Word files while using domain knowledge. In a subsequent step, these requirements are enhanced for implementation purposes and ultimately saved to ReqIF, an XML-based file format for the exchange of specification documents. ReqIF can be processed by a wide range of industry-standard requirements management tools. By way of this enhancement a formalization of both the document structure and selected elements of its natural language contents is achieved.
In its current version, the software was specifically developed for processing the Subset-026, a conceptually demanding specification document covering the core functionality of the pan-European train protection system ETCS.
Despite this initial focus, the two-part design of this thesis facilitates a generic applicability of its findings: Section 2 presents the fundamental challenges of weakly structured specification documents and devotes a large part to the computation of unique, but human-readable requirement identifiers. Section 3, however, delves into more domain-specific features, the text processing capabilities, and the actual implementation of this novel software.
Due to the open-source nature of the application, an adaption to other use-cases can be achieved with comparably little effort.:1 Introduction 13
1.1 Motivation 14
1.2 Previous formalization attempts 15
2 Processing specification documents 17
2.1 Structural considerations 17
2.1.1 The input format: DOC 18
2.1.2 Different parts of a specification document 20
2.1.3 The output format: ReqIF 20
2.2 Enhancing requirement content 23
2.2.1 Visualizing dependencies 25
2.2.2 Querying for data 25
2.3 Computing requirement identifiers 28
2.3.1 Unwinding complex structures: Tables 33
2.3.2 Unwinding complex structures: Other structures 37
2.3.3 Summary 38
3 The tool 41
3.1 Basic usage 41
3.1.1 Dealing with embedded media 43
3.2 ReqIF output 45
3.2.1 Data associated with a requirement artifact 46
3.2.2 Links between requirement artifacts 52
3.2.3 Issues with IBM DOORS 55
3.3 Content formalization 56
3.3.1 Detection of recurring elements 56
3.3.2 Sublist dependencies 58
3.3.3 Intra-cell requirements 59
3.3.4 Unformalizable elements 61
3.4 Inner workings 62
3.4.1 List hierarchy algorithm 64
3.4.2 Techniques for natural language content 69
3.5 Comparison to other tools 72
3.6 Applying this tool to other documents 74
3.7 EN 50128 tool qualification 76
4 Outlook 77
5 Conclusion 79
A Appendices 83
A.1 Postprocessing statistics data 83
A.1.1 Clean up spurious external links 83
A.1.2 Merge data of several tool runs 84
A.2 Subset-026 keywords 85
A.2.1 Legal obligation 85
A.2.2 Weak words 85
A.2.3 Other keywords for the implementerEnhanced-field 86
Lists of Figures, Tables and Listings 87
Glossary 89
Terms specific to this thesis 92
Bibliography 93 / Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit einer Software zur automatisierten Extraktion von Anforderungen aus Dokumenten im Microsoft Word Format unter Nutzung von Domänenwissen. In einem nachgelagerten Schritt werden diese Anforderungen für Implementierungszwecke aufgewertet und schließlich als ReqIF, einem XML-basierten Dateiformat zum Austausch von Spezifikationsdokumenten, gespeichert. ReqIF wird von zahlreichen branchenüblichen Anforderungsmanagementwerkzeugen unterstützt. Durch die Aufwertung wird eine Formalisierung der Struktur sowie ausgewählter Teile der natürlichsprachlichen Inhalte des Dokuments erreicht.
Die jetzige Version der Software wurde speziell für die Verarbeitung des Subset-026 entwickelt, eines konzeptionell anspruchsvollen Anforderungsdokuments zur Beschreibung der Kernfunktionalität des europaweiten Zugsicherungssystems ETCS.
Trotz dieser ursprünglichen Intention erlaubt die zweigeteilte Gestaltung der Arbeit eine allgemeine Anwendung der Ergebnisse: Abschnitt 2 zeigt die grundsätzlichen Herausforderungen in Bezug auf schwach strukturierte Anforderungsdokumente auf und widmet sich dabei ausführlich der Ermittlung von eindeutigen, aber dennoch menschenlesbaren Anforderungsidentifikatoren. Abschnitt 3 befasst sich hingegen eingehender mit den domänenspezifischen Eigenschaften, den Textaufbereitungsmöglichkeiten und der konkreten Implementierung der neuen Software.
Da die Software unter open-source Prinzipien entwickelt wurde, ist eine Anpassung an andere Anwendungsfälle mit relativ geringem Aufwand möglich.:1 Introduction 13
1.1 Motivation 14
1.2 Previous formalization attempts 15
2 Processing specification documents 17
2.1 Structural considerations 17
2.1.1 The input format: DOC 18
2.1.2 Different parts of a specification document 20
2.1.3 The output format: ReqIF 20
2.2 Enhancing requirement content 23
2.2.1 Visualizing dependencies 25
2.2.2 Querying for data 25
2.3 Computing requirement identifiers 28
2.3.1 Unwinding complex structures: Tables 33
2.3.2 Unwinding complex structures: Other structures 37
2.3.3 Summary 38
3 The tool 41
3.1 Basic usage 41
3.1.1 Dealing with embedded media 43
3.2 ReqIF output 45
3.2.1 Data associated with a requirement artifact 46
3.2.2 Links between requirement artifacts 52
3.2.3 Issues with IBM DOORS 55
3.3 Content formalization 56
3.3.1 Detection of recurring elements 56
3.3.2 Sublist dependencies 58
3.3.3 Intra-cell requirements 59
3.3.4 Unformalizable elements 61
3.4 Inner workings 62
3.4.1 List hierarchy algorithm 64
3.4.2 Techniques for natural language content 69
3.5 Comparison to other tools 72
3.6 Applying this tool to other documents 74
3.7 EN 50128 tool qualification 76
4 Outlook 77
5 Conclusion 79
A Appendices 83
A.1 Postprocessing statistics data 83
A.1.1 Clean up spurious external links 83
A.1.2 Merge data of several tool runs 84
A.2 Subset-026 keywords 85
A.2.1 Legal obligation 85
A.2.2 Weak words 85
A.2.3 Other keywords for the implementerEnhanced-field 86
Lists of Figures, Tables and Listings 87
Glossary 89
Terms specific to this thesis 92
Bibliography 93
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Tagungsband zum 20. Interuniversitären Doktorandenseminar WirtschaftsinformatikDinter, Barbara, Frenzel, Lisa, Gluchowski, Peter 25 January 2017 (has links)
Das Interuniversitäre Doktorandenseminar Wirtschaftsinformatik ist eine regelmäßige Veranstaltung, in deren Rahmen Doktoranden der Universitäten Chemnitz, Dresden, Freiberg, Halle, Ilmenau, Jena und Leipzig ihr Promotionsprojekt präsentieren und sich den kritischen Fragen der anwesenden Professoren und Doktoranden aller beteiligten Universitäten stellen. Auf diese Weise erhalten die Promovierenden wertvolles Feedback zu Vorgehen, Methodik und inhaltlichen Aspekten ihrer Arbeit, welches sie für ihre Promotion nutzen können.
Darüber hinaus bietet das Interuniversitäre Doktorandenseminar Wirtschaftsinformatik eine Plattform für eine fachliche Auseinandersetzung mit aktuellen Themen und sich ankündigenden Trends in der Forschung der Wirtschaftsinformatik. Zudem wird ein akademischer Diskurs über die Grenzen der jeweils eigenen Schwerpunkte der Professur hinaus ermöglicht.
Das nunmehr 20. Jubiläum des Doktorandenseminars fand in Chemnitz statt. Der daraus entstandene Tagungsband enthält fünf ausgewählte Beiträge zu den Themenfeldern Service Engineering, Cloud-Computing, Geschäftsprozessmanagement, Requirements Engineering, Analytics und Datenqualität und zeigt damit anschaulich die Aktualität und Relevanz, aber auch die thematische Breite der gegenwärtigen Forschung im Bereich Wirtschaftsinformatik. / The inter-university PhD seminar Business Information Systems (“Interuniversitäres Doktorandenseminar Wirtschaftsinformatik”) is an annual one-day event which is organized by the Business Information Systems chairs of the universities of Chemnitz, Dresden, Freiberg, Halle, Ilmenau, Jena and Leipzig. It serves as a platform for PhD students to present their PhD topic and the current status of the thesis. Therefore, the seminar is a good opportunity to gain further knowledge and inspiration based on the feedback and questions of the participating professors and students.
The 20th Interuniversitäre Doktorandenseminar Wirtschaftsinformatik took place in Chemnitz in October 2016. The resulting proceedings include five selected articles within the following topic areas: service engineering, cloud computing, business process management, requirements engineering, analytics und data quality. They illustrate the relevance as well as the broad range of topics in current business information systems research.
In case of questions and comments, please use the contact details at the end of the articles.
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Richtlinien für die modellgetriebene Integration serviceorientierter Architekturen in AnalysemodellenJuhrisch, Martin 12 January 2010 (has links)
Mit der stetigen Konsolidierung der Web Service Standards vollzieht sich in der Diskussion zu serviceorientierten Architekturen ein Wechsel weg von der Implementierung und dem Deployment von Services hin zum Service Management. Die Indikatoren: Anzahl der Standardisierungsanfragen und die Menge großer Forschungsprogramme in diesem Bereich sind evident für einen wachsenden Bedarf an Managementmethoden für die Abbildung von Geschäftsanforderungen auf Servicekompositionen. Die Verwendung von semiformalen Modellen sowie die verteilte Entwicklung von SOA Services machen eine an Konventionen orientierte konstruktive Einschränkung der Freiheitsgrade bei der Prozess- und Servicemodellierung notwendig. In dieser Arbeit wird eine generische Methode vorgestellt, welche durch die Einführung von „Beschreibungsrahmen“ (Description Kits) sowohl eine Einschränkung der Modellierungsfreiheit in Bezug auf natürlichsprachliche Aspekte in fachkonzeptuellen Modellen erlaubt, als auch eine restriktive Benutzung bestehender Modellierungssprachen ermöglicht. Als Anwendungsfall wird die Konfiguration serviceorientierter Architekturen diskutiert. - (Die Dissertation ist veröffentlicht im Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH, http://www.logos-verlag.de, ISBN: 978-3-8325-2402-9) / With Service-oriented Architectures (SOA) companies are facing a paradigm shift towards services as the key unit of their enterprise architectures. An exploitation of the potential of Service-oriented Architectures is up to the applicability of semi-formal business models for a transformation into service compositions. However, several conceptual shortcomings prevent semi-formal models from being a suitable resource of an automated transformation process. Problems result from a multitude of modeling aims, objects, and procedures. Enhancements in order to solve these problems require both systematic preparation, and a methodical approach. This thesis provides a modeling method for business process-oriented SOA design using a meta-model based approach. An integrated modeling environment gives an overview of business requirements and allows appropriate assignment of SOA services to the business functions at the same time. The research refers to the example of process-oriented analysis and optimization of administrative procedures in German universities.
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Dokumentation och ansvar för icke-funktionella krav : Praxis eller ett nödvändigt ont? / Documentation and Responsibility for Non-Functional Requirements : Practice or Necessary Evil?Andersson, Louise, O'Kane, Ronja, Pålsson, Margarita January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie problematiserar icke-funktionella krav (IF krav), även benämnt kvalitetskrav, i svenska mjukvaruutvecklingsprojekt. Kravhantering anses vara den mest avgörande delen i mjukvaruutveckling för att lyckas, vilket än idag är en utmaning i majoriteten av projekten. Särskilt svårt är det att lyckas med IF krav, då tvetydigheter leder till brist på dokumentation och slutligen bortprioriteras de. För att adressera dessa problem syftade denna studie att besvara hur väl de IF kraven dokumenteras inom svenska mjukvaruutvecklingsprojekt samt vem som kan ansvara för att kvalitetssäkra de IF kraven. En mixed-method har genomförts med både en kvalitativ litteraturstudie av tidigare forskning samt en kvantitativ studie. Datainsamlingen i den kvantitativa studien har skett med webbaserad enkätundersökning med 24 frågor. Enkäten skickades ut till 72 företag i Sverige vars huvudsyssla var mjukvaruutveckling. Sammanlagt samlades 43 svar in och en univariat analys genomfördes. Enkätundersökningen indikerade att respondenterna är positivt inställda till dokumentation av IF krav. De flesta saknar dessutom gedigen kunskap om IF krav. Vidare saknas tydliga ansvarsroller för dokumentationen av IF krav. En lösnings- eller mjukvaruarkitekt är bäst lämpad för att kvalitetssäkra de IF kraven. Denna studie är skriven på svenska och kan främja studenter, forskare och yrkesverksamma då den nyanserar vikten av IF krav och hur existerande brister kan förbättras. / This study examines non-functional requirements (NFRs), also known as quality requirements, in Swedish software development projects. Requirements engineering is considered the most crucial part of software development, which is still a challenge in the majority of projects today. In particular, the NFRs are the most challenging seeing as there are ambiguities concerning their definition. This in turn leads to lack of documentation and, ultimately, their deprioritization. To address these issues, this study aimed to answer how well NFRs are documented in Swedish software development projects and who can be responsible for ensuring the quality of these NFRs. A mixed-method was conducted with both a qualitative literature review of previous research and a quantitative study. The data collection in the quantitative study was conducted using a web-based survey with 24 questions. The survey was sent to 72 software development companies in Sweden. A total of 43 responses were collected, and a univariate analysis was performed. The survey indicated that respondents have a positive attitude towards documenting. Additionally, most respondents lack comprehensive knowledge about NFRs and clear roles for the NFRs are missing. Standardization, better guidelines, and clear roles are needed to ensure the quality of NFRs, which are currently lacking. A solution or software architect is best suited to ensure the quality of NFRs. This study, written in Swedish, can benefit students, researchers, and professionals as it highlights the importance of NFRs and suggests improvements for existing deficiencies.
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Microservices to Address the Change Challenges in Socio-Technical Evolutionary-Teal Organizations / A Design-Science-Research ApproachSell, Johann 06 September 2023 (has links)
Neue Organisationsformen, wie evolutionäre Organisationen, bilden in vielen Kooperationsszenarien sozio-technische Konstrukte mit modernen CSCW Anwendungen aus. Daher erfordern Veränderungen dieser sozialen Systeme eine kontinuierliche Anpassung der technischen Tools an die neuen sozialen Konfigurationen.
Diese Dissertation ist als Design Science Research (DSR) Projekt konzipiert und addressiert die folgende Forschungsfrage (RQ): “Wie können soziotechnische, evolutionäre Organisationen die Herausforderungen der joint optimization und des organizational choice während ihrer autopoietischen Veränderungsprozesse addressieren?”
Die Fallstudie Viva con Agua de St. Pauli e.V. wurde mittels qualitativer und ethnographischer Methoden im Rahmen der entsprechenden DSR Zyklen untersucht. Das Forschungsprojekt fokussiert die Entwicklung von Artefakten indem sowohl eine technische, als auch eine soziale Perspektive eingenommen wird.
Aus der technische Perspektive wird die RQ durch eine Microservice-Plattform adressiert. Die Architektur dient der Verteilung von Verantwortlichkeit für die Software in einem heterogenen Netzwerk von Entwickler:innen. Dabei müssen diverse neue Herausforderungen beachtet werden, wie etwa die Verteilung des User Interface.
Durch die Betrachtung der RQ aus der sozialen Perspektive wird der USMU Workshop entwickelt. Dieses Artefakt dient der Verbindung der Charakteristika evolutionärer Organisationen mit agiler Software Entwicklung und mit Methoden des partizipativen Designs.
Die Studien zeigen, dass beide Artefakte die RQ adressieren. Zudem konnte ich für beide Artefakte wertvolle Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten aufzeigen. Somit motivieren die Ergebnisse den nächsten Schritt des Projekts und die vorliegende Thesis wird Bestandteil des zyklischen Ablaufs eines DSR Projekts. / The emergence of new types of organizational structures, such as evolutionary-teal organizations, almost always leads to the development of socio-technical constructs when it comes to working in collaboration with modern CSCW applications. A consequence of this is that the social system’s autopoietic change processes create challenges that compel one to adjust the implementation of the technical tool to the social system’s new configuration.
This thesis is structured according to the design science research (DSR) approach and focuses on the research question (RQ): “How can socio-technical evolutionary-teal organizations address the challenges of joint optimization and organizational choice during their autopoietic processes?”
For this purpose, the case study Viva con Agua de St. Pauli e.V. is investigated using a qualitative ethnographical approach during the DSR cycles. Addressing the RQ, two artifacts are designed from a technical as well as a social perspective. While the technical perspective primarily investigates the adjustments of technology, the social perspective focuses on the management of change in socio-technical evolutionary-teal organizations.
I propose a microservice platform as an artifact that addresses the RQ from a technical perspective. The microservice architecture aims at spreading the responsibility for the software through a heterogeneous ecosystem of developers.
The newly designed USMU workshop is addressing the RQ from the social perspective. It strives to intertwine the characteristics of evolutionary-teal organizations with agile software development and participatory design methods.
In my studies, I examine the fact that both artifacts can be used to address the RQ. Additionally, I was able to identify valuable improvements for both of my artifacts. Hence, the project follows the lifecycle of a DSR project by reasoning through the results presented here for its next iteration.
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TraceME: Traceability-based Method for Conceptual Model EvolutionRuiz Carmona, Luz Marcela 23 May 2016 (has links)
[EN] Renewing software systems is one of the most cost-effective ways to protect software investment, which saves time, money and ensures uninterrupted access to technical support and product upgrades. There are several motivations to promote investment and scientific effort for specifying systems by means of conceptual models and supporting its evolution. In order to contribute to the requirements engineering field with automated software production methods, we design TraceME to cover the spectrum of activities from requirements to code focusing on organisational evolution. In this sense, the spectrum of activities involves various information system perspectives of analysis that need to be integrated. In this complex setting, traceability and conceptual models are key concepts. Mechanisms to trace software specifications from requirements to code are important to justify evolution processes; versions of information systems should be traced in order to get the connection between old and new specifications. Moreover, it is necessary to find mechanisms to facilitate change specifications, measurement, and interpretation.
To design this thesis we follow Design Science by Roel Wieringa. Design Science gives us the hints on how to conduct the research, be rigorous, and put in practice scientific rules. Besides Design Science has been a key factor for structuring our research, we acknowledge the application of this framework since it has helps us to report clearly our findings.
We build TraceME by making a method engineering effort, which shapes its fragmented nature in chunks. The architecture of TraceME opens a wide window of opportunities for its application in real world situations. To facilitate industrial adoption, we develop open source tools to support the implementation of the TraceME chunks. For example, one case study and one action-research protocols have been executed in two different organisations in Spain.
The validation of TraceME has taken place in laboratory demonstrations, controlled experiments, action research and case study experiences in industry. Thanks to the validations various lessons learnt have been gathered and greatly influenced the maturity of the method. For example: the importance to consider end-users' perceptions for discovering needs to mitigate, and the significance to get knowledge from the application of TraceME in different contexts. The evidences from the validations demonstrate that TraceME is feasible to be applied to support evolution projects. In addition, future research is needed for promoting the implementation of TraceME. We envision short term and future-term work that motivate us to tackle the challenge to support evolution projects. / [ES] La evolución de sistemas software es una de las actividades mas importantes que permiten minimizar el tiempo de puesta en producción de actualizaciones y nuevos desarrollos, reducir los costos que implica desarrollar una aplicación desde cero, y además asegura el acceso ininterrumpido de servicios.
Existen variadas motivaciones para promover la investigación y desarrollo de soluciones para especificar y evolucionar sistemas de información mediante modelos conceptuales. Para contribuir al campo de la ingeniería de requisitos con métodos automáticos de producción de software, hemos diseñado el método TraceME para cubrir el espectro de actividades desde requisitos a código con un enfoque de evolución organizacional. De este modo, el espectro de actividades involucra diferentes perspectivas de análisis de sistemas de información que necesitan ser integradas. En este escenario tan complejo, la trazabilidad y los modelos conceptuales son conceptos clave. Es necesario disponer de mecanismos para trazar especificaciones de software desde requisitos a código con el fin de justificar procesos de evolución. Las versiones de los sistemas de información deben ser trazables con el fin de establecer la conexión entre especificaciones obsoletas y actuales. Adicionalmente, es necesario encontrar mecanismos para facilitar la especificación del cambio, su medición e interpretación.
Para diseñar esta tesis hemos seguido el marco de Design Science de Roel Wieringa. Design Science nos ha proporcionado las claves para conducir esta investigación, ser rigurosos y poner en práctica reglas científicas. Además de que Design Science ha sido un factor clave para estructurar nuestra investigación, reconocemos que la aplicación de este marco nos ha ayudado a reportar claramente nuestros hallazgos.
Hemos aplicado ingeniería de métodos para diseñar y construir TraceME. Gracias a esto, la naturaleza de TraceME es conformada mediante fragmentos de método. La arquitectura de TraceME abre una amplia ventana de oportunidades para su aplicación en situaciones de la vida real. Para facilitar la adopción industrial de TraceME, hemos desarrollado herramientas de software libre para dar soporte a los fragmentos de TraceME. Por ejemplo, un caso de estudio y una experiencia de action research han sido ejecutadas en dos organizaciones en España.
La validación de TraceME ha sido llevada a cabo mediante demostraciones de laboratorio, experimentos controlados, un caso de estudio y una experiencia de action research en industria. Como resultado, TraceME ha sido mejorado considerablemente; además hemos descubierto investigaciones a realizar a corto, mediano y largo plazo con el fin de implementar TraceME en la industria. Las evidencias obtenidas como resultado de las validaciones demuestra la factibilidad de TraceME para ser aplicado en proyectos de evolución organizacional. El trabajo futuro nos motiva a afrontar los retos que conlleva el soporte de proyectos de evolución de sistemas de información. / [CA] L'evolució dels sistemes programari és una de les activitats més importants que permeten minimitzar el temps de posada en producció d'actualitzacions i nous desenvolupaments, reduir els costos que involucra desenvolupar una aplicació des de cero, a més d' assegurar l'accés ininterromput de serveis.
Existixen diverses motivacions per promoure la investigació i desenvolupament de solucions per a especificar i evolucionar sistemes de informació mitjançant models conceptuals. Per tal de contribuir al camp de l'enginyeria de requisits amb mètodes automàtics de producció de programari, hem dissenyat el mètode TraceME per cobrir l'espectre d'activitats des de requisits a codi en un enfocament d'evolució organitzacional. Així, l'espectre d'activitats involucra diferents perspectives d'anàlisi de sistemes d'informació que necessiten ser integrades. En aquest escenari tan complex, la traçabilitat i els models conceptuals són conceptes clau. És necessari disposar de mecanismes per traçar especificacions de programari des de requisits a codi amb la fi de justificar processos d'evolució. Les versions dels sistemes d'informació deuen ser traçables amb la fi d'establir la connexió entre especificacions obsoletes i actuals. Addicionalment, és necessari trobar mecanismes per facilitar l'especificació del canvi, la seua mesura i interpretació.
Per tal de dissenyar aquesta tesi, hem seguit el marc de Design Science de Roel Wieringa. Design Science ens ha proporcionat les claus per conduir aquesta investigació, ser rigorosos i posar en pràctica regles científiques. A més a més, Design Science ha sigut un factor clau per estructurar la nostra investigació, reconeixem que l'aplicació de aquest marc ens a ajudat a reportar clarament els nostres resultats.
Hem aplicat enginyeria de mètodes per dissenyar i construir TraceME. Gràcies a açò, la natura de TraceME es conforma mitjançant fragments de mètodes. L'arquitectura de TraceME obri una ampla finestra d'oportunitats per a la seua aplicació en situacions de la vida real. Per facilitar l'adopció industrial de TraceME, hem desenvolupat ferramentes de programari lliure per tal de donar suport als fragments de TraceME. Per exemple, un cas d'estudi i una experiència de action research han sigut executades en dos organitzacions a Espanya.
La validació de TraceME ha sigut portada a cap mitjançant demostracions de laboratori, experiments controlats , un cas d'estudi i una experiència de action research en l'industria. Com a resultat, TraceME ha sigut millorada considerablement; a més a més, hem descobert investigacions a realitzar a curt, mig i llarg termini amb la fi d'implementar TraceME a l'industria. Les evidències obtingudes com a resultat de les validacions, demostren la factibilitat de TraceME per ser aplicat en projectes d'evolució organitzacional. El treball futur presenta nous reptes que ens motiven a afrontar el suport de projectes d'evolució de sistemes d'informació. / Ruiz Carmona, LM. (2016). TraceME: Traceability-based Method for Conceptual Model Evolution [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/64553
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CyberWater: An open framework for data and model integrationRanran Chen (18423792) 03 June 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Workflow management systems (WMSs) are commonly used to organize/automate sequences of tasks as workflows to accelerate scientific discoveries. During complex workflow modeling, a local interactive workflow environment is desirable, as users usually rely on their rich, local environments for fast prototyping and refinements before they consider using more powerful computing resources.</p><p dir="ltr">This dissertation delves into the innovative development of the CyberWater framework based on Workflow Management Systems (WMSs). Against the backdrop of data-intensive and complex models, CyberWater exemplifies the transition of intricate data into insightful and actionable knowledge and introduces the nuanced architecture of CyberWater, particularly focusing on its adaptation and enhancement from the VisTrails system. It highlights the significance of control and data flow mechanisms and the introduction of new data formats for effective data processing within the CyberWater framework.</p><p dir="ltr">This study presents an in-depth analysis of the design and implementation of Generic Model Agent Toolkits. The discussion centers on template-based component mechanisms and the integration with popular platforms, while emphasizing the toolkit’s ability to facilitate on-demand access to High-Performance Computing resources for large-scale data handling. Besides, the development of an asynchronously controlled workflow within CyberWater is also explored. This innovative approach enhances computational performance by optimizing pipeline-level parallelism and allows for on-demand submissions of HPC jobs, significantly improving the efficiency of data processing.</p><p dir="ltr">A comprehensive methodology for model-driven development and Python code integration within the CyberWater framework and innovative applications of GPT models for automated data retrieval are introduced in this research as well. It examines the implementation of Git Actions for system automation in data retrieval processes and discusses the transformation of raw data into a compatible format, enhancing the adaptability and reliability of the data retrieval component in the adaptive generic model agent toolkit component.</p><p dir="ltr">For the development and maintenance of software within the CyberWater framework, the use of tools like GitHub for version control and outlining automated processes has been applied for software updates and error reporting. Except that, the user data collection also emphasizes the role of the CyberWater Server in these processes.</p><p dir="ltr">In conclusion, this dissertation presents our comprehensive work on the CyberWater framework's advancements, setting new standards in scientific workflow management and demonstrating how technological innovation can significantly elevate the process of scientific discovery.</p>
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A plm implementation for aerospace systems engineering-conceptual rotorcraft designHart, Peter Bartholomew 08 April 2009 (has links)
The thesis will discuss the Systems Engineering phase of an original Conceptual Design Engineering Methodology for Aerospace Engineering-Vehicle Synthesis. This iterative phase is shown to benefit from digitization of Integrated Product&Process Design (IPPD) activities, through the application of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) technologies. Requirements analysis through the use of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and 7 MaP tools is explored as an illustration. A "Requirements Data Manager" (RDM) is used to show the ability to reduce the time and cost to design for both new and legacy/derivative designs. Here the COTS tool Teamcenter Systems Engineering (TCSE) is used as the RDM. The utility of the new methodology is explored through consideration of a legacy RFP based vehicle design proposal and associated aerospace engineering. The 2001 American Helicopter Society (AHS) 18th Student Design Competition RFP is considered as a starting point for the Systems Engineering phase. A Conceptual Design Engineering activity was conducted in 2000/2001 by Graduate students (including the author) in Rotorcraft Engineering at the Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta GA. This resulted in the "Kingfisher" vehicle design, an advanced search and rescue rotorcraft capable of performing the "Perfect Storm" mission, from the movie of the same name. The associated requirements, architectures, and work breakdown structure data sets for the Kingfisher are used to relate the capabilities of the proposed Integrated Digital Environment (IDE). The IDE is discussed as a repository for legacy knowledge capture, management, and design template creation. A primary thesis theme is to promote the automation of the up-front conceptual definition of complex systems, specifically aerospace vehicles, while anticipating downstream preliminary and full spectrum lifecycle design activities. The thesis forms a basis for additional discussions of PLM tool integration across the engineering, manufacturing, MRO and EOL lifecycle phases to support business management processes.
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