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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comparitive evaluation of surgical treatment methods and quality of life in chronic pancreatitis / Lėtinio pankreatito chirurginio gydymo būdų ir gyvenimo kokybės lyginamasis vertinimas

Jurevičius, Saulius 20 December 2013 (has links)
The duodenum-preserving pancreatic resection according to Frey is a standard operation for patients with complicated chronic pancreatitis. The pancreatojejunostomy is usually performed using two layer suture. The aim of doctoral dissertation was to compare single- and two-layer suture in pancreatojejunostomy performed in duodenum-preserving pancreatic resection according to Frey modification and to assess the changes of the quality of life 12 months after operation. A total of 80 patients were enrolled in the prospective randomized clinical. They were randomly allocated into two groups. In the first group of patients, pancreatojejunostomy was constructed by using single-layer continuous suture. In the second group of patients, pancreatojejunostomy was constructed by using two-layer interrupted suture. Overall time of the operation (208 ± 46 min. and 255 ± 58 min.) and the suturing time (19 ± 6 min. and 51 ± 18 min.) were significantly shorter in the single layer anastomosis group. Postoperative complications, the prevalence of pancreatic fistula, the length of stay did not differ in both groups. There was a statistically significant improvement of the quality of life 12 months after operation in the both groups of patients. / Dvylikapirštę žarną išsauganti kasos rezekcija Frey būdu yra standartinė operacija gydant sergančiuosius komplikuotu lėtiniu pankreatitu. Kasos ir plonosios žarnos jungtis įprastai atliekama dviejų aukštų siūlėmis. Disertacinio darbo tikslas – palyginti Frey operacijos, naudojant vieno arba dviejų aukštų kasos – tuščiosios žarnos siūlę, rezultatatus, taip pat įvertinti operuotų pacientų gyvenimo kokybės pokyčius, praėjus 12 mėn. po operacijos. Perspektyviniame atsitiktinių imčių klinikiniame tyrime dalyvavo aštuoniasdešimt pacientų. Tiriamieji prieš operaciją atsitiktine tvarka suskirstyti į dvi grupes: pirmos grupės pacientams atlikta operacija, formuojant kasos – tuščiosios žarnos jungtį vieno aukšto ištisine siūle; antros grupės pacientams, kasos – tuščiosios žarnos jungtis suformuota dviejų aukštų pavienėmis siūlėmis. Tyrime nustatėme, kad bendras operacijos laikas (208±46 min ir 255±58 min), bei pankreojejunoanastomozės siuvimo laikas (19±6 min. ir 51±18 min.) buvo statistiškai reikšmingai mažesnis „vieno aušto siūlės“ grupėje nei „dviejų aukštų pavienių siūlių“ grupėje. Pooperacinės komplikacijos, kasos fistulės dažnis, pooperacinė hospitalizavimo trukmė abiejose grupėse nesiskyrė. Vertinant gyvenimo kokybės pokyčius, praėjus 12 mėn. po operacijos, nustatytas statistiškai reikšmingas gyvenimo kokybės pagerėjimas abiejose pacientų grupėse.

The Value of Conventional Urine Cytology in the Diagnosis of Residual Tumour after Transurethral Resection of Bladder Carcinomas

Hakenberg, Oliver W., Franke, P., Fröhner, Michael, Manseck, Andreas, Wirth, Manfred 26 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Background: Transurethral resection leads to characteristic histological changes of tissue repair (’TUR cystitis‘), which also cause non-specific cytological changes. The aim of this study was to investigate the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of conventional exfoliative urinary cytology in diagnosing residual urothelial carcinoma after differential transurethral resection. Patients and Methods: 417 urinary cytology specimens of all 374 patients undergoing primary (n = 326) or secondary (n = 91) transurethral resection of urothelial carcinoma of the bladder at our institution between June 1996 and December 1997 were examined. The cytology specimens were stained according to Papanicolaou’s method. The sensitivity and specificity of the cytologic diagnosis and of the tumour grading were compared with histological findings. Results: The overall sensitivity of urine cytology in tumour detection was 77.6% for primary lesions and 74.5% in the detection of residual carcinoma after transurethral resection. The diagnostic specificity was 77% and 84.3% respectively. The degree of sensitivity was dependent on tumour grade and was lower for well differentiated tumours. After transurethral resection, the sensitivity for grade 1 residual tumours was 11%, whereas it was 54% for grade 1 tumours before primary transurethral resection. Conclusions: The inflammatory changes following transurethral resection of primary bladder carcinoma cause reactive cytologic changes that make the diagnosis of well differentiated residual carcinoma more difficult. However, urinary cytology after transurethral resection has the same diagnostic accuracy for medium and poorly differentiated tumours as before primary resection and thus remains a very useful diagnostic tool. / Hintergrund: Transurethrale Resektionen von Blasentumoren führen zu histologischen Veränderungen («TUR Zystitis») im Sinne regenerativer Veränderungen, welche urinzytologisch zu diagnostischen Fehleinschätzungen führen können. Das Ziel unserer Untersuchung war der Vergleich der diagnostischen Sensitivität und Spezifität der Urinzytologie vor transurethraler Resektion mit der bei der Diagnose von Residualtumoren nach transurethraler Resektion. Patienten und Methoden: Untersucht wurden 417 urinzytologische Präparate von allen 374 Patienten, die in unserer Einrichtung zwischen Juni 1996 und Dezember 1997 einer primären (n = 326) oder sekundären (n = 91) transurethralen Resektion von Urothelkarzinomen der Harnblase unterzogen wurden. Die zytologischen Präparate wurden nach Papanicolaou gefärbt. Sensitivität und Spezifität der zytologischen Diagnostik und des Tumorgradings wurden mit den histologischen Befunden verglichen. Ergebnisse: Die Sensitivität der Urinzytologie in der primären Tumorerkennung lag bei 77,6% und die für die Diagnose von Residualtumoren nach transurethraler Resektion bei 74,5%. Die diagnostische Spezifität lag bei 77% bzw. 84,3%. Die Sensitivität war abhängig vom Differenzierungsgrad der Urothelkarzinome und war bei gut differenzierten Tumoren am niedrigsten. Nach transurethraler Resektion betrug die Sensitivität der zytologischen Diagnose für G1-Residualtumore lediglich 11%, während sie für G1-Primärtumore bei 54% lag. Schlußfolgerungen: Die entzündlichenVeränderungen nach transurethraler Resektion verursachen Veränderungen exfoliierter Urothelzellen, welche die zytologische Diagnose von residualen G1-Tumoren erschweren. Die Diagnose mäßig und schlecht differenzierter residualer Urothelkarzinome nach transurethraler Resektion hat dagegen die gleiche Sensitivität und Spezifität wie die bei primärer Untersuchung, so daß die Urinzytologie auch bei der Diagnose von Residualtumoren ein wertvolles diagnostisches Verfahren darstellt. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Surgical Therapy of Intrapancreatic Metastasis from Renal Cell Carcinoma

Volk, Andreas, Kersting, Stephan, Konopke, Ralf, Dobrowolski, Frank, Franzen, Stefan, Ockert, Detlef, Grützmann, Robert, Saeger, Hans Detlev, Bergert, Hendrik 04 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Background: Pancreatic métastases from renal cell carcinoma (RCC) are clinically rare but highly resectable. The aim of this article is to identify patients who profit from pancreatic resection of RCC despite the invasiveness of the surgery. Methods: Between January 1996 and December 2007, data from 744 patients were collected in a prospective pancreatic surgery database, and patients with metastasis into the pancreas from RCC were identified. Results: Resective surgery was performed in 14 patients with metastasis to the pancreas from RCC. Most patients were clinically asymptomatic. The median interval between primary treatment of RCC and occurrence of pancreatic metastasis was 94 months (range 32–158). The morbidity rate was 42.8%. Patients with a metastasis size <2.5 cm had a much better survival after resection (100 months) than those with a metastasis size >2.5 cm (44 months). Moreover, the number of métastases predicts the survival after resection. Conclusions: In patients with pancreatic métastases from RCC who have only limited disease, complete resection of all lesions can be successfully performed with a low rate of complications. Thus, patients with a history of RCC should be monitored for more than 10 years after nephrectomy to detect recurrence. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Patients’ Preferences and Trade Offs for the Treatment of Small Hepatocellular Carcinomas

Molinari, Michele 23 July 2012 (has links)
Objective: The primary aim of this study was to assess patients’ preferences between radiofrequency ablation (RFA) versus hepatic resection (HR) for the treatment of small hepatocellular carcinomas (HCC). Methods: Decision analysis was performed by using probability trade-off (PTO) technique to elicit patients’ preferences and the strength of their decisions. Results: The vast majority of the study population preferred RFA over HR (70% vs. 30%, p=0.001). Their initial choice changed if 5-year survival benefit after surgery was at least 14% superior to RFA and if the 3-year disease-free survival advantage was at least 13% better than ablation. Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that fully informed cirrhotic patients would prefer RFA if diagnosed with early stage HCC even if able to undergo surgery.

Rectal Cancer : Surgical Strategies and Histopathological Aspects

Hosseinali Khani, Maziar January 2011 (has links)
The management of rectal cancer has changed in many countries over the last two decades and resulted in improved survival for the majority of rectal cancer patients. In this thesis some surgical strategies and histopathological aspects to improve and clarify the management of rectal cancer patients are investigated. Even in the era of TME surgery and radiotherapy, a higher local recurrence rate and shorter survival for rectal cancer patients operated with abdominoperineal resection is reported. In the first paper we describe a new strategy with partial anterior en bloc resection of either the prostate or the vagina, resulting in very low local recurrence rates and excellent long-term survival. Histopathological examination of the specimen lays the foundation for decision making on oncological therapy. A positive circumferential resection margin (CRM) has, in previous papers, been related to a high risk of local recurrence. In the second paper we show that a CRM ≤ 1 mm was not correlated with an increased risk of local recurrence when patients were managed in a multidisciplinary setting with preoperative radiotherapy and optimal TME surgery. As the complexity of rectal cancer management is increasing, demands on organizational structure are growing. In paper three we could show that long-term survival was increased for all rectal cancer patients after the centralization to a single unit. Whether or not to resect the primary rectal tumour in patients with metastatic disease is an ongoing debate in the literature. In paper four, we studied the national management of rectal cancer patients with primary metastatic disease. Nineteen per cent of rectal cancer patients present with Stage IV disease and, at a national level, there is a clear shift to a more selective and restrictive approach. The 30-day mortality was low for patients that underwent a resectional surgery, for patients having an exploratory laparotomy, however, it was high. Overall survival was improved over time even though up to one fourth of patients received no surgical treatment.

Fatores prognósticos na ressecção de metástases hepáticas de câncer colorretal

Chedid, Aljamir Duarte January 2002 (has links)
OBJETIVO: Determinar o impacto de fatores prognósticos na sobrevida de pacientes com metástases hepáticas ressecadas e originadas de câncer colorretal. CASUISTICA E MÉTODOS: Foram analisados os prontuários de 28 pacientes submetidos a ressecção hepática de metástases de câncer colorretal de Abril /1992 a Setembro /2001. Foram realizadas 38 ressecções (8 pacientes com mais de uma ressecção no mesmo tempo cirúrgico e 2 pacientes submetidos a re-ressecções). Todos haviam sido submetidos previamente à ressecção do tumor primário. Utilizou-se um protocolo de rastreamento de metástases hepáticas que incluiu revisões clinicas trimestrais, ecografia abdominal e dosagem de CEA até completarem-se 5 anos de seguimento e, após, semestralmente. Os fatores prognósticos estudados foram: estágio do tumor primário, tamanho das metástases > 5cm, intervalo entre ressecção do tumor primário e surgimento da metástase <1 ano, CEA>100ng/ml, margens cirúrgicas <1cm e doença metastática extra-hepática. O estudo foi retrospectivo e a análise estatística foi feita através da curva de Kaplan-Meier, do log rank e da regressão de Cox. RESULTADOS: A morbidade foi 39,3% e a mortalidade operatória foi 3,6%.A sobrevida em 5 anos foi de 35%. Os fatores prognósticos independentes adversos foram: intervalo <1 ano entre ressecção do tumor primário e surgimento da metástase (p=0,047 e RR 11,56) e doença metastática extra-hepática (p=0,004 e RR=57,28). CONCLUSÕES: A ressecção hepática de metástases de câncer colorretal é um procedimento seguro com sobrevida em 5 anos acima dos 30%. Foram fatores prognósticos independentes adversos: doença metastática extra-hepática e intervalo<1ano entre ressecção do tumor primário e surgimento da metástase. / Prognostic factors following liver resection for hepatic metastases from colorectal cancer. BACKGROUND: To determine the impact of prognostic factors on survival of patients with metastases from colorectal cancer that underwent liver resection. METHODS: The records of 28 patients that underwent liver resection for metastases from colorectal cancer between April /1992 and September/2001 were retrospectively analized. Thirty-eight resections were performed (more than one resection in eight patients and two patients underwent re-resections). The primary tumor was resected in all the patients. A screening protocol for liver metastases including clinical examinations every three months, abdominal ultrassonography and CEA level until five years of follow-up and after every six months, was applied. The prognostic factors analized regarding the impact on survival were: Dukes C stage of primary tumor, size of metastasis > 5cm, a disease-free interval from primary tumor to metastasis < 1 year, CEA level > 100ng/ml, resection margins < 1cm and extrahepatic disease. The Kaplan-Meier curves, log rank and Cox regression were used for the statistical analysis. RESULTS: Perioperative morbidity and mortality were 39,3% and 3,6% respectively. The 5-year survival rate was 35%. The independent prognostic factors were: disease-free interval from primary tumor to metastasis < 1year (p=0,047; RR=11,56) and extrahepatic metastatic disease (p=0,004; RR=57,28). CONCLUSIONS: The liver resection for metastases from colorectal cancer is a safe procedure with more than 30% 5-year survival .Disease- free interval from primary tumor to metastasis < 1year and extrahepatic disease were independent prognostic factors.

Sobrevida e fatores prognósticos em pacientes com adenocarcinoma primário de reto

Mussnich, Heloisa Guedes January 2000 (has links)
O câncer colorretal é a terceira neoplasia mais freqüente no mundo ocidental. No reto encontram-se 30 a 57% dos casos, sendo 80% destes passíveis de alcançar pelo exame digital do reto. Apesar de inúmeros avanços diagnósticos e terapêuticos, ainda são detectados tardiamente. A sobrevida em 5 anos mantém-se em torno de 50%, e os aspectos clínicopatológicos são os critérios prognósticos disponíveis. O presente estudo objetiva avaliar a sobrevida e os fatores clínico-patológicos relacionados aos tumores de reto em nosso meio. Os prontuários de 112 pacientes com adenocarcinoma primário e único de reto submetidos a cirurgia eletiva, num período de 7 anos (1988 a 1995), foram revisados retrospectivamente quanto a: idade, sexo, CEA pré-operatório, tipo e curabilidade da cirurgia, recidiva, seguimento, sobrevida e histopatologia do tumor. Para análise da sobrevida utilizou-se o método de Kaplan-Meyer. Nas análises bivariada e estratificada, um valor de P <0,05 foi considerado significativo. O coeficiente de correlação de Kendall foi utilizado para comparação dos sistemas de estadiamento. No modelo multivariado, utilizou-se um IC de 90%. A média de idade foi de 62,03±14,37 anos, com 52% dos casos do sexo feminino.Sessenta e dois por cento dos tumores encontravam-se no reto distal. Foram submetidos a amputação do reto 56,3% dos casos, e os demais, a retossigmoidectomia, sendo 25 procedimentos não-curativos. Sessenta e quatro pacientes (57%) apresentaram recidiva tumoral (14,3% locorregional, 32,1% à distância, e 10,7% ambas). Quarenta e cinco pacientes (40%) faleceram da neoplasia. O tempo mediano de seguimento foi de 35,27 meses (14,5 – 57,63). A sobrevida em 5 anos foi de 51%, tendo reduzido proporcionalmente ao avanço dos estágios histopatológicos da doença (P<0,001). O sistema de estadiamento de Dukes/Astler- Coller se correlacionou significativamente com o sistema TNM (τ=0,91). O adenocarcinoma 6 moderadamente diferenciado foi o mais freqüente (73,2%). A maioria dos tumores (68,2%) estendia-se até os tecidos perirretais; apenas 3,8% eram restritos à mucosa. Sessenta e sete pacientes tinham linfonodos positivos (29,4%, N1; e 30,3%, N2). Na classificação de Dukes/Astler-Coller, 14 eram estágio D; 55, C1 e C2; 15, B2; e 28, B1 e A. A localização do tumor no reto médio ou distal não influenciou a ocorrência dos óbitos, as recidivas, nem a curabilidade da cirurgia. Os tumores menos diferenciados (P=0,009), com maior penetração na parede (P=0,013), com envolvimento linfonodal (N2>N1, P<0,001), com cirurgia nãocurativa (P=0,002) e os que apresentaram recidiva (P<0,001) influenciaram significativamente a mortalidade. A classificação de Dukes/Astler-Coller e a diferenciação tumoral (P=0,089) foram fatores prognósticos independentes, bem como a penetração do tumor na parede retal (P=0,091) e o comprometimento linfonodal (P<0,001), quando excluída a classificação histopatológica. Os achados deste estudo estão de acordo com a literatura. Além da diferenciação tumoral, os fatores prognósticos identificados correspondem aos níveis de classificação dos sistemas de estadiamento vigentes, concordando com a observação de que estes ainda são os critérios prognósticos disponíveis. Este relato corrobora a predominância dos tumores em estágios avançados ao diagnóstico e a ausência de valor prognóstico da localização do tumor no reto. / Colorectal cancer is the third most common neoplasia in the Western world. About 30 to 57% of cases occur in the rectum, and, among these, 80% can be reached by digital rectal examination. However, most of them are diagnosed in advanced stages. Five-year survival rate is maintained at about 50% and clinicopathological features are still the prognostic criteria available. To evaluate survival and clinicopathological factors, the records of 112 patients submitted to elective resection of adenocarcinoma of the rectum from 1988 to 1995 were reviewed. Data were analysed as for: age, gender, preoperative serum level of CEA, type and curability of surgery, recurrence, follow-up, survival and tumor histopathology. Kaplan- Meyer method was used to analyse survival. Statistical significance on bivariate and stratified analysis was considered for a P value less than 0,05. Kendall correlation coefficient was used to compare histopathologic classifications. In the multivariate model, a 90% confidence interval was considered significant. Mean (SD) age was 62 (14) years and 52% of patients were female. Sixty-two percent of rectal tumors were distally located. Abdominoperineal resection was performed in 56% of cases and the remaining patients underwent low anterior resection. Twenty-five (22%) of these were non-curative procedures.Overall, recurrence was observed in 64 (57%) patients: local in 14%, distant in 32% and both in 10%. Forty-five patients (40%) died from disease. Median (range) follow-up was 35 (14 - 57) months. Fiveyear survival rate was 51% and reduced significantly by tumor progression (histopathologic stages; P<0,001). Both stage systems were well correlated (τ=0,91). Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma was the most frequent tumor grade (73%). Most tumors (68%) extended to perirectal tissues, only 4% were confined to the mucosa. Positive lymph nodes were observed in 67 patients (30% each, N1 and N2). Fourteen patients were Dukes/Astler-Coller D stage; 55 were C1 or C2; 15 were B2; and 28 were B1 or A. Tumor location had no influence on deaths, recurrences or curability. On bivariate analysis, tumor grade (P=0,009), depth (P=0,013) or recurrence (P<0,001), lymph node involvement (N2>N1, P<0,001), noncurative procedure (P=0,002) related with poorer outcome. On multivariate analyses, Dukes/Astler-Coller stages and tumor grade (P=0,089) were found to be independent prognostic factors, as well as depth of invasion and lymph node involvement, when excluding Dukes staging (P=0,091 and <0,001, respectively). These findings are similar to those reported in the literature. Besides tumor grade, prognostic factors identified meet classification levels on current staging systems. Accordingly, these criteria are still the prognostic factors available. The present report corroborates the predominance of advanced stage tumours at diagnosis and the lack of prognostic value of tumor location in the rectum.

Fatores prognósticos na ressecção de metástases hepáticas de câncer colorretal

Chedid, Aljamir Duarte January 2002 (has links)
OBJETIVO: Determinar o impacto de fatores prognósticos na sobrevida de pacientes com metástases hepáticas ressecadas e originadas de câncer colorretal. CASUISTICA E MÉTODOS: Foram analisados os prontuários de 28 pacientes submetidos a ressecção hepática de metástases de câncer colorretal de Abril /1992 a Setembro /2001. Foram realizadas 38 ressecções (8 pacientes com mais de uma ressecção no mesmo tempo cirúrgico e 2 pacientes submetidos a re-ressecções). Todos haviam sido submetidos previamente à ressecção do tumor primário. Utilizou-se um protocolo de rastreamento de metástases hepáticas que incluiu revisões clinicas trimestrais, ecografia abdominal e dosagem de CEA até completarem-se 5 anos de seguimento e, após, semestralmente. Os fatores prognósticos estudados foram: estágio do tumor primário, tamanho das metástases > 5cm, intervalo entre ressecção do tumor primário e surgimento da metástase <1 ano, CEA>100ng/ml, margens cirúrgicas <1cm e doença metastática extra-hepática. O estudo foi retrospectivo e a análise estatística foi feita através da curva de Kaplan-Meier, do log rank e da regressão de Cox. RESULTADOS: A morbidade foi 39,3% e a mortalidade operatória foi 3,6%.A sobrevida em 5 anos foi de 35%. Os fatores prognósticos independentes adversos foram: intervalo <1 ano entre ressecção do tumor primário e surgimento da metástase (p=0,047 e RR 11,56) e doença metastática extra-hepática (p=0,004 e RR=57,28). CONCLUSÕES: A ressecção hepática de metástases de câncer colorretal é um procedimento seguro com sobrevida em 5 anos acima dos 30%. Foram fatores prognósticos independentes adversos: doença metastática extra-hepática e intervalo<1ano entre ressecção do tumor primário e surgimento da metástase. / Prognostic factors following liver resection for hepatic metastases from colorectal cancer. BACKGROUND: To determine the impact of prognostic factors on survival of patients with metastases from colorectal cancer that underwent liver resection. METHODS: The records of 28 patients that underwent liver resection for metastases from colorectal cancer between April /1992 and September/2001 were retrospectively analized. Thirty-eight resections were performed (more than one resection in eight patients and two patients underwent re-resections). The primary tumor was resected in all the patients. A screening protocol for liver metastases including clinical examinations every three months, abdominal ultrassonography and CEA level until five years of follow-up and after every six months, was applied. The prognostic factors analized regarding the impact on survival were: Dukes C stage of primary tumor, size of metastasis > 5cm, a disease-free interval from primary tumor to metastasis < 1 year, CEA level > 100ng/ml, resection margins < 1cm and extrahepatic disease. The Kaplan-Meier curves, log rank and Cox regression were used for the statistical analysis. RESULTS: Perioperative morbidity and mortality were 39,3% and 3,6% respectively. The 5-year survival rate was 35%. The independent prognostic factors were: disease-free interval from primary tumor to metastasis < 1year (p=0,047; RR=11,56) and extrahepatic metastatic disease (p=0,004; RR=57,28). CONCLUSIONS: The liver resection for metastases from colorectal cancer is a safe procedure with more than 30% 5-year survival .Disease- free interval from primary tumor to metastasis < 1year and extrahepatic disease were independent prognostic factors.

Sobrevida e fatores prognósticos em pacientes com adenocarcinoma primário de reto

Mussnich, Heloisa Guedes January 2000 (has links)
O câncer colorretal é a terceira neoplasia mais freqüente no mundo ocidental. No reto encontram-se 30 a 57% dos casos, sendo 80% destes passíveis de alcançar pelo exame digital do reto. Apesar de inúmeros avanços diagnósticos e terapêuticos, ainda são detectados tardiamente. A sobrevida em 5 anos mantém-se em torno de 50%, e os aspectos clínicopatológicos são os critérios prognósticos disponíveis. O presente estudo objetiva avaliar a sobrevida e os fatores clínico-patológicos relacionados aos tumores de reto em nosso meio. Os prontuários de 112 pacientes com adenocarcinoma primário e único de reto submetidos a cirurgia eletiva, num período de 7 anos (1988 a 1995), foram revisados retrospectivamente quanto a: idade, sexo, CEA pré-operatório, tipo e curabilidade da cirurgia, recidiva, seguimento, sobrevida e histopatologia do tumor. Para análise da sobrevida utilizou-se o método de Kaplan-Meyer. Nas análises bivariada e estratificada, um valor de P <0,05 foi considerado significativo. O coeficiente de correlação de Kendall foi utilizado para comparação dos sistemas de estadiamento. No modelo multivariado, utilizou-se um IC de 90%. A média de idade foi de 62,03±14,37 anos, com 52% dos casos do sexo feminino.Sessenta e dois por cento dos tumores encontravam-se no reto distal. Foram submetidos a amputação do reto 56,3% dos casos, e os demais, a retossigmoidectomia, sendo 25 procedimentos não-curativos. Sessenta e quatro pacientes (57%) apresentaram recidiva tumoral (14,3% locorregional, 32,1% à distância, e 10,7% ambas). Quarenta e cinco pacientes (40%) faleceram da neoplasia. O tempo mediano de seguimento foi de 35,27 meses (14,5 – 57,63). A sobrevida em 5 anos foi de 51%, tendo reduzido proporcionalmente ao avanço dos estágios histopatológicos da doença (P<0,001). O sistema de estadiamento de Dukes/Astler- Coller se correlacionou significativamente com o sistema TNM (τ=0,91). O adenocarcinoma 6 moderadamente diferenciado foi o mais freqüente (73,2%). A maioria dos tumores (68,2%) estendia-se até os tecidos perirretais; apenas 3,8% eram restritos à mucosa. Sessenta e sete pacientes tinham linfonodos positivos (29,4%, N1; e 30,3%, N2). Na classificação de Dukes/Astler-Coller, 14 eram estágio D; 55, C1 e C2; 15, B2; e 28, B1 e A. A localização do tumor no reto médio ou distal não influenciou a ocorrência dos óbitos, as recidivas, nem a curabilidade da cirurgia. Os tumores menos diferenciados (P=0,009), com maior penetração na parede (P=0,013), com envolvimento linfonodal (N2>N1, P<0,001), com cirurgia nãocurativa (P=0,002) e os que apresentaram recidiva (P<0,001) influenciaram significativamente a mortalidade. A classificação de Dukes/Astler-Coller e a diferenciação tumoral (P=0,089) foram fatores prognósticos independentes, bem como a penetração do tumor na parede retal (P=0,091) e o comprometimento linfonodal (P<0,001), quando excluída a classificação histopatológica. Os achados deste estudo estão de acordo com a literatura. Além da diferenciação tumoral, os fatores prognósticos identificados correspondem aos níveis de classificação dos sistemas de estadiamento vigentes, concordando com a observação de que estes ainda são os critérios prognósticos disponíveis. Este relato corrobora a predominância dos tumores em estágios avançados ao diagnóstico e a ausência de valor prognóstico da localização do tumor no reto. / Colorectal cancer is the third most common neoplasia in the Western world. About 30 to 57% of cases occur in the rectum, and, among these, 80% can be reached by digital rectal examination. However, most of them are diagnosed in advanced stages. Five-year survival rate is maintained at about 50% and clinicopathological features are still the prognostic criteria available. To evaluate survival and clinicopathological factors, the records of 112 patients submitted to elective resection of adenocarcinoma of the rectum from 1988 to 1995 were reviewed. Data were analysed as for: age, gender, preoperative serum level of CEA, type and curability of surgery, recurrence, follow-up, survival and tumor histopathology. Kaplan- Meyer method was used to analyse survival. Statistical significance on bivariate and stratified analysis was considered for a P value less than 0,05. Kendall correlation coefficient was used to compare histopathologic classifications. In the multivariate model, a 90% confidence interval was considered significant. Mean (SD) age was 62 (14) years and 52% of patients were female. Sixty-two percent of rectal tumors were distally located. Abdominoperineal resection was performed in 56% of cases and the remaining patients underwent low anterior resection. Twenty-five (22%) of these were non-curative procedures.Overall, recurrence was observed in 64 (57%) patients: local in 14%, distant in 32% and both in 10%. Forty-five patients (40%) died from disease. Median (range) follow-up was 35 (14 - 57) months. Fiveyear survival rate was 51% and reduced significantly by tumor progression (histopathologic stages; P<0,001). Both stage systems were well correlated (τ=0,91). Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma was the most frequent tumor grade (73%). Most tumors (68%) extended to perirectal tissues, only 4% were confined to the mucosa. Positive lymph nodes were observed in 67 patients (30% each, N1 and N2). Fourteen patients were Dukes/Astler-Coller D stage; 55 were C1 or C2; 15 were B2; and 28 were B1 or A. Tumor location had no influence on deaths, recurrences or curability. On bivariate analysis, tumor grade (P=0,009), depth (P=0,013) or recurrence (P<0,001), lymph node involvement (N2>N1, P<0,001), noncurative procedure (P=0,002) related with poorer outcome. On multivariate analyses, Dukes/Astler-Coller stages and tumor grade (P=0,089) were found to be independent prognostic factors, as well as depth of invasion and lymph node involvement, when excluding Dukes staging (P=0,091 and <0,001, respectively). These findings are similar to those reported in the literature. Besides tumor grade, prognostic factors identified meet classification levels on current staging systems. Accordingly, these criteria are still the prognostic factors available. The present report corroborates the predominance of advanced stage tumours at diagnosis and the lack of prognostic value of tumor location in the rectum.

Sobrevida e fatores prognósticos em pacientes com adenocarcinoma primário de reto

Mussnich, Heloisa Guedes January 2000 (has links)
O câncer colorretal é a terceira neoplasia mais freqüente no mundo ocidental. No reto encontram-se 30 a 57% dos casos, sendo 80% destes passíveis de alcançar pelo exame digital do reto. Apesar de inúmeros avanços diagnósticos e terapêuticos, ainda são detectados tardiamente. A sobrevida em 5 anos mantém-se em torno de 50%, e os aspectos clínicopatológicos são os critérios prognósticos disponíveis. O presente estudo objetiva avaliar a sobrevida e os fatores clínico-patológicos relacionados aos tumores de reto em nosso meio. Os prontuários de 112 pacientes com adenocarcinoma primário e único de reto submetidos a cirurgia eletiva, num período de 7 anos (1988 a 1995), foram revisados retrospectivamente quanto a: idade, sexo, CEA pré-operatório, tipo e curabilidade da cirurgia, recidiva, seguimento, sobrevida e histopatologia do tumor. Para análise da sobrevida utilizou-se o método de Kaplan-Meyer. Nas análises bivariada e estratificada, um valor de P <0,05 foi considerado significativo. O coeficiente de correlação de Kendall foi utilizado para comparação dos sistemas de estadiamento. No modelo multivariado, utilizou-se um IC de 90%. A média de idade foi de 62,03±14,37 anos, com 52% dos casos do sexo feminino.Sessenta e dois por cento dos tumores encontravam-se no reto distal. Foram submetidos a amputação do reto 56,3% dos casos, e os demais, a retossigmoidectomia, sendo 25 procedimentos não-curativos. Sessenta e quatro pacientes (57%) apresentaram recidiva tumoral (14,3% locorregional, 32,1% à distância, e 10,7% ambas). Quarenta e cinco pacientes (40%) faleceram da neoplasia. O tempo mediano de seguimento foi de 35,27 meses (14,5 – 57,63). A sobrevida em 5 anos foi de 51%, tendo reduzido proporcionalmente ao avanço dos estágios histopatológicos da doença (P<0,001). O sistema de estadiamento de Dukes/Astler- Coller se correlacionou significativamente com o sistema TNM (τ=0,91). O adenocarcinoma 6 moderadamente diferenciado foi o mais freqüente (73,2%). A maioria dos tumores (68,2%) estendia-se até os tecidos perirretais; apenas 3,8% eram restritos à mucosa. Sessenta e sete pacientes tinham linfonodos positivos (29,4%, N1; e 30,3%, N2). Na classificação de Dukes/Astler-Coller, 14 eram estágio D; 55, C1 e C2; 15, B2; e 28, B1 e A. A localização do tumor no reto médio ou distal não influenciou a ocorrência dos óbitos, as recidivas, nem a curabilidade da cirurgia. Os tumores menos diferenciados (P=0,009), com maior penetração na parede (P=0,013), com envolvimento linfonodal (N2>N1, P<0,001), com cirurgia nãocurativa (P=0,002) e os que apresentaram recidiva (P<0,001) influenciaram significativamente a mortalidade. A classificação de Dukes/Astler-Coller e a diferenciação tumoral (P=0,089) foram fatores prognósticos independentes, bem como a penetração do tumor na parede retal (P=0,091) e o comprometimento linfonodal (P<0,001), quando excluída a classificação histopatológica. Os achados deste estudo estão de acordo com a literatura. Além da diferenciação tumoral, os fatores prognósticos identificados correspondem aos níveis de classificação dos sistemas de estadiamento vigentes, concordando com a observação de que estes ainda são os critérios prognósticos disponíveis. Este relato corrobora a predominância dos tumores em estágios avançados ao diagnóstico e a ausência de valor prognóstico da localização do tumor no reto. / Colorectal cancer is the third most common neoplasia in the Western world. About 30 to 57% of cases occur in the rectum, and, among these, 80% can be reached by digital rectal examination. However, most of them are diagnosed in advanced stages. Five-year survival rate is maintained at about 50% and clinicopathological features are still the prognostic criteria available. To evaluate survival and clinicopathological factors, the records of 112 patients submitted to elective resection of adenocarcinoma of the rectum from 1988 to 1995 were reviewed. Data were analysed as for: age, gender, preoperative serum level of CEA, type and curability of surgery, recurrence, follow-up, survival and tumor histopathology. Kaplan- Meyer method was used to analyse survival. Statistical significance on bivariate and stratified analysis was considered for a P value less than 0,05. Kendall correlation coefficient was used to compare histopathologic classifications. In the multivariate model, a 90% confidence interval was considered significant. Mean (SD) age was 62 (14) years and 52% of patients were female. Sixty-two percent of rectal tumors were distally located. Abdominoperineal resection was performed in 56% of cases and the remaining patients underwent low anterior resection. Twenty-five (22%) of these were non-curative procedures.Overall, recurrence was observed in 64 (57%) patients: local in 14%, distant in 32% and both in 10%. Forty-five patients (40%) died from disease. Median (range) follow-up was 35 (14 - 57) months. Fiveyear survival rate was 51% and reduced significantly by tumor progression (histopathologic stages; P<0,001). Both stage systems were well correlated (τ=0,91). Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma was the most frequent tumor grade (73%). Most tumors (68%) extended to perirectal tissues, only 4% were confined to the mucosa. Positive lymph nodes were observed in 67 patients (30% each, N1 and N2). Fourteen patients were Dukes/Astler-Coller D stage; 55 were C1 or C2; 15 were B2; and 28 were B1 or A. Tumor location had no influence on deaths, recurrences or curability. On bivariate analysis, tumor grade (P=0,009), depth (P=0,013) or recurrence (P<0,001), lymph node involvement (N2>N1, P<0,001), noncurative procedure (P=0,002) related with poorer outcome. On multivariate analyses, Dukes/Astler-Coller stages and tumor grade (P=0,089) were found to be independent prognostic factors, as well as depth of invasion and lymph node involvement, when excluding Dukes staging (P=0,091 and <0,001, respectively). These findings are similar to those reported in the literature. Besides tumor grade, prognostic factors identified meet classification levels on current staging systems. Accordingly, these criteria are still the prognostic factors available. The present report corroborates the predominance of advanced stage tumours at diagnosis and the lack of prognostic value of tumor location in the rectum.

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