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Selektiv pulmonale Vasodilatation durch inhalatives NO in Kombination mit zellfreiem Hämoglobin am Modell des akuten LungenversagensBergmann, Andreas 13 May 2014 (has links)
Das akute Lungenversagen (Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome: ARDS) stellt ein in der Intensivmedizin häufig auftretendes Krankheitsbild dar und weist trotz intensiver Bemühungen nach wie vor eine hohe Letalität auf. Ein wichtiger pathophysiologischer Faktor bei der mit dem ARDS verbundenen schweren Gasaustauschstörung ist der intrapulmonale Rechts-links-Shunt mit daraus resultierender Abnahme des Oxygenierungsindex. Um therapeutisch eine Verbesserung der Oxygenierung zu erreichen, wurde unter anderem von Gallart et al. ein Konzept entwickelt, bei dem durch den kombinierten Einsatz eines intravenös gegebenen pulmonalen Vasokonstriktors (Almitrine) und eines inhalativ gegebenen pulmonalen Vasodilatators (inhalatives Stickstoffmonoxid: iNO) die Shuntfraktion verkleinert wird (Gallart et al. 1998). Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde die Kombination von iNO mit der intravenösen Gabe von zellfreiem Hämoglobin (Hemoglobin Based Oxygen Carrier, HBOC) als Vasokonstriktor am Tiermodell des akuten Lungenversagens hinsichtlich hämodynamischer Parameter und der arteriellen Oxygenierung untersucht. Die Ergebnisse wurden verglichen mit einer zweiten Versuchsgruppe, in der die Tiere lediglich iNO und Hydroxyethylstärke als Kontrollsubstanz erhielten. In Pilotversuchen wurden dafür ein Tiermodell des akuten Lungenversagens etabliert und die Auswirkungen der Gabe von HBOC bei vorbestehendem Lungenschaden untersucht.
Anhand der durchgeführten Versuche konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich durch die HBOC-Gabe sowohl der systemische als auch der pulmonalarterielle Blutdruck signifikant erhöhte. Durch die zusätzliche Gabe von iNO ließ sich dieser Effekt antagonisieren. Ein additiver Effekt auf die arterielle Oxygenierung durch den kombinierten Einsatz von HBOC und iNO -im Vergleich zur alleinigen Gabe von iNO- war nachweisbar, die Unterschiede waren jedoch nicht signifikant. Weitere Untersuchungen werden zeigen müssen, ob sich dieser Effekt bei größerer Fallzahl als signifikant erweist, oder ob dieser tatsächlich nicht vorhanden sein sollte.
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Y It Matters: Sex Differences in Fetal Lung DevelopmentLaube, Mandy, Thome, Ulrich H. 13 June 2023 (has links)
Within this review, sex-specific differences in alveolar epithelial functions are discussed
with special focus on preterm infants and the respiratory disorders associated with premature birth.
First, a short overview about fetal lung development, the challenges the lung faces during perinatal
lung transition to air breathing and respiratory distress in preterm infants is given. Next, clinical
observations concerning sex-specific differences in pulmonary morbidity of human preterm infants
are noted. The second part discusses potential sex-specific causes of pulmonary complications,
including pulmonary steroid receptors and local lung steroid metabolism. With regard to pulmonary
steroid metabolism, it is important to highlight which steroidogenic enzymes are expressed at which
stage during fetal lung development. Thereafter, we review the knowledge concerning sex-specific
aspects of lung growth and maturation. Special focus is given to alveolar epithelial Na+
transport as
a driver of perinatal lung transition and the sex differences that were noted in this process.
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Upplevelsen av KOL-exacerbation ur ett patientperspektiv. / The experience of COPD exacerbation from a patient perspectiveEntchov, Jasemine, Rindstig, Lisa January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sjukdomen KOL är ett allvarligt sjukdomstillstånd som innebär andnöd, nedsatt livskvalitet och begränsad fysisk kapacitet. Det är en vanlig folksjukdom i Sverige och globalt kräver sjukdomen ungefär 3 miljoner liv varje år. Det är vanligt att få tillfälliga försämringar i sin KOL i form av exacerbationer och fler än 75 % av patienterna drabbas av detta. Ofta leder exacerbationer till högre risk för en sämre sjukdomsprognos samt att dö i förtid. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva patienters upplevelse av KOL-exacerbation. Metod: Litteraturöversikt med kvalitativ metod och induktiv ansats. Efter kvalitetsgranskning inkluderades tolv artiklar. Dataanalysen genomfördes med Fribergs analysmodell för kvalitativ metoddesign. Resultat: Resultatet omfattade tre huvudteman och åtta subteman. Huvudtemat Informatik med tillhörande subteman; Att bli lyssnad på, Att bli informerad och Bekräftelse. Huvudtemat Autonomi med subteman; Förlust av fysiska aspekter, Förlust av makt och kontroll och tredje huvudtemat Inre Emotionella Processer med tillhörande subteman; Ångest och oro, Rädsla samt Skuld och skam. Slutsatser: KOL-exacerbation är ett komplext sjukdomstillstånd som orsakar både fysiska och psykiska påfrestningar. Det finns därav utmaningar att vårda patienten ur ett helhetsperspektiv. Personcentrerad vård kan bidra till att patientens behov tillfredsställs även vid KOL-exacerbation. / Background: The disease COPD is a serious illness with shortness of breath, reduced quality of life and limited physical capacity. It is a common disease in Sweden as well as globally. Globally the disease claims approximately 3 million lives each year. It is common to have temporary worsening of their COPD called exacerbations and more than 75% of patients suffer from this. Exacerbations often lead to a higher risk of a worse prognosis of the disease and a premature death. Aim: The experience of exacerbation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - from a patient perspective. Methods: A literature review with qualitative method and inductive approach. Twelve articles were included after a quality review. The data analysis was conducted using Friberg's analysis model for qualitative method design. Results: The result comprised three main themes and eight subthemes. The main theme Informatics with subthemes: Being listened to, Being informed and Acknowledgment. The main theme Autonomy with subthemes: Loss of physical aspects, Loss of power and control and the third main theme Inner emotional processes with subthemes: Anxiety and worry, Fear and Guilt and shame. Conclusions: COPD exacerbation has a negative affect on both the physical and mental health and implies a complex medical condition. There are challenges in caring for the patient from a holistic perspective. Person-centered care can help to meet the patient's needs even during an COPD exacerbation.
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A Bioengineered Neonate Lung Model to Study Exogenous Pulmonary Surfactant Delivery in AirwaysCombs, Hannah 25 October 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Prone Positioning in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome PatientsThornton, Sarah Rose H 01 January 2018 (has links)
Introduction: Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), seen in critically ill patients, is a disease process that affects the lungs and directly impacts a patient’s oxygenation. Despite treatment, patients often die of ARDS secondary to systemic complications. Prone positioning has been introduced as a treatment to improve the outcomes of ARDS patients. This thesis summarized and critiqued recent literature on the outcomes of prone positioning in ARDS patients.
Methodology: An initial literature search was conducted using CINAHL Plus with Text, Medline, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, and US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. Multiple search terms were used. Inclusion criteria consisted of peer reviewed research articles, academic journal articles, and evidence-based research or practices published within the last ten years. All studies included adult subjects and were published in the English language. Studies that did not address patient outcomes such as mortality, length of stay, or hemodynamic oxygenation were excluded from the review.
Results: The review of literature contains one meta-analysis and two studies. Data indicated that prone positioning was statistically significant in reducing mortality when performed in sessions of 12 hours or longer (p=0.05). Hemodynamic oxygenation improved significantly after at least 48 hours of implementing prone positioning. There was no trend in the length of stay or duration in mechanical ventilation whether supine or prone positioning was used. Complications such as endotracheal tube dislodgement, incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia, and pressure ulcers were reported in both supine and prone position with an increased risk of pressure ulcers and endotracheal tube obstruction in the prone position groups.
Conclusions: Findings support a benefit in patient outcomes in patients placed in prone position with ARDS. Mortality was reduced when prone sessions lasted longer than 12 hours possibly due to the improvement in patient oxygenation 48 hours after initiation of prone positioning intervention. Further research is needed to solidify these findings and establish guidelines and optimal procedural methods to maximize patient outcomes and lower the incidence of patient complications.
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Geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede im fetalen alveolaren NatriumtransportKaltofen, Till 08 February 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Die Inzidenz des Atemnotsyndroms ist bei männlichen Neugeborenen etwa 1,7-mal so hoch wie bei weiblichen. Zur Erforschung der Ursachen dieser Tatsache wurden in der vorliegenden Arbeit geschlechtsabhängige Unterschiede im transepithelialen Natriumtransport an fetalen distalen Lungenepithelzellen von Ratten untersucht. Die zugrunde liegende Versuchsanordnung stellt ein Modell der Typ II Pneumozyten des späten Frühgeborenen dar. In Ussing Kammer Messungen wurde ein höherer Natriumtransport in weiblichen Zellen im Vergleich zu männlichen Zellen nachgewiesen. Des Weiteren zeigten Genexpressionsanalysen eine höhere Expression der am Natriumtransport beteiligten Kanäle und Transporter in weiblichen Zellen. Um mögliche Ursachen der festgestellten Geschlechtsunterschiede zu eruieren, wurde die Genexpression von Hormonrezeptoren untersucht. Die Ergebnisse lassen vermuten, dass die Rezeptoren weiblicher Geschlechtshormone dabei eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Abschließend betrachtet diese Arbeit die absolute Zahl fetaler distaler Lungenepithelzellen in Rattenfeten beider Geschlechter. Hierbei fanden sich ebenfalls Geschlechtsdifferenzen.
Zusammenfassend kann die vorliegende Arbeit zu einem besseren Verständnis der Pathogenese und der Inzidenz des Atemnotsyndroms des Frühgeborenen beitragen.
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Imagem e mecânica pulmonar regional em duas estratégias protetoras de ventilação mecânica (ARDSNet versus PEEP ajustada pela tomografia de impedância elétrica): um estudo de longo prazo em modelo experimental / Image and regional lung mechanics in two protective ventilatory strategies (ARDSNet versus PEEP adjusted by electrical impedance tomography): a long term experimental model studyTimenetsky, Karina Tavares 10 April 2012 (has links)
Introdução: As estratégias ventilatórias protetoras têm contribuído para a redução da letalidade da Síndrome do Desconforto Respiratório Agudo (SDRA), mas ainda está em debate qual, entre as diversas existentes, é a mais eficaz. A estratégia ARDSNet, muito utilizada na prática clínica, prioriza a redução do volume corrente para minimizar a hiperdistensão. As estratégias Open Lung Approach (OLA), além de procurarem reduzir a hiperdistensão, buscam minimizar o colapso pulmonar para evitar a atelectasia cíclica. Os métodos para ajuste da PEEP ideal nas estratégias OLA apresentam imperfeições: difícil implementação, não permitem avaliação regional do pulmão ou não podem ser realizados a beira leito. Uma estratégia OLA guiada por Tomografia de Impedância Elétrica (TIE) que permite a avaliação regional pulmonar de modo contínuo e a beira leito pode trazer benefícios. Objetivo: Comparar os efeitos fisiológicos (imagem, mecânica e trocas gasosas) ao longo de 42 h entre duas estratégias ventilatórias protetoras em um modelo suíno de SDRA (estratégia ARDSNET X estratégia guiada por TIE: (PEEPTIE). Comparar a mecânica pulmonar e troca gasosa nas duas estratégias ao final das 42 h de ventilação, em uma mesma condição de ventilação, para avaliar efeitos duradouros das estratégias sobre o parênquima pulmonar. Métodos: Sete porcos foram submetidos a ventilação mecânica por 42 horas em cada uma das duas estratégias. A lesão pulmonary foi induzida com lavagem de solução fisiológica associada a ventilação lesiva. No grupo PEEPTIE, a PEEP foi ajustada pela TIE após manobra de recrutamento, mantendo o pulmão com o mínimo de colapso menor que 5%), enquanto que na estratégia ARDSNet era ajustada através da tabela PEEPxFiO2. O volume corrente foi mantido entre 4-6ml/Kg em ambas estratégias, com a pressão de platô menor que 30 cmH2O. Resultados: Oxigenação e mecânica pulmonary eram semelhantes em ambos os grupos após a lesão pulmonar. Durante as 42h de protocolo, a troca gasosa foi significativamente maior no grupo PEEPTIE quando comparado ao grupo ARDSNet tanto no início (p< 0.01) quanto ao final do protocolo(p< 0.01). A PEEP inicial não foi diferente nas duas estratégias (p= 0.14), mas foi significantemente maior no grupo PEEPTIE (p< 0.01) em grande parte do período de 42 h e também ao final. Não houve diferença na pressão de platô entre os grupos (p=0.05). O delta de pressão foi significativamente maior no grupo ARDSNet no começo (p= 0.03) e ao final do protocolo (p= 0.00). Atelectasia cíclica (p < 0.01) e a porcentagem de tecido não-aerado (p= 0.029) foram significativamente maiores no grupo ARDSNet. Ao final do protocolo, nos mesmos ajuste de ventilação, a complacência pulmonar global (p=0.021) e regional (p= 0.002) foram significativamente maiores no grupo PEEPTIE, bem como a troca gasosa (p= 0.048). Conclusões: a estratégia PEEPTIE, quando comparada a estratégia ARDSNet determinou melhor oxigenação, menor grau de colapso e de atelectasia cíclica, além de melhor mecânica pulmonar, tanto global, quanto regional. Esta melhora foi mantida ao final das 42 horas, quando os dois grupos eram ventilados com os mesmos ajustes, sugerindo que a estratégia PEEPTIE determinou menor dano pulmonar / Introduction: Protective ventilatory strategies have contributed for the reduction in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) mortality, but so far there is still debate which strategy is more effective. The ARDSNet strategy, used widely in the clinical practice, emphasizes in tidal volume reduction to minimize hiperdistension. The Open Lung Approach (OLA), besides the reduction of hiperdistension, emphasizes reduction of lung collapse to avoid tidal recruitment. The methods to adjust ideal PEEP in the OLA strategies have some imperfections: difficult implementation, do not allow regional lung evaluation or cant be performed at the bedside. The OLA strategy guided by Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) which allows a continuous and regional lung evaluation can bring benefits. Objective: Compare physiological effects (image, mechanics and gas exchange) during a period of 42 hours between two protective ventilatory strategies in an ARDS suine model (ARDSNet strategy x strategy guided by EIT PEEPTIE). Compare lung mechanics and gas exchange in both strategies at the end of 42 hours of ventilation, in the same ventilation condition, to evaluate the strategies longtime effects on lung parenchyma. Methods: Seven suines were submitted to mechanical ventilation for 42 hours in each ventilator strategy. Lung injury was induced by saline lavage associated to injurious mechanical ventilation. In the PEEPTIE arm, PEEP was selected by the electrical impedance tomography after a recruitment maneuver, trying to keep lung collapse at minimum, while the ARDSnet group followed a PEEPxFiO2 table. Tidal volume of 4-6ml/kg was maintained in both strategies, with a plateau pressure not higher than 30 cmH2O. Results: Oxygenation and lung mechanics were equally impaired in both arms after injury. During the 42 hours of protocol, gas exchange was significantly higher in the PEEPTIE arm as compared to the ARDSNet arm in the beginning (p< 0.01) and at the end of the protocol (p< 0.01). PEEP at the beginning of the protocol was similar between groups (p= 0.14), but at most part of the protocol and at the end, PEEP was significantly higher in the PEEPTIE arm (p< 0.01).There were no difference in plateau pressure (p=0.06). Driving pressure was significantly higher in the ARDSNet arm at the beginning (p= 0.03) and at the end (p= 0.00). Tidal recruitment was significantly higher in the ARDSNet arm (p < 0.01), and a higher percentage of non-aerated lung tissue (p= 0.029). At the end of the protocol, global lung compliance was significantly higher in the PEEPTIE arm (p=0.021), as for regional lung compliance (p= 0.002) and gas exchange (p= 0.048). Conclusion: The PEEPTIE strategy when compared to the ARDSNet strategy determined better gas exchange, lower percentage of collapse and tidal recruitment, besides better lung mechanics (global and regional). This improvement was maintained at the end of the 42 hours, when both groups were ventilated with the same parameters, suggesting that the PEEPTIE strategy determined less lung injury
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Análise de polimorfismos do gene que codifica a proteína B do surfactante: comparação entre recém-nascidos pré-termo com e sem síndrome do desconforto respiratório / Surfactant protein B gene polymorphisms analysis: comparison between preterm newborns with and without respiratory distress syndromeLyra, Priscila Pinheiro Ribeiro 01 July 2010 (has links)
A síndrome do desconforto respiratório (SDR) é causada pela deficiência transitória de surfactante pulmonar em recém-nascidos (RN) prematuros nos primeiros dias de vida. Estudos sugerem que a etiologia da SDR seja multifatorial e multigênica. A proteína B do surfactante (SP-B) é fundamental para o metabolismo do surfactante e para uma função pulmonar normal. A presença de polimorfismos e mutações em genes dos componentes do surfactante, particularmente no gene da SP-B, parece estar associada à SDR. Objetivos: Determinar a freqüência de polimorfismos do gene que codifica a proteína B do surfactante no DNA de recém nascidos pré-termo com e sem SDR, comparar as freqüências desses polimorfismos entre os dois grupos e avaliar se existe alguma relação entre sexo, raça e SDR. Casuística e Métodos: Foram incluídos no estudo 151 RNPT, sendo 79 sem SDR com idades gestacionais variando entre 29 semanas e 35 semanas e 6 dias e 72 RN pré-termo com SDR com idades gestacionais variando de 26 a 35 semanas. Foram analisados quatro polimorfismos: A/C no nucleotídeo - 18; C/T no nucleotídeo 1580; A/G no nucleotídeo 9306 e G/C no nucleotídeo 8714. Os polimorfismos foram determinados através da amplificação dos segmentos de DNA genômico por reação em cadeia da polimerase e posterior genotipagem. Os genótipos foram definidos através da análise dos produtos obtidos a partir de reações com enzimas de restrição [PCR-based converted restriction fragment length polymorphism (cRFLP)]. Resultados: O grupo Controle foi constituído por 79 RN pré-termo sem SDR; sendo 42 (53,2%) do sexo feminino e 37 (46,8%) do sexo masculino; 34 (43%) da raça negra, 16(20,3%) da raça branca e 29(36,7) de indivíduos pardos. O peso variou de 1170g a 3260 , e a idade gestacional variou de 29 semanas a 35 semanas e seis dias (média de 33 semanas e 6 dias).O grupo SDR foi composto por 72 RNPT, sendo que 31 (43%) do sexo feminino e 41 (57%) do sexo masculino; 31(43%) da raça negra, 16 (14%) da raça branca e 31(43%) de indivíduos pardos. O peso variou de 614g a 2.410g ; a idade gestacional média foi de 32 semanas , tendo variado de 26 semanas a 35 semanas. O modelo de regressão logística múltipla, utilizado para avaliar a contribuição das diversas variáveis na probabilidade de ocorrer SDR, demonstrou que a idade gestacional foi a variável que mais contribuiu para a ocorrência da patologia, e que o genótipo AG do polimorfismo A/G na posição 9306 foi um fator protetor para a doença nesta população (OR 0.1681; IC 95% 0.0426 - 0.6629). Não foram observadas diferenças entre as freqüências dos demais polimorfismos avaliados entre os 2 grupos de recém-nascidos, bem como diferenças quanto à raça e sexo. Conclusões: A presença do genótipo AG do polimorfismo A/G na posição 9306 do gene que codifica a proteína B do surfactante foi fator protetor para o desenvolvimento da síndrome do desconforto respiratório em recém-nascidos da cidade de Salvador-Bahia. Os polimorfismos A/C no nucleotídeo - 18, C/T no nucleotídeo 1580, e G/C no nucleotídeo 8714 presentes no referido gene não estiveram associados à síndrome do desconforto respiratório em recém-nascidos na amostra estudada. / The respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) is caused by surfactant transient deficiency in preterm babies soon after birht. Studies sugest that RDS etiology is multifactorial and multigenic. Surfactant protein B (SP-B) is essential for surfactant metabolism and fornormal lung function. Polymorphisms and mutations in the genes that encode the surfactant components, particularly the SP-B gene, have been associated to the pathogenesis of RDS. Aims: To analyze SP-B gene polimorfisms frequencies in preterm babies with RDS and healthy term newborns, to compare the polymorphisms frequencies between both groups and to evaluate if there are differences related to sex, race and RDS. Material and Methods: We included 151 neonates, 79 preterm babies without RDS and gestational ages ranging from 26 weeks to 35 weeks , and 72 preterm newborns with RDS, gestational ages ranging from 29 weeks to 35 weeks and 6 days. Four SP-B gene polymorphisms were analyzed: A/C at - 18, C/T at 1580; A/G at 9306 and G/C at nucleotide 8714. The polymorphisms were detected by PCR amplification of genomic DNA and genotyping. The genotypes were determined using PCR-based converted restriction fragment length polymorphism (cRFLP). Results: The control group comprised 79 preterm babies without RDS; 42(53,2%) were female and 37(46,8%) male; 34(43%) were black, 16(20,3) were Whites and 29(36.7%) non- Whites/non black. Weight ranged from 1.170g to 3.260g ; gestational age ranged from 29 weeks to 35 weeks and six days (mean 33 weeks and 6 days). The RDS group comprised 72 preterm neonates, 31(43%) female and 41(57%) male; 31(43%) were black, 16(14%) were Whites and 31(43%) non-Whites/non black. Weight ranged from 614g to 2.410g ; mean gestational age was 32 weeks (range, 26-35 weeks). The logistic regression model showed that gestational age was the variable that most contributed to the ocurrence of the respiratory distress syndrome and the AG genotype of the polymorphism A/G at 9306 was a protector factor for the disease in the studied population (OR 0.1681; CI 95% 0.0426 - 0.6629). We did not detect differences between the frequencies of the other evaluated polymorphisms between both groups of newborns. Conclusions: The presence of AG genotype at 9306 of the surfactant protein B (SP-B) gene was a protector factor for the development of the respiratory distress syndrome in newborns from the city of Salvador-Bahia. The polymorphisms A/C at nucleotide - 18, C/T at 1580, and G/C at nucleotide 8714 from the SP-B gene were not associated with respiratory distress syndrome in the studied population.
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Segurança e eficácia da manobra de recrutamento com pressurização progressiva em pacientes com síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo / lesão pulmonar aguda / Safety and efficacy of a stepwise recruitment maneuver in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome/acute lung injuryOkamoto, Valdelis Novis 30 October 2003 (has links)
Uma manobra de recrutamento com pressurização progressiva, visando a minimizar o colapso pulmonar, foi desenvolvida em um estudo tomográfico em pacientes com síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo / lesão pulmonar aguda O recrutamento pulmonar total, avaliado pelas imagens tomográficas relacionou-se à soma PaO2 + PaCO2 >= 400 mmHg, de acordo com a gasometria intra - arterial. Para avaliar a segurança e eficácia da manobra de recrutamento com pressurização progressiva quanto aos seus efeitos sobre a troca gasosa e sobre parâmetros hemodinâmicos de importância clínica, 12 pacientes, extensamente monitorizados, foram submetidos à manobra até o recrutamento total, ocorrência de efeitos adversos ou pressão de platô = 60cmH2O. Todos os pacientes atingiram PaO2 + PaCO2 >= 400 mmHg com a manobra de recrutamento, que foi bem tolerada, não causou barotrauma e sustentou alta PaO2/ FIO2 em 6 h / A stepwise recruiting maneuver targeting minimal lung collapse was developed in a tomographic study in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome/ acute lung injury (ARDS / ALI). PaO2 + PaCO2 >= 400 mmHg assessed by intrarterial blood gases was consistent with full recruitment on tomographic sections. To assess the safety and efficacy of a stepwise recruitment maneuver in terms of its effect on gas exchange and hemodynamic variables of clinical relevance, twelve ARDS/ALI patients, extensively monitored, were submitted to the maneuver until full recruitment, adverse effects or plateau pressure = 60cmH2O. All patients achieved PaO2 + PaCO2 >= 400 mmHg with the recruitment protocol, which was well tolerated, did not cause barotrauma and resulted in the maintenance of high PaO2/ FIO2 within 6 h
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Fatores de risco para mortalidade e desfechos em síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo pediátrico e lesão pulmonar aguda pediátrica / Risk factors for mortality and outcomes in pediatric acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndromeRossi, Flávia Feijó Panico 02 August 2016 (has links)
Introdução: Crianças admitidas em unidades de terapia intensiva pediátricas (UTIP) frequentemente apresentam ou desenvolvem insuficiência respiratória aguda com necessidade de ventilação mecânica. Analisamos prospectivamente crianças admitidas em três UTIPs, com o objetivo de identificar fatores de risco para mortalidade. Métodos: Neste estudo observacional de pacientes com idades entre 1 mês e 15 anos, admitidos entre Agosto de 2008 e Julho de 2010, as crianças elegíveis eram as que apresentavam lesão pulmonar aguda ou síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo que se desenvolvia após 12 horas de ventilação invasiva ou não invasiva. Usamos modelos de regressão logística para explorar a relação entre o óbito e variáveis independentes. Resultados: Dos 3046 pacientes admitidos nas três UTIPs, 1658 foram submetidos à ventilação mecânica e 84 preencheram os critérios de lesão pulmonar aguda/ síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo e foram analisados. Aproximadamente 60% dos pacientes eram do sexo masculino, e a mediana de idade foi de 31 meses. O modo de ventilação inicial em 86% dos casos foi pressão controlada/assisto-controlada e a mediana de duração da ventilação mecânica e de tempo de internação na UTIP foram de 12 e 15 dias, respectivamente. Nenhum dos oito pacientes que desenvolveu lesão pulmonar aguda morreu, enquanto 33 dos 76 pacientes restantes com síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo morreram, determinando uma mortalidade geral de 39,3% (IC95%, 28,8-50,6%). Em diferentes modelos de regressão logística multivariados, o número de disfunções orgânicas, a pressão de pico inspiratória, o gradiente de pressão no primeiro dia e a média do gradiente de pressão nos primeiros 7 dias de ventilação mecânica foram significativamente associados a mortalidade. Conclusões: A mortalidade em lesão pulmonar aguda/ síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo pediátrica é alta. Fatores de risco para óbito associados à ventilação mecânica são alvos potenciais para intervenção / Purpose: Children admitted to PICUs often present with or develop respiratory failure that requires mechanical ventilation. We prospectively identified children admitted to three general PICUs, with the goal of identifying risk factors for mortality. Methods: In this observational study of patients aged between 1 month and 15 years treated between August 2008 and July 2010, eligible children were those with acute lung injury or acute respiratory distress syndrome that developed at least 12 hours after invasive or noninvasive mechanical ventilation. We used logistic regression models to explore the relationship between death and independent variables. Results: Of 3,046 patients admitted to the three PICUs, 1,658 patients underwent mechanical ventilation, and 84 fulfilled the acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome inclusion criteria and were analyzed. Nearly 60% were boys, and the median age was 31 months. Pressure control/assist control was the initial mode of mechanical ventilation in 86% of cases, and the median durations of mechanical ventilation and PICU stay were 12 and 15 days, respectively. None of the eight patients with acute lung injury died, whereas 33 of 76 of the remaining patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome died, for an overall mortality rate of 39.3% (95% CI, 28.8-50.6%). In different multivariate logistic regression model, the number of organ dysfunctions at admission, peak inspiratory pressure, airway pressure gradient on day 1, and the mean airway pressure gradient over the first 7 days of mechanical ventilation were significantly associated with mortality. Conclusion: Mortality is high in pediatric acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome. Mechanical ventilation-associated risk factors for death among such patients are potential targets for intervention
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