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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pension eller fortsatt arbete? : Vad som motiverar äldre till fortsatt arbete framför pensionering / Retirement or continued work? : What motivates older workers to continueworking rather than retirement

Røe, Ronja, Johansson, Stina January 2022 (has links)
Förmågan att behålla den äldre arbetskraften är idag en central fråga på såvälorganisation- som samhällsnivå. Syftet med studien var att undersöka vad som motiveraräldre arbetstagare på tillverkningsföretag till fortsatt arbete i stället för pension. En kvantitativstudie genomfördes med en enkätundersökning där 66 respondenter deltog. Data analyseradesmed en hierarkisk multipel regressionsanalys som undersökte hur kön, inre motivation,integrerad motivation och yttre motivation predicerade attityd till pensionering.Motivationstyperna mättes genom tre delskalor i Work Extrinsic and Intrinsic MotivationScale (WEIMS) och attityd till pensionering genom ett separat mätinstrument. Resultatetvisade att inre motivation och integrerad motivation var signifikant positivt korrelerade medattityd till pensionering medan yttre motivation visade på en signifikant negativ korrelation.Integrerad samt yttre motivation predicerade en signifikant del av variansen i attityd tillpensionering. / The ability to retain the older workforce is today a central issue for both organizationsand the society. The aim of the study was to examine what motivates older workers inmanufacturing companies to continue working instead of retiring. A quantitative study wasimplemented with a survey in which 66 respondents participated. Data were analyzed using ahierarchical multiple regression analysis which examined how gender, intrinsic motivation,integrated motivation and external motivation predicted attitude to retirement. Types ofmotivation were measured through three subscales in the Work Extrinsic and IntrinsicMotivation Scale (WEIMS) and the attitude to retirement through a separable measuringinstrument. The results showed that intrinsic motivation and integrated motivation weresignificantly positively correlated with attitude to retirement while external motivationindicated a significant negative correlation. Integrated and external motivation predicted asignificant part of the variance in attitude to retirement.

Государственные услуги гражданам пожилого возраста: анализ потребностей и механизмы совершенствования : магистерская диссертация / Public services for senior citizens: needs analysis and improvement mechanisms

Пестова, Ю. М., Pestova, J. M. January 2020 (has links)
На фоне сохранения тенденции старения населения в Российской Федерации произошли стремительные изменения пенсионного законодательства. Основное изменение направлено на повышение возраста назначения страховой по старости. Данные изменения привели к появлению в российском правовом поле такой категории граждан, как «граждане предпенсионного возраста». Для безболезненного перехода к новому режиму жизни, распределения своих ресурсов и возможностей таких граждан, для них устанавливается новый правовой статус. Подтверждение наличия статуса предпенсионера входит в компетенцию органов Пенсионного фонда Российской Федерации. Поскольку данная государственная услуга функционирует меньше года, она несовершенна и требует регулярных доработок со стороны органов, оказывающих государственные услуги лицам, наделенным данным статусом. В процессе исследований был проанализирован текущий формат оказания государственных услуг предоставляемых Пенсионным фондом Российской Федерации гражданам пожилого возраста; выявлены основные проблемы, связанные с несовершенством оказываемых услуг, установлены причины этих проблем; определены способы совершенствования государственных услуг, предоставляемых лицам предпенсионного возраста. Результатом работы стала разработка ряда рекомендаций и мероприятий для совершенствования механизма оказания государственных услуг, предоставляемых Пенсионным фондом Российской Федерации, с учетом потребностей пожилых граждан. / Against the backdrop of the continuing trend of population aging in the Russian Federation, rapid changes in pension legislation have occurred. The main change is aimed at increasing the age of prescribing old-age insurance. These changes have led to the emergence in the Russian legal field of such a category of citizens as «citizens of pre-retirement age». For a painless transition to a new mode of life, the distribution of their resources and the capabilities of such citizens, a new legal status is established for them. Confirmation of the status of a pre-pensioner is the responsibility of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Since this public service has been functioning for less than a year, it is imperfect and requires regular revisions by the authorities that provide public services to people with this status. In the process of research, the current format for the provision of public services provided by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to elderly citizens was analyzed; The main problems associated with the imperfection of the services provided are identified, the causes of these problems are established; ways of improving public services provided to persons of pre-retirement age are identified. The result of the work was the development of a number of recommendations and measures to improve the mechanism for the provision of public services provided by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, taking into account the needs of senior citizens.

Vybrané aspekty důchodové reformy v České republice / Selected aspects of pension reform in the Czech Republic

Kaše, Miloslav January 2021 (has links)
JUDr. Ing. Miloslav Kaše, CSc., Selected Aspects of Pension Reform in the Czech Re- public, Doctoral Thesis, Charles University, Faculty of Law, Department of Labor Law and Social Security Law, Prague, 2020. Number of pages of doctoral thesis is 205. The dissertation topic evolves around certain selected aspects of the pension reform in the Czech Republic, which is the most discussed in the preparation phase of the Czech pension system reform. The chosen topic acknowledges the current problems of the Czech pension system, consisting mainly of the unfavorable development of demographic struc- ture and population aging, which is characterized by a large and irregular number of peaks and troughs on the demographic chart of the Czech Republic, connected to historical events and migration. The thesis focuses on the issue of developing and determining the retirement age and insurance coverage required for entitlement to pension and analyzes the pitfalls of increas- ing the retirement age and the length of insurance coverage required to qualify for a retirement pension. At the same time, it considers the possibilities of establishing an ad- justable retirement age range and flexibility of the whole pension system. The possibility of active economic earning vitality of pensioners is closely related to the...

Последствия повышения пенсионного возраста для рынка труда: угроза возрастной дискриминации : магистерская диссертация / Consequences of raising the retirement age for the labor market: the threat of age discrimination

Сырчин, А. Е., Syrchin, A. E. January 2020 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация посвящена проблеме дискриминации по возрасту в трудовой сфере, которая с повышением пенсионного возраста в России актуализировалась еще больше. Сегодняшняя ситуация, связанная с мерами противодействия распространения короновируса в России, также грозит усилением проявлений эйджизма. Цель исследования: оценить влияние повышения пенсионного возраста на масштабы распространения возрастной дискриминации на рынке труда и разработать рекомендации по противодействию возрастной дискриминации на рынке труда в Свердловской области в связи с последствиями, вызванными повышением пенсионного возраста. Методология исследования основана на сочетании количественных и качественных методов сбора необходимой информации, обеспечивающих рассмотрение проблемы как с позиции работников (метод массового анкетного опроса населения), так и с точки зрения работодателя (методы: контент-анализ объявлений о вакансиях в Свердловской области и глубинные интервью с работодателями). В исследовании проанализированы социально-экономические последствия повышения пенсионного возраста для рынка труда; выявлены основные проблемы крайних возрастных групп на рынке труда, дана оценка масштаба распространения возрастной дискриминации в сфере труда; определены оптимальные способы для преодоления выявленных проблем. Результатом работы стала разработка ряда рекомендаций для противодействия возрастной дискриминации на рынке труда в Свердловской области. / The master's thesis is devoted to the problem of age discrimination in the labor sector, which has become even more relevant with the increase in the retirement age in Russia. The current situation related to measures to counteract the spread of coronovirus in Russia also threatens to increase the manifestations of ageism. Objective: to assess the impact of raising the retirement age on the prevalence of age discrimination in the labor market and to develop recommendations for countering age discrimination in the labor market in the Sverdlovsk region in connection with the consequences caused by the increase in the retirement age. The research methodology is based on a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods for gathering the necessary information, ensuring the consideration of the problem both from the position of employees (mass questionnaire survey of the population) and from the point of view of the employer (methods: content analysis of job ads in the Sverdlovsk region and in-depth interviews with employers). The study analyzes the socio-economic consequences of raising the retirement age for the labor market; identifies the main problems of extreme age groups in the labor market, assesses the scale of age discrimination in the labor sphere; identifies the best ways to overcome the identified problems. The work resulted in the development of a number of recommendations to counteract age discrimination in the labor market in the Sverdlovsk region.

La réforme des retraites en France entre répartition et capitalisation : analyse économique de deux dilemnes / The pension reform in France from pay-as-you-go to funded system : economic analysis of two dilemnas

Gbenyo, Kodzo-Kuma 05 September 2008 (has links)
La thèse cherche à travers des critères économiques, sociaux et financiers à définir pour laFrance un système de retraite optimal. Elle procède à l’analyse critique de l’ensemble desréformes entreprises depuis la parution du Livre Blanc sur les retraites (1991), et engage despistes de mesures complémentaires pour les améliorer. Elle s’articule autour de deux idéesprincipales : d’une part, les principales réformes (Balladur, 1993 et Fillon, 2003) sont d’ordreparamétrique et entendent préserver la logique de solidarité intergénérationnelle ; d’autre part,sous certaines conditions, elles peuvent être améliorées par l’adjonction de mesuresstructurelles sous forme d’introduction d’une dose de capitalisation obligatoire.L’argumentation s’appuie à la fois sur une réflexion théorique, fondée notamment sur lesmodèles à générations imbriquées, la notion de taxe sur la poursuite d’activité aux âgesavancés, et sur une étude empirique internationale mesurant l’impact d’une capitalisationsupplémentaire sur l’épargne nationale. Globalement, l’objectif de la thèse est de montrerl’existence de deux dilemmes auxquels font face les pouvoirs publics dans la recherche desolutions à la crise des retraites: (1) garder le système de retraite actuel qui offre peud’incitations à la poursuite de toute activité professionnelle aux âges avancés ou aller versplus d’individualisation des droits au risque de sacrifier la solidarité intergénérationnelle ; (2)quelle dose, quelle(s) forme(s) et quelle réglementation de la capitalisation qui permettentd’augmenter l’épargne nationale au lieu de la réduire ? / This dissertation tries to define an optimal retirement system for France based on economic,social and financial criteria. It reviews the reforms that have been undertaken since thepublication of the Livre Blanc sur les retraites in 1991, and highlights additional measuresthat could be implemented to enhance these reforms. The dissertation is structured around twomain ideas: on the one hand, the main reforms (Balladur, 1993 and Fillon, 2003) are ofparametric nature and intend to preserve intergenerational solidarity; on the other hand, undercertain conditions, they can be improved by incorporating a funded system. The analysis relyon both a theoretical framework, notably overlapping generations models, and anempirical approach to assess the impact of additional capitalization on national saving.Overall, the dissertation aims to show that the authorities face two main dilemma whendealing with the retirement crisis: (1) keep the current retirement system, which does notencourage the elderly to remain in the workforce, or move toward a funded system at the riskof giving up intergenerational solidarity; (2) what dose, forms and regulations of fundingcould stimulate national savings?

Důchodové zabezpečení horníků v České republice / Pension security of miners in the Czech Republic

Holečková, Romana January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the analysis of the pension security of miners in the Czech Republic from its historical beginnings to the present day, with the main focus on the legislation de lege lata. The selected range of employees in mining industry is in Czech law of pension insurance in comparison with other insured persons favoured in determination of retirement age and the determination of amount of the old-age pension. These benefits are limited for the time being; however, currently the preferences are enforced to be listed in the public pension system permanently. The main focus of work is therefore an analysis of the legislation relating to the entitlement of miners to an old-age pension, taking into account the specific retirement age and the determination of the amount of this pension. The work also touches other pension benefits paid out of the Czech pension system, i.e. disabled pension and survivors' pensions. Mentioned are also some of the claims arising from compensation legislation and the selected topics of international legal issues that may have an effect on the performance of paid to the miners from the Czech pension system (particularly the top-up allowance).

The labour market for older workers : earnings trajectories, labour supply and employment / Le marché du travail des séniors : trajectoires salariales, offre de travail et emploi

Charni, Kadija 06 December 2016 (has links)
Avec le vieillissement général de la population et ses implications sur la pérennité des finances publiques, le marché du travail des seniors est un thème qui va continuer à préoccuper nos sociétés. L’objectif de cette thèse est de répondre à des problématiques concrètes relatives au marché du travail des personnes âgées. Cette thèse comprend quatre chapitres. Les deux premiers chapitres s’intéressent à l’évolution des trajectoires salariales en fin de carrière professionnelle. Les résultats ne supportent pas l’idée que les salaires décroissent pour les travailleurs âgés à cause de l’âge. La diminution du salaire observée pour les travailleurs âgés en coupe transversale est le résultat d’effet de cohorte, de changement d’emploi, ou de la retraite partielle. Le Chapitre 3 évalue les effets des réformes du régime des retraites sur les transitions du chômage à l’emploi. Les réformes du régime des retraites ont des effets limités sur le retour en emploi des chômeurs, mais elles sont accompagnées par une augmentation des sorties vers l’inactivité, entraînant ainsi une baisse du taux de chômage des travailleurs âgés. Enfin, le Chapitre 4 examine les principaux facteurs des difficultés des seniors à se maintenir en emploi. Il propose également une analyse des opportunités d’emploi des chômeurs âgés. Les résultats montrent que l’état de santé, les incitations économiques et l’âge augmentent la probabilité de quitter son emploi, alors que l’âge diminue les chances de réemploi des travailleurs âgés. Une décomposition à la Oaxaca confirme le rôle déterminant de l’âge dans les différences de durée de chômage entre travailleurs d’âge différent, ce qui est consistent avec des attitudes discriminatoires. / With the global ageing of population and the consequences on public finances sustainability, the labour market of older workers remains a key concern for societies.The aim of this dissertation is to address particular issues on the labour market for older workers.This thesis consists of four chapters.The first two chapters examine the age-earnings trajectories late in working life.We do not find support of a decline of earnings at older ages as the consequence of ageing.The decline of the age-earnings profile observed for older workers at cross-sectional analysis is attributable to cohort effects, job-changing, and partial retirement.Chapter 3 evaluates the effects of French pension reforms on older workers’ transition out of unemployment and into employment. We find that the retirement reforms have limited effects on re-employment, and they increase transitions into inactivity, leading to a decrease of unemployment rate of older workers.Finally,Chapter 4 investigates the factors behind difficulties to remain in employment as workers age. It also evaluates job opportunities of older unemployed workers.The results indicate that the probability of leaving employment increases with economic incentives, ill health and age, while the probability of getting back to employment decreases with age.An Oaxaca decomposition supports the key role of age in the unemployment duration gap between ‘older’ and ‘younger’ workers, which is consistent with age discrimination.


Sabó, Martin January 2017 (has links)
The presented diploma thesis deals with the comparison of mortality structure by age and includes 194 member countries of the World Health Organization. The aim of the thesis is to confront mortality development in these countries with the help of individual mortality characteristics. At the beginning of this thesis are defined demographic terms and indicators, data sources and calculation methodology. The databases of the World Health Organization and the World Bank were used as the main source of data and all countries were divided into six world regions. The second chapter is devoted to selected types of mortality, namely neonatal and infant, under-five mortality, maternal mortality and adult mortality. After that, the work focuses on life expectancy of 0 and 60 years of age divided per sex. The last chapter is devoted to the optimum retirement age in selected countries. Conclusion connects of the all above well, and we can find there comprehensive information about difference of mortality practically all over the world.

Stanovení věkové hranice odchodu do starobní penze / Establishing Old Age Pension Retirement Age Limits

Svoboda, Radovan January 2017 (has links)
Establishing retirement age is a key issue for each and every pension system. How this issue is resolved is palpable for every citizen and also has a major political dimension. The main reasons for increasing the retirement age - which is occurring in all European countries - are demographic development and economic factors, such as higher life expectancy, increasing the proportion of pensioners to the number of economically active people, and the growing costs for the pension system. This thesis describes the current reform steps in Europe and provides a thorough analysis of factors which are relevant for dealing with retirement age issues. The analysis is based on official statistical data, which are scrutinized even in mutual correlations. The need for an interdisciplinary approach which eliminates unilateral vistas and biased application of data lifted out of context and long-term trends is emphasized. Special attention is paid to the genesis and current solutions regarding the retirement age in the Czech Republic. This thesis offers reasoning which supports setting 65 years of age as the statutory retirement age, including the mechanism for increasing it depending on how the life expectancy factor develops. How the retirement age issues are dealt with is based on the fundamental ethical...

Učení se češtiny v důchodovém věku / Learning the Czech language in retirement age

Drtinová, Simona January 2013 (has links)
DRTINOVÁ, Simona. Learning the Czech language in retirement age. Prague, 2013. Dissertation. Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, Institute of Czech Language and Theory of Communication. This thesis deals with foreign language learning in retirement age from interdisciplinary perspective. Its characteristics may be limited economic activity, more free time and the potential occurrence of certain barriers caused by age. The case of foreigners in retirement age living in the Czech Republic and learning Czech will serve as an example of foreign language learning. The theoretical part of the thesis firstly defines old age together with the changes typical for the process of aging and old age: the changes are described on a physical, cognitive and social level. The thesis then goes on to address the process of learning with emphasis on foreign language learning. Selected components are mentioned within the pedagogical- psychological part of the learning process, specifically the motivation to learn, different organizational forms of education and teacher's role during the education. The end of the theoretical part addresses the offer of Czech language courses. All the parts of the thesis first address the topic on a general level and then focus on seniors. The empirical part of this thesis attempts to...

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