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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Belöningssystem : Har den nya ersättningspolicyn efter finanskrisen påverkat motivationen hos de anställda på Skandinaviska Enskilda Bankens distrikt Stockholm Norr?

Stenvall, Sofia, Langöe, Sara January 2013 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att utifrån Finansinspektionens nya regelverk om belöningssystem som infördes 2010 se om det har bidragit till en förändring i motivationen hos medarbetarna på Skandinaviska Enskilda Bankens distrikt Stockholm Norr. Metod: Datainsamlingen görs i form av en kvantitativ enkätundersökning med ett utskick till samtliga medarbetare på de utvalda bankkontoren inom distrikt Stockholm Norr på Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken. Teori: De teorier som används i studien är Abraham Maslows behovspyramid, David L Stums performance pyramid och Vrooms förväntningsteori. Slutsats: Motivationen hos medarbetarna på bankkontoren inom distrikt Stockholm Norr har inte förändrats trots en minskning i förmåner genom den nya ersättningspolicyn.

Belöningssystem i hotellbranschen : En studie om motivation, handlande och beslutsfattande / Reward systems in the hotel industry : A study about motivation, behavior and decision making

Karlsson, Malin, Winterberg, Stefanie January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Människors förändrade levnadsvanor med upplevelser så som hotell- och restaurangbesök har ökat kravet på den service som förväntas inom branschen. Kravet på ökad service ställer krav på att medarbetare ska vara motiverade till att prestera för att kunna erbjuda den service som efterfrågas och för att företagen ska kunna nå upp till sina uppsatta mål. För att motivera sina medarbetare och få dem att ta beslut som är i enighet med företagets mål kan företag använda sig av ett belöningssystem. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att kartlägga hur belöningssystemet i hotellkedjan är utformat för hotelldirektörerna samt hur bonussystemet uppfattas påverka motivation, handlande och beslutsfattande. Ett andra syfte är att identifiera och analysera de positiva och negativa effekter bonussystemet kan ge upphov till. Metod: En kvalitativ studie har tillämpats och en fallstudie på ett företag inom hotellbranschen har genomförts. Semi-strukturerade intervjuer med fem hotelldirektörer inom hotellkedjan har legat till grund för det empiriska materialet. Resultat och slutsatser: Studien visar att bonussystemet får hotelldirektörerna att bli motiverade till att prestera. Utformningen av belöningssystemet och bonusavtalets målsiffror är avgörande för vilka effekter det ger upphov till. Det är inte finansiella belöningar som främst motiverar utan det är uppskattning från gäster och personal som anses vara den främsta motivationsfaktorn. Beslut tas till största del utefter vad som är bäst för verksamheten. / Background: People and their changing lifestyles with experiences such as hotel and restaurant visits have increased demand for the service that is expected in the industry. The requirement for increased service requires that employees are motivated to perform in order to provide the services requested and to enable companies to achieve their goals. To motivate the employee, and get them to take decisions that are in agreement with the company goals, companies can use a reward system. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify how the reward system in the hotel chain is designed for hotel managers and how the bonus system is perceived to affect motivation, behavior and decision making. A second purpose is to identify and analyze positive and negative effects of the bonus system. Method: A qualitative study has been applied and a case study of a company in the hotel industry has been implemented. Semi-structured interviews with five managers at the hotel chain have been used to make the empirical material. Results and Conclusions: The study shows that the bonus system motivates hotel managers to perform. The design of the reward system and the goals in the bonus system are crucial for the effects it may lead to. It is not financial rewards that primarily motivate, instead it is the appreciation from guests and staff that is considered as the main motivation factor. Decisions are made to provide the greatest benefit for the business

Belöning som motivationsfaktor : Belöningssystemets påverkan på motivation

Olsson, Anna, Mellin, Karin January 2014 (has links)
Titel: Belöning som motivationsfaktor - Belöningssystemets påverkan på motivation Nivå: C-uppsats i ämnet företagsekonomi, 15hp Författare: Anna Ohlsson & Karin Mellin Handledare: Maria Fregidou-Malama, Ernst Hollander och Pär Vilhelmson Datum: 2014 maj Syfte: Idag är de anställda en av företagens viktigaste resurser. Många företag tillämpar någon form av belöning för att motivera sina anställda. Syftet är därför att skapa en förståelse för hur ledare påverkar säljares motivation med belöningssystem. Frågeställningarna som vi kommit fram till efter en genomgång av befintlig teori är; 1. Hur kan chefer motivera sina anställda att nå andra mål än sina personliga mål? 2. På vilka sätt ska chefer arbeta för att påverka de anställdas inre motivation? 3. Hur kan chefer motivera sina anställda med andra belöningar än provision? Metod: I denna studie har kvalitativ data blandats med kvantitativ data, vilket kallas triangulering. Den kvalitativa data har samlats in med hjälp av semi-strukturerade intervjuer och den kvantitativa data har samlats in med hjälp av webb-baserade enkäter. Empiridelen består av sju intervjuer och 43 enkätsvar. Intervjuerna har analyserats och redovisats med hjälp av tematisk analys och enkäterna med hjälp av univariat analys i form av diagram. Resultat & slutsats: Det framkom i vår studie att provision var den mest föredragna belöningen. Detta gör att vår studie till största del stämmer överens med teorin. Dock har vi sett att erkännande har stor betydelse för säljares motivation och enligt vår studie har den större betydelse än vad teorin påstår. Vi tror att chefer kan motivera sina säljare genom att använda belöningar som främjar både inre och yttre motivationsfaktorer för att få säljarna att sträva efter organisationens mål. Detta genom ekonomisk ersättning samt erkännande, närvaro och coaching. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Något som har dykt upp under studiens gång är frågan om en fast lön ska kombineras med provision, hos företag som idag tillämpar ren provision. Vidare vore det även intressant att studera vidare kring varför de med skilda löneformer har olika syn på rädsla för att förlora jobbet. Uppsatsens bidrag: Vi har genom denna studie gett en bättre förståelse för hur chefer kan motivera säljare med belöningar. Vi har också bidragit till ökad förståelse för vikten av mål och målkongruens i motivationsarbetet. Nyckelord: Motivation, belöningar, belöningssystem, mål, provision

Os sistemas de recompensa nas interfaces contemporâneas de comunicação / The reward systems on contemporary interfaces of communication

Diogo Lean Veiga 06 May 2015 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Na atualidade observa-se vastos estudos sobre os processos na área do Design acerca de como projetar experiências e prototipar interações entre pessoas e sistemas, e mesmo entre pessoas por intermédio de sistemas. Enquanto todo tipo de produto produz uma experiência de uso, com a evolução da interatividade as relações estabelecidas entre os usuários e os produtos tornaram-se mais complexas e modificaram-se ao longo dos anos. A abordagem teórica destinada a tratar essas questões também expandiu e diversificou-se simultaneamente. A partir de um estudo sobre os processos interativos e o campo teórico relacionado, foi possível identificar um fenômeno relativamente recente em interfaces nas quais pode ser verificado um alto nível de interação, a saber: os sistemas de recompensa. Cabe salientar que este termo foi emprestado da Neurociência, aonde é utilizado para descrever o circuito responsável pelo gerenciamento do comportamento através da indução de prazer e dor. Portanto, o autor desta dissertação propõe uma acepção do termo no âmbito do design de componentes interativos para designar o artifício, que muitas interfaces atuais incorporaram, de conceder aos usuários a possibilidade de apreciarem, ou não, determinado conteúdo em rede. Assim, pode-se compreender que o emprego do termo aqui é metafórico. Neste processo os usuários podem fornecer outros tipos de feedback ao sistema, como por exemplo um comentário, ou compartilhamento, estimulando assim uma série de desdobramentos interativos e repercussões para a experiência de uso do produto. Este trabalho propõe uma investigação qualitativa sobre as interações concernentes aos sistemas de recompensa, abordando tanto questões objetivas funcionais dos sistemas, quanto questões referentes ao feedback dos usuários. O Facebook será amplamente analisado, por ter sido uma interface pioneira na manipulação dos sistemas de recompensa, na qual estes componentes alcançaram um alto nível de desenvolvimento até este momento. A justificativa para esta pesquisa se deve a dois fatores particularmente relevantes: primeiro, a ausência de conteúdo significativo na literatura relacionada atual. Em segundo lugar, a notável expansão dos sistemas criados com esta finalidade, conforme será demonstrado no estudo. O objetivo deste projeto é compreender de que forma o design dos sistemas de recompensa influenciam o fluxo de interações e o comportamento dos usuários atualmente. Para tanto, esta pesquisa procura verificar como determinados aspectos teóricos do design - dedicados à compreensão da dinâmica de processos interativos - se aplicam a experiências reais de interação no mundo contemporâneo. Por exemplo, diversos modelos e frameworks nas áreas de HCI (Interação Humano-Computador), UX (experiência do usuário), e design de experiências destacam conceitos condizentes com aspectos identificados nos sistemas de recompensa que por sua vez encontram-se em processo de desenvolvimento, guiados por tendências comerciais de uma forma quase que intuitiva, no sentido de que pouca atenção tem sido dada na literatura sobre as bases neuronais que fazem este processo funcionar. Desta forma, pretende-se fornecer subsídios para uma melhor compreensão do impacto que os sistemas de recompensa analisados nesta dissertação desempenham sobre a experiência de uso entre consumidores e produtos delineados dentro deste paradigma. / This is a research about the design of reward systems on interactive contemporary interfaces of communication. After a research made on User Experience (UX) and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) theory fields, it was possible to identify some particular kind of interface component which was, according to this study, capable of accomplishing several UX and HCI objectives related to affection and complex interaction relations on the generation of a valuable experience. This particular kind of component is the primal object of this study, which was designated by the author as Reward Systems, in a metaphorical meaning, besides the original conception of reward systems in neuroscience. These are components that allows user to appreciate some kind of content retrieving status to it. Facebook is widely discussed, because it was a pioneer in handling the interface of reward systems, where these components have reached a high level of development so far. This research is particularly relevant due to two factors: first, the lack of meaningful content in the current related literature. Secondly, the remarkable expansion of systems designed for this purpose, as will be demonstrated in the study. The project goal is to understand how the design of reward systems influence the flow of interactions and behavior of users today. In order to accomplish this, the research seeks to ascertain how certain theoretical aspects of design - dedicated to understanding the dynamics of interactive processes - apply to real interaction experiences in the contemporary world. For example, several models and frameworks in areas of HCI (Human Computer Interaction) and UX (user experience) highlight concepts consistent with those identified in reward systems which are in process of constant development, guided by commercial tendencies almost in a intuitive manner. Little attention has been paid in literature on neuroscience bases which make this process work.

Behavioural and neural responses to the consumption of palatable, high-sugar food in rats

Hume, Catherine Ann January 2017 (has links)
A complex system exists to monitor the body’s energy status and regulate food intake and energy expenditure to maintain a constant body weight. However, this homeostatic system is not the sole system regulating appetite. The hedonic system comprised of the mesolimbic reward pathway influences motivation to eat and acts alongside the homeostatic system to control feeding behaviours. It is often assumed that the hedonic system promotes the consumption of palatable, energy-dense foods and this can disrupt homeostatic mechanisms regulating food intake, resulting in energy overconsumption and weight gain in the long term. Yet, it is unclear to what extent the homeostatic system can defend body weight in an environment rich in palatable, energy-dense foods. I hypothesised that the homeostatic system compensates for the energy in palatable foods by reducing subsequent energy consumption, defined as homeostatic caloric compensation. I investigated homeostatic caloric compensation in a rat model of restricted palatable, high-sugar food access. Rats were schedule-fed moderate amounts of sweetened condensed milk (SCM) daily in addition to ad lib bland diet access. Both male and female rats calorically compensated for the energy consumed from moderate amounts of SCM through a robust and accurate reduction in energy consumed from bland diet, resulting in no short-term changes in body weight gain. However, homeostatic responses were limited as male rats were unable to fully calorically compensate for the scheduled-feeding of large amounts of SCM, an apparent loss of homeostatic control. It was not investigated whether female rats are also unable to fully calorically compensate for large amounts of SCM. It is possible that male rats consume these large amounts of SCM due to hedonic drive but continue to eat bland diet to acquire nutrients that are not present in SCM. To determine whether male rats defend bland diet consumption due to nutrient requirements, rats were schedule-fed large amounts of SCM enriched with protein or fibre. However, male rats did not fully calorically compensate for the energy in large amounts of SCM when enriched with protein or fibre. Overall, these findings demonstrate that the homeostatic system is able to respond to the hedonic consumption of palatable food through caloric compensatory mechanisms to defend body weight. However, it appears that the homeostatic system is unable to effectively respond to excessive hedonic palatable food consumption through caloric compensation alone. To shed light on what homeostatic mechanisms may underlie this compensatory behaviour, I used expression of the immediate early gene c-Fos to investigate neuronal activity following the scheduled-feeding of moderate amounts of SCM in male rats. c-Fos expression was increased in the ventral tegmental area of the mesolimbic reward pathway and in the lateral hypothalamus. The lateral hypothalamus has been proposed to act as an interface between homeostatic and hedonic systems. Therefore, in response to the hedonic consumption of palatable food, the homeostatic system and reward pathway may interact. Additionally, c-Fos expression was increased in satiety mediating brain regions of the homeostatic system, including the nucleus of the solitary tract and dorsomedial hypothalamus. This suggests that the homeostatic system may compensate for the energy in the palatable food by reducing subsequent food intake through inducing satiety. Furthermore, following the consumption of SCM, c-Fos expression was increased in magnocellular oxytocin neurons of the hypothalamic supraoptic and paraventricular nucleus. I demonstrated that the oxytocin system was activated by gut-brain signalling potentially involving the nucleus of the solitary tract. Therefore, the oxytocin system may be involved in homeostatic compensatory mechanisms triggered in response to the hedonic consumption of SCM, as part of a pathway mediating satiety. Moreover, I showed that c-Fos expression was also increased in the hypothalamic supramammillary nucleus (SuM) following the consumption of SCM. It has been previously shown that the SuM is involved in reward-related motivated behaviours and was recently implicated in the motivation to acquire and consume palatable food rewards. I also demonstrated that c-Fos expression in the SuM might be specific to the motivated consumption of palatable food, consistent with the SuM being involved in reward-related motivated behaviours. Furthermore, there is additional evidence from these studies that the SuM may functionally communicate with brain regions in the homeostatic and hedonic systems, including the lateral hypothalamus, dorsomedial hypothalamus and ventral tegmental area. Finally, I explored whether the gut-secreted orexigenic hormone ghrelin activates the SuM, as ghrelin may act at the SuM to influence feeding motivation. However, systemic ghrelin administration did not influence SuM c-Fos expression. As the SuM is activated following the consumption of SCM and may act as an interface between the homeostatic and hedonic systems, it is possible that the SuM could be a key component in the regulation of hedonic feeding. Using a rat model, I have shown that homeostatic compensatory mechanisms are triggered in response to the hedonic consumption of palatable, high-sugar food to regulate energy intake. This response is likely to involve homeostatic satiety mechanisms and interactions between multiple brain regions involved in the homeostatic and hedonic control of food intake. Overall, these findings shed light on how the homeostatic system responds to hedonic energy consumption and highlights specific brain regions that may be involved in hedonic feeding or homeostatic compensatory responses.

Koncept celkové odměny ve vybraném výrobním podniku / The concept of total compensation in the selected manufacturing company

ŘÍHOVÁ, Zuzana January 2014 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to consider of utilisation of concept of total compensation in selected manufacturing company. The conclusion should recommend proposals to improve efficiency of employees reward based on the result of analysis. It was used questionnaire survey in the chosen department of firm to reach the aim. The analysis has found weaknesses in all quadrants of concept of total compensation. The main weaknesses were found in quadrant I - cash rewards and in quadrant III - training and development, but not the other two quadrants aren´t without problems. Based on the result of analysis were proposed recommendations for every individual quadrant.

Os sistemas de recompensa nas interfaces contemporâneas de comunicação / The reward systems on contemporary interfaces of communication

Diogo Lean Veiga 06 May 2015 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Na atualidade observa-se vastos estudos sobre os processos na área do Design acerca de como projetar experiências e prototipar interações entre pessoas e sistemas, e mesmo entre pessoas por intermédio de sistemas. Enquanto todo tipo de produto produz uma experiência de uso, com a evolução da interatividade as relações estabelecidas entre os usuários e os produtos tornaram-se mais complexas e modificaram-se ao longo dos anos. A abordagem teórica destinada a tratar essas questões também expandiu e diversificou-se simultaneamente. A partir de um estudo sobre os processos interativos e o campo teórico relacionado, foi possível identificar um fenômeno relativamente recente em interfaces nas quais pode ser verificado um alto nível de interação, a saber: os sistemas de recompensa. Cabe salientar que este termo foi emprestado da Neurociência, aonde é utilizado para descrever o circuito responsável pelo gerenciamento do comportamento através da indução de prazer e dor. Portanto, o autor desta dissertação propõe uma acepção do termo no âmbito do design de componentes interativos para designar o artifício, que muitas interfaces atuais incorporaram, de conceder aos usuários a possibilidade de apreciarem, ou não, determinado conteúdo em rede. Assim, pode-se compreender que o emprego do termo aqui é metafórico. Neste processo os usuários podem fornecer outros tipos de feedback ao sistema, como por exemplo um comentário, ou compartilhamento, estimulando assim uma série de desdobramentos interativos e repercussões para a experiência de uso do produto. Este trabalho propõe uma investigação qualitativa sobre as interações concernentes aos sistemas de recompensa, abordando tanto questões objetivas funcionais dos sistemas, quanto questões referentes ao feedback dos usuários. O Facebook será amplamente analisado, por ter sido uma interface pioneira na manipulação dos sistemas de recompensa, na qual estes componentes alcançaram um alto nível de desenvolvimento até este momento. A justificativa para esta pesquisa se deve a dois fatores particularmente relevantes: primeiro, a ausência de conteúdo significativo na literatura relacionada atual. Em segundo lugar, a notável expansão dos sistemas criados com esta finalidade, conforme será demonstrado no estudo. O objetivo deste projeto é compreender de que forma o design dos sistemas de recompensa influenciam o fluxo de interações e o comportamento dos usuários atualmente. Para tanto, esta pesquisa procura verificar como determinados aspectos teóricos do design - dedicados à compreensão da dinâmica de processos interativos - se aplicam a experiências reais de interação no mundo contemporâneo. Por exemplo, diversos modelos e frameworks nas áreas de HCI (Interação Humano-Computador), UX (experiência do usuário), e design de experiências destacam conceitos condizentes com aspectos identificados nos sistemas de recompensa que por sua vez encontram-se em processo de desenvolvimento, guiados por tendências comerciais de uma forma quase que intuitiva, no sentido de que pouca atenção tem sido dada na literatura sobre as bases neuronais que fazem este processo funcionar. Desta forma, pretende-se fornecer subsídios para uma melhor compreensão do impacto que os sistemas de recompensa analisados nesta dissertação desempenham sobre a experiência de uso entre consumidores e produtos delineados dentro deste paradigma. / This is a research about the design of reward systems on interactive contemporary interfaces of communication. After a research made on User Experience (UX) and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) theory fields, it was possible to identify some particular kind of interface component which was, according to this study, capable of accomplishing several UX and HCI objectives related to affection and complex interaction relations on the generation of a valuable experience. This particular kind of component is the primal object of this study, which was designated by the author as Reward Systems, in a metaphorical meaning, besides the original conception of reward systems in neuroscience. These are components that allows user to appreciate some kind of content retrieving status to it. Facebook is widely discussed, because it was a pioneer in handling the interface of reward systems, where these components have reached a high level of development so far. This research is particularly relevant due to two factors: first, the lack of meaningful content in the current related literature. Secondly, the remarkable expansion of systems designed for this purpose, as will be demonstrated in the study. The project goal is to understand how the design of reward systems influence the flow of interactions and behavior of users today. In order to accomplish this, the research seeks to ascertain how certain theoretical aspects of design - dedicated to understanding the dynamics of interactive processes - apply to real interaction experiences in the contemporary world. For example, several models and frameworks in areas of HCI (Human Computer Interaction) and UX (user experience) highlight concepts consistent with those identified in reward systems which are in process of constant development, guided by commercial tendencies almost in a intuitive manner. Little attention has been paid in literature on neuroscience bases which make this process work.

Vzdělávání, motivace a odměňování zaměstnanců ve vybrané organizaci / Education, motivation and reward system of employees in selected company

KUČEROVÁ, Barbara January 2018 (has links)
The main object of this master thesis is to analyze the current system of education, motivation and reward system in company ČEZ Prodej a.s and to suggest changes in the system of education, motivation and reward system. The theoretical part refers to gaining an insight into problematic in education, motivation and reward system. The aim is to explain basic terms, ways and methods how to educate, motivate and reward employees. The practical part deals with company ČEZ Prodej, s.r.o. The aim is to introduce systems of education, motivation and reward system of employees in the company. Afterwards all parts of these systems are evaluated with positive and negative comments. It also includes analysis of company´s productivity and its financial state. The last part is dedicated to the proposed changes putting two sick days into reward system. The aim is to create detailed suggestion with all impacts on the company. The impacts will be analyzed on previously identified indicators of financial analysis, revenues, costs and profits. The conclusion is whether the proposed change is recommended to be introduced to the company or not.

Icke-finansiella belöningar : Icke-finansiella belöningars påverkan på medarbetares arbetstillfredsställelse / Non-financial rewards : The impact of non-financial rewards on employee's job satisfaction

Godin, Emma, Knutsson, Ida January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund och syfte: Tidigare forskning tyder på att det är viktigt med icke-finansiella belöningar för att uppnå inre motivation och arbetstillfredsställelse hos medarbetare. Syftet med denna studie är att skapa förståelse för om medarbetares arbetstillfredsställelse påverkas av icke-finansiella belöningar med avseende på karriärutveckling och flexibelt arbete.   Metod: Studien har ett hermeneutiskt och socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv. Vår forskningsansats är abduktiv. Vi har tillämpat kvalitativ forskning med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer för att samla in vår empiriska data. Den teoretiska referensramen är baserad på tidigare forskning. Den empiriska delen bygger på sammanfattningar från intervjuerna. I studien har vi analyserat tidigare forskning tillsammans med den empiriska datan.   Slutsats: Vår studie tyder på att icke-finansiella belöningar påverkar medarbetares arbetstillfredsställelse, främst när det gäller karriärutveckling och flexibelt arbete som vi valt att fokusera på. Studien belyser en ny term av begreppet karriärutveckling vilket är personlig utveckling.   Förslag till fortsatt forskning: För vidare forskning föreslår vi att bygga vidare på vår kvalitativa studie baserat på ett ledningsperspektiv, att få ökad förståelse för hur chefer använder belöningssystem. Ett annat förslag är att gå in på djupet och studera den nya generationen som är mer benägna att få bekräftelse och återkoppling i samband med att de har vuxit upp med sociala medier. Genom det få en bättre förståelse för hur chefer arbetar för att locka till sig den nya generationen.   Studiens bidrag: Denna studie bidrar ur teoretisk synpunkt till att vikten av icke-finansiella belöningar är av betydelse för medarbetares arbetstillfredsställelse. Ur praktisk synvinkel föreslår vi att det är av betydelse att chefer fokuserar på att kommunicera vilka belöningar som finns på arbetet och hur de uppnås. Genom att använda icke-finansiella belöningar, särskilt utveckling och flexibelt arbete, kan det bidra till mer nöjda medarbetare. Det leder även till lägre kostnader för företaget. / Aim: Previous research suggests that it is important for non-financial rewards to achieve internal motivation and job satisfaction with employees. The purpose of this study is to create an understanding of how employees' job satisfaction is affected by non-financial rewards in terms of clear career development and flexible work.   Method: The study has a hermeneutic and social constructivist perspective. Our research method is abductive. We have applied ourselves to qualitative research using semi-structured interviews to collect our empirical data. The theoretical frame of reference is based on previous research. The Empirical study is based on summaries from the interviews. In the study we have analyzed the previous theory along with the empirical data.   Conclusions: Our study suggests that non-financial rewards affect employees' job satisfaction, primarily with regard to career development and flexible work that we have chosen to focus on. The study highlights a new term of the term career development which is more personal development that is important.   Suggestion for future research: For further research, we propose to build on our qualitative study based on management perspective. Get an increased understanding of how managers use the remuneration reward system. Another suggestion is to go into more depth and study the new generation who are more likely to get confirmation and feedback related to the fact that they have grown up with social media. To get a better understanding of how managers work to attract the new generation.   Contribution of the thesis: This study contributes from a theoretical point of view highlighting the importance of the non-financial rewards to the employee's job satisfaction. From a practical point of view, we propose that managers focus on communicating what rewards are at work and how they are achieved. By using non-financial rewards, and especially development and flexible work, it can contribute to more satisfied employees, which also leads to lower costs for the company.

Belöningar, förmåner och arbetsgivarens attraktivitet : En komparativ studie med två IT-företag / : Rewards, benefits and employer attractiveness

Blidberg Seppälä, Cecilia, Nojonen, Emilia January 2017 (has links)
Hur kan organisationer behålla och attrahera medarbetare genom belöningar och förmåner? Hur kan vi som personalvetare bidra inom området? Detta behandlar denna studie som genomfördes genom en metodkombination där intervjuer och en enkätundersökning gjordes. Syftet med studien är att identifiera vilka belöningar och förmåner det finns på två IT-företag och se vilka av dem som attraherar medarbetare inom IT-branschen. Tre frågeställningar formades, där syftet var att ta reda på vilka belöningar och förmåner som finns, undersöka vilka likheter och skillnader gällande belöningar och förmåner som identifieras mellan de två IT-företagen samt undersöka hur belöningar och förmåner påverkar arbetsgivarens attraktivitet. Den teoretiska referensramen består av olika teorier gällande belöningar och förmåner, motivationsteorier samt teorier gällande arbetsgivarens attraktivitet. Studien resulterade i diskussion, förbättringsförslag samt slutsatser med hjälp av relevanta teorier inom området. De två IT-företagen har liknande belöningar och förmåner och en slutsats är att dessa påverkar arbetsgivarens attraktivitet. Med grund av denna slutsats är det viktigt att personalvetare och ledning förstår vikten att belöningarnas och förmånernas påverkan på attraktiviteten. / How can organizations retain and attract employees by rewards and benefits? And how can we as human resource managers contribute? This is what the study is about which was performed by a method combination where interviews and a survey was done. The purpose of this study is to identify which rewards and benefits are available in two IT-companies and explore which of them attracts employees in the IT-industry. Three issues were designed, where the purpose was to find out which rewards and benefits are available at the two companies, examine the companies’ similarities and differences and see how these rewards and benefits affect the employer´s attractiveness. The theoretical reference consists theories about rewards and benefits, motivation and employer attractiveness. The study led to discussion, improvement proposals and conclusions with the help of relevant theories in the area. The two IT-companies have similar rewards and benefits and a conclusion is made that these affect employer attractiveness. Because of this conclusion it is important that human resource managers and management understand the importance of the affect that they have on attractivity.

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