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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Comprehensive In-Building and Microcellular Wireless Communication System Design Tool

Skidmore, Roger R. 18 August 1997 (has links)
Indoor wireless communication systems are becoming increasingly prevalent in work environments. The need to quickly and efficiently provide in-building and microcellular coverage without sacrificing quality is critical to cellular and emerging personal communication system (PCS) operators. Traditionally, indoor wireless communication system design has been carried out by human experts relying on experience to determine a satisfactory system configuration. This thesis describes the algorithms and technical considerations implemented in a comprehensive propagation planning tool, SMT Plus, which has been designed to predict the coverage regions of both in-building and microcellular wireless communication systems. The goal of SMT Plus is to provide both wireless service providers and equipment manufacturers with an efficient, easy-to-use coverage prediction tool for use in the design of any indoor or campus-wide wireless system. Using site-specific building information combined with on-site signal strength measurements, the tool provides system planners with a highly accurate model of the propagation environment among a group of buildings. SMT Plus provides a comprehensive solution to the planning and installation of wireless communication systems in and around buildings. / Master of Science

Tunable RF MEMS bandpass filter with coupled transmission lines

Elfergani, Issa T., Hussaini, Abubakar S., Rodriguez, Jonathan, Marques, P., Abd-Alhameed, Raed January 2015 (has links)
No / Passive and active devices are essential devices in mobile and base stations’ transceiver. Consequently, these devices dominated the large part of the PCB of the today’s transceiver. However, the tomorrow’s mobile terminals without circuit tunability would be extremely large in size to accommodate present and future radio access technologies (RATs). The stand-alone transceiver for one single RAT is comprised of single passive and active devices and adding two or more RATs for the same transceiver would require adding two or more devices, since all of these RATs standards work on different frequency bands. Apparently, without tunability approach, this will increase the complexity of the system design and will cover a large part of the circuit space leading to power consumptions, loss which results to the poor efficiency of the transceiver. In this work, a miniaturized RF MEMS tunable bandpass is developed to operate in the frequency range from 1.8 to 2.6 GHz.

High Power Effects in Microwave Filters for Space Applications

González Santatecla, Pablo 02 September 2024 (has links)
[ES] Las tendencias actuales en los sistemas de comunicaciones por satélite, que implican la operación en entornos multiportadora, a frecuencias cada vez más elevadas y con mayores exigencias en términos de capacidad de transmisión, hacen necesaria la utilización de mayores niveles de potencia. El incremento de la potencia requerida, unido a la disminución del tamaño de los componentes por el aumento de la frecuencia de trabajo, y por las restricciones en términos de tamaño y peso, estimula la aparición de efectos de alta potencia. Entre estos efectos, que impactan en las prestaciones del sistema, e incluso, en algunos casos, pueden llegar a ser dañinos para los componentes, destacan el efecto multipactor, el efecto corona y la intermodulación pasiva. De entre todos estos efectos indeseados, esta tesis se ha centrado más en el efecto multipactor. Aunque este efecto rara vez llega a dañar un componente por si mismo, afecta a sus prestaciones y es la antesala del efecto corona, que sí que puede ser extremadamente perjudicial para la integridad del sistema de comunicaciones. %Es por ello por lo que el estudio de estos efectos es de especial relevancia en el campo de las comunicaciones espaciales. El efecto multipactor ha sido ampliamente estudiado para señales de envolvente constante y empleando modelos simplificados de placas paralelas. Si bien estos modelos son efectivos y permiten calcular una estimación del umbral multipactor de manera rápida, son demasiado conservadores para la situación actual de los sistemas de comunicaciones, donde las capacidades de transmisión requeridas son extremadamente altas. Debido a la complejidad que presenta estimar el umbral multipactor en los sistemas reales de forma analítica, es habitual recurrir a herramientas de simulación electromagnética combinadas con física de partículas para tratar de calcular estos umbrales. No obstante, aunque estos métodos bien configurados son bastante precisos, requieren de un elevado tiempo computacional, que puede llegar a ser de varias horas o incluso días en dispositivos complejos como filtros o multiplexores. Es por ello por lo que esta tesis doctoral ha profundizado en el estudio de métodos circuitales, que puedan hacer uso de información electromagnética. Éstos, si bien no resultan tan precisos como las simulaciones de partículas, permiten una estimación rápida del umbral que puede ser de gran ayuda para el diseñador de dispositivos que presenten requisitos de potencia. No obstante, y dada la complejidad de obtener estos umbrales de forma precisa, es habitual tener que certificar los componentes en un laboratorio previamente a su lanzamiento. En este ámbito, la presente tesis ha contribuido en dos aspectos. En primer lugar, se ha desarrollado una nueva muestra que permite caracterizar los bancos de medidas de multipactor hasta frecuencias en banda Ka. Por otro lado, se ha diseñado íntegramente un conjunto de multiplexores que se han integrado en un banco de ensayo de multipactor con diversas portadoras, dando lugar a un escenario más similar al que se puede encontrar en los sistemas de comunicaciones vía satélite actuales. Además, el diseño de estos multiplexores ha dado lugar al desarrollo de un método sistemático, que ha permitido concebir estos componentes con un alto nivel de precisión y en un tiempo bastante comedido. Por último, en cuanto al diseño de componentes pasivos de microondas operando a altas frecuencias, esta tesis doctoral ha profundizado en la familia de filtros MHFRW. Estos filtros, por sus propiedades geométricas, son apropiados para aplicaciones de alta potencia y que requieran bajos niveles de PIM. A esta topología, que viene siendo estudiada en los últimos años, se le ha aumentado su capacidad para implementar respuestas superelípticas, es decir, que incluyan más ceros de transmisión que el orden del filtro. Además, es posible conseguir situar los ceros en ubicaciones arbitrarias de manera independiente. / [CA] Les tendències actuals en els sistemes de comunicacions per satèl·lit, que impliquen l'operació en entorns multiportadora, a freqüències cada vegada més elevades i amb majors exigències en termes de capacitat de transmissió, fan necessària la utilització de majors nivells de potència. L'increment de la potència requerida, unit a la disminució de la grandària dels components per l'augment de la freqüència de treball, i per les restriccions en termes de grandària i pes, estimula l'aparició d'efectes d'alta potència. Entre aquests efectes, que impacten en les prestacions del sistema, i fins i tot, en alguns casos, poden arribar a ser nocius per als components, destaquen l'efecte multipactor, l'efecte corona i la intermodulació passiva. D'entre tots aquests efectes indesitjats, aquesta tesi s'ha centrat més en l'efecte multipactor. Encara que aquest efecte rares vegades arriba a danyar un component per si mateix, afecta a les seues prestacions i és l'avantsala de l'efecte corona, que sí que pot ser extremadament perjudicial per a la integritat del sistema de comunicacions. L'efecte multipactor ha sigut profundament estudiant per a senyals d'envolupant constant i emprant models simplificats de plaques paral·leles. Si bé aquests models són efectius i permeten calcular una estimació del llindar multipactor de manera ràpida, són massa conservadors per a la situació actual dels sistemes de comunicacions, en què les capacitats de transmissió requerides són extremadament altes. A causa de la complexitat que presenta estimar el llindar multipactor en els sistemes reals de manera analítica, és habitual recórrer a eines de simulació electromagnètica combinades amb física de partícules per a tractar de calcular aquests llindars. No obstant això, encara que aquests mètodes ben configurats són bastant precisos, requereixen d'un elevat temps computacional, que pot arribar a ser de diverses hores o fins i tot dies en dispositius complexos com a filtres o multiplexors. És per això que aquesta tesi doctoral ha aprofundit en l'estudi de mètodes circuitales, que puguen fer ús d'informació electromagnètica. Aquests, si bé no resulten tan precisos com les simulacions de partícules, permeten una estimació ràpida del llindar que pot ser de gran ajuda per al dissenyador de dispositius que presenten requisits de potència. No obstant això, i donada la complexitat d'obtindre aquests llindars de manera precisa, és habitual haver de certificar els components en un laboratori prèviament al seu llançament. En aquest àmbit, la present tesi ha contribuït en dos aspectes. En primer lloc, s'ha desenvolupat una nova mostra que permet caracteritzar els bancs de mesures de multipactor fins a freqüències en banda Ka. D'altra banda, s'ha dissenyat íntegrament un conjunt de multiplexors que s'han integrat en un banc d'assaig de multipactor amb diverses portadores, donant lloc a un escenari més similar al que es pot trobar en els sistemes de comunicacions via satèl·lit actuals. A més, el disseny d'aquests multiplexors ha donat lloc al desenvolupament d'un mètode sistemàtic, que ha permés concebre aquests components amb un alt nivell de precisió i en un temps bastant moderat. Finalment, quant al disseny de components passius de microones operant a altes freqüències, aquesta tesi doctoral ha aprofundit en la família de filtres MHFRW. Aquests filtres, per les seues propietats geomètriques, són apropiats per a aplicacions d'alta potència i que requerisquen baixos nivells de PIM. A aquesta topologia, que és estudiada en els últims anys, se li ha augmentat la seua capacitat per a implementar respostes superel·líptiques, és a dir, que incloguen més zeros de transmissió que l'ordre del filtre. A més, és possible aconseguir situar els zeros en ubicacions arbitràries de manera independent. Aquest fet aporta una gran flexibilitat al dissenyador i a més permet obtindre elevats nivells de rebuig, donant lloc a una família de filtres ideals per a diverses aplicacions. / [EN] Current trends in satellite communications systems, involving operation in multi-carrier environments at increasingly higher frequencies and with higher demands in terms of transmission capacity, make it necessary the use of higher power levels. The power increase, along with the footprint reduction due to the increase in operating frequency and the restrictions regarding component size and weight, stimulates the ignition of high-power effects. Among these effects, which impact system performance and, in some cases, can even be harmful to the components, are the multipactor effect, the corona effect and passive intermodulation. From all of these undesired effects, this thesis has focused in more extent on the multipactor effect. Although this effect in itself rarely causes physical damage to the component, it can affect to its performance and is the prelude to the corona effect, which can be extremely damaging to the integrity of the communications system. The multipactor effect has been widely studied for constant envelope signals and using simplified parallel plate models. While these models are effective and allow obtaining a fast estimate of the multipactor threshold, they are too conservative for today communications systems, where the required transmission capacities are extremely high. Due to the complexity of estimating the multipactor threshold in real systems analytically, it is common to resort to electromagnetic simulation tools combined with particle physics to try to calculate these thresholds. However, although these methods, once they are well-configured, are pretty accurate, they are also computationally time-consuming, in the order of several hours or even days for complex devices such as filters or multiplexers. This is why this doctoral thesis has focused on studying circuit methods, which can also take profit of electromagnetic information. Although these methods are not as accurate as particle simulations, they allow a quick estimation of the threshold that can significantly help the designer of microwave devices with power requirements. However, given the complexity of obtaining these thresholds accurately, it is common to have to certify the components in a laboratory prior to their launch. This thesis has contributed in two aspects to this area. Firstly, a new sample has been developed to characterise multipactor measurement benches up to Ka-band frequencies. On the other hand, a set of multiplexers has been fully designed and integrated into a multipactor test bench with different carriers, resulting in a scenario more similar to the one found in real satellite communication systems. In addition, the design of these multiplexers has led to the development of a systematic methodology, which has made it possible to design these components with high accuracy and in a relatively short time. Last but not the least, regarding the design of passive microwave components operating at high frequencies, this doctoral thesis has delved into the MHFRW family of filters. These filters, due to their geometric properties, are appropriate for high power applications that require low levels of PIM. This topology, which has been studied in recent years, has been enhanced by increasing its capacity to implement super-elliptic responses, namely responses including more transmission zeros than the order of the filter. In addition, it allows to place the zeros in arbitrary locations independently. This provides great flexibility to the designer and also allows high rejection levels to be obtained, giving rise to a family of filters ideal for various applications, ranging from filters for satellite payloads to the implementation of multiplexers for passive intermodulation measurement test beds. / González Santatecla, P. (2024). High Power Effects in Microwave Filters for Space Applications [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/207526

Urbane Niederschlagsbeeinflussung / Genese und räumliche Differenzierung am Beispiel von Berlin

Pagenkopf, Anja 12 December 2011 (has links)
Klimatologisch signifikante räumliche Strukturen der Niederschlagsverteilung in der Stadt Berlin und des Umlandes in Brandenburg wurden für den Zeitraum 1951-2000 untersucht, die durch Wirkung des urbanen Raumes verursacht werden. Für die Analyse werden Primärdaten von 247 Niederschlagsmessstationen verwendet, woraus Gebietsmittelwerte für 636 administrative Teilflächen sowie für 12 Teilflächen eines zur mittleren Windrichtung des Niederschlagstages parallelen Analyse-Transekts für jeden der 11848 Niederschlagstage interpoliert werden. Für 17 ausgewählte Kombinationen von acht Atmosphärenparametern wurde der Niederschlagsdatensatz zu klassifizierten Teilmengen gruppiert und als eigenständige geostatistische Experimente ausgewertet. Die Spannweite der in den einzelnen Experimenten verglichenen Gebietsmittelwerte überschreitet in der Regel 10 Prozent der mittleren Niederschlagshöhen nicht. Der dominierende Faktor für die Herausbildung unterscheidbarer räumlicher Niederschlagsverteilungen im Untersuchungsgebiet ist die Windrichtung in der unteren Troposphäre. Während sich der Stadtkörper unter Bedingungen, die kleinräumige Niederschlagsentstehung begünstigen, im Mittel lokal verstärkend auswirkt, kommt es bei großräumig gesteuerter Niederschlagsentstehung über dem Stadtgebiet zu einer Verringerung der Tagessummen des fallenden Niederschlags. Die Experimente angewendet auf den Datensatz weisen darauf hin, dass die urbane Verstärkung durch intensivierte Niederschlagsbildung über der Stadt bedingt wird, während die urbane Verminderung aus der Veränderung des Niederschlagsgeschehens innerhalb der Stadtatmosphäre resultiert. / An analysis of the climatologically significant spatial structures resulting from urban modification of the precipitation distribution was carried out at the sample site Berlin and its surrounding areas in Brandenburg for a period from 1951 to 2000. For the 11848 precipitation days the daily sums of 247 measurement sites are interpolated into mean areal precipitation for 636 administrative sub regions as well as for 12 elements of transects placed parallel to the mean daily wind direction. 17 combinations of eight atmospheric parameters were used to group the precipitation data into classified subsets. These subsets are treated as data resulting from independent geostatistic experiment configurations. The mean range of interpolated precipitations does not exceed 10 percent of the respective mean precipitation height in the particular experiments. The dominant synoptic factor causing the evidence of distinguishable spatial precipitation structures appears to be the wind direction in the lower troposphere. At weather conditions inducing local precipitation genesis the urban body induces predominantly locally intensified precipitation heights. When precipitation is formed mainly by synoptic processes the daily precipitation is being reduced over the city region. The experiment layouts related to these observations indicate that urban precipitation amplification evolves from intensified generation processes while urban reduction results from modified conditions for precipitation falling through the urban atmosphere.

External Validation of the MMPI-A-RF with Youth with Mental Health Needs: A Systematic Examination of Symptom-Based Correlates and Interpretive Statements

Sharf, Allyson J. 08 1900 (has links)
Over the last several decades, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory - Adolescent (MMPI-A) has remained one of the most extensively studied and commonly used adolescent assessment measures. Most recently, the MMPI-A was revised, published as the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory - Adolescent Restructured Form (MMPI-A-RF). Given the infancy of the extant MMPI-A-RF literature, the current dissertation sought to be one of the first criterion studies since the test manual to establish its relevant clinical correlates in a sample of youth referred for mental health services. Following in line with previous clinical correlate research, the psychometric properties of the MMPI-A-RF were determined. Under this approach, the present study bolstered support for the construct validity of the RC scales through the identification of clinically relevant, scale and item-level correlates. In particular, the RCd and RC4 evidenced especially strong convergent and discriminant validity. As a result, the current study highlighted the MMPI-A-RF's efficacy in detecting psychopathology along the broad externalizing and internalizing spectrum. In addition, the role of gender and its effect on MMPI-A-RF clinical interpretations were explored. Practical recommendations for ensuring a gender-specific approach to MMPI-A-RF interpretation were outlined.

Advanced Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing Assures RF Communication System Success

Williams, Steve 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2010 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-Sixth Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 25-28, 2010 / Town and Country Resort & Convention Center, San Diego, California / RF Communication (COMMS) systems where receivers and transmitters are in motion must be proven rigorously over an array of natural RF link perturbations such as Carrier Doppler shift, Signal Doppler shift, delay, path loss and noise. These perturbations play significant roles in COMMS systems involving satellites, aircraft, UAVs, missiles, targets and ground stations. In these applications, COMMS system devices must also be tested against increasingly sophisticated intentional and unintentional interference, which must result in negligible impact on quality of service. Field testing and use of traditional test and measurement equipment will need to be substantially augmented with physics-compliant channel emulation equipment that broadens the scope, depth and coverage of such tests, while decreasing R&D and test costs and driving in quality. This paper describes dynamic link emulation driven by advanced antenna and motion modeling, detailed propagation models and link budget methods for realistic, nominal and worst-case hardware-in-the-loop test and verification.

Dispositifs de protection contre les décharges électrostatiques pour les applications radio fréquences et millimétriques / Development of an ElectroStatic Discharges (ESD) protection circuit for millimeter-wave frequencies applications

Lim, Tek Fouy 28 May 2013 (has links)
Ces travaux s'inscrivent dans un contexte où les contraintes vis-à-vis des décharges électrostatiques sont de plus en plus fortes, les circuits de protection sont un problème récurrent pour les circuits fonctionnant à hautes fréquences. La capacité parasite des composants de protection limite fortement la transmission du signal et peut perturber fortement le fonctionnement normal d'un circuit. Les travaux présentés dans ce mémoire font suite à une volonté de fournir aux concepteurs de circuits fonctionnant aux fréquences millimétriques un circuit de protection robuste présentant de faibles pertes en transmission, avec des dimensions très petites et fonctionnant sur une très large bande de fréquences, allant du courant continu à 100 GHz. Pour cela, une étude approfondie des lignes de transmission et des composants de protection a été réalisée à l'aide de simulations électromagnétiques et de circuits. Placés et fragmentées le long de ces lignes de transmission, les composants de protection ont été optimisés afin de perturber le moins possible la transmission du signal, tout en gardant une forte robustesse face aux décharges électrostatiques. Cette stratégie de protection a été réalisée et validée en technologies CMOS avancées par des mesures fréquentielles, électriques et de courant de fuite. / Advanced CMOS technologies provide an easier way to realize radio-frequency integrated circuits (RFICs). However, the lithography dimension shrink make electrostatic discharges (ESD) issues become more significant. Specific ESD protection devices are embedded in RFICs to avoid any damage. Unfortunately, ESD protections parasitic capacitance limits the operating bandwidth of RFICs. ESD protection size dimensions are also an issue for the protection of RFICs, in order to avoid a significant increase in production costs. This work focuses on a broadband ESD solution (DC-100 GHz) able to be implemented in an I/O pad to protect RFICs in advanced CMOS technologies. Thanks to the signal transmission properties of coplanar / microstrip lines, a broadband ESD solution is achieved by implementing ESD components under a transmission line. The silicon proved structure is broadband; it can be used in any RF circuits and fulfill ESD target. The physical dimensions also enable easy on-chip integration.

Recherche de vulnérabilités des étages de réception aux agressions électromagnétiques de forte puissance : cas d’un LNA AsGa / Probing RF front-ends vulnerabilities to high power electromagnetic interference, case study of a GaAs HEMT low-noise amplifier

Girard, Maxime 12 December 2018 (has links)
Ce manuscrit présente une étude de la susceptibilité d’un amplificateur faible bruit (LNA)AsGa aux agressions électromagnétiques de forte puissance. La notion d’agressionélectromagnétique de forte puissance définit, du point de vue de la CEM, un environnementélectromagnétique particulier où les niveaux de champ électromagnétique sont tels qu’ilspeuvent engendrer une dégradation physique des composants électroniques du systèmevictime. Ces champs peuvent être générés par des systèmes particuliers appelés AED EM(arme à énergie dirigée électromagnétique).Cette étude s’intéresse ainsi non seulement à l’explication des effets physiques observés surles composants cibles, mais également à l’influence des paramètres de la sourceélectromagnétique sur la susceptibilité du composant.Cette thèse a été encadrée par les équipes du laboratoire IMS de l’université de Bordeauxd’une part, et du CEA Gramat d’autre part. / In this PhD thesis dissertation, a study of a GaAs low-noise amplifier (LNA) susceptibility tohigh power electromagnetic interference is presented.The term high power electromagnetic interference refers to a particular electromagneticenvironment in which E-field and H-field levels are high enough to cause physical damage tothe victim’s system electronic components.Such high level fields can be generated by dedicated systems, called electromagneticdirected energy weapons (DEW).The study presented in this document focuses not only on explaining failure mechanismstriggered by such interference, but also shows discussion on electromagnetic sourcesparameters trimming influence on component’s susceptibility.

Influence des paramètres du laser sur la dynamique des paquets courts d’électrons relativistes dans des accélérateurs linéaires basés sur des canons RF et développement de diagnostics associés / Influence of laser parameters on the relativistic short electron bunches dynamics in linear accelerators based on RF-guns and development of associated diagnostics

Vinatier, Thomas 23 September 2015 (has links)
Dans de nombreuses applications, des paquets d’électrons relativistes sub-ps sont requis : Accélération laser-plasma, Lasers à électrons libres, Génération de rayonnement THz intense, Etude des phénomènes ultra-rapides dans la matière… L’aspect court des paquets et la nécessité d’un fort courant crête pour les applications impliquent de fortes forces de charge d’espace conduisant à une dégradation des propriétés du faisceau, telle que son émittance transverse et sa longueur. La principale difficulté est de caractériser, modéliser et prendre en compte ces effets. Ma thèse s’inscrit dans ce cadre à travers l’étude de la dynamique et des diagnostics associés à ces paquets courts. Le chapitre 2 rassemble des mesures de plusieurs propriétés du faisceau : charge, émittance transverse et longueur. L’originalité de mon travail réside dans l’utilisation de méthodes simples, des points de vues théoriques et technologiques. Ces méthodes, plus adaptées pour des faisceaux moins extrêmes, permettent néanmoins d’obtenir de très bons résultats. J’ai en particulier développé une méthode de mesure de charge à partir de la mesure de l’intensité lumineuse émise par un écran scintillant suite à l’interaction avec le faisceau. Cette méthode permet de mesurer précisément des charges inférieures à 100 fC, ce qui surpasse les capacités des diagnostics classiques (ICT et Coupe de Faraday) limités au picocoulomb à cause du bruit électronique. Cette méthode est utile, du fait que les paquets courts sont souvent faiblement chargés pour limiter l’effet des forces de charge d’espace. J’ai aussi adapté des méthodes multiparamétriques pour mesurer l’émittance transverse et la longueur des paquets d’électrons. Ces méthodes indirectes permettent de déterminer ces propriétés à partir de la mesure d’autres propriétés plus accessibles : les dimensions transverses pour l’émittance et la dispersion en énergie pour la longueur. La mesure de longueur (méthode des 3 phases) donne de très bons résultats, puisqu’elle permet de mesurer avec une précision meilleure que 10% des longueurs rms inférieures à la picoseconde. La mesure d’émittance sans prise en compte des forces de charge d’espace donne des résultats mitigés, puisque la précision varie de 20% (méthode des 3 gradients) à plus de 100% (méthode des 3 écrans). Une amélioration significative de la précision, jusqu’à un facteur 5, peut être obtenue en prenant en compte les forces de charge d’espace via une équation d’enveloppe, ce qui constitue l’originalité de mon travail. Le chapitre 3 consiste en une comparaison des propriétés des paquets courts d’électrons, unique ou longitudinalement modulé, générés par trois méthodes différentes : Utilisation d’une impulsion laser courte ou longitudinalement modulée dans un canon RF ; Compression magnétique dans une chicane ; Compression RF dans une structure accélératrice (Velocity Bunching). J’ai en particulier montré que, à charge égale, la génération de paquets courts via une impulsion laser courte dans un canon RF est désavantageuse, des points de vue de la longueur et de l’émittance transverse du faisceau, par rapport à la compression magnétique RF d’un paquet déjà accéléré. Cela est expliqué par les forces de charge d’espace plus importantes juste après l’émission du faisceau par la photocathode. Il est également consacré au développement et au test de modèles analytiques de la dynamique longitudinale des faisceaux. J’ai développé une matrice de transfert longitudinale pour un canon RF, en partant du modèle de K. J. Kim. Ce modèle a été comparé avec plusieurs mesures effectuées à PITZ et PHIL et a prouvé être précis sur les aspects énergétiques et temporels, mais pas sur l’aspect de la dispersion en énergie. J’ai également développé un modèle analytique du phénomène de velocity bunching dans des structures accélératrices à onde progressive, en partant d’un modèle simple développé par P. Piot. / In several applications, quasi-relativistic sub-ps electron bunches are required: Laser-plasma acceleration, Free electron lasers, Generation of intense THz radiation, Study of ultra-fast phenomena in matter… The short nature of the bunch and the necessity of a high peak current for the applications imply strong space-charge forces leading to a degradation of beam properties, as its transverse emittance and duration. The main difficulty is to characterize, model and take into account these effects. My thesis falls within this context through the study of dynamics and diagnostics related to these short bunches, namely whose rms duration is not directly measurable by an electronic method locating the border at a few tens of picoseconds. The chapter 2 consists in the measurements of several properties of these bunches: charge, transverse emittance and duration. The originality of my work is that I use simple methods, both on the theoretical (analytical at maximum) and technological (using only common elements of electron accelerators) point of view. These methods, more suitable for less extreme bunches, allow however obtaining very good results. I especially developed a method of charge measurement from the measurement of the light intensity emitted by a scintillating screen following the interaction with an electron beam. This method allows precisely measuring charges lower than 100fC. This is better than the capabilities of classical diagnostics (ICT and Faraday Cup) limited to the picocoulomb because of electronic noise. This method is useful since the short bunches are often low-charged to minimize the effects of space-charge forces. It will also be used for detectors calibration, which requires low charges. I also adapt multiparametric methods to measure the transverse emittance and duration of electron bunches. These indirect methods allow determining these properties from the measurement of other more accessible properties: the transverse dimensions for the transverse emittance and the energy spread for the duration. The duration measurement (3-phase method) gives very good results, since it allows determining with accuracy better than 10% rms durations lower than one picosecond. The emittance measurement without taking into account the space-charge forces in the modeling gives mixed results, since the accuracy is from 20% (3-gradients method) to more than 100% (3-screens method). A significant accuracy improvement, up to a factor of 5, can be obtained by taking the space-charge forces into account through a beam envelop equation, which constitutes the originality of my work. The chapter 3 consists in the comparison of the properties of short electron beams, single or longitudinally modulated, generated by three different methods: Injection of a short or longitudinally modulated laser pulse in an RF-gun; Magnetic compression in a chicane; RF-compression in an accelerating structure (Velocity Bunching). I particularly shown that, at equal conditions of charge, the generation of short bunches thanks to a short laser pulse driven an RF-gun is disadvantageous, both from the beam duration and transverse emittance point of view, with respect to a magnetic or RF compression of an already accelerated beam. This is explained by the more important space-charge forces just after the beam emission by the photocathode. It also consists in the development and test of analytical models for longitudinal beam dynamics. I developed a longitudinal transfer matrix for RF-gun, starting from a Kim-like model. This model has been compared with several measurements performed at PITZ and PHIL and shown to be accurate on the energy and temporal aspects, but not on the energy spread aspect. I also developed an analytical model of the velocity bunching phenomenon in travelling wave accelerating structures, starting from a simple model developed by P. Piot.

Integração de blocos RF CMOS com indutores usando tecnologia Flip Chip. / Integration of RF CMOS blocks with inductors using Flip Chip technology.

Anjos, Angélica dos 10 September 2012 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi feita uma ampla pesquisa sobre blocos de RF, VCOs e LNAs, que fazem parte de transceptores. Esses blocos foram projetados utilizando um indutor externo com um alto Q, com o intuito de melhorar as principais características de desempenho de cada um dos blocos. Com a finalidade de ter um ponto de comparação foram projetados os mesmos blocos implementando todos os indutores integrados (internos). Foi proposta a utilização da tecnologia flip chip para interconectar os indutores externos aos dies dos circuitos, devido às vantagens que ela apresenta. Para implementar os indutores externos propôs-se um processo de fabricação completo, incluindo especificação das etapas de processos e dos materiais utilizados para estes indutores. Adicionalmente foi projetado um conjunto de máscaras para fabricar os indutores externos e fazer a montagem e teste dos circuitos que os utilizam. Para validar o processo proposto e caracterizar os indutores externos foram projetadas diferentes estruturas de teste. O Q do indutor externo é da ordem de 6 vezes maior que do indutor integrado, para a tecnologia escolhida. Foram projetados e fabricados dois VCOs LC: FC-VCO (Flip Chip VCO com o indutor externo), OC-VCO (On Chip VCO com o indutor interno), e dois LNAs CMOS de fonte comum cascode com degeneração indutiva: FC-LNA (Flip Chip LNA com o indutor Lg externo) e OC-LNA (On Chip LNA com todos os indutores internos). O objetivo desses quatro circuitos é demonstrar que o desempenho de circuitos RF pode ser melhorado, usando indutores externos com alto Q, conectados através de flip chip. Para implementação desses circuitos utilizou-se a tecnologia de processo AMS 0,35µm CMOS, para aplicações na banda 2,4GHz ISM, considerando o padrão Bluetooth. Foram medidos apenas os blocos com os indutores internos (OC-VCO e OC-LNA). Para os blocos com os indutores externos (FC-VCO e FC-LNA) foram apresentados os resultados de simulação pós-layout. Através da comparação dos resultados de simulação entre os VCOs foi comprovado que o uso de um indutor externo com alto Q conectado via flip chip pode melhorar significativamente o ruído de fase dos VCOs, atingindo -117dBc/Hz a 1MHz de frequência de offset para o FC-VCO, em 2,45GHz, onde a FOM é 8dB maior que o OC-VCO. Outro ganho foi através da área poupada, o FC-VCO tem uma área cerca de 83% menor que a do OC-VCO. Após as medidas elétricas do OC-VCO obteve-se um desempenho do ruído de fase de -110dBc/Hz@1MHz para 2,45GHz, e -112dBc/Hz@1MHz para 2,4GHz, o qual atende as especificações de projeto. O FC-LNA, que foi implementado com o indutor de porta Lg externo ao die, conectado via flip chip, atingiu uma figura de ruído de 2,39dB, 1,1dB menor que o OC-LNA com o mesmo consumo de potência. A área ocupada pelo FC-LNA é aproximadamente 30% menor do que o OC-LNA. Através das medidas elétricas do OC-LNA verificou-se que o circuito apresenta resultados adequados de S11 (perda de retorno da entrada) e S22 (perda de retorno da saída) na banda de frequências de interesse. No entanto, o valor do ganho apresenta uma redução em relação ao esperado. A proposta do trabalho de unir a tecnologia flip chip ao uso de indutores externos, proporciona circuitos mais compactos e consecutivamente mais baratos, pela economia de área de Si. Adicionalmente, após os indutores externos serem caracterizados, os mesmos indutores podem ser reutilizados independente da tecnologia CMOS utilizada facilitando o projeto dos blocos de RF em processos mais avançados. / This work presents a research about RF blocks that are used in Transceivers, VCOs and LNAs. These blocks were designed using a high-Q RF external inductor in order to improve the main performance characteristics. The same blocks were designed implementing all inductors on-chip (internal) in order to have a point of comparison. It was proposed the use of Flip Chip technology to interconnect the external inductors to the dies of the circuits due to the advantages that this technology offers. A full manufacturing process was proposed to implement the external inductors, including the specification of process steps and materials used for these inductors. Additionally, a set of masks was designed to fabricate the external inductors, to mount and test the circuits that used these inductors. Different test structures were designed to validate the proposed process and to characterize the external inductors. Q factor of the external inductor is around 6 times larger than the inductor integrated into the chosen IC technology. Two LC VCOs and two common-source cascode CMOS LNAs with inductive degeneration were designed and fabricated: FC-VCO (Flip Chip VCO using external inductor), OC-VCO (On Chip VCO using on-chip inductor), FCLNA (Flip Chip LNA using an external Lg inductor) and OC-LNA (On Chip LNA with all inductors implemented on-chip). The purpose of these four circuits is to demonstrate that the performance of RF circuits can be improved by using high-Q external inductors, connected by flip chip. The 0.35µm CMOS AMS technology was used to implement these circuits intended for applications in the 2.4 GHz ISM band, considering the Bluetooth standard. Were measured only the blocks with internal inductors (OC-VCO and OC-LNA). For the blocks with external inductors (FCVCO and FC-LNA) were presented the results of post-layout simulation. The comparison between the VCOs simulations results demonstrates that using an external high-Q inductor connected by flip chip can significantly improve the phase noise of VCOs. FC-VCO reached a phase noise of -117dBc/Hz at 1MHz offset frequency and a FOM 8dB greater than the OC-VCO. Another important improvement was the saved area, the FC-VCO has an area approximately 83% lower than that of OC-VCO. After electrical characterizations of the OC-VCO, phase noise performances of -110dBc/Hz@1MHz for 2.45GHz and -112dBc/Hz@1MHz for 2.4GHz were obtained, that accomplish the design specifications. FC-LNA reached a noise figure of 2.39dB, 1.1dB lower than that of OC-LNA with the same power comsumption. The total area occupied by FC-LNA is around 30% lower than that OC-LNA. Measurement results of the OC-LNA showed that the circuit presents suitable S11 (input return loss) and S22 (output return loss) values in the desired frequency band. However, the gain value presents a reduction compared with the expected values. The proposal to use the flip chip technology together with external inductors, allows more compact and cheap circuits, because Silicon area can be saved. Moreover, after the external inductors being characterized, the same inductors can be reused regardless of the CMOS technology facilitating the design of RF blocks in more advanced processes.

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