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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Compound Risk: An Analysis of Biocultural, Familial, and Structural Risks Among Substance Using Adolescent Girls

Hedges, Kristin Elizabeth January 2012 (has links)
Adolescent substance abuse represents a complex, difficult challenge in the United States. Substance addiction research requires rich contextualization that takes into account individual, familial, and community experiences. This project focuses on how adolescent girls' substance use interacts with risk and vulnerability. More specifically, how the social and biological body influences substance initiation and how local contexts and constraints effects recovery from addiction. The sample includes adolescent girls who are enrolled in substance abuse treatment programs. The methodological approach encompasses a mixture of quantitative and qualitative, including analysis of a nation-wide dataset, narrative interviews, participant observation, and case following. While the quantitative analysis was with the nation-wide dataset, the qualitative data are derived from a sample of adolescent girls in Tucson, Arizona. Risk is assessed along three axes, biocultural, familial, and structural. Biocultural risk examines the influence that an early pubertal developmental trajectory has on substance initiation. Familial risk analyzes how the culture and habitus of the family affects youth initiation of substance use. Structural risk highlights the continued vulnerability that youth who are raised in the `system' face and specifically their challenges to recovery after substance abuse treatment. Findings from the nation-wide sample include a significant relationship between pubertal timing and age of onset of substance use. In the Tucson sample, familial immersion in substance use was so extensive that girls were not only expected to begin using but also initiation of use became a 'rite of passage' within the family. Finally this research documents the unintended role the child welfare system plays as a structural impediment to girls' recovery from substance abuse.

Risk- och sårbarhetsanalyser - Samverkan när den är som bäst : En kvalitativ studie om samverkan i Blekinge län / Risk and vulnerability analysis - Collaboration at its best : A qualitative study on collaboration in Blekinge County

Ahlgren, Jennifer, Hägerlund, Mikael January 2022 (has links)
Med en ökad utmaning i samhället med att hantera risker och dess konsekvenser sätts en allt större press på samhällets förmåga att agera vid oönskade händelser. Studien omfattar Blekinge län och har som syfte att analysera hur flernivåstyrning påverkar arbetet med risk och sårbarhet. Syftet besvaras av två frågeställningar som behandlar samverkan och utmaningar mellan administrativa nivåer. Studien baseras på en abduktiv ansats där teorin väljs utifrån empirin. Teorin i studiens sammanhang är flernivåstyrning vars ändamål är att analysera studiens tidigare forskning och resultat. Studiens resultat utgörs av en dokumentanalys av risk- och sårbarhetsanalyser (RSA) samt en intervjustudie med tjänstemän som visar på att samverkan mellan administrativa nivåer fungerar. Däremot finns det utmaningar med ansvarsfördelningen som är en konsekvens av en bristande kommunikation i ett hierarkiskt beroende system. Utmaningarna påverkar hur arbetet aggregeras upp i de administrativa nivåerna. / With an increased challenge in society in managing risks and their consequences, an increasing pressure is put on society's ability to act in the event of undesirable events. The study covers Blekinge County and aims to analyze how multilevel governance affects risk and vulnerability. The purpose is answered by two questions that explore collaboration and challenges between administrative levels. The study is based on an abductive approach where the theory is chosen based on empirical data. Results from the study are created by a document analysis of risk- and vulnerability documents (RVA) as well as an interview study from municipal employees. The result shows that collaboration between administrative levels works. However, there are challenges with the division of responsibilities from a lack of communication in a hierarchically dependent system. The challenges affect how the analysis is aggregated up to the administrative levels.

Framgångsfaktorer och barriärer vid integrering av klimatanpassning i  kommunal RSA : En undersökning av Värmlands småkommuner / Success factors and barriers for the integration of adaptation into local RVA : An examination of the municipalities in Värmland

Davidsson, Åsa January 2016 (has links)
Att klimatet förändras är konstaterat, skulle utsläppen av växthusgaser kraftigt minskas kan de påbörjade klimatförändringarna ändå inte helt förhindras. Förändringarna innebär att extremväder kommer inträffa oftare men med geografiska skillnader. Till seklets slut väntas i Värmland exempelvis nuvarande tioårsregn istället inträffa var femte år. Vänern kommer i och med detta utgöra en av de största översvämningsriskerna. Hur dessa förändringar påverkar samhället varierar beroende på samhällets konstruktion och sårbarheter. Anpassning till de nya förutsättningarna är nödvändig, och ett stort ansvar vilar på våra kommuner i och med den ansvarsfördelning som finns i Sverige. Möjligheterna att genomföra anpassningsåtgärder varierar, liksom hur långt arbetet har kommit. Ett sätt att integrera klimatanpassning i riskhanteringen för att minska samhällets sårbarhet, är att kommunerna använder sig av sina risk-och sårbarhetsanalyser (RSA). Detta är dock förenat med en del barriärer. Intervju har genomförts med elva Värmländska kommuner. Därtill har genomgång gjorts av samtliga kommunala RSA 2015-2018 för att identifiera framgångsfaktorer och barriärer med integreringen. Dessutom utreds om kommunerna efterfrågar hjälpmedel för detta arbete.  Resultatet visade att sex kommuner i varierande omfattning inkluderat klimatanpassning i RSA, vilket är en tydlig ökning jämfört med tidigare års RSA. Dessutom kan både framgångsfaktorer, barriärer och önskemål för fortsatt utvecklande av detta arbetssätt påvisas. Denna undersökning kan visa på att ett samband finns mellan om klimatanpassning i RSA skett och om kommunen drabbats av naturolycka. Dessutom kan samverkan mellan kommunerna vid upprättande leda till att kommuner som inte tidigare drabbats, ändå klimatanpassar RSA genom att samverka med de som har det. Som hjälp vid det fortsatta arbetet med RSA önskas av samtliga intervjuade kommuner ett utökat regionalt samarbete samt någon form av guide eller riktlinjer från exempelvis länsstyrelsen. / The climate change is confirmed. Even if greenhouse gas emissions were greatly reduced, it would still not be sufficient to completely prevent the ongoing climate change. This change means that extreme weather will occur more frequently, but with geographical differences. Moving toward the end of the century, in Värmland it is expected that the current ten-year rain cycle will change to a cycle spanning five years. Vänern will be one of the largest flood risks. How these changes affect society varies according to social structure and vulnerabilities. Adapting to the new circumstances is necessary, and great responsibility rests on our municipalities following the distribution of responsibility that exists for municipalities in Sweden. The conditions for implementing adaptation measures vary, as well as how far the work has come. One way to integrate climate adaptation of risk management to reduce the vulnerability of society, is that municipalities make use of their risk and vulnerability analysis (RVA). This, however, is associated with some barriers. Interviews were conducted with eleven municipalities in Värmland and as well as a briefing of all municipal RVA from 2015 to 2018 to identify the success factors and barriers to integration. Also investigated is whether the municipalities are requesting tools for this work. The results showed that six municipalities, though in varying degrees, have included climate adaptation in RSA. A clear increase compared to the previous year's RSA. Additionally, success factors, barriers and requests for further development of this approach appear. This investigation may show that a relationship exists between climate adaptation in RVA occurred and if the municipality is affected by a natural disaster. Also shown is that cooperation between municipalities in the preparation can lead to municipalities that have not previously suffered from a hazard, choose to climate adapt RVA by interacting with those who have. To aid in further work with RSA, an extended regional cooperation is desired by all interviewed municipalities as well as any kind of guide or guidelines, for example, on a regional level.

Percep??o de riscos ambientais de popula??es vulner?veis a inunda??es e deslizamentos de dunas em Natal-RN

Cavalcante, Juliana da Silva Ibiapina 27 February 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:55:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JulianaSIC_DISSERT.pdf: 2249135 bytes, checksum: a9591093b8b4e5ed285c2bd277efa2fe (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-27 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / In urban, flooding and landslides are among the troubles that most bring human and material loss. Therefore, this study objected to perform an analysis on the risk perception on the population living in social environmental vulnerable places in order to understand what is the way this population realize the risks they are exposed to and what are the outbrave strategies the develop. The first analyzed area was Complexo Passo da P?tria for the flooding risk problematic and then the Cidade Nova neighborhood threatened by the dunes slides. The areas locate, respectively, in the West and East zones of Natal-RN. Using an interview screenplay adapted from risk perception researches from different brazilian cities, it was collected primarily data on the variables: perception, evaluation and choice, safety threshold, adjustment, decision and participation. Due to the studied areas characteristics the qualitative approach adjusted itself to the difficulties for accessing the areas. The studied places characterize for its insecure situation like selling/using drugs, robbery and murder among others. Due to this situation the interviewed individuals were the ones that could be found more accessibly and available in the moment and the interviews were made in the community leader presence of each area. Through the discourse of the respondents analysis it was able to conclude that the interviewed population is exposed to a high vulnerability grade and risks. However it was identified substantial differences between the perception and risks of Complexo Passo da P?tria and bairro Cidade Nova, because in the first area the intervied ones can recognize the high risk they are exposed to in a more emphatic way to the interviewed ones for the Cidade Nova neighborhood. Furthermore, there is a heavy dissatisfaction for the population of the two places about the city hall positions relating to the present problems in the studied areas. It was also identified the strategy development of acquaintanceship with the risk in the research places beyond a feeling of belonging and affection between the dwellers and the places, yet it was more evident for Complexo Passo da P?tria. Though this analysis it was possible to understand and perceptions and the behavior of the individuals or social groups facing the risks as acceptance and rejection of determined risks beyond adaptation measures of living together with the persistence presence of risks. Therefore, qualitative nature researches emphasizing the perception approach are in the fundamental importance in the studies about risks making it possible to offer aids to the urban planning and management in the implement of effective preventive measures and compatible with the population aims / No espa?o urbano, as inunda??es e deslizamentos de terra est?o entre os problemas que mais trazem preju?zos humanos e materiais. Este estudo objetivou, portanto, realizar uma an?lise da percep??o de riscos de popula??es residentes em ?reas de vulnerabilidade socioambiental a fim de compreender de que forma essas popula??es percebem os riscos a que est?o expostas e quais as estrat?gias de enfrentamento desenvolvidas por elas. A primeira ?rea analisada foi o Complexo Passo da P?tria com a problem?tica dos riscos de inunda??es e em seguida o bairro Cidade Nova, sujeito a riscos de deslizamentos de dunas. As ?reas localizam-se, respectivamente, nas zonas oeste e leste de Natal-RN. Com um roteiro de entrevistas adaptado de pesquisas sobre percep??o de riscos em diferentes cidades brasileiras, foram coletados dados prim?rios referentes ?s vari?veis: percep??o, avalia??o e escolha, limiar de seguran?a, ajustamento, decis?o e participa??o. Devido ?s caracter?sticas das ?reas de estudo, a abordagem qualitativa adequou-se ?s dificuldades de acessibilidade nas ?reas. Os locais estudados se caracterizam por situa??es de inseguran?a como venda/uso de drogas, assaltos, homic?dios, entre outros. Devido a isso, os indiv?duos abordados foram os que se encontravam mais acess?veis e dispon?veis no momento e as entrevistas foram realizadas na presen?a dos l?deres comunit?rios de ambas as ?reas. Atrav?s da an?lise do discurso dos entrevistados p?de-se concluir que a popula??o entrevistada est? exposta a um alto grau de vulnerabilidade e riscos. Por?m, identificaram-se diferen?as significativas entre a percep??o de riscos no Complexo Passo da P?tria e no bairro Cidade Nova, haja visto que na primeira ?rea os entrevistados reconhecerem o alto risco ? que est?o expostos de maneira mais enf?tica em compara??o aos entrevistados do bairro Cidade Nova. Al?m disso, h? uma grande insatisfa??o da popula??o das duas localidades quanto ao posicionamento da prefeitura em rela??o aos problemas presentes nas ?reas de estudo. Identificou-se, tamb?m o desenvolvimento de estrat?gias de conviv?ncia com o risco nos locais de pesquisa, al?m de um sentimento de pertencimento e afei??o entre os moradores e seu espa?o; por?m com maior evid?ncia no Complexo Passo da P?tria. Atrav?s dessa an?lise foi poss?vel compreender a percep??o e o comportamento de indiv?duos ou grupos sociais diante dos riscos, como aceita??o e rejei??o de determinados riscos, al?m de medidas de adapta??o e conviv?ncia com a presen?a constante de riscos. Portanto, pesquisas de natureza qualitativa com ?nfase na abordagem perceptiva s?o de fundamental import?ncia nos estudos sobre riscos, sendo poss?vel oferecer subs?dios ao planejamento e gest?o urbana na implanta??o de medidas preventivas eficazes e compat?veis com os anseios da popula??o

Risk and resilience in Scottish charities

McDonnell, Diarmuid January 2017 (has links)
Concerns have long been raised about the conduct and accountability of charitable organisations, particularly the adequacy of reporting and oversight mechanisms. Consequently, charities and the institutions that monitor the sector are under increasing pressure to demonstrate their legitimacy. This thesis focuses on the ways in which risk is operationalised by the Scottish Charity Regulator and experienced by charities. In particular, it examines the nature, extent, determinants and outcomes of four types of risk: complaints concerning charity conduct, regulatory action in response to a complaint, financial vulnerability, and triggering accountability concerns. The thesis begins with a detailed review of the overlapping literatures of risk, regulation and charity theory, and the development of a contextual framework for guiding the empirical work. The thesis draws on contemporary large-scale administrative social science data derived from the regulator, supported by modest use of primary social survey and qualitative data. Findings from the four empirical chapters provide evidence that the risks explored in this research are uncommon for individual charities but are a persistent feature of the sector as a whole, and vary in predictable ways across certain organisational characteristics. The results also reveal the concern of charities with financial risks, their willingness to demonstrate transparency regarding their actions (particularly in response to complaints), and the perceived lack of regulatory burden. The thesis makes an original contribution in the form of new empirical knowledge about the charity sector, in particular through the use of large-scale administrative social science data to ‘peer under the hood’ and shine a light on aspects of charity behaviour that are often overlooked. The thesis concludes with a reflection on the key findings and comments on potential areas for future research.

Mapeamento de risco a movimentos de massa e inundação em áreas urbanas do município de Camaragibe

MANTOVANI, Bárbara 29 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Irene Nascimento (irene.kessia@ufpe.br) on 2016-10-06T19:58:27Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Dissertação Bárbara Mantovani.compressed.pdf: 14370352 bytes, checksum: b17fd82ef7c294af0977e1eb132200f3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-06T19:58:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Dissertação Bárbara Mantovani.compressed.pdf: 14370352 bytes, checksum: b17fd82ef7c294af0977e1eb132200f3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-07-29 / capes / A urbanização acelerada associada à ausência histórica de políticas públicas habitacionais levou à população a ocupar desordenadamente áreas de encostas e planícies alagáveis, impulsionando a ocorrência de processos do meio físico causadores de desastres. Frente à ocorrência de eventos de movimentos de massa e inundação de alta magnitude, foi aprovada em 2012 a Lei nº. 12.608 que estabelece diretrizes voltadas à gestão e redução de riscos, com destaque às ações preventivas. Para tanto, o Governo Federal por meio do Ministério da Integração Nacional / Secretaria Nacional de Defesa Civil, iniciou uma parceria com a Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), através do Grupo de Engenharia Geotécnica de Encostas, Planícies e Desastres (GEGEP), com o projeto intitulado “Avaliação da vulnerabilidade e do risco em áreas suscetíveis a deslizamentos e inundações em Pernambuco”. Como compromisso desta parceria e parte da dissertação, foram mapeadas áreas de risco médio, alto e muito alto a processos de movimentos de massa e inundação do município de Camaragibe – PE, considerando aspectos da vulnerabilidade e suscetibilidade. Como complemento, duas áreas foram expandidas e mapeadas em sua amplitude, abrangendo todos os níveis de risco. No total, o mapeamento consta de 102 áreas sujeitas a processos de movimentos de massa e 2 à inundação, distribuídas em 67,56 ha concentrados na porção centro-sul do município onde reside 90% da população local. Foi aplicada a metodologia qualitativa de mapeamento, proposta pelo GEGEP / UFPE e embasada em experiências anteriores, associando vulnerabilidade, através de aspectos físicoambientais e socioeconômico e culturais, e suscetibilidade, a partir de informações geológicogeotécnicas, geomorfológicas e de uso e ocupação do solo. O grau de risco foi obtido por meio de uma matriz que correlaciona estes dois indicadores e 27% dos subsetores obtiveram risco muito alto, 60% alto (incluindo as 2 áreas de inundação), 12% médio e 1% baixo. A metodologia mostrou-se adequada e com boa representação das condições encontradas em campo. Foram comentados os aspectos gerais do município e apresentada a síntese da caracterização geológico-geotécnica de uma encosta com problemas de estabilidade, objeto de pesquisas anteriores do GEGEP / UFPE, bem como suas condições atuais. As características institucionais do município foram avaliadas, os elementos de interesse representados espacialmente e intervenções básicas de engenharia foram propostas para a mitigação de uma área de risco muito alto. / The fast urbanization in association with the historical lack of public housing police have led the population of brazil’s poor regions to occupy disorderly Slopes and floodable plains increasing natural disasters as landslide and flooding. Due high magnitude of these events a Federal Law was published establishing guidelines targeted to management and natural disasters risk decrease in the country, highlighting preventive actions such as mapping risk areas. This research is part of an agreement between the National Integration Ministry/Civil Defense National Secretariat (MI/SEDEC) with The Federal University of Pernambuco / Geotechnical Engineering Group of Slopes and Plains and Disasters (UFPE / GEGEP), with the work has been entitled as “Evaluation of vulnerability and susceptible areas to risk of landslide and flooding in Pernambuco”. The goal of this partnership and part of this work is to present a map of areas with medium-risk, high-risk and very high-risk of mass movements and flooding of occupied areas in the municipality of Camaragibe – PE, from factors related to vulnerability and susceptibility. As a complement, more two areas were expanded and mapped in its amplitude, covering all risk levels. In its totality the mapping contains 102 areas susceptible to mass movements and two susceptible to flooding across 67,56 ha in the southcentral of the municipality where live 90% of the local population. The mapping was done based in the qualitative methodology created by the GEGEP / UFPE group, referring to experiences in past mappings. The vulnerability analysis was planned through the development of indicators associated to two dimensions: physical-environmental and cultural socioeconomics. The susceptibility was analyzed through indicators developed through the geological-geotechnical, geomorphological evaluation and the use and occupation of the soil evaluation. The final risk was obtained through a matrix that correlates the final degree of vulnerability and susceptibility, and 27% subsectors reached very high-risk, 60% reached highrisk (including 2 areas of flooding risk), 12% medium-risk and 1% low-risk. The adopted methodology represented well the field conditions. It was commented general aspects of the municipality and presented a synthesis of geological-geotechnical description of a Slope with stability problems that was subject of several old researches of UFPE/GEGEP as well as its current conditions. The municipality’s institutional characteristics has been evaluated, interest elements were spatially represented and basic engineering interventions has been proposed for a mitigation of very high-risk area.

Regulatory Measures To Reduce Natural Hazard Impacts And Local Seismic Attributes In Planning Decisions: The Case Of Fatih District In Istanbul

Ertan, Pinar 01 May 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Urban risks have been questioned since the 1999 events in Turkey confirming that local seismic attributes are primary indicators for urban risk management. During the past decade tools and frameworks for global disaster risk management have shifted the priorities from emergency management to pre-disaster risk management and demand new tasks from urban planning. Security and resilience in local, national and global levels becomes a shared accountability which brings in a prominent role to the planning discipline in reducing local seismic vulnerabilities via research, implementation and disseminating methods of mitigation. In the local context, the so called Disasters Law and the Development Law do not contain the necessary concern for safety in urban planning and have no aspiration to devise appropriate tools for mitigation. The role of city planners, who could mainstream a holistic approach and provide community participation into decision making processes, is hardly apparent in legislation. Urban mitigation planning methodology thus provides a new area of progression and expansion for the planning profession. This method is investigated in the local context of Fatih, sub-province in Istanbul. It is established that mitigation planning involves an elaborate set of procedures to include hazard identification, determination of vulnerable assets, spatial risk assessment, risk area prioritization, analyses of the emergency state and identification of more effective measures for risk reduction both in spatial and non-spatial terms in line with local development potential. This approach promises a new specialization in the planning theory and practice, and calls for new regulatory tools to facilitate implementation.

Návrh zavedení bezpečnostních opatření ve společnosti vyvíjející software / Proposal for the Implementation of Security Measures in the Software Development Company

Štěpánek, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
Master's thesis focuses on proposal for the implementation of security measures in the software development company. Theoretical section defines chosen information security terms. Analytical section deals with analysis and assessment of current security situation in the company. Solution proposal contains risk analysis, proposal of security measures for risk treatment and economic evaluation.

Omvärldsanalys i samhällsviktig verksamhet : En studie om regioners arbete med risk- och sårbarhetsanalys utifrån en verksamhetsteoretisk ansats / Horizon scanning in vital societal functions and critical infrastructure : A Study of the work of county council with risk and vulnerability analysis from an activity-theoretical approach

Selin, Mimmi January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion: Omvärldsbevakning/analys är ett förekommande krav för organisationer som ett led i att tidigt identifiera omvärldens påverkan på den egna organisationen samt som underlagför att kunna fatta gynnsamma beslut. Det finns ingen allmängiltig definition eller vedertagen metod när det gäller omvärldsbevakning/analys i offentlig verksamhet. Omvärldsbevakning/analys utgör en komponent i det svenska krisberedskapssystemet och ett värde finns i att förstå arbetsprocessen och de faktorer som påverkar tillvägagångssättet. En viktig utgångspunkt för samhällets säkerhet och krisberedskap är risk – och sårbarhetsanalyser (RSA). En RSA är tänkt att utgöra grunden i arbetet med att identifiera hot och risker, minska sårbarheter och öka förmågan att förebygga, motstå och hantera kriser och extraordinära händelser. Samhällets snabba förändring, gör att potentiella risker och hot kan vara svåra att förutse. Att samhället dessutom i ökande omfattning bestå av komplexa beroendeförhållanden ökar utmaningen ytterligare. En del i arbete med RSA innebär att studera hur omvärlden påverkar eller möjligen kan påverka den egna verksamheten samt identifiera hot, vilket innebär att verksamheten behöver utöva någon form av kontinuerlig omvärldsbevakning. Genom att titta på processer med nära koppling till omvärldsbevakning/analys kan begreppen sättas i förhållande till samhällsviktig verksamhet och utveckla arbetet i dessa verksamheter.  Syfte: Utgångspunkten för studien är att beskriva regioners arbete med RSA utifrån delkomponenterna i verksamhetsteorin samt utifrån verksamhetsteorins olika perspektiv. Att använda verksamhetsteorin som en teoretisk ram innebär ett försök att spegla de faktorer som påverkar arbetet utifrån ett holistiskt perspektiv genom att belysa faktorer utifrån det teoretiska ramverkets olika delar. Studiens syfte är att därigenom få en förståelse för de faktorer som utgör hinder och skapar goda förutsättningar för arbetet med RSA och hur dessa faktorer samspelar med varandra. Dessutom syftar studien till att få en ökad förståelse för hur omvärldsbevakning och/eller omvärldsanalys nyttjas i arbetet med RSA.   Metod: Metoden baseras på semi-strukturerade intervjuer och genomförs med en deduktiv ansats. Resultat: Studiens resultat presenteras i förutbestämda teman utifrån verksamhetsteorins aktivitetssystem; Aktör, Verktyg, Regler, Gemenskap, Arbets- och ansvarsfördelning, Mål och Utfall.   Slutsatser: Hur arbete med RSA organiseras skiljer sig mellan regioner. En enighet som ses är att RSA främst syftar till att uppfylla egennyttan för regionen, i andra hand för att uppfylla lagkravet. De delkomponenter utifrån verksamhetsteorin som ses ha en betydande roll för arbetet med RSA är arbets- och ansvarsfördelning samt gemenskap. Dessa delkomponenter verkar framför allt utgöra de delkomponenter i verksamhetsteorins aktivitetssystem som påverkar förutsättningarna för samverkan, som anses utgöra den viktigaste faktorn för ett framgångsrikt arbete med RSA. Omvärldsbevakning/analys görs regelbundet som en del i medarbetares arbetsuppgifter. I det specifika arbetet med RSA verkar det utföras omvärldsbevakning/analys inom samtliga delar av processen genom samverkan. / Introduction: Horizon scanning is a common requirement for organizations as a part of the work to better anticipate future opportunities or threats and to identify issues in the present that are of major importance for the organisation. There is no clear definition or established method for horizon scanning in the public sector. Horizon scanning is a component of the Swedish crisis preparedness system and there is value in understanding the work and the factors influencing the approach. An important part of the crisis preparedness system involves risk- and vulnerability analysis (RVA). RVA is intended to form the basis for identifying threats and risks, reducing vulnerabilities and enhancing the capacity to prevent, withstand, and manage crises and extraordinary events. The rapid changes in society makes it difficult to predict potential risks and threats. In addition, the increasing complexity of interdependencies in society further aggravate the challenge. As a part of an RVA, studying how the external environment influences or may influence the organization's activities and identifying threats requires the organization to engage in some form of continuous horizon scanning. By examining processes closely related to horizon scanning, the concept can be related to vital societal functions and critical infrastructure and thereby develop work within these areas.  Purpose: The study aims to describe how county council conduct RVA based on the activity theory and the different perspectives within the theory. Using activity theory as a theoretical framework attempts to reflect key areas influencing the work from a holistic perspective. The purpose of the study is thus to gain an understanding of the areas influencing the work of RVA and how these interact with each other. Additionally, the study aims to enhance understanding of how horizon scanning is utilized in the work of RVA. Method: The method is based on semi-structured interviews conducted with a deductive approach.  Results: The result of the study's are presented in predetermined themes based on the activity system: Actor, Tools, Rules, Community, Division of Labor, Goals and Outcomes.  Conclusions: How county council conduct RVA differs. A common agreement is that RVA primarily serves the county council´s own interests, and compliance with legal requirements is secondary. The areas of activity theory that appear to have a significant role in the work of RVA are Division of labor and Community. These areas primarily seems to affect the conditions for collaboration, which is considered to be the most crucial factor to succeed in the work. Horizon scanning is performed regularly as part of employees' everyday tasks. In the work of RVA horizon scannning is performed within the different parts of the process, primarily throu collaboration.

Risk and Vulnerability Analysis Management for Increased Crisis Preparedness and Resilience : A Qualitative Case Study on the Importance of a Systematized Workflow within the Swedish Healthcare / Hantering av risk- och sårbarhetsanalyser för ökad krisberedskap och resiliens

CARLSSON, FANNY, MELANDER, GUSTAV January 2021 (has links)
Risk and vulnerability analysis (RVA) is a widely used method to assess an organization's threat situation. Certain actors are obliged by law to perform the analysis to contribute to a national threat assessment. Among these are actors in the healthcare system. This study aims to understand how a systematized workflow for RVA can increase crisis preparedness and resilience within Swedish healthcare. In this context, a systematized workflow is defined as a systematic and uniform method within a designated digital tool to facilitate the analysis.  To understand how a systematized workflow could increase crisis preparedness and resilience, four semi-structured interviews were held with knowledgeable people within the area from different levels of the national risk and vulnerability chain. Further recurring meetings with people directly involved in such improvemenet work from AFRY were held, along with a review of existing literature. The result shows several challenges regarding RVA-related work; it is time-consuming, complex, resource-intensive, and lacks proper guidance in how it should be done. It shows a need for a better process, both in how they are performed and how the results are analyzed. It is concluded that a systematized workflow for risk and vulnerability analysis could increase crisis preparedness and resilience within Swedish healthcare. Having a designated tool with a set process, clear instructions, definitions, and guidelines would make RVAs easier to conduct and generate better outcomes regarding several aspects. Identifying essential dependencies would be facilitated for actors within the healthcare sector, which forms the basis to sustain those dependencies if a crisis occurs. Further, uniformly structured results would facilitate the analysis of results to make a nationwide risk assessment. In turn, this would probably increase crisis preparedness and resilience within the healthcare sector and several others. / Risk och sårbarhetsanalyser (RSA) är en utbredd metod för att värdera en organisations hotbild. Vissa aktörer är skyldiga enligt lag att genomföra analysen för att bidra till en nationell sammanställning av landets risker, varav skjukhussystemet är en av dessa. Denna studie ämnar att förstå hur ett systematiskt arbetsflöde för RSA kan bidra till ökad krisberedskap och resiliens inom svensk sjukvård. Genom denna rapport definieras ett systematiskt arbetssätt som en systematiserad och enhetlig metod i ett dedikerat digitalt verktyg för att underlätta analysen. För att förstå hur ett systematiserat arbetssätt kan öka krisberedskap och resiliens har fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer hållits med sakkunniga personer inom området. Dessa har varit från olika nivåer inom den nationella risk- och sårbarbetsanalyskedjan. Vidare har återkommande möten genomförts med människor som varit direkt involverade i denna typ av förbättringsarbeten från AFRY, tillika en granskning av befintlig litteratur. Resultaten från studien visar på flera svårigheter rörande RSA-arbete - det är tidskrävande, komplext, resursintensivt, och saknar tydlig vägledning i hur arbetet ska utföras. Dessutom visar resultaten ett behov av bättre arbetsprocesser, både rörande hur analyserna ska genomföras samt hur resultaten ska analyseras. De slutsatser som har kunnat dras är att ett systematiserat arbetssätt för risk- och sårbarhetsanalyser skulle kunna bidra till en ökad krisberedskap och resiliens inom svensk sjukvård. Genom att ha ett dedikerat verktyg med en satt process, tydliga instruktioner, definitioner och riktlinjer hade genomförandet av en RSA underlättats samt gett bättre resultat inom ytterligare områden. Att identifiera kritiska beroenden hade förenklats för aktörer inom sjukvården, vilket formar grunden till att upprätthålla dem vid en kris. Vidare hade enhetligt strukturerade resultat underlättat analysen av resultaten för att göra ett nationell riskbedömning. Detta i sin tur hade trolien lett till ökad krisberedskap och resiliens inte endast inom sjukvården, utan även inom andra sektorer.

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