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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Využití projektového managementu ve firmě při zavedení nové služby / Use of Project Management in the Company in the Implementation of New Service

Čadová, Markéta January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the design of the project implementation the service with the help of project management. The thesis included the basic concepts and the issueof project management. The company, where the project will be applied has dealt with real estate.

Regulace bank v ČR / Banking Regulation in the Czech Republic

Hanel, David January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the current legislation of banking regulation in the Czech Republic. It analyzes both Czech and relevant European regulation that has increasing importance in the area. Moreover, the most significant amendments enacted as a result of the Basel III implementation are pointed out. The issue is viewed from an interdisciplinary perspective therefore, in addition to the analysis of current legislation, its economic impact on the Czech banking sector is also evaluated. Due to the enormous breadth of the banking regulation field, this thesis focuses on examining the areas considered most essential by the author. The first introductory chapter lays down the theoretical foundations of banking and banking regulation and thoroughly defines the term "bank", both legally and economically. The second chapter deals with banking licensure, which plays a crucial role in the regulation of accessing the activity of banks. It analyzes the requirements that have to be met in order to be authorized, as well as the issue of the single EU passport and the withdrawal of the authorization. The third chapter deals with the wide and significant area of banking risks. The discussion assesses the nature of each risk, as well as methods for their measurement and management, and capital requirements. The predominant...


Ziegler, Guilherme La Flor 05 April 2013 (has links)
The study of geological and geotechnical characteristics of the slopes and indication of eviction those considered high risk geotechnically, can prevent tragedies caused by landslides materials. This dissertation was the main objective of evaluate the landslide risk due to urban occupation on the slope of strand west hill Cechela located in the Bela Vista village of the municipality of Santa Maria-RS. The methodology applied in this work consisted in review of the literature, field investigations, laboratory tests for characterization and determination of the resistance parameters of the soil layers, survey report of the intervention area, registration of housing under conditions of high risk to landslides, stability analysis of the slope of strand west hill Cechela and comparison of risk observed with that presented in the Municipal Plan of Reducing Risks of Santa Maria (PMRRSM). The results of inspection report are: the hillside with slopes greater than 30% is located in area not suited to urban occupation; there are deposits of small thickness colluviums situated directly on the substrate sandstone bedrock of the formation Botucatu; the most significant processes of instability on the slope are the landslides planar shallow colluvial soils. The register of homes indicates that if not done containment works two houses should be removed. The results of direct shear tests indicated that the increase of humidity and saturation degree cancels the cohesive intercept and significantly reduces the angle of internal friction of colluvium and sandstone. However, under natural conditions no saturation occurs due to the local geological conditions. The stability analysis with the use of software obtained safety factors (FS) of 1.40 and 2.57 for profiles of 07 and 17 HOUSES, showing that the slopes of the hill are stable. The landslide risk observed in the study area is less than that indicated in the PMRRSM. This work shows that must be constructed surface drainage devices and/or containment of the soil near the House 07 and 17 sites and suggests that today's families are kept in the slope of strand west hill Cechela. It is noteworthy that the village community Bela Vista should be instructed with relevant information to the identification of risks and the municipal plan risks should be reviewed. / O estudo das características geológicas e geotécnicas de encostas e indicação de desocupação daquelas consideradas geotecnicamente de alto risco, podem evitar tragédias causadas por deslizamentos de materiais. Esta dissertação de mestrado teve o objetivo principal de avaliar o risco a escorregamentos na encosta da vertente oeste do morro Cechela devido à ocupação urbana localizada na vila Bela Vista do município de Santa Maria-RS. A metodologia aplicada neste trabalho consistiu no levantamento bibliográfico, investigações de campo, ensaios laboratoriais para a caracterização e determinação dos parâmetros de resistência das camadas dos solos, laudo de vistoria da área de intervenção, cadastro das moradias em condições de risco elevado a escorregamentos, análise de estabilidade da encosta da vertente oeste do morro Cechela e comparação do risco observado com aquele apresentado no Plano Municipal de Redução de Riscos de Santa Maria (PMRRSM). Os resultados do laudo de vistoria são: a encosta com declividades superiores a 30% está localizada em área não adequada à ocupação urbana; existem depósitos de colúvios de pequena espessura situados diretamente sobre substrato rochoso arenítico da formação Botucatu; os processos de instabilização mais significativos na encosta são os escorregamentos planares de solos coluvionares rasos. O cadastro das moradias indica que se não forem executadas obras de contenção duas casas deverão ser removidas. Os resultados dos ensaios de cisalhamento direto indicaram que o aumento da umidade e grau de saturação anula o intercepto coesivo e reduz significativamente o ângulo de atrito interno do colúvio e do arenito. No entanto, nas condições naturais não ocorre a saturação devido a condições geológicas do local. As análises de estabilidade com o uso de software obtiveram fatores de segurança (FS) de 1,40 e de 2,57 para os perfis das CASAS 07 e 17, evidenciando que os taludes da encosta são estáveis. O risco a escorregamentos observado na área em estudo é menor do que aquele indicado no PMRRSM. Este trabalho evidencia que devem ser construídos dispositivos de drenagem superficial e/ou de contenção do solo junto aos locais da CASA 07 e 17 e sugere que as atuais famílias sejam mantidas na encosta da vertente oeste do morro Cechela. Destaca-se que a comunidade da vila Bela Vista deve ser instruída com informações relevantes para a identificação de riscos e que o plano municipal de riscos deve ser revisto.

Rizika spojená s obchodem s nemovitostmi / The risks associated with trade in real estate

Pippal, René January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the risks arising from the data recorded in the cadastre of real estate and legislation related to the cadastre. Introductory chapters are devoted to the definition of risk for the purposes of this work and of basic terms in response to the changes brought by the new Civil Code. A brief historical overview coupled to the cadastre and description of the basic principles of the cadastre is complemented by context resulting from the integration with information systems of public administration. The merit of the work is dedicated to risks arising from the principles of the cadastre, historical circumstances, the importance and obligatory force of the registered data and their accuracy. Among the major factors influencing the risks associated with trade in real estate can be classified in particular, the evidence of ownership of itself and fulfilling the principle of publicity material, the question of the acreage recorded in cadastre, providing access to the property or existence of the simplified register. The work is enriched by concrete examples from practice that show errors and possible solutions.

Stölder och inbrott på byggarbetsplatser : En studie om risker och konsekvenser inom NCC:s produktion / Thefts and break-ins at construction sites : A report regarding risks and consequences within NCC: s production

Dzafic, Amir January 2017 (has links)
Stölder och inbrott på svenska byggarbetsplatser är idag ett vanligt problem som uppstår under produktionen. Brotten som uppstår är inte begränsade till något område utan sker i hela landet, men områdena kring storstäderna och större riks- och europavägar är de som drabbas mest. Många företag är inte förberedda på de kostnaderna som uppstår vid en stöld eller ett inbrott och man har inte tydliga rutiner för hur man ska hantera situationen. Stölder och inbrott är ett slöseri i produktionen som man bör jobba hårdare på att ta bort eller i alla fall att minska. Slöseriet är så pass stort att det varje år anmäls ca 7000 inbrott och stölder från svenska arbetsplatser. Enligt andra studier så renderar dessa 7000 inbrott en kostnad på 1,4 miljarder årligen för den svenska byggindustrin. Detta arbete är utfört och med hjälp av NCC Sverige AB avd. Värmland. Det huvudsakliga syftet och målet med detta arbete är att NCC:s arbetsplatser ska bli säkrare och mer effektiva genom att man minskar risken för att drabbas av en stöld eller ett inbrott. Syftet är också att ge en ökad förståelse för vad det innebär och vad som händer i produktionen vid stölder och inbrott på byggarbetsplatser. Metoden som har använts för att få fram rätt information är i första hand intervju- och enkätundersökningar men det har även förts diskussioner med flertalet arbetsledare, platschefer med flera under arbetets gång. Vidare har det även utförts platsbesök på arbetsplatser där det har undersökts rutiner, placering av containrar och bodar samt förebyggande åtgärder och vilka risker som finns. Ämnet är ganska outforskat men det finns en del studier som har gjorts under åren. Svenska Byggbranschens Utvecklingsfond, SBUF, har gjort flera informationsskrifter och genomfört ett antal projekt som handlar om stölder och inbrott på svenska byggarbetsplatser. En annan stor studie som har genomförts är ”Stölder och inbrott på byggarbetsplatser – omfattning, skadeverkan och risk”, som är en studie gjord på Malmö högskola på uppdrag av FoU väst. De här studierna ligger till grund för mitt arbete och det är där kunskap och information om ämnet har hämtats. Resultatet av denna studie visar att en arbetsplats som ligger nära stora vägar och som ligger placerade på ett sätt som gör att tjuvarna kan arbeta ostört, löper störst risk för att drabbas av stölder och inbrott. Vidare så visar resultatet på att dålig belysning, dåligt skyltat om larm och en arbetsplats som inte är skyddad ordentligt i form av ordentliga stängsel och lås ligger i högriskzon för att råka ut för en stöld. Det finns mycket att jobba på hos företagen när det gäller rutiner och förebyggande åtgärder då det idag inte läggs så mycket tid på detta som det kanske borde. Exempelvis så skulle man kunna investera i mycket mer inbrottssäkra stängsel vilket skulle försvåra arbetet avsevärt för eventuella tjuvar. Med tanke på det trycket som är på att bygga bostäder och andra byggnader i Sverige idag, så kommer risken för stölder och inbrott att öka på byggarbetsplatsen. Detta är en viktig faktor som gör att ämnet borde vara intressant för företagen i branschen så att man kommer väl förberedda till varje bygge i form av förebyggande åtgärder. / Theft and brake-ins at Swedish construction sites is a very common problem that mainly occurs during the production phase of building. The fractures that occur are not limited to a specific area but they also occur throughout the entire country. However, the areas around the major cities and larger national and European roads are most affected. Many companies are not prepared for the costs of a theft or burglary and there are no clear procedures for dealing with the situation that occurs. Stolen gods and burglaries is a waste of production that the companies should work harder to remove or at least reduce. The waste is so big that about 7000 burglaries and robberies from Swedish workplaces are reported annually. According to other studies, these 7000 burglars render a cost of 1.4 billion SEK annually for the Swedish construction industry. The work has been carried out and with the help of NCC Sverige AB section Värmland. The main purpose and goal of this work is to make NCC workplaces safer and more efficient by reducing the risk of a theft or burglary. The goal is also to give an increased understanding of what it means and what happens in the production phase after thefts and burglaries at construction sites. The method used to obtain the right information is primarily interviews and questionnaire surveys, but discussions have also been held with most supervisors, site managers and several other workers. In addition, site visits have been carried out at construction sites where routines have been investigated, placement of containers and security in and around the site offices as well as preventive measures and the risks involved on the site. The subject is quite unexplored, but there are some studies that have been done over the years. Svenska Byggbranschens Utveklingsfond, SBUF, has done several information papers and implemented a number of projects that deal with theft and burglaries on Swedish construction sites. Another major study that has been carried out is "Stölder och inbrott på byggarbetsplatser – omfattning, skadeverkan och risk", a study conducted at Malmö University on behalf of FoU Väst. These studies form the basis of my work and this is where knowledge and information about the subject has been retrieved. The investigations showed that a workplace that is close to major roads or which is located in a way that makes the insight poor, is at the highest risk of being affected by burglaries. Furthermore, it is possible to say that bad lighting, badly marked alarm signs and a workplace that is not properly protected in the form of proper fences and locks lies in a high-risk zone in case of a theft. There is a lot to work to do with the companies when it comes to routines and preventive measures. For example, one would be able to invest in a much more burglary fence which would make work difficult for any thieves. Given the pressure on building homes and other buildings in Sweden today, the risks will increase to be exposed by a burglary or a theft. This is an important factor that makes the topic interesting for companies in the industry so that they can get well prepared for each construction site in terms of prevention measures.

Food safety, perceptions and preferences : empirical studies on risks, responsibility, trust, and consumer choices

Erdem, Seda January 2011 (has links)
This thesis addresses various food safety issues and investigates them from an economic perspective within four different, but related, studies. The studies are intended to provide policy-makers and other decision-makers in the industry with valuable information that will help them to implement better mitigation strategies and policies. The studies also present some applications of advancements in choice modelling, and thus contribute to the literature. To address these issues, various surveys were conducted in the UK.The first study investigates different stakeholder groups’ perceptions of responsibility among the stages of the meat chain for ensuring the meat they eat does not cause them to become ill, and how this differed with food types. The means by which this is achieved is novel, as we elicit stakeholders’ relative degrees of responsibility using the Best-Worst Scaling (BWS) technique. BWS is particularly useful because it avoids the necessity of ranking a large set of items, which people have been found to struggle with. The results from this analysis reveal a consistent pattern among respondents of downplaying the extent of their own responsibility. The second study explores people’s perceptions of various food and non-food risks within a framework characterised by the level of control that respondents believe they have over the risks, and the level of worry that the risks prompt. The means by which this is done differs from past risk perception analyses in that it questions people directly regarding their relative assessments of the levels of control and worry over the risks presented. The substantive analysis of the risk perceptions has three main foci concerning the relative assessment of (i) novel vs. more familiar risks, (ii) food vs. non-food risks, (iii) differences in the risk perceptions across farmers and consumers, with a particular orientation on E. coli. The third study investigates consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for reductions in the level foodborne health risk achieved by (1) nanotechnology and (2) less controversial manners in the food system. The difference between consumers’ valuations provides an implicit value for nanotechnology. This comparison is achieved via a split sample Discrete Choice Experiment study. Valuations of the risk reductions are derived from conditional, heteroskedastic conditional, mixed, and heteroscedastic mixed logit models. General results show the existence of heterogeneity in British consumers’ preferences and variances, and that the value of nanotechnology differs for different types of consumers. The fourth study investigates consumers’ perceptions of trust in institutions to provide information about nanotechnology and its use in food production and packaging. It is shown how the use of BWS and Latent Class modelling of survey data can provide in-depth information on consumer categories useful for the design of effective public policy, which in turn would allow the development of best practice in risk communication for novel technologies. Results show heterogeneity in British consumers’ preferences. Three distinct consumer segments are identified: Class-1, who trust “government institutions and scientists” most; Class-2, who trust “non-profit organisations and environmental groups” most; and Class-3, who trust “food producers and handlers, and media” most.

Résilience des systèmes de transport guidé en milieu urbain : approche quantitative des perturbations et stratégies de gestion / Resilience of urban guided transport systems against natural risks : a quantitative approach and associated protection strategies

Gonzva, Michaël 08 March 2017 (has links)
Lorsque surviennent des risques naturels, les dommages aux systèmes urbains représentent habituellement des conséquences économiques et sociales importantes. Parmi eux, les systèmes de transport guidé restent aujourd'hui particulièrement vulnérables notamment face au risque inondation. Par ailleurs, le concept de résilience connait d’importants développements dans le domaine de la gestion des risques naturels. La résilience peut se définir comme la capacité d’un système à absorber une perturbation et à récupérer ses fonctions à la suite de celle-ci.L’objectif de la thèse est d’étudier la vulnérabilité et la résilience des systèmes de transport guidé face au risque inondation à partir d’une analyse des mécanismes de défaillance. Ces systèmes sont assimilables à des systèmes hautement compliqués avec de multiples interdépendances entre les éléments. Etudier ces interdépendances, dans le cas d’une inondation, permet une approche comparative des trois configurations traditionnelles d’implantation d’un système de transport guidé~: en souterrain, en surface et en aérien.Cette démarche qualitative est combinée à une modélisation probabiliste, basée sur l’utilisation des réseaux bayésiens, du système soumis à un risque inondation. La thèse présente la démarche construite qui rend possible~: l’élaboration d’une approche globale c’est-à-dire de l’occurrence de l’aléa avec ses caractéristiques données d’intensité~; l’identification des dommages matériels directs~; l’identification des dommages matériels indirects c’est-à-dire ceux occasionnés par des effets domino~; la déduction des conséquences fonctionnelles c’est-à-dire les modes de fonctionnement dégradé du système relatif à son exploitation / The vulnerability of guided transport systems facing natural hazards is a burning issue for the urban risks management. Experience feedbacks on guided transport systems show they are particularly vulnerable to natural risks, especially flood risks. Besides, the resilience concept is used as a systemic approach for making an accurate analysis of the effect of these natural risks on rail guided transport systems.The purpose of this thesis is to provide an analysis of guided transport systems’ resilience in the face of flood risks through a study of the failure mechanisms to which the components of these systems are subjected. Indeed, the urban critical infrastructures such as guided transport systems are complex systems in which the components are strongly interdependent. This interdependency may imply many failures caused by cascade effect within the system.Moreover, the qualitative methodology is linked to a probabilistic framework. Indeed, from the probability of a natural hazard occurring with a given intensity through components failures due to cascade effect, the objective is to assess the probability of degraded modes of operation. This probabilistic framework allows to shift from a qualitative approach based on dependability methods to a quantitative approach based on Bayesian networks

Risker i den digitala revisionsprocessen : En kvalitativ studie om hur svenska revisorer identifierar och hanterar digitala risker

Gumpert, Theodor, Allert, Carl January 2017 (has links)
As a result of technological improvements, the efficiency of the audit industry increased greatly in the 1950’s. Since then, technological development has increased significantly. The industry is currently undergoing a digitalization process, similar to that already experienced by the society. The audit agencies researched in this study are striving to replace paper-based audits and to be completely digitalized, by using digital auditing tools throughout the entire audit process. Prior research, regarding the digitalization of the audit process, has focused on the advantages or the disadvantages. How the auditors in practice identify and handle digital risks is, however, lacking in this earlier research. The purpose of this study is to understand how auditors identify and handle the risks that digitalization entails in the gathering and use of digital audit evidence. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, the gathering of empirical evidence has been based on a qualitative method. Twelve respondents, nine of whom are auditors and three audit associates, were interviewed using semi-structured interviews. Conclusions generated by this study are that IT skills, experience, industry knowledge and the understanding of the company audited are the fundamental factors affecting the auditor's ability to identify and handle digital risks. Furthermore, the risks due to digitalization have neither increased nor become of greater importance than previously, rather the opposite. The advantages resulting from the digitalization of the audit process outweigh the disadvantages. Overall, the digitalization affects the auditor's ability to comment on a company's financial reports and management in a positive manner.

The effect of maternal nicotine, vitamin C and nicotine + vitamin C during gestation and lactation on neonatal lung growth and development

Rayise, Samuel Siyabonga January 2009 (has links)
Magister Scientiae (Medical Bioscience) - MSc(MBS) / Maternal smoking is known to cause serious health risks to the unborn child. Recent studies implicate nicotine as the causative factor. Maternal nicotine exposure during pregnancy and lactation interferes with foetal and neonatal lung growth and development,rendering the lung more susceptible to damage and diseases. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate: 1) the effect of maternal exposure to nicotine (1mg/kg BW/day) during all phases of lung development: 2) and vitamin C supplementation (0.5mg/kg BW/day) to prevent the adverse effects of maternal nicotine exposure on lung development in the offspring. This is based on studies in our laboratories which suggested that nicotine reduces the blood and tissue vitamin C content of the mother,thereby rendering the neonate more susceptible to oxidation damage. The chief motivation of this study was to establish whether an anti-oxidant, such as vitamin C, can be administered to smoking pregnant and lactating mothers in order to combat the deleterious effects of nicotine on the lung development of their offspring. It was found that although maternal nicotine exposure had no significant effect on the growth parameters of the offspring, it did have an effect on the development of the lung, compromising the ability of the lung to act as an organ of gaseous exchange. There was a decrease in the surface area available for gas exchange. The change occurred after the lung reached maturation and resembled microscopic emphysema. Vitamin C supplementation was unable to fully protect the neonatal lung against the adverse effects of maternal nicotine exposure; it however partially protected the neonatal lung against structural deterioration. Supplementation with vitamin C definitely offers possibilities as a prophylactic to combat the detrimental influence of maternal nicotine-exposure on foetal and postnatal lung development.

Communities’ contributions to urban resilience process : a case study of Semarang city (Indonesia) toward coastal hydrological risk / Contributions des communautés au processus de la résilience urbaine : une étude de cas de la ville de Semarang (Indonésie) face au risque hydrologique côtier

Miladan, Nur 09 March 2016 (has links)
La ville de Semarang est une des villes côtières indonésiennes vulnérables aux risques hydrologiques. Elle a été menacée par les inondations depuis plusieurs siècles. Cette menace a été aggravée par le phénomène de rob – expression locale qui désigne une inondation survenant lors d’une haute marée – en particulier dans la zone côtière, depuis la fin des années 1980, en liaison avec le processus d’industrialisation qui influe sur la croissance urbaine. Les acteurs urbains, de l’époque du gouvernement néerlandais à celle du gouvernement actuel, ont élaboré de nombreux projets pour améliorer les capacités du système urbain et réduire le risque hydrologique ; en témoigne le développement du réseau de canaux et du système du polder. Cependant, le risque hydrologique demeure une menace pour la ville. Les faiblesses du système urbain pour la réduction du risque hydrologique augmentent la vulnérabilité des communautés face aux risques hydrologiques. Ainsi les communautés côtières sont souvent menacées par le risque du rob dans la vie quotidienne. Cette situation les encourage à mettre en œuvre des efforts d'auto-assistance, individuelle et collective, basés sur leurs perceptions et leurs initiatives, afin de réduire l’impact des risques hydrologiques sur leurs territoires (habitats). Ces efforts sont effectués à la fois de manière routinière et temporaire. Les communautés utilisent des moyens modestes qui dépendent de leurs capacités économiques; ces façons déterminent un mode d'adaptation qui influence le processus de résilience urbaine. Cette recherche a pour objet de comprendre les formes de la résilience à l'échelle locale (communautés et quartiers) ; elle vise également à appréhender les interactions entre les échelles du contexte local et celles du contexte urbain global qui interviennent dans le processus de résilience. Cette dernière reflète les capacités du système urbain qui comporte à la fois les systèmes technique et institutionnel, et les capacités des communautés à s'adapter aux risques. La résilience urbaine est liée aux initiatives des acteurs pour réduire les impacts des inondations durant les évènements (avant, pendant et après), afin de minimiser la vulnérabilité urbaine, et aussi pour apprendre de leurs expériences acquises lors des inondations précédentes afin de développer la durabilité urbaine. L’approche est pluridisciplinaire, à l’interface entre le génie urbain, la recherche architecturale et urbaine, et la sociologie. La compréhension de la résilience urbaine face aux inondations permet une connaissance globale des interactions entre les actions des institutions urbaines et celles des communautés. Le résultat de cette recherche révèle que les communautés côtières de la ville de Semarang ont la capacité de développer des formes de résilience grâce à leurs efforts d'auto-assistance, en liaison ou non avec les autres acteurs impliqués dans le processus. Cependant, le système urbain et le système institutionnel apparaissent comme nécessaires pour développer la résilience à l'échelle urbaine, et aussi la prévention des conflits communautaires et des inégalités urbaines relatives aux actions d'auto-assistance et d'adaptation / La ville de Semarang est une des villes côtières indonésiennes vulnérables aux risques hydrologiques. Elle a été menacée par les inondations depuis plusieurs siècles. Cette menace a été aggravée par le phénomène de rob – expression locale qui désigne une inondation survenant lors d’une haute marée – en particulier dans la zone côtière, depuis la fin des années 1980, en liaison avec le processus d’industrialisation qui influe sur la croissance urbaine. Les acteurs urbains, de l’époque du gouvernement néerlandais à celle du gouvernement actuel, ont élaboré de nombreux projets pour améliorer les capacités du système urbain et réduire le risque hydrologique ; en témoigne le développement du réseau de canaux et du système du polder. Cependant, le risque hydrologique demeure une menace pour la ville. Les faiblesses du système urbain pour la réduction du risque hydrologique augmentent la vulnérabilité des communautés face aux risques hydrologiques. Ainsi les communautés côtières sont souvent menacées par le risque du rob dans la vie quotidienne. Cette situation les encourage à mettre en œuvre des efforts d'auto-assistance, individuelle et collective, basés sur leurs perceptions et leurs initiatives, afin de réduire l’impact des risques hydrologiques sur leurs territoires (habitats). Ces efforts sont effectués à la fois de manière routinière et temporaire. Les communautés utilisent des moyens modestes qui dépendent de leurs capacités économiques; ces façons déterminent un mode d'adaptation qui influence le processus de résilience urbaine.Cette recherche a pour objet de comprendre les formes de la résilience à l'échelle locale (communautés et quartiers) ; elle vise également à appréhender les interactions entre les échelles du contexte local et celles du contexte urbain global qui interviennent dans le processus de résilience. Cette dernière reflète les capacités du système urbain qui comporte à la fois les systèmes technique et institutionnel, et les capacités des communautés à s'adapter aux risques. La résilience urbaine est liée aux initiatives des acteurs pour réduire les impacts des inondations durant les évènements (avant, pendant et après), afin de minimiser la vulnérabilité urbaine, et aussi pour apprendre de leurs expériences acquises lors des inondations précédentes afin de développer la durabilité urbaine.L’approche est pluridisciplinaire, à l’interface entre le génie urbain, la recherche architecturale et urbaine, et la sociologie. La compréhension de la résilience urbaine face aux inondations permet une connaissance globale des interactions entre les actions des institutions urbaines et celles des communautés. Le résultat de cette recherche révèle que les communautés côtières de la ville de Semarang ont la capacité de développer des formes de résilience grâce à leurs efforts d'auto-assistance, en liaison ou non avec les autres acteurs impliqués dans le processus. Cependant, le système urbain et le système institutionnel apparaissent comme nécessaires pour développer la résilience à l'échelle urbaine, et aussi la prévention des conflits communautaires et des inégalités urbaines relatives aux actions d'auto-assistance et d'adaptation.Mots clés: résilience, capacités d'adaptation, risque d’inondation, ville côtière.

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