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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Risker med Smarta Hem : En kvantitativ studie om individens riskmedvetenhet / Risks with Smart Homes : A quantitative study of risk awareness in a sampled population

Arnegärd, Lovisa, Sjödahl, Gisela January 2019 (has links)
Smart homes are a growing digital phenomenon worldwide. It is widely used in everyday life by many people and the number of users increases significantly the more the area develops. The smart home contributes to many advantages both from an environmental perspective and from a comfort perspective, but as with most digital solutions, smart homes also have a backside, in the form of security problems. There are many risks associated with using a smart home, and the purpose of the study is to find out to what extent the individuals are aware of the risks associated with smart homes, and to find out which risks affect the individuals the most, based on their own point of view. The questions underlying the study are as follows: "To what extent is the individual aware of the risks associated with smart homes?" and "What risks have the greatest impact on the individual?". In order to answer these questions, the study has been carried out through a quantitative method in which a questionnaire was designed, the survey presented, among other things, the risks that were chosen from the theory where we asked the respondents how conscious they are about these risks. The result shows that the majority of respondents are aware that there are risks with smart homes. The study shows that the greatest knowledge existed about the risks of eavesdropping and traffic analysis, even for those who were not users of smart homes and regardless of age group. As for the other risks, it is users of smart homes who have the greatest knowledge about the risks and also individuals aged 30-39. Eavesdropping is the risk that the individuals consider to be the most and least serious risk. Future research in the field can be to find out how the users protect themselves against the risks and to carry out a similar study with a qualitative method to get more nuanced answers.

Crenças de enfermeiros com cargo de chefia de um hospital universitário sobre os riscos ocupacionais com material biológico / Beliefs of head nurses at a university hospital about occupational risks involving biological material

Malaguti, Silmara Elaine 20 December 2006 (has links)
O enfermeiro com cargo de chefia, ao liderar uma equipe e conduzir um serviço de saúde, assume importante papel na prevenção de exposição ocupacional envolvendo material biológico potencialmente contaminado, pois lidera a equipe de profissionais que mais se acidenta dentro do ambiente hospitalar, por estarem constantemente em contato com sangue e fluidos corpóreos. Este estudo do tipo descritivo, foi realizado em um hospital universitário de grande porte de uma cidade do interior de São Paulo e teve como objetivo avaliar o conhecimento e as crenças dos enfermeiros com cargos de chefia acerca da exposição ocupacional a material biológico. A coleta de dados foi realizada no período de maio a agosto de 2006 e os dados foram analisados qualitativamente, por meio do método de Análise de Conteúdo de Bardin (1977), e quantitativamente, através da estatística descritiva, tendo como base o Modelo de Crenças em Saúde (MCS) de Rosenstock (1974a,b) que possibilitou compreender o conhecimento dos enfermeiros com cargo de chefia sobre o risco biológico e principais condutas diante de uma situação de acidente, evidenciando-se assim as falhas na formação e as lacunas no processo de aperfeiçoamento e atualizações desses profissionais. Através do MCS identificou-se as barreiras enfrentadas por enfermeiros com cargo de chefia, para adesão dos trabalhadores de enfermagem às medidas de prevenção à exposição ocupacional envolvendo sangue e fluídos corporais, relacionadas à infra-estrutura, aos recursos humanos e de materiais da instuição. A resistência ao uso do equipamento de proteção individual, o descarte incorreto de materiais contaminados e o número inadequado de profissionais foram apontados como os principais motivos para a ocorrência de acidentes na instituição. Os enfermeiros consideraram-se mais susceptíveis ao vírus da imunodeficência adquirida do que aos vírus das hepatites C e B e o conhecimento das doenças que podem ser transmitidas através de fluídos corporais foi bastante limitado, evidenciando-se a necessidade de trabalhar com educação permanente junto a eles para que possam orientar sobre as condutas e os riscos de exposição ocupacional envolvendo material biológico nos respectivos setores de trabalho. Esses profissionais acreditam que os benefícios da prevenção de acidentes são: prevenção de doenças futuras ou doenças que podem trazer complicações graves, e com risco de morte, no entanto, muitos relataram que a prevenção de acidentes é necessária para não perderem dias de trabalho decorrentes de afastamento e conseqüentemente redução salarial. A educação permanente como estratégia de comunicação em serviço poderá auxiliar programas que visam a prevenção de acidentes ocupacionais com material biológico envolvendo a equipe de trabalho. Além disso, os enfermeiros que ocupam cargos de chefia devem manter uma postura de valorização do clima de segurança no ambiente laboral. / By leading a team and conducting a health service, head nurses assume an important role in the prevention of occupational exposure to potentially contaminated biological material, as they lead professional teams that are the most frequent accident victims in the hospital environment, due to they constant contact with blood and body fluids. This descriptive study was carried out at a large university hospital in the interior of São Paulo and aimed to assess head nurses? knowledge and beliefs about occupational exposure to biological material. Data were collected between May and August 2006 and subject to qualitative analysis, using Bardin?s Content Analysis method (1977), and quantitative analysis through descriptive statistics, based on Rosenstock?s (1974a, b) Health Belief Model (HBM), which allowed us to understand head nurses? knowledge on biological risk and the main conducts towards an accident situation. This evidenced defects in these professionals? training and gaps in their improvement and recycling process. Through the HBM, we identified the barriers head nurses face with a view to nursing workers? adherence to measures aimed at preventing occupational exposure to blood and body fluids. These barriers were related to the institution?s infrastructure, human and material resources. Resistance to the using of individual protection equipment, incorrect discarding of contaminated materials and inadequate number of staff were indicated as the main motives for accident occurrence at the institution. Nurses consider themselves more susceptible to the acquired immunodeficiency virus than to hepatitis C and B virus, and knowledge about body fluid-borne diseases was quite limited, evidencing the need for permanent education, so that these nurses can provide adequate orientations about behaviors and occupational exposure risks involving biological material in their respective work sectors. These professionals believe that the benefits of accident prevention are: prevention of future diseases or disease that can cause severe complications and death risk, although many of them reported that accident prevention is needed to avoid losing work days deriving from leave of absence and, consequently, to avoid a salary reduction. Permanent education as an in-service communication strategy can help programs to prevent occupational accidents with biological material involving the work team. Moreover, head nurses need to preserve an attitude that values the safety climate in the work environment.

La relación entre los factores que inhiben la compra online de ropa casual en tiendas por departamento y el proceso de decisión de compra en mujeres de 25 a 39 años, de NSE B- y C+ de Lima Metropolitana / The relationship between the factors that inhibit the online purchase of casual clothes in department stores and the purchase decision process in women aged 25 to 39, from NSE B- and C + in Metropolitan Lima

Lajo Ñañez, Nuria Elizabeth 08 July 2020 (has links)
Hoy en día existe un nuevo comportamiento del consumidor, en donde la tecnología forma parte de su día a día. La falta de tiempo, representa cada vez menos un problema para las personas por lo que las empresas buscan llegar a ellos y estos puedan realizar compras sin la necesidad de salir de casa. Para la solución de esta problemática aparece la compra online, que se mantiene en auge y facilita la vida de muchos clientes. Sin embargo, a pesar de representar algo positivo para las empresas, aún presentan barreras. Por tal motivo, la presente investigación tiene como objetivo determinar la relación existente entre las barreras que inhiben la compra de ropa casual en tiendas por departamento en el canal online y la decisión de compra Para ello, según los hallazgos encontrados, se analizaron los diferentes riesgos que giran en torno a la confianza: riesgo funcional (relacionado al funcionamiento del producto), temporal (tiempo de entrega del producto), financiero (el costo de devolución de una prenda) y la reputación (de la tienda en cuestión), las cuales se convierten en barreras al no poder ser mitigadas por las empresas. Los resultados indicaron que el riesgo funcional y la reputación de los retailers poseen una relación positiva con la intensión de compra. Esto se debe existe una fuerte desconfianza de adquirir productos online. No obstante, el riesgo financiero y riesgo temporal obtuvieron una relación negativa, lo cual indica que este tipo de riesgos han sido mitigados, ya que las consumidoras muestran mayor confianza. / Today there is a new consumer behavior, where technology is part of their day to day. Lack of time represents less and less of a problem for people, so companies seek to reach them and they can make purchases without the need to leave home. For the solution of this problem, online shopping appears, which remains booming and makes life easier for many customers. However, despite representing something positive for companies, they still present barriers. For this reason, this research aims to determine the relationship between the barriers that inhibit the purchase of casual clothing in department stores in the online channel and the purchase decision. For this, according to the findings, the different risks that revolve around trust were analyzed: functional risk (related to the operation of the product), temporary (product delivery time), financial (the cost of returning a garment) and the reputation (of the store in question), which become barriers as they cannot be mitigated by companies. The results indicated that the functional risk and reputation of the retailers have a positive relationship with the intention to buy. This is because there is a strong distrust of purchasing products online. However, financial risk and temporary risk obtained a negative relationship, which indicates that these types of risks have been mitigated, as consumers show greater confidence. / Trabajo de investigación

A study on the internal security of companies : Internal practices regarding risks in digitised working environments and employees relation to information security / En studie om företags interna säkerhet

Södereng, Rebecca, Gallon, Clara January 2021 (has links)
Internal practices are fundamental to companies information security, as organisations become digitised. This study investigates how four companies work with internal security, as well as the external impact factors that can affect the security. For example, the general information security awareness among employees is studied, as is the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. By conducting interviews with one representative at each company, and by studying literature, the study aims to enlighten differences and similarities as well as strengths and weaknesses in the companies security work. In conclusion, the study showed that the four companies had a similar view on the prioritisation of security and the importance of it, although they differed a lot in the applied practices and use of policies. The two larger companies had a more profound security work, regulated by documents and policies. In contrary, the two smaller companies for the most part used common sense as their approach to employees security mindset. The COVID-19 pandemic did not seem to affect the companies security work to a large extent. Although, they did see an increase in the amount of IT attacks and therefore the security could be argued to be in need of further assessment.


Unknown Date (has links)
State-approved membrane filtration (MF) techniques for water quality assessments were contrasted with metagenomic shotgun sequencing (MSS) protocols to evaluate their efficacy in providing precise health-risk indices for surface waters. Using MSS, the relative numerical abundance of pathogenic bacteria, virulence and antibiotic resistance genes revealed the status and potential pollution sources in samples studied. Traditional culture methods (TCM) showed possible fecal contamination, while MSS clearly distinguished between fecal and environmental bacteria contamination sources, and pinpointed actual risks from pathogens. RNA MSS to detect all viable microorganisms and qPCR of fecal biomarkers were used to assess the possible environmental risk between runoff drainage canals and a swamp area with no anthropogenic impact. Results revealed higher levels of pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and virulence and antibiotic resistance genes in the canal samples. The data underscore the potential utility of MSS in precision risk assessment for public and biodiversity health and tracking of environmental microbiome shifts by field managers and policy makers. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2020. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Řízení dynamických rizik v municipalitách / Dynamic Risk Management in Municipalities

Horská, Alžběta January 2017 (has links)
Dynamic risk management is not a much-resolved issue at municipal level, although the consequences of these risks can be very serious for the municipality. The Municipality mainly focuses on situations that are called extraordinary events and the hazards of common activities, mainly associated with the running of the village, are usually neglected. The diploma thesis deals with the analysis of the current state of this issue, which deals with approaches for dynamic risk management, municipalities, methods suitable for risk analysis and the possibility of using software tools in this area. Based on an analysis of the current situation, a general model for dynamic risk management at municipal level is created. The output of the thesis is the above-mentioned general model and its verification in a particular municipality. Additionally, the financial difficulty associated with the implementation of this model is presented.

Identifikace rizik při uplatnění marketingové strategie a možnosti jejich řešení / Identification of risks in the process of marketing strategy formulation and realisation and their solving

Novotný, Igor January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to identify the risk, emerging from use of the marketing attitude in ALL SPORTS ltd., qulify its potential impact to the operation of the company and suggest the proceeding to minimize the negative impacts. First part includes theoritical resources for exploring of the aim, there is explained basic terminology and described technique, styles and analyses that are necessary for identifying the risks, identification of the risk situation and ratio of the probability that risk situation will occure. Second part of the thesis is practical and theoretical informations mentioned in first part are applied for identification and valuation of the risks. On the basis of performed analyses I identified risks and ratio of the probability for occuring. In the last part of the thesis I described proceeding for elimination of these risks including quantification of the cost.

Systémové pojetí rizik spojených s vedením bankovního účtu / System Approach to Risks Associated with Bank Account Management

Hájková, Denisa January 2017 (has links)
The basis of this thesis is to change the non-standard problem situation into a standard situation by using an increase of financial literacy of the bank's clients in relation to the account management. The literary research focuses on banking and technological concepts, supplemented by increased risk knowledge. The main contribution of my work is the creation of a set of individual risks and their categorization, which was created based on my gained practical experience. In addition, this thesis comprises of a survey which was carried out in the thesis and then statistically analyzed.

Posouzení informačního systému a návrh změn / Assessing an Information System and Proposing Changes

Socha, Duncan January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with matters of information system in concrete company. First part of the thesis describes theoretical outcomes needed to understand the problems. There were analysis worked out in the second part on the basis of which I will possess the current state of the company and its information system. The goal of this thesis is to suggest changes which will lead to effective using of the information system.

Rizika v oblasti řízení marketingové komunikace vybrané společnosti / Risks in Marketing Communication Management in a Selected Company

Kůrková, Nicola January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of risks in the area of marketing communication of the company Auto Com s.r.o. The thesis is divided into several parts, the first one is the theoretical part, the second one is focused on solving the current state. The theoretical part defines the basic concepts of marketing and also explains the concept of risks. The analytical part is devoted to the analysis of the current state of the company and the resulting risks from individual analyzes, which could threaten the company. In the last part of the proposal, possible changes in the solution for improving marketing communication, thein financial evaluation and the timetable of implementation are proposed.

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