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Analýza úrazovosti jako součást pojištění odpovědnosti v případě pojištění podnikatelských rizik / Analyses of accident rate as part of responsibility insurance in the case of insurance of entrepreneurial risksKubíková, Zuzana January 2008 (has links)
This diploma dissertation concerns the insurance of entrepreneurial risks, whose integral part is the responsibility insurance. The insurance of entrepreneurial risks enables a suitable combination of individual kinds of insurance to ensure a complex insurance protection of any sort of entrepreneurial activities from small traders to big industrial corporations. The responsibility insurance is very important in all spheres of human life because the subject is guilty when the third party is damaged to health or materially or if there is a need it guarrantees the financial damage arisen in connection with any activity. A Secondary technical school A was chosen as en entrepreneurial subject. An analysis of its necessities was carried out by the means of the compilation of internal data. The three strong commercial insurance companies with a wide portfolio of products, long life tradition and experience were chosen. On the basis of the analysis and comparison, the most suitable products concerning the necessities of this secondary technical school were chosen.
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Oceňování podniku / Business ValuationZemanová, Alena January 2011 (has links)
The subject of the thesis is a business valuation using the income method of discounted cash flow. The theoretical section deals with the description of the valuation process including financial analysis, and presents the most commonly used valuation methods and the specifics of real estate companies. The practical part includes the valuation of aAIM Czech Republic (Olomouc) using discounted cash flow and a detailed introduction to this method. The project concludes with an estimated market value of the company and suggestions on how to increase its value.
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Le toucher suspendu / A touch in suspenseSamé, Martine 12 December 2009 (has links)
Dans un contexte d’apprentissage de la masso-kinésithérapie en Institut de Formation Initiale, cette étude retrace et analyse les risques pris et encourus par les étudiants de première et deuxième année. Nombre d’entre eux n’ont soit pas conscience des dangers d’un toucher mal exécuté, soit pas envie de se limiter à des gestes plus sécuritaires. Face à cette situation inacceptable, faire appel à leurs capacités sensitives et réflexives n’est pas suffisant. L’hypothèse émise dans cette thèse pour rendre leurs actes moins risqués est qu’ils prennent le temps de suspendre leur toucher à leurs sensations, leur raison, mais également et surtout à leurs émotions. Ainsi, peurs, orgueil et joie, habilement intégrés à leurs désirs, pourraient peut être les mener à un apprentissage du toucher beaucoup plus éthique / First and second year students learning physiotherapy at trainingphysiotherapy-schools take and undergo quite a lot of risks. Some of them are either absolutely not aware of the dangers of the “touch” they perform or don’t feel like being careful. Such a situation is unacceptable, but calling on their sensitive and sensible abilities doesn’t help enough. This is why we suggest “a touch in suspense”, in order to be less dangerous. Sensations, understanding and emotions, especially fear, pride and joy could be linked skillfully to their desires and wishes and thus perhaps lead them to a much more ethical touch
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De l’engagement au désengagement corporel : une approche sociologique plurielle des dynamiques, ruptures et permanences identitaires face à l’acceptation du danger dans les sports de nature / From engagement to corporal disengagement. : a sociological and plural approach of dynamics, ruptures and permanencies of identity against the acceptance of danger in outdoor sportsRoutier, Guillaume 19 September 2011 (has links)
Défier ou jouer avec la gravité, explorer les profondeurs et mettre sa résistance ou plus simplement son corps à l’épreuve, se mesurer aux éléments naturels en fréquentant des milieux a priori hostiles : autant de formes d’exposition sportive au danger qui fascinent et intriguent à la fois. Ce travail est une exploration des processus d’engagement et de désengagement corporel, envisagés sous leurs aspects épistémiques et empiriques. Deux grandes questions jalonnent ainsi cette analyse : 1) comment concevoir l’engagement corporel, à travers le dialogue et la complémentarité entre schèmes d'intelligibilité ; 2) plus concrètement, comment devient-on pratiquant de telles activités, et pourquoi, un jour, décide-t-on de « raccrocher » ?L’analyse d’une trentaine de récits de sportifs engagés dans des activités de nature « à risque » met en lumière les dynamiques des processus d’engagement, de maintien et de désengagement. Ainsi, si s’engager est rarement le fruit du hasard, il n’est pas davantage celui d’une pure réflexivité. Parfois, l’engagement naît d’expériences et de rencontres imprévisibles. Ce travail conforte par ailleurs les résultats de nombreuses études consacrées aux motivations de ces pratiquants : recherche de sensations, d’autonomie, de performance, émulation subculturelle, etc. Elle s’en distingue cependant en montrant comment ces motifs d’engagement, loin de s’opposer, s’articulent et se complètent de manière systématique. Enfin, après avoir souligné la place cruciale, aux yeux des interviewés, de l’autonomie et de la responsabilité, érigées au rang de véritable éthique, nous montrons à quel point se désengager est chose difficile. Raccrocher tient d’un processus vécu différemment selon qu’il a ou non été préparé.Comprendre l'engagement corporel requiert finalement un élargissement du regard au corps, à la culture, au risque et à la sécurité, à l’autonomie, et plus largement à la responsabilité. L’engagement corporel constitue ainsi un support en parfaite adéquation avec son époque : il mêle, combine et parfois oppose des dynamiques identitaires portées par des dispositions, la réflexivité et les affects. / Defy or play with gravity, exploring the depths and bring their stamina or just their body, compete with the natural elements by frequenting, a priori, hostile environments: as many forms of sport exposure to danger that intrigue and fascinate at a time. This work is an exploration of the process of corporal engagement and disengagement, considered in their epistemic and empirical aspects. Two main questions mark this analysis: 1) how to conceive the corporal engagement in its complexity, through dialogue and complementary patterns of intelligibility; 2) more specifically, how do they become engaged in such activities, and why, suddenly, they decide to “hang up”?The analysis of thirty stories of sportsmen engaged in "at-risk" nature activities highlights the dynamic process of engagement, retention and disengagement. Thus, if commitment is rarely the result of chance, it is more than a mere reflexivity. Sometimes the commitment is born from experiences and unpredictable encounters. This work also confirms the results of many motivations studies of practitioners: search of sensation, autonomy, performance, subcultural emulation, etc. However, it differs from showing how these patterns of engagement, far from opposing, they are articulated and completed in a systematic way. Finally, after stressing the crucial role, in the eyes of the respondents, of the autonomy and the responsibility set up as true ethics, we show how difficult is to disengage. To hang up is a process experienced differently depending on whether the sportsman was prepared or not.To understand physical engagement requires a final enlargement as regards body, culture, risk and security, autonomy, and from a broader perspective, responsibility. Therefore, the body engagement constitutes a support in perfect harmony with its time: it mixes, combines, and sometimes objects the dynamics of identity induced by capacities, reflexivity and emotions
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Projektové řízení malých projektů a jeho aplikace na interní projekt průmyslového podniku / Project Management of small projects and its application to internal project of industrial companyNováčková, Petra January 2014 (has links)
Master's Thesis deals with project management of minor projects and its utilization in industrial company in environment with minimal knowledge of project management. Thesis is based on analysis of internal project in the department Transpormangement in the company SKODA AUTO a.s. The goal of the thesis is to create an effective recommendation of workflow which will be exploitable in future similar projects. The author examines internal project through methodologies for Change management and Project management used in company. The author sets recommendations in problem area of stakeholders, communication and risks.
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Ekonomické aspekty zdravotnictví a rizika legalizace euthanasie / Economical aspects of health care services and risks connected with legalization of euthanasiaStehlíková, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with legalization of active euthanasia, its main impacts for the whole society, potential abuse and some basic concerns of specialist of various profession related to euthanasia. The thesis is focused on the medical, economic, legal and religious point of view of euthanasia and defines crucial approaches of the defenders and defendant of euthanasia. Special emphasis is on the attitude of doctors, whose opinions on legalization of active euthanasia vary. The thesis denies legalization of active euthanasia as a good solution for patients which are incurable ill or dying, calls attention to keeping the right to live in current form and disagrees with the economical argument that euthanasia is cheap and fast solution for complicated situation of the health service.
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Návrh projektu zavedení CRM ve společnosti / PROJECT DESIGN INTRODUCTION OF CRM IN THE COMPANYZemánek, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
This master´s thesis describes the design of the project concerning the introduction of CRM system in the company using project management methodologies. The company, to which the project will be applied, excels in industrial automatization.
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Řízení lidských zdrojů ve stálých baletních souborech v ČR / Human resource management in proffesional ballet ensembles in the Czech RepublicWinklerová, Bronislava January 2011 (has links)
The Master's thesis is focused on analyse of human ressource management in proffesional ballet ensembles in the Czech republic. It describes the dance art via personnel activities -- human ressource planning, selection process, motivation, organizing work, education, development and employee renumeration. It calls attention to physical strain of this profession, to health and other risks, especially to short term of the active dance career and it shows the possibilities after the career termination.
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Možnosti řešení zdravotních rizik / Possible solutions of health risksTrpišovský, Josef January 2009 (has links)
The thesis is primarily oriented on economic aspects of health systems. It contains the analysis and description of health risks, health-insurance systems (models) and current status of Czech health system. Czech health system is described and scarified. Analysis of weak points, status of reforms and also a design of possible solutions are integral parts of this thesis. Both public and commercial approaches to health and insurance systems are involved, including current commercial insurance products which are available on Czech market.
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Une sociologie de la décision alimentaire : l'observance diététique chez des mangeurs hypercholesterolémiques / A sociology of eating choices : the dietary compliance for hypercholesterolaemic eatersFournier, Tristan 29 June 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse tente d’apporter, en la sociologisant, des éléments de réponse à une question émanant du monde médical : pourquoi des individus atteints d’hypercholestérolémie et donc surexposés à des risques cardio-vasculaires ne mettent-ils pas en application les conseils diététiques formulés par leur médecin ? Trois phases d’enquête ont été menées : 1) des entretiens d’experts, dans le but d’identifier les controverses qui ont transformé l’hypercholestérolémie en un problème de santé publique majeur ; 2) des entretiens individuels et collectifs auprès de « mangeurs à risques », afin de saisir les principaux freins au suivi des règles hygiéno-diététiques prescrites et les formes de régulation sociale de la pathologie ; et 3) une enquête quantitative, avec passation de questionnaires auprès de 800 individus, ayant pour but la description socio-démographique de la population d’étude et la validation des résultats qualitatifs. Si les rapports à l’alimentation et à la santé apparaissent comme étant en partie surdéterminés par des variables sociales et culturelles, les résultats invitent surtout à resituer les individus dans leurs contextes interactionnels et familiaux. Les décisions alimentaires et les manières de faire face à cette pathologie chronique ne sont pas construites dans une perspective individuelle. Au final, l’articulation entre la sociologie de l’alimentation et les champs de la santé, du risque, de la famille et du genre a permis de renouveler la problématique de l’observance et d’ouvrir un vaste territoire de recherches sur les effets du « manger ensemble » et du « vivre ensemble ». En cela, la thèse entend contribuer à une sociologie de la décision alimentaire. / This thesis attends answering a question originated from the medical world, by framing it through a sociological perspective: why do some hypercholesterolaemic individuals not comply with their doctor’s dietetic advice although being overexposed to cardiovascular risks? Three surveys were conducted: 1) some experts’ interviews, so as to identify the controversies that have led hypercholesterolaemia to be considered as a major public health problem; some in-depth interviews and a focus group with “at risk eaters”, in order to grasp the main obstacles to the dietary compliance and the forms of social regulation for the pathology; and 3) a quantitative survey, carried out by questionnaires among 800 people and developed with the aim of collecting sociodemographic data on the population, and validating the qualitative results. Notwithstanding that the relations with food and health are partly over-determined by social and cultural variables, results underlined the need to situate individuals in their interactional and family environment. Neither eating choices nor the ways to cope with this chronic pathology are constructed within an individual perspective. Connecting the sociology of food with other works from the health, risk, family and gender domains eventually enabled revitalizing the compliance issue and initiating a vast field of researches on the effects of “eating together” and “living together”. This thesis therefore intends contributing to a sociology of eating choices.
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