Spelling suggestions: "subject:"rnas"" "subject:"rins""
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Spatial omics in neuronal cells - what goes where and why?van den Bruck, David 12 August 2019 (has links)
Intrazelluläre Protein- und RNA-Lokalisation ist ein lebenswichtiger molekularer Mechanismus. Ihm unterliegen sowohl die äußere Gestaltung der Zellform, Zellagilität, zelluläre Differenzierung sowie die intra- sowie interzelluläre Kommunikation. Diverse Krankheiten werden mit Fehlfunktionen des intrazellulären Molekültransportes assoziiert und es existieren unzählige Beispiele für bekannte Wege des intrazellulären Protein- und RNA-Transportes. Allerdings ist die globale Komposition lokaler Protein- und RNA-Reservoirs bisher kaum wissenschaftlich erforscht worden.
In dieser Studie beschreibe ich die Protein- sowie RNA-Kompositionen subzellulärer Fraktionen zweier neuronaler Zelltypen. Die Neuriten und Somata von Neuroblastoma-Zellen (N1E-115) und Ascl1 induzierten Neuronen (beides Mauszellen) wurden mechanisch voneinander separiert und mittels RNA-Sequenzierung und Massenspektrometrie auf ihre Bestandteile untersucht.
Die Verteilung von mRNAs korreliert signifikant mit der Verteilung der entsprechenden Proteine in Ascl1-iNs während in der Neuroblastoma Zelllinie N1E-115 kein solcher Trend nachgewiesen werden konnte. Der Vergleich zu Datensätzen von anderen Zellsystemen und Methoden zeigt, dass das lokale Proteom sowie das lokale Transkriptome und Translatome stark Zelltyp spezifisch ist.
Um den Einfluss lokaler Proteinbiosynthese auf die Komposition subzellulärer Proteinpools zu erheben, habe ich die Lokalisation neu synthetisierter Proteine untersucht. Es scheint, als sei die RNA-Lokalisation und lokale Translation von hoher Relevanz für die Protein-Lokalisation in diesen stark polarisierten Zellsystemen.
Des Weiteren stelle ich eine Methode vor, um de novo „zip codes“ in diesen neuronalen Zellsystemen zu identifizieren. Diese könnte ein elementar wichtiger Schritt sein, um Fehlfunktionen im interzellulären Molekültransport zu verstehen. / Intracellular protein and RNA localization is one of the mayor players in the formation of cell shape, enabling cell agility, cellular differentiation and cell signaling. Various diseases are associated with malfunctions of intracellular molecule transport. There are many known pathways of how and why proteins and RNAs are transported within the cell and where they are located, though there is not much known about the global distribution of proteins and RNAs within the cell.
In this study I apply a subcellular fractionation method coupled to multiple omics approaches to investigate the global distribution of mRNAs, noncoding RNAs and proteins in neuronal cells. Neurites and soma from mouse neuroblastoma cells (N1E-115) as well as from Ascl1 induced neurons (Ascl1-iNs) were isolated and the composition of the spatial proteome and transcriptome was examined.
The localization of mRNAs correlates significantly with the localization of their corresponding protein products in Ascl1-iNs whereas it does not in the mouse neuroblastoma cell line N1E-115. Comparing these datasets with recently published data of other cell lines and methods it is clear, that the local proteome, transcriptome and translatome of neuronal cells is highly cell type specific.
To investigate how spatial protein pools are established I analyzed local pools of newly synthesized proteins revealing that many proteins are synthesized on the spot. RNA localization therefore plays a crucial role in generating local protein pools in these highly polarized cell systems.
Additionally, I propose a method to identify on a global scale de novo “zip codes” in these cell systems which would be a great step towards understanding malfunctions in molecule transport.
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Registered nurse practice and information flow in long-term care nursing homesWei, Quan 02 May 2016 (has links)
Little is known regarding registered nurse (RN) information management practice in long-term care (LTC) settings. This study identifies LTC RNs’ information management practice and needs, which are important for designing and implementing health information technology (HIT) in LTC settings.
Methods: This descriptive qualitative study combines direct observations and semi-structured interviews, conducted at Alberta’s LTC facilities between May 2014 and August 2015. The constant comparative method of joint coding was used for data analysis.
Results: Nine RNs from six nursing homes participated in the study. Based on the RNs’ existing information management system requirements, a graphic information flow model was constructed.
Conclusion: This baseline study identified key components of LTC RNs’ information management system. The information flow model may assist HIT developers with future design and development of HIT solutions for LTCs, serve as a communication tool between RNs and developers to refine requirements and support further LTC HIT research. / Graduate
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Syngeneic graft-versus-host disease (SGVHD) is induced by reconstituting lethally irradiated mice with syngeneic BM cells followed by a 21 day treatment with the immunosuppressive agent cyclosporine A (CsA). Clinical symptoms of the disease appear 2-3 weeks following cessation of CsA therapy and disease-associated inflammation occurs primarily in the colon and liver.
The development of SGVHD is a complex process resulting from the cooperative interaction of multiple effector cell populations including NK cells, T cells and macrophages. TH1 cytokines (IL-12, TNF-α, IFN- γ), produced by these effector cells, serve as inflammatory mediators contributing to the pathogenesis of SGVHD. The SGVHD conditioning agents, irradiation and CsA, are both required for the development of disease and contribute to the production of oxidative stress. Time course studies revealed increased reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS/RNS), as well as, increased colon mRNA levels for TNF-α and iNOS in CsA-treated versus control BMT animals. Since ROS/RNS are known to mediate CsA toxicity, studies were undertaken to determine the effect of oxidative stress on the induction of SGVHD. In vivo treatment with the antioxidant MnTBAP caused a reduction in colon mRNA levels for iNOS and TNF-α, as well as delayed disease development, suggesting a role for oxidative stress in the development of SGVHD.
In addition, CD4+ T cells have been shown to play an important role in the inflammatory response observed in the gut of SGVHD mice. Time course studies revealed significant increases in the migration of CD4+ T cells as early as day 14 post- BMT into the colon of CsA mice as well as significant elevated mRNA levels of cell adhesion molecules. Homing studies revealed that a labeled CD4+ T cell line, generated from SGVHD mice, migrated in larger numbers into the gut of CsA-treated mice compared to control animals. This study demonstrated that CD4+ T cells responsible for the pathogenesis observed in murine SGVHD are present early after BMT in colons of CsA-treated mice, suggesting that during the 21 days of immunosuppression therapy functional mechanisms are in place that result in increased homing of effector cells to colons of CsA-treated mice.
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NSAID effect on prostanoids in fishes: Prostaglandin E2 levels in bluntnose minnows (Pimephales notatus) exposed to ibuprofen.Bhandari, Khageshor 08 1900 (has links)
Prostanoids are oxygenated derivatives of arachidonic acid with a wide range of physiological effects in vertebrates including modulation of inflammation and innate immune responses. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) act through inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX) conversion of arachidonic acid to prostanoids. In order to better understand the potential of environmental NSAIDS for interruption of normal levels COX products in fishes, we developed an LC/MS/MS-based approach for tissue analysis of 7 prostanoids. Initial studies examining muscle, gut and gill demonstrated that prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) was the most abundant of the measured prostanoids in all tissues and that gill tissue had the highest and most consistent concentrations of PGE2. After short-term 48-h laboratory exposures to concentrations of 5, 25, 50 and 100 ppb ibuprofen, 50.0ppb and 100.0 ppb exposure concentrations resulted in significant reduction of gill tissue PGE2 concentration by approximately 30% and 80% respectively. The lower exposures did not result in significant reductions when compared to unexposed controls. Measured tissue concentrations of ibuprofen indicated that this NSAID had little potential for bioaccumulation (BCF 1.3) and the IC50 of ibuprofen for inhibition of PGE2 production in gill tissue was calculated to be 0.4 µM. Short-term laboratory exposure to ibuprofen did not result in significant alteration of concentrations of PGE2 at environmentally relevant concentrations.
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Kulturunabhängige 16S rRNA Analyse des subgingivalen bakteriellen Biofilms bei der aggressiven Parodontitis / 16S rRNA analysis of bacterial diversity of subgingival plaque in periodontitisHutter, Gerhard J. January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Kulturunabhängige 16S rRNA Analyse des subgingivalen bakteriellen Biofilms bei der aggressiven Parodontitis und Vergleich mit bekannten Bakterien bzw. Phylotypen, die im Zusammenhang mit der parodontalen Flora nachgewiesen wurde. Putative Pathogene wurden bestimmt. / In this culture independent 16S rRNA study cloning and sequencing was used to analyse gingival samples from a population of 26 persons suffering from aggressive periodontitis and six healthy adult individuals.
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Mikroarray-basierte Detektion von mRNA aus Zellen mittels On-Chip-PCR / Microarray based detection of cellular mRNA by On-Chip-PCRMarschan, Xenia January 2005 (has links)
Bei konventionellen Mikroarray-Experimenten zur Genexpressionsanalyse wird fluoreszenz- oder radioaktiv-markierte cDNA oder RNA mit immobilisierten Proben hybridisiert. Für ein gut detektierbares und auswertbares Ergebnis werden jedoch pro Array mindestens 15 - 20 µg Hybridisierungstarget benötigt. Dazu müssen entweder 15 - 20 µg RNA direkt durch Reverse Transkription in markierte cDNA umgeschrieben werden oder bei Vorhandensein von weniger Startmaterial die RNA amplifiziert werden (Standard- Affymetrix-Protokolle, Klur et al. 2004). Oft sind damit zeit- und kostenintensive Probenpräparationen verbunden und das Ergebnis ist nicht immer reproduzierbar. Obwohl es inzwischen einige Protokolle gibt, die dieses Problem zu lösen versuchen (Zhang et al. 2001, Iscove et al. 2002, McClintick et al. 2003, Stirewalt et al. 2004), eine optimale, leicht handbare und reproduzierbare Methode gibt es weiterhin nicht, weshalb in dieser Arbeit ein weiterer Lösungsansatz gesucht wurde.<br>
In der vorgestellten Arbeit werden zwei einfache Methoden beschrieben, mit denen Gene aus geringen RNA-Mengen nachgewiesen werden können: erstens die On Chip- RT-PCR mit cDNA als Matrize und zweitens diese Methode als One-Step-Reaktion mit RNA als Matrize.<br><br>
Beide Methoden beruhen auf dem Prinzip der PCR an immobilisierten Primern auf einer Chipoberfläche. Diese Möglichkeit der exponentiellen Amplifikation ist reproduzierbar und sensitiv.<br><br>
In Experimenten zur Etablierung des On-Chip-PCR-Systems wurden für die Immobilisierung der Primer verschiedene Kopplungsmethoden verwendet. Die affine Kopplung über Biotin- Streptavidin erwies sich als geeignet. Die On-Chip-Reaktion an kovalent gebundenen Primern wurde für amino-modifizierte Primer auf Epoxy-Oberflächen sowie für EDC-Kopplung auf silanisierten Oberflächen gezeigt. Für die letztgenannte Methode wurde die On-Chip-PCR optimiert, dass Spottingkonzentrationen der Primer von 5 - 10µM schon ausreichend sind.
Der Einsatz von fluoreszenz-markierten Primern während der PCR ermöglicht eine unmittelbare Auswertung nach der Synthese ohne zusätzliche Detektionsschritte.
In dieser Arbeit konnte außerdem mit der vorgestellten Methode der simultane Nachweis zweier Gene gezeigt werden. Die Methode kann noch als Multiplex-Analyse ausgebaut werden, um so mehrere Gene in gleichzeitig einem Ansatz nachweisen zu können.<br><br>
Die Ergebnisse der Versuche mit Matrizen aus unterschiedlichen Zelltypen deuten darauf hin, dass die On-Chip-RT-PCR eine weitere optimale Methode für den Nachweis von gering exprimierten Genen bietet. / The detection of low quantities of mRNA is often difficult and methods like microarray analysis require large amount of starting material or have to be amplified before application. The reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) is often the chosen method to detect specific RNA sequences on account of its high sensitivity. The solid phase amplification technology by On-Chip-PCR provides a combination of amplification of rare target material and its on chip detection in one step.<br><br>
In this report a novel application for the On-Chip-PCR technology is described. It was suitable to identify mRNA sequences and genes, respectively. For this approach we amplified cDNA sequences using immobilized specific primers and fluorescent labeled primers. They were used for genes coding subunits of the mouse muscle acetylcholine receptor (Chrna1, Chrnb1, Chrnd) and the genes coding for myogenin (Myog), muscle creatine kinase (Ckmm) and Atpase (Atp2a2). The cDNA templates were synthesized before the On-Chip application by Reverse Transcription from mRNA. For this application only at most 500 pg of total-RNA preparation was sufficient for detectable results and no pre-amplification steps were needed.<br><br>
Furthermore the handling of RT-PCR could be minimized by using a One-step- RT-PCR protocol. This method used immobilized primers on glassy supports detecting specific mRNA sequences from 5 pg or less of total RNA preparations.<br>
Moreover to the detection of low quantities of RNA preparation, low abundant genes could be detected by this method.
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RNA-binding proteins in yeast mitochondria / RNA-bindende Proteine in HefemitochondrienDeumer, Claudia D. 06 December 2002 (has links) (PDF)
This work focused on the further characterisation of Idhp and of the Krebs cycle enzymes citrate synthase 1 (Cit1p) and malate dehydrogenase 1 (Mdh1p) both of which have been identified as RNA-binding proteins without known RNA recognition motifs. Besides analysing their effects on mitochondrial translation and their organisation in protein complexes the work focused on the characterisation of the RNA-binding properties of recombinant Cit1p and Mdh1p: · Cit1p and Mdh1p play no essential role in mitochondrial protein synthesis. · Idhp is in a complex of molecular weight larger than the cytochrome c oxidase (250 kDa). · Cit1p and Mdh1p are in mitochondrial complexes smaller than 250 kDa. · 1000-fold molar excess of tRNA referring to COX2 leader RNA did not inhibit the RNA-binding of Cit1p and Mdh1p. · Cit1p and Mdh1p bind mitochondrial mRNAs (sense and antisense). The influence of cofactors and substrates on RNA-binding was analysed in order to reveal a possible link between the enzymatic function and the property of RNA-binding: · Acetyl-CoA and ATP inhibited the RNA-binding of Cit1p and Mdh1p at a concentration of 5 mM.
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Hemmung der humanen Telomerase Reverse Transkriptase-Expression mittels synthetischer Nukleinsäuren in HarnblasenkarzinomzellenKrämer, Kai 28 February 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Das Harnblasenkarzinom (BCa) ist die zweithäufigste bösartige urologische Tumorerkrankung sowie die siebthäufigste tumorbedingte Todesursache bei Männern. Zur Senkung des erheblichen Rezidiv- und Progressionsrisikos oberflächlicher BCa kommen lokale Immun- oder Chemotherapeutika zum Einsatz, die jedoch starke Nebenwirkungen verursachen können bzw. ungenügende langfristige Effekte bewirken. Eine neuartige Therapieoption besteht in der gezielten Expressionshemmung von Genen, die den Tumorzellen einen Wachstumsvorteil vermitteln. Hierfür eignen sich besonders synthetische Nukleinsäuren wie Antisense-Oligodesoxynukleotide (AS-ODN) und small interfering RNAs (siRNAs). In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Expressionshemmung des potenziellen Targetgens hTERT (humane Telomerase Reverse Transkriptase) mit AS-ODN und siRNAs in BCa-Zellen untersucht. Die Tumorspezifität der hTERT-mRNA-Expression konnte zunächst an tumor- und tumorfreien Gewebeproben von BCa-Patienten gezeigt werden. Die verwendeten AS-ODN reduzierten die hTERT-mRNA-Expression auf bis zu 40%, womit eine Verringerung der Telomeraseaktivität einherging. Die AS-ODN-Behandlung bewirkte des Weiteren eine konzentrationsabhängige Viabilitätsreduktion verschiedener BCa-Zelllinien sowie eine verminderte Zellkoloniebildungsrate. Diese antiproliferativen Effekte waren auf eine Apoptoseinduktion zurückzuführen. Durch eine Vorbehandlung von vier BCa-Zelllinien mit hTERT-AS-ODN konnten die zytotoxischen Effekte der für das BCa relevanten Chemotherapeutika Cisplatin, Mitomycin C und Gemcitabin signifikant verstärkt werden. Nach Untersuchung der AS-ODN-Wirkung in vitro erfolgte die Etablierung eines subkutanen Xenotransplantantmodells der Nacktmaus. Die Eignung einer intraperitonealen Applikation wurde mit fluoreszenzmarkierten AS-ODN belegt. In weiteren Zellkulturexperimenten kamen hTERT-siRNAs, als alternative Methode der Geninhibition, zum Einsatz. Die Reduktion der hTERT-mRNA-Expression auf 50% war mit der durch AS-ODN bewirkten Inhibition vergleichbar. Im Gegensatz zur AS-ODN-Behandlung induzierten siRNAs keine unmittelbare Apoptose. Eine Kombination der siRNAs mit Cisplatin und Mitomycin C bewirkte jedoch eine Verdopplung der Apoptoserate. Um die molekularen Mechanismen der Wirkung der nukleinsäurebasierten hTERT-Inhibitoren und den Einfluss targetunabhängiger Effekte zu untersuchen, wurden transkriptomweite Expressionsanalysen mittels Oligonukleotid-Microarrays durchgeführt. Hierbei zeigte sich, dass die AS-ODN-Behandlung vorwiegend zu einer gesteigerten Expression von Genen führte, die mit einer zellulären Stressantwort assoziiert sind (u.a. ATF3, EGR1, GADD45). Diese Expressionsmuster stimmten in hohem Maße mit denen überein, die durch Transfektion mit AS-ODN gegen andere Targets erhalten wurden. Diese Ergebnisse deuten auf eine, zumindest teilweise, durch off-Targeteffekte ausgelöste Wachstumshemmung hin. Die siRNA-Behandlungen gegen unterschiedliche Targets zeigten relativ geringe Übereinstimmungen in den Expressionsmustern und somit eine höhere Spezifität. Außerdem wurde erstmalig gezeigt, dass eine hTERT-Inhibition mit siRNAs zur trankriptionellen Hemmung der Onkogene EGFR und FOSL1 führt. Diese Daten sowie die Ergebnisse anderer Arbeitsgruppen deuten auf einen wechselseitigen Zusammenhang zwischen hTERT und EGFR in der Regulation der EGFR-stimulierten Proliferation von BCa-Zellen hin. Zusammenfassend lässt sich feststellen, dass hTERT als tumorspezifisch exprimierter und funktionell relevanter Faktor ein hervorragendes Target für eine nukleinsäurebasierte BCa-Therapieoption darstellt. Im Vergleich zu AS-ODN wirken siRNAs grundsätzlich targetspezifischer. Die therapeutische Wertigkeit der lokal applizierten Inhibitoren, insbesondere in Kombination mit herkömmlichen Chemotherapeutika, sollte in nachfolgenden Experimenten im Rahmen eines orthotopen BCa-Xenotransplantatmodells untersucht werden.
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Chemical-sensitive genes in zebrafish (Danio rerio) early development - identification and characterisation of differential expression in embryos exposed to the model compound 3,4-dichloroaniline / Chemikalien-sensitive Gene während der Embryonalentwicklung des Zebrabärblings (Danio rerio) – Identifizierung und Charakterisierung differenzieller Genexpression in Embryonen unter Belastung der Modellsubstanz 3,4-DichloranilinVölker, Doris 05 April 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In the European Union an environmental risk assessment is required for the registration of new chemicals, biocides, pesticides and pharmaceuticals. In order to avoid the release of potential hazardous substances, various ecotoxicity tests are performed, including acute and chronic fish tests. As a consequence of the new program of the European Union “Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals” (REACH) the number of animal experiments for environmental risk assessment is expected to increase remarkably within the next years. On the other hand there is a strong societal demand for reducing the number of animal tests by using alternative in vitro models. According to EU directives, investigations using non-human vertebrate embryos are considered pain free in vitro methods and are therefore accepted as alternatives to animal experiments. For the acute fish test, the Danio rerio embryo test (DarT) has been established as a replacement method and included in national regulations at least for waste water (German Waste Water Dues Law). However, no alternatives for chronic fish tests are currently available. The overall goal of this thesis was to work towards such a replacement by extending DarT zu Gene-DarT. Toxicants will initially interact at the molecular level with consequences for physiology, fitness and survival. The analysis of gene expression patterns may unravel elements of these molecular events before any phenotypic changes are visible. The hypothesis of this thesis therefore was that chemical-sensitive genes in embryos exposed in a conventional DarT may indicate toxic impact of substances at sub-acute concentrations and thus enhance the sensitivity of the embryo toxicity test. Furthermore, unlike the conventional DarT-endpoints, gene expression analysis will provide insights into mechanistic processes underlying toxicity. The 3,4-dichloroaniline (3,4-DCA), which is used as a reference compound in the DarT, was selected as model chemical in this thesis. In a first step, differentially expressed genes in embryos exposed to 3,4-DCA were identified by microarray technology and RT-PCR techniques. Six dose-dependent significant differentially expressed genes were identified. These genes were involved in biotransformation pathways (cyp1a, ahr2), stress response (nrf2, maft, ho-1) and cell cycle control (fzr1). Differential expression upon 3,4-DCA exposure was detected below the LOEC (lowest observed effect concentration = 6.2 µM) of survival or developmental disorders of the embryo test (0.78 µM and above). For the validation of stage specific sensitivity, genes were also analysed in post-hatched stages. Extension of exposure to post-hatched stages resulted in a differential expression at lower concentrations as for the embryonic stages, indicating an improved sensitivity due to stage-specific sensitivity or exposure time. To confirm the adaptive function of the 3,4-DCA-sensitive genes, embryonic mRNA abundance was experimentally manipulated by knock down and overexpression. By injection of sense (mRNA) or antisense (siRNA) RNA in one-cell-stages of embryos, the transcript levels of genes were transiently enhanced or repressed in embryos exposed to 3,4-DCA. mRNA injection of the genes cyp1a, ho-1 and nrf2 reduced the number of embryos with 3,4-DCA-induced malformations. In contrast, siRNA injections for the same genes led to an increase in the severity and frequency of developmental disorders. The results clearly indicate the adaptive functions of the investigated genes or their corresponding proteins. This study demonstrates that the analysis of chemical-sensitive gene expression shows the potential to increase the sensitivity of conventional toxicity tests. The analysis of gene expression also provides additional mechanistic information for toxic action, e.g. in the presented study, the involvement of Ah-receptor regulated pathways as an adaptive response. Furthermore, the presented data indicate that functional manipulations, using mRNA and siRNA-injection, are suitable to evaluate the role of differentially expressed genes for toxicity.
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On co-transcriptional splicing and U6 snRNA biogenesisListerman, Imke 11 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Messenger RNA (mRNA) is transcribed by RNA polymerase II (Pol II) and has to undergo multiple processing events before it can be translated into a protein: a cap structure is added to its 5’ end, noncoding, intervening sequences (introns) are removed and coding exons are ligated together and a poly(A) tail is added to its 3’end. Splicing, the process of intron removal, is carried out in the spliceosome, a megacomplex comprehending up to 300 proteins. The core components of the spliceosome that directly interact with the pre-mRNA are the small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNPs). They consist of one of the U-rich snRNAs U1, U2, U4, U5 or U6 together with several particle-specific proteins and core proteins. All mRNA processing events can occur co-transcriptionally, i.e. while the RNA is still attached to the gene via Pol II. The in vivo studies of co-transcriptional RNA processing events had been possible only in special biological systems by immunoelectron microscopy and only recently, Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) made it possible to investigate cotranscriptional splicing factor assembly on genes. My thesis work is divided into two parts: Part I shows that the core components of the splicing machinery are recruited co-transcriptionally to mammalian genes in vivo by ChIP. The co-transcriptional splicing factor recruitment is dependent on active transcription and the presence of introns in genes. Furthermore, a new assay was developed that allows for the first time the direct monitoring of co-transcriptional splicing in human cells. The topoisomerase I inhibitor camptothecin increases splicing factor accumulation on the c-fos gene as well as co-transcriptional splicing levels, which provides direct evidence that co-transcriptional splicing events depend on the kinetics of RNA synthesis. Part II of the thesis is aimed to investigate whether Pol II has a functional role in the biogenesis of the U6 snRNA, which is the RNA part of the U6 snRNP involved in splicing. Pol III had been shown to transcribe the U6 snRNA gene, but ChIP experiments revealed that Pol II is associated with all the active U6 snRNA gene promoters. Pol II inhibition studies uncovered that U6 snRNA expression and probably 3’end formation is dependent on Pol II.
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