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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Solu??es cosmol?gicas e locais para uma eletrodin?mica modificada

C?mara Neto, Calistrato Soares da 07 November 2001 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:15:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CalistratoSCN.pdf: 479133 bytes, checksum: 26f581ebc6e3cf1ced0922a5e989272c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2001-11-07 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The present work investigates some consequences that arise from the use of a modifed lagrangean for the eletromagnetic feld in two diferent contexts: a spatially homogeneous and isotropic universe whose dynamics is driven by a magnetic feld plus a cosmological parameter A, and the problem of a static and charged point mass (charged black hole). In the cosmological case, three diferent general solutions were derived. The first, with a null cosmological parameter A, generalizes a particular solution obtained by Novello et al [gr-qc/9806076]. The second one admits a constant A and the third one allows A to be a time-dependent parameter that sustains a constant magnetic feld. The first two solutions are non-singular and exhibit in ationary periods. The third case studied shows an in ationary dynamics except for a short period of time. As for the problem of a charged point mass, the solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell equations are obtained and compared with the standard Reissner-Nordstrom solution. Contrary to what happens in the cosmological case, the physical singularity is not removed / No presente trabalho s?o investigadas algumas conseq??ncias da utiliza??o de uma nova lagrangeana para a eletrodin?mica em dois contextos: um universo espacialmente homog?neo e isotr?pico com campo magn?tico mais um par?metro cosmol?gico A e o problema da massa puntual caregada e est?tica (buraco negro carregado). No caso cosmol?gico, foram obtidas tr?s solu??es gerais: a primeira delas, para A=0, generaliza uma solu??o particular obrida por Novello et al [gr-qc/9806076]; a segunda admite um par?metro cosmol?gico constante e n?o-nulo e a terceira corresponde a um campo magn?tico constante sustentado por um A dependente do tempo. As duas primeiras solu??es s?o n?o-singulares e possuem per?odos inflacion?rios. A terceira solu??o apresenta uma din?mica inflacion?ria exceto por um curto intervalo de tempo. No contexto do problema da massa puntual carregada, a solu??o das equa??es de Einstein-Maxwell ? obtida e comparada com a solu??o padr?o de Reissner-Nordstr?m. Ao contr?rio do caso cosmol?gico, a singularidade f?isica n?o ? removida

The missionary world of Ann Eliza Worcester Robertson

Brown, Nettie Terry 08 1900 (has links)
This study surveys the dreams and ideas of the missionary movement as shown in the life of the Worcester-Robertson family who lived among the Cherokee and Creek Indians. The sources include pertinent material in the papers of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM), Houghton Library, Harvard University; the Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia; the Indian Archives and Alice Robertson papers, Oklahoma Historical Society, Oklahoma City; the Alice Robertson Collection, University of tulsa; family papers, interviews and correspondence.

Snapshots of a Nation in Flux: James Robertson's And the Land Lay Still (2010)

Böhnke, Dietmar 01 June 2018 (has links)
Mit seinem vierten Roman And the Land Lay Still hat James Robertson, einer der interessantesten Gegenwartsautoren Schottlands, ein politisches und gesellschaftliches Panorama des Landes seit dem 2. Weltkrieg entworfen, das dem Leser und der Leserin einen intimen und vielschichtigen Einblick in die Komplexität dieser Nation und ihrer neueren Entwicklung erlaubt. In seinem Beitrag bespricht Dietmar Böhnke (Leipzig) das Buch und ordnet es in Robertsons Werk und die schottische Gegenwartsliteratur ein.

“Set Me Free At Once”: Exploring Feminism and Freedom in the Text, Performance, and Production of Lanie Robertson’s <i>The Insanity of Mary Girard</i>

Wilder, Nicole Marie 04 August 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Soil health and quality concept in agricultural extension and soil science : an assessment of topsoil conditions in a long term vineyard soil management trail in Robertson, South Africa

Mathys, Ilse Lois 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric (Soil Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / Includes bibliography. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The natural resource condition or health has been accepted as a valuable indicator of sustainable land use. The assessment of soil health (quality) has become a valuable tool in determining the sustainability of land management systems. This work aims to evaluate the sustainability of soil management practices in agricultural extension for vineyards in Robertson, South Africa based, on the current approach of the concept of soil health and soil quality, as well as to briefly explore the present reservations regarding the definition of the concept. The soil management treatments include a mechanical weed control, chemical weed control, annual addition of straw mulch, annual cover crop and perennial cover crop. The objective of study is to (i) identify suitable soil health (quality) indicators for vineyards in the study area; (ii) analyze the soil health (quality) indicators for different soil management treatments; (iii) evaluate the effect of various soil management treatments on the overall soil functionality, by comparing measured indicators to the soil property threshold values, for optimal vine growth; iv) establish a more consistent understanding and use of the terms health and quality, as understood and used in the general science community, with particular reference to the public health system. The soil physical, chemical and biological properties which were selected as indicators of soil health (quality) based on specific criteria similar to previous work done on the concept. The properties selected include soil texture, gravimetric water content, bulk density, soil aeration, water aggregate stability, soil pH, EC, available N,P,K , soil organic matter content, soil microbial biomass, potential mineralizable nitrogen and soil respiration. The study makes use of methods of analysis previously used for soil health and soil quality assessments, as well as soil analytical methods as accepted by experienced soil scientist within the study area. The soil was sampled on three separate events to depths of 0-200 mm for initial characterization of soil and 0-50 mm to compare soil health (quality) Between tracks and In tracks of treatment plots. The values obtained for each property were compared with the optimum for vineyards and ranked accordingly. The treatment that resulted in the most desirable soil health (quality) was the straw mulch and perennial cover crop treatments. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die toestand of gesondheid van natuurlike hulpbronne is aanvaar as `n waardevolle aanduiding van volhoubare grondgebruik. Die assessering van grond gesondheid (kwaliteit) is 'n waardevolle hulpmiddel in die bepaling van die volhoubaarheid van grond bestuur stelsels. Hierdie werkstuk poog om die volhoubaarheid van grond bestuurs praktyke te evalueer vir wingerde in Robertson, Suid-Afrika wat baseer is op die huidige benadering van grond gesondheid en kwaliteit. Die tesis dek ook die huidige onsekerhede oor die konsep en definisies van terme wat gebruik word in die konsep. Die grond bestuur praktyke sluit in 'n meganiese onkruidbeheer, chemiese onkruidbeheer, jaarlikse toevoeging van `n strooi deklaag, jaarlikse en meerjarige dekgewas dekgewasse. Die doel van die studie was om (i) die geskikte grond gesondheid (kwaliteit) indikators vir wingerde in die studie area te identifiseer, (ii) die grond gesondheid (kwaliteit) indikators vir verskillende bogrond bestuur praktyke te identifiseer; (iii) die effek van verskillende grond bestuur praktyke op die algehele grond funksies te evalueer, deur dit te vergelyk met die gemete indikators vir drempelwaardes vir optimale wingerd groei; iv) 'n meer konsekwente begrip en gebruik van die terme “gesondheid” en “kwaliteit” vas te stel, soos dit verstaan en gebruik word in die algemene wetenskaplike gemeenskap, met spesifieke verwysing na die openbare gesondheidsisteem. Die grond fisiese, chemiese en biologiese eienskappe wat as indikators van grond gesondheid (kwaliteit) geselekteer was, word gebaseer op spesifieke kriteria soortgelyk aan dié wat in vorige werk op die konsep gedoen was. Die eienskappe wat geselekteer is sluit in grondtekstuur, gravimetriese waterinhoud, bulk digtheid, grond deurlugting, totalle water stabiliteit, grond pH, electriese geleiding, toeganklike N, P, K, grond organiese materiaal inhoud, grond mikrobiese massa, potensiële mineraliseerbare stikstof en grond respirasie. Die studie maak gebruik van analitiese metodes wat voorheen gebruik was vir grond gesondheid en kwaliteit, sowel as die grond analitiese metodes soos gebruik deur ervare grondkundiges binne die studie gebied. Die grondmonsters was geneem op drie afsonderlike geleenthede oor dieptes van 0-200 mm vir die aanvanklike karakterisering van grond en 0-50 mm, om grond gesondheid (kwaliteit) Tussen trekkerspore en In trekkerspore van die persele te vergelyk. Die waardes verkry vir elke eienskap was vergelyk met die optimum vir wingerde en verdeel volgens kwaliteit. Die behandeling wat die mees optimale grond gesondheid (kwaliteit) getoon het, was die strooi deklaag en meerjarige dekgewas behandelings.

Songs in the blood : the discourse of music in three Canadian novels

Gutensohn, Barbara Joyce. 10 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Entre-deux mondes : métissage, identité et histoire sur les traces de Sonia Robertson, Sylvie Paré et Rebecca Belmore, ou, Les parcours artistiques de trois femmes artistes autochtones, entre la mémoire et l'audace

Charce, Chloë January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Ce mémoire est globalement axé sur la légitimité de la notion d'identité dans les contextes postcolonial et postmoderne. Plus précisément, il porte sur le concept de métissage dans l'art actuel à l'heure de la mondialisation culturelle, lieu propice à un renouvellement de l'identité et de l'imaginaire pour les communautés des Premières Nations d'Amérique du Nord. Il est divisé en deux parties. Les deux premiers chapitres énoncent une perspective socio-ethnohistorique autour des notions d'identité et de métissage, alors que le troisième chapitre expose un point de vue analytique à partir d'un corpus d'oeuvres de trois femmes artistes autochtones du Québec et de l'Ontario s'exécutant sur la scène artistique contemporaine, soit Sonia Robertson, Sylvie Paré et Rebecca Belmore. Plus spécifiquement, le premier chapitre fait état des connaissances et des discours sur les définitions même d'identité et de métissage dans les contextes colonial / postcolonial et moderne / postmoderne. Par extension, je pose cette question concernant l'hybridité culturelle: s'agit-il d'un principe d'homogénéisation et d'essentialisation des cultures ou d'un facteur garant d'hétérogénéité, favorable au mélange et aux échanges interculturels ? Le deuxième chapitre, quant à lui, énonce les contextes de dépossession territoriale et d'exiguïté culturelle dans lesquels ont été contraints les peuples des Premières Nations depuis l'époque coloniale. Il fait aussi mention des métissages artistiques (post)postmodernes, qui contribuent à un renouveau de l'imaginaire amérindien. Dans un esprit à la fois de contestation face à l'image folklorisée de l'« Indien » et de transmission des valeurs traditionnelles, les artistes autochtones font place à la réappropriation culturelle. Enfin, le troisième chapitre souligne les parcours identitaires de Sonia Robertson (Ilnue), Sylvie Paré (métisse huronne-wendat) et Rebecca Belmore (Anishinabekwe). À titre de comparaison, j'analyse un corpus d'installations et de performances sous le thème de la mémoire et de l'identité en lien avec les concepts élaborés dans les chapitres précédents. Le choix d'examiner le travail de trois femmes artistes provenant de communautés différentes permet de rendre compte de réflexions personnelles de la part de femmes autochtones face à la culture dominante et par rapport à leur culture d'origine. Ce choix vise par ailleurs à circonscrire, au sein même de leur production, l'importance de la tradition en fonction de leur affirmation identitaire. Je souhaite ainsi étudier comment ces propositions se positionnent dans un contexte de déterritorialisation culturelle en fonction d'une réalité post(néo)colonialiste, corrélative d'un entre-deux mondes. Pour conclure, je reviens sur les questions d'identité, de mémoire et de territoire en soulignant l'importance idéologique du combat identitaire des communautés autochtones, qui vise la mise en échec des préjugés et des constructions mythiques persistantes entre le « Blanc » et l' « Indien ». Je mesure en ce sens l'impact que pourrait avoir la pensée universelle amérindienne sur nos sociétés hypermodernes en crise et en quête de valeurs. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Identité, Métissage, Mémoire, Premières Nations, Néocolonialisme.

Mechanisms Maintaining Additive Genetic Variance in Fitness in Red Squirrels

McFarlane, Samantha Eryn 16 August 2012 (has links)
A trait must genetically correlate with fitness in order to evolve, however, theory suggests that strong directional selection should erode additive genetic variance (Va) in fitness and limit future evolutionary potential. Sexual antagonism and temporal fluctuations in selection are mechanisms that could maintain Va in fitness. Maternal genetic effects could be an additional source of adaptive genetic variation. I used ‘animal models’ to examine a long-term population of red squirrels to determine 1) if either sexual antagonism or temporal fluctuations in selection were maintaining direct Va in fitness or 2) if maternal genetic effects were a source of indirect Va in fitness. While there were environmental trade-offs on juvenile survival, neither sexual antagonism nor temporal fluctuations in selection maintained Va in fitness. Maternal genetic effects on fitness were significant and provide the Va in fitness needed for rapid microevolution. This is the first instance of maternal genetic effects demonstrated as the only genetic variance available for microevolution. / Northern Scientific Training Program, the Arctic Institute of North America, American Society of Mammologists, Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology, NSERC Discovery (to Andrew McAdam), NSF (to Andrew McAdam)

For God and Reagan: The New Christian Right and the Nuclear Arms Race

Hatfield, Jeremy R. January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Identification of terroirs in the Robertson valley for Chardonnay and Shiraz : a focus on soil and roots

Erazo-Lynch, Leonardo 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric (Viticulture and Oenology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / Includes bibliography. / ABSTRACT: The grapevine must constantly find a balance between two continually changing environments, the rhizosphere (i.e. soil) and the troposphere (i.e. macroclimate). The adaptations are extremely complex because they encompass complicated and interrelated processes that are not yet fully understood. In terms of water-use behaviour, differences between cultivars have been described in the literature. In this study, the water status and stomatal conductance of four cultivars (Shiraz, Grenache, Pinot noir and Chardonnay) grafted onto R99 were studied. Diurnal cycles of water status and stomatal conductance, from 07:00 to 19:00, were followed for a single day at the end of the 2009 season. The results showed that, at the end of the season, Shiraz was subjected to water stress conditions, losing leaves and showing symptoms of berry shrivelling. The other three cultivars had a much better canopy status and no symptoms of berry shrivelling were observed. Based on the canopy observations and a comparison of the curves of stem water potential (Ψs) and stomatal conductance (gs), it seems that Pinot noir and Chardonnay are closer to the water-use behaviour of Grenache noir, which is known as a “pessimistic” cultivar, than to Shiraz, which is an “optimistic” cultivar. A study of four plots each of Chardonnay/101.14 Mgt and Shiraz/101.14 Mgt was carried out in eight commercial vineyards in the Robertson region in order to investigate the relationship between soil and root morphology, and the influence thereof on canopy development and berry growth. These plots had different soil types. Important soil properties are reported to limit root growth, individually or as a combination of restrictions. It was found that the size of the root system of 101.14 Mgt is defined by soil physical and chemical properties. The roots of 101.14 Mgt under irrigation can grow to a depth of 100 cm or beyond if the soil physical and chemical properties allow it. Because the soil properties define the root system and the water storage/drainage, they greatly influence the plant water status, even under irrigation. In an arid zone like Robertson, irrigation is an important management tool. The balance between canopy growth before véraison and the ability of the root-soil system to maintain that canopy size during the ripening process is crucial in an area with a high evaporative demand. In this regard, not all the soil properties-root system combinations showed satisfactory performance in maintaining the canopy functioning, which affected berry sugar loading and berry volume. In another study that is presented, forty soil profiles were characterised in the Robertson valley. The root systems were considered as a product of the soil properties, and thus the morphology of the root systems was used as a starting point to group soils together. The importance of soil depth has been described well, thus the root systems were first classified according to rooting depth – into shallow and deep root systems. The deep root systems were then subdivided, creating two subgroups of high root density and low root density. The two extreme groups (i.e. shallow roots, and deep roots with high root density) have particularly different soil properties. The soil characteristics found in these extremes are represented up to certain point by families of the South African soil taxonomy, mainly due to the restrictive function of the B horizon. This restrictive function is related to soil properties that are taken into consideration in the South African soil classification and that are important for grapevine root growth, as well as the thickness of the described horizons and the physical and chemical differences between the horizons. Soil properties have an important influence on root morphology. Due to the fundamental role played by the root system in the overall plant functioning, soil properties are of critical importance. In an arid area, the low water pressure in the atmosphere and the high temperature greatly affect the plant water status. The soil-root system combination plays an important role in the ability of the root system to supply the plant with water during times of high evaporative demand. Different cultivars will react differently due to differences in transpiration control. The maintenance of an adequate water status will have an immense influence on canopy development and maintenance, and on normal and steady berry ripening. In this study it was found that not all the soil-root combinations can fulfil this satisfactorily. Thus, the grapevine balance determined by the combination of the soil-root-canopy complex and the influence of management techniques is extremely important for the favouring of a good canopy:root system ratio, a functional canopy throughout the season and a steady berry ripening curve.

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