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Att programmera i förskolan : En observationsstudie om programmering med 5-åringar / Programming in preschool : An observational study on programming with 5-year-oldsEdqvist, Linnea January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to contribute to more knowledge about preschool children's knowledge of programming and how they learn to control a robot by programming it. The methods used to investigate the purpose of the study are participatory observations with conversations inspired by open qualitative in- terviews. In the survey, a programming activity with participating children was carried out where a robot in the form of a Blue-Bot is used as a tool in pro- gramming. The children who participated in the study are six five-year-olds, four boys and two girls. The results have shown that the children have an un- derstanding of how to use the Blue-Bot by pressing the buttons. The children use different strategies in the programming depending on how far the Blue-Bot is to be programmed to travel over a grid. For longer and more difficult pro- gramming, the children take support from body parts such as the hand or a finger. Many of the children seek support from the adult in the activity in order to succeed in programming the Blue-Bot to the desired goal. The results of the study show that the children use relevant concepts, but they are not specific to programming. / Syftet med studien är att bidra till mer kunskap om förskolebarns kunskaper kring programmering samt hur de lär sig att styra en robot genom att program- mera den. Metoderna som används för att undersöka studiens syfte är delta- gande observationer med samtal som inspirerades av öppna kvalitativa inter- vjuer. I undersökningen har en programmeringsaktivitet med deltagande barn genomförts där en robot i en form av en Blue-Bot används som verktyg vid programmering. Barnen som deltagit i studien är sex femåringar, varav fyra var pojkar och två var flickor. Resultatet har visat att barnen har förståelse för hur man kan använda Blue-Boten genom att trycka på knapparna. Barnen an- vänder sig av olika strategier vid programmeringen beroende på hur långt Blue-Boten skall programmeras att röra sig över ett rutnät. Vid längre och svå- rare programmering tar barnen stöd av kroppsdelar som handen eller fingret. Många av barnen söker stöttning av den vuxne i aktiviteten för att lyckas pro- grammera Blue-Boten till det önskade målet. Resultatet av studien visar att barnen använder relevanta begrepp, med de är inte specifika för programme- ring.
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Multi-objective Intent-based Path Planning for Robots for Static and Dynamic EnvironmentsShaikh, Meher Talat 18 June 2020 (has links)
This dissertation models human intent for a robot navigation task, managed by a human and undertaken by a robot in a dynamic, multi-objective environment. Intent is expressed by a human through a user interface and then translated into a robot trajectory that satisfies a set of human-specified objectives and constraints. For a goal-based robot navigation task in a dynamic environment, intent includes expectations about a path in terms of objectives and constraints to be met. If the planned path drifts from the human's intent as the environment changes, a new path needs to be planned. The intent framework has four elements: (a) a mathematical representation of human intent within a multi-objective optimization problem; (b) design of an interactive graphical user interface that enables a human to communicate intent to the robot and then to subsequently monitor intent execution; (c) integration and adoption of a fast online path-planning algorithms that generate solutions/trajectories conforming to the given intent; and (d) design of metric-based triggers that provide a human the opportunity to correct or adapt a planned path to keep it aligned with intent as the environment changes. Key contributions of the dissertation are: (i) design and evaluation of different user interfaces to express intent, (ii) use of two different metrics, cosine similarity and intent threshold margin, that help quantify intent, and (iii) application of the metrics in path (re)planning to detect intent mismatches for a robot navigating in a dynamic environment. A set of user studies including both controlled laboratory experiments and Amazon Mechanical Turk studies were conducted to evaluate each of these dissertation components.
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Due to their programmability, robots have been used instead of traditional automation for a longtime within the industrial sector. However, programming robots is complex and time-consuming,where for example small errors can have major consequences both materially and for the peopleworking next to the robot. Trying to find simpler ways of programming industrial robots is thus ofhigh relevance. The latest technique for simplifying programming is to use either augmented realityor mixed reality, and today, several studies show that these techniques are possible. However, moreresearch on usability and limitations such tools have is necessary. This study investigates how ageneric holographic tool, which utilizes mixed reality, needs to be improved to be usable for robotprogramming in realistic industrial settings. In this study this is done by investigating limitationsof using a holographic tool and then discuss how these limitations can be reduced or eliminated.To find limitations, a prototype has been designed and developed. The prototype can visualize adigital copy of a physical robot, that can be moved into different positions which in turn createsprogram instructions. The prototype was tested at ABB Robotics with the collaborative single armYuMi robot, and with users that had different amount of experience with similar programmingtools. The results showed several possible limitations, mainly linked to potential safety risks andtechnical limitations. Additionally, some perceived physical impact was found. The most importantimprovement stated were the importance of an easy access to an emergency stop. Finally, theprototype developed during this study does not support all functionality that are included in theprogramming tools used today. Therefore, more studies need to be made to see if the result staysthe same.
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Telepresence using Kinect and an animated robotic face : An experimental study regarding the sufficiency of using a subset of the CANDIDE-3 model and the Microsoft Kinect Face Tracking device for capturing and animating the most typical facial expressions / Telepresence med hjälp av Kinect och ett animerat robotiserat ansikte : En experimentell studie om hur väl en delmängd av CANDIDE-3-modellen och Microsoft Kinects ansiktsigenkänning kan fånga och animera de mest typiska ansiktsuttryckenLinder, Johannes, Gudmandsen, Magnus January 2013 (has links)
This Bachelor’s Thesis in Computer Science investigates the use of the parameterised facial animation model named CANDIDE-3 (J. Ahlberg, 2001) in Telepresence communication with relatively cheap hardware. An experimental study was conducted to evaluate how well an implementation using the Microsoft Kinect Face Tracking device could capture and animate the 6 classical emotional states: joy, sadness, surprise, anger, fear and disgust. A total of 80 test candidates took part in a survey where they were to try and classify the emotional states of images of photographed and animated faces. The animated faces were created using the prototype system built for the purpose of the survey and rendered onto the robotic Furhat face (Al Moubayed, S., Skantze, G., Beskow, J., Stefanov, K., & Gustafson, J, 2012). Results showed that a person’s emotional state is preserved very well through the animation technique used, and for some basic emotions, like joy or sadness, the animation could even amplify the emotional state for the viewer. However, the 6 Action Units captured from the Kinect device were not enough to sufficiently distinguish between even some of most the basic emotional states (e.g. disgust, anger). / Denna kandidatuppsats inom Datateknik undersöker hur väl den parametriserade animationsmodellen CANDIDE-3 (J.Ahlberg, 2001) kan användas för att visa ansiktsuttryck inom Telepresence-sammanhang med hjälp av relativt billig hårdvara. En experimentell studie utfördes för att undersöka hur väl en implementation som använder Microsoft Kinects ansiktsigenkänning kunde fånga och animera de 6 klassiska ansiktsuttrycken: glädje, sorg, förvåning, ilska, rädsla och avsky. Totalt deltog 80 personer i undersökningen där deras uppgift var att klassificera känslomässiga tillstånd från fotograferade och animerade ansikten. De animerade ansiktena skapades med hjälp av det prototypsystem som byggdes i undersökningens syfte och renderades på det robotiserade Furhat-ansiktet (Al Moubayed, S., Skantze, G., Beskow, J., Stefanov, K., & Gustafson, J, 2012). Resultat visade att en persons känslomässiga tillstånd väldigt väl bevaras genom animationstekniken som används, och för några grundläggande känslor, såsom glädje och sorg, kunde animationen till och med förstärka det känslomässiga tillståndet för åskådaren. De 6 AU-enheterna som fångas av Kinect-enheten var dock inte tillräckliga för att särskilja till och med några av de mest grundläggande känslomässiga tillstånden (såsom avsky, ilska).
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Ambivalent encounters : A feminist exploration of human and feminised AI humanoid relationsSigurdardottir, Sara Margret January 2022 (has links)
Machines encoded with artificial intelligence (AI) are increasingly having influence in human social realms. Rapid technological advances have propelled encounters between humans and embodied AI humanoids from a subject of science fiction to a real-world phenomenon. Thus, their embodiments are socially and culturally significant and pertinent for feminist investigation. In this thesis, I employ reflexive thematic analysis and a feminist theoretical perspective focused on affect and emotion to examine human and machine relationships in the context of gender, power, and society. The topic is explored using three different case studies that all focus on interactions between humans and feminised AI humanoids. The analysis shows that gender is a crucial factor in the humanisation of the AI embodiment. By playing on the idea that machines transcend their machinic status through designated purposes, creators appeal to ambivalence in human and machine encounters. As interactive AI and social robots continue to integrate into human social contexts, it is important to consider the underlying structures and social implications of their production and representation.
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Robotizace amerických ozbrojených sil v letech 2000-2011 a její perspektivy do roku 2020 / The robotization of US armed forces between the years 2000-2011 and its perspectives untill 2020Kudrec, Martin January 2012 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the development of US armed forces robotization in the last decade as well as its perspectives in the current one. It analyzes the dynamics and main trends as well as quantitative and qualititive direction of this development. This analysis is based on and makes use of conceptual and notational framework of post-structural virtual theory of security proposed by Der Derian. The first part of the thesis provides theoretical and conceptual background and introduces the topic. It also deals with basic technological trends which influence the later update operationalization of the technologically-based theoretical framework and time framework of the thesis itself. The second part of the thesis addresses the very analysis of the US armed forces robotization based on the first part. The main aim of the thesis is to point out the development dynamics of the US armed forces robotization as a trend, as the thesis begins with the analyzing of the implementation of the first modern partially semi-autonomous robots in american equipment and ends with the analysis of plans for massive introduction of highly-autonomous, self-learning robotic systems and systems of systems with partial social, "ethical" and "moral" parameters. The last section of the thesis also addresses the basic security and...
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Äldre personers upplevelser av välfärdsteknik i hemmet - En litteraturöversikt / Older people’s experiences of welfare technology at home - A literature reviewHodén, Ellinor, Holm, Pernilla January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Medelåldern hos den äldre befolkningen har ökat och många äldre har som önskemål att få bo kvar i sina hem. Detta medför ett behov av fler anställda inom äldreomsorgen. Välfärdsteknik kan vara ett hjälpmedel vid äldrevård och betraktas som ett verktyg som kan bidra till att de äldre lättare kan bibehålla sin livskvalitet och självbestämmande.Syfte: Att beskriva de äldre personers upplevelser av välfärdsteknik i hemmet i form av robotar, digitala larm och övervakningssystem.Metod: En litteraturöversikt där resultatet är baserat på 15 vetenskapliga artiklar hämtade från databaserna CINAHL, PubMed och Scopus; nio kvalitativa, två kvantitativa och fyra mixade studier.Resultat: Resultatet delades in i tre huvudkategorier, äldres upplevelser av robotar, äldres upplevelser av digitala larm och äldres upplevelser av övervakningssystem. De äldres upplevelser identifierades vilket genererade i tre underkategorier för varje huvudkategori, acceptans och inställning, säkerhet och trygghet samt integritet och självständighet.Slutsats: Litteraturöversiktens resultat tyder på att välfärdsteknik generellt är accepterat hos den äldre generationen. Välfärdsteknik kan vara ett hjälpmedel som underlättar för de äldre att kunna bo kvar i sina hem. / Background: The average age of the elderly population has increased and many older people have a desire to stay in their homes. This leads to a need of more employees within the elderly care. Welfare technology can be helpful within the elderly care and is considered a tool that helps the elderly to maintain their quality of life and self-determination.Aim: The aim of this study is to describe older people’s experiences of welfare technology in the home with focus on robots, positioning alarm and monitoring system.Method: A literature review where the results are based on 15 scientific articles conducted from CINAHL, PubMed and Scopus database; nine qualitative, three quantitative and three mixed method study.Results: The results were chosen to be divided into three main categories, the elderly's experiences of robots, the elderly's experiences of digital alarms and the elderly's experiences of surveillance systems. The elderly's experiences were identified, which generated in three subcategories for each main categories, acceptance and attitude, safety and security, and integrity and independence.Conclusion: The study indicates that welfare technology is generally accepted by the older generation. Welfare technology can be an aid that makes it easier for the elderly to stay in their homes.
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The Role of Personality, Memory, and Regulatory Focus for Human-Robot Interaction. / Le Rôle de la Personnalité, de la Mémoire et du Regulatory Focus sur l’Interaction Homme-RobotCruz maya, Arturo 05 April 2018 (has links)
Dans le domaine de l'Interaction Homme-Robot, et plus particulièrement dans le domaine de la robotique sociale, les robots compagnons font de plus en plus partie de notre vie quotidienne et ont un grand potentiel pour aider les gens dans leurs activités quotidiennes, speciallement dans le cas d'une interaction "one to one". Ce scénario où les robots partagent le même environnement avec les humains et interagissent avec eux peut être bénéfique mais il peut aussi présenter des effets négatifs, comme générer un stress sur les utilisateurs humains, c'est aussi le cas de l'effet de la facilitation sociale, abordé au début de ce travail.Avoir des robots qui nous aident dans nos activités quotidiennes conduit à la nécessité de les doter de capacités sociales afin d'adapter leur comportement à leurs utilisateurs, leur environnement et leurs tâches. Néanmoins, comment réaliser cette adaptation reste un défi.Afin de répondre à ces questions de recherche, "Comment atteindre l'apprentissage tout au long de la vie et l'adaptation pour l'interaction humaine-robot personnalisée?" et "Quel est le rôle de la personnalité, de la mémoire et de l'orientation réglementaire dans HRI?", nous proposons l'utilisation du modèle "Big 5 traits" de personnalité afin d'adapter le comportement du robot au profil des utilisateurs. De plus, notre système contient une implémentation du modèle OCC et une mémoire de type épisodique, afin de générer un comportement naturel, capable de se souvenir des événements passés et de se comporter en conséquence. Nous présentons plusieurs études expérimentales, où nous testons notre système, et où nous analysons le lien entre les traits de personnalité de l'utilisateur humain et le comportement du robot. La contrainte générée sur les utilisateurs a été mesurée en utilisant des capteurs externes tels qu'une caméra thermique et un capteur GSR. Notre système proposé s'est révélé efficace pour générer un comportement de robot adapté à la personnalité des utilisateurs. Nous avons trouvé quelques relations entre la personnalité, les préférences de l'utilisateur et la performance de la tâche, qui sont détaillées dans ce travail. Nos études ont montré que les personnes ayant un haut niveau de conscience ont une meilleure performance que les personnes peu consciencieuses. En outre, les personnes introverties étaient plus influencées pour effectuer une tâche que les personnes extraverties. En outre, nous avons observé une augmentation du stress de l'utilisateur, causée par un robot avec une voix semblable à une machine.En plus de s'adapter aux préférences des utilisateurs, nous voulions que notre système soit capable de générer des comportements de robot capables depersuader efficacement leurs utilisateurs d'accomplir les tâches qu'ils doivent accomplir (prendre des médicaments, appeler des membres de la famille, etc.). Pour cette raison, nous proposons l'utilisation de la théorie Regulatory Focus, qui se concentre sur les inclinations que les gens ont lorsqu'ils prennent des décisions, et comment augmenter la motivation des gens à atteindre un objectif. Nous avons mené plusieurs expériences afin de valider cette théorie dans le contexte de l'interaction homme-robot. Nos résultats montrent que les comportements de robot basés sur la théorie de la focalisation réglementaire, y compris les gestes corporels et la vitesse de la parole, sont efficaces pour persuader les utilisateurs d'accomplir une tâche. Nous avons également constaté une augmentation du stress chez les utilisateurs lorsque le robot ne correspondait pas à l'état réglementaire de l'utilisateur.Nous concluons que les sujets abordés dans cette thèse, à savoir: personnalité, mémoire et focus réglementaire, doivent être inclus dans la conception des comportements des robots, afin d'avoir des robots plus efficaces sur les tâches persuasives, et moins stressant pour leurs utilisateurs . / In the domain of Human-Robot Interaction, and more specifically in the social robotics field, companion robots are more and more part of our daily lives and they have a great potential for helping people in their daily activities, especially in tasks that need one-on-one interaction. This scenario where robots are sharing the same environment with the humans and interact with them can be beneficial but it can also present some negative effects like generating stress on the human users, this is also the case of the social facilitation effect, aborded at the beggining of this work.Having robots helping us with our daily activities leads to the need of endowing them with social capabilities in order to adapt their behavior to their users, environment, and tasks. Nevertheless, how to achieve this adaptation remains a challenge.In order to address these research questions, "How to achieve lifelong learning and adaptation for personalized Human-Robot Interaction?" and "What is the role of personality, memory, and regulatory focus in HRI?",we propose the use of the Big 5 personality traits model in order to adapt the robot's behavior to the profile of the users. Moreover, our system contains an implementation of the OCC Model, and an Episodic-like Memory, in order to generate a natural behavior, being capable of remembering past events and behaving accordingly. We present several experimental studies, where we test our system, and where we analyze the link between the human user's personality traits and robot's behavior. The generated stress on the users was measured by using external sensors such as a thermal camera and a GSR sensor. Our proposed system showed to be effective in generating a robot behavior adapted to users personality. We found some relations between personality, user preferences and task performance, which are detailed in this work. Our studies showed that people with high conscientiousness have greater task performance than people with low conscientiousness. Also, that introverted people were more influenced to perform a task than extroverted people. Also, we observed an increase on user stress, caused by a robot with a machine-like voice.Besides of adapting to the users preferences, we wanted our system to be able to generate robot behaviors capable ofpersuading effectively their users in achieving the tasks they need to do (i.e. taking medication, calling family members, etc). For this reason, we propose the use of the Regulatory Focus theory, which concentrate on the inclinations that people have when taking decisions, and how to increase the motivation on people to achieve an objective. We conducted several experiments in order to validate this theory in the context of human-robot interaction. Our results show that robot behaviors based on the Regulatory Focus Theory, including body gestures and speech speed, are effective in persuading users to accomplish a task. We also found an increase on user stress when the robot did not match the user Chronic Regulatory State.We conclude that the topics aborded on this thesis, that is to say: Personality, Memory and Regulatory Focus, have to be included in the design of robot behaviors, ir order to have more efficient robots on persuasive tasks, and less stressing to their users.
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Trajectory planning and control for robot manipulations / Planification et contrôle de trajectoire pour robot manipulationZhao, Ran 24 September 2015 (has links)
Comme les robots effectuent de plus en plus de tâches en interaction avec l'homme ou dans un environnement humain, ils doivent assurer la sécurité et le confort des hommes. Dans ce contexte, le robot doit adapter son comportement et agir en fonction des évolutions de l'environnement et des activités humaines. Les robots développés sur la base de l'apprentissage ou d'un planificateur de mouvement ne sont pas en mesure de réagir assez rapidement, c'est pourquoi nous proposons d'introduire un contrôleur de trajectoire intermédiaire dans l'architecture logicielle entre le contrôleur bas niveau et le planificateur de plus haut niveau. Le contrôleur de trajectoire que nous proposons est basé sur le concept de générateur de trajectoire en ligne (OTG), il permet de calculer des trajectoires en temps réel et facilite la communication entre les différents éléments, en particulier le planificateur de chemin, le générateur de trajectoire, le détecteur de collision et le contrôleur. Pour éviter de replanifier toute une trajectoire en réaction à un changement induit par un humain, notre contrôleur autorise la déformation locale de la trajectoire et la modification de la loi d'évolution pour accélérer ou décélérer le mouvement. Le contrôleur de trajectoire peut également commuter de la trajectoire initiale vers une nouvelle trajectoire. Les fonctions polynomiales cubiques que nous utilisons pour décrire les trajectoires fournissent des mouvements souples et de la flexibilité sans nécessiter de calculs complexes. De plus, les algorithmes de lissage que nous proposons permettent de produire des mouvements esthétiques ressemblants à ceux des humains. Ce travail, mené dans le cadre du projet ANR ICARO, a été intégré et validé avec les robots KUKA LWR de la plate-forme robotique du LAAS-CNRS. / In order to perform a large variety of tasks in interaction with human or in human environments, a robot needs to guarantee safety and comfort for humans. In this context, the robot shall adapt its behavior and react to the environment changes and human activities. The robots based on learning or motion planning are not able to adapt fast enough, so we propose to use a trajectory controller as an intermediate control layer in the software structure. This intermediate layer exchanges information with the low level controller and the high level planner. The proposed trajectory controller, based on the concept of Online Trajectory Generation (OTG), allows real time computation of trajectories and easy communication with the different components, including path planner, trajectory generator, collision checker and controller. To avoid the replan of an entire trajectory when reacting to a human behaviour change, the controller must allow deforming locally a trajectory or accelerate/decelerate by modifying the time function. The trajectory controller must also accept to switch from an initial trajectory to a new trajectory to follow. Cubic polynomial functions are used to describe trajectories, they provide smoothness, flexibility and computational simplicity. Moreover, to satisfy the objective of aesthetics, smoothing algorithm are proposed to produce human-like motions. This work, conducted as part of the ANR project ICARO, has been integrated and validated on the KUKA LWR robot platform of LAAS-CNRS.
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Analysis of parametric gaits and control of non-parametric gaits of snake robots / ヘビ型ロボットのパラメトリックな運動の解析およびノンパラメトリックな運動の制御Ryo, Ariizumi 23 March 2015 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第18942号 / 工博第3984号 / 新制||工||1614(附属図書館) / 31893 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科機械理工学専攻 / (主査)教授 松野 文俊, 教授 椹木 哲夫, 教授 藤本 健治 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DGAM
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