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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le rôleplay dans les communautés underground en France

Charles, Clara 12 1900 (has links)
Dans les milieux dits alternatifs ou undergrounden France, affiliés aux formes postmodernes de cultures fan geek et otaku, une pratique a émergé ces dernières années: le rôleplay. Ni tout à fait jeu de rôle, ni tout à fait théâtre, cette modalité d’échange basée sur une mise en scène de soi se pratique en groupe dans des espaces consacrés. Le présent travail est le résultat d’une ethnographie au sein de ces milieux. Il cherche à la fois à rendre compte de cette pratique et à analyser les enjeux qui lui sont liés. C’est une réflexion polyphonique qui lie les questionnements de l’identité, tant individuelle que collective et la performativité à travers, notamment, les travaux de Deleuze, Agamben et Butler. La forme éclatée dans laquelle interviennent différentes voix reprend l’idée de chaos carnavalesque,motif central dans la présente analyse. / In France, in alternative or underground circles characterized bypostmodern fandoms such as geek and otaku cultures, a new form of practice emerged these years defined by the French word rôleplay. It is neither role playing game nor theatre, but a way to exchange with other roleplayers, wearing a costume, in a dedicated area. This work is the result of ethnography in those milieu, and aims to give an account of this practice as much as to analyze the issues of rôleplay. This polyphonic essay links questions as identity (individual or collective) and performativity, through, notably, the work of Deleuze, Agamben and Butler. The splitted up form with several voices taking part recovers the carnivalschaos, central pattern in this analysis.

Managing Cosplay Performance: The Forms and Expectations of Convention Roleplay

Price, Isaac V 01 May 2020 (has links)
Costume play (i.e. cosplay) is a performance of fandom rife with rituals and communication practices. Cosplay roleplaying performances are cultural practices that reveal how cosplayers interact with one another and among non-cosplaying members of their fandoms. This study examines the expectations that cosplayers hold for roleplay, the forms of roleplay, and the ways in which roleplay can become an instigator of harassment. Through the lens of Face-Negotiation Theory, the author discusses how roleplay functions to maintain or threaten the public images of cosplayers and their audiences, and what strategies cosplayers implement to avoid the loss of face.

Student Perceptions of Therapist Credibility Based on Attention to Religious and Spiritual Functioning at Intake

Shy, Brigette M. 20 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.

”Det är det största jag gjort för min personliga utveckling” : Gymnasielevers upplevelser kring FN-rollspel i samhällkunskapsundervisningen / ”The greatest thing I´ve done for my personal development” : Upper secondary school students’ experiences with Model UN in civicseducation

Pedersen, Hanna January 2024 (has links)
This study aims to provide insights into Swedish upper secondary school students experiences with Model UN, a roleplay simulation of the United Nations General Assembly, and it´scontributions to the development of knowledge and skills in civics education. Examining Model UN is crucial for evaluating its pedagogical effectiveness and understanding students' perspectives and experiences. It is also essential to investigate how Model UN can enhance students' understanding of societal issues and international relations, particularly in a time of increasing global complexities. By exploring questions that emphasize the function of roleplaying as a tool for increased understanding of societal issues, international relations, and democracy, as well as students' interpretations of participation, the study aims to enhance understanding of how Model UN can benefit students' learning and development.The study utilizes theoretical frameworks that draws from civics didactics such as Christina Odenstad´s (2010) subject profiles and Sara Blanck´s (2014) subject didactics to examine the impact of model UN simulations. Odenstad (2010) categorizes social studies or civics into orientation subject, analysis subject, and discussion subject, while Blanck (2014) adds a subject didactic aspect emphasizing the ability to act and citizenship education. These profiles help analyse how Model UN contributes to students' learning and skills development.Drawing from interviews with upper secondary school students, the study finds that Model UN simulations is an engaging teaching method where students perceive significant development. Students' interest and engagement in societal issues rises, and by assuming roles and discussing crucial topics, they gain a deeper understanding of subjects such as politics and democracy. Factual knowledge develops through participation in role-playing, aiding students in effective argumentation and understanding diverse perspectives. Following the simulations, students emphasize the importance of nuanced analysis, which has enhanced their critical thinking and ability to avoid falling victim to propaganda. Students who participated in Model UN describe developing skills in oral presentation, self-confidence, political self-efficacy, and understanding beyond facts. Through their experiences, they describe a collective journey of nervousness, uncertainty, and growth.The experience led them to realize that political issues are more nuanced than they previously believed, emphasizing the importance of being prepared for counterarguments and understanding different viewpoints. They believe that the practical approach of role-playing is a valuable complement to traditional theoretical education and advocate for more inclusion of such activities in school curricula. Model UN was an enriching and rewarding experience that not only strengthened their skills but also increased their understanding of political issues and international relations. They stress that such activities should become available to more students to promote a deeper understanding and a more engaged approach to societal issues.The study's findings indicate that Model UN provided a breadth in education where all four didactic profiles were demonstrated and developed, suggesting that UN role-playing can be a useful teaching tool in civics education.

Fotombyte i teckenspråkstolkning : Erfarna tolkars koordineringsarbete på diskursnivå / Change of footing in sign language interpreting

Sterby, Pia January 2018 (has links)
Tolkens uppgift är att överföra budskapet från ett språk till ett annat på ett ekvivalent sätt. För att göra det måste tolken koordinera samtalet. Tolkens koordineringsarbete och tolkens förmåga att navigera mellan de olika modaliteterna där talad svenska och teckenspråk förekommer är avgörande för en funktionell tolkning. Den här uppsatsen har fokuserat på sekvenser där tolken i sitt koordineringsarbete ägnar sig åt att förflytta sig mellan olika samtalsramar. Detta kallas för change of footing (sv. tolkens fotombyte). I det filminspelade materialet har fyra kategorier av change of footing påträffats. Den första handlar om den förändrade deltagarstatusen som uppstår när tolken från väntläge går in i rollspelet. Den andra kategorin handlar om tolkens självpresentation som för teckenspråkstolkar innebär att hantera en oväntad direkt fråga. Den tredje kategorin handlar om när tolken själv tar initiativ till omfrågning för att försäkra sig om innehållet och/eller innebörden av det som yttrats. Den fjärde och sista kategorin handlar om den förändrade deltagarstatusen som tolken förflyttar sig till när rollspelet avslutas. Just avrundning av pågående samtal är ofta en process som kan pågå i flera minuter där både de primära parterna och tolken signalerar detta på en rad olika sätt. / The task of an interpreter is to convey the message from one language to another in an equivalent way. In order to do that the interpreter needs to coordinate the interaction. The coordination and the ability to navigate between the different modalities that spoken Swedish and Swedish sign language are part of is decisive to achieve a functional interpretation. This thesis has focused on sequences where the interpreter in her work moves between different interactional frames. This movement is called change of footing. In the film-recorded data, four different categories of change of footing have been found. The first one concerns the changes in participation status, which occur when the interpreter moves from a “waiting position” into the roleplay. The second category is about the interpreters’ self-presentation, which for sign language interpreters is an unexpected direct question to handle. The third category deals with an interpreter-initiated repair in order to make sure the meaning of an utterance or a word is correctly understood. The fourth and final category is about the changed participation status when the interpreter moves out of ongoing roleplay as it ends. Finishing an ongoing interaction is often a process that might go on for several minutes and that is signalled by both the primary parties and the interpreter in a number of different ways.

Lärande genom interaktiva praktiker i en virtuell verklighet : Livet som en virtuell karaktär - lärande och meningsskapande

Kvarnström, Charlotte January 2020 (has links)
Världen omkring oss förändras snabbt varje dag på grund av olika saker som sker runt om oss. I skrivande stund härjar Coronaviruset i en utbredd pandemi, och vi har alla på vårt eget sätt fått lov att anpassa oss för att leva ett liv med större social distans, vilket för många innebär studier och arbete via digitala plattformar från hemmet, snarare än arbete i skolsalar och kontor. Med dessa förändringar som gör att vi tillbringar mer och mer tid i virtuella rum behövs en djupare förståelse för de virtuella rummen och det lärande som tar plats där.  Syftet med studien har varit att synliggöra de virtuella rummen som rum för lärande, och de frågeställningar studien sökt svar på är: Vilket lärande och meningsskapande framträder i de virtuella rum som undersöks, FiveM och Discord? Hur möjliggörs detta lärande i dessa sammanhang?  Jag har genom att genomföra en deltagande observation, då jag själv spelat det digitala rollspelet FiveM, försökt svara på ovanstående frågeställningar. Det empiriska materialet har bestått av fältanteckningar, screenshots från FiveM, inspelade videosessioner från FiveM, samt screenshots från applikationen Discord. De teorier jag har använt för att tolka materialet har varit ​Design för lärande, och John  Deweys ​Learning by doing. Jag har också använt mig av begreppet “läckage” som ett verktyg för att tolka mitt material. Studien visade att det är ett mångfacetterat lärande och meningsskapande som tar plats i de virtuella rummen. Genom den typ av spel som studerats, digitalt rollspel i datorspelet FiveM, gör spelarna erfarenheter som genererar kunskaper och skapar mening. Spelarna får möjlighet att öva sig i olika färdigheter såsom exempelvis sociala interaktioner,  kommunikation och samarbete. Studien pekade också på att det finns ett läckage mellan det  virtuella rummet och den verkliga världen utanför. Det som sker i rollspelet i det virtuella rummet får ontologiska konsekvenser och påverkar livet i den verkliga världen.

Výchovná a vzdělávací péče o nadané děti a specifika výuky cizích jazyků nadaných dětí / Educating Gifted Children and Specific Features of Teaching Foreign Languages to Gifted Children

HAVELKOVÁ, Lenka January 2009 (has links)
This thesis concentrates on contexts and view-points, that should determinate the character of activities designed for gifted children in foreign languages classes. This work proposes some methods and ways that are convenient for gifted learners. It deals also with the characteristics of the teacher, who is able to conduct the gifted and the characteristics of the gifted in order to devise such activities that satisfy their special cognitive, emotional and social needs.

Hierarchie a chování člověka. BDSM jako alternativní sexuální chování. / Hierarchy and human behavior. BDSM as an alternative sexual behaviour.

Jozífková, Eva January 2016 (has links)
Preferences for sexual arousal by overstated dominance and submission in sex is categorized as F65.5, sadomasochism, according to ICD, but this behaviour is called BDSM among the general public. The ground of these preferences could be ultimately biological. These preferences reflect behavioural strategy which enables to gain higher reproductive success. Men and women who were sexually aroused by a submissive partner had more male relatives than men and women with other preferences. Contrary to the women, the dominant men reported themselves as more attractive. Women who were aroused by a higher-ranking partner considered themselves more attractive. Sons of couples in which was hierarchical disparity had more siblings than sons of "equal" couples or couples with no hierarchical disparity. Daughters of hierarchically disparate couples had more brothers than daughters of "both dominant" partners. Concurrently, number and gender of offspring as well as self- reported attractiveness are likely to be criteria of the reproductive success in humans. It is also interesting that hierarchically disparate couples, without regard to gender of higher-ranking partner, reached higher reproductive success than "equal" couples. Individuals who preferred higher- or lower-ranking partner were also aroused by...

Hierarchie a chování člověka. BDSM jako alternativní sexuální chování. / Hierarchy and human behavior. BDSM as an alternative sexual behaviour.

Jozífková, Eva January 2016 (has links)
Preferences for sexual arousal by overstated dominance and submission in sex is categorized as F65.5, sadomasochism, according to ICD, but this behaviour is called BDSM among the general public. The ground of these preferences could be ultimately biological. These preferences reflect behavioural strategy which enables to gain higher reproductive success. Men and women who were sexually aroused by a submissive partner had more male relatives than men and women with other preferences. Contrary to the women, the dominant men reported themselves as more attractive. Women who were aroused by a higher-ranking partner considered themselves more attractive. Sons of couples in which was hierarchical disparity had more siblings than sons of "equal" couples or couples with no hierarchical disparity. Daughters of hierarchically disparate couples had more brothers than daughters of "both dominant" partners. Concurrently, number and gender of offspring as well as self- reported attractiveness are likely to be criteria of the reproductive success in humans. It is also interesting that hierarchically disparate couples, without regard to gender of higher-ranking partner, reached higher reproductive success than "equal" couples. Individuals who preferred higher- or lower-ranking partner were also aroused by...

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