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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La gestion de la charge mentale des contrôleurs aériens en-route : apports de l'eye-tracking dans le cadre du projet européen SESAR

Martin, Caroline 06 September 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Les contrôleurs du trafic aérien ou " aiguilleurs du ciel ", dont l'activité consiste à assurer la sécurité de l'écoulement du trafic aérien, vont bientôt être confrontés à une évolution sans précédent de leur activité de travail. Pour pallier à une évolution de contexte, associée principalement à une augmentation significative du niveau de trafic aérien, la construction d'un nouvel environnement de contrôle induisant l'introduction de nouvelles technologies et de l'automatisation partielle de la tâche de contrôle est visée. Ces perspectives, qui ont pour objectif de diminuer les sollicitations des contrôleurs aériens afin d'augmenter le seuil capacitaire de gestion du trafic aérien, suscitent l'interrogation. Notamment, comment assurer la validation de ces évolutions en vue des objectifs visés ? Ce doctorat porte sur l'étude de la charge mentale de contrôleurs aériens dans différents contextes, afin d'évaluer les effets engendrés par de telles modifications apportées à leur environnement de travail quotidien. L'évaluation proposée repose sur une approche multidimensionnelle centrée sur l'analyse de paramètres oculaires enregistrés grâce à une technique d'eye-tracking dans des situations de contrôle écologiquement valides, en référence à la tâche de contrôle du trafic aérien. La première étude a tout d'abord permis de caractériser la gestion de la charge mentale effectuée par les contrôleurs aériens au cours de leur activité dans une situation nominale (reflétant la situation de contrôle du trafic aérien actuelle). La deuxième étude porte sur les effets générés par l'introduction de nouveaux systèmes informatisés d'aide à la décision induisant une automatisation partielle de la tâche de contrôle. Enfin, la dernière étude souligne l'effet du niveau de formation sur les modes de gestion des ressources cognitives employés par les contrôleurs aériens.

Mechanosynthesis of nanocrystalline fayalite, Fe2SiO4

Šepelák , Vladimir, Myndyk, Maxym, Fabián, Martin, Da Silva, Klebson L., Feldhoff, Armin, Menzel, Dirk, Ghafari, Mohammad, Hahn, Horst, Heitjans, Paul, Becker, Klaus D. 03 April 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Nanostructured fayalite (α-Fe2SiO4) with a large volume fraction of interfaces is synthesized for the first time via single-step mechanosynthesis, starting from a 2α-Fe2O3 + 2Fe + 3SiO2 mixture. The nonequilibrium state of the as-prepared silicate is characterized by the presence of deformed polyhedra in the interface/surface regions of nanoparticles. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Nordostpassagen – ett lokalt hot eller en global möjlighet? : En värdering av miljöpåverkan vid ett ökat användande av Nordostpassagen

Andersson, Alexander, Arvidsson, Teed January 2017 (has links)
I takt med att isens utbredning i Arktis minskar ökar potentialen för Nordostpassagen att bli ett alternativ till Suezkanalen. En inledande litteraturstudie identifierar möjliga effekter på miljön vid en kraftig ökning av kommersiell sjöfart längs Nordostpassagen. Resultatet av litteraturstudien diskuteras i intervjuer med tre personer verksamma inom biologi, filosofi och statsvetenskap för att undersöka hur globala förbättringar kan värderas mot lokala skadeverkningar. Litteraturstudien fann att de största miljöeffekterna i Arktis kommer från sjöfartens luftutsläpp, oljespill samt den stressande effekt fartyg har på djurlivet. Globalt sett kan ett ökat användande av Nordostpassagen ge en minskning av sjöfartens koldioxidutsläpp. De intervjuade har delade åsikter om huruvida koldioxidminskningen kan väga upp för de lokala effekterna i Arktis. Vidare önskade de intervjuade se tydlig reglering av eventuell sjöfart i området och att den vinst som genereras av rutten ska bidra till att minska de negativa miljöeffekterna. / As the ice coverage in the Arctic decreses the potential for the Northeast Passage as an alternative to the Suez Canal increases. An initial literature review identifies potential environmental effects of increased shipping along the Northeast Passage. The result of the review is discussed in three separate interviews with a philosopher, a biologist and a political scientists to study how global environmental improvements can be appraised when set against local damages. The literature review revealed air pollution, oil spillages and the stress vessels can cause wildlife to be the most important local factors. The study also found that an increased use of the Northeast Passage may lead to decreased levels of carbon dioxide emissions from shipping globally. The interviewees had different opinions on whether or not the reduction in carbon dioxide emissions outweighs the local environmental impact in the Arctic. Furthermore, the interviewees shared the opinion that shipping in the area needs to be regulated and that the profit made from using the passage should contribute to limiting the harmful environmental effects.

Étude archéologique et architecturale de la zone de l’hippodrome de Tyr / Architectural and archaeological study of the hippodrome site of Tyre

Kahwagi-Janho, Hany 11 September 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet l’étude du secteur de l’hippodrome romain du site archéologique d’el-Bass à Tyr (Liban sud). Six monuments et structures archéologiques sont concernés : la route antique, l’arc monumental, l’aqueduc, l’hippodrome et les deux bains de factions qui lui sont associés. Une description détaillée du site et de son cadre archéologique, géographique et historique sera suivie d’une étude approfondie de chacun des monuments. Cette étude couvrira leurs divers aspects archéologiques, architecturaux, typologiques ainsi que les divers remaniements qu’ils subirent. L’ensemble sera accompagné de plusieurs approches comparatives avec des monuments contemporains similaires. Cette étude sera complétée par une analyse urbaine du site, qui traitera de la disposition des monuments les uns par rapport aux autres ainsi que par une étude chronologique qui présentera les diverses phases de son évolution, son développement et son abandon. / This thesis has for object the survey of the sector of the Roman hippodrome of the archaeological site of el-Bass in Tyre (South Lebanon). Six monuments and archaeological structures are concerned: the ancient road, the monumental arch, the aqueduct, the hippodrome and the two faction baths that are associated to it. A detailed description of the site and its archaeological, geographical and historic setting will be followed by a deepened survey of each of the monuments. This survey will cover their various archaeological, architectural, typological aspects as well as the various overhauls that they underwent. The whole will be accompanied by several comparative approaches with similar contemporary monuments. This survey will be completed by an urban analysis of the site, which will be about the disposition of the monuments as well as by a chronological survey that will present the various phases of its evolution, its development and its abandonment.

Modeling and Estimation of Long Route EGR Mass Flow in a Turbocharged Gasoline Engine

Klasén, Erik January 2016 (has links)
Due to the continuous work in the automobile industry to reduce the environmental impact, reduce fuel consumption and increase efficiency, new technologies need to be developed and implemented in vehicles. For spark ignited engines, one technology that has received more attention in recent years is long route Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR), which means that exhaust gases after the turbine are transported back to the volume before the compressor in the air intake system of the engine. In this work, the components of the long route EGR system is modeled with mean value engine models in Simulink, and implemented in a existing Simulink engine model. Then different methods for estimating the mass flow over the long route EGR system are compared, and the transport delays for the recirculated exhaust gases in the engines air intake system are modeled. This work is based on measurements done on an engine rig, on which a long route EGR system was installed. Finally, some ideas on how a long route EGR system on a gasoline engine can be controlled are presented based on the results in this thesis work.

The Conservation of Cultural Routes in Saudi Arabia (The Sultani Hajj Route between Almadinah and Makkah)

Al Kadi, Abrar Abdullah H., Al Kadi, Abrar Abdullah H. January 2016 (has links)
The Sultani Hajj Route between AlMadinah and Makkah is one of the most significant heritage properties in Saudi Arabia. However, it has not been identified or designated as a significant cultural route worthy of conservation. Hence, many significant historic elements and sites along the route are being lost or damaged. This thesis was written to use World Heritage Cultural Route criteria to identify the Sultani Hajj Route as a heritage resource worthy of conservation. The thesis reviews UNESCO guidelines and criteria for designating cultural routes on the World Heritage List (WHL), and then applies these guidelines to identify the Sultani Hajj Route for possible designation on the WHL. Based on interviews and field surveys, 77 significant historic properties associated with the Sultani Hajj Route are identified, and 12 of these heritage resources are described in detail. The goal of this thesis is to spark interest in conserving this universally valuable Saudi cultural route while acknowledging that many concerns still need to be addressed, including raising public awareness and increasing public participation in the conservation process.


Li, Mengyao 01 January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of the project was to investigate the impact of IV and PO routes difference for MDZ, a prototypical CYP3A substrate, and two CYP3A inhibitors (CYP3AI) -FLZ and ERY-, on the magnitude and time course of their inhibitory metabolic DDI. Individual semi-PBPK models for MDZ, FLZ and ERY were developed and validated separately, using pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters from clinical/in-vitro studies and published physiological parameters. Subsequently, DDI sub-models between MDZ and CYP3AIs incorporated non-competitive and mechanism-based inhibition (MBI) for FLZ and ERY, respectively, on hepatic and gut wall (GW) CYP3A metabolism of MDZ, using available in-vitro/in-vivo information. Model-simulated MDZ PK profiles were compared with observed data from available clinical PK and DDI studies, by visual predictive check and exposure metrics comparison. DDI magnitude and time course for CYP3AI (IV vs. PO) followed by MDZ (IV vs. PO) at various time points were predicted by the validated semi-PBPK-DDI models. Two hypothetical CYP3A substrates and four CYP3AI (derived from MDZ, FLZ and ERY, with GW metabolism removed, hepatic metabolism reduced, or oral bioavailability (Foral) and/or elimination half-life (t1/2) modified) were also simulated to generalize conclusions. The final semi-PBPK-DDI models predict well the PK profiles for IV/PO MDZ in absence/presence of IV/PO CYP3AI, with deviations between model-predicted and observed exposure metrics within 30%. Prospective simulations demonstrate that: 1) CYP3A substrates, e.g., MDZ, are consistently more sensitive to metabolic inhibition after PO than after IV administration, due to pre-systemic hepatic and/or GW metabolism. For substrates without GW metabolism and limited hepatic metabolism, only a marginal route difference for substrate administration is observed. 2) For high-Foral CYP3AIs, e.g., FLZ, no inhibitor IV-PO route DDI differences are expected, unless they are given simultaneously with PO MDZ. 3) For low-Foral CYP3AIs, e.g., ERY, greater inhibition is expected after IV than after PO administration for IV MDZ, but is difficult to predict for PO MDZ. 4) In addition to Foral and plasma t1/2 of CYP3AIs, the DDI onset, peak and duration are determined by their oral absorption rate and by the resulting hepatic and/or GW concentration profiles relative to Ki for noncompetitive CYP3AIs, but by CYP3A kinetics (synthesis, degradation rate) for MBI CYP3AIs.

Déplacement, délocalisation et «dévoyage» dans quelques récits québécois contemporains

Crevier-Lalonde, Guillaume 09 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire s’intéresse à l’écriture du voyage et du déplacement à travers l’exemple de cinq récits québécois contemporains. Nous étudions ici Voyage en Irlande avec un parapluie et Voyage au Portugal avec un Allemand de Louis Gauthier, Vers l’Ouest de Mahigan Lepage, Dix jours en cargo d’Isabelle Miron ainsi que Le sermon aux poissons de Patrice Lessard. Constatant que les voyages contemporains se sont délestés de l’expérience de l’exotisme et de la découverte, nous faisons l’hypothèse que l’écriture du déplacement se transforme. Nous analysons comment une expérience dysphorique du déplacement s’inscrit dans la description des lieux, la mise en récit et l’identité des narrateurs. À partir des travaux de Michel de Certeau (L’invention du quotidien) et de Marc Augé (Non-lieux : introduction à la surmodernité), nous nous intéressons, dans un premier chapitre, à la perception des lieux et à leur description. Notre parcours nous amène ensuite à examiner plus directement les modalités par lesquelles ces récits de la route produisent une continuité, métaphorique notamment. La troisième partie se concentre sur l’identité des narrateurs, qui tend à se construire ou à se déconstruire par rapport aux espaces qu’il parcourent. En nous servant des analyses d’images de Georges Didi-Huberman, nous examinons en conclusion comment ces différents aspects des textes produisent une « esthétique de la délocalisation », où les paysages et les lieux se constituent en écrans sur lesquels il est désormais possible de se projeter. / This thesis focuses on travel and displacement writing by exploring this theme into contemporary narrative in Quebec litterature. We study Voyage en Irlande avec un parapluie and Voyage au Portugal avec un Allemand (Louis Gauthier), Vers l’Ouest (Mahigan Lepage), Dix jours en cargo (Isabelle Miron) and Le sermon aux poissons (Patrice Lessard). By stating that travels don’t relay the experience of exotism and of discovery anymore, we make the assumption that the practice of narrating this new type of travels also changes. We analyse how this dysphoric experience of the travel reflects itself into the descriptions of the places, into the construction of a narrative, and into the construction of the identity. With the works of Michel de Certeau (The Practice of Everyday Life) and of Marc Augé (Non-Places: Introduction to an Anthropology of Supermodernity), our analysis questions, in a first chapter, the perception of spaces and their descriptions. Then, we examine more directly how these road narratives produce continuity. The third part focus on the identity of the narrator, that tends to be constructed and deconstructed by the landscape seen on the road. By referring to the analysis of images by Georges Didi- Huberman, we examine in our conclusion how those different aspects of the texts construct a « relocation » aesthetics in which landscapes and places become screens on which it is henceforth possible for the characters to project themselves.

Le roman bauchautien et la récriture du mythe d’Œdipe / Bauchau’s Novel and the Rewriting of Œdipus’ Myth

Purcărescu, Oana-Angela 12 September 2012 (has links)
Cette recherche propose une interprétation d’un corpus centré sur le roman Œdipe sur la route d’Henry Bauchau, mais en faisant référence aussi aux autres œuvres du cycle œdipien et aux journaux de l’écrivain. C’est un travail qui opère à un double niveau, celui d’un projet ontologique des personnages errants en quête d’identité, et celui des stratégies d’écriture. La première partie de cette étude, munie méthodologiquement des travaux théoriques sur le mythe, propose une définition des concepts, des relations du mythe avec la littérature, de l’évolution du mythe œdipien. Au centre de l’ouvrage, à l’aide d’une analyse comparative, argumentative, herméneutique et stylistique, nous nous concentrons sur le roman de Bauchau, Œdipe sur la route. Nous analysons les rêves d’Œdipe et de l’écrivain, la route de Thèbes à Colone, la transformation d’un roi déchu, incestueux et aveugle à un aède, un artiste, un héros tutélaire d’Athènes, les symboles, les personnages principaux œdipiens et la vision des Roumains sur le mythe d’Œdipe. La dernière partie analyse l’écriture de Bauchau : la polyphonie, l’anachronie, la mise en abîme, l’intergénéricité, le statut des personnages, la dimension onirique, tout cela dans la lumière de l’intertexte et du palimpseste en tant que modèle herméneutique. Donc, l’originalité de l’écriture bauchautienne est qu’au centre des récits surajoutés, se poursuit le récit mythique avec des parties composantes passées, réelles ou recomposées, au profit d’expériences nouvelles, d’un regard nouveau porté sur l’homme.Mots clés : Henry Bauchau, Œdipe, mythe, symbole, identité, errance, route, catharsis, intertextualité, écriture, rêve. / This research paper proposes a study of a corpus focused on the novel Œdipe sur la route by Henry Bauchau, but also referring to other works of the œdipal cycle and to the writer’s diaries. It is a study which operates on a double level that of an ontological project of the wandering characters in search for identity, for purification and that of writing strategies. The first part of this study, based methodologically on the theoretical works on myth, suggests a definition of concepts, of the relations of myth with literature, of the evolution of œdipal myth. In the centre of our work, with a comparative, argumentative, hermeneutical and stylistic analysis, we focus on Bauchau’s novel, Œdipe sur la route. We analyze Œdipus and the writer’s dreams, the road between Thebes and Colonos, the transformation from an incestuous, murderer and blind king to a bard, an artist, a tutelary hero of Athens, the main symbols and characters in the œdipal cycle and we present the Romanians’ point of view on Œdipus’ myth. The final part analyzes Bauchau’s writing: the polyphony, the anachrony, the mise en abîme technique, the intergenericity, the status of characters, the dream dimension. Everything converges to a poetics of oscillation, of doubt, of wandering. These are emphasized by an analysis in the light of inter-text and palimpsest as a hermeneutical model. Thus, the originality of Bauchau’s writing is that in the centre of added stories, Sophocles’s mythic story continues with past, real or recomposed parts, for the benefit of new experiences, of a new vision on man.Keywords: Henry Bauchau, Œdipus, myth, symbol, identity, wandering, road, catharsis, intertextuality, writing, dream.

Činnost Evropské cyklistické federace jako součást evropské turistiky / Activities of the European Cyclists' Federation as a part of European tourism

Snopová, Karolína January 2016 (has links)
Title: Activities of the European Cyclists' Federation as a part of European tourism Objectives: The thesis is focused on cycling tourism in relation to European tourism, European Union policy and global policy of the world organizations. The aim is to present the activities of the European Cyclists' Federation, characterize the organization and analyze its biggest project - the development of the European network of long-distance cycling routes EuroVelo. This case study also shows the way of cooperation of a non-governmental organization, the European Union and world organizations in order to support the development of cycling tourism and fulfill the objectives of the European Union policy and global policy of world organizations. Methods: The information has been obtained by document analysis and by communication with the former Vice President of the European Cyclists' Federation and currently a member of the Executive Board of EuroVelo within the ECF. Results: Used methods have brought enough information to create complete description of the European Cyclists' Federation and its activities including the EuroVelo project. The result is a complex text that shows the importance of cycling (and thus activities of ECF) for the society and demonstrates the cooperation of organizations at all levels in...

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