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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Gångavstånd till utrymningsvägar : En studie om gångstånden till utrymningsvägar och dess dimensioneringsmöjligheter med hjälp av förenklad dimensionering / Distances to evacuation routes : A study of walking distances to escape routes and its design possibilities using simplified dimensioning

Ullström, Stefan January 2015 (has links)
ABSTRACT The title of this degree project after  three years long education of construction engineering is “Distances to evacuation routes” with the subtitle “A study of walking distances to escape routes and its design possibilities using simplified dimensioning”. The idea for the project came from the company Fire AB in Västerås. They are oriented in fire protection dimensioning. When specifying the fire protection for a building you can choose from two different methods, simplified dimensioning or analytical dimensioning. The simplified dimensioning is an easier way of designing the fire protection, you just follow the rules in BBR given by the swedish national board of housing, bulding and planning. Analytical dimensioning is a more complicated method which places higher demands on the user. In some cases analytical dimensioning is a demand. There has been a problem with the simplified method when you dimension the distance to an emergency exit. The maximum distance to an escape route is given in BBR 19/20 and can’t be exceeded at any time. If you have a distance of 31 meters and the acceptable distance is 30 m you would have to solve it with analytical dimensioning, but if you have a normal ceiling height this is very difficult because the calculation values are very high compared to the values used in simplified dimensioning. The only way to get that extra meter accepted is to install some kind of fire alarm which increases the cost of the building. Before BBR 19/20 you could do a report with a risk analysis of that extra meter. That extra meter is often a corner in a room and doesn’t affect the evacuation. When you calculate that extra meter it will affect the evacuation time considerably but in reality it doesn’t make any major difference. It’s not reasonable to install a fire alarm that increases the cost of the building with an extra hundred thousand SEK. The question that will be answered is: How has the maximum walking distance to escape routes changed over time in the different regulations? The requirements for walking distances to escape routes being used today, how where these created and have they been tested in any way? How do they do in Norway, Finland and New Zealand when they decide the maximum distance to an escape route? What do the calculations say? Would a longer distance to an escape route or a higher ceiling height be better for the people that evacuate? There are differences in the maximum distance to an escape route between the countries that has been compared in this essay. In some cases has Norway and Finland has a longer distance than Sweden but overall they are very simlilar. New Zeeland is the country with the longest walking distance in all scenarios. In some cases New Zeeland has the double amount of meters than Sweeden to an escape route. The capter about walking distances to an escape route in the swedish ordinance “Boverkets byggregler” has looked almost the same since 1975. It is time for that chapter to be revised after todays building techniques and materials.  Keywords: distance, evacuations, routes, fire, dimensioning, housing, building and planning. / SAMMANFATTNING När en byggnad konstrueras är utrymningssäkerheten för byggnaden väldigt viktig. En del inom utrymningssäkerhet är gångavstånden till utrymningsvägar. Det maximalt tillåtna gångavståndet till utrymningsvägarna bestäms med hjälp av tabellvärden genom förenklad dimensionering eller genom att beräkna tiden till kritiska förhållanden och därefter beräkna maximala gångavstånd detta kallas analytisk dimensionering. Det förstnämnda har behandlats i detta arbete. Med hjälp utav förenklad dimensionering bestäms det maximala gångavstånden till utrymningsvägar efter vilken typ av verksamhet samt dess förutsättningar som råder i det tänkta utrymmet. Max tillåtna gångavstånd varierar från 15 m upp till 60 m beroende på verksamhetsklass och förutsättningar. Syftet med detta arbete är att utreda metoden för att ta fram de längsta gångavstånden samt hur relevant denna är i dagsläget, ytterligare ett syfte är att jämföra denna metod mot Norge, Finland och Nya Zeelands metod för att bestämma längsta gångavstånd. Arbetet består av en litteraturstudie som är baserad på lagtext från de olika länderna. Intervjuer har gjorts med människor som jobbar inom det berörda området i de olika länderna. En teoretisk del presenteras i slutet på arbetet i form av beräkningar, där användes datorsimuleringsprogrammet CFast. Från och med 1947 fram tills idag så har det funnits 4 olika regelverk för byggande i Sverige som alla behandlat gångavståndskraven till utrymningsvägar. Dessa regelverk är Byggnadsstyrelsens anvisningar till byggnadsstadgan (BABS) 1947-1967, Svensk byggnorm (SBN) 1968-1989, Boverkets nybyggnadsregler (NR) 1989-1994 och Boverkets byggregler (BBR)1994-. I BABS var kraven näst intill obefintliga, det kom krav om gångavstånd till utrymningsvägar för bostäder 1960 men nämndes ytterst kort. Till BABS 1960 kom de första kraven som var indelade efter verksamhetsklasser och förutsättningar, det hade dock inget krav för verksamheter där det förelåg en hög risk för bränder. I SBN 1975 infördes gångavståndskraven som används än idag med den enda skillnaden att brandbelastningen för 60 meters gångavstånd är 250MJ/m2 golvarea istället för 40 MJ/m2 omslutande area. I NR användes också denna tabell för att bestämma det maximala gångavståndet till utrymningsvägar. När BBR 1 kom gick man över från detaljkrav till funktionskrav, detta gjordes för att främja alternativa lösningar och teknisk utveckling. Gångavståndskraven flyttades från BBR till rapporten 1994:10 Utrymningsdimensionering sedan Utrymningsdimensionering 2004 och sist till Utrymningsdimensionering 2006 innan de togs tillbaka in till BBR 19. Det var alltså till BBR 19 som kraven återinfördes i BBR. Anledningen till detta var att det skulle bli enklare för användaren. Målet med BBR 19 var att öka verifiering utav brandskyddet i byggnaderna. Det rådde tidigare stor variation utav säkerhetsnivån då Boverket inte reglerat detta tillräckligt. Konkurrens mellan företagen kunde uppstå då företagen kunde tolka reglerna olika. En följd utav detta blev att det blev svårare för branschen att kunna göra alternativa lösningar, t.ex. längre gångavstånd då det i BBR 19 var tydligare gränser för vad som var acceptabelt och inte. Detta ledde till irritation inom vissa delar utav branschen då utrymmet för diskussion med kommunerna kring ett för långt gångavstånd blev mindre. I BBR 20 är kraven desamma som i BBR 19 och snart kommer även BBR 21 att släppas och även där är kravnivån densamma. I våra grannländer Finland och Norge används ett liknande system. I Finland använder man inte verksamhetsklasser utan skriver ut exempel på byggnader och vad de har för maximalt gångavstånd. Finland är medlem i EU och det kan därför tyckas att kraven för gångavstånd till utrymningsvägar borde överensstämma med Sverige men så är inte fallet. Det finns inget krav på att byggreglerna ska vara enhetliga inom EU även om det skulle underlätta arbeten utom landets gränser. Gångavstånden är t.ex. längre för samlingslokaler men kortare för industrilokaler. Detta beror på att de två länderna ser olika på olika typer utav risker. Norge delar in sina utrymmen i olika riskklasser där varje riskklass har ett maximalt gångavstånd till utrymningsvägar. Norge är inte medlem i EU och kraven för maximala gångavstånd är hårdare än Sveriges. Norges krav för bostäder är 30 m jämfört med Sveriges 45 m och Norges krav för industrier är 50 m mot Sveriges 60 m. Det sista landet som utreddes i detta arbete är Nya Zeeland. Regelverket i Nya Zeeland skiljer sig mycket mot de övriga. Regelverket delas in i två grenar, verification methods (VM) och acceptable solutions (AS). VM är en analytisk dimensionerings metod där brandskyddet dimensioneras genom att personen som dimensionerar brandskyddet går igenom 10 olika scenarion, när dessa har gåtts igenom och målen har uppfyllts ska byggnaden vara godkänd. AS är förenklad dimensionering, den delas in i AS 1-7, där varje nummer är en byggnadstyp. Gångavstånden skiljer sig kraftigt mot de Svenska då de är mycket längre. I Nya Zeeland kan byggherren välja vilka nivå på brandskyddet ett visst utrymme ska ha och får därefter olika långa gångavstånd. Grundkraven är generellt sett högre än de svenska och används den högsta klassen på brandskydd, t.ex. automatiskt brandlarm och sprinklers med rökdetektorer så är gångavstånden i vissa fall dubbelt så långa som de svenska. Sista delen i arbetet är beräkningar över gångavstånd och takhöjd kontra tid till kritisk nivå. Kritisk nivå kan uppstå på olika sätt i ett rum, t.ex. att brandgaslagrets höjd kommer till en viss nivå, att toxiciteten är för hög eller att värmestrålningen är för stark. Beräkningsexempel utfördes på två olika lokaler med olika gångavstånd, 30 och 45 m. Takhöjden höjdes sedan med en tredjedel i de båda lokalerna och tiden till kritisk nivå jämfördes sedan. Beräkningsexempel avslöjar att takhöjden och gångavstånden (byggnadens storlek) har stor inverkan på tiden till kritisk nivå. När takhöjden höjs eller gångavståndet förlängs så ökar lokalens volym och därmed får röken en större yta att sprida ut sig på. I förenklad dimensionering tar man inte hänsyn till takhöjden och blir ett gångavstånd för långt måste analytisk dimensionering användas. Beräkningarna visar just att en större byggnad som har ett längre gångavstånd eller en högre takhöjd är gynnsamt då tiden för en säker utrymning ökar. Det vore kanske lämpligt att införa en paragraf i förenklad dimensionering att alla utrymmen som har en viss takhöjd eller en takhöjd över standard kan tillgodogöra sig en tredjedels längre gångavstånd precis som man får göra om en sprinklerinstallation görs. Den specifika takhöjdsgränsen bör tas fram genom riktiga försök samt beräkningar. Detta är en av arbetets slutsatser. Nyckelord: gångavstånd, utrymning, branddimensionering, Boverket.

Scheduling trucks in port container terminals by a genetic algorithm

Zhang, Yuxuan, 張宇軒 January 2005 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering / Master / Master of Philosophy

Safe Routes to School: Launching the Program at Oak Grove Elementary School

Henderson, Susan 26 March 2010 (has links)
Safe Routes to School is a national program funded by the Department of Transportation. The goal of the program is to increase children’s active transport to and from school, primarily by walking, in response to the epidemic of childhood obesity. Implementation at the state and local level has had varying success. In my capstone presentation, I discuss the creation, implementation, and ongoing success of the program at Oak Grove Elementary, a local public school in Georgia. The program is comprised of the 5 Es: Education, Encouragement, Enforcement, Engineering, and Evaluation. Each of these five components will be focused on, as well as ongoing challenges in the struggle to retrofit a school to make it more walker-friendly in a car-dependent environment.

The challenges associated with policy formulation along arterial routes : a case study of Ontdekkers Road, Johannesburg Metropolitan Council / Z.A. Marais

Marais, Zara Anne January 2010 (has links)
Arterial routes are key structuring components of the urban structure. These routes perform vital functions, including the connectivity of nodes or nodal areas, providing access to urban opportunities, linking metropolitan / municipal areas and providing access to the public transportation system. In order to protect the functionality of these routes, which primarily relates to a mobility function, development along these routes should be controlled. The formulation of policies for development along arterial routes is vital to ensure sustainable, integrated development along these routes without negatively impacting on the urban structure as a whole. A number of challenges are experienced during the formulation–process of these policies, especially since development along these routes is multi–faceted in nature. A case study of Ontdekkers Road, which is a major arterial route located within the City of Johannesburg, is used as the main point of departure. A comparison of the three sections of the route extending from Krugersdorp to Johannesburg (i.e. Voortrekker, Ontdekkers and Main Road) and the applicable development policies provides insight into the key challenges experienced during the policy–formulation process and the implementation of these policies. The study provides key recommendations in response to the challenges experienced along major arterial routes. The recommendations predominantly relate to the multi–faceted nature of development along these routes; the necessity of an interdisciplinary approach to policy–formulation; the importance of comprehensive public participation that involves the relevant stakeholders, professionals and authorities; and the continuous interaction between neighbouring municipalities to identify cross–border issues and co–ordinate planning initiatives. The dynamic nature of development along arterial routes necessitates dynamic policies that consider changing social, economic and physical conditions. To this end, the study recommends the review of development policies on an annual basis and the implementation of contingency–based planning. / Thesis (M.Art. et Scien. (Town and Regional Planning))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

The challenges associated with policy formulation along arterial routes : a case study of Ontdekkers Road, Johannesburg Metropolitan Council / Z.A. Marais

Marais, Zara Anne January 2010 (has links)
Arterial routes are key structuring components of the urban structure. These routes perform vital functions, including the connectivity of nodes or nodal areas, providing access to urban opportunities, linking metropolitan / municipal areas and providing access to the public transportation system. In order to protect the functionality of these routes, which primarily relates to a mobility function, development along these routes should be controlled. The formulation of policies for development along arterial routes is vital to ensure sustainable, integrated development along these routes without negatively impacting on the urban structure as a whole. A number of challenges are experienced during the formulation–process of these policies, especially since development along these routes is multi–faceted in nature. A case study of Ontdekkers Road, which is a major arterial route located within the City of Johannesburg, is used as the main point of departure. A comparison of the three sections of the route extending from Krugersdorp to Johannesburg (i.e. Voortrekker, Ontdekkers and Main Road) and the applicable development policies provides insight into the key challenges experienced during the policy–formulation process and the implementation of these policies. The study provides key recommendations in response to the challenges experienced along major arterial routes. The recommendations predominantly relate to the multi–faceted nature of development along these routes; the necessity of an interdisciplinary approach to policy–formulation; the importance of comprehensive public participation that involves the relevant stakeholders, professionals and authorities; and the continuous interaction between neighbouring municipalities to identify cross–border issues and co–ordinate planning initiatives. The dynamic nature of development along arterial routes necessitates dynamic policies that consider changing social, economic and physical conditions. To this end, the study recommends the review of development policies on an annual basis and the implementation of contingency–based planning. / Thesis (M.Art. et Scien. (Town and Regional Planning))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Arctic Conflicts : A study of geopolitical relations and potential conflicts in the High North

Jönsson, Daniel January 2014 (has links)
The IPCC report from 2013 predicts radical temperature changes in the world the coming years, with a melting ice cap in the Arctic as consequence. According to geological research made by institutes and scholars from the Arctic states the Arctic is likely to hold the last remaining oil and gas resources of the world. The melting ice cap opens up for resource exploitation and for new naval transportation routes between Asia and Europe and North America. There is a debate over what geopolitical implications these natural resources and the new transportation routes will get for the surrounding Arctic states since the existing international regulations in some areas are inadequate. This debate is divided into two camps; one side argues that the Arctic states will act cooperatively when exploiting the resources and navigating the new transportation routes, while the other side predicts violent and conflictive state behavior. The objective of this study is to analyze existing and potential conflicts in the Arctic through the perspective of leading international relations theories in order to make projections of potential Arctic developments. As analytical tool the study applies a conflict analysis framework to structure and categorize both the findings and the analytical chapter. In this qualitative and abductive study the data has been collected through mainly official state and private documents and text analysis of these documents have been used as method. The study concludes that a combination of both cooperation and competition is likely to occur in the Arctic in future, but cooperation will be the first alternative of choice for states rather than conflict.

Geoarchaelogical Investigation Of Central Anatolian Caravanserais Using Gis

Ertepinar Kaymakci, Pinar 01 June 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This study comprises analysis of geological, geomorphological constraints that played role in the site selection of caravanserais. In order to do this, 15 caravanserais located along a route from NevSehir-Aksaray-Konya to BeySehir were used. The data used in the study include a caravanserai database, lithological maps, and digital elevation model of the area. GIS analyses performed in the study are proximity, visibility, and probability distribution (PDA). The first step is the generation of the ancient trade route which is used as a reference in other analysis. Results of the analysis indicate that the average distance between consequent caravanserais is 10 km. PDA suggests that there should be two more caravanserais between BeySehir - Yunuslar and one caravanserai between Obruk - Sulatnahani hans. Caravanserais are very close to a water source but not at their immediate vicinity. Groundwater is not considered in this study / dominant water sources are streams, springs and lakes. Their visibility tested in an area of 78 km2 shows a great variation suggesting that visibility is not considered during the site selection. Ignimbrite, limestone and marble are preferred rocks types although other rocks such as clastic rocks are exposed in closer distances.

The Japanese missions to Tang China and maritime exchange in East Asia, 7th-9th centuries

Fuqua, Douglas Sherwin January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2004. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 227-251). / Also available by subscription via World Wide Web / xviii, 251 leaves, bound 29 cm

Seville: between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, 1248-1492 : pre-Columbus commercial routes from and to Seville /

Serradilla Avery, Dan Manuel. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.Phil.) - University of St Andrews, May 2007.

Efeitos antinociceptivos dose-resposta e de diferentes vias de administração da buprenorfina em felinos domésticos

Steagall, Paulo Vinicius Mortensen [UNESP] 29 April 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:32:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009-04-29Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:43:48Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 steagall_pvm_dr_botfm.pdf: 393562 bytes, checksum: 5728f72f985284dda5f8f079a19a7e0a (MD5) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar os efeitos antinociceptivos da buprenorfina em gatos, quando administrada em diferentes doses pela via intravenosa (IV), e também por diferentes vias de administração, por meio da mensuração do limiar nociceptivo térmico (LNT) e mecânico (LNM) num estudo cruzado, cego e aleatório. O estímulo nociceptivo térmico (LNT) foi realizado por meio de um dispositivo justaposto a um mangüito de pressão neonatal, posicionado ao redor do tórax do gato por uma cinta elástica. O estímulo nociceptivo mecânico foi realizado por meio de um bracelete de plástico, colocado ao redor do antebraço do gato. Na primeira fase, após as mensurações basais dos LNT e LNM, oito gatos (3,8±0,6kg) receberam buprenorfina (IV) nas doses de 0,01 (B1), 0,02 (B2) e 0,04 (B4) mg/kg. As mensurações foram feitas até 10h após cada tratamento. Na segunda fase, após as mensurações basais dos LNT, seis gatos (4,1±0,5kg) receberam buprenorfina (0,02 mg/kg) pelas vias IV, intramuscular (IM) e subcutânea (SC). As mensurações foram realizadas até 24h após cada tratamento. Na terceira fase, após as mensurações basais dos LNT e LNM, oito gatos (4,7±1,5kg) receberam buprenorfina (0,02 mg/kg) pela via epidural, por meio de uma via de acesso vascular implantada cirurgicamente antes do início do estudo. As mensurações foram realizadas até 24h após cada tratamento. Os dados foram analisados por ANOVA (P<0,05). Os LNT e LNM acima do intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC95%), gerados pelos valores basais, indicaram antinocicepção. Na primeira fase, os LNT e os LNM aumentaram significativamente entre 15min e 4h (LNT) após B1, entre 15min e 2h e aos 15 e 45min após B2, e entre 15min e 8h, exceto às 4h, e entre 30min e 2h, após B4, respectivamente. Aos 45min, os LNM foram significativamente maiores em B2 quando comparados a B1. As médias dos LNT e dos LNM ficaram... / The aim of this study was to evaluate the antinociceptive effects of buprenorphine in cats after intravenous (IV) administration of different doses and after different routes of administration, by means of measuring thermal (TT) and mechanical (MT) nociceptive thresholds, in a randomized, blinded and crossover study. Thermal stimulation was given via a probe, attached to an elasticated band and positioned around the cat’s thorax with an inflated modified neonatal cuff. Mechanical stimulation was given via a plastic bracelet with a modified neonatal cuff, taped around the cat’s antebrachium. In the first phase, after MT and TT baseline recordings, eight cats (3.8±0.6kg) were given 0.01 (B1), 0.02 (B2) and 0.04 (B4) mg/kg of buprenorphine IV. Thresholds were measured until 10h after administration of treatments. In the second phase, after TT baseline recordings, buprenorphine (0.02 mg/kg) was administered to six cats (4.1±0.5kg) by the IV, intramuscular (IM) and subcutaneous (SC) routes. Threshold measurements were performed up to 24h after treatments. In the third phase, after TT and MT baseline recordings, eight cats (4.7±1.5kg) received buprenorphine (0.02 mg/kg), through a vascular access port that had been surgically implanted in the epidural space. TT and MT were measured up to 24h after each treatment. Data were analyzed by ANOVA (P<0.05). A 95% confidence interval (IC95%) was generated by the baseline values. Thresholds above IC95% indicated antinociception. In the first phase, compared to baseline, TT were significantly increased between 15min and 4h after B1, between 15min and 2h after B2, and between 15min and 8h, expect at 4h, after B4. MT was significantly increased at 15 and 45min after B2 and between 30min and 2h after B4. At 45min, MT were significantly higher in B2 compared to B1. Mean TT were above the IC95% from 15min to 10h in all groups. Mean MT were... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

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