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Predictors of Robust Sport Confidence in Collegiate AthletesMorrison, Deanna Kay 21 July 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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[EN] In recent years, increasing demand for new social requirements has caused activities linked to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Thus, a large number of companies introduce sustainability criteria into their business strategy, and they take actions on issues related to good governance, improving the work environment, social action, business practices and respect for the environment.
The emergence of CSR has greatly influenced business communication. Recent decades have witnessed growth in sustainability reporting. This practice has quickly become the main established tool through which companies worldwide communicate their economic, social and environmental performance to stakeholders.
However, as the sustainability reporting is consolidated, the need for credible information in this area is critical. As a result, companies submit their CSR reports to an assurance process carried out by independent experts to improve their credibility.
Previous studies have explored how companies adopt reporting and assurance practices. Some academics have attempted to identify the factors that explain why companies issue sustainability reports and why they adopt external assurance. Moreover, prior research works have analysed assurance statements and showed that approaches in sustainability assurance differ significantly across assurance providers. Furthermore, some authors have evaluated the quality of assurance statements and they have tried to determine what factors influence the quality.
Given the shortage of prior studies, this research focuses on the special case of cooperative and mutual organisations. These organisations, in view of their social character, are highly susceptible to CSR. Therefore, this is a pioneering work while analyses the sustainability reporting and assurance, from a new perspective different to stock companies. Thus, the aim of this research is the analysis of sustainability reporting and assurance practices among the 300 largest cooperatives and mutual organisations in the world. By combining both quantitative and qualitative statistical techniques, the purpose is to determine what factors have an impact on reporting and assurance, as well as to assess assurance statements and study what factors affect the quality of them.
Results show that the publication of a sustainability report depends significantly on the organisation size, its origin country and the sector in which it operates. There is also evidence that country and sector significantly influence the decision to assure. Moreover, the choice of provider depends significantly on the organisation size. Furthermore, the format and content of the assurance reports differ by type of provider. Finally, it should be noted that the quality of reports depends on organisation size, country and sector.
Despite having social characteristics and to be an enabling environment for CSR, reporting is scarce between cooperative and mutual organisations, though, a bet is displayed for assurance. Such organisations should use their social nature to lead these practices and to be an example of CSR. / [ES] En los últimos años, la creciente demanda de nuevos requerimientos sociales ha promovido actividades ligadas a la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC). Así, un gran número de empresas introducen criterios de sostenibilidad en sus estrategias de negocio, y toman acciones en cuestiones relacionadas con el buen gobierno, mejorando el ambiente de trabajo, la acción social, las prácticas comerciales y el respeto por el medio ambiente.
La emergencia de la RSC ha tenido una gran influencia sobre la comunicación empresarial. Las últimas décadas han sido testigo del crecimiento de la publicación de informes (reporting) de sostenibilidad, una práctica que ha llegado a ser rápidamente el principal medio a través del cual, empresas de todo el mundo comunican su desempeño económico, social y medioambiental a sus grupos de interés.
No obstante, a medida que el reporting de sostenibilidad se consolida, la necesidad de información creíble en este área se hace fundamental. Como consecuencia, las empresas someten sus informes de RSC a un proceso de verificación, llevado a cabo por expertos independientes, para mejorar su credibilidad.
Estudios previos han examinado cómo las empresas adoptan las prácticas de reporting y de verificación. Algunos académicos han tratado de identificar los factores que explican por qué las empresas emiten informes de sostenibilidad y los someten a una verificación externa. Además, investigaciones previas han analizado los informes de verificación y han mostrado que éstos difieren significativamente según el proveedor del servicio. Asimismo, algunos autores han evaluado la calidad de los informes de verificación y han intentado determinar qué factores influyen en ésta.
Ante la escasez de estudios precedentes, esta investigación se centra en el caso especial de las organizaciones cooperativas y mutuales, pues estas organizaciones, en vista de su carácter social, son altamente susceptibles a la RSC. Por tanto, este trabajo resulta pionero en tanto que analiza el reporting de sostenibilidad y su verificación, desde una nueva perspectiva, distinta a la de las sociedades mercantiles. Así pues, el objetivo de esta investigación consiste en el análisis de las prácticas de reporting y de verificación de la sostenibilidad entre las 300 organizaciones cooperativas y mutuales más grandes del mundo. Mediante la combinación de técnicas estadísticas tanto cuantitativas como cualitativas, el propósito es determinar qué factores tienen un impacto en la emisión de informes de sostenibilidad y en la verificación, así como evaluar los informes de verificación y estudiar de qué factores depende la calidad de los mismos.
Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que la emisión de un informe de sostenibilidad depende significativamente del tamaño de la organización, de su país de procedencia y del sector en el que opera. También existen evidencias de que el país y el sector influyen de forma significativa en la decisión de verificar. Además, la elección del tipo de proveedor depende significativamente del tamaño de la organización. Por otro lado, el formato y contenido de los informes de verificación difieren según el tipo de proveedor. Por último, cabe señalar que la calidad de los informes depende tanto del tamaño de la organización, como del país y el sector.
A pesar de contar con características sociales y de ser un entorno propicio para la RSC, el reporting es escaso entre las cooperativas y mutualidades, si bien, sí se muestra una apuesta por la verificación. Este tipo de organizaciones deberían aprovechar su naturaleza social para liderar estas prácticas y ser un ejemplo de RSC. / [CA] En els últims anys, la creixent demanda de nous requeriments socials ha promogut activitats lligades a la Responsabilitat Social Corporativa (RSC). Així, un gran nombre d'empreses introdueixen criteris de sostenibilitat en les seues estratègies de negoci, i prenen accions en qüestions relacionades amb el bon govern, millorant l'ambient de treball, l'acció social, les pràctiques comercials i el respecte pel medi ambient.
L'emergència de la RSC ha tingut una gran influència sobre la comunicació empresarial. Les últimes dècades han sigut testimoni del creixement de la publicació d'informes de sostenibilitat (reporting), una pràctica que ha arribat a ser ràpidament el principal mitjà a través del qual, empreses de tot el món comuniquen el seu acompliment econòmic, social i mediambiental als seus grups d'interès.
No obstant, a mesura que el reporting de sostenibilitat es consolida, la necessitat d'informació creïble en aquesta àrea esdevé fonamental. Com a conseqüència, les empreses sotmeten els seus informes de RSC a un procés de verificació, dut a terme per experts independents, per a millorar la seua credibilitat.
Estudis previs han examinat com les empreses adopten les pràctiques de reporting i verificació. Alguns acadèmics han tractat d'identificar els factors que expliquen per què les empreses emeten informes de sostenibilitat i per què els sotmeten a una verificació externa. A més, investigacions prèvies han analitzat els informes de verificació i han mostrat que els enfocaments de la verificació difereixen significativament segons el proveïdor del servei. Així mateix, alguns autors han avaluat la qualitat dels informes de verificació i han intentat determinar quins factors influeixen en aquesta.
Davant l'escassesa d'estudis precedents, aquesta recerca es centra en el cas especial de les organitzacions cooperatives i mutuals, doncs aquestes organitzacions, en vista del seu caràcter social, són altament susceptibles a la RSC. Per tant, aquest treball resulta pioner en tant que analitza el reporting de sostenibilitat y la seua verificació, des d'una nova perspectiva, distinta a la de les societats mercantils. Així doncs, l'objectiu d'aquesta investigació consisteix en l'anàlisi de les pràctiques del reporting i la verificació de la sostenibilitat entre les 300 organitzacions cooperatives i mutuals més grans del món. Mitjançant la combinació de tècniques tant quantitatives com qualitatives, el propòsit és determinar quins factors tenen un impacte en l'emissió d'informes de sostenibilitat i en la verificació, així com avaluar els informes de verificació i estudiar de quins factors depèn la qualitat dels mateixos.
Els resultats posen de relleu que l'emissió d'un informe de sostenibilitat depèn significativament de la grandària de l'organització, del seu país de procedència y del sector en el que opera. També existeixen evidències de que el país y el sector influeixen de forma significativa en la decisió de verificar. A més, l'elecció del tipus de proveïdor depèn significativament de la grandària de l'organització. Per altra banda, el format i el contingut dels informes de verificació difereixen segons el tipus de proveïdor. Per últim, cap senyalar que la qualitat dels informes depèn tant de la grandària de l'organització, com del país i el sector.
A pesar de comptar amb les característiques socials y de ser un entorn propici per a la RSC, el reporting es escàs entre les cooperatives i mutualitats, si be, sí es mostra una aposta per la verificació. Aquest tipus d'organitzacions deurien aprofitar la seua natura social per liderar aquestes practiques i ser un exemple de RSC. / Bollas Araya, HM. (2016). FACTORES DETERMINANTES EN LA EMISION Y LA VERIFICACIÓN DE INFORMES DE SOSTENIBILIDAD: UN ESTUDIO ENTRE LAS ORGANIZACIONES COOPERATIVAS Y MUTUALES MAS GRANDES DEL MUNDO" [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/67990
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O receptor canabinoide CB1 no córtex retrosplenial modula as fases de consolidação, reconsolidação e extinção da memória emocionalSachser, Ricardo Marcelo January 2015 (has links)
O receptor canabinoide CB1, altamente expresso em várias regiões do sistema límbico, possui um importante papel na regulação da plasticidade sináptica implicada nas diferentes fases da memória emocional. Em roedores, embora já estejam bem caracterizados os efeitos da manipulação farmacológica do receptor CB1 na amígdala, no hipocampo e no córtex pré-frontal medial sobre a modulação de memórias aversivas, sua função no córtex retrosplenial (RSC) permanece desconhecida. Neste trabalho, usando o paradigma pavloviano de condicionamento aversivo ao contexto em ratos, exploramos o papel do sistema canabinoide no RSC sobre as fases de consolidação, reconsolidação e extinção da memória. Demostramos que a infusão intra-RSC imediatamente pós-treino de AM251 (11 μg/μL), um antagonista seletivo CB1, causa amnésia retrógrada no teste de retenção da memória conduzido 48 h após o condicionamento, enquanto que a infusão bilateral de CP55940, um agonista canabinoide CB1/CB2 (5μg/μL), facilita a consolidação da memória. No protocolo de reconsolidação (injeção intra-RSC após uma sessão de reativação de 4 min, conduzida 48 h depois do condicionamento) foram encontramos efeitos opostos no teste de retenção da memória realizado 24 h após a reativação: o bloqueio dos receptores CB1 facilita, enquanto que sua ativação prejudica o fenômeno de reconsolidação da memória. Além disso, quando o AM251 é injetado intra-RSC 20 min antes de uma reexposição prolongada (de 30 min), observamos que a consolidação da memória de extinção é prejudicada, enquanto que o CP55940 acelera a extinção e impede sua recuperação espontânea ao longo do tempo. Concluindo, nossos resultados apresentam novas evidências sobre a função do sistema canabinoide no RSC sobre a modulação das fases de consolidação, reconsolidação e extinção da memória emocional. / The CB1 cannabinoid receptor is highly expressed in many regions of the limbic system, having an important role in the regulation of synaptic plasticity implicated in different phases of emotional memory processing. In rodents, although are well characterized the effects of the pharmacological manipulations of the CB1 receptor in the amygdala, hippocampus, and medial prefrontal cortex upon the modulation of aversive memories, their function in the retrosplenial cortex (RSC) remains unknown. In this study, using pavlovian contextual fear conditioning in rats, we explored the role of the cannabinoid system in the RSC on memory consolidation, reconsolidation, and extinction. We showed that posttraining intra-RSC infusion of AM251 (11 μg/μL), a selective CB1 antagonist, causes retrograde amnesia during the test for memory retention conducted 48 h after learning, whereas the bilateral infusion of CP55940 (5 μg/μL), a CB1/CB2 agonist, enhanced fear memory consolidation. In the reconsolidation protocol (postreactivation intra-RSC infusions conducted 48 h after training) we found opposite effects in the test session performed 24 h after memory reactivation: blocking CB1 receptors enhanced, whereas the activation of cannabinoid receptors impaired memory reconsolidation. Furthermore, when AM251 was infused intra-RSC 20 min before a prolonged reexposure (30 min), memory extinction was impaired, whereas the infusion of CP55940 accelerates memory extinction and prevents spontaneous recovery, maintaining memory extinguished over time. In conclusion, these data shed new light about the function of the cannabinoid system in the RSC on the role of contextual-fear related memory consolidation, reconsolidation, and extinction.
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A feasibility of rapid setting cement (RSC) as an agent of immobilization for certain elements such as fission products or radioactive materials was explored. Cerium (Ce) and cesium (Cs) have been selected as a surrogate for U and/or Pu and fission products, respectively, in this study in three phases. In Phase I, RSC was evaluated for physical properties (e.g., porosity, density, pH values, etc.) using two groups methods—the cement powder at different concentrations of Ce (2 – 10 wt%) with deionized water (DIW) and artificial seawater (ASW). The results showed that the final setting time and compressive strength of RSC in DIW and ASW solutions decreased as Ce content increased. The X-ray diffraction patterns revealed two newly identified phases, namely CeAl11O18 and Ce4.667 (SiO4)3O. The morphology of matrix samples showed that the existence of Ce distributed on the pore wall or clustered with Si, Al, Mg, K, P, Fe, and O. In Phase II, laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) technique together with univariate and multivariate analyses of the principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least squares (PLS) were applied to detect the surrogate elements (Ce (0.5 – 8 wt%) and Cs (0.5 – 4 wt%)) for nuclear materials captured in ceramic materials. The best calibration curves for Ce and Cs in samples were created using the peak areas of the Ce 571.8 nm line and Cs 697.1 nm line, respectively. PCA method was applied to explain 85.5 % for Ce-cement samples in DIW and 91.4 % for those in ASW. Samples with Cs indicated similar PCA trends. The PLS calibration curves for Ce and Cs samples in DIW and those in ASW were made using seven and eight latent variables (LV). In Phase III, the leaching behaviors of Ce and Cs mixture with DIW and ASW under both dynamic and static leach conditions were investigated according to the ANSI/ANS 16.1-2003 standard method. Elemental compositions were analyzed using an inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) for the leaching periods of 2, 7, and 24 hours and 2, 3, 4, 5, 14, 28, 43, and 90 days. Three mathematical models—first-order reaction model (FRM), diffusion model (DM), and first-order reaction/diffusion model (FRDM)—were fitted to assess the leaching parameters of immobilized radionuclides in the RSC matrix. Results showed that leaching of 140Ce and 133Cs from RSC matrices with (DIW and ASW) under both dynamic and static leach conditions was less than 20%. It was found that the leaching phenomena of 140Ce and 133Cs was dominantly controlled by FRM with a weak effect of DM, which was best fitted by FRDM. Here, the average leachability index (L) for 140Ce and 133Cs, are greater than the recommended minimum of 6 that allowed their acceptance for disposal. These studies indicated a good feasibility of using RSC with DIW and ASW for immobilizing non-radioactive Ce and Cs and RSC had a potential for applying to actual radioactive materials.
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Etudes sur le mécanisme de remodelage des nucléosomes par RSC et SWI/SNFShukla, Manu Shubhdarshan 02 April 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Dans les cellules eucaryotes l'ADN nucléaire est organisé sous la forme de chromatine, dont l'unité de répétition est le nucleosome. En règle générale, la chromatine est considérée comme répressive pour les processus nécessitant un accès à l'ADN tels que la transcription, la réplication ou la réparation. Le nucléosome représente une forte barrière pour des protéines nécessitant l'accès à l'ADN. Pour surmonter cette barrière, la cellule a développé des méthodes variées, dont la plus importante semble être le remodelage des nucléosomes dépendant de l'ATP. Une propriété commune à tous ces facteurs de remodelage est leur capacité de repositionner les nucléosomes le long de l'ADN.<br /><br />Dans ce travail, nous avons étudié le mécanisme de déplacement des nucléosomes par RSC et SWI/SNF, deux facteurs de remodelage de levure bien caractérisés. Nous avons combiné des approches basées sur la visualisation à haute résolution, notamment la microscopie à force atomique (AFM) et la cryo-microscopie électronique, avec des approches nouvelles à pointe de la biochimie et de la biologie moléculaire. <br /><br />Nous avons montré que la mobilisation des nucléosomes par RSC ou SWI/SNF implique des espèces réactionnelles intermédiaires métastables dont l'existence et la structure étaient jusqu'alors inconnues. Ces particules nucléosomales, que nous avons nommé ‘remosomes', possèdent certaines propriétés structurales distinctes des nucléosomes canoniques. En particulier, les ‘remosomes' contiennent ~180 pb d'ADN associées à l'octamère d'histones au lieu de 147 pb pour les nucléosomes canoniques. En utilisant, l'empreinte à la DNase I nous avons montré que le ‘remosome' représente un ensemble de structures multiples caractérisées par un enroulement fortement perturbé de l'ADN sur l'octamère d'histones. Pour caractériser ces ‘remosomes' avec une grande précision, nous avons mis au point une nouvelle technique « one pot in gel assay » qui consiste à cartographier toutes les 10 pb l'accessibilité d'une enzyme de restriction au ‘remosome' fractionné. L'application de cette technique a révélé que le profil de l'accessibilité du ‘remosome' est très différent de celui du nucléosome. Alors que celui du nucléosome peut être extrapolé par une fonction de type hyperbolique, le profil du ‘remosome' est ajusté par une fonction parabolique. <br /><br />Nous avons voulu répondre à la question du mécanisme de l'inhibition de la mobilisation du nucléosome variant H2A.Bbd par SWI/SNF. En utilisant les techniques décrites plus haut sur des nucléosomes variants ou chimériques (contenant des délétions ou translocations de domaines d'histones) nous avons montré que le domaine d'accrochage (‘docking domain') de l'histone H2A est essentiel pour la mobilisation des nucléosomes. Nous avons aussi montré que l'incapacité du nucléosome à glisser est due à la génération d'états intermédiaires ‘remosomes erronés', distincts de ceux apparaissant dans le cas du nucléosome conventionnel.
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O receptor canabinoide CB1 no córtex retrosplenial modula as fases de consolidação, reconsolidação e extinção da memória emocionalSachser, Ricardo Marcelo January 2015 (has links)
O receptor canabinoide CB1, altamente expresso em várias regiões do sistema límbico, possui um importante papel na regulação da plasticidade sináptica implicada nas diferentes fases da memória emocional. Em roedores, embora já estejam bem caracterizados os efeitos da manipulação farmacológica do receptor CB1 na amígdala, no hipocampo e no córtex pré-frontal medial sobre a modulação de memórias aversivas, sua função no córtex retrosplenial (RSC) permanece desconhecida. Neste trabalho, usando o paradigma pavloviano de condicionamento aversivo ao contexto em ratos, exploramos o papel do sistema canabinoide no RSC sobre as fases de consolidação, reconsolidação e extinção da memória. Demostramos que a infusão intra-RSC imediatamente pós-treino de AM251 (11 μg/μL), um antagonista seletivo CB1, causa amnésia retrógrada no teste de retenção da memória conduzido 48 h após o condicionamento, enquanto que a infusão bilateral de CP55940, um agonista canabinoide CB1/CB2 (5μg/μL), facilita a consolidação da memória. No protocolo de reconsolidação (injeção intra-RSC após uma sessão de reativação de 4 min, conduzida 48 h depois do condicionamento) foram encontramos efeitos opostos no teste de retenção da memória realizado 24 h após a reativação: o bloqueio dos receptores CB1 facilita, enquanto que sua ativação prejudica o fenômeno de reconsolidação da memória. Além disso, quando o AM251 é injetado intra-RSC 20 min antes de uma reexposição prolongada (de 30 min), observamos que a consolidação da memória de extinção é prejudicada, enquanto que o CP55940 acelera a extinção e impede sua recuperação espontânea ao longo do tempo. Concluindo, nossos resultados apresentam novas evidências sobre a função do sistema canabinoide no RSC sobre a modulação das fases de consolidação, reconsolidação e extinção da memória emocional. / The CB1 cannabinoid receptor is highly expressed in many regions of the limbic system, having an important role in the regulation of synaptic plasticity implicated in different phases of emotional memory processing. In rodents, although are well characterized the effects of the pharmacological manipulations of the CB1 receptor in the amygdala, hippocampus, and medial prefrontal cortex upon the modulation of aversive memories, their function in the retrosplenial cortex (RSC) remains unknown. In this study, using pavlovian contextual fear conditioning in rats, we explored the role of the cannabinoid system in the RSC on memory consolidation, reconsolidation, and extinction. We showed that posttraining intra-RSC infusion of AM251 (11 μg/μL), a selective CB1 antagonist, causes retrograde amnesia during the test for memory retention conducted 48 h after learning, whereas the bilateral infusion of CP55940 (5 μg/μL), a CB1/CB2 agonist, enhanced fear memory consolidation. In the reconsolidation protocol (postreactivation intra-RSC infusions conducted 48 h after training) we found opposite effects in the test session performed 24 h after memory reactivation: blocking CB1 receptors enhanced, whereas the activation of cannabinoid receptors impaired memory reconsolidation. Furthermore, when AM251 was infused intra-RSC 20 min before a prolonged reexposure (30 min), memory extinction was impaired, whereas the infusion of CP55940 accelerates memory extinction and prevents spontaneous recovery, maintaining memory extinguished over time. In conclusion, these data shed new light about the function of the cannabinoid system in the RSC on the role of contextual-fear related memory consolidation, reconsolidation, and extinction.
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O receptor canabinoide CB1 no córtex retrosplenial modula as fases de consolidação, reconsolidação e extinção da memória emocionalSachser, Ricardo Marcelo January 2015 (has links)
O receptor canabinoide CB1, altamente expresso em várias regiões do sistema límbico, possui um importante papel na regulação da plasticidade sináptica implicada nas diferentes fases da memória emocional. Em roedores, embora já estejam bem caracterizados os efeitos da manipulação farmacológica do receptor CB1 na amígdala, no hipocampo e no córtex pré-frontal medial sobre a modulação de memórias aversivas, sua função no córtex retrosplenial (RSC) permanece desconhecida. Neste trabalho, usando o paradigma pavloviano de condicionamento aversivo ao contexto em ratos, exploramos o papel do sistema canabinoide no RSC sobre as fases de consolidação, reconsolidação e extinção da memória. Demostramos que a infusão intra-RSC imediatamente pós-treino de AM251 (11 μg/μL), um antagonista seletivo CB1, causa amnésia retrógrada no teste de retenção da memória conduzido 48 h após o condicionamento, enquanto que a infusão bilateral de CP55940, um agonista canabinoide CB1/CB2 (5μg/μL), facilita a consolidação da memória. No protocolo de reconsolidação (injeção intra-RSC após uma sessão de reativação de 4 min, conduzida 48 h depois do condicionamento) foram encontramos efeitos opostos no teste de retenção da memória realizado 24 h após a reativação: o bloqueio dos receptores CB1 facilita, enquanto que sua ativação prejudica o fenômeno de reconsolidação da memória. Além disso, quando o AM251 é injetado intra-RSC 20 min antes de uma reexposição prolongada (de 30 min), observamos que a consolidação da memória de extinção é prejudicada, enquanto que o CP55940 acelera a extinção e impede sua recuperação espontânea ao longo do tempo. Concluindo, nossos resultados apresentam novas evidências sobre a função do sistema canabinoide no RSC sobre a modulação das fases de consolidação, reconsolidação e extinção da memória emocional. / The CB1 cannabinoid receptor is highly expressed in many regions of the limbic system, having an important role in the regulation of synaptic plasticity implicated in different phases of emotional memory processing. In rodents, although are well characterized the effects of the pharmacological manipulations of the CB1 receptor in the amygdala, hippocampus, and medial prefrontal cortex upon the modulation of aversive memories, their function in the retrosplenial cortex (RSC) remains unknown. In this study, using pavlovian contextual fear conditioning in rats, we explored the role of the cannabinoid system in the RSC on memory consolidation, reconsolidation, and extinction. We showed that posttraining intra-RSC infusion of AM251 (11 μg/μL), a selective CB1 antagonist, causes retrograde amnesia during the test for memory retention conducted 48 h after learning, whereas the bilateral infusion of CP55940 (5 μg/μL), a CB1/CB2 agonist, enhanced fear memory consolidation. In the reconsolidation protocol (postreactivation intra-RSC infusions conducted 48 h after training) we found opposite effects in the test session performed 24 h after memory reactivation: blocking CB1 receptors enhanced, whereas the activation of cannabinoid receptors impaired memory reconsolidation. Furthermore, when AM251 was infused intra-RSC 20 min before a prolonged reexposure (30 min), memory extinction was impaired, whereas the infusion of CP55940 accelerates memory extinction and prevents spontaneous recovery, maintaining memory extinguished over time. In conclusion, these data shed new light about the function of the cannabinoid system in the RSC on the role of contextual-fear related memory consolidation, reconsolidation, and extinction.
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Such a Deal of Wonder: Structures of Feeling and Performances of The Winter's Tale from 1981 to 2002Burt, Elizabeth Marie 11 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Structures of feeling represent the interaction between personal lived experience and fixed social values and meanings, which are found in interpretations of works of art. Studying various interpretations of any play in performance can provide a point of access into a culture because the choices made in the production can be compared to each other and to the written text and then reveal how the theatrical company views particular issues within their own time period. This study looks at productions of The Winter's Tale between 1981 and 2002 at the National Theatre and the Royal Shakespeare Company. Using numerous versions of this play not only increases the depth of our understanding of the play but also reveals how the actors and directors interact with British culture. Each production reveals a director's vision for the production as well as his or her own experience within the culture. Some issues and ideas that are reflected in these interpretations include both optimism and cynicism with regard to the political situation and public figures, an increase in spectacle, and secularization.
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Modeling and Validation of a Heavy Truck Model with Electronic Stability ControlMcNaull, Patrick James 25 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Experimental Evaluation of the Dynamic Performance Benefits of Roll Stability Control Systems on A-train DoublesKim, Andrew Eundong 09 February 2018 (has links)
The ride stability of an A-train 28-foot double tractor trailer when outfitted with different Roll Stability Control (RSC) systems with the same payload and suspension configurations is studied experimentally for various dynamic maneuvers. The primary goal of the study is to determine the effect of different commercially-available RSC systems on the extent of improvements they offer for increasing roll stability of commercial vehicles with double trailers, when subjected to limit-steering maneuvers that can rise during highway driving. A semitruck and two 28-foot trailers are modified for enduring the forces and moments that can result during testing. A load structure is used for placing the ballast loads within the trailers at a suitable height for duplicating the CG height of the trailers during their commercial use. Outriggers and jackknifing arresting mechanisms are used to prevent vehicle damage and ensure safety during the tests. The test vehicle is equipped with multiple sensors and cameras for the necessary measurements and observations. The analog and video data are time-synced for correlating the measurements with visual observation of the test vehicle dynamics in post-processing.
An extensive number of tests are conducted at the Michelin Laurens Proving Grounds (MLPG) in Laurens, SC. The tests include evaluating each RSC system with different maneuvers and speeds until a rollover occurs or the vehicle is deemed to be unstable. The maneuvers that are used for the tests include: double lane change, sine-with-dwell, J-turn, and ramp steer maneuver. Both a steering robot and subjective driver are used for the tests. The test data are analyzed and the results are used to compare the three RSC systems with each other, and with trailers without RSC. The test results indicate that all three RSC systems are able to improve the speed at which rollover occurs, with a varying degree. For two of the systems, the rollover speed gained, when compared with trailers without RSC, is marginal. For one of the systems, there are more significant speed gains. Since most RSC systems are tuned for a conventional tractor-trailer, additional testing with some of the systems would be necessary to enable the manufacturers to better fine-tune the RSC control scheme to the dynamics of double trailers. / MS / The safety of driven semi-trailer trucks towing two trailers is analyzed in a study created to examine the behavior of the vehicle and its units during high speed, high maneuvering circumstances. The rolling over of a specific test truck is studied to study the ability of a common large vehicle to succeed in evasive or emergency maneuvers. Focus on the rolling over of a truck is placed in this project, as large freight vehicle rollovers are among the most popular and most dangerous type of accidents on highways today. A semi-trailer truck with two trailers, or double trailer vehicle, is instrumented with sensors and cameras to study several different characteristics associated with vehicle operation and conditions that incite rollover. The behavior of a double trailer vehicle is complicated due to the additional rotation joint between the adjacent trailers, where typical semi-trailer trucks (18-wheelers) only incorporate one: between the towing tractor and the towed trailer.
Commercially available electronic appliances called Roll Stability Control (RSC) systems were designed to automatically control and apply the vehicle brakes under rollover conditions, and are installed and used individually to evaluate any improvements on the test vehicle’s ability to stay upright. Information regarding RSC system operation can be found.
All vehicle testing is completed at a professional vehicle testing location in Laurens, SC and the same four test maneuvers are used to determine the effectiveness of each of the five RSC systems tested using data collected with the instrumented sensors. Different types of RSC systems exist due to different manners of operation, and are discussed in this document and analyzed. This project develops the conclusion that the five systems used during testing all improve vehicle stability, but provide differing results in doing so, largely due to their different operations. Therefore, commercially available RSC systems are proven to work differently and provide different results. Recommendations for further testing of RSC systems is provided.
Although no recommendations are made regarding the tested RSC systems, the collected data show large, double trailer freight vehicles are more stable when using any of the tested commercially available RSC systems, especially during evasive maneuvering or emergency situations. These findings can bring immediate improvements to large freight vehicle operation and safety.
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