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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Enriching Enea OSE for Better Predictability Support

Ul Mustafa, Naveed January 2011 (has links)
A real-time application is designed as a set of tasks with specific timing attributes and constraints. These tasks can be categorized as periodic, sporadic or aperiodic, based on the timing attributes that are specified for them which in turn define their runtime behaviors. To ensure correct execution and behavior of the task set at runtime, the scheduler of the underlying operating system should take into account the type of each task (i.e.,  periodic, sporadic, aperiodic). This is important so that the scheduler can schedule the task set in a predictable way and be able to allocate CPU time to each task appropriately in order for them to achieve their timing constraints. ENEA OSE is a real-time operating system with fixed priority preemptive scheduling policy which is used heavily in embedded systems, such as telecommunication systems developed by Ericsson. While OSE allows for specification of priority levels for tasks and schedules them accordingly, it can not distinguish between different types of tasks. This thesis work investigates mechanisms to build a scheduler on top of OSE, which can identify three types of real-time tasks and schedule them in a more predictable way. The scheduler can also monitor behavior of task set at run-time and invoke violation handlers if time constraints of a task are violated. The scheduler is implemented on OSE5.5 soft kernel. It identifies periodic, aperiodic and sporadic tasks. Sporadic and aperiodic tasks can be interrupt driven or program driven. The scheduler implements EDF and RMS as scheduling policy of periodic tasks. Sporadic and aperiodic tasks can be scheduled using polling server or background scheme. Schedules generated by the scheduler  deviate from expected timing behavior due to scheduling overhead. Approaches to reduce deviation are suggested as future extension of thesis work. Usability of the scheduler can be increased by extending the scheduler to support other scheduling algorithm in addition to RMS and EDF. / CHESS

Web interface for a multi-purpose transmitter

Cederlöf, Elin, Mattsson, Maximilian January 2023 (has links)
The project described in this report aims to construct a web interface for a multi-purpose transmitter (MPT). The MPT is a submodule that is meant to be used in future chromatography systems. This bachelor thesis project is done at Cytiva in Uppsala. The MPT uses the Azure RTOS development suite with ThreadX as the RTOS, FileX as the file system, and NetX for the TCP/IP protocol stack implementation. The Azure RTOS platform facilitates development for deeply embedded systems and comes with extensive documentation for their services. The web interface consists of 5 web pages with 5 different use cases: Overview for visualization of basic data; Data for visualization, recording, and filtering of all data; Update page for firmware update and file management; Log for development logging purposes; and Config for modifying parameters and running module diagnostic tests. Development of the front end was done in Visual Studio Code. The workflow was streamlined by developing a tool at the beginning of the project that combines the files for the front-end code into variables stored in C source files. Testing of new features was aided by a Python Flask server developed in parallel to the main back end. It embodies the same functionality as the main back end, aside from being hosted on a local computer. The web interface will mainly be used by customers and service personnel. This requires the interface to have two different access levels. The Overview page can be accessed without any authorization while the other pages require the user to be authenticated via username and password. / Vid tillverkning och forskning inom Life Science krävs det väldigt noggranna och välkalibrerade instrument. Dessa instrument behöver också underhållas, dels då de riskerar att gå sönder och för att säkerställa att de är korrekt kalibrerade. För att underlätta servicearbetet av Life Science-instrument har vi i detta projekt utvecklat ett webbgränssnitt.Ett webbgränssnitt är en hemsida som är möjlig att nå i en webbläsare för att kunna interagera med en modul. Arbetet har utförts på Cytiva, som är ett världsledande företag inom Life Science. Projektet består till viss del av utvärdering av alternativa lösningar, detta inkluderar val av dataformat, kommunikationsprotokoll, bibliotek, ramverk och metod för datauppdatering. Denna utvärdering baserades huvudsakligen på följande aspekter: minnesavtryck, robusthet och prestanda. Webbservern är skriven i programmeringsspråket C och använder sig av utvecklingsplatformen Azure RTOS. Det innehåller ett realtidsoperativsystem ThreadX, ett filhanteringssystem FileX och en nätverksstack NetX.  För att lättare kunna testa uppdateringar skapade vi en utvecklingsserver parallellt med vår webbserver i C. Denna server är skriven i Python med hjälp av ramverket Flask. Den har samma funktionalitet som MPT webbservern och kan köras lokalt på datorn.  Slutliga webbgränssnittet har fem olika sidor med fem olika funktioner: Overview för att visualisera grundläggande data, Data för att visualisera och filtrera all data på modulen, Update för filhantering och för att kunna uppdatera modulens mjukvara, Log för loggning vid utveckling och slutligen Config för att kunna justera parametrar och utföra diagnostik på modulen. Det som visas i webbläsaren, front end, är skrivet i programmeringsspråken HTML, CSS och JavaScript. Användandet av ramverk och bibliotek utvärderades men slutsatsen av det är att behovet för det inte övervägde ökningen i minnesavtryck. Koderna från de olika språken vävdes samman med hjälp av ett verktyg som utvecklades för att underlätta skapandet av gränssnittet. Verktyget är skrivet i Python och gör utvecklingen både snabbare och enklare genom att möjliggöra front-end utveckling i programutvecklingsmiljön Visual Studio Code.

Rétro-ingénierie des plateformes pour le déploiement des applications temps-réel / Reverse-engineering of platforms for the deployment of real-time applications

Mzid, Rania 12 May 2014 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse s’inscrivent dans le cadre du développement logiciel des systèmes temps réel embarqués. Nous définissons dans ce travail une méthodologie nommée DRIM. Cette méthodologie permet de guider le déploiement des applications temps réel sur différents RTOS en suivant la ligne de l’IDM et en assurant le respect des contraintes de temps après le déploiement. L’automatisation de la méthodologie DRIM montre sa capacité à détecter les descriptions non-implémentables de l’application, réalisées au niveau conception, pour un RTOS donné, ce qui présente l’avantage de réduire le temps de mise sur le marché d’une part et de guider l’utilisateur pour un choix approprié de l’RTOS cible d’autre part. / The main purpose of this Phd is to contribute to the software development of real-time embedded systems. We define in this work a methodology named DRIM: Design Refinement toward Implementation Methodology. This methodology aims to guide the deployment of a real-time application on to different RTOS while respecting MDE principals and ensuing that the timing properties are still met after deployment. The automation of DRIM shows its ability to detect non-implementable design models describing the real-time application, on aparticular RTOS, which permits to reduce the time-to-market on the one hand and guide the user to the selection of the appropriate RTOS from the other hand.

Displayintegrering / Display integration

Alekic, Anis, Carmvall, Andreas January 2010 (has links)
<p>Arbetet är ett examensarbete i högskoleingenjörsutbildningen, inriktning datateknik, på Linnéuniversitet. Arcoma AB är ett företag i Växjö som utvecklar och tillverkar kompletta röntgensystem. Företaget har som mål att förbättra användarvänligheten av systemet med hjälp av en LED-display. De kan förbättra systemet genom att byta ut en enhet som styr röntgengeneratorn mot LED-displayen. Detta leder till att användaren får bättre kontroll och styrning av systemet, samtidigt som patienten behandlas.</p><p>I rapporten beskrivs implementering av både hårdvara och mjukvara till displayen, samt den tekniska bakgrunden som till exempel HDMI och LED-tekniken. Mjukvaran har testats direkt mot displayen vilket har gjort testningen intressant. För att lösa uppgiften har vi fått använda Arcomas system och utvecklingsverktyg. Programspråket som användes var framförallt C++.</p><p>Resultatet blev ett system som byggs upp av Arcomas hårdvaruplattform, vår kringelektronik och displayen där de sistnämnda byggdes in i en låda. Utöver displayen utvecklades en demoapplikation för generatorstyrning som styrs av en USB-mus. Arcoma är nöjda över resultatet då vi löst huvuduppgiften med displayen, men även löst de extrauppgifter som fanns. Idag försöker Arcoma skapa en efterfrågan för lösningen i deras nya produkter.</p> / <p>This abstract describes the Bachelor of Science in engineering thesis for computer science at Linnaeus University. Arcoma AB in Växjö is a company that constructs and develops complete x-ray systems. The goal of the company is to improve the usability of the system with the help of a LED display. Arcoma can improve the system by exchange the unit that controls the x-ray generator with the LED display instead. This will give the user the ability to have better overview and control of the system, while treating the patient.</p><p>This report describes the implementation of both the software and the hardware for the display, but also the technical background for some standards like HDMI and the LED technologic. The software has been tested directly to the display, and therefore made the testing interesting. We have used the Arcoma system and the development tools to solve the problem. The programming language that was used to solve the problem was mainly C++.</p><p>The result was a system that is build up by the Arcoma hardware platform, our surrounding electronics and the display where the last ones were built in a box. Aside the display a demo application was developed for controlling the generator. This applications is controlled by a USB mouse. Arcoma is pleased with the result of the main problem with the display, and they are also pleased with us solving the additional problems that existed. Arcoma wants to create a demand of this solution in their new products.</p>

Displayintegrering / Display integration

Alekic, Anis, Carmvall, Andreas January 2010 (has links)
Arbetet är ett examensarbete i högskoleingenjörsutbildningen, inriktning datateknik, på Linnéuniversitet. Arcoma AB är ett företag i Växjö som utvecklar och tillverkar kompletta röntgensystem. Företaget har som mål att förbättra användarvänligheten av systemet med hjälp av en LED-display. De kan förbättra systemet genom att byta ut en enhet som styr röntgengeneratorn mot LED-displayen. Detta leder till att användaren får bättre kontroll och styrning av systemet, samtidigt som patienten behandlas. I rapporten beskrivs implementering av både hårdvara och mjukvara till displayen, samt den tekniska bakgrunden som till exempel HDMI och LED-tekniken. Mjukvaran har testats direkt mot displayen vilket har gjort testningen intressant. För att lösa uppgiften har vi fått använda Arcomas system och utvecklingsverktyg. Programspråket som användes var framförallt C++. Resultatet blev ett system som byggs upp av Arcomas hårdvaruplattform, vår kringelektronik och displayen där de sistnämnda byggdes in i en låda. Utöver displayen utvecklades en demoapplikation för generatorstyrning som styrs av en USB-mus. Arcoma är nöjda över resultatet då vi löst huvuduppgiften med displayen, men även löst de extrauppgifter som fanns. Idag försöker Arcoma skapa en efterfrågan för lösningen i deras nya produkter. / This abstract describes the Bachelor of Science in engineering thesis for computer science at Linnaeus University. Arcoma AB in Växjö is a company that constructs and develops complete x-ray systems. The goal of the company is to improve the usability of the system with the help of a LED display. Arcoma can improve the system by exchange the unit that controls the x-ray generator with the LED display instead. This will give the user the ability to have better overview and control of the system, while treating the patient. This report describes the implementation of both the software and the hardware for the display, but also the technical background for some standards like HDMI and the LED technologic. The software has been tested directly to the display, and therefore made the testing interesting. We have used the Arcoma system and the development tools to solve the problem. The programming language that was used to solve the problem was mainly C++. The result was a system that is build up by the Arcoma hardware platform, our surrounding electronics and the display where the last ones were built in a box. Aside the display a demo application was developed for controlling the generator. This applications is controlled by a USB mouse. Arcoma is pleased with the result of the main problem with the display, and they are also pleased with us solving the additional problems that existed. Arcoma wants to create a demand of this solution in their new products.

The role of Research and Technology Organizations (RTOs) in open service innovation : a dual perspective / Le rôle des organisations pour la recherche et la technologie (RTO) dans l'innovation ouvert de service : une double perspective

Giannopoulou, Eleni 25 November 2016 (has links)
Dans une logique d’innovation ouverte une attention particulière a été accordée à la relation entre le monde académique et l'industrie, en focalisant surtout sur les universités. Mais les "Research and Technology Organizations" (RTOs) sont également une partie importante, quoique peu étudiée, du monde académique. Le but de ce projet est d'étudier le rôle des RTOs dans l'innovation ouverte de service, en prenant en compte une double perspectif; interne et externe. Plus précisément, dans la première partie du projet, nous entreprenons une analyse théorique et des études de cas dans 4 RTOs, afin d'identifier les capacités d'innovation de service uniques des RTOs. Dans la deuxième partie du projet, nous étudions les RTOs du point de vue externe, en comparant les RTOs aux TTOs/universités en termes de leur «offre» à l'industrie. L'analyse est effectuée au niveau conceptuel mais aussi empiriquement basée sur l'analyse statistique des données de l'Enquête Communautaire sur l'innovation (ECI). Nos résultats indiquent que les RTOs sont des types supérieurs d'intermédiaire qui sont en mesure non seulement de faciliter, mais de catalyser le processus d'innovation. / In the current complex and open innovation landscape, researchers have given special attention in the relationship between academia and industry, focusing mainly on the role of universities. But Research and Technology Organizations (RTOs) are also an important, yet understudied, part of public research world. The purpose of this PhD project is to study the role of RTOs in the open service innovation landscape, taking a dual perspective. More specifically, in the first part of the project, we undertake a theoretical analysis together with case studies in 4 selected and renowned RTOs, in order to identify the unique service innovation capabilities of RTOs. In the second part of the project we take an external perspective, comparing RTOs to TTOs/ universities in terms of their “offering” to their partners. The analysis is performed on the conceptual level but also empirically based on statistical analysis of the Community Innovation Survey data. Our overall results indicate that RTOs represent a superior type of intermediary in open innovation that are able not only to facilitate but also to catalyse the innovation process.


Silva, Ricardo Frohlich da 28 April 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Safety critical systems are systems where its failures can cause irreparable damage for this reason the development of safety critical systems involves safety issues and require rigorous validation in the certification process. Certification processes are expensive and lengthy to follow laws and rigorous rules. With the continuous evolution provided by general purpose programming languages, ease of learning, and the use of these languages in industry and academy, researches have been performed aiming to adapt general purpose programming languages for use in safety-critical applications. The purpose of these adaptations is to reduce the scope of commands found in general purpose languages in order to develop safety critical systems, for example, to avoid or reduce the use of recursions. Some examples of these adaptations include the Real Time Specification for Java (RTSJ), developed in 1998 and Safety Critical Java. SCJ uses objects and concepts defined by the RTSJ focusing on the development of safetycritical applications. In SCJ, the concept of missions is deployed where each mission consists of schedulable objects defined by the RTSJ. The portability of a Java application is one of the main factors for choosing this language. However, there is great difficulty in finding virtual machines for embedded safety-critical systems, therefore it is difficult to benefit from the portability provided by the Java virtual machine in this context. Nevertheless, an application developed in the C++ programming language can be executed directly on the device without using a virtual machine. This work presents a translation of the Safety Critical Java to the C++ programming language, maintaining the behaviour of objects that implement the concept of missions for SCJ in C++. This enables the execution of safety-critical applications in embedded devices without the use of a virtual machine. / Sistemas críticos são sistemas em que suas falhas podem causar danos irreparáveis como colocar a vida de pessoas em risco e por este motivo envolve questões de segurança e exige uma validação rigorosa no processo de certificação. Processos de certificação são caros e demorados que seguem leis e regras rigorosas. Com a evolução contínua proporcionada por linguagens de programação de propósito geral, a facilidade de aprendizado, assim como a utilização destas linguagens na indústria e acadêmia, pesquisas vem sendo realizadas com o intuito de adaptar linguagens de programação de propósito gerais para serem utilizadas em aplicações críticas de tempo real. O objetivo destas adaptações é de tornar o escopo de comandos das linguagens para desenvolvimento de sistemas críticos mais restritos, como por exemplo, ao evitar ou reduzir a utilização de recursões. Alguns exemplos dessas adaptações são a Especificação de Tempo Real Java (Real Time Specification for Java - RTSJ) desenvolvida no ano de 1998, e a Safety Critical Java (SCJ) que utiliza objetos e conceitos definidos pela RTSJ com enfoque no desenvolvimento de aplicações para sistemas críticos. Na SCJ foi implementado o conceito de missões onde cada missão é composto por objetos escalonáveis definidos pela RTSJ. A portabilidade de uma aplicação desenvolvida em Java é um dos principais fatores dos quais desenvolvedores desejam utilizá-la. Todavia, existe uma grande dificuldade de encontrar máquinas virtuais para sistemas críticos embarcados, dificultando a portabilidade da qual a linguagem Java fornece. Por outro lado, uma aplicação desenvolvida na linguagem de programação C++ pode ser executada diretamente no dispositivo sem a necessidade de utilizar uma máquina virtual. Por este motivo, nesta dissertação é apresentada uma tradução da especificação Safety Critical Java na linguagem de programação C++, com o objetivo de manter o comportamentos de uma aplicação desenvolvida em SCJ e assim possibilitando a execução de uma aplicação com requisitos temporais em diversos dispositivos embarcados.

Firmware pro robotické vozítko / Firmware for the Robotic Vehicle

Otava, Lukáš January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is focused on a firmware for robotic vehicle based on the ARM Cortex-M3 architecture that is running a real-time operating system (RTOS). Theoretical part describes available solutions of embedded RTOS and concrete HW implementation of the robotic vehicle. There is also comparison of the three selected RTOS with their measurements. Result of this thesis is base firmware compounded by a program modules that controls HW parts. There is also a sample PC and firmware application that extends base firmware. This sample application is able to communicate with robotic vehicle, control wheel motion and measure process data.

Message Classification Based Continuous Data Transmission for an E-health Embedded System

Sun, Jiuwu January 2019 (has links)
This thesis aims to develop an e-health embedded system with a real-time operating system (RTOS), which allows users to monitor their body condition, including heart rate and breath, through Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). Meanwhile, the device is also able to provide guidance for breathing by simulating breathing according to given parameters. In practice, the system samples the heart rate every two milliseconds. To ensure reliability and validity, results are expected to be sent in realtime. However, numerous data cannot be transmitted directly without being processed. Otherwise, the system will crash, and hard faults will occur. A general idea to solve this problem is to classify messages into two categories based on the priority. One is urgent, and the other is unimportant. Two solutions are proposed, one using a unidirectional linked list, and the second using queues. Based on an ARM micro-controller, the e-health embedded system is designed and implemented successfully. The evaluation results show that the solution using a linked list is suitable for the system, while the solution using queues is unable to solve the problem. With the help of the message classification, the urgent messages can be timely transmitted with continuous data. / Avhandlingen syftar till att utveckla ett e-hälso-inbyggt system med ett realtidsoperativsystem (RTOS), som gör det möjligt för användare att övervaka sitt kroppstillstånd, inklusive hjärtfrekvens och andetag, genom Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). Samtidigt kan enheten också ge vägledning för andning genom att simulera andning enligt givna parametrar. I praktiken samplar systemet hjärtfrekvensen varannan millisekund. För att säkerställa tillförlitlighet och giltighet bör resultaten skickas i realtid. Annars kraschar systemet och allvarliga fel uppstår. En allmän idé för att lösa detta problem är att klassificera meddelanden i två kategorier baserade på prioritering, en är brådskande och den andra är obetydlig. Två lösningar föreslås, en med hjälp av riktad länkad lista och en annan implementerad med hjälp av köer. Resultatmässigt, baserat på en ARM-mikrokontroller, är det inbyggda e-hälsosystemet framgångsrikt designat och konfigurerat. Lösningen med en länkad lista är lämplig för systemet, medan lösningen som implementeras med köer fortfarande inte kan lösa problemet. Med hjälp av meddelandeklassificeringen är de brådskande meddelandena inte ens försenade med kontinuerlig data.

Online scheduling for real-time multitasking on reconfigurable hardware devices

Wassi-Leupi, Guy January 2011 (has links)
Nowadays the ever increasing algorithmic complexity of embedded applications requires the designers to turn towards heterogeneous and highly integrated systems denoted as SoC (System-on-a-Chip). These architectures may embed CPU-based processors, dedicated datapaths as well as recon gurable units. However, embedded SoCs are submitted to stringent requirements in terms of speed, size, cost, power consumption, throughput, etc. Therefore, new computing paradigms are required to ful l the constraints of the applications and the requirements of the architecture. Recon gurable Computing is a promising paradigm that provides probably the best trade-o between these requirements and constraints. Dynamically recon gurable architectures are their key enabling technology. They enable the hardware to adapt to the application at runtime. However, these architectures raise new challenges in SoC design. For example, on one hand, designing a system that takes advantage of dynamic recon guration is still very time consuming because of the lack of design methodologies and tools. On the other hand, scheduling hardware tasks di ers from classical software tasks scheduling on microprocessor or multiprocessors systems, as it bears a further complicated placement problem. This thesis deals with the problem of scheduling online real-time hardware tasks on Dynamically Recon gurable Hardware Devices (DRHWs). The problem is addressed from two angles : (i) Investigating novel algorithms for online real-time scheduling/placement on DRHWs. (ii) Scheduling/Placement algorithms library for RTOS-driven Design Space Exploration (DSE). Regarding the first point, the thesis proposes two main runtime-aware scheduling and placement techniques and assesses their suitability for online real-time scenarios. The first technique discusses the impact of synthesizing, at design time, several shapes and/or sizes per hardware task (denoted as multi-shape task), in order to ease the online scheduling process. The second technique combines a looking-ahead scheduling approach with a slots-based recon gurable areas management that relies on a 1D placement. The results show that in both techniques, the scheduling and placement quality is improved without signi cantly increasing the algorithm time complexity. Regarding the second point, in the process of designing SoCs embedding recon gurable parts, new design paradigms tend to explore and validate as early as possible, at system level, the architectural design space. Therefore, the RTOS (Real-Time Operating System) services that manage the recon gurable parts of the SoC can be re fined. In such a context, gathering numerous hardware tasks scheduling and placement algorithms of various complexity vs performance trade-o s in a kind of library is required. In this thesis, proposed algorithms in addition to some existing ones are purposely implemented in C++ language, in order to insure the compatibility with any C++/SystemC based SoC design methodology.

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