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Motivation among entrepreneurs in rural South Africa: a comparative studyMitchell, Bruce Craig 11 1900 (has links)
This study examined the motivation of entrepreneurs in starting a business. More
specifically, it aimed to identify whether entrepreneurs have common motives for
starting their own business, and to determine whether men and women have
different reasons for becoming entrepreneurs.
The empirical study was conducted on a sample of 101 entrepreneurs. A
motivation scale and open-ended questions were used to measure motivation.
The results indicated that men and women have various reasons for starting a
business, and are primarily motivated by the need for independence, need for
material incentives and the need for achievement. The need to contribute to the
community was not an important motive. Comparatively, male entrepreneurs
were more motivated by the need to give family security and to make a difference
in the business, and female entrepreneurs were motivated more by the need to
keep learning and the need for more money to survive. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial Psychology)
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Condição de saúde bucal em populações ribeirinhas no estado do Amazonas: estudo de caso / Oral health status of people living in the state of Amazonas: a case studyCohen-Carneiro, Flávia January 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2011-05-04T12:42:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2009 / Objetivo: O objetivo desta tese foi descrever as condições de saúde bucal e analisar os fatores associados ao processo saúde-doença, em duas populações rurais ribeirinhas do município de Coari-AM. A hipótese de que a distância geográfica do centro urbano influencia os desfechos de saúde bucal em populações remotas foi testada. Métodos: As comunidades ribeirinhas foram selecionadas com base no critério de localização: uma deveria ser a mais próxima da sede do município (Comunidade de Isidoro) e a outra a mais distante (Comunidade de LauroSodré). Um estudo de corte transversal foi conduzido, seguindo os critérios da OMS para pesquisas epidemiológicas em saúde bucal. O estudo incluiu indivíduos de 1 a 75 anos, e os grupos etários para análise incluíram os preconizados pela OMS. Os desfechos clínicos foram: cárie para dentição decídua (ceo-d) e permanente (CPO-D), condição periodontal de acordo com os índices CPI, PIP e de sangramento gengival, e lesões de tecido mole. As variáveis analisadas foram: local de residência, dados socioeconômicos, hábitos de higiene e dieta. Adicionalmente, foram aplicados questionários estruturados a indivíduos acima de 18 anos, e entrevistas semi-estruturadas a informantes-chave para se obter dados sobre freqüência de uso dos serviços odontológicos / Objective: The aim of this thesis was to evaluate oral health conditions and to analyze factors associated with the health-disease process in two rural riverine populations located in the Amazonas state (Brazil). The hypothesis that the geographical distance from urban centers influences oral health outcomes in remote populations, has been tested. Methods: The
riverine communities were selected based on the location criteria: one was the nearest from
the administrative center of the town (Isidoro Community), and the other was the farther
(Lauro Sodré Community). A cross-sectional study was conducted following the WHO guidelines for epidemiological surveys in oral health. The study covered population aged from 1 to 75 years, and the age groups for analysis included the WHO pattern. The clinical outcomes were: dental caries for deciduous (dmf-t) and permanent (DMF-T) teeth, periodontal condition according to the CPI and PIP indexes and to gingival bleeding, and soft tissue lesions. The variables analyzed were: place of residence, socioeconomic data, oral
hygiene habits and diet. Additionally, structured questionnaires were applied to individuals above 18 years-old and semi-structured interviews were led with key-informants to obtain data about the frequency of use of dental health services. The OHIP-14 was validated and applied to individuals above 18 years-old for the description of oral health impacts. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were performed for the comparison of the two communities. Results: 136 individuals in Isidoro and 242 individuals in Lauro Sodré were examined. The farther community (Lauro Sodré) presented more caries, a higher prevalence of edentate persons, more time in between since their last dental visit, and more negative impacts of oral health than the nearest community. For the DMF-T outcome, when socioeconomic, hygiene and diet variables were controlled in the multivariate analyses, only place of residence and age remained significant. The psychometric properties of the OHIP-14 was good (ICC=0,97 and Cronbach s alpha=0,89). Conclusions: The prevalence of untreated caries,
oral pain, edentulism and oral health negative impacts were high for the riverines, especially
for those who live further distant from the urban center. Additionally, the limited access to dental health services for these populations points to the need for imminent deployment of
broad measures of health promotion, along with greater availability of services.
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Idosos rurais : fatores que influenciam trajetórias e acesso a serviços de saúde no município de Santana da Boa Vista/RSAlcântara, Luciana Ruschel de January 2009 (has links)
Este estudo trata da utilização e acesso a serviços de saúde por idosos rurais, o qual se insere em um projeto intitulado "Determinantes Sociais e Interfaces com a Mobilidade de Usuários: análise dos fluxos e utilização de serviços de saúde". Busca-se conhecer os problemas de saúde que afetam os idosos rurais de Santana da Boa Vista/RS, levando em conta a situação econômica e social, as dinâmicas familiares e as estratégias que integram práticas de controle e prevenção em saúde e doença. Trata-se de um estudo híbrido, com desenho epidemiológico descritivo e uma abordagem qualitativa com 30 idosos entrevistados. Utilizou-se a estatística descritiva por meio de freqüência simples para os dados quantificáveis e a análise de conteúdo do tipo temático, na etapa qualitativa. Entre os resultados encontrou-se predominância masculina, com idade média de 67,8 anos, brancos, católicos e com baixa escolaridade. Com relação ao estado civil a maioria é casada, predominando mulheres na viuvez. A caracterização socioeconômica mostrou que a maioria dos idosos morava com familiares em residência própria, e apresentaram melhoria das condições de vida após o benefício da aposentadoria. Em relação à saúde, a maioria dos idosos entrevistados referiu como boa, sendo que as mulheres apresentaram mais queixas, se comparadas aos homens. Quanto aos serviços de saúde, mais da metade declarou utilizar habitualmente a Rede Municipal, em conseqüência dos problemas crônicos, acessando a Rede básica. Os principais motivos para não recorrerem aos serviços de saúde, mesmo em caso de necessidade, estão relacionados aos recursos financeiros insuficientes, demora no atendimento, ausência de transporte, uso de automedicação e ausência de profissionais médicos. Esses resultados expressam as desigualdades sociais como reflexos na saúde, as dificuldade de acesso funcional e geográfico, já que a maioria dos serviços de saúde encontra-se fora da área rural, havendo, ainda, a insuficiência de transporte em quantidade e freqüência aos locais de atendimento. A análise das trajetórias terapêuticas apontou para a diversidade de situações e estratégias de saúde desenvolvidas pelos usuários e pelo Município. / This study addresses the use of and access to health services by rural elderly subjects. It is linked to the project "Social Determinants and Interfaces with Users' Mobility: Analysis of Flows and Health Service Usage". Having the rural area and local development processes as background, it is intended to learn of life contexts and health problems which affect the elderly. An account is made of economical and social situation, family dynamics and strategies integrating practices for health and illnesses' control and prevention. The study is aimed at characterizing and understanding social determinants in flows of health service usage by rural residents 60 years old or more. Their therapeutic trajectories and mobility is considered. This is a hybrid study with an epidemiological descriptive design and a qualitative approach. Data were obtained from a structured interview with 30 elderly subjects in rural households. Descriptive statistics was used by means of simple frequency for quantitative data and thematic content analysis in the qualitative phase. Results indicated male predominance. Average age was 67.8. They were mostly white, catholic and bore low educational status. As for marital status, most were married; widows were predominant. Socioeconomical features indicated most elderly lived with family at their own home. They experienced better life conditions after received retirement funds. As far as health was concerned, most regarded themselves as healthy. Elderly women presented more complaints compared to men. When it came to health services use, more than half declared they often turned to the public local network due to chronic health problems. Main reasons not to turn to health services, even when needed, involved lack of financial resources; long waiting; transportation constraints; automedication practices; and lack of physicians. Such results revealed social inequalities such as reflexes in health, difficulties associated with functional and geographical access because most health services were available out of rural areas. There was not enough and frequent transportation to other health centers either. These findings highlight the diversity of situations and health strategies developed by users and the municipality. / Este estudio trata de la utilización y acceso a servicios de salud por ancianos rurales, se insiere en un proyecto intitulado "Determinantes Sociales e Interfaces con la Movilidad de Usuarios: análisis de los flujos y utilización de servicios de salud". Busca conocer los problemas de salud que afectan los ancianos rurales de Santana da Boa Vista/RS, llevando en cuenta la situación económica y social, las dinámicas familiares y las estrategias que integran prácticas de control y prevención en salud y enfermedad. Se trata de un estudio híbrido con dibujo epidemiológico descriptivo y un abordaje cualitativo en 30 ancianos entrevistados. Se utilizó la estadística descriptiva a través de frecuencia simple para los datos cuantificables y el análisis de contenido del tipo temático, en la etapa cualitativa. Entre los resultados se encontró predominancia masculina, con edad mediana de 67,8 años, blancos, católicos y con baja escolaridad. Con relación al estado civil la mayoría es casada, predominando mujeres en la viudez. La caracterización socioeconómica mostró que la mayoría de los ancianos vive con familiares en residencia propia, y presentaron mejoras de las condiciones de vida después del beneficio de la jubilación. En relación a la salud, la mayoría de los ancianos refirió como buena, siendo que las mujeres presentan más quejas si comparadas a los hombres. Cuanto a los servicios de salud, más de la mitad declaró utilizar habitualmente la red municipal, en consecuencia de los problemas crónicos, accediendo a la red básica. Los principales motivos para que no recurran a los servicios de salud, mismo en caso de necesidad, están relacionados a los recursos financieros insuficientes; tardar en ser atendido; ausencia de transporte; uso de automedicación y ausencia de profesionales médicos. Esos resultados expresan las desigualdades sociales como reflejos en la salud, las dificultades de acceso funcional y geográfico, ya que la mayoría de los servicios de salud se encuentran fuera el área rural, donde hay, todavía, la insuficiencia de transporte en cantidad y frecuencia a los locales de atendimiento. El análisis de las trayectorias terapéuticas señaló a la diversidad de situaciones y estrategias de salud desarrolladas por los usuarios y por el municipio.
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Idosos rurais : fatores que influenciam trajetórias e acesso a serviços de saúde no município de Santana da Boa Vista/RSAlcântara, Luciana Ruschel de January 2009 (has links)
Este estudo trata da utilização e acesso a serviços de saúde por idosos rurais, o qual se insere em um projeto intitulado "Determinantes Sociais e Interfaces com a Mobilidade de Usuários: análise dos fluxos e utilização de serviços de saúde". Busca-se conhecer os problemas de saúde que afetam os idosos rurais de Santana da Boa Vista/RS, levando em conta a situação econômica e social, as dinâmicas familiares e as estratégias que integram práticas de controle e prevenção em saúde e doença. Trata-se de um estudo híbrido, com desenho epidemiológico descritivo e uma abordagem qualitativa com 30 idosos entrevistados. Utilizou-se a estatística descritiva por meio de freqüência simples para os dados quantificáveis e a análise de conteúdo do tipo temático, na etapa qualitativa. Entre os resultados encontrou-se predominância masculina, com idade média de 67,8 anos, brancos, católicos e com baixa escolaridade. Com relação ao estado civil a maioria é casada, predominando mulheres na viuvez. A caracterização socioeconômica mostrou que a maioria dos idosos morava com familiares em residência própria, e apresentaram melhoria das condições de vida após o benefício da aposentadoria. Em relação à saúde, a maioria dos idosos entrevistados referiu como boa, sendo que as mulheres apresentaram mais queixas, se comparadas aos homens. Quanto aos serviços de saúde, mais da metade declarou utilizar habitualmente a Rede Municipal, em conseqüência dos problemas crônicos, acessando a Rede básica. Os principais motivos para não recorrerem aos serviços de saúde, mesmo em caso de necessidade, estão relacionados aos recursos financeiros insuficientes, demora no atendimento, ausência de transporte, uso de automedicação e ausência de profissionais médicos. Esses resultados expressam as desigualdades sociais como reflexos na saúde, as dificuldade de acesso funcional e geográfico, já que a maioria dos serviços de saúde encontra-se fora da área rural, havendo, ainda, a insuficiência de transporte em quantidade e freqüência aos locais de atendimento. A análise das trajetórias terapêuticas apontou para a diversidade de situações e estratégias de saúde desenvolvidas pelos usuários e pelo Município. / This study addresses the use of and access to health services by rural elderly subjects. It is linked to the project "Social Determinants and Interfaces with Users' Mobility: Analysis of Flows and Health Service Usage". Having the rural area and local development processes as background, it is intended to learn of life contexts and health problems which affect the elderly. An account is made of economical and social situation, family dynamics and strategies integrating practices for health and illnesses' control and prevention. The study is aimed at characterizing and understanding social determinants in flows of health service usage by rural residents 60 years old or more. Their therapeutic trajectories and mobility is considered. This is a hybrid study with an epidemiological descriptive design and a qualitative approach. Data were obtained from a structured interview with 30 elderly subjects in rural households. Descriptive statistics was used by means of simple frequency for quantitative data and thematic content analysis in the qualitative phase. Results indicated male predominance. Average age was 67.8. They were mostly white, catholic and bore low educational status. As for marital status, most were married; widows were predominant. Socioeconomical features indicated most elderly lived with family at their own home. They experienced better life conditions after received retirement funds. As far as health was concerned, most regarded themselves as healthy. Elderly women presented more complaints compared to men. When it came to health services use, more than half declared they often turned to the public local network due to chronic health problems. Main reasons not to turn to health services, even when needed, involved lack of financial resources; long waiting; transportation constraints; automedication practices; and lack of physicians. Such results revealed social inequalities such as reflexes in health, difficulties associated with functional and geographical access because most health services were available out of rural areas. There was not enough and frequent transportation to other health centers either. These findings highlight the diversity of situations and health strategies developed by users and the municipality. / Este estudio trata de la utilización y acceso a servicios de salud por ancianos rurales, se insiere en un proyecto intitulado "Determinantes Sociales e Interfaces con la Movilidad de Usuarios: análisis de los flujos y utilización de servicios de salud". Busca conocer los problemas de salud que afectan los ancianos rurales de Santana da Boa Vista/RS, llevando en cuenta la situación económica y social, las dinámicas familiares y las estrategias que integran prácticas de control y prevención en salud y enfermedad. Se trata de un estudio híbrido con dibujo epidemiológico descriptivo y un abordaje cualitativo en 30 ancianos entrevistados. Se utilizó la estadística descriptiva a través de frecuencia simple para los datos cuantificables y el análisis de contenido del tipo temático, en la etapa cualitativa. Entre los resultados se encontró predominancia masculina, con edad mediana de 67,8 años, blancos, católicos y con baja escolaridad. Con relación al estado civil la mayoría es casada, predominando mujeres en la viudez. La caracterización socioeconómica mostró que la mayoría de los ancianos vive con familiares en residencia propia, y presentaron mejoras de las condiciones de vida después del beneficio de la jubilación. En relación a la salud, la mayoría de los ancianos refirió como buena, siendo que las mujeres presentan más quejas si comparadas a los hombres. Cuanto a los servicios de salud, más de la mitad declaró utilizar habitualmente la red municipal, en consecuencia de los problemas crónicos, accediendo a la red básica. Los principales motivos para que no recurran a los servicios de salud, mismo en caso de necesidad, están relacionados a los recursos financieros insuficientes; tardar en ser atendido; ausencia de transporte; uso de automedicación y ausencia de profesionales médicos. Esos resultados expresan las desigualdades sociales como reflejos en la salud, las dificultades de acceso funcional y geográfico, ya que la mayoría de los servicios de salud se encuentran fuera el área rural, donde hay, todavía, la insuficiencia de transporte en cantidad y frecuencia a los locales de atendimiento. El análisis de las trayectorias terapéuticas señaló a la diversidad de situaciones y estrategias de salud desarrolladas por los usuarios y por el municipio.
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Anthropocentric development evaluation : making people and their humanity the focus of development and its evaluationMarais, Mark Trevor 01 1900 (has links)
The need for an Anthropocentric Development Evaluation stems from the inability of development theory and praxis, which has informed the past Development Decades, to ameliorate abject poverty experienced by most people throughout the world. Emanating from a hermeneutical-interpretist epistemology the fundamental argument of an Anthropocentric Development Evaluation is that people and the crucial aspects of their humanity should be the central focus in development and evaluation processes. Thus, taking the people-centred approach to development as its starting point, an Anthropocentric Development Evaluation draws attention to the marginalised, particularly the poor, the rural poor, resource-poor primary producers, women and their households. An Anthropocentric Development Evaluation also argues for an actor-orientation to Development Evaluation to emphasise the situational, yet individual behaviour, of people. Alongside such an approach, lies the significance of culture and people's knowledge for development, as well as the limitations, risks, uncertainties and vulnerabilities people face as a consequence of their humanity. These may influence the extent to which they
participate in spontaneous or imposed development initiatives. An Anthropocentric Development Evaluation then comparatively assesses three sets of similar, yet different, methodologies using people and aspects of their humanity described above as the focus for that assessment. The methodologies assessed include Action
Research, Social Impact Assessment and the Complementary Rural Development Field Tools. The purpose of doing so is to obtain a suitable medium through which to test the focus of an Anthropocentric Development Evaluation in a development setting. The testing of an Anthropocentric Development Evaluation in a development setting is done first by providing an Anthropocentric Development Evaluation of aspects of life of people living in the community of Nyanyadu in KwaZulu-Natal. Social Impact Assessments using the focus of an Anthropocentric Development Evaluation are then made of two development initiatives in respect of the people of Nyanyadu. These two initiatives are a nutrition and social development programme and the national land reforms. The
purpose of all these evaluations is to examine the extent to which people and their humanity are seen to be crucial in development processes. / Development Administration / D.Litt. et Phil. (Development Administration)
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Anthropocentric development evaluation : making people and their humanity the focus of development and its evaluationMarais, Mark Trevor 01 1900 (has links)
The need for an Anthropocentric Development Evaluation stems from the inability of development theory and praxis, which has informed the past Development Decades, to ameliorate abject poverty experienced by most people throughout the world. Emanating from a hermeneutical-interpretist epistemology the fundamental argument of an Anthropocentric Development Evaluation is that people and the crucial aspects of their humanity should be the central focus in development and evaluation processes. Thus, taking the people-centred approach to development as its starting point, an Anthropocentric Development Evaluation draws attention to the marginalised, particularly the poor, the rural poor, resource-poor primary producers, women and their households. An Anthropocentric Development Evaluation also argues for an actor-orientation to Development Evaluation to emphasise the situational, yet individual behaviour, of people. Alongside such an approach, lies the significance of culture and people's knowledge for development, as well as the limitations, risks, uncertainties and vulnerabilities people face as a consequence of their humanity. These may influence the extent to which they
participate in spontaneous or imposed development initiatives. An Anthropocentric Development Evaluation then comparatively assesses three sets of similar, yet different, methodologies using people and aspects of their humanity described above as the focus for that assessment. The methodologies assessed include Action
Research, Social Impact Assessment and the Complementary Rural Development Field Tools. The purpose of doing so is to obtain a suitable medium through which to test the focus of an Anthropocentric Development Evaluation in a development setting. The testing of an Anthropocentric Development Evaluation in a development setting is done first by providing an Anthropocentric Development Evaluation of aspects of life of people living in the community of Nyanyadu in KwaZulu-Natal. Social Impact Assessments using the focus of an Anthropocentric Development Evaluation are then made of two development initiatives in respect of the people of Nyanyadu. These two initiatives are a nutrition and social development programme and the national land reforms. The
purpose of all these evaluations is to examine the extent to which people and their humanity are seen to be crucial in development processes. / Development Administration / D.Litt. et Phil. (Development Administration)
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O Bonfim na Balança: um estudo sobre ruralidade e saúde por meio da análise do estado nutricional das práticas alimentares e da agricultura num bairro de Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro / The Bonfim in the Balance: a study of rural life and health through the analysis of nutritional status and dietary practices of agriculture in the district of Petropolis, Rio de JaneiroLourenço, Ana Eliza Port January 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2011-05-04T12:42:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2010 / Embora o meio rural brasileiro inclua populações diversas, como povos indígenas, agricultores familiares, ribeirinhos e quilombolas, os estudos de saúde no Brasil têm considerado rural como mera oposição a urbano , o que gera implicações epidemiológicas e políticas. Esta tese analisa o significado de rural em saúde, por meio de um estudo no bairro Bonfim, Petrópolis, RJ, incluindo pesquisa etnográfica sobre alimentação e agricultura, e um censo (de 523 famílias) sobre nutrição, anemia, hipertensão arterial e segurança alimentar. O Bonfim constitui área geopolítica urbana, embora apresente aspectos rurais, como agricultura familiar, área de reserva ambiental e ecoturismo. O bairro tem três regiões sócio-espaciais com diferentes ocupações do solo, demografia, condições socioeconômicas e, consequentemente, distintos perfis de saúde. A região com situação socioeconômica mais baixa e pouca agricultura apresentou maior prevalência de anemia e de insegurança alimentar. Na região onde a ocupação agrícola predomina, há menor prevalência de obesidade, de hipertensão arterial e de insegurança alimentar. Por exemplo, a prevalência de obesidade foi de 8 por cento entre os homens adultos da região agrícola e de 17 por cento nas outras regiões. A prevalência de obesidade em adultos no estudo foi cerca de duas vezes maior que a prevalência nacional, sendo maior para mulheres (29,1 por cento) que para homens (15,4 por cento). Essas variações no perfil nutricional associam-se ao nível de envolvimento com a agricultura e à preferência por alimentos industrializados. A necessidade de dedicar várias horas ao trabalho agrícola é uma das principais causas para a compra de alimentos em vez de plantar para o consumo familiar. A combinação de métodos deste estudo salienta importantes fontes de variação na experiência rural brasileira, sugerindo repensar o uso de rural em estudos de saúde, de forma a considerar as identidades sociais e o contexto local. / Although what is called “rural Brazil” may include populations as diverse as farmers, indigenous peoples, peasant fishing communities and populations of African ancestry, most health studies in Brazil have considered “rural” as a simple opposition to “urban”. This may interfere in epidemiological analyses and health policies. In this thesis I discuss the meaning of rural in health by presenting information about Bonfim,
a community located in a mountainous region of Rio de Janeiro state. The study integrated ethnographic research about diet and agriculture, and a census (of 523 families) about nutrition, anemia, blood pressure and food security. Bonfim is geopolitically an urban area, though it contains rural aspects, such as farmland, parkland and ecotourism services. The community is divided into three socially defined regions, each with different land usage, demography, socioeconomic status and resultant health profiles. In the region where socioeconomic status is lower and farming work is rare, there was a higher prevalence of anemia and food insecurity. In the region where farm work predominates, there was a lower prevalence of obesity, hypertension and food insecurity. For example, in the farming region, 8% of adult men
were obese, while in the other regions 17% of adult men were obese. The prevalence of obesity for adults in this study was twice the national prevalence. The prevalence of obesity in adult women was 29%, while in adult men it was 15%.
These nutritional profile variations are associated with the level of involvement with agriculture and extent of local preferences for industrialized food. The need to spend long hours working on the farm is one of the main causes for purchasing food rather than growing it for family consumption. This fine-grained mixed-methods
research sheds light on important sources of variation in the rural experience in Brazil.
It also suggests a reconsideration of the use of the concept of rural in health studies, urging a more accurate accounting of social identities and local contexts.
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Resettlement in the Border/Ciskei region of South Africa / Development Studies Working Paper, no. 67De Wet, C J, Lujabe, Phumeza, Metele, Nosipho January 1996 (has links)
This paper presents the findings of part of a research project entitled "Population Mobility and Settlement Patterns in the Eastern Cape, 1950 to 1990", which was funded by the Human Sciences Research Council. The part of the project with which this paper is concerned, is the study of resettlement in the Border/Ciskei area of the (new) Eastern Cape Province. It involves two main foci: a) the Whittlesea district of the former Ciskei, where research was done in the resettlement area of Sada (where findings are compared with research done there in 1981) and Dongwe; and b) the Fort Beaufort area, where we looked at the two 'black spot' communities of Upisdraai and Gqugesi which were uprooted and moved to the Fort Beaufort township of Bhofolo in the 1960s, and at the establishment of black citrus farmers in the Kat River Valley in the late 1980s, on previously White owned farms which were bought out by the (then) Ciskei government. In the Conclusion, some important differences are suggested between resettlement in the Eastern Cape and in QwaQwa, one of the areas of South Africa that has been most severely affected by resettlement. Ways in which the South African material may be seen in terms of prevailing models for the analysis of resettlement, and may provide an input for the modification of these approaches, are briefly considered. / Digitised by Rhodes University Library on behalf of the Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER)
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