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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Equilibrium and metastable solidification in Ti-Al-Nb and Al-Ni systems

Shuleshova, Olga 28 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The presented work reports on the solidification studies in two alloy systems: the niobium bearing γ-TiAl, relevant for the automotive and aero-engine applications, and aluminium rich Raney-Ni, precursor alloys for catalyses used in the chemical industry. The time-resolved observations of equilibrium liquid-solid phase transformations, as well as non-equilibrium solidification from the undercooled melt, are performed by combination of in situ structural studies using high-energy X-rays at a synchrotron source and the electromagnetic levitation technique. Containerless processing assured the contamination-free environment leading to high undercooling levels even at moderate cooling rates. For the critical part of the Ti-Al-Nb phase diagram an equilibrium involving the liquid phase is deduced from the phase transformations gathered on heating periods of levitation experiment. New experimental data on the partial liquidus and solidus surfaces are delivered as well as the information on the nature of the reactions along the univariant lines. These data provide a valuable contribution to the reassessment of the thermodynamic description. The primary phase selection as function of undercooling is studied in ternary Ti-Al-Nb alloys. The metastable formation of the cubic β phase within the primary solidification region of the hexagonal α phase is observed with increasing melt undercooling. Furthermore, the microstructure evolution of the β solidifying Ti-46Al-8Nb alloy discloses the transition to the thermal growth mode for ∆T>200−250 K, accompanied by complete solute trapping. Supplemented with the data on the solidification velocity determined as function of melt undercooling, this results are discussed within the local non-equilibrium model of the free dendrite growth. The in situ observations of the non-equilibrium solidification of the binary Al-Ni system give insight into multiple phase transformation sequence. The achieved undercooling levels up to 320 K for the aluminium alloys containing 18–31.5 at.% Ni did not alter the primary phase selection. However, during further cooling of L+Al3Ni2 semisolid samples the peritectic formation of a metastable decagonal quasicrystalline phase is observed providing a critical undercooling below the peritectic temperature of Al3Ni phase is reached. On further cooling the metastable phase subsequently transforms into the equilibrium Al3Ni. A similar solidification pathways are expected for the Raney-Ni alloys produced by gas atomisation, where the associated high cooling rates allowed to retain the metastable phase at room temperature.

Interplay of Strong Correlation, Spin-Orbit Coupling and Electron-Phonon Interactions in Quasi-2D Iridium Oxides

Paerschke, Ekaterina 30 May 2018 (has links) (PDF)
In the last decade, a large number of studies have been devoted to the peculiarities of correlated physics found in the quasi-two-dimensional square lattice iridium oxides. It was shown that this 5d family of transition metal oxides has strong structural and electronic similarities to the famous 3d family of copper oxides. Moreover, a delicate interplay of on-site spin-orbit coupling, Coulomb repulsion and crystalline electric field interactions is expected to drive various exotic quantum states. Many theoretical proposals were made in the last decade including the prediction of possible superconductivity in square-lattice iridates emerging as a sister system to high-Tc cuprates, which however met only limited experimental confirmation. One can, therefore, raise a general question: To what extent is the low-energy physics of the quasi-two-dimensional square-lattice iridium oxides different from other transition metal oxides including cuprates? In this thesis we investigate some of the effects which are usually neglected in studies on iridates, focusing on quasi-two-dimensional square-lattice iridates such as Sr2IrO4 or Ba2IrO4. In particular, we discuss the role of the electron-phonon coupling in the form of Jahn-Teller interaction, electron-hole asymmetry introduced by the strong correlations and some effects of coupling scheme chosen to calculate multiplet structure for materials with strong on-site spin-orbit coupling. Thus, firstly, we study the role of phonons, which is almost always neglected in Sr2IrO4, and discuss the manifestation of Jahn-Teller effect in the recent data obtained on Sr2IrO4 with the help of resonant inelastic x-ray scattering. When strong spin-orbit coupling removes orbital degeneracy, it would at the same time appear to render the Jahn-Teller mechanism ineffective. We show that, while the Jahn-Teller effect does indeed not affect the antiferromagnetically ordered ground state, it leads to distinctive signatures in the spin-orbit exciton. Second, we focus on charge excitations and determine the motion of a charge (hole or electron) added to the Mott insulating, antiferromagnetic ground-state of square-lattice iridates. We show that correlation effects, calculated within the self-consistent Born approximation, render the hole and electron case very different. An added electron forms a spin-polaron, which closely resembles the well-known cuprates, but the situation of a removed electron is far more complex. Many-body configurations form that can be either singlets and triplets, which strongly affects the hole motion. This not only has important ramifications for the interpretation of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and inverse photoemission spectroscopy experiments of square lattice iridates, but also demonstrates that the correlation physics in electron- and hole-doped iridates is fundamentally different. We then discuss the application of this model to the calculation of scanning tunneling spectroscopy data. We show that using scanning tunneling spectroscopy one can directly probe the quasiparticle excitations in Sr2IrO4: ladder spectrum on the positive bias side and multiplet structure of the polaron on the negative bias side. We discuss in detail the ladder spectrum and show its relevance for Sr2IrO4 which is in general described by more complicated extended t-J -like model. Theoretical calculation reveals that on the negative bias side the internal degree of freedom of the charge excitation introduces strong dispersive hopping channels encaving ladder-like features. Finally, we discuss how the choice of the coupling scheme to calculate multiplet structure can affect the theoretical calculation of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and scanning tunnelling spectroscopy spectral functions.

Thermische Tieftemperatureigenschaften von Magnesium-Diborid und Seltenerd-Nickel-Borkarbiden / Thermal Properties of Magnesium Diboribe and Rare Earth Nickel Borocarbides at Low Temperatures

Schneider, Matthias 16 August 2005 (has links) (PDF)
In the present study the results of investigations on polycrystalline MgB2 and on single crystals of YNi2B2C and HoNi2B2C are presented. In particular, measurementes of specific electrical resistance, thermal conductivity, thermoelectric power, and of the linear thermal expansion coefficient were performed. Moreover, the specific heat of polycristalline borocarbide samples was evaluated. From the measured data, the temperature dependencies of the Lorenz number and of the Grueneisen parameter can be determined, also the pressure dependence of the superconducting transition temperature using the Ehrenfest relation. At low temperatures a characteristic deviation of the resistivity from the Bloch-Grueneisen law in the normal state for all investigated substances was observed. A reentrant behaviour in resistivity and thermoelectric power occurs at the antiferromagnetic phase transition of HoNi2B2C. The thermal conductivity of MgB2 below 7 K is dominated by the scattering of phonons at grain boundaries. The absence of both, a maximum of thermal conductivity in the superconducting state, and the change of its slope at the superconducting transition temperature points to the validity of the two-band model that also describes the temperature dependence of specific heat. Measurements of thermoelectric power confirm the different normal-state character of the charge carriers of the investigated superconductors. Diffusion thermopower and phonon drag describe the measured data of all investigated compounds ov a wide range of temperature. The thermal expansion of HoNi2B2C below 10 K is dominated by the magnetic contribution. For all investigated substances the Grueneisen parameter features very large values in selected temperature ranges. In the case of MgB2, its temperature dependence is evidently connected with the properties of the relevant phonon mode. For the borocarbides, the electrical resistance depends very weakly on the crystallographic direction, but in contrast the thermal conductivity does in a quite strong manner. Despite of the antiferromagnetic phase transition in the case of HoNi2B2C, thermoelectric power and thermal expansion show minor anisotropy. / In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Ergebnisse von Untersuchungen an polykristallinem MgB2 sowie an YNi2B2C- und HoNi2B2C-Einkristallen analysiert. Dafür erfolgten Messungen des spezifischen elektrischen Widerstands, der Wärmeleitfähigkeit, der Thermokraft und des linearen thermischen Ausdehnungskoeffizienten. Zudem wurde die spezifische Wärmekapazität polykristalliner Borkarbide bestimmt und aus den erhaltenen Daten die Temperaturabhängigkeit der Lorenz-Zahl und des Grüneisen-Parameters sowie mittels der Ehrenfest-Relation die Druckabhängigkeit der Sprungtemperatur ermittelt. Bei tiefen Temperaturen findet man im normalleitenden Zustand für alle betrachteten Substanzen ein charakteristisches Abweichen des Widerstands vom Bloch-Grüneisen-Gesetz. Bei HoNi2B2C tritt beim antiferromagnetischen Phasenübergang im Widerstand und in der Thermokraft ein reentrant-Verhalten auf. Die thermische Leitfähigkeit von MgB2 wird unterhalb von 7 K durch die Streuung der Phononen an Korngrenzen bestimmt. Das Fehlen eines Maximums in der Wärmeleitfähigkeit im supraleitenden Zustand und einer Anstiegsänderung bei der Sprungtemperatur liefert einen Hinweis auf die Gültigkeit des Zweibandmodells, mit welchem auch der Temperaturverlauf der Wärmekapazität erklärt werden kann. Messungen der Thermokraft bestätigen den unterschiedlichen Charakter der Ladungsträger im normalleitenden Zustand der untersuchten Supraleiter, wobei Elektronendiffusion und Phonon Drag die Messdaten aller betrachteten Verbindungen in weiten Temperaturbereichen beschreiben. Für HoNi2B2C wird die thermische Ausdehnung unterhalb von 10 K durch den Beitrag der magnetischen Ordnung bestimmt. Der Grüneisen-Parameter weist für alle untersuchten Substanzen in Teilbereichen sehr große Beträge auf. Sein Temperaturverlauf hängt bei MgB2 offenbar mit Eigenschaften der maßgeblichen Phononenmode zusammen. Für die Borkarbide ist die Richtungsabhängigkeit des elektrischen Widerstandes sehr schwach, in der Wärmeleitfähigkeit hingegen recht stark ausgeprägt. Abgesehen vom antiferromagnetischen Phasenübergang bei HoNi2B2C weisen Thermokraft und Ausdehnungskoeffizient eine geringe Anisotropie auf.

Supraleitung in biaxial texturierten Seltenerd–Nickel–Borkarbidschichten

Niemeier, Tim 03 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Gegenstand der vorliegenden Dissertation, die am Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung (IFW) in Dresden durchgeführt wurde, sind die Herstellung und Analyse von supraleitenden Dünnschichten aus Seltenerd-Nickel-Borkarbiden, die mit einer biaxialen Vorzugstextur versehen sind. Dazu wurde am Beispiel von LuNi2B2C ein Prozessfenster für epitaktisches Wachstum dieser Materialien auf MgO(110)-Einkristallsubstraten definiert, wodurch im Vergleich zu früheren Arbeiten zu Dünnschichten aus Seltenerd-Nickel-Borkarbiden eine verbesserte Textur und eine höhere Schichtqualität erzielt wurde. Struktur, insbesondere die Ausbildung der biaxialen Textur, und Supraleitung der Schichten, insbesondere die Anisotropie des oberen kritischen Feldes in Abhängigkeit von Winkel und Temperatur, bilden die beiden Schwerpunkte der Untersuchungen. Als Ausblick wurde die Abscheidung von Seltenerd-Nickel-Borkarbid-Legierungsschichten am Beispiel von (HoxLu1-x)Ni2B2C demonstriert. Durch entsprechende Anpassung der Prozessparameter konnte, von LuNi2B2C ausgehend, die biaxiale Textur in den Legierungsdünnschichten weitgehend erhalten werden. Dies schafft als Ergänzung zur Kristallzucht eine attraktive Möglichkeit für zukünftige Untersuchungen dieser Materialien.

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