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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Continuous Time Fatigue Modelling for Non-proportional Loading

Gundmi Satish, Sajjan January 2019 (has links)
Fatigue analysis is a critical stage in the design of any structural component. Typically fatigue is analysed during post-processing, but as the size of the analysed component increases, the amount of data stored for the analysis increases simultaneously. This increases the computational and memory requirements of the system, intensifying the work load on the engineer. A continuum mechanics approach namely ’Continuous time fatigue model’, for fatigue analysis is available in a prior study which reduces the computational requirements by simultaneously computing fatigue along with the stress. This model implements a moving endurance surface in the stress space along with the damage evolution equation to compute high-cycle fatigue. In this thesis the continuous time fatigue model is compared with conventional model (ie.Cycle counting) to study its feasibility. The thesis also aims to investigate the continuous time fatigue model and an evolved version of the model is developed for non-proportional load cases to identify its limitations and benefits.

Evaluating Multi-Uav System with Text to Spech for Sitational Awarness and Workload

Lindgren, Viktor January 2021 (has links)
With improvements to miniaturization technologies, the ratio between operators required per UAV has become increasingly smaller at the cost of increased workload. Workload is an important factor to consider when designing the multi-UAV systems of tomorrow as too much workload may decrease an operator's performance. This study proposes the use of text to speech combined with an emphasis on a single screen design as a way of improving situational awareness and perceived workload. A controlled experiment consisting of 18 participants was conducted inside a simulator. Their situational awareness and perceived workload was measured using SAGAT and NASA-TLX respectively. The results show that the use of text to speech lead to a decrease in situational awareness for all elements inside the graphical user interface that were not directly handled by a text to speech event. All of the NASA-TLX measurements showed an improvement in perceived workload except for physical demand. Overall an improvement of perceived workload was observed when text to speech was in use.

CFD Study of the Flow around a High-Speed Train / En numerisk studio av strömningen runt ett höghastighetståg

Guillou, Florian January 2012 (has links)
This document is a report summering the master thesis work dealing with the Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) study of the flow around a high-speed train. The model is a scaled 1:50 generic train with two cars, one inter-car gap and simplified bogies. A platform is set on the side of the train since one of the aim of the study is to look at the consequences of the phenomena in the wake on people or objects standing on the platform. The slipstream is one of this phenomena, it is due to the fact that the viscous air is dragged when the train is passing. If too strong, it can move or destabilize people or objects on the platform. In addition of the slipstream study, a velocity profile study, a drag and lift coefficients analyze as well as a Q-factor study and a frequency study have been realized. Some results of these different studies are compared with the ones obtained on the same model with a Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation (DDES). Since the flow is turbulent, for those different studies, the flow has been simulated with a Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes equation model (RANS) which is the k-ω SST model for the turbulence. The study of the slipstream allowed to calculate the Technical Specification for Interoperability (TSI) which must not be higher that the European Union requirement set at 15.5 m/s, the result obtained is 8.1 m/s which is then lower than the limit. The velocity profile shows similarities with the DDES results even though it is less detailed. The same conclusion is done for the Q-plot where is clearly visible the two counter-rotating vortices in the wake. Finally, a Fast Fourier Transform algorithm has been applied to instantaneous velocity results in the wake of the train in order to get the frequency of the aerodynamic phenomena in that wake. The main frequency is 25 Hz and corresponds to a Strouhal number of 0.1, quite closed to the results obtained with DDES which is 0.085. The results of the RANS and DDES are reasonably similar and by regarding at the large difference between the cell numbers (respectively 8 500 000 and 20 000 000) it can be conclude that in some ways the RANS model can be preferred at the DDES to save time for the computation but it does not contain the small scales resolved by the DDES.

Attitude and Orbit Control During Deorbit of Tethered Space Debris

Flodin, Linus January 2015 (has links)
Due to the unsustainable space debris environment in Low Earth Orbit, debris objects must be removed to ensure future safe satellite operations. One proposed concept for deorbiting larger space debris objects, such as decommissioned satellites or spent upper rocket stages, is to use a chaser spacecraft connected to the debris object by an elastic tether, but the required technology is immature and there is a lack of flight experience. The inoperable satellite, Envisat, has been chosen as a representative object for controlled re-entry by performing several high thrust burns. The aim of this paper is to develop a control system for the deorbit phase of such a mission. Models of the spacecraft dynamics, the tether, and sensors are developed to create a simulator. Two different tether models are considered: the massless model and the lumped mass model. A switched linear-quadratic-Gaussian (LQG) controller is designed to control the relative position of the debris object, and a switched proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller is designed for attitude control. Feedforward compensation is used to counteract the couplings between relative position and attitude dynamics. An analysis of the system suggests that the tether should be designed in regard to the control system and it is found that the lumped mass model comes with higher cost than reward compared to the massless tether model in this case. Simulations show that the control system is able to control the system under the influence of modeling errors during a multi-burn deorbit strategy and even though more extensive models are suggested to enable assessment of the feasibility to perform this mission in reality, this study has resulted in extensive knowledge and valuable progress in the technical development. / En ökande mängd rymdskrot har lett till en ohållbar miljö i låga omloppsbanor och föremål måste nu tas bort för att säkerställa framtida satellitverksamhet. En föreslagen metod för att avlägsna större skrotföremål, såsom avvecklade satelliter och använda övre raketsteg, är att koppla en jagande rymdfarkost till föremålet med en elastisk lina. Dock är den teknik som behövs inte mogen och det finns en brist på praktisk erfarenhet. Den obrukbara satelliten Envisat har valts som representativt objekt för kontrollerat återinträde genom flera perigeumsänkande raketmanövrar. Syftet med detta arbete är att utveckla ett system för att kontrollera de två sammankopplade rymdfarkosterna under avlägsningsfasen under ett sådant uppdrag. Modeller för farkosternas dynamik, den sammankopplande linan och sensorer byggs för att utveckla en simulator. Två olika modeller för linan undersöks: den masslösa modellen och den klumpade nodmassmodellen. En omkopplande regulator designas genom minimering av kvadratiska kriterier för att kontrollera skrotföremålets relativa position till den jagande farkosten. Vidare designas en omkopplande proportionerlig-integrerande-deriverande (PID) regulator för att reglera pekningen hos den jagande farkosten. Kompensering genom framkoppling används för att motverka de korskopplingar som förekommer mellan translations- och rotationsdynamiken. En analys av systemet visar att linan bör designas med reglersystemet i åtanke och det framkommer att nackdelarna överväger fördelarna för den klumpade nodmassmodellen jämfört med den masslösa modellen. Simuleringar visar att reglersystemet klarar att kontrollera systemet under ett scenario med flera manövrar och under inverkan av modellfel. Även om mer omfattande modeller föreslås för att möjliggöra en fullständig bedömning av genomförbarheten för detta uppdrag så har denna studie resulterat i en omfattande kunskapsvinst och värdefulla framgångar i det tekniska utvecklingsarbetet.

Simulating microwave single scattering properties of melting ice particles: a preparation to extend the ARTS database

Teodorsson, Andreas January 2021 (has links)
Ice particles in the atmosphere affect for example remote sensing measurements made for climate and atmospheric research. When these ice particles melt their single scattering properties alters, which in turn affect the remote sensing measurements. It is therefore of importance to understand how these scattering properties change due to the melting of the particles to be able to interpret the measurements.  The ARTS database contains single scattering data for a large set of ice particles in the microwave region, data which describes how electromagnetic radiation interacts with said particles. The database does not however contain any data for melting ice particles. A software package called RimeCraft has been used to simulate the melting process of ice particles, together with the discrete dipole approximation program ADDA, which simulated their single scattering properties at frequencies between 1 and 247.2 GHz. Neither of the two programs had been extensively tested on melting ice particles. This thesis therefore tests both RimeCraft and ADDA for their suitability and performance on melting ice particles as a preparation for extending the ARTS database with these types of particles.  The simulation results from ADDA showed that the single scattering properties, such as absorption and extinction cross sections, were greatly affected by the melting process, especially during the initial phase of melting (below meltfraction 0.1) where the increase was strong. At higher meltfractions the increase was slower, and sometimes even decreased for certain particles. Some unexpected results were seen, such as spikes and oscillations in the extinction and absorption cross sections.  Both RimeCraft and ADDA are suitable for generating models of melting ice particles, respectively to simulate their single scattering properties, as long as the output from ADDA undergoes quality controls first. / Ispartiklar i atmosfären påverkar fjärranalysmätningar gjorda för bland annat klimat- och atmosfärsforskning. När dessa ispartiklar smälter påverkar det deras spridningsegenskaper, vilket i sin tur påverkar fjärranalysmätningarna. Det är därför viktigt att förstå hur dessa spridningsegenskaper påverkas av att partikeln smälter för att kunna tolka mätningarna.  ARTS databasen innehåller spridningsdata för ett stort antal olika ispartiklar i mikrovågsområdet, data som beskriver hur elektromagnetisk strålning påverkas av dessa partiklar. Databasen innehåller dock inte någon data för smältande ispartiklar.   Ett mjukvarupaket kallat RimeCraft har använts för att simulera smältprocessen av ispartiklar, tillsammans med diskret dipolsapproximationsprogrammet ADDA som användes för att simulera deras spridningsegenskaper för frekvenser mellan 1 och 247.2 GHz. Inget av de två programmen har blivit utförligt testat med smältande ispartiklar. Detta examensarbete testar därför både RimeCrafts och ADDAs lämplighet och prestationsförmåga med smältande ispartiklar som en förberedelse för att utöka ARTS databasen med dessa partiklar.  Simulationsresultaten från ADDA visade att spridningsegenskaperna, så som absorptions- och extinktionstvärsnitt, påverkades starkt av smältprocessen, speciellt under den initiala fasen av smältningen. Vid högre smältgrader var ökningen långsammare och ibland till och med negativ för vissa partiklar. Några oväntade resultat sågs, som t.ex. spikar och oscillationer i extinktions- och absorptionstvärsnitten.  Både RimeCraft och ADDA är lämpade för att generera modeller av smältande ispartiklar, respektive för att simulera deras spridningsegenskaper, så länge utdatan från ADDA genomgår en kvalitetskontroll.

Low-Temperature Thermal Control System for an Environmental Chamber

Lindemanis, Aleksis Pauls January 2022 (has links)
In spite of significant reduction of cost associated with launching a spacecraft, launching deep space exploratory missions are yet to be accessible to most universities and researchers. A solution to testing scientific hypotheses and verifying technologies for space is the use of environmental chambers, also know as space simulators, - vacuum chambers, which replicate the space environment. The scope of this thesis project is to develop a thermal control system for a space simulator, which would replicate the environment on Mars, and allow for controlled carbon dioxide ice deposition experiments. The first part of the thesis looks at the climate on Mars, and the process behind the carbon dioxide ice cycle, gives a description of the systems in a space simulator. Then the requirements of a thermal system for the space simulator are stated. The second part of the thesis gives a brief overview of the previous solution attempts at the laboratory in Luleå University of Technology, and the manufacturing technologies required to make them. Based on that, a design justification is given. The thermal control system design section gives an overall design description, with detailed report on the iterative design of the sample holders, and thermal simulations results. Additive manufacturing is analyzed, as means of producing solid designs with the necessary performance targets. The overall cost of the designed thermal control system is calculated, and further work directions are proposed. The appendices include the literature used, the technical drawings for manufacturing and assembly of the thermal system, detailed budget calculations, and additional data from the thermal analysis.

Simulation of Optical Aberrations for Comet Interceptor’s OPIC Instrument

Bührer, Maximilian January 2020 (has links)
In space exploration optical imaging is one of the key measurements conducted, with a vast majority of missions heavily relying on optical data acquisition to examine alien worlds. One such endeavor is ESA’s F-class mission Comet Interceptor, a multi-element spacecraft expected to be launched in 2028. It consists of a primary platform and two sub-spacecraft, one of which carrying the Optical Periscopic Imager for Comets (OPIC). An accurate prediction of the generated imagery is of undeniable importance as mission planning and instrument design strongly depend on the real-world output quality of the camera system. In the case of OPIC, the collected image data will be used to reconstruct three dimensional models of targeted celestial bodies. Furthermore, the sub-spacecraft faces a risk of high velocity dust impacts, leading to a limited number of data samples to be broadcasted back to the primary spacecraft before collision. Testing image prioritization algorithms and reconstruction methods prior to mission start requires accurate computer-generated images. Camera sensors and lens systems are subjected to various optical distortions and aberrations that degrade the final image. Popular render engines model those effects to a certain degree only and as a result produce content that is looking too perfect. While more sophisticated software products exist, they often come with compatibility limitations and other drawbacks. This report discusses the most important optical aberrations, as well as their relevance for optical instruments in space applications with a particular focus on the Comet Interceptor mission. The main part of this work is however the implementation of a dedicated software tool that simulates a variety of optical aberrations complementing the basic camera model of the Blender render engine. While its functionality is mostly demonstrated for OPIC, the software is designed with a broad range of usage scenarios in mind.

Accessibility Studies of Potentially Hazardous Asteroids from the Sun-Earth L2 Libration Point

GANESAN, GAUTHAM January 2020 (has links)
A newly proposed F-class mission by the European Space Agency (ESA) in 2019,Comet Interceptor, aims to dynamically intercept a New Solar System Objectsuch as a Dynamically New Comet (DNC). The Spacecraft will be placed in aperiodic (Halo) orbit around the Sun-Earth L2 Lagrangian point, waiting for furtherinstructions about the passage of a comet or an asteroid, which could well bereached within the stipulated mission constraints.A major part of the detection of these bodies will be owed to the Large SynopticSurvey Telescope (Currently under construction in Chile), which hopes to vastlyincrease the ability to discover a possible target using the catalogue of LongPeriod Comets and a set of its orbits. It is suggested that, in a mission length of<5 years, discoveries and warnings are possible so that optimization of thetrajectory and characterisation of the object are done within the set windows.This thesis is aimed at facilitating a transfer to a Potentially Hazardous Asteroid(PHA), a subset of the Near-Earth Objects (NEO), as a secondary choice on theoff-chance that the discovered comet could not be reached from the L2 Librationpoint within the mission constraints.The first section of this thesis deals with the selection of a Potentially HazardousAsteroid for our mission from the larger database of the Near-Earth Objects,based on a measure of impact hazard called the Palermo Scale, while the secondsection of the thesis aims to obtain a suitable Halo orbit around L2 through ananalytical construction method. After a desired orbit is found, the invariantmanifolds around the Halo orbit are constructed and analysed in an attempt toreduce the ΔV, where from the spacecraft can intercept the Potentially Hazardous Asteroid through the trajectory demanding the least energy.

Multiple CubeSat Mission for Auroral Acceleration Region Studies

Castro, Marley Santiago January 2021 (has links)
The Auroral Acceleration Region (AAR) is a key region in understanding the interactionbetween the Magnetosphere and Ionosphere. To understand the physical, spatial, and temporal features of the region, multi-point measurements are required. Distributed small-satellite missions such as constellations of multiple nano satellites (for example multi-unit CubeSats) would enable such type of measurements. The capabilities of such a mission will highly depend on the number of satellites - one reason that makes low-cost platforms like CubeSats a very promising choice. In a previous study, the state-of-the-art of miniaturized payloads for AAR measurements was analyzed and evaluated on the capabilities of different multi-CubeSat configurations equipped with such payloads in addressing different open questions in AAR. This thesis will provide the mission analysis of such a multi-CubeSat mission to the AAR and possible mission design. This includes defining the mission scenario and associated requirements, developing a mathematical description of AAR that allows for specific regions in space to be targeted, an optimisation process for designing orbits targeting these regions, conversion of a satellite formation to appropriate orbits, verifying the scientific performance of this formation and the various costs associated with entering, maintaining, and exiting these orbits.

Range-based Wireless Sensor Network Localization for Planetary Rovers

Svensson, August January 2020 (has links)
Obstacles faced in planetary surface exploration require innovation in many areas, primarily that of robotics. To be able to study interesting areas that are by current means hard to reach, such as steep slopes, ravines, caves andlava tubes, the surface vehicles of today need to be modified or augmented. Oneaugmentation with such a goal is PHALANX (Projectile Hordes for AdvancedLong-term and Networked eXploration), a prototype system being developed atthe NASA Ames Research Center. PHALANX uses remote deployment of expendablesensor nodes from a lander or rover vehicle. This enables in-situ measurementsin hard-to-reach areas with reduced risk to the rover. The deployed sensornodes are equipped with capabilities to transmit data wirelessly back to therover and to form a network with the rover and other nodes. Knowledge of the location of deployed sensor nodes and the momentary locationof the rover is greatly desired. PHALANX can be of aid in this aspect as well.With the addition of inter-node and rover-to-node range measurements, arange-based network SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) system can beimplemented for the rover to use while it is driving within the network. Theresulting SLAM system in PHALANX shares characteristics with others in the SLAM literature, but with some additions that make it unique. One crucial additionis that the rover itself deploys the nodes. Another is the ability for therover to more accurately localize deployed nodes by external sensing, such asby utilizing the rover cameras. In this thesis, the SLAM of PHALANX is studied by means of computer simulation.The simulation software is created using real mission values and valuesresulting from testing of the PHALANX prototype hardware. An overview of issuesthat a SLAM solution has to face as present in the literature is given in thecontext of the PHALANX SLAM system, such as poor connectivity, and highlycollinear placements of nodes. The system performance and sensitivities arethen investigated for the described issues, using predicted typical PHALANXapplication scenarios. The results are presented as errors in estimated positions of the sensor nodesand in the estimated position of the rover. I find that there are relativesensitivities to the investigated parameters, but that in general SLAM inPHALANX is fairly insensitive. This gives mission planners and operatorsgreater flexibility to prioritize other aspects important to the mission athand. The simulation software developed in this thesis work also has thepotential to be expanded on as a tool for mission planners to prepare forspecific mission scenarios using PHALANX.

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