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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"On the Seventh Day there Shall be to you an Holy Day, a Sabbath of Rest to the LORD":The Religious Effects of Sunday Play on Latter-day Saints in the NFL

McKinley, Daniel Scott 01 March 2016 (has links)
For members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Ten Commandments are very much in effect today. The fourth commandment, to remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy, is heavily emphasized within church doctrine and culture (Exodus 20:8; Deuteronomy 5:12). This command to set apart the Sabbath is observed on Sundays for the LDS Church as well as the majority of the Christian world, rather than the traditional Saturday. Though the Ten Commandments collectively have both individual and societal implications, the spiritual outcome from following them is indeed an introspective pursuit. This thesis seeks to address how members of the Church seek to keep the Sabbath day holy in a profession that is heavily involved in Sunday work. With the universality of sports among Latter-day Saints, and large numbers of youth hoping to play sports professionally, this study is timely because it seeks to elucidate the effects that playing professional sports, particularly in the NFL, have on church activity. Chapter One details the history of the Sabbath from the Old Testament to the present day. It then discusses the doctrine of the Sabbath as taught by the LDS Church. It also discusses what the highest officers in the church, the First Presidency, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and other auxiliary leaders have said about sports and Sunday play. It finishes off with a description of the research methodology and the interview process for thirty Latter-day Saints who played in the NFL. Chapter Two introduces the data and some of the main findings regarding Sabbath day worship in the NFL; it highlights the sacrament, church attendance, and other personal religious habits for these athletes. Chapter Three continues the discussion of the data and more particularly addresses some of the challenges more pertinent to LDS NFL players. It was apparent after the interview process that these participants found it challenging to be in an atmosphere so incompatible to their personal beliefs, including religious criticism from teammates, harsh language, lewdness in and out of the locker room, and many other difficult circumstances. Marriage is addressed and how it was a major factor for these players. It also includes quantitative information about the athletes' backgrounds and faith experiences leading up to their careers in the NFL. Chapter Four summarizes the thesis and draws conclusions upon the data. It also recommends areas for further research. In the Appendix, redacted interviews of all thirty NFL players are included.

Paauglių rengimo Sutvirtinimo sakramentui metodologinės gairės ir jų taikymas Kauno arkivyskupijos programoje / Methodological guidelines for the preparation of adolescents for the sacrament of Confirmation and their application in the program of Kaunas archdiocese

Lavrinovičiūtė, Evelina 02 March 2009 (has links)
Tyrimo problema: nepakankamas sutvirtintųjų įsitraukimas į Bažnytinės bendruomenės veiklą ir tikėjimo šventimą po dalyvavimo rengimo Sutvirtinimo sakramentui programose ir Sutvirtinimo sakramento gavimo. Tyrimo tikslas yra atskleisti paauglių rengimo Sutvirtinimo sakramentui ypatumus ir pateikti metodologines gaires bei jų taikymo galimybes. Tyrimo hipotezė: esamos rengimo Sutvirtinimo sakramentui programos vykdo tikėjimo gilinimo katechezę, tuo tarpu besiruošiantiems Sutvirtinimui paaugliams, pirmiausiai yra reikalinga, kerigminė katechezė, kad galėtų prasidėti procesas, vedantis juos į aktyvų dalyvavimą bendruomenėje. Tyrimo metodai: lyginamoji literatūros analizė, anketinė apklausa, požymių dažnių lentelės Crosstabs, kriterijus Chi-kvadratu (Χ2), aprašomoji statistika. Pastarasis magistro darbas buvo skirtas paauglių rengimo Sutvirtinimo sakramentui proceso analizei. Teorinėje darbo dalyje (pirmieji trys skyriai) pristatyta sakramentų samprata Bažnyčioje ir skirtingi teologiniai Sutvirtinimo sakramento aspektai, jo samprata ir padariniai. Toliau paauglystės ypatumai, jaunuolių tikėjimo raidą. Atrasta sąsaja tarp paauglystės kaip tapatumo ieškojimo laikotarpio ir Sutvirtinimo kaip krikščioniškosios tapatybės ir brandos sakramento. Taip pat išskirti pagrindiniai katechezės elementai pagal Bažnyčios dokumentus ir pristatytas Ad gentes modelis, kuriuo remiasi Bažnyčios evangelizacinė veikla. Taip pat aptarti pagrindiniai paauglių katechezės bruožai. Paauglių tikėjimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The research problem: the lack of involvement in the parish activities and communal celebration of faith by newly confirmed after they finish preparation for the Confirmation programs and receive the sacrament. The research purpose is to reveal the features of the preparation for the Confirmation of adolescents and to propose methodological guidelines and their application possibilities. Research hypothesis: current preparation programs for the Confirmation give faith deepening catechesis, while those to be confirmed need to hear Kerygma which would enable the process, leading adolescents to the active participation in the community. Research methods: comparative literature analysis, questionnaire, Crosstabs, Chi-square (Χ2), descriptive statistics. The aim of this work was to analyze the process of preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation of adolescents. In the first three chapters the conception of the sacraments in the Church, theological aspects of the Confirmation, both the understanding and the consequences of it were presented; main features of adolescence and the development of faith during this period were analyzed and a search for ones identity was found as a major link between adolescence and Confirmation as a sacrament of Christian identity and maturity. The main elements of catechesis were presented according to Church’s documents. The Ad gentes model was presented as the major tool for evangelization. Also the features of adolescent catechesis were... [to full text]

Katalikiškos santuokos supratimo sekuliarizmai. Remiantis ruošiamų santuokai jaunuolių tyrimu / Secularisms of the catholic conception of marriage. Based on the research of young people getting ready for their marriage

Laurinavičienė, Angelė 31 July 2013 (has links)
Sekuliarizacijos proceso suformuotos nuostatos, nesutampančios su tradiciniu Bažnyčios mokymu ar prieštaraujančius jam vis labiau skverbiasi į racionaliu mąstymu ir praktiniu išbandymu paremtą žmogaus gyvenimą. Mokslo pažanga, religijos ir Bažnyčios įtakos visuomenei ir asmeniui silpnėjimas suformavo tam tikrą sekuliarią pasaulėžiūrą – sekuliarizmą. Šio darbo tikslas – ištirti ir atskleisti, kokias nuostatas sekuliarizacijos procesas suformavo konkrečioje žmogiškojo gyvenimo tikrovėje, tiksliau – kaip paveikė tradicinę (katalikišką) santuokos sampratą. Išanalizavus literatūrą, išskirtos ir aptartos vyraujančios sekuliarizmų formos – dogmatiškasis sekuliarizmas, religinis neutralumas ir religijos individualumas, jų raiška individo ir visuomenės gyvenime. Remiantis Šventuoju, Raštu ir Bažnyčios dokumentais išnagrinėtas ir pristatytas Katalikų Bažnyčios mokymas apie santuoką, jos sakramentiškumą, santuokiniai gėriai ir įsipareigojimai. Analizuotas ir aptartas santuokos sekuliarizacijos procesas ir šiuolaikinio pasaulio iššūkiai katalikiškos santuokos sampratai. Atliktas kokybinis tyrimas, kurio tikslas – identifikuoti santuokos sakramentui Katalikų Bažnyčioje ruošiamų asmenų katalikiškos santuokos supratimo sekuliarizmus. Klausimynas sudarytas remiantis Katalikų Bažnyčios mokymo apie santuoką pagrindiniais teiginiais. Darbe pateikiami tyrimo duomenys ir išvados. / The by secularism shaped attitude that misaligns with the traditional Church teaching or that conflicts with it, is penetrating into the ones life – a life that is based on rational thinking and proven practice. The scientific progress, the weakening influence of the Church and religion on the society and on a person formed a particular secular worldview – the secularism. The object of this work is to investigate and expose what attitude formed the secularism process in the particular sphere of the human reality – marriage; being more specific – how it affected the traditional (catholic) conception of marriage. After a thorough research of literature are distinguished and discussed the main forms of secularism: dogmatic secularism, religious neutrality and religious individuality, their expressions in the life of a person and in the life of a society. The analysis of Catholic Church teachings on marriage, its sacramentality, the goodness of marriage and the commitment are based on the Scripture and the documents of the Church. This work analyzes, discusses and presents the process of secularism and the challenges of the modern world concerning the catholic conception of marriage. A qualitative study has been done with a purpose to identify the secularism of understanding of the Catholic marriage by those who are preparing for the sacrament of marriage in the Catholic Church. The questionnaire was formed on the basis of the Catholic Church’s main propositions about marriage... [to full text]

The Penitential Psalms in sixteenth-century England : bodies and texts

Wyma, Katherine Cooper January 2013 (has links)
At the center of this thesis are seven psalms, commonly known as the Penitential Psalms. The Penitential Psalms were often used in connection to corporeal expressions of the sacrament, and though sacramental practices changed, they retained this association, and even became a catalyst for literary change and experimentation. In this thesis, I will show how these psalms were connected to the sacrament of penance throughout the medieval period, and well into the religiously tumultuous sixteenth century. This thesis explores four texts that take up the Penitential Psalms, adapting, refashioning, and reappropriating them to be used in different ways. The Introduction outlines the history of the Penitential Psalms and their interconnectedness with sacramental theology and practice; it further establishes the cultural and theoretical context within which the four examined texts must be considered. These sacramental ties with the Penitential Psalms are not found only in theological writings, but they also infused lay practice and experience, as I will show in Chapter One, where I examine the staunchly Protestant Actes and Monuments by John Foxe. Additionally, I argue that Foxe's accounts of Marian martyrs point to Psalm 51 both as a text of protest and memorialization. Chapter Two then moves to Sir Thomas Wyatt's A Paraphrase of the Penitential Psalms; there I examine the presence of the male body within the work, placing the text within the setting of a visual history that illustrates David's illicit desire for Bathsheba. With this tradition in mind, I examine trajectories of ocularity within the narrative, tracing the redirection of sexual desire. Anne Lock's Meditation of a Pentient Sinner is the center of Chapter Three. Meditation, when considered in relation to the dedicatory epistle, reveals connections to the standardized penitential process, and I argue that Lock presents a modified form of repentance to her reader. The final chapter looks at The Sidney Psalter's Penitential Psalms, which reveal an incoherent view of the penitential body merging with the body of the dead war-hero, Philip. It is within this penitential affect that the penitent displays and partitions his or her own body slipping into an otherness predicated by sin.


SERGIO ALBUQUERQUE DAMIAO 08 February 2012 (has links)
[pt] O Concílio Vaticano II buscou aproximar novamente a Igreja da sociedade através do diálogo e do serviço. Este impulso dado pelo Concílio repercute na Igreja latino-americana desencadeando uma tomada de consciência de seu papel junto à realidade que lhe circundava. Para isto a utilização das análises provenientes das ciências sociais ajudará na percepção da realidade. Isto desembocará em uma Igreja que procurará estar mais atuante junto à população marginalizada da sociedade, defendendo seus direitos e sua vida. Entretanto, atualmente, apesar dos pronunciamentos oficiais, existe um incômodo silêncio eclesial no que tange a pobreza e seus rostos. Dentro deste movimento, este trabalho visa discorrer sobre a sacramentalidade da Igreja, sua vinculação ao Reino de Deus e consequente inserção no contexto atual, que apresenta novos desafios para a comunidade eclesial e sua configuração. Neste intuito, apresentamos uma breve análise acerca do significado conceitual do termo pobreza e suas implicações. E, a partir da comensalidade aberta estabelecida por Jesus e suas conseqüências, delineamos perspectivas eclesiológicas que apontem caminhos para a construção contínua de uma Igreja que seja cada vez mais Sacramento do Reino. / [en] The Second Vatican Council sought to bring back the Church in society through dialogue and service. The impetus given by the Council reflects on the Latin American Church triggering an awareness of its role in the reality surrounding him. For this analysis from the use of social science will help the perception of reality. This will lead to a Church that seek to be more active with the population marginalized from society, defending their rights and their lives. However, nowadays, despite official pronouncements, there is an uncomfortable silence when it comes to poverty and their faces.Within this movement, this paper aims to discuss the sacramental nature of the Church, his link to the Kingdom of God and consequent inclusion in the current context, which presents new challenges for the church community and its configuration. To this end, we present a brief analysis about the conceptual meaning of the term poverty and its implications. And from the open table fellowship established by Jesus and its consequences, ecclesiological perspectives outlined ways that point to the continuing construction of a church that is increasingly Sacrament of the Kingdom.


ANTONIO JOSE AFONSO DA COSTA 04 October 2007 (has links)
[pt] A tese tem como objeto o nexo entre a doutrina da justificação e o sacramento do batismo na obra de wolfhart pannenberg e suas repercussões para o diálogo ecumênico. A doutrina da justificação representa um dos testemunhos do Novo Testamento a respeito da salvação oferecida por Deus em Cristo e sua importância como critério para o discurso e a prática eclesial foi evidenciada pela reforma luterana. Contudo, a teologia católica e aquela protestante desenvolveram concepções distintas da obra da justificação, o que foi motivo de incompreensões e condenações recíprocas. Wolfhart Pannenberg, teólogo luterano do século XX, apresenta a doutrina da justificação a partir do diálogo entre as confissões. Sem esconder os contrastes que existem entre a posição católica e a luterana, ele procura compreender as posições de ambas no quadro mais amplo de uma renovada pesquisa bíblica e a partir da intencionalidade dos enunciados doutrinais. Assim, percebe-se claramente que os desdobramentos distintos que essa doutrina assumiu no interior das duas teologias não são motivo de condenações ou separação das igrejas. Elemento chave para a compreensão da doutrina da justificação em W. Pannenberg é o modo como ele a entende em referência ao sacramento do batismo. A presente pesquisa deseja evidenciar essa relação como corolário do projeto sistemático de Pannenberg, mediado pelo seu modo de entender a dinâmica da fé, bem como demonstrar suas fecundas conseqüências para o diálogo ecumênico e a prática das igrejas. Para isso, explicitará o conceito de fé na obra do autor, demonstrando, então, o que significa para ele a expressão justiça da fé e de que modo essa se coliga com a união do fiel com Cristo, sacramentalmente realizada pelo batismo. Por fim, evidenciará que a valorização do elemento sacramental no discurso sobre a justificação, por parte desse autor luterano, corrige unilateralidades que se sedimentaram na tradição teológica protestante e oferece novas perspectivas para repensar algumas práticas pastorais e ecumênicas da igreja católica. / [en] The doctrine of the justification represents one of the testimonies of the New Testament regarding the salvation which God has offered in Christ. Its importance for the ecclesiastical speech and practice was evidenced in the Lutheran Reformation. However, catholic theology and the protestant one have developed distinct conceptions concerning the theology of justification, something that caused reciprocal misunderstanding and condemnations. Wolfhart Pannenberg, XX century lutheran theologian, presents the doctrine of the justification from the dialogue between those Confessions. Without hiding the contrasts that exist between catholic and lutheran perspectives, he searches the comprehension of both positions through a deep biblical research and from the intention of the doctrinal statements. Thus, one perceives clearly the distinct unfoldings that this doctrine assumed within both theologies should not constitute a reason for condemnations or separation among the churches. The key element for the understanding of the doctrine of the justification in W. Pannenberg´s is the way he understands it in reference to the sacrament of the baptism. The goal of the present research is to evidence this relation as a corollary of Pannenberg´s systematic project, through his way of understanding the dynamics of the faith, as well as demonstrating its fruitful consequences to the ecumenical dialogue and the practice of the churches. We intend to convey the concept of faith in the author´s work as well as demonstrate what he means for the expression justice of the faith and the way it connects to the union of the faithful with Christ, sacramentally carried on through baptism. Finally, we are to evidence that the valuation of the sacramental element in the speech on the justification, on the part of this lutheran author, corrects those unilateral positions which had been settled in the protestant theological tradition and offer new perspectives to rethink some ecumenical and pastoral actions of the Catholic Church.

Působení milosti v životních stavech / The Grace Working in the States of Life

Grimmerová, Monika January 2012 (has links)
The Grace Working in the States of Life The work procedes with the view of God's grace as the special gift for each state of life. I come from the fact that man, without God, who created him was not anything that was created by God. Without his grace could not even reach salvation. It treats also basic division of the grace to ,sanctifying grace and sacramental graces. The work of grace in human life is discussed in the section calling and election. Implementation of life in grace is developed in four states of life: lay, consecrated, the ministerial priesthood and married state. The work tries to show the greatness and effectiveness of the gift of God's grace, which leads man throughout his whole life. Keywords Grace Sacrament Calling Election State of life

Pilgrimage, Eucharist, and the Embodied Experience: Explorations Toward a Catholic Theology of Pilgrimage

Behan, Mary Kate 27 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Virtual Communion: Theology of the Internet and the Catholic Imagination

Schmidt, Katherine G. January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

O batismo e a eucaristia na perspectiva da deificação

Savelli, Pedro 17 November 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T14:27:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Pedro Savelli.pdf: 1178771 bytes, checksum: e340079926a5e9d29ae08f90eefddb56 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-11-17 / Deification: in the ecstatic love of God we are deified to be in communion with His life and nature. The Perspective of the Deification opens three paths for the human being to be conscious of taking part of the divine nature: a) through the way of Life. We only exist by virtue of the kindness of God. Out of nothing, He calls everything to the light: the work of the Creation expresses the Will of God, everything belongs to Him and from Him receives the natural deification; b) through the way of Revelation. The people from Israel knew how to interpret its own history as a singular election of God, whose objective is to be the light to the nations: deification by the obedience to the listening of the Word of God. c) Through the way of Grace: Reincarnation and Glorification of the Christ-Sacrament. Father God, in the mystery of His donation to the humanity, invites us to participate in His divine nature, transformed by the Son in the strength of the Hole Spirit: covering us of Christ by the Baptism and feeding us from Him by the Eucharist: sacramental deification. In Christ, Head, the Church is Sacrament. It updates the deifying Grace through the Spirit, celebrating the liturgy, particularly, the Eucharist: it is in the latter that we find ourselves / Deificação: no amor extático de Deus somos deificados para estarmos em comunhão com a Sua vida e natureza. A Perspectiva da Deificação abre três caminhos para o humano tomar consciência de participar da natureza divina: a) pelo caminho da Vida. Existimos somente pela bondade de Deus. Ele do nada, chama tudo à luz: a obra da Criação expressa a Vontade de Deus, tudo pertence a Ele e Dele recebe a deificação natural; b) pelo caminho da Revelação: o Povo de Israel soube interpretar a própria história como uma eleição particular de Deus, cuja finalidade é ser luz às nações: deificação pela obediência à escuta da Palavra de Deus. c) Pelo caminho da Graça: Encarnação e Glorificação de Cristo-Sacramento. Deus Pai, no mistério de sua doação à humanidade, convida-nos a participar de Sua natureza divina, transformados pelo Filho na força do Espírito Santo: revestindo-nos de Cristo pelo Batismo e alimentando-nos Dele pela Eucaristia: deificação sacramental. Em Cristo, Cabeça, a Igreja é Sacramento. Ela atualiza pelo Espírito a Graça deificante, celebrando a liturgia, em particular a Eucaristia: é neste último caminho que nos encontramos

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