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Do varão casado a um reino virtuoso (Portugal - sécs. XIV-XVI) /Teodoro, Leandro Alves. January 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Susani Silveira Lemos França / Banca: Denise Aparecida Soares de Moura / Banca: José Rivair Macedo / Banca: Armando Alberto Martins / Banca: Manuela Rosa Coelho Mendonça de Matos Fernandes / Resumo: Nas obras jurídicas, crônicas e tratados em geral, mas principalmente nos manuais e tratados de confissão produzidos em Portugal desde o final do século XIV até o início do século XVI, encontram-se várias orientações sobre como os maridos deveriam agir e se comportar no âmbito das suas casas. Nessas orientações, vão sendo traçadas, de forma relativamente detalhada, diversas facetas do que era e do que deveria ser a vida matrimonial, deixando, assim, entrever que a esfera conjugal era interpretada como uma espécie de condutora das demais esferas da existência dos cristãos. O casamento, depois de um longo processo, firmase como uma das principais bases da ordem social, de forma que a tessitura das qualidades pretendidas para o homem partiam do âmbito da vida conjugal, mas visavam incidir para muito além dela. Com ênfase, pois, sobre os preceitos e regras estabelecidos por letrados leigos e confessores quatrocentistas para os seus contemporâneos, o objetivo deste estudo é esquadrinhar as virtudes, posturas, condutas, deveres e cuidados esboçados como ideais na corte avisina e nos bispados portugueses, bem como é examinar os usos dos sacramentos do Matrimônio e da Penitência como chaves-mestras para ensinar aos varões o caminho certo para conduzirem os seus e o reino / Abstract: In legal, chronic and treaty works, in general, but mainly in the manuals and treaties of confession produced in Portugal since the late fourteenth century to the early sixteenth century, there are several guidelines on how men should act and behave within their homes. In these guidelines are being drawn, in some details, the various aspects of what was and what should be the married life, permiting thus perceive that marital sphere was interpreted as a kind of guiding from the other spheres of the existence of Christians. Marriage, after a long process, stands as one of the main bases of the social order, so that the conjunct of the desired qualities to the man journeyed the context of married life, but aimed to focus far beyond it. Emphasizing therefore the precepts and rules established by laic scholars and fifteenth confessors to their contemporaries, the aim of this study is to scrutinize the virtues , attitudes, behaviors, and care duties outlined as ideal in the court of Avis and Portuguese bishoprics as well as examine how the use of the sacraments of Penance and Matrimony as master keys to teach men the right way to lead their kingdom and family / Resume: Dans les ouvrages juridiques, chroniques et traités en général, mais surtout dans les manuels et traités de confession produits au Portugal depuis la fin du XIVe siècle jusqu'au début du XVIe siècle, il existe plusieurs lignes directrices sur la façon dont les hommes doivent agir et se comporter dans leurs maisons. Dans ces lignes directrices sont en cours d'élaboration, de façon relativement détaillé, les différents aspects de ce qui était et ce qui devrait être la vie conjugale, laissant ainsi l'impression que la sphère conjugale a été interprété comme une sorte de guidage des autres sphères de l'existence des chrétiens. Le mariage, après un long processus, se présente comme l'une des principales bases de l'ordre social, de sorte que le tissu des qualités recherchées à l'homme était provenant du contexte de la vie conjugale, mais avait comme but se concentrer bien au-delà. Soulignant par conséquent, les préceptes et les règles établies par les savants laïques et confesseurs du quatorzième à leurs contemporains, le but de cette étude est d'examiner les vertus, les attitudes, les comportements, devoirs et soins, indiqués en tant qu'idéaux chez les rois d'Avis et chez les évêchés portugais. Aussi, ce travail examine comment l' usage des sacrements de la Pénitence et de mariage comme des touches de maître à enseigner aux hommes la bonne façon de conduire leur royaume et leurs familles / Doutor
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O público e o privado na gestão das potencialidades e das Fragilidades turísticas no município de Sacramento-MGSilva, Paulo Sergio da 07 July 2010 (has links)
The doctoral thesis titled "Public and private of management tourism potentiality and tourism
weaknesses in Sacramento-MG" presents the results of four years of work, since literature
review to interlacing information obtained on fieldwork and data analysis. It was identified
that due to Sacramento s political structure there is an influence in the application of public
resources allocated for tourism management. There is also a gap between projects planning
and its realization public managers are selling a tourism that does not exist. The creation of
tourism in Sacramento came from appropriation of cultural, historical, anthropological,
architectural aspects and also the local cuisine. However, this occurs in an uncompromising
way: the public and private tourist managers used their image in order to promote specific
events to attract visitors without worrying about the city infrastructure. The city has its
potential natural tourism registered by several waterfalls, natural swimming pools, belvederes
and caves. In the historical aspects there are the records of Desemboque District. In
gastronomy there is typical food; in architecture there are buildings of churches, mansions and
colonial farms. In the cultural aspects there are religious and popular festivals. Despite the
city potential tourism, the offered infrastructure is weak considering the available resources.
The tourist facilities are limited, making necessary to respect the ability of occupation,
especially in major events like carnival that strangles the local hotels structure. The
Sacramento's resident identifies the tourists in daily contacts. However, the Sacramento's
resident is worried about the convivence with these tourists as there are negative records
about tourists who do not respect the local way of life. In rural areas the residents are also
concerned. Most natural tourist attractions are in these properties and some are being visited
without the owner's authorization. Considering the perception of visitors (tourists), the
downside is the equipment offered, absence of 24 hours services and commerce without
extended hours. Thus, there is tourism potential, there are tourists and there are residents open
minded to this practice. However, the public administration and private initiative need to
rethink their activities - not only the economic aspect, but respect the environment and the
limits of these resources. Therefore, we will only have tourism in Sacramento when its limits
were respected by public and private practices in dealing with the attractions and insert the
community in these proposals. / A tese de doutorado intitulada O público e o privado na gestão das potencialidades e
fragilidades turísticas no município de Sacramento-MG , trás os resultados de quatro anos
de trabalho a partir da revisão literária, do entrelaçamento das informações obtidas através
dos trabalhos de campo e análise dos dados. Identificamos que em função de uma estrutura
política pluripartidária há uma influencia na condução dos recursos públicos destinados a
gestão do turismo; constatamos ainda um vazio entre o planejamento com a efetivação dos
projetos e a gestão pública vende um turismo que não existe. A invenção do turismo no
município de Sacramento-MG a partir das apropriações dos bens naturais, culturais,
históricos, antropológicos, arquitetônicos e da gastronomia local se faz de maneira
descompromissada pelos gestores do turismo tanto público como privado e usa sua
imagem como forma de promover eventos pontuais para captar visitante sem se preocupar
com a infra-estrutura da cidade. O município possui potencialidade turística natural
registrada pelas inúmeras cachoeiras, mirantes, grutas e piscinas naturais, nos aspectos
históricos cravados no Distrito de Desemboque, na gastronomia com as comidas típicas
locais, na arquitetura edificada nas igrejas, casarões e fazendas coloniais, na cultura pelas
expressões das festas religiosas e populares. Porém apresenta fragilidades socioespaciais
ao pensarmos em um turismo sobre estes recursos. Os equipamentos turísticos oferecidos
no município são limitados tornando necessário respeitar esta capacidade de ocupação
principalmente nos eventos de maior expressão como o carnaval que estrangula a estrutura
urbana, bem como a hoteleira local. O morador da cidade de Sacramento-MG já identifica
este turista no contato do dia a dia, porém, se mostra preocupado em conviver com ele.
Esta preocupação se dá pelo fato de já ter registrado na história fatos negativos sobre
turistas que não respeitam o modo de vida dos moradores. Na zona rural também
percebemos um morador preocupado. A maioria dos atrativos turísticos naturais como às
cachoeiras estão nestas propriedades e algumas estão sendo visitadas sem a autorização do
proprietário causando transtorno no seu cotidiano. Ao obtermos e analisarmos a percepção
do visitante no município compreendemos que o aspecto negativo está nos equipamentos
oferecidos, ausência de serviços 24 horas e comércio com horas estendidas. Assim, existe
potencialidade, existe turista e uma sensível abertura do morador a esta prática. Porém, a
gestão pública e a iniciativa privada precisam repensar suas ações voltadas para este
segmento não considerando apenas o aspecto econômico, mas respeitar o meio ambiente e
os limites destes recursos. Desta forma somente teremos turismo no município a partir do
momento que seja respeitado seus limites através de ações práticas tanto públicas como
privadas em lidar com os atrativos e principalmente inserir a comunidade nestas propostas. / Mestre em Geografia
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The development of a better understanding by the child of his natural environmental resources in the rural elementary schools of Sacramento County, CaliforniaSipe, Orville James 01 January 1941 (has links)
This study was used in elementary science at the Rio Linda Union School, Sacramento Country, California as an orientation course in the seventh and eighth grades to transform school science from a mysterious abstraction into an understandable, enjoyable and useful field of knowledge that is indispensable to a child's understanding of his environment. This is of value to the child especially during his out-of-school activities, which is so well brought out by McBee:........the purpose of child study of nature is to put the child into intimate and essential contact with things of his external world, thereby developing a keen and personal interest in natural objects and phenomena of the world about him, broadening his horizons and developing his perceptions.1
These interests and activities of his immediate environment should develop, in time, in furthering science interests, appreciations and knowledges. As stated by McBee: The wider implications of nature study are concerned with opening the mind of pupils by direct observation to a knowledge and love of the common things in environment, with increasing their joy of living.1
Statement of the Problem. The problem of the study was: .The development of a better understanding by the child of his natural environmental resources in the rural elementary schools of Sacramento County.
Due to the grouping of the grades seven and eight under one teacher in most of the rural schools,3 the study covered only these two grades. The writer believes, through his experiences with younger students on conducted Saturday hikes, that rural schools of one-teacher size could also follow the general procedure with successful results.1
This study will not present a method of teaching nor a course of study, but will attempt to give a set of guiding procedures, information and findings which the writer hopes will be of some value and inspiration to teachers in developing a better understanding by the child of his natural environmental resource.
Importance of the Problem. The writer has sensed the need of a better understanding of their environment by children, through close contacts with them, and realizes that they know very little or see very little of their immediate environment except as they are directed to it.
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Group guidance in the junior high school with particular reference to a course developed at the Sutter Junior High School in Sacramento, California, and an evaluation of its resultsSturges, May D. 01 January 1941 (has links)
The following study is an attempt to discover some of the possible values that may have come to certain groups as a result of a short guidance course given to ninth grade Junior High students. Many studies will need to be made in this field if the real values are to be determined. After all, there are so many guidance factors that enter into the life of the average Junior High student, it is difficult to say with assurance, "this is the direct influence of a particular course."
We can only hope that the more subtle and often the more lasting values have been impressed upon the youth today whether we can measure them or not. This kind of study must of necessity deal with the more obvious results of "exposure" that can be measured objectively.
"Helping young people to develop ability for efficient self-guidance" is the writer's definition of the aim of guidance in the education program today. Throughout all the activities in connection with this study, this aim has been the key note.
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Vivencias de fe ante la eucaristía en los confirmandos de la I.E. “Luis Alberto Sánchez”, La Zaranda, Pítipo, 2016Arrasco Gelacio, Maritza Cecilia, Gonzales Vasquez, Bertha January 2018 (has links)
La presente investigación realizada en la I.E. "Luis Alberto Sánchez”, la Zaranda, Pítipo-2016, responde a diversas problemáticas existentes en el área de educación religiosa, la más resaltante, se sitúa en torno a las vivencias de fe ante la Eucaristía que tienen los estudiantes, pues muchas veces no se le da la debida importancia. Ante esto, la investigación tuvo como objetivo general: Determinar las vivencias de fe ante la eucaristía en los confirmados de la I.E estudiada, por lo cual nos planteamos: ¿De qué manera los jóvenes confirmandos vivencian su fe ante la eucaristía en la I.E Luis Alberto Sánchez- La Zaranda- Pítipo 2016? El enfoque de la investigación es cuantitativo, de tipo descriptivo, con muestra no aleatoria. Como instrumento de recolección de datos se utilizó una encuesta. Se concluyó que los estudiantes presentan diversas deficiencias en torno a los actos de piedad y de fe, y que sólo el 50% se encuentran en un nivel idóneo de la escala. A su vez, los estudiantes muestran más fortalezas en los actos de fe que en los de piedad, manifestando paulatinamente un desarrollo constante.
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An organizational typology : the nature of an incongruent organizationShepherd, Ursula Loree 01 January 1973 (has links)
The research group was also anxious to take on this study because it was just following the first welfare worker’s strike in California. This had occurred at the agency in question and provided a situation in which the team would receive maximum cooperation. It was expected that the agency would be more likely to implement the team’s suggestions.
As the study progressed the questions which became of most interest were those which related to the issues of whether or not the organization could function well, where the sources of power and goal-setting lay, and what could be done. After a review of the literature in related fields, it was decided that Amitai Etzioni’s work would be the most helpful to us in understanding organizations.
For the purpose of the present study there will be no discussion of the practical application of specific recommendations. This article will concern itself only with the theoretical issue which surrounded the original study.
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In October 2012, then-Mayor Kevin Johnson, surrounded by the region’s chefs, restaurateurs, and others working in the food arena, proclaimed the City of Sacramento “America’s Farm-to-Fork Capital.” The basis for the designation, in part, was Sacramento’s geographic proximity to agricultural production. With more than 50 farmers markets and between 7,000 – 8,000 acres of “boutique farms” in the region, the Mayor stated the designation would be more than “simply a marketing campaign.” Based on interviews with a wide variety of people working in “local food” (including a non-profit organization with a mission to get kids to eat their vegetables, large corporations, and small businesses) this thesis will explore the concept of local food in Sacramento, the Farm-to-Fork movement and what it has meant for the region. With an annual festival that has seen increased attendance in each of its five years, from an estimated 50,000 people the first year, to 75,000 people in 2016, the designation branded Sacramento as a food destination city bringing visitors and their dollars as intended. Beyond a well-attended festival, what has the history behind the title of America’s Farm-to-Fork Capital meant to the local food system and how has it impacted local farmers, chefs, restaurateurs and those whose livelihoods are closely tied to food?
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Planning for Pollinators, Encouraging Biodiversity for Agriculture ResiliencyCardoza, Sebastian Brian 01 June 2020 (has links) (PDF)
Pollinators are essential to food production globally. Without them, the production of food becomes increasingly difficult, time consuming, and costly. Unfortunately, due to the rapid changes to our earth's physical and climatic structure millions of species are becoming classified as threatened, endangered or extinct. Among these declining species are pollinating insects such as Aphis mellifera (honeybee) and other native species. This is due to a phenomenon known as colony collapse disorder (CCD) and other native bees. The decline indicates that the future habitability of earth may be in jeopardy. The solution to this crisis is to expand the habitat of native bees into our existing infrastructure, connecting the pollinator dependent crops with a network of biodiverse habitat. This will greatly improve the existing agricultural industries resiliency towards change. Thus, ensuring that California can be economically prosperous while continuing to feed the globe. The Sacramento Valley is one location which is ideal to develop such a network of native pollinator habitat due to its reliance on the agriculture industry and favorable environmental conditions.
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Analysis of Current and Future Flood Hazard in the Sacramento-San Joaquin DeltaMcGuire, Nicholas L 01 September 2022 (has links) (PDF)
The primary motivation of this study is to estimate the current and future flood hazard throughout the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta in the context of sea-level rise. I also analyzed the effects of storm surge and river flow on extreme events to better understand how these events originate and vary spatially and in time. To address this goal, I combined digital water level records (primarily 1983-present) with archival data collected by the California Department of Water Resources (1929-1983) to reevaluate flood hazard in the Delta and investigate the possible sensitivity of the region different sea-level rise projections. Available archival records from 8 stations were digitized and quality assured, producing a length of record that approximately doubles previously available data. The records were then analyzed using the Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) and Generalized Pareto distributions (GPD). Additionally, the contribution of storm surge and river flow to water level events at each station was assessed using a regression approach. Finally, the impact of future sea-level rise on the 1-, 10-, 100-, and 500-year return period water level was assessed through 2150, using recently published sea-level rise projections.
Results show that the total water level (tides + storm surge + river flow) during the 100-year event increases by roughly 0.5m between San Francisco and interior Delta stations such as Rio Vista and Venice Island. For present-day sea-levels, the 100y event increased from 2.59 meters at San Francisco to 3.08 meters at Rio Vista (river-km 100from the Golden Gate), using the GPD approach (relative to NAVD-88). Further upstream, river influence becomes an increasingly important component of high-water events. At Walnut Grove (river-km 123), more than 80% of high-water events were forced by river flow, as estimated by the Net Delta Outflow Index (on average). The water level caused by river flow was significantly higher than coastal surge, and the 100y event was estimated to be 4.71 meters (NAVD-88). Confidence intervals and uncertainty in the flood hazard increases as stations become more influenced by river flow, likely because river flow is more variable from year-to-year than the combination of coastal tides and storm surge. The largest high-water events measured in the Delta typically receive a larger contribution from river flow than smaller high-water events. Interestingly, GEV and GPD results are consistent with an earlier assessment of flood hazard in the Delta from the 1970s.
Results show that future flood hazard is likely to be significantly influenced by sea-level rise, particularly in the western Delta region which is more coastally influenced. Under the assumption that sea-level rise will linearly add to existing flood hazard, I find that the 100-year event could reach 4.09 meters at San Francisco and 6.21 meters at Walnut Grove by the end of the century, under the “Intermediate-High” sea-level rise scenario. Based on available flood datums, the first flood stage datum may get exceeded once every 10 years by 2150, under the Intermediate scenario. However, since much of the interior Delta is subsiding, individual locations may reach actionable hazard levels earlier. More analysis with sea-level rise, changing precipitation patterns, and vertical land motion should be done to increase the accuracy of projected flood hazards.
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From pickled peaches to pink poodle: What do Community Cookbooks Tells us About Foodways and Urbanization at the Turn-of-the-Century in Sacramento and Stockton, CaliforniaHelfrich, Kate 01 January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Industrialization and rapid urbanization characterized the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in many aspects of domestic life. Scholars have used community cookbooks to document changes in domestic roles at the turn of the twentieth century. This study uses community cookbooks to look beyond domestic roles and to trace changing foodways during the period from 1870 to 1930 in the northern Central Valley of California. Nine cookbooks from Sacramento, California and five cookbooks from Stockton, California reveal changes in foodways during this time. Recipes, text, and advertisements in these cookbooks show changes in the manner of home food production; a loss of pre-industrial food knowledge; increasing standardization in recipes and cooking knowledge; and an increasing reliance on commercially processed and name brand foods. These changes indicate a growing population and shifting demographics. The results provide insight into differences between urban and rural foodways as urban populations grow. The intrusion of industrialized food into rural home cooking may provide a backdrop for contemporary understanding of urban foodways. Researchers seeking to understand how commercial foods become entrenched in modern foodways can use community cookbooks to trace back the introduction and assimilation of commercially processed foods in the past. Rewinding the process may provide insights into a variety of issues related to processed food. In addition, this study presents a method for using community cookbooks as historical documents to trace food and foodways over time including the unique role of advertising in this context.
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