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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Arbetstagarens övergång till konkurrerande verksamhet : Hur starkt är skyddet för arbetsgivarens företagshemligheter? / An employee's transition to competing buisness : How protected are the employer's trade secrets?

Remmelg, Olivia January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Fackliga organisationers skadeståndsansvar för ren förmögenhetsskada orsakad av stridsåtgärder / Trade unions’ liability for pure economic loss caused by industrial actions

Martiin, Jakob January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

"Det sista dödsstraffet" : Det straffrättsliga skyddet för enskilda som utsätts för mediedrev / "The Last Death Penalty" : The Protection in Criminal Law of Individuals Exposed to Media Witch Hunts

Larsson, Johan January 2018 (has links)
Tryckfriheten är en grundval för demokratin. Samtidigt har den en baksida, nämligen vad som i uppsatsen och i folkmun kallas för mediedrev. Denna företeelse har liknats vid det sista dödsstraffet vi har kvar i Sverige. I uppsatsen utvärderas skyddet för enskilda som utsätts för mediedrev ur ett såväl straffrättsligt som straffprocessrättsligt perspektiv. Hur ser skyddet ut? Är det tillgängliga skyddet tillräckligt? Är några förändringar påkallade på ett juridiskt plan? Det är dessa frågor som uppsatsen fokuserar på att utreda och besvara.

Prövningen av om det barn som anses sakna straffrättslig ansvarsförmåga har begått ett brott : en undersökning av institutet bevistalan

Mangs, Karolina January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Självstudier i terrorism / The criminal offence of self-studies with the intent to commit a terrorist offence

Östros, Anton January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Influencer marketing : Reklamidentifiering och särskilda intressen

Rönngren, Bianca January 2018 (has links)
Influencer marketing has rapidly become a popular marketing method where so-called influencers get compensated to promote businesses on their social media platforms. The idea is that by advertising through an influencer, a company reaches an already positive audience with a high inclination to consume the products or services being advertised. It is common that the influencers themselves design the advertisements, with personal appeal to his or her followers, and in a form that makes the marketing blend among other, non-commercial, content on the social media platform. Consequently, the advertisement may border on hidden marketing.   According to the requirement of advertising identification in the Marketing Act (2008: 486), paragraph 9, all marketing must be designed and presented so that it is clearly identifiable as marketing. However, the requirement is generally held and it has been noted within the judicial system that it is difficult to apply on influencer marketing. It is unclear how advertisements in social media should be designed to fulfil the demands of the law. Some of the legal aspects of influencer marketing are yet to be straightened out. Thus, the purpose of this thesis is to clarify the following: i) how is the requirement constructed and how compatible is it with influencing marketing, ii) whose interests are taken account of and ii) could the requirement be held in a more distinct way to make it easier to abide by?   The thesis concludes that the legal requirements could be clearer and therefore easier to comply with. One suggestion is to insert a more action-directing wording in the advertising identification paragraph in the Marketing Act, which safeguards the principle that marketing may not be presented as non-commercial content. Another is to renounce that principle and instead impose an explicit claim on advertising markings, which does not imply any closer regulation of the content of commercial messages. The thesis ends with a discussion about whether different aspects of the current legal regulation are favourable and non-favourable for the different parties involved, noting that the business sector has the greatest appreciation of the current legal position.

Same-sex parental leave : Legislation and equality

Bernelf, Fredrik January 2017 (has links)
Sweden is known to have one of the world's most generous parental insurances, both inlength and flexibility which has led to a high maternity rate and more women in paidwork. The political work on equality in Sweden has the goal that women and men shallhave the same power to shape society and their own lives. This has led to legislationaimed at getting fathers to stay more at home with their children. There has been plenty ofresearch on this subject so this study goes off the main track and looks at how legislationaround parenthood works for same-sex couples and if paternal leave is shared moreequally between same-sex parents than heterosexual parents. Discourse analysis of thelegislation and a survey with same-sex families followed by interviews indicate that samesexcouples share parental leave more equally than heterosexual couples. Legislationworks well for most same-sex families except for the process of related adoption. Reasonsfor more equal sharing of parental leave is hard to find but could depend on the fact thatsame-sex couples have been couples for a longer time, than heterosexual couples, beforedeciding to have children. Wage gap between men and women is a reason whyheterosexual couples do not share equally and it could be vice versa for same-sex couples.

The Interplay of Law, Robots and Society,in an Artificial Intelligence Era

Karnouskos, Stamatis January 2017 (has links)
The rapid advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics will have a profound impacton the society and its laws. Robots, humanoid / anthropomorphic or not, e.g., selfdrivingcars, will have physical presence, take autonomous decisions and interact with allstakeholders in the society. While already some AI robots are available, e.g., self-driving cars,their intelligence is expected to skyrocket in the next decades, and many prominent scientistspredict that they will reach (and potentially surpass) human intelligence. The symbiosiswith robots, may lead to a civilizational change with far reaching effects. In a future society,where robots and humans are in a symbiotic relationship, philosophical, legal and societalquestions on consciousness, citizenship, rights and legal entity of robots are raised such as:Should robots be recognized as a legal entity? How should criminal and civil law deal withtheir decisions? What are the societal implications? etc. This work, starts from the theoreticalviewpoints pertaining law and society, is inspired by intersectional approaches, andutilizes existing literature in order to analyze the interplay of law, robots and society via differentangles such as law, social, economic, gender and ethical perspectives. In addition,a discussion, especially pertaining core elements of law and society provides new insightsand challenges that may emerge. The analysis and discussions presented here make it evidentthat although robots are inexorably integrated, the law systems as well as society arenot prepared for their prevalence. What is clear is that robots and AI will create a new erafor humanity. What that era might be, is still under discussion and not well understood. AsStephenHawking put it “The rise of powerful AI will be either the best or the worst thing everto happen to humanity. We do not yet know which”. Overall one has to consider that law ismeant to be proactive in nature and ideally be in place to prevent problems before they happen,and therefore it is now the time to start a detailed discussion, involving all stakeholders,and derive the necessary policies and frameworks, for the key issues that pertain law, robotsand society. This work makes a contribution towards the multi-faceted aspects that such adiscussion pertains.

The Discrimination in Workplaces : A Critical Discourse Analysis of the European Court of Justice Judgment about the Islamic Veil Prohibition

Dabbagh, Zahran January 2017 (has links)
The issue of the Islamic headscarf has been in the centre of the political debate whether it fits into the Western culture or not. Several member-states in the European Union have issued laws and regulations that impose restrictions on wearing the Islamic headscarf in the public sphere. Even some EU courts have ruled such restrictions imposed by member-states. Recently, this issue has been discussed in the context of the occupational life. In a dispute before the European Court of Justice, the ban was considered as legitimate. In this research, I analyse the judgment from a socio-legal perspective and analyse the intersectional identity of Mrs. Achbita who is a party in the dispute, considering that she belongs to the social category of veiled working Muslim women.

Ska jag beskattas i Sverige? : En analys av hur familj och bostad inrättad för åretruntbruk påverkar bedömningen av väsentlig anknytning till Sverige / Should I be taxed in Sweden? : An analysis of how family and residence adapted for all year use affect judgement on close ties to Sweden

Olsson, Marie, Norberg, Elin January 2018 (has links)
För att veta vilka inkomster en person ska beskattas för i Sverige måste det fastställas huruvida personen är begränsat eller obegränsat skattskyldig i landet. Om en person är obegränsat skattskyldig ska denna beskattas för alla sina inkomster i Sverige, medan en begränsat skattskyldig ska beskattas endast för ett fåtal specifika inkomster. En omständighet som gör att en person är att anse som obegränsat skattskyldig är om den har väsentlig anknytning till Sverige. Det är just detta begrepp, väsentlig anknytning till Sverige, som är aktuellt för denna uppsats. Då konsekvenserna av att vara begränsat respektive obegränsat skattskyldig skiljer sig åt så pass mycket är det viktigt med en förståelse för hur bedömningen rörande detta görs. Därmed har denna uppsats till syfte att öka förståelsen för det skatterättsliga begreppet väsentlig anknytning genom en presentation av de faktorer som påverkar huruvida väsentlig anknytning föreligger. Dessutom görs en djupare analys gällande två av dessa, nämligen familj och bostad inrättad för åretruntbruk. Under uppsatsen har sammanställts vissa juridiska fakta. Dessa har sedan använts vid en diskussion kring vissa faktorer inom begreppet väsentlig anknytning för att därigenom försöka fastställa gällande rätt på det angivna området. Därav har uppsatsen författats med hjälp av den rättsdogmatiska metoden med sitt syfte att fastställa gällande rätt med hjälp av rättskälleläran. Innebörden av de olika faktorer som påverkar huruvida väsentlig anknytning föreligger har tagits fram. Genom den djupare analys som har gjorts rörande familj och bostad inrättad för åretruntbruk har viktiga konstateranden uppmärksammats som ökat vår förståelse för bedömningen rörande dem. Bland annat har rörande bostad kunnat konstateras att det viktiga i bedömningen har varit hur bostaden har använts medan det varit av underordnad betydelse huruvida den faktiskt varit inrättad för åretruntbruk. Rörande familj har bland annat kunnat konstateras att möjligheten till att väsentlig anknytning föreligger är större om en person har en make bosatt i Sverige än om denne har ett barn bosatt i Sverige.

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