Spelling suggestions: "subject:"sanctuary"" "subject:"estuaries""
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A apropriação e consolidação do culto de Zeus pela cidade grega: moedas e santuários, política e identidade em época arcaica e clássica / The appropriation and consolidation of the cult of Zeus by the Greek city: coins and sanctuaries, politics and identity in the Archaic and Classical periodsLaky, Lilian de Angelo 01 July 2016 (has links)
O presente estudo pretende examinar o papel desempenhado pelo culto de Zeus na legitimação de grupos e regimes políticos nas póleis gregas, bem como na construção de redes de identidade grega em contexto políade. Queremos oferecer explicações válidas sobre quais fatores políticos e sociais levaram à emergência do culto de Zeus na pólis grega no final do século VII a.C., à apropriação de seu culto a partir do século VI a.C. - o período no qual a pólis alcançou o seu primeiro ápice de urbanização e no qual ocorreu o primeiro aumento de santuários cívicos do deus (no território e na área urbana) e do uso da imagem da águia em moedas gregas -, assim como ao fenômeno de proliferação dos santuários e de imagens monetárias de Zeus e do raio nos séculos V e IV a.C., quando o culto se consolidou na cidade grega. A nossa documentação básica será: 1) todos os componentes de todos os santuários gregos dedicados a Zeus, conhecidos arqueologicamente, entre a Idade do Bronze e a época clássica (até 345/44 a.C.); e 2) todas as moedas conhecidas com imagens de Zeus e de seus atributos, o raio e a águia, cunhadas a partir do período arcaico e até 345/44 a.C. Moedas e santuários compõem a documentação, pois têm em comum o caráter de oficialidade e de identidade da cidade grega: os dois tipos de documento partem de uma mesma entidade política, a pólis. Essa pesquisa oferecerá um panorama geral do culto de Zeus na pólis na longa duração, além de uma abordagem regional que sublinhará os casos mais significativos a respeito de ambos os tipos de documentação referentes à divindade no Peloponeso, em Creta, na Sicília e na Itália do Sul. / The present study is designed to examine the role played by the cult of Zeus in the legitimization of political groups and regimes in Greek poleis, as well as in the construction of networks of Greek identity in a polis context. This investigation aims to offer valid explanations to the following subjects: a) the political and social factors that caused the emergence of cult of Zeus in the Greek polis in the end of the 7th century BC; b) the appropriation of his cult in the poleis from the 6th century BC (the period in which the polis achieved the first apex of urbanization, when occurred the first increase of civic sanctuaries of the deity and the use of eagles types on Greek coins); c) the phenomenon of proliferation of sanctuaries and coin types of Zeus and thunderbolts during the 5th and 4th centuries BC, when the cult was consolidated in the Greek cities. The basic sources of this research are: 1) all components of all known Greek sanctuaries dedicated to Zeus between the Bronze Age and the Classical period until 345/44 BC).; and, 2) all known coins with images of Zeus or his attributes, in this case the thunderbolt and eagle minted between the Archaic period and 345/44 BC. The choice of coins and sanctuaries as the main sources was due to the fact that both share characteristics of identity and officiality of the Greek city, both types of data originate from the same political entity, the polis. This research will provide an overview of the cult of Zeus in poleis in a long-term perspective, as well as a regional approach which will focus on both types of data (sanctuaries and coin types) regarding the deity in four areas of the Greek world - Peloponnese, Crete, Sicily and Southern Italy.
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Les fortifications médiévales de Baalbeck (Liban) / Medieval fortifications of BaalbeckEl Rifai, Khaled 16 May 2018 (has links)
Situées sur la porte de la Syrie médiévale, les sanctuaires d'Héliopolis la fameuse colonie romaine furent, dès la conquête arabe en 14H/635, converties en citadelle. Dans une région ou le paysage castral est fortement imprégné par les fortifications byzantines et croisées, le complexe héliopolitain a été dès cette période et surtout entre la fin du XIème siècle et la fin du XIIIème siècle, le théâtre d'une transformation de son architecture. Un ensemble de réalisations militaires et civiles, seldjouqides, ayyoubides, mameloukes et ottomanes témoignent des travaux de mise en défense des sanctuaires antiques de Baalbeck, qui fut, durant les périodes médiévales, un point de défense avancée de Damas. / Located on the gates of Medieval Syria, the sanctuaries of Heliopolis, one of the famous roman colonies were used as a citadel since the Arab conquest in 14H/635 A.D. Ever since that time and especially between the end of the 11th and the end of the 13th century, the heliopolitan complex was subject to the transformation of its architecture, in a region where the cadastral landscape is highly impregnated by Byzantine and Crusader fortifications. A number of military and civil structures from the Seljuq, Ayyubid, Mameluke, and Ottoman dynasties witness the defense works of the old sanctuaries of Baalbeck that was considered during the medieval periods an advanced defense point of Damascus.
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La sculpture en pierre en Grande Grèce du VIème siècle à 209 av. J.-C. / Stone Sculpture in Magna Graecia, from the Sixth Century to 209 B. C.Nobs, Virginie 17 December 2016 (has links)
Cette étude traite de la sculpture exécutée en pierre – marbre et calcaire – dans les cités grecques d’Italie du Sud : Caulonia, Crotone, Héraclée, Locres Épyzéphyrienne, Métaponte, Poséidonia, Rhégion, Sybaris et Tarente. Toutes les périodes grecques sont considérées entre l’apparition de la sculpture en pierre au VIème siècle jusqu’à la chute de Tarente, dernière cité italiote indépendante. La première partie présente la méthodologie adoptée et précise l’acception des termes liés à la recherche italiote. 128 fragments ou monuments ont été retenus et ont fait l’objet de notices détaillées dans le catalogue. Le corpus ainsi constitué a été contextualisé par lieu de provenance, lorsque ce dernier est connu, puis par cité. La statue trônante de déesse provenant de Tarente et conservée à Berlin constitue un cas emblématique de statuaire italiote et a fait l’objet d’une étude approfondie. Cette recherche doctorale a également permis de reconsidérer des questions techniques et stylistiques. S’il n’a pas été possible de déterminer des « écoles » stylistiques dans les cités italiotes (à l’exception peut-être de Tarente dès le IVème siècle), les acrolithes italiotes ont pu être classés selon trois catégories : les têtes entières, les têtes à section diagonale et les têtes à section verticale. Certaines thématiques, qui auraient mérité un traitement plus approfondi que ce travail ne le permettait, ont été abordées dans les annexes. Il s’agit de la sculpture funéraire tarentine, des ensembles de métopes sculptés du Sélé ainsi que des découvertes de sculptures en contexte italique, avec une attention plus particulière portée à l’ensemble provenant de Garaguso. / This study discusses stone sculpture – marble and limestone – from the Greek cities of Southern Italy : Kaulonia, Kroton, Heraclea, Locri, Metaponto, Poseidonia, Rhegion, Sibari and Taranto. All the Greek periods are included : Archaic, Classical and Hellenistic, from the 6th century to 209, the year of the fall of Taranto, the last independent Italiot city in Magna Graecia. The first part of this study presents the methodology and the acceptation of the terms used in the research on italiot sculpture. A catalogue has been created, where all 128 selected artefacts are analysed. The selected corpus is analysed according to the site of provenance of the artefacts and, in a second step, according to the cities these sites depended from. An exhaustive and updated study of the seated goddess of Taranto, now in Berlin, which is emblematic of Italiot sculpture, constitutes an important part of the present research. A number of technical and stylistic questions are also reconsidered. Due to the small size of the corpus, it has not been possible to define different Italiot schools of sculptors. However, the Italiot acrolithes have been separated in three groups : those with complete heads, those whose heads are cut diagonally and those whose heads are cut vertically. Some topics which would have deserved a more in-depth examination than this allowed it, were summarised in the annexes : funerary Tarentine sculpture, metopes of the sanctuary on the Sele and the Greek sculptures discovered in Italic contexts, such as the miniature temple and goddess from Garaguso.
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Herodotos and Greek sanctuariesBowden, Hugh January 1990 (has links)
This thesis argues that sanctuaries of the gods played a significant role in the political life of the Greek polis in the archaic and classical periods, and that the politics of the period cannot be understood fully without consideration of religion. It uses the text of Herodotos as a source of evidence about the history and perceptions of the period, but also makes use of other literary and archaeological evidence, so that the resulting models may be considered generally useful for the study of the period. Ch. 1 lays out the background to the subject; ch. 2 is an analysis of the activities related to sanctuaries described by Herodotos; ch. 3 examines sanctuaries as the meeting places of federations of Greek states, as well as investigating the nature of sanctuaries as areas of bounded space, showing that political meetings were frequently, if not always, held in sanctuaries, and that this was perceived as allowing some divine influence on decisions; ch. 4 investigates the dedications made at sanctuaries by foreigners, as part of a diplomatic process, showing that they provided a means of access to the polis as well as the god; ch. 5 compares the dedication of booty at sanctuaries with the construction of the battlefield trophy; ch. 6 argues that Herodotos portrays divine intervention as always happening through sanctuaries; ch. 7 argues that Herodotos' frequent mentions of Delphi are a sign of its importance in Greek history, not his own interest; ch. 8 draws some of these ideas together and suggests some general explanations for the importance of sanctuaries, as providing symbolic control of access to the polis, and bestowing authority on decisions taken by assemblies. Finally it suggests that Herodotos's inclusion of religious matters in his histories increases his importance as a source and an historian.
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Strongmen and state authority: a state-in-society approach to understanding the presence of terrorist sanctuariesPfannenstiel, Melia T. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Security Studies Interdepartmental Program - Political Science / Emizet N. Kisangani / The goal of this dissertation is two-fold. First, is to investigate the relationship between the consequences of state failure and terrorist sanctuaries, which is the prevailing explanation in extant literature. Post 9/11 United States counterterrorism policy has focused on the role of the state in providing safe haven or sanctuary to transnational terrorist organizations. However, anecdotal evidence suggests that both weak and strong states host terrorist sanctuaries. Thus, no clear explanation for why transnational terrorist sanctuaries are in some weak and strong states but not present in others currently exists. Second, this dissertation seeks to fill this gap by adopting Migdal’s (1988) state-society interaction approach to explain the presence of terrorist sanctuaries. This dissertation hypothesizes that the role of society’s structure and societal strongmen’s interactions with the state are an important determinant in whether or not transnational terrorist organizations will seek to establish safe haven within a given territory. Sageman’s (2008) hub and node approach on the operational capacities of transnational terrorist sanctuary networks helps to explain differences in types of sanctuaries. Using a newly constructed dataset on terrorist sanctuaries for quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis through case studies, this dissertation intends to show that the presence of terrorist sanctuaries in both weak and strong states can be understood through four state-society interaction typologies. The implications of this study are relevant for policymakers seeking to understand and counter the enduring threat of transnational terrorism across the globe.
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A apropriação e consolidação do culto de Zeus pela cidade grega: moedas e santuários, política e identidade em época arcaica e clássica / The appropriation and consolidation of the cult of Zeus by the Greek city: coins and sanctuaries, politics and identity in the Archaic and Classical periodsLilian de Angelo Laky 01 July 2016 (has links)
O presente estudo pretende examinar o papel desempenhado pelo culto de Zeus na legitimação de grupos e regimes políticos nas póleis gregas, bem como na construção de redes de identidade grega em contexto políade. Queremos oferecer explicações válidas sobre quais fatores políticos e sociais levaram à emergência do culto de Zeus na pólis grega no final do século VII a.C., à apropriação de seu culto a partir do século VI a.C. - o período no qual a pólis alcançou o seu primeiro ápice de urbanização e no qual ocorreu o primeiro aumento de santuários cívicos do deus (no território e na área urbana) e do uso da imagem da águia em moedas gregas -, assim como ao fenômeno de proliferação dos santuários e de imagens monetárias de Zeus e do raio nos séculos V e IV a.C., quando o culto se consolidou na cidade grega. A nossa documentação básica será: 1) todos os componentes de todos os santuários gregos dedicados a Zeus, conhecidos arqueologicamente, entre a Idade do Bronze e a época clássica (até 345/44 a.C.); e 2) todas as moedas conhecidas com imagens de Zeus e de seus atributos, o raio e a águia, cunhadas a partir do período arcaico e até 345/44 a.C. Moedas e santuários compõem a documentação, pois têm em comum o caráter de oficialidade e de identidade da cidade grega: os dois tipos de documento partem de uma mesma entidade política, a pólis. Essa pesquisa oferecerá um panorama geral do culto de Zeus na pólis na longa duração, além de uma abordagem regional que sublinhará os casos mais significativos a respeito de ambos os tipos de documentação referentes à divindade no Peloponeso, em Creta, na Sicília e na Itália do Sul. / The present study is designed to examine the role played by the cult of Zeus in the legitimization of political groups and regimes in Greek poleis, as well as in the construction of networks of Greek identity in a polis context. This investigation aims to offer valid explanations to the following subjects: a) the political and social factors that caused the emergence of cult of Zeus in the Greek polis in the end of the 7th century BC; b) the appropriation of his cult in the poleis from the 6th century BC (the period in which the polis achieved the first apex of urbanization, when occurred the first increase of civic sanctuaries of the deity and the use of eagles types on Greek coins); c) the phenomenon of proliferation of sanctuaries and coin types of Zeus and thunderbolts during the 5th and 4th centuries BC, when the cult was consolidated in the Greek cities. The basic sources of this research are: 1) all components of all known Greek sanctuaries dedicated to Zeus between the Bronze Age and the Classical period until 345/44 BC).; and, 2) all known coins with images of Zeus or his attributes, in this case the thunderbolt and eagle minted between the Archaic period and 345/44 BC. The choice of coins and sanctuaries as the main sources was due to the fact that both share characteristics of identity and officiality of the Greek city, both types of data originate from the same political entity, the polis. This research will provide an overview of the cult of Zeus in poleis in a long-term perspective, as well as a regional approach which will focus on both types of data (sanctuaries and coin types) regarding the deity in four areas of the Greek world - Peloponnese, Crete, Sicily and Southern Italy.
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Os santuários de Asclépio: expressões arquitetônicas, sociais e religiosas nos séculos V, IV e III a.C. / Asclepius\' Sanctuaries: architectural, social and religious expressions during the 5th, 4th and 3rd centuries B.C.Scheila Rotondaro Koch 12 June 2012 (has links)
Os Santuários de Asclépio: expressões arquitetônicas, sociais e religiosas nos séculos V, IV e III a.C. Esta pesquisa de mestrado tem como objetivo uma melhor compreensão do culto dedicado a Asclépio no contexto da pólis grega dos séculos V, IV e III a.C. Pretendemos captar as transformações decorridas no culto neste período de grandes mudanças no mundo grego. Para tanto, analisaremos os santuários de Asclépio em Epidauro, Atenas, Corinto, Pérgamo, Messene, Cós, Agrigento, Paros, Delos e Velia no que diz respeito à arquitetura, ao seu posicionamento no espaço e em relação à planimetria da respectiva pólis. As fontes textuais, sobretudo Pausânias, serão um apoio importante no decorrer do trabalho. / Asclepius\' Sanctuaries: architectural, social and religious expressions during the 5th, 4th and 3rd centuries B.C. This master research aims at a better understanding of Asclepius\' Cult within the Greek polis context of the fifth, fourth and third centuries B.C. We intend to apprehend the transformations occurred in this period of great changes within the Greek World. In order to so do, we will analyze ten Sanctuaries dedicated to Asclepius, from Epidaurus, Athens, Corinth, Pergamum, Messene, Kos, Agrigento, Paros, Delos and Velia. We will study their architecture, their geographical location (spatial ositioning) and their planimetry correlating to their poleis. The ancient textual sources, above all Pausanias, will be an important aid through this work.
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Ritual Dining, Drinking, and Dedication at Stymphalos: A Case Study in the Influence of “Popular” Culture on ReligionStone, Peter J. 04 April 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Os santuários nas apoikias do Ocidente: organização física e inserção de estruturas de culto no espaço / Sanctuaries in Western apoikias: physical organization and insertion of cult structures in spaceBechelli, Regina Helena Rezende 07 June 2013 (has links)
Realizamos um levantamento e um estudo dos vestígios de santuários construídos nas apoikias do Ocidente, analisando aspectos referentes à sua organização física e inserção no espaço urbano e no território ligado a ele para, a partir daí, procurar entender a relação do culto religioso com esse espaço construído. O período estudado compreende o intervalo entre os séculos VII e III a.C., quando identificamos movimentos de expansão e retração na frequentação das áreas sacras estudadas. A compreensão em profundidade da dinâmica de instalação e uso desses santuários nos proporcionou um melhor entendimento de como a sociedade grega estruturava a religião no espaço e como esses lugares serviam como mecanismos políticos de posse e controle do território, usados pelos gregos para se estabelecerem nessas novas áreas já ocupadas por populações autóctones ou por gregos provenientes de outras regiões. / We conducted a research of the remains of sanctuaries in the Western apoikias, analyzing aspects related to their physical organization and insertion into the urban space and the territory attached to it, in order to understand the relationship of the religious worship to this constructed space. The chronological scope of the study is from VII to III centuries BC, a time frame when we identify movements of expansion and contraction in the utilization of the sacred areas studied. The deep understanding of the dynamics of installation and use of these sanctuaries gave us a better understanding of how Greek society structured religion in space and how these places served as mechanisms of political control and possession of territory, used by the Greeks to settle in these new areas already occupied by indigenous communities or by Greeks from other regions.
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A renovação estética da Igreja do Bom Jesus do Monte na época contemporâneaLima, Maria Luísa Gonçalves Reis, 1950- January 1996 (has links)
No description available.
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