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Peirce's Idea of God as Metaphysical Condition for FreedomAcosta López de Mesa, Juliana 01 May 2011 (has links)
This thesis has as its main aim to present Peirce's project as an organic system that is able to provide a reasonable account of our complex experience of freedom. For this reason, in the first chapter I will maintain that there are three conditions of possibility for human freedom that can be established according to an attentive reading of Aristotle's works, namely, the contingency of the world, the existence of a being who can take advantage of the world's contingency, and the capacity of a person to decide his or her own idea of Happiness or final good in a human community. These conditions can be tracked, consolidated, and improved through Peirce's philosophy. It can be tracked, first of all, in their common perspective regarding the world's element of contingency and openness to growth. Second, both philosophers think that human beings have the power to decide and actively participate in the world through experience and habit. Finally, both grant an important role to community in their philosophies in order to give sense to persons' actions. After establishing this background, I will focus primarily on the detailed presentation of the first condition of possibility for freedom, that is, in Peirce's idea of God as a metaphysical condition for freedom. In the second chapter, I will explore the historical development of Peirce's cosmology, in order to show that Peirce's idea of God is not the product of a stubborn religious prejudice but a genuine achievement of his philosophy that harmonizes with his general project of an evolutionary philosophy open to critique and working hand in hand with science. Finally, in the third chapter, I will try to clarify further Peirce's idea of God in dealing with some misconceptions generated by standard religious notions of God and by the philosophical conception of the Absolute. Thus, I hope to present Peirce's idea of God as a middle ground between these two approaches. I will argue that, on the one hand, he wanted to propose an idea of God that is open to scientific critique, as is the conception of the philosophical Absolute. On the other hand, he defended an idea of God that has bearing upon our conduct of life and, therefore, is sentimental and approachable as is the idea of God proposed at least by Christian religion. As a result, Peirce's God works as a condition of possibility for freedom insofar as he is the living idea of a developmental telos open to growth. That is, Peirce provided an idea of a cosmos that shares with us the general features of being reasonable and free.
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The argument of this dissertation is that the full and continued importance of evolution to the foundations and practice of American philosophy has not been fully recognized. The years surrounding the first appearance of the theory of evolution on American shores were full of scientific uncertainty and philosophical excitement. William James, Charles Sanders Peirce, and John Dewey responded to this uncertainty and excitement with a unique interpretation of evolution that recognized the deeply constructive and interactive nature of all living beings. This living idea of evolution fed back into many aspects of their mature philosophies. The early historians and commentators of this period, such as Herbert W. Schneider, and Phillip P. Wiener, whatever their view of evolution, did not fully understand the change that had just taken place in philosophy and biological science. They missed the radical change in the causal structure of science and philosophy implied by evolutionary philosophy. Later commentators on this period, with a few notable exceptions, have continued this trend. This has contributed to a disconnect of James, Peirce, and Dewey from the larger narrative of evolutionary philosophy. In this dissertation I reconnect James, Peirce, and Dewey to this larger historical narrative. I show how the narrative they began is still vitally important to our understanding of American philosophy and the philosophy of evolution.
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Abductio non facit saltus: orígenes kantianos del concepto de inferencia sintética en Charles S. PeirceSolari Goic, Pablo January 2008 (has links)
Informe de Seminario para optar al grado de Licenciado en Filosofía / En la literatura actual el problema de la abducción ha sido abordado desde numerosos ángulos y disciplinas, catalogándose los más diversos fenómenos bajo el rótulo de ‘abducción’. En lógica formal se ha considerado a la abducción como una forma de razonamiento donde no se cumple la propiedad de la ‘monotonía’; desde la psicología computacional y la inteligencia artificial, se ha enfocado a la abducción desde el llamado ‘problema del marco’ —cómo actualizar la base de datos después de una intervención en el mundo—; para la filosofía del lenguaje se ha considerado a la abducción como un proceso de interpretación semiótico. En todas estas aproximaciones se alude a Peirce —y, eventualmente, a otras fuentes históricas— fundamentalmente para mostrar las atractivas intuiciones subyacentes a la idea de una forma de inferencia como la descrita en la sección anterior y para justificar, a continuación, la aplicación que puede dársele en el campo peculiar de interés. La presente investigación pretende aportar a esa discusión identificando algunas de las ideas filosóficas más básicas que inspiraron a Peirce a plantear el concepto de razonamiento hipotético o abductivo. Más específicamente, examino sus orígenes atendiendo a la influencia del marco de la filosofía de Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) sobre la génesis conceptual de esa forma de inferencia. La investigación se centrará en el primer ciclo de escritos filosóficos y lógicos de Peirce, publicados entre los años 1867 y 1869 en los Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences y en el Journal of Speculative Philosophy. Estos escritos corresponden a lo que Murray Murphey ha denominado el “segundo sistema” de Peirce, caracterizado por su adhesión a la silogística, y por la configuración de un sistema propio en el rechazo de lo que llamaba el ‘espíritu del cartesianismo’ y en la apropiación del kantismo. Se hará referencia, por su supuesto, a material anterior y posterior, pero ese será el centro bibliográfico del análisis, pues tales escritos muestran de modo más directo la filiación kantiana de la tesis de la tricotomía así como del concepto de un tercer modo de inferencia.
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Populism's Historical and Contemporary ManifestationsPla, Horacio 01 January 2021 (has links)
In the following thesis, American populism's many manifestations throughout American history as well as its current forms in contemporary politics will be analyzed mainly through the lens of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, who are two prominent political figures that have managed to amass a considerable degree of support. In Trump's case, his populist rhetoric and authoritarian slant has allowed him to garner enough support to ascend to the position of President of the United States of America, arguably one of the most powerful political positions on planet Earth. Current trends such as dissatisfaction amongst the voting constituencies of Democrats and Republicans, rises in authoritarian attitudes amongst voters, neoliberalism, and free trade's implications on the American worker, and more will be analyzed in order to understand the popularity of these two political figures and the populist language they employ in their policies and rhetoric.
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Peirce's Semeiotic RealismMetzger, Scott January 2024 (has links)
I integrate Charles Peirce’s theory of signs with his realism and synechism to develop a novel interpretation of his philosophical system, which I refer to as Semeiotic Realism. I argue that Peirce’s Semeiotic Realism makes a devastating critique of Ockham’s nominalism, particularly his theory of conceptual signs. Semeiotic Realism is the doctrine that signs are real relations existing independently of particular thoughts and therefore have a generality irreducible to any discrete number of singular cognitive acts.
Chapter One introduces Peirce’s theory of signs. I argue that Peirce arrives at his triadic sign relation to ground an anti-psychologistic theory of logic. I establish the connection between sign relations and the structure of inference, tracing this connection back to Greek thinking about the semeῖon and outlining its consequences for Peirce’s theories of categories and inquiry.
Chapter Two disentangles the nominalism-realism controversy from the problem of universals. I show that the nominalist’s position about universals results from their logical analysis of terms. These terms are conceptual signs that stand for their objects only relative to singular cognitive acts. For the nominalist, reality is exhausted by existing particulars outside the mind and since signs only have mind-dependent being they are not real. To address this problem, I clarify Peircean reality and use his mature theory of semiotic interpretation to explain how signs have a reality irreducible to singular cognitive acts.
Chapter Three introduces Peircean continuity, explaining how it informs his mature critique of nominalism, his method for analyzing propositions as sign relations, and his theory of sign inference. Continuity underpins his analysis of propositions into continuous relations. These relations precede the subjects they relate, which makes relations themselves out to be the elementary units of logic. The chapter concludes by introducing Peirce’s existential graphs to model and diagram sign inferences as continuous transformations. / Dissertation / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / I integrate Charles Peirce’s theory of signs and meaning with his writings on reality and continuity to develop a novel interpretation of his philosophical system, which I refer to as Semeiotic Realism. I situate Peirce’s contributions to these topics in the larger context of the history of philosophy and sign theory, with emphasis on his critique of nominalism, a philosophical theory that presents a major problem Peirce must overcome. In chapter one, I uncover the roots of Peirce’s general theory of signs in his writings on logic and inference. Chapter two incorporates Peirce’s theory of signs with his realism and shows how it leads to a critique of nominalism. In the final chapter, I introduce Peirce’s theory of continuity and show how it informs a devastating new critique of nominalism.
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Semiótica e cartografia: um estudo dos signos e da comunicação dos mapas pelas teorias de Charles Sanders Peirce / Semiotics and cartography: a study of the signs and the communication of maps by the theories of Charles Sanders PeirceMonteiro, Ricardo Rodrigues 15 December 2017 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta uma visão geral das teorias de Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914), em especial a semiótica, o pragmatismo (ou pragmaticismo) e a doutrina do continuum, ou sinequismo, aplicadas ao universo do signo cartográfico. Mediante o estudo de publicações realizadas a partir dos principais manuscritos originais do autor, procuramos desenvolver uma investigação das bases teóricas e conceituais que permeiam seu amplo arcabouço filosófico, para então aplicá-las às quatro teorias cartográficas específicas que correspondem à estrutura principal da tese: do signo, do objeto, do interpretante e da comunicação. Nesses capítulos apresentamos uma série de teorias de Peirce voltado à análise do fundamento do signo cartográfico, da relação que estabelece com o seu objeto e dos efeitos que efetivamente produz ou potencialmente pode produzir na realidade, bem como uma ampla apresentação de conceitos pertinentes à linguagem e comunicação cartográfica. Assuntos os mais diversos tais como linguagem e informação cartográfica, variáveis perceptivas, incluindo a cor, cartografia e cognição, novidades tecnológicas, entre outros, são contemplados em diálogo aos pressupostos filosóficos de Peirce e vários autores referenciais em cartografia e Geografia. Após, aplicamos parte do conhecimento para uma breve análise semiótica de diversos mapas, incluindo os que foram elaborados pelo próprio autor da tese, durante o desenvolvimento da mesma. Consideramos que a as teorias de Peirce podem ser aplicadas não apenas para o entendimento dos elementos envolvidos no signo cartográfico, mas inclusive para a compreensão do objeto ao qual ele se refere, o espaço geográfico que o signo professa representar. / This thesis presents an overview of the theories of Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914), in particular the semiotics, pragmatism (or pragmaticism) and doctrine of the continuum, or synechism, applied to the universe of the cartographic sign. Through the study of publications made from the original manuscripts of the author, we seek to develop a investigation of the theoretical and conceptual bases that permeate its broad philosophical framework, to then apply them to the four specific cartographic theories that correspond to the main structure of the thesis: the sign, the object, the interpretant and the communication. In these chapters we present a series of Peirce\'s theories focused on the analysis of the basis of the cartographic sign, the relation it establishes with its object and the effects that it actually produces or potentially can produce in reality, as well as a broad presentation of concepts pertinent to language and cartographic communication. The most diverse subjects such as language and cartographic information, perceptual variables, including color, Cartography and cognition, technological novelties, among others, are contemplated in dialogue with the philosophical presuppositions of Peirce and several reference authors in Cartography and Geography. Afterwards, we applied part of the knowledge to a brief semiotic analysis of several maps, including those that were elaborated by the thesis author, during the development of the same one. We consider that Peirce\'s theories can be applied not only to the understanding of the elements involved in the cartographic sign, but also to the understanding of the object to which he refers, that is, the geographical space that the sign professes to represent.
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Semiótica e cartografia: um estudo dos signos e da comunicação dos mapas pelas teorias de Charles Sanders Peirce / Semiotics and cartography: a study of the signs and the communication of maps by the theories of Charles Sanders PeirceRicardo Rodrigues Monteiro 15 December 2017 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta uma visão geral das teorias de Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914), em especial a semiótica, o pragmatismo (ou pragmaticismo) e a doutrina do continuum, ou sinequismo, aplicadas ao universo do signo cartográfico. Mediante o estudo de publicações realizadas a partir dos principais manuscritos originais do autor, procuramos desenvolver uma investigação das bases teóricas e conceituais que permeiam seu amplo arcabouço filosófico, para então aplicá-las às quatro teorias cartográficas específicas que correspondem à estrutura principal da tese: do signo, do objeto, do interpretante e da comunicação. Nesses capítulos apresentamos uma série de teorias de Peirce voltado à análise do fundamento do signo cartográfico, da relação que estabelece com o seu objeto e dos efeitos que efetivamente produz ou potencialmente pode produzir na realidade, bem como uma ampla apresentação de conceitos pertinentes à linguagem e comunicação cartográfica. Assuntos os mais diversos tais como linguagem e informação cartográfica, variáveis perceptivas, incluindo a cor, cartografia e cognição, novidades tecnológicas, entre outros, são contemplados em diálogo aos pressupostos filosóficos de Peirce e vários autores referenciais em cartografia e Geografia. Após, aplicamos parte do conhecimento para uma breve análise semiótica de diversos mapas, incluindo os que foram elaborados pelo próprio autor da tese, durante o desenvolvimento da mesma. Consideramos que a as teorias de Peirce podem ser aplicadas não apenas para o entendimento dos elementos envolvidos no signo cartográfico, mas inclusive para a compreensão do objeto ao qual ele se refere, o espaço geográfico que o signo professa representar. / This thesis presents an overview of the theories of Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914), in particular the semiotics, pragmatism (or pragmaticism) and doctrine of the continuum, or synechism, applied to the universe of the cartographic sign. Through the study of publications made from the original manuscripts of the author, we seek to develop a investigation of the theoretical and conceptual bases that permeate its broad philosophical framework, to then apply them to the four specific cartographic theories that correspond to the main structure of the thesis: the sign, the object, the interpretant and the communication. In these chapters we present a series of Peirce\'s theories focused on the analysis of the basis of the cartographic sign, the relation it establishes with its object and the effects that it actually produces or potentially can produce in reality, as well as a broad presentation of concepts pertinent to language and cartographic communication. The most diverse subjects such as language and cartographic information, perceptual variables, including color, Cartography and cognition, technological novelties, among others, are contemplated in dialogue with the philosophical presuppositions of Peirce and several reference authors in Cartography and Geography. Afterwards, we applied part of the knowledge to a brief semiotic analysis of several maps, including those that were elaborated by the thesis author, during the development of the same one. We consider that Peirce\'s theories can be applied not only to the understanding of the elements involved in the cartographic sign, but also to the understanding of the object to which he refers, that is, the geographical space that the sign professes to represent.
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Formulações de C. S. Peirce para conceitos-chave do século XIX: o instante e a evoluçãoSchettini, Mônica Bernardo 03 June 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-06-03 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / In the nineteenth century the industrial uprising and demographic
blowing were born, also bearing the first technical means of communication,
like the telegraph and photography. Allied to the first printer machines, these
means of communication were responsible for the rush in of journalism as also
the appearing of the mass medium. At the same time, a revolution arose in the
means of transport, that resulted from arose of the steam engine. Meanwhile,
great breakages appeared in the artistic and literary world, changing abruptly the
old inherited rules from the past. After all, it s a century plenty in great
transformations, certainly done in order to follow the conceptual ones. What are
the most paradigmatic concepts of these transformations? How Charles Sanders
Peirce, certainly the best American thinker by that time, has reacted to them,
while creating his own general signs theory, in a remarkable foreseeing the
growing proliferation of the signs that would be the twentieth century landmark.
These are the central questions of this research.
The preliminary studies about history of the ideas during the twentieth
century, bring us to the hypothesis that two of the main conceptual tendencies
uprising in this century, to increase the value of the instant as a new moment of
the time and the theory of evolutionism, have found in Pierces philosophy
innovative formulations, whose can supply us the assistance for reading the
cultural structures the means of mass communication put on the surface.
Thus, the main purpose of this research was to bring the reflection about
the likeliness between the Peirce s concept of firstness and the instant concept,
as so to make an analysis of the dialog developed between Peirce and the
evolutionist thinking, which doesn t remains to the limits of biology, but reach
far into in all social extensions: the economics, politics and also the cultural
Concerning the fact this is an imminent theoretical search, the method
adopted by us was based upon in bibliography research, in the methodological
conceptual arrangements and argumentation techniques proper to use in this
kind of search.
In respect to the subject about instant in the nineteenth century, was
assumed as a starting point the Leo Charney s study - Into an Instant: the
cinema and the modernity philosophy . This paper brings us an adequate
knowledge in respect to prize the instant that emerges in an esthetical field of
activity in that period, as a way to rescue a possibility sensorial reply face the
transitory and the excess stimuli that appears from modern environment.
The conception of firstness developed by Peirce was submitted to an
analysis, based upon author s written itself and from contributions based on
some commentators, mainly Santaella and Rosensohn. The comparative study
between primarily and instant, has show to us both may be known as ruptures to
an excess of stimulus provided by modernity, the overwhelming population
increase and by modifications of the communication environment, due to the
uprising of new means of mass communication and the increase of the subsisted
The exam of the aforementioned correspondence was followed by the
analysis and interpretation regarding to the Peirce s reflections about
evolutionism, in great expansion during the nineteenth century, owing to
implications from Darwinism.
We have examined the theories established by Peirce, in order to explain
the evolutive process, which itself, into the Peirce s perspective not only the live
beings but also the nations, institutions and ideas were submitted. The author s
writes and those from some of the contemporary ones like Ernest Mayr and
Stephen Jay Gould, were the main theory sources from this part of this study / O século XIX viu nascer a produção industrial de bens materiais e a
explosão demográfica. Trouxe também à luz os primeiros meios técnicos de
comunicação, o telégrafo e a fotografia. Aliados às máquinas impressoras, esses
meios foram responsáveis pela explosão do jornal e pelo advento da
comunicação de massa. Ao mesmo tempo, revolucionaram-se os meios de
transporte acionados pela máquina a vapor. Enquanto isso, surgiam grandes
rupturas no mundo da arte e da literatura, subvertendo as regras de
representação herdadas do passado. Enfim, trata-se de um século de grandes
transformações que se fizeram certamente acompanhar por transformações
conceituais. Quais os conceitos mais paradigmáticos dessas transformações?
Como Charles Sanders Peirce, sem dúvida, o maior pensador norte-americano
do período, reagiu a elas, enquanto criava a sua teoria geral dos signos, numa
remarcável antecipação da proliferação crescente de signos que seria a tônica do
século XX? Essas são as perguntas centrais propostas por esta pesquisa.
Os estudos preliminares sobre a história das idéias do século XIX nos
levaram à hipótese de que duas das principais correntes conceituais que
emergiram nesse século, a valorização do instante como nova instância do
tempo e o evolucionismo encontraram na filosofia de Peirce formulações
inovadoras que podem nos fornecer subsídios para a leitura das formações
culturais que os meios de comunicação de massa trouxeram à tona.
Assim sendo, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi trazer à reflexão a
semelhança entre a concepção peirceana de primeiridade e o conceito de
instante, assim como analisar o diálogo que Peirce desenvolve com o
pensamento evolucionista que não se circunscreve aos limites da biologia, mas
penetra também em todas as dimensões do social: o econômico, o político e o
Por se tratar de uma pesquisa eminentemente teórica, a metodologia
adotada respaldou-se na pesquisa bibliográfica, na sistematização dos conceitos
e nas técnicas de argumentação que cabem a esse tipo de pesquisa.
Para o tema do instante no século XIX foi tomado como ponto de partida
o estudo de Leo Charney - Num instante: o cinema e a filosofia da
modernidade . Este trabalho nos fez compreender a valorização do instante que
emerge no campo da estética no período oitocentista como uma forma de
resgatar a possibilidade de resposta sensorial diante da transitoriedade e do
excesso de estímulos do ambiente moderno. A concepção de primeiridade
desenvolvida por Peirce foi analisada, a partir dos escritos do próprio autor e
das contribuições de alguns de seus comentaristas, principalmente Santaella e
Rosensohn. O estudo comparativo entre a primeiridade e o instante revelou-nos
que ambos podem ser interpretados como rupturas ao excesso de estímulos da
modernidade, engendrados pela explosão demográfica e pela transformação do
ambiente comunicacional em função do surgimento de novos meios de
comunicação de massa e da expansão dos já existentes.
O exame do paralelismo acima exposto foi seguido pela análise e
interpretação das reflexões de Peirce sobre o evolucionismo em franca expansão
no século XIX, devido às implicações advindas da teoria Darwiniana.
Examinamos as teorizações que Peirce estabelece para explicar o processo
evolutivo, ao qual, em sua perspectiva, não somente os seres vivos, mas também
os Estados, instituições, linguagens e idéias estariam submetidos. Os escritos do
autor e de alguns dos principais evolucionistas contemporâneos, especialmente
Ernest Mayr e Stephen Jay Gould, foram as principais fontes teóricas desta parte
da tese
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O modelo cooperativo de processo na perspectiva do pragmatismo de PeirceFortuna, Marcelo Forli 09 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-04-11T11:51:46Z
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Marcelo Forli Fortuna.pdf: 1072020 bytes, checksum: 2ff21a6b849e833e9baebba18dcd434c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-11T11:51:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2018-03-09 / The present work aims to analyze the dynamics of the Law and its moment of realization from
the Peircian pragmatism, in a Democratic Constitutional model of process. The science of
law, seen as a living science, when carried out in a concrete case, goes, necessarily when there
is litigation, through a judicial process. It is in the daily routine of our courts that rights are
effective and that conflicts are pacified. The construction of the norm is made necessarily
from the factual narratives strategically elaborated by the lawyers who try, over the course of
the deed, to convince the judge about its assertions. Peirce's philosophy assists us in
understanding that, even though the sentence concretizes the decision, this one is formed
along the procedural course, from the creative reason, which combines practical and
theoretical reason in a coherent way with the abductive, inductive and deductive models of
inference, without leaving aside ethics and aesthetics. During the process, the judge generates
and selects hypotheses, conjectures consequences, and develops the inductive test at the time
of probationary instruction, all in conjunction with the parties. The cooperative process
model, viewed from the perspective of Peirce's pragmatism, develops in a democratic way, in
a real working community, aiming at a rational decision. The emphasis on fallibilism and its
relevance in the perceptions judgment reinforces the need to favor sanitation in cooperation
and reinforcement of the contradictory. The sentence, with its logical, ethical and aesthetic
dimensions, concretizes not only the context of justification, but also the whole decision
context that was constructed from the real contribution of the parties, reducing the degree of
fallibilism. The precedents and jurisprudence, therefore, assume relevance in the construction
of the habits that will delimit the new judgments of perception, allowing greater stability,
coherence and integrity of the system / O presente trabalho tem por finalidade analisar a dinâmica do Direito e seu momento de
realização a partir do pragmatismo peirciano, em um modelo Constitucional Democrático de
processo. A ciência do direito, visto como ciência viva, ao se realizar em um caso concreto,
passa, necessariamente quando houver litígio, por um processo judicial. É nessa rotina
processual diária de nossos tribunais que os direitos se efetivam e que se pacificam os
conflitos. A construção da norma necessariamente é feita a partir das narrativas fáticas
estrategicamente elaboradas pelos advogados que tentam, ao longo do feito, convencer o juiz
a respeito de suas assertivas. A filosofia peirciana nos auxilia na compreensão de que, embora
a sentença concretize a decisão, essa é formada ao longo do percurso processual, a partir da
razão criativa, que conjuga a razão prática e teórica de forma coerente com os modelos
abdutivos, indutivos e dedutivos de inferência, sem deixar de lado a ética e a estética. Durante
o processo, o juiz gera e seleciona hipóteses, conjectura consequências e desenvolve o teste
indutivo no momento da instrução probatória, tudo isso em conjunto com as partes. O modelo
cooperativo de processo, visto na perspectiva do pragmatismo de Peirce, se desenvolve de
modo democrático, em uma verdadeira comunidade de trabalho, visando a uma decisão
racional. O destaque para o falibilismo e sua relevância no juízo de percepção reforça a
necessidade de prestigiar o saneamento em cooperação e o reforço do contraditório. A
sentença, com suas dimensões lógica, ética e estética, concretiza não só o contexto de
justificativa, mas também todo o contexto de decisão que foi construído a partir da real
contribuição das partes, reduzindo o grau de falibilismo. Os precedentes e a jurisprudência,
dessa forma, assumem relevância nas construções dos hábitos que delimitarão os novos juízos
de percepção, permitindo maior estabilidade, coerência e integridade do sistema
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Um signo em desenvolvimento: o conceito de self na filosofia de C. S. Peirce no período de 1865 a 1870Lovato, Maria Vitória Canesin 13 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-04-24T12:29:19Z
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Maria Vitória Canesin Lovato.pdf: 1134635 bytes, checksum: a02b9f4c3d0b9a27bdf4180b778b6e9b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-24T12:29:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2018-03-13 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This dissertation intends to investigate the discussions involving the concept of self in
the philosophy of the young Charles Sanders Peirce (1834-1914) between 1865 and
1870. Although the thoughts are from his youth years, we will present arguments to
show those were years that brought debates of underlying importance for us to
understand how and from which theoretical and methodological contexts the theme
self emerges. Since 1865, Peirce reasons the relationship between logic and
psychology, and argues, explicitly, for a non-psychological position for logic. Within
this context, a strong criticism of introspection is born, and it reveals a detachment
from the cartesian spirit and the inclination to understand the process of thinking as
intuitive or dependable of psychic factors. In general, the criticism of psychologism in
logic will demand a revision of the idea of subjectivity and, more specifically, of the
self under new philosophical horizons. Therefore, under his then early theory of signs
and his social approach to epistemology, Peirce will negate a notion of self
characterized by complete individuality and introspection, opening way to a new and
positive characterization of subjectivity buoyed by an objective logic, where all
knowledge, including of ourselves, proceed in a mediate way and in reference to an
outside world. It’s during the years we study in this dissertation that some of the most
important – and most commented – characterizations of the self as a sign and of the
self as mere negation, if a separate existence is considered, appear. Along this study
we will see that, even under the scope if his early logic investigations between 1865
and 1870, Peirce already admitted to a social and opened understanding of the self,
giving way to a new approach, one that is broader and sympathetic to less selfish
visions / Esta dissertação procura investigar as discussões em torno do conceito de self na
filosofia do jovem Charles Sanders Peirce (1834 -1914), durante o período de 1865
até 1870. Apesar de tratar-se de pensamentos de sua juventude, buscaremos
argumentar que esses anos trazem debates de fundamental importância para
entendermos como e de quais contextos teóricos e metodológicos a temática sobre o
self emerge. Desde 1865, Peirce discute a relação da lógica com a psicologia,
defendendo explicitamente uma posição não psicológica da lógica. Nesse contexto, já
aparece uma forte crítica à introspecção, revelando o afastamento do espírito do
cartesianismo e da tendência a entender o processo de pensamento como intuitivo ou
dependente de fatores psíquicos. De maneira geral, a crítica ao psicologismo na lógica
demandará uma revisão da ideia de subjetividade e, mais especificamente, a de self
sob novos horizontes filosóficos. Assim, sob sua ainda inicial teoria dos signos e sua
abordagem social da epistemologia, Peirce negará uma noção de self caracterizada
pela completa individualidade e introspecção, abrindo caminho para uma
caracterização nova e positiva da subjetividade balizada por uma lógica objetiva, onde
inclusive o conhecimento de nós mesmos procede de maneira mediata e em referência
ao mundo externo. É no ínterim dos anos estudados nesse trabalho que aparecem as
importantes – e muito comentadas – caracterizações do self como um signo e do self
como uma mera negação, se considerado como uma existência separada. No percurso
deste estudo veremos que, mesmo sob o escopo de suas iniciais investigações lógicas,
durante os anos de 1865 a 1870, Peirce já admitia um entendimento social e aberto do
self, abrindo caminho para uma nova abordagem mais ampla e solidária que distanciase
de visões egoístas
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