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Ensaios dinâmicos de biossorção de cobre com macroalgas em leitos-fixos contendo materiais adsorventes de natureza não-biológica / Dynamic assays of copper biosorption with macroalgae in fixed-beds containing non-biological adsorbent materialsRicardo Neves da Motta 29 April 2013 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / A biossorção é o termo aplicado à tecnologia de adsorção de íons metálicos em solução, por meio de materiais de natureza biológica inativa, comparável à adsorção utilizando-se adsorventes convencionais. A biossorção depende da temperatura, pH, concentração inicial do íon metálico, e tipo de biosorvente. O objetivo principal dessa dissertação é estudar e comparar os processos de adsorção de cobre iônico a partir de soluções aquosas utilizando Sargassum sp., alginato de cálcio úmido e desidratado e carvão ativo em pó e granular, em regime de batelada e contínuo. O alginato de cálcio foi preparado através de uma solução 4% (m/v) de alginato de sódio gotejada em solução 37% (m/v) de cloreto de cálcio dihidratado. O alginato de cálcio apresentou uma umidade de 89% após secagem em estufa a 100C por 24 horas. Os parâmetros da biossorção foram fixados em: a dose de adsorventes de 2 g/L; a temperatura em 30C; pH da solução em 5,0; e velocidade de rotação da chapa rotatória em 150 rpm. Para os estudos de cinética e equilíbrio, os ensaios foram feitos em regime de batelada. Nos ensaios cinéticos para duas concentrações medias (0,16 e 3,15 mmol/L) variou-se o tempo de contato (1 a 120 min) para se atingir o equilíbrio. Nos ensaios de equilíbrio variou-se as concentrações (0,16 a 15,72 mmol/L) utilizando o tempo de equilíbrio determinado nos ensaios cinéticos. Foram utilizadas duas modelagens cinéticas (a de pseudo-primeira ordem e a de segunda ordem) e duas modelagens do equilíbrio (Langmuir e Freundlich). O modelo cinético de segunda ordem ajustou melhor os resultados. O tempo de equilíbrio para adsorção do cobre foi de 60 minutos para Sargassum sp. e pellets de alginatos de cálcio úmido e desidratado. Para os carvões ativos os tempos de equilíbrio para a adsorção do cobre foram mais rápidos, mas a capacidade de remoção do cobre foram muito baixas. Com base nos resultados desfavoráveis obtidos para os carvões ativos eles foram descartados para se prosseguir com os ensaios de equilíbrio. A isoterma de Freundlich melhor ajusta os dados experimentais para Sargassum sp. e alginato de cálcio úmido. A capacidade de adsorção máxima calculada pelo modelo de Freundlich: na concentração de equilíbrio de 11,66 0,06 mmol/L foi de 1,97 0,07 mmol/g para Sargassum sp.; e na concentração de equilíbrio de 12,12 0,03 mmol/L foi de 1,69 0,04 mmol/g para alginato de cálcio úmido. O processo de biossorção em regime contínuo, com alturas de leito variável de 10 a 40 cm, teve melhor desempenho com a altura de 40 cm. Em regime de batelada, o desempenho da Sargassum sp. foi superior ao dos alginatos de cálcio (úmido melhor que o desidratado), que por sua vez foram superiores ao desempenho dos carvões ativos em pó e granular (em pó melhor que o granular). O sistema contínuo com concentração inicial de cobre de 8,5 mmol/L deve ser operado com altura de leito igual ou superior a 40 cm, ou com sistemas multicolunas para soluções mais concentradas / Biosorption is the term applied to the adsorption technology of metallic ions in solution than through materials of inactive biological nature. Its close to adsorption using conventional adsorbents. Biosorption depends on temperature, pH, initial concentration of metal ion and type of biosorbents. The main objective of this dissertation is to study and compare the adsorption of copper ions from aqueous solution in batch and continuous system using Sargassum sp.; wet and dehydrated calcium alginate; powder and granular activated carbon. Calcium alginate was prepared by 4% w/v sodium alginate solution dropwise into 37% w/v calcium chloride dehydrate. Calcium alginate presented 89% of moisture after dry in an oven at 100C for 24 hours. Biosorption parameters were set as follow: dose of adsorbent 2 g/L; temperature at 30C, pH at 5.0, and stirring speed of the rotating plate at 150 rpm. For the kinetic and equilibrium studies, the tests were done in a batch system. In kinetic assays for two concentrations (0.16 and 3.15 mmol/L) was varied contact time (1-120 min) to reach equilibrium. In equilibrium assays were varied concentrations (0.16 to 15.72 mmol/L) using the time determined in kinetic experiments. It was used two kinetic modeling (the pseudo-first-order and second-order) and two equilibrium modeling (Langmuir and Freundlich). The second-order kinetic model better fitted the results. The equilibrium time for adsorption of copper was 60 minutes for Sargassum sp. and wet and dehydrated calcium alginate pellets. For the activated carbon, equilibrium times for the adsorption of copper were obtained faster, but the capacity of copper removal were extremely low. Based on the unfavorable results obtained for the activated carbon they were discharged to proceed with tests of equilibrium. The Freundlich isotherm fitted the experimental data for Sargassum sp. and wet calcium alginate. The maximum adsorption capacity calculated using Freundlich model: at equilibrium concentration of 11.66 0.06 mmol/L was 1.97 0.07 mmol/g for Sargassum sp. and at equilibrium concentration of 12.12 0.03 mmol/L was 1.69 0.04 mmol/g for wet calcium alginate. Biosorption in a continuous system, with bed heights from 10 to 40 cm, had the best performance with a height of 40 cm. In a batch system, the performance of Sargassum sp. was higher than calcium alginate (wet rather than dehydrated), which in turn were higher than the performance of powder and granular active carbon (powder better than granular). The continuous system with initial copper concentration of 8.5 mmol/L, must be operated with a bed height equal or greater 40 cm, or with multicolumn systems for more concentrated solutions
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Inferências filogenéticas na ordem Fucales (Phaeophyceae), com ênfase no gênero Sargassum C. Agardh do Atlântico Sul / Phylogenetics inferences in order Fucales (Phaeophyceae), with focus on Sargassum C. Agardh from South AtlanticCíntia Schultz Coimbra 08 December 2006 (has links)
O gênero Sargassum C. Agardh (Sargassaceae) constitui um dos mais representativos dentre os 41 gêneros da ordem Fucales (Phaeophyceae, Heterokontophyta), é amplamente distribuído nas regiões tropicais e subtropicais do globo e é considerado um importante componente da flora marinha. Devido ampla variabilidade fenotípica é considerado um dos gêneros de taxonomia mais complexa dentre as algas pardas, como são popularmente conhecidos os representantes da classe Phaeophyceae. A filogenia da ordem Fucales é bastante discutida para gêneros do hemisfério norte, mas ainda pouco elucidada. Os estudos de filogenia referentes ao gênero Sargassum são escassos, limitando-se a poucos marcadores moleculares, com baixa resolução no âmbito inter-específico e limitados à espécies de ocorrência nos oceanos Indo-Pacífico e Atlântico Norte. Nenhum estudo filogenético incluí espécies do Atlântico Sul para este gênero. Este estudo é pioneiro na análise de seqüências de diferentes marcadores moleculares para espécies do Atlântico Sul. Neste estudo, foram seqüenciados completamente os marcadores moleculares nucleares SSU rDNA e ITS2 para os táxons infra-genéricos Sargassum cymosum var. cymosum, S. cymosum var. nanum, S. furcatum, S. stenophyllum e S. vulgare. Todas as seqüências obtidas para ambos os marcadores apresentaram 100% de identidade entre os táxons analisados. Foram feitas seqüências também para o marcador molecular plastidial rbcL (parcial) e espaçador rbcLS para as espécies S. filipendula, S. stenophyllum e S. vulgare que resultaram também em 100% de identidade. Análises filogenéticas de cada um dos marcadores moleculares, incluindo nossas seqüências e aquelas disponíveis no Genbank e geradas pelos métodos de inferência \"Neigbour-joining\", máxima parcimônia e máxima verossimilhança se apresentaram robustas e corroboram outros resultados descritos na bibliografia referente a ordem Fucales e ao gênero Sargassum. Entretanto, tais resultados fornecem um forte indício da necessidade de busca de marcadores moleculares eficientes, devidamente respaldados por estudos de hibridação in vitro, dados ecológicos e de biogeografia para um melhor entendimento acerca das espécies ocorrentes na costa brasileira. / The genus Sargassum C. Agardh (Sargassaceae) is one of the most conspicuous among the 41 genera of the order Fucales (Phaeophyceae, Heterokontophyta). The genus has a broad distribution in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world, and is considered an important component of the marine flora. Due to a high phenotipic variation, the taxonomy of the genus is considered of the most complex among the brown seaweeds, as are known the representatives of the class Phaeophyceae. The phylogeny of the order Fucales was studied for the North Hemisphere genera, but is still not well understood. The phylogenetic studies of the genus Sargassum are scarce and limited to a few molecular markers, presenting low resolution for inter-specific analysis and are available only for species from the Indo-Pacific and the North Atlantic. There are no phylogenetic studies including species from the South Atlantic for the genus. This study is the first to analyze sequences from different molecular markers for species from the South Atlantic. In this study, the nuclear SSU rDNA and ITS2 were completely sequenced for the infra-generic taxa Sargassum cymosum var. cymosum, S. cymosum var. nanum, S. furcatum, S. stenophyllum and S. vulgare. All the sequences for both markers presented 100% identity among analyzed taxa. Sequences were also obtained for the chloroplast marker rbcLS, including parcial rbcL and the spacer region rbcLS for the species S. filipendula, S. stenophyllum and S. vulgar. These sequences also presented 100% identity among analyzed taxa. Phylogenetic analysis of each of the molecular markers, including our sequences together with other sequences available in the Genbank and generated by the inference methods Neigbour-joining, maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood were robust and similar to other results described in the literature for the order Fucales and the genus Sargassum. Nonetheless, these results are an indicative of the need for more efficient molecular markers, associated with data from in vitro hibridization, ecology and biogeography for a better understanding about the taxa occurring on the brazilian coast.
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Sargassum seaweed in Guadeloupe: a public health concern : An interview study in Guadeloupe, French West Indies / Sargassum seaweed in Guadeloupe: a public health concern : An interview study in Guadeloupe, French West IndiesGrönroos, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund Strömmar av brunalgen sargassum har drabbat Karibien i flera år, särskilt påtagligt det senaste decenniet, sedan år 2011. Den överväldiga mängden sargassum har förknippats med klimatförändringar och utsläpp av gödningsmedel i havet. Sargassum har påvisats orsaka negativa hälsoeffekter för människan, bland annat yrsel, illamående, andningssvårigheter och eksem. Syfte Syftet i studien var att utforska hur strömmar av brunalgen sargassumpåverkar invånarnas livsstil och hälsa på ön Guadeloupe, samt vilka strategier som används för att hantera sargassum i praktiken. Metod Som datainsamlingsmetod har tio informanter intervjuats genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studiens informanter har bestått av ickestatliga organisationer, verksamheter inom hälso- och sjukvård, samt organisationer inom turism och maritima sektorn. Resultat Resultatet påvisar en ökad mängd oro av hälsoeffekterna kopplade till brunalgen samt ett kunskapsgap då det kommer till hälsoinformation om sargassum. Slutsats Studiens slutsats är att mer information behövs om hälsoeffekterna av sargassum och att hälsolitteracitet bland invånarna bör utvecklas. Även effektivare åtgärder för att göra sig av med brunalgen är nödvändiga. Därtill kan strömmar av sargassum anses vara ett hinder för destinationen att arbeta för Förenta nationernas globala mål nummer tre – god hälsa och välbefinnande, mål tretton – bekämpa klimatförändringarna, samt mål fjorton – hav och marina resurser. / Background Waves of the brown algae sargassum have been floating over the Caribbean for years, but most noticeably during the last decade, since 2011. The overwhelming amount of sargassum has been linked to climate change and the release of fertilisers into the ocean. Sargassum has been shown to cause negative health effects, including dizziness, nausea, breathing difficulties, and eczema. Objective The purpose of the study has been to explore how Guadeloupe is handling the seaweed sargassum, and how inhabitants’ health and lifestyle are affected. Method As a data collection method, ten informants were interviewed through semi-structured interviews. The informants have consisted of nongovernmental organisations, the health care sector and organisations within the tourism and marine sector. Results The results show an increased amount of concern about the health effects linked to the brown algae sargassum and a knowledge gap when it comes to health information about the brown algae. Conclusion The study's conclusion is that more information is needed about the health effects of sargassum, health literacy among the inhabitants requires development, and more effective measures to get rid of brown algae are necessary. In addition, waves of sargassum can be an obstacle for the destination to work for United Nation’s global goals number three -good health and well-being, goal thirteen - climate action, and goal fourteen- life below water.
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Avaliação do potencial metabólico de linhagens de fungos isolados de uma espécie de alga marinha do gênero Sargassum / Evaluation of the metabolic potential of fungal lineages isolated from a species of marine algae of the Sargassum genusRomminger, Stelamar 20 November 2008 (has links)
Os fungos são microrganismos amplamente dispersos, podendo ser encontrados em vegetais, animais, solo e ambientes aquáticos, participando do ciclo de elementos na natureza. Embora muitos papéis ecológicos tenham sido estudados e descritos para os fungos terrestres, a ecologia de fungos marinhos ainda é pouco conhecida. Assim, os oceanos, que representam aproximadamente metade da biodiversidade global, são uma fonte enorme e virtualmente inexplorada de microrganismos produtores de novos produtos naturais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi isolar linhagens de fungos derivados de uma espécie de alga marinha do gênero Sargassum, visando à avaliação do seu potencial para a produção de metabólitos secundários bioativos. Ao todo foram isoladas 58 linhagens, das quais 52 foram crescidas em meio de cultura líquido e, após a extração com solventes orgânicos, deram origem a 99 extratos. Tais extratos foram avaliados por ensaios de atividade biológica, cromatografia em camada delgada (CCD), ressonância magnética nuclear (RMN) e cromatografia líquida acoplada a detectores de arranjo de diodos, espalhamento de luz evaporativo e espectrômetro de massas (LC - PDA - ELSD - MS). A avaliação pelo ensaio antibiótico foi o que resultou no maior número de extratos ativos (n = 13), seguido dos ensaios enzimático (n = 8), citotóxico (n = 3) e anti-tuberculose (n = 1). O extrato AS Fub 39, que apresentou atividade antibiótica, foi selecionado para estudos adicionais. Este extrato foi purificado por HPLC, e o seu composto majoritário identificado como sendo o 8-metóxi-3,5-dimetilisocroman-6-ol. Posteriormente, a linhagem AS Fub 39 foi taxonomicamente identificada como pertencendo à espécie Penicillium steckii. / Fungi are widely disperse microorganisms, typically associated with plants, animals, soil and aquatic environments (fresh and sea water), participating in the elements cycling. Although many ecological roles have been described for terrestrial fungi, ecological studies of marine derived fungi are still scarce. Therefore, oceans, which represent approximately half of the global biodiversity, are a huge and virtually unexplored source of microorganisms producers of interesting metabolites. The aim of this study was to isolate fungal strains derived from a marine algae of the Sargassum genus, and the evaluation of their metabolical potential for the production of secondary metabolites. Overall, 58 strains were isolated, of which 52 were grown in liquid culture media and extracted with organic solvents, originating 99 crude extracts. These extracts were analyzed by bioassays, thin layer chromatography (TLC), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and liquid chromatography coupled with a photo diode array, an evaporative light scattering, and a mass spectrometry detectors (LC - PDA - ELSD - MS). The evaluation with the antibiotic assay resulted in the largest number of active extracts (n = 13), followed by the enzymatic (n = 8), the cytotoxic (n = 3) and the antituberculosis (n = 1) assays. The crude extract AS Fub 39, which presented antibiotic activity, was selected for additional studies. This extract was purified by HPLC, and its major compound identified as the 8-methoxy-3,5-dimethylisocroman-6-ol. Later, the AS Fub 39 strain was taxonomically identified as Penicillium steckii.
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Faunal community structure associated with the bed of subtropical brown seaweed Sargassum siliquastrum (Turn.) Ag. in Hong Kong eastern waters, HKSAR.January 2010 (has links)
Ng, Ka Yan. / "November 2009." / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 329-399). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Acknowledgements --- p.i / Abstract (English) --- p.iv / Abstract (Chinese) --- p.ix / Contents --- p.xii / List of Tables --- p.xix / List of Figures --- p.xxi / Chapter Chapter 1 --- General Introduction / Chapter 1.1 --- Seaweeds as Beneficial Resources to Humans --- p.1 / Chapter 1.2 --- Seaweed Communities as a Habitat --- p.5 / Chapter 1.2.1 --- Reasons for being a Favourable Habitat in the Ocean ´Ø and the Coastal Region --- p.5 / Chapter 1.2.2 --- Characteristics of Seagrass Habitat and its Associated Faunal Communities --- p.8 / Chapter 1.2.3 --- Characteristics of Seaweed Habitat and its Associated Faunal Communities --- p.9 / Chapter --- Seasonality --- p.9 / Chapter --- Structural Complexity --- p.10 / Chapter --- Canopy Effect on Biota --- p.10 / Chapter 1.3 --- Marine Environment and Sargassum Communities in Hong Kong --- p.11 / Chapter 1.4 --- Study Organism: the Sargassum siliquastrum --- p.14 / Chapter 1.5 --- Study Significance and Objectives --- p.16 / Chapter 1.6 --- Study Sites --- p.18 / Chapter 1.7 --- Thesis Organization --- p.21 / Chapter Chapter 2 --- Zooplankton Assemblage in Seaweed Bed of Sargassum siliquastrum and Its Temporal Variation / Chapter 2.1 --- Introduction --- p.27 / Chapter 2.2 --- Materials and Methods --- p.34 / Chapter 2.2.1 --- Sample collection --- p.34 / Chapter 2.2.2 --- Data acquisition --- p.36 / Chapter 2.2.3 --- Data analysis --- p.37 / Chapter 2.3 --- Results --- p.39 / Chapter 2.3.1 --- Temporal Change in Zooplankton Assemblage Composition --- p.39 / Chapter --- Change in Zooplankton Abundance with Time --- p.43 / Chapter --- Temporal Change in Zooplankton Species Composition --- p.44 / Chapter 2.3.2 --- Effects of Vegetation on Zooplankton Assemblage Structure --- p.47 / Chapter --- Comparison between Vegetated and Unvegetated Habitats in terms of Zooplankton Community Structure --- p.47 / Chapter --- Comparison between Vegetated and Unvegetated Habitats in terms of Zooplankton Abundance --- p.50 / Chapter --- Comparison between Vegetated and Unvegetated Habitats in terms of Zooplankton Species Composition --- p.51 / Chapter 2.3.3 --- Temporal Trends of Environmental Factors and their Relationship with Zooplankton Assemblage --- p.58 / Chapter 2.3.4 --- Relationship between Zooplankton Assemblage and Seaweed Phenology --- p.59 / Chapter 2.4 --- Discussion --- p.61 / Chapter 2.4.1 --- Macro-distribution Pattern and Temporal Change in Zooplankton Assemblage Structure in Sargassum siliquastrum Bed --- p.61 / Chapter 2.4.2 --- Effects of Vegetation on the Micro-distribution of Zooplankton within and between Habitats ´ؤ Relationship between Sargassum Phenology and the associated Zooplankton Assemblage Structure --- p.66 / Chapter 2.4.3 --- Species Composition of Zooplankton Assemblage in Seaweed Bed of Sargassum siliquastrum and its Potential Role as Nursery Ground for Fishery Resources --- p.70 / Chapter 2.5 --- Summary and Conclusion --- p.74 / Chapter Chapter 3 --- Effects of Seaweed Canopy on the Structure of Zooplankton Assemblage in the Sargassum siliquastrum Bed / Chapter 3.1 --- Introduction --- p.118 / Chapter 3.2 --- Materials and Methods --- p.121 / Chapter 3.2.1 --- Sample collection --- p.121 / Chapter 3.2.2 --- Data acquisition --- p.122 / Chapter 3.2.3 --- Data analysis --- p.123 / Chapter 3.3 --- Results --- p.125 / Chapter 3.3.1 --- Effects of Canopy on Zooplankton Community Structure --- p.125 / Chapter 3.3.2 --- "Comparison between Control, Treatment and Unvegetated Habitats in terms of Zooplankton Abundance and Its Temporal Variation" --- p.127 / Chapter 3.3.3 --- "Comparison between Control, Treatment and Unvegetated Habitats in terms of Zooplankton Species Composition and Its Temporal Variation" --- p.128 / Chapter 3.4 --- Discussion --- p.134 / Chapter 3.4.1 --- Effects of Canopy Removal on the Zooplankton Assemblage Structure --- p.134 / Chapter 3.4.2 --- Role of Seaweed Canopy in Zooplankton Community and the Potential Impacts of Canopy Removal on the Coastal Ecosystem --- p.137 / Chapter 3.5 --- Summary and Conclusion --- p.141 / Chapter Chapter 4 --- Epiphytic Faunal Assemblages in Seaweed Bed of Sargassum siliquastrum and its Temporal Variation / Chapter 4.1 --- Introduction --- p.153 / Chapter 4.2 --- Materials and Methods --- p.161 / Chapter 4.2.1 --- Sample collection --- p.161 / Chapter 4.2.2 --- Data acquisition --- p.162 / Chapter 4.2.3 --- Data analysis --- p.163 / Chapter 4.3 --- Results --- p.165 / Chapter 4.3.1 --- Temporal Change in Epiphytic Faunal Assemblage Composition and Comparison among Sites --- p.165 / Chapter --- Temporal Change in Epiphytic Faunal Density and Comparison among Sites --- p.171 / Chapter --- Temporal Change in Epiphytic Faunal Species Richness and Comparison among Sites --- p.172 / Chapter --- Temporal Change in Epiphytic Faunal Species Composition --- p.175 / Chapter --- Occurrence of Caprellidean and Its Variation with Seaweed Growth Stages --- p.179 / Chapter 4.3.2 --- Temporal Trends of Environmental Factors and their Relationship with Epiphytic Faunal Assemblage --- p.179 / Chapter 4.4 --- Discussion --- p.181 / Chapter 4.4.1 --- Temporal Change in Epiphytic Faunal Assemblage Structure --- p.181 / Chapter 4.4.2 --- Species Composition of Epiphytic Faunal Assemblage in Seaweed Bed of Sargassum siliquastrum and Its Potential Role as Nursery Grounds --- p.191 / Chapter 4.4.3 --- Distribution of Epiphytic Fauna in Seaweed Bed of Sargassum siliquastrum among Different Localities --- p.196 / Chapter 4.4.4 --- Relationship of Epiphytic Faunal Assemblage with Environmental Factors --- p.197 / Chapter 4.5 --- Summary and Conclusion --- p.198 / Chapter Chapter 5 --- Relationship of Epiphytic Faunal Assemblage with the Structural Complexity of Seaweed Sargassum siliquastrum / Chapter 5.1 --- Introduction --- p.234 / Chapter 5.2 --- Materials and Methods --- p.239 / Chapter 5.2.1 --- Sample collection --- p.239 / Chapter 5.2.2 --- Data acquisition --- p.241 / Chapter 5.2.3 --- Data analysis --- p.243 / Chapter 5.3 --- Results --- p.245 / Chapter 5.3.1 --- Effects of Macroalgal Structural Complexity on the Associated Epiphytic Faunal Assemblage Structure --- p.245 / Chapter --- Effects on Epiphytic Faunal Abundance --- p.245 / Chapter --- Effects on Epiphytic Faunal Species Richness --- p.247 / Chapter --- Relationship among Parameters of Sargassum siliquastrum --- p.248 / Chapter 5.3.2 --- Within-plant Zonation of Epiphytic Faunal Assemblage Structure --- p.249 / Chapter --- Within-plant Distribution of Epiphytic Faunal Density --- p.250 / Chapter --- Within-plant Distribution of Epiphytic Species Richness --- p.252 / Chapter --- Within-plant Distribution of Epiphytic Faunal Species Composition --- p.253 / Chapter --- Physical Parameters Associated with Each Zone of Sargassum siliquastrum --- p.257 / Chapter 5.4 --- Discussion --- p.260 / Chapter 5.4.1 --- Effects of Macroalgal Structural Complexity and Biomass on the Associated Epiphytic Faunal Assemblage Structure --- p.260 / Chapter 5.4.2 --- Within-plant Zonation of Epiphytic Faunal Assemblage Structure --- p.264 / Chapter 5.5 --- Summary and Conclusion --- p.273 / Chapter Chapter 6 --- Synthesis and Perspectives --- p.320 / References --- p.329
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Uso de materiais lígneo-celulósicos, como fonte de carbono para bactérias redutoras de sulfato, na remoção de metais pesados / Use of ligneous-celulosic material like a carbon source for sulphate-reducing bacteria in the heavy metal removalLuiz Antonio de Oliveira Mello 26 January 2007 (has links)
Quando as wetlands alcançam a máxima capacidade de tratamento para remover metais pesados, a remoção ainda pode ocorrer por precipitação na forma de sulfetos devido a redução biológica de sulfato. Para alcançar este objetivo, devem ser promovidas condições anaeróbias, uma fonte de sulfato deve existir e uma fonte adequada de carbono/energia deve estar presente. No presente trabalho, a macroalga Sargassum filipendula e bagaço de cana-de-açúcar (materiais lígneo-celulósicos) foram selecionados como fontes de carbono, devido ao seu acentuado conteúdo de compostos orgânicos de degradação lenta e serem resíduos de alta disponibilidade. Experimentos foram simultaneamente conduzidos em operação contínua em duas colunas (0,5 L cada), uma contendo a macroalga e/ou bagaço de cana-de-açúcar e a outra contendo os materiais inoculados com um lodo anaeróbio. Neste trabalho, foi estudada a remoção de cádmio e zinco, devido à presença deles em efluentes de operações de mineração/metalurgia. Os ensaios foram realizados sob três diferentes condições experimentais no que se refere à quantidade de lodo anaeróbio inoculado no reator e o material empregado como fonte de carbono/energia. Os resultados indicaram que o reator inoculado foi capaz de tratar o efluente mais eficientemente que o reator não inoculado, considerando o período dos testes / When wetlands reach maximum treatment capacity to remove heavy metals, removal can still take place through precipitation as sulphides, due to biological reduction of sulphate. To achieve this goal, anaerobic conditions must be attained, a sulphate source must exist, and an adequate carbon/energy source must be present. In the present work, the seaweed Sargassum filipendula and sugarcane bagasse (ligneous-cellulosic materials) have been selected as carbon sources, due to their high content of slow degradation organic compounds and high availability as waste materials. Experiments were simultaneously conducted in continuous operation in two columns (0.5 L each), one containing the seaweed and/or sugarcane bagasse and another containing the materials inoculated with an anaerobic sludge. In this work, the removal of cadmium and zinc was studied, due to their presence in effluents from mining/metallurgy operations. The rehearsals were accomplished under three different experimental conditions in what refers to the amount of anaerobic mud inoculated in the reactor and employed material as carbon/energy source. The results obtained indicated that the inoculated reactor was able to treat the effluent more efficiently than the non inoculated reactor, considering the time-course of the tests
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Estudo químico dos organismos marinhos Aplysina fistularis Pallas e Sargassum polyceratium Montagne.Lira, Narlize Silva 06 August 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-08-06 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Algae and marine sponges have been the targets of important scientific researches in the last 50 years, with a large number of secondary metabolites isolated and identified, showing a wide structural variety where certain compounds are useful in characterizing classes of algae and sponges fact of great importance for chemists, taxonomists and ecologists. These substances exhibit many biological activities, such as defense against consumers and competitors, and colonial and pathogen organisms; or they display reproductive function. This thesis describes the results from the chemical study of Sargassum polyceratium Montagne, a seaweed from the Sargassaceae family, and Aplysina fistularis Pallas, a marine sponge from the Aplysinidae family. Both species had their chemical constituents identified by spectroscopic methods such as IR, mass and 1H and 13C-1D and -2D NMR, and by comparison with literature. The following porphirinic derivatives were isolated from S. polyceratium: 132-hydroxy-(132-R)-phaephytin a, 132-hydroxy-(132-S)-phaeophytin a,phaeophytin a and the steroid fucosterol. The chemical study of A. fistularis led us to the reisolation of the alkaloid and acetamide: 2-(3,5-dibromo 4methoxypheny,N,N,Ntrimethylethanamonium and (3,5-dibromo-4-ethoxy-1-hydroxy-4-methoxycyclohexa-2,5-dienyl) acetamide, and to the isolation of alkaloid 3,5-dibromo-4-[3 dimethylamonium]propoxyphenyl]-N,N,N trimethylethanamonium (aplysfistularine),reported for the first time. The ethanolic extract from S. polyceratium was evaluated for psicopharmacological effects, showing behavioral changes of CNS depressant type. The ethanolic, hexanic and dichloromethanic extracts as well as the mixture (132-hydroxy-(132-R)-phaephytin a and 132-hydroxy-(132-S)-phaeophytin a) were not capable of inhibiting the
growth of the tested lineages, showing negative antimicrobial activity. However they were capable of modifying the antibiotic activity, modulating the bacterial resistance between 2x to 4x. The isolated compounds from A. fistularis show inhibition of the DNA enzyme Topoisomerase II-α, with further biological studies needed for determining the compounds potency. Therefore, the present results contribute for the chemical study of marine organisms from species S. polyceratium and A. fistularis. / As algas e as esponjas marinhas têm sido alvos de pesquisas científicas importantes nos últimos 50 anos, de onde foram isolados e caracterizados um grande número de metabólitos
secundários, com ampla variedade estrutural, determinadas substâncias podem caracterizar as classes de algas e esponjas, fato de grande importância para os químicos, taxonomistas e ecologistas. Estas substâncias exercem inúmeras atividades biológicas, como: defesa contra consumidores, competidores, organismos coloniais e patógenos ou apresentam função reprodutiva. Este trabalho descreve os resultados do estudo químico dos organismos marinhos Sargassum polyceratium Montagne e Aplysina fistularis Pallas, uma alga marinha da família Sargassaceae e uma esponja marinha da família Aplysinidae, respectivamente. Os constituintes químicos foram identificados através da análise de dados obtidos por métodos espectroscópicos como infravermelho, massas e ressonância magnética nuclear de 1H e 13Cuni e bidimensionais, além de comparação com valores da literatura. Da espécie S. polyceratium foram isolados os derivados porfirínicos: 132-hidroxi-(132-R)-feofitina a, 132-
hidroxi-(132-S)-feofitina a, feofitina a e o esteróide fucosterol. O estudo químico da A.fistularis resultou no reisolamento do alcaloide e da acetamida: 2-(3,5-dibromo-4-
metoxifenil)-N,N,N-trimetiletanamônio e (3,5-dibromo-4-etoxi-1-hidroxi-4-metoxicicloexa-2,5-dienila) acetamida, e no isolamento do alcaloide 3,5-dibromo-4-[3 dimetilamônio]propoxifenil]-N,N,N-trimetiletanamônio (aplysfistularina), aqui descrito pela primeira vez. A avaliação dos efeitos psicofarmacológicos do extrato etanólico do S. polyceratium induziu alterações comportamentais, do tipo depressora do SNC. Os extratos etanólico, hexânico, diclorometânico e a mistura (132-hidroxi-(132-R)-feofitina a e 132-hidroxi-(132-S)-feofitina a) não foram capazes de inibir o crescimento das linhagens testadas, apresentando atividade antimicrobiana negativa. Porém foram capazes de modificar a atividade antibiótica, diminuindo entre 2x à 4x a resistência bacteriana. As substâncias isoladas da A. fistularis mostraram inibição da enzima DNA Topoisomerase II-α, sendo necessárias outras avaliações biológicas para determinar a potência dos compostos. Assim, os resultados obtidos neste trabalho contribuíram para o estudo químico dos organismos
marinhos das espécies S. polyceratium e A. fistularis.
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Estudo da cinética, do equilíbrio e dinâmica de biossorção do íon manganês (II) pela biomassa Sargassum filipendula / Study of the kinetics, the equilibrium and the dynamics of manganese (II) ion biosorption by sargassum filipendula biomassMarcelo Martins dos Reis 16 June 2008 (has links)
O crescente aumento no uso de metais e outros produtos químicos nos processos industriais tem resultado na geração de grandes quantidades de efluentes aquosos que contém altos níveis de metais tóxicos, o que gera sérios problemas ambientais associados ao descarte destes efluentes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar uma investigação da biossorção do íon manganês II de uma solução aquosa utilizando a biomassa seca Sargassum filipendula. O processo foi conduzido em batelada com um posterior estudo dinâmico do processo em regime contínuo em um reator de leito fixo. No processo em batelada, a influência de diferentes parâmetros experimentais foram avaliados: pH inicial, tempo de biossorção, temperatura e concentração inicial do íon manganês II no equilíbrio de biossorção do sistema. No processo em regime contínuo, foi utilizada uma coluna de leito fixo, sendo avaliados os seguintes parâmetros: vazão de alimentação e concentração inicial de manganês II em solução. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a capacidade de biossorção não foi afetada pelo pH na faixa de 3,0 a 7,0, mas diminuiu de modo significativo para pH inferior a 3,0. A isoterma de Langmuir foi a que melhor descreveu o equilíbrio de biossorção, que foi pouco afetado pela temperatura. O processo de biossorção obedeceu a uma cinética de pseudo segunda-ordem, cuja taxa também não sofreu efeito significativo da temperatura. Os resultados obtidos nos estudos em batelada indicam que a Sargassum filipendula possui potencial para a remoção de íons manganês, apresentando capacidade de adsorção igual a 0,80 mmol/g, valor comparável àqueles observados para outros íons tóxicos. Os valores para capacidade de biossorção calculados no sistema contínuo foram superiores aos encontrados para o estudo em batelada, o que foi associado às diferentes condições de equilíbrio existentes nos dois sistemas. O processo de biossorção do manganês em leito fixo, mostrou-se eficiente para concentrações iniciais do efluente menores que 500 mg/L. Para uma concentração inicial de 60 mg/L, com 9 horas de processo o ponto de ruptura foi alcançado, 26 L de solução foram tratados de acordo com a concentração exigida pelo CONAMA para o despejo em um corpo receptor. / The increasing use of metals and other chemicals in industrial processes has resulted in the generation of large quantities of aqueous effluents containing high levels of toxic metals, which cause serious environmental problems associated with the disposal of effluents. This work was doing a research on removing manganese II ions of an aqueous solution using the dry biomass Sargassum filipendula. A basic investigation on the removal of manganese II ions from aqueous solutions by dead Sargassum filipendula was conducted in batch and in a fixed- bed column. The influence of different experimental parameters was evaluated in batch conditions: initial pH, sorption time, temperature, and initial concentrations of manganese II ions on metal uptake. Continuous-flow sorption experiments were conducted in a fixed-bed column. The parameters evaluated were: effluent flow rate and initial concentration of manganese II solution. The results indicate that the metal uptake capacity was not affected by pH in the range of 3.0 to 7.0, but decreased significantly to less than pH 3.0. The equilibrium biosorption was better described by Langmuir isotherm, which was little affected by temperature. The process of biosorption followed the kinetics of a pseudo-second order, whose rate also has not suffered significant effect of temperature. The results obtained in a batch studies indicate that the Sargassum filipendula has potential for the removal of manganese ions, its maximum uptake capacity equal 0.80 mmol/g, a result comparable to those observed for other toxic ions. The results for capacity of biosorption calculated in continuous system were higher than those found in batch for the study, which was associated with the different conditions of balance in the two existing systems. The process of biosorption of manganese in fixed-bed reactor, has proved effective for initial concentrations lower than 500 mg/L. For an initial concentration of 60 mg/L, with nine hours to process the breaking point was reached, 26 L of solution were treated in accordance with the concentration required by CONAMA for emptying into a body receiver.
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Uso de materiais lígneo-celulósicos, como fonte de carbono para bactérias redutoras de sulfato, na remoção de metais pesados / Use of ligneous-celulosic material like a carbon source for sulphate-reducing bacteria in the heavy metal removalLuiz Antonio de Oliveira Mello 26 January 2007 (has links)
Quando as wetlands alcançam a máxima capacidade de tratamento para remover metais pesados, a remoção ainda pode ocorrer por precipitação na forma de sulfetos devido a redução biológica de sulfato. Para alcançar este objetivo, devem ser promovidas condições anaeróbias, uma fonte de sulfato deve existir e uma fonte adequada de carbono/energia deve estar presente. No presente trabalho, a macroalga Sargassum filipendula e bagaço de cana-de-açúcar (materiais lígneo-celulósicos) foram selecionados como fontes de carbono, devido ao seu acentuado conteúdo de compostos orgânicos de degradação lenta e serem resíduos de alta disponibilidade. Experimentos foram simultaneamente conduzidos em operação contínua em duas colunas (0,5 L cada), uma contendo a macroalga e/ou bagaço de cana-de-açúcar e a outra contendo os materiais inoculados com um lodo anaeróbio. Neste trabalho, foi estudada a remoção de cádmio e zinco, devido à presença deles em efluentes de operações de mineração/metalurgia. Os ensaios foram realizados sob três diferentes condições experimentais no que se refere à quantidade de lodo anaeróbio inoculado no reator e o material empregado como fonte de carbono/energia. Os resultados indicaram que o reator inoculado foi capaz de tratar o efluente mais eficientemente que o reator não inoculado, considerando o período dos testes / When wetlands reach maximum treatment capacity to remove heavy metals, removal can still take place through precipitation as sulphides, due to biological reduction of sulphate. To achieve this goal, anaerobic conditions must be attained, a sulphate source must exist, and an adequate carbon/energy source must be present. In the present work, the seaweed Sargassum filipendula and sugarcane bagasse (ligneous-cellulosic materials) have been selected as carbon sources, due to their high content of slow degradation organic compounds and high availability as waste materials. Experiments were simultaneously conducted in continuous operation in two columns (0.5 L each), one containing the seaweed and/or sugarcane bagasse and another containing the materials inoculated with an anaerobic sludge. In this work, the removal of cadmium and zinc was studied, due to their presence in effluents from mining/metallurgy operations. The rehearsals were accomplished under three different experimental conditions in what refers to the amount of anaerobic mud inoculated in the reactor and employed material as carbon/energy source. The results obtained indicated that the inoculated reactor was able to treat the effluent more efficiently than the non inoculated reactor, considering the time-course of the tests
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Biossor??o utilizando alga marinha (sargassum sp.) aplicada em meio org?nicoMoreira, Albina da Silva 07 December 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-12-07 / In this work, biosorption process was used to remove heavy metals from used automotive lubricating oils by a bus fleet from Natal-RN-Brazil. This oil was characterized to determine the physical-chemistry properties. It was also characterized the used oil with the aim of determining and quantifying the heavy metal concentration. Fe and Cu were the metals existent in large concentration and these metals were choused to be studied in solubilization process. For the biosorption process was used the seaweed Sargassum sp for the study of influencing of the metals presents separately and with other metals. It was also studied the effect of the protonation treatment of alga with the objective to know the best efficiency of heavy metals removal. The study of the solubilization showed that the presence of more than a metal favors the solubilization of the metals presents in the oil and consequently, it favors the biosorption process, what becomes interesting the perspective application in the heavy metals removal in lubricating oils used, because the presence of more than a heavy metal favors the solubility of all metals present. It was observed that the iron and copper metals, which are present in large concentration, the protonated biosorbtent was more effective. In this study we used as biomass the marine alga Sargassum sp to study the influence of agitation velocity, temperature and initial biomass concentration on the removal of iron and copper from used lubricant oils. We performed an experimental design and a kinetic study. The experiments were carried out with samples of used lubricant oil and predetermined amounts of algae, allowing sufficient time for the mixture to obtain equilibrium under controlled conditions. The results showed that, under the conditions studied, the larger the amount of biomass present, the lower the adsorption capacity of the iron and of the copper, likely due to a decrease in interface contact area. The experimental design led us to conclude that a function can be obtained that shows the degree of influence of each one of the system variables / No presente trabalho escolheu-se o ?leo lubrificante automotivo usado de uma frota de ?nibus da cidade de Natal-RN-Brasil. Este ?leo foi caracterizado, indicando que os metais contidos em maior concentra??o s?o Ferro (Fe) e Cobre (Cu). Para o processo de biossor??o utilizou-se a alga marinha feof?cea Sargassum sp para se estudar a influ?ncia da presen?a de metal isoladamente e com outros metais. Estudou-se ainda o efeito do tratamento deprotona??o na alga visando a efici?ncia de remo??o de metais pesados. O estudo da solubiliza??o mostrou-se interessante para a aplica??o na remo??o de metais pesados em ?leos lubrificantes usados, j? que a presen?a de mais de um
metal pesado favorece a solubilidade de todos os metais presentes. Observou-se que, para os metais Fe e Cu, que est?o presentes no ?leo em maiores concentra??es, a utiliza??o do biossorvente protonado foi mais eficiente. Para estudar a influ?ncia da velocidade de agita??o, da temperatura, da quantidade de biomassa e da concentra??o inicial de biomassa na remo??o de Fe e Cu presentes em ?leos
lubrificantes usados utilizou-se a alga marinha Sargassum sp. protonada. Foi realizado um planejamento experimental e um estudo cin?tico. A partir dos resultados obtidos observou-se que nas condi??es estudadas, ? medida que a quantidade de biomassa aumenta, ? menor a capacidade de adsor??o do Fe e do Cu. Do planejamento experimental p?de-se concluir que ? poss?vel obter uma fun??o que mostre o n?vel de influ?ncia de cada uma das vari?veis do sistema. Sendo que para o Fe a vari?vel mais relevante foi a quantidade de biomassa e para o Cu foi a temperatura
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