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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Carrier profiling of ZnO nanowire structures by scanning capacitance microscopy and scanning spreading resistance microscopy / Profilage porteur de structures de nanofils ZnO par microscopie à capacité de balayage et microscopie à dispersion

Wang, Lin 28 April 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur l'application des techniques Scanning Capacitance Microscopy (SCM) et Scanning Spreading Resistance Microscopy (SSRM) pour la caractérisation électrique de nanofils de ZnO avec l'objectif d'en déterminer le dopage par profilage des porteurs libres suite à des essais de dopage de type p. Afin de pouvoir utiliser un référentiel planaire nécessaire à ces mesures par sonde locale, un procédé de remplissage par dip-coating et de polissage a été spécialement développé sur des champs de nanofils quasi-verticaux. De plus, dans le but de parvenir à un étalonnage des mesures SCM et SSRM, nous avons conçu et fait fabriquer des échantillons étalons de dopage de type n, contenant des niveaux de Ga en escalier de densité variable de 2×10^17 à 3×10^20 cm^-3. Les mesures sur des coupes transversales de ces deux de structures multicouches ont permis, pour la première fois sur ZnO d'établir un étalonnage des mesures SCM et SSRM et de déterminer le dopage intrinsèque électriquement actif de couches 2D nanométriques, résultat difficilement atteignable par d'autres techniques d'analyse. Des résultats inattendus de concentration résiduelle de porteur de l'ordre de 2×10^18 et 3×10^18 cm^-3 ont été trouvés sur les nanofils de ZnO crus par MOCVD et par CBD respectivement. Outre la caractérisation électrique microscopique des nanofils par SCM et SSRM, des techniques macroscopiques classiques ont été utilisées pour caractériser des assemblées importantes de nanofils de ZnO. L'origine de la difference entre les résultats de deux genres de technique a été discutée. Nous avons aussi étudié les effets des dopages ex-situ par diffusion du phosphore (procédé SOD) et des dopages in situ par incorporation d'antimoine (Sb) pendant la croissance MOCVD. Les résultats majeurs sont obtenus pour l'antimoine, en utilisant des couches ZnO: Sb 2D et des nanofils cœur-coquille ZnO/ZnO: Sb, ou l'hypothèse d'une compensation partielle du dopage n résiduel par un centre accepteur créé par le dopage Sb semble pouvoir être établie raisonnablement. / Based on atomic force microscope (AFM), scanning capacitance microscopy (SCM) and scanning spreading resistance microscopy (SSRM) have demonstrated high efficiency for two dimensional (2D) electrical characterizations of Si semiconductors at nanoscale and then have been extensively employed in Si-based structures/devices before being extended to the study of some other semiconductor materials. However, ZnO, a representative of the third generation semiconductor material, being considered a promising candidate for future devices in many areas, especially in opto-electronic area, has rarely been addressed. Recently, extensive research interests have been attracted by ZnO NWs for future devices such as LED, UV laser and sensor. Therefore, a good understanding of electrical properties of the NWs is in need. In this context, this thesis work is dedicated to the 2D electrical characterization of ZnO NWs with the focus of carrier profiling on this kind of nanostructure in the effort of their p-type doping. For this purpose, a planarization process has been developed for the NWs structure in order to obtain an appropriate sample surface and perform SCM/SSRM measurements on the top of the NWs. For quantitative analysis, Ga doped ZnO multilayer staircase structures were developed serving as calibration samples. Finally, residual carrier concentrations inside the CBD and MOCVD grown ZnO NWs are determined to be around 3×10^18 cm^-3 and 2×10^18 cm^-3, respectively. The results from SCM/SSRM characterization have been compared with that from macroscopic C-V measurements on collective ZnO NWs and the differences are discussed. In addition to carrier profiling on NWs structure, applications of SCM/SSRM on some other ZnO-based nanostructures are also investigated including ZnO:Sb films, ZnO/ZnO:Sb core-shell NWs structure, ZnO/ZnMgO core-multishell coaxial heterostructures.

Materiais e técnicas para nanoestruturas magnetoelétricas compósitas / Materials and techniques for composite magnetoelectric nanostructures

Mori, Thiago José de Almeida 19 December 2014 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Hybrid nanostructures which integrate two or more technologically interesting physical properties are fundamental for developing new generations of electronic devices. Exhibiting at least two coupled ferroic orders, multiferroics are an outstanding class of multifunctional materials. Compounds which present coupling between ferromagnetism and ferroelectricity are specially interesting. Although natural multiferroics are rarely found, the possibility of obtaining strain-mediated magnetoelectric coupling in composite structures, by integrating magnetostrictive and piezoelectric layers, paves the way to control electric properties by applying magnetic field or to the electric control of magnetism. Nevertheless, most scientific efforts have been on monophasic compounds or bulk composites. Considering the incorporation of magnetoelectric nanostructures in devices, expanding the scope of the magnetoelectric effect and targetting it to different kinds of applications is needed. Besides new characterization techniques, seeking new alternative materials to the lead-based piezoelectrics or oxide-based magnetostrictives is necessary. Recently, a few works using semiconductors such as ZnO and AlN, or amorphous magnetic alloys such as those based on Co, Fe and Ni, have been reported. In spite of not presenting remarkable piezoelectric and magnetostrictive effects, the features of such materials are promising for high frequency applications, for instance. Considering these issues, four independent surveys are presented. Firstly, the origin of the coupling, latest advances and current scenario of the field are reviewed. Then magnetostriction measurements in thin films are addressed by employing a direct technique based on the cantilever-capacitance method. The goals are to study magnetoelastic properties of some materials whose magnetostriction are not found very often in literature, and to check the reliability of this technique for investigating thin films. In this sense, measurements of some amorphous magnetic alloys mainly based on Co, Fe and Ni are performed. Most samples presents larger magnetoelastic response for magnetic field applied along the magnetization easy axis, as opposed to the theoretically expected. Two investigations on aluminum nitride thin films are reported. Firstly, the growth of AlN films onto several different substrates and buffer layers is studied. Films grown onto glass and polyimide show excellent structural properties for eletromechanical systems and flexible electronics applications. Samples with low residual stress on silicon substrates, suitable for incorporating in existing technologies, are obtained. Secondly, bilayers composed by AlN and ferromagnetic films are investigated. In addition to the structural and morphological properties of the AlN films which are checked, the magnetic characterization of the structures also contributes to design multilayers for exploring the magnetoelectric effect. Finally, problems involving electric fields in scanning probe microscopies are adressed. Surface images of AlN piezoelectric films are systematically acquired. Among other major observations, the possibility of getting reliable piezoresponse images of strongly polarized areas as well as of visualizing ferroelastic domains, is demonstrated. Furthermore, a new microscopy for investigating a sample s ferro and piezoelectric properties is proposed, exploring the direct piezoelectric effect. By utilizing acoustic excitation and electrical detection, the potency of this technique is illustrated with measurements on quartz and AlN surfaces. / Nanoestruturas híbridas, integrando duas ou mais propriedades físicas de grande interesse tecnológico, são fundamentais para o desenvolvimento de novas gerações de dispositivos eletrônicos. Uma classe interessante de materiais multifuncionais são os multiferróicos, que exibem pelo menos duas ordens ferróicas acopladas. Dentre eles, os que apresentam acoplamento entre ferromagnetismo e ferroeletricidade despertam interesse especial. Apesar de serem raros de ocorrer naturalmente, a possibilidade de gerar efeito magnetoelétrico em estruturas compósitas, intermediado pela deformação elástica entre camadas magnetostrictivas e piezoelétricas, abre caminho para que seja possível controlar propriedades elétricas aplicando-se campo magnético, ou propriedades magnéticas aplicando-se campo elétrico. Todavia, a maior parte das pesquisas atuais ainda envolve compostos monofásicos ou compósitos em forma massiva. Tendo em vista a incorporação de nanoestruturas magnetoelétricas em dispositivos, é fundamental ampliar a abrangência do efeito magnetoelétrico e direcioná-lo para diferentes tipos de aplicações. Para isto, além de novas técnicas de caracterização, é necessário buscar-se materiais alternativos aos tradicionais piezoelétricos baseados em chumbo e magnetostrictivos baseados em óxidos. Recentemente tem-se encontrado trabalhos pontuais onde são utilizados piezoelétricos semicondutores como ZnO e AlN, e ligas magnéticas amorfas como as baseadas em Co, Fe e Ni. Mesmo sem apresentar efeitos piezoelétrico e magnetostrictivo com magnitudes notáveis, as características destes materiais são promissoras para aplicações envolvendo altas frequências, por exemplo. Neste necessário, são apresentados quatro estudos independentes entre si. Primeiramente, é realizada uma revisão sobre a origem do acoplamento, os últimos avanços e o panorama atual das pesquisas na área. Em seguida, através de uma técnica direta baseada no método do cantiléver-capacitância, aborda-se o problema das medidas de magnetostricção em amostras na forma de filmes finos. Os objetivos são estudar as propriedades magnetoelásticas em alguns materiais que não são frequentemente abordados pela literatura, e avaliar a potencialidade da técnica para a análise de filmes finos. Para isto, são realizadas medidas principalmente em ligas ferromagnéticas amorfas baseadas em Co, Fe e Ni. Para a maioria das amostras analisadas, a resposta magnetoelástica é maior quando o campo magnético é aplicado na direção do eixo de fácil magnetização, de forma contrária à esperada teoricamente. São apresentadas duas investigações envolvendo filmes finos de nitreto de alumínio. Primeiro é estudado o crescimento de filmes de AlN sobre vários substratos e camadas semente. Filmes crescidos sobre vidro e poliimida apresentam excelentes propriedades estruturais para aplicações em sistemas eletromecânicos e eletrônica flexível. Amostras obtidas com baixos valores de tensão residual, sobre substratos de silício, são interessantes para incorporação em tecnologias existentes. Segundo, são investigadas bicamadas de AlN com filmes ferromagnéticos. Além das propriedades estruturais e morfológicas dos filmes de AlN, a análise das características magnéticas das estruturas contribui para o design de multicamadas que exploram o efeito magnetoelétrico. Finalmente, são abordados problemas em medidas de microscopias de varredura por sonda envolvendo campos elétricos. Imagens da superfície de filmes piezoelétricos de AlN foram coletadas sistematicamente. Entre outras observações importantes, demonstra-se que é possível adquirir imagens confiáveis de piezo-resposta em regiões fortemente polarizadas, e visualizar a formação de domínios ferroelásticos. Também é proposta uma nova técnica de microscopia, para investigar as propriedades ferro e piezoelétricas de uma amostra, explorando o efeito piezoelétrico direto. Utilizando excitação acústica e detecção elétrica, o potencial da nova técnica é demonstrado com imagens de superfícies cristalinas de quartzo e AlN.

Elaborations et caractérisations d'auto-assemblages dipolaires par microscopie à effet tunnel / Formation and scanning tunnrling microscopy characterisation of dipolar self-assembly

Beyer, Matthieu 15 December 2015 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse est consacré à l’étude d’auto-assemblages de molécules organiques π-conjuguées par microscopie à effet tunnel (STM)sous ultra-vide sur une surface de silicium dopée bore. Le manuscrit est constitué de cinq chapitres : dans le premier chapitre, nous présentons un état de l’art des assemblages organiques sur les surfaces métalliques et sur les semi-conducteurs. Le chapitre deux décrit le dispositif expérimental utilisé au cours de cette thèse. Il présente également le substrat de Si(111)-B et fournit les concepts théoriques associés à la microscopie à effet tunnel. Le troisième chapitre décrit en détail les réseaux supramoléculaires obtenus à partir d’une molécule aromatique halogénée de symétrieC2. L’adsorption de 4,4"-dibromo-p-terphényle conduit à la formation de deux types de structures compactes (l’une en bande et l’autre en chevron) stables à température ambiante et commensurables avec la surface. Nous montrons que ces architectures sont pilotées conjointement par la liaison hydrogène, la liaison halogène et du π -stacking. Le quatrième chapitre étudie l’influence du nombre de cycles aromatiques sur la géométrie et la périodicité d’auto-assemblages obtenus sur Si (111) -B. Pour cela, nous avons synthétisé deux molécules organiques composées d’une partie centrale aromatique et de deux chaînes latérales (O-(CH2)9-CH3). La partie centrale est constituée respectivement de trois ou cinq cycles phényles terminées par des groupements cyano. Nous nous sommes également intéressés à l’influence des groupements terminaux sur l’organisation du réseau. Nous montrons que l’effet des groupements cyano sur les interactions "molécule/molécule" et sur les interactions "molécule/surface" est négligeable. A partir des travaux obtenus dans le chapitre 4, nous concluons notre manuscrit en présentant des réseaux supramoléculaires de molécules dipolaires. Ces réseaux forment des lignes de dipôles. Nous montrons que sur de petites échelles les molécules favorisent un alignement de leurs moments dipolaires. / This work is dedicated to the investigation under ultra high vacuum of _-conjugated molecule on a silicon surface by means of scanningtunneling microscopy (STM). The manuscript consists of five chapters.In the first chapter, we present a state-of-the-art of organic assembly on metal and semiconductor.Chapter two describes the experimental setup using during thesis. It also shows Si(111)-B substrate and gives theoretical conceptsassociated with the scanning tunneling microscopy.The third chapter describes in detail the supramolecular network obtained from an aromatic halogenated molecule with C2 symmetry. Theadsorption of 4,4"-dibromo-p-terphenyl leads to the formation of two kinds of compacts structures (a stripe structure and a herringbonestructure). The formed networks are stable at room temperature and commensurable with the surface. These architectures are promotedby hydrogen bond, halogen bond and _-stacking.Chapter four studies influence of benzene ring number on the geometry and the periodicity of self-assemblies on Si(111)-B. To do that,we have synthesis two organics molecules composed of an aromatic central part and two laterals chains (O-(CH2)9-CH3). The centralpart is composed of respectively three or five phenyl ring ended by cyano groups. We are also interested to the terminal groups effecton the network organisation. We show that the cyano groups effect on the "molecule/molecule" interaction and the "molecule/surface"interaction are negligible. Basis of the work conducted on the chapter four, we conclude our manuscript by presenting supramolecularsnetworks of dipolar molecule. These networks form dipole lines. We show that on small scale the molecules promote an alignment of theirdipolar moments.

Lokální optické a elektrické charakteristiky optoelektronických součástek / Local optical and electrical characteristics of optoelectronic devices

Škarvada, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
Solar energy conversion, miniaturization of semiconductor devices and associated lifetime, reliability and efficiency of devices are the basic premise of this work. This work is focused on the study of optoelectronic devices especially solar cells and its nondestructive diagnostic. Solar cells are advantageous for study mainly because the pn junction is located near the surface and contains a lot of inhomogeneities. It has been difficult until recently to investigate their local physical (electrical and optical) parameters due to the size of inhomogeneities. Behavior of inhomogeneities can be well understood with knowledge of its local properties. Establishment of measurement workplace, that satisfies requirements for measurement of local emission and optically induced current measurement, allows us detection and localization of inhomogeneities with spatial resolution more or less 100 nm. The core of thesis is characterization of imperfection using nondestructive techniques in the macroscopic region but primarily in microscopic region using scanning probe microscopy. Integral parts of the work are characterization techniques for photoelectrical devices, microscopic techniques and data processing. Scanning near-field optical microscope is used for the purpose of microscopic characterization such as topography, local optical, photoelectrical and electrooptical properties of structures in high spatial resolution. Locally induced current technique, current voltage characteristics, emission from reversed bias pn junction measurement including its thermal dependence are used for samples investigation in macroscopical region. It is possible to localize defects and structure inhomogeneity using mentioned techniques. Localised defects are consequently analyzed for composition and measured using electron microscopy. Specific outputs of work are classification of photoelectric devices defects and specification of nondestructive characterization techniques used for defect detection. Experimental characterization techniques are described together with defects measurement procedures. The key output is the catalog of serious defects which was detected. Particular defects of samples are shown including describe of its properties and physical meaning.

Nedestruktivní lokální diagnostika optoelektronických součástek / Non-Destructive Local Diagnostics of Optoelectronic Devices

Sobola, Dinara January 2015 (has links)
Chceme-li využít nové materiály pro nová optoelektronická zařízení, potřebujeme hlouběji nahlédnout do jejich struktury. K tomu, abychom toho dosáhli, je však nutný vývoj a aplikace přesnějších diagnostických metod. Předložená disertační práce, jako můj příspěvek k částečnému dosažení tohoto cíle, se zabývá metodami lokální diagnostiky povrchu optoelektronických zařízení a jejich materiálů, většinou za využití nedestruktivních mechanických, elektrických a optických technik. Tyto techniky umožňují jednak pochopit podstatu a jednak zlepšit celkovou účinnost a spolehlivost optoelektronických struktur, které jsou obecně degradovány přítomností malých defektů, na nichž dochází k absorpci světla, vnitřnímu odrazu a dalším ztrátovým mechanismům. Hlavní úsilí disertační práce je zaměřeno na studium degradačních jevů, které jsou nejčastěji způsobeny celkovým i lokálním ohřevem, což vede ke zvýšené difúze iontů a vakancí v daných materiálech. Z množství optoelektronických zařízení, jsem zvolila dva reprezentaty: a) křemíkové solární články – součástky s velkým pn přechodem a b) tenké vrstvy – substráty pro mikro optoelektronická zařízení. V obou případech jsem provedla jejich detailní povrchovou charakterizaci. U solárních článků jsem použila sondovou mikroskopii jako hlavní nástroj pro nedestruktivní charakterizaci povrchových vlastností. Tyto metody jsou v práci popsány, a jejich pozitivní i negativní aspekty jsou vysvětleny na základě rešerše literatury a našich vlastních experimentů. Je také uvedeno stanovisko k použití sondy mikroskopických aplikací pro studium solárních článků. V případě tenkých vrstev jsem zvolila dva, z hlediska stability, zajímavé materiály, které jsou vhodnými kandidáty pro přípravu heterostruktury: safír a karbid křemíku. Ze získaných dat a analýzy obrazu jsem našla korelaci mezi povrchovými parametry a podmínkami růstu heterostruktur studovaných pro optoelektronické aplikace. Práce zdůvodňuje používání těchto perspektivních materiálů pro zlepšení účinnosti, stability a spolehlivosti optoelektronických zařízení.

Visualisation of Local Charge Densities with Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy

Milde, Peter 10 June 2011 (has links)
For the past decades, Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) developed from a sidebranch of atomic force microscopy to a widely used standard technique. It allows to measure electrostatic potentials on any type of sample material with an unprecedented spatial resolution. While the technical aspects of the method are well understood, the interpretation of measured data remains object of intense research. This thesis intends to prove an advanced view on how sample systems which are typical for ultrahigh resolution imaging, such as organic molecular submonolayers on metals, can be quantitavily analysed with the differential charge density model. In the first part a brief introduction into the Kelvin probe experiment and atomic force microscopy is given. A short review of the theoretical background of the technique is presented. Following, the differential charge density model is introduced, which is used to further explain the origin of contrast in Kelvin probe force microscopy. Physical effects, which cause the occurence of local differential charge densities, are reviewed for several sample systems that are of interest in high resolution atomic force microscopy. Experimental evidence for these effects is presented in the second part. Atomic force microscopy was used for in situ studies of a variety of sample systems ranging from pristine metal surfaces over monolayer organic adsorbates on metals to ferroelectric substrates both, with and without organic thin film coverage. As the result from these studies, it is shown that the differential charge density model accurately describes the experimentally observed potential contrasts. This implies an inherent disparity of the measurement results between the different Kelvin probe force microscopy techniques; a point which had been overseen so far in the discussion of experimental data. Especially for the case of laterally strong confined differential charge densities, the results show the opportunity as well as the necessity to explain experimental data with a combination of ab initio calculations of the differential charge density and an electrostatic model of the tip-sample interaction.


Doutt, Daniel R. 08 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Characterization of Viral Inhibiting 2D Carbon- Based Structures Using Scanning Probe Microscopy and Raman Spectroscopy

Gholami, Mohammad Fardin 12 June 2024 (has links)
Kohlenstoff 2D-Nanoschichten wie Graphen und Graphenoxid sind vielversprechend, aber schwierig in Bezug auf multivalente Wechselwirkungen zu kontrollieren. Das Verständnis, wie neuartige Funktionalisierungsmethoden die Geometrie, Wechselwirkungen und elektronischen Eigenschaften der Graphenblätter beeinflussen, ist der Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit. Diese Arbeit untersucht zwei Methoden zur Modifikation von 2D-Graphennanoschichten: "Graft to" und "Graft from" Techniken, unter Verwendung von „[2+1] Nitren-Cycloaddition“ und ringöffnender Polymerisation von Glycerin, zusätzlich zum Wachstum von 2D-Triazin-Kohlenstoffstrukturen. Diese modifizierten Nanoschichten wurden hinsichtlich ihrer Wechselwirkung mit dem Vesikulären Stomatitis-Virus (VSV) und ihrer Zweidimensionalität mittels Rastersondenmikroskopie und Raman-Spektroskopie untersucht. Die Studie zeigt das Potenzial funktionalisierter Graphen in der Virologie und liefert Einblicke für zukünftige Forschungen. Ergebnisse zeigten, dass funktionalisierte 2D-TRGO an VSV-Partikel bindet und flexibel genug bleibt, um auf einer flachen Glimmeroberfläche Falten zu bilden, aber sie können die Virushüllen nicht vollständig umschließen. Dies liegt an den hohen Energiekosten für das Biegen großer lateraler Dimensionen (~1-2 μm) im Vergleich zur 200 nm Länge der VSV-Partikel. Eine optimale laterale Dimension von ~300 nm für funktionalisierte 2D-TRGO-Blätter maximiert virale Wechselwirkungen, Hemmungseffizienz und Anzeichen viraler Umhüllung. Triazin, ein Schlüsselmolekül in der Funktionalisierung, kann zur Herstellung von 2D-Triazin-Strukturen im Gramm-Maßstab verwendet werden. Potenzielle Anwendungen funktionalisierter Graphene umfassen spezialisierte antivirale Therapien und die Verwendung als Plattform für antivirale Medikamente. Zudem zeigten die Ergebnisse minimale Störungen der elektronischen Struktur von Graphen durch Triazin-Funktionalisierung. / Carbon-based 2D nanosheets like graphene and graphene oxide are promising but challenging to control in terms of multivalent interactions. Understanding how novel functionalization methods affect graphene sheets' geometry, interaction specificity and electronic properties is the focus of this thesis, which is crucial for advancing the design of 2D nanomaterials. This thesis examines two novel methods for modifying 2D graphene nanosheets: "graft to" and "graft from" techniques, using [2+1] nitrene cycloaddition reactions and ring-opening multibranch polymerization of glycerol in addition to in plane growth of 2D triazine -carbon based structures. These modified nanosheets were studied for their interaction with vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) and their two-dimensionality using scanning probe microscopy methods and Raman spectroscopy. The study highlights the potential of functionalized graphene nanosheets in virology and provides insights for future research. Results revealed that functionalized 2D TRGO binds to VSV particles and remains flexible enough to wrinkle on a flat mica interface but they cannot completely wrap the viral envelopes. This is due to the high energy cost of bending large lateral dimensions (~1-2μm) compared to the 200 nm length of VSV particles. An optimum lateral dimension of ~300 nm for functionalized 2D TRGO sheets was found to maximize viral interactions, inhibition efficiency, and signs of viral envelopment. Triazine, a key molecule in functionalization, can also be used to create 2D triazine structures on a gram scale. Functionalized graphene's potential applications include specialized antiviral therapies, such as targeted therapies exploiting multivalent interactions between viruses and cellular receptors, and using functionalized graphene as a delivery platform for antiviral drugs. Additionally, results showed minimal disturbance of graphene electronic structure via Triazine functionalization.

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