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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Bequest of Wings: Dialogical Teaching - Literature as a Mediational Tool

Falconer, Marc Stuart 15 February 2007 (has links)
Student Number : 0111318E - M Ed research report - School of Education - Faculty of Humanities / This research report explores the unique nature of literature and its efficacy as a dialogically mediating tool. In this study, drawing primarily on the theories of Vygotsky and Bakhtin, the dialogical small-group teaching of nine A Level students is considered, (with the teaching aimed to be within this group’s Zone of Proximal Development) it was found axiomatic that there was a supporting framework of schemes, tropes, narrative role taking, schemata theory and genre, among other concepts. Qualitative analysis of the edited transcripts from eight consecutive seminars substantiates these theoretical presumptions and leads to the conclusion that literature, in this case the prescribed poems of Elizabeth Jennings, is an highly efficacious, dialogically mediating, pedagogical tool.

What's important to raters in judging work performance: Mapping individual priorities and management team differences

Muir, Errol William, emuir@bigpond.net.au January 2008 (has links)
This thesis explores the application of personal construct psychology and the repertory grid to performance management in a technical consulting organisation. The research examines what is important for a manager in assessing work performance and how each manager's mental model for performance compares with his/her peers. Managers acting as raters are the critical link in the observation and assessment of performance and in the feedback process. Rater observations and judgements are affected by their personal mental models regarding what is important. These views may or may not accord with those of their peers, resulting in inconsistency and unfair assessments, or with what the organisation's strategy demands. Understanding rater views on what is important, and how well these align with strategy, is a key to ensure that the appraisal process supports, rather than hinders, both individual and organisational needs. Each manager's personal constructs relating to appraisal were elicited through a repertory grid interview. The elicited constructs were taken together and categorised to derive broad performance categories summarising the views of the entire management team. Each individual's personal constructs were then allocated to the relevant common category to develop a view of how each manager related to the group's overall approach to appraisal. A measure for the importance of each category in making performance judgments (importance score) was derived based on the correlation of the constructs in each category with an overall performance construct. A second measure of a manager's preparedness to discriminate between levels of performance was also derived (discriminant score) based on the variation in each manager's construct structure. In keeping with the personal construct psychology approach, the process emphasizes the importance of discussion with the individual concerned to verify the sorting and ranking pro cess. A ranking process to establish the overall management group priorities for judging performance (team mental models) was demonstrated and a charting process was developed to facilitate presentation and discussion of the results. The research has demonstrated the strength of the repertory grid process as a means of getting at a rater's framework for thinking about appraisal and provides a way to identify possible voids or blind spots in a rater's approach. Understanding the most important categories of performance used by raters provides an opportunity for management to determine whether these are likely to achieve the objectives of the company, and if necessary, to introduce and inculcate different approaches.

Image Schemata and Transmedia Improvisation

January 2014 (has links)
abstract: I am interested in performance that includes multiple artistic media. I am looking for a way to communicate with other artists that can clearly express the meaning of an artistic gesture that they can interpret for their medium. I wish to make transmedia performance art with a meaning that is clear to an audience. That meaning can be abstract. Sometimes we call art "abstract" to imply that it has no perceivable meaning. However, everything has meaning. Even if a piece of art does not have narrative meaning, we can still perceive a structure. That is thanks to our imagination. Imagination is our way of making sense of our experience. I believe that if I can identify some of the imaginative structures through which I perceive and understand my own work, I can use those structures to annotate or organize scores for improvised performance pieces. I am interested in how we understand art. One theory of understanding, which comes from Mark Johnson, involves "image schemata." Image schemata (sing. schema) are basic, abstract structures that we develop based on what we perceive from our physical interactions with the environment. We project these structures that come from a physical domain onto the mental domain. Johnson calls this process "metaphorical projection," and he calls our ability to do this "imagination." By metaphorically projecting image schemata from one domain to another, we form meaning of our experiences, and thus contribute to our understanding of the world. I believe that I can use image schemata to explain the meanings inherent in the art I make and to explain the connections in meaning between one artistic medium to another. I wish to apply this in a transmedia performance setting. First, I will analyze previous transmedia works in terms of image schemata. Second, I will make a score using image schemata for an improvised performance. Third, I will reflect on the results of attempting to rehearse that score. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.M. Music 2014

Egodystonní záchvaty hněvu u matek malých dětí / Ego-dystonic Anger Attacks in Mothers of Young Children

Doležalová, Petra January 2020 (has links)
Anger in the context of motherhood is still an insufficiently discussed and underresearched topic. The theoretical part of this thesis summarizes knowledge from the domains of anger, and in particular its sudden ego-dystonic attacks, stress, and psychosocial needs, or more precisely motivational goals and schemata, which lead to their satisfaction or prevent their frustration, and in the context of motherhood seeks potential causes of anger and highlights its consequences. The empirical part of this thesis is based on quantitative research design, namely an online administered cross-sectional study, for which four inventories - Anger Attacks Questionnaire (AAQ), Rage Attacks Questionnaire (RAQ-R), Inventory of Approach and Avoidance Motivation (FAMOS), and Incongruence Questionnaire (INK) - were localized into the Czech setting. Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) was the last instrument used in this study. The research sample consisted of 257 adult women with an only child of up to 36 months of age and the study looked into the differences in subjective experience of mothers with anger attacks (N = 138) and without anger attacks (N = 119) with regard to the last three months. In the domain of psychosocial needs, the greatest intraindividual deficits for mothers with anger attacks emerged in the following...

Frühe maladaptive Schemata und Schemamodi bei somatoformen Störungen

Henker, Jana 08 February 2019 (has links)
Die Schematherapie hat sich als integrativer Therapieansatz bei Persönlichkeitsstörungen gut bewährt. Auch für depressive Störungen, Angststörungen und Essstörungen liegen mehrere Studien zur Anwendbarkeit der Schematheorie vor. Eine in der klinischen Praxis zahlenmäßig große Patientengruppe, die der somatoformen Störungen, ist bisher kaum hinsichtlich ihrer Schemata untersucht worden. Ziel der vorliegenden Studie ist es, maladaptive Schemata von Patienten mit somatoformen Störungen zu identifizieren und zu überprüfen, ob auch charakteristische Modi bei diesem Störungsbild auftreten. Dafür wurde eine Stichprobe von 134 somatoformen Patienten im Vergleich zu einer gesunden Kontrollgruppe (n=52) untersucht. Die Daten wurden mit den Fragebögen YSQ-S2 und SMI erhoben und inferenzstatistisch ausgewertet. Die Ergebnisse der ANOVA zeigten signifikante Unterschiede in den Schemata (F(1,167)=26,64, p=0.000) und Modi (F(1,75)=25,33, p=0.000) zwischen den beiden Gruppen. Somatoforme Patienten hatten signifikant höhere Schemataausprägungen in den Skalen „Negatives hervorheben“ (d=.85), „Emotionale Vernachlässigung“ (d=.84), „Misstrauen“ (d=.84) und „Ungenügende Selbstkontrolle“ (d=.83). Im Vergleich zu Gesunden befanden sich somatoforme Patienten viel seltener in dem Modus „glückliches Kind“ (d=-2.33). Dafür waren vulnerable und ärgerliche Kindmodi, der strafende Elternmodus, der distanzierte Beschützer und der distanzierte Selbstberuhiger-Modus signifikant stärker ausgeprägt.:Inhaltsverzeichnis I Tabellenverzeichnis IV Abbildungsverzeichnis VI 1 Einleitung 1 2 Theoretischer Hintergrund 3 2.1 Definition Somatoforme Störungen 3 2.2 Klassifikation und Diagnostik 3 2.2.1 Klassifikation Somatoformer Störungen nach DSM-IV und ICD-10 3 2.2.2 Somatische Belastungsstörung nach DSM-5 4 2.2.3 Verfahren zur Diagnostik Somatoformer Störungen 7 2.3 Epidemiologie Somatoformer Störungen 8 2.4 Ätiologie Somatoformer Störungen 9 2.4.1 Biologische Auffälligkeiten 9 2.4.2 Psychologische Faktoren 10 2.5 Therapie Somatoformer Störungen 13 2.6 Die Schematheorie nach Young 15 2.6.1 Das Modell der frühen maladaptiven Schemata 16 2.6.2 Das Modusmodell 21 2.6.3 Klinische Befunde zu Schemata und Modi bei Persönlichkeitsstörungen 24 2.6.4 Klinische Befunde zu Schemata und Modi bei Achse-I Störungen 25 2.6.5 Schemata als Prädiktoren für psychische Symptome 27 2.6.6 Diagnostik maladaptiver Schemata und Schemamodi 28 Reliabilitäts- und Validitätsstudien zu YSQ und SMI 28 2.6.7 Klinische Anwendung – die Schematherapie 30 3 Zielsetzung des Dissertationsvorhabens 32 4 Methoden 35 4.1 Stichprobe und Einschlusskriterien 35 4.2 Untersuchungsabläufe 36 4.3 Messinstrumente 36 4.3.1 Strukturiertes Interview für DSM-IV 36 4.3.2 Soziodemografische Daten 37 4.3.3 Beck-Depressions-Inventar 37 4.3.4 Symptomcheckliste 37 4.3.5 SOMS – Screening für Somatoforme Störungen 38 4.3.6 Childhood-Trauma-Questionnaire 38 4.3.7 Young Schema Fragebogen und Modus-Inventar 39 4.4 Datenanalyse 39 4.4.1 Statistische Verfahren 39 Mittelwertvergleiche 39 weitere statistische Berechnungen 40 Korrelationsanalysen 42 Regressionsanalysen 42 4.4.2 Fehlende Werte 43 5 Ergebnisse 45 5.1 Beschreibung der Stichprobe 45 5.2 Frühe maladaptive Schemata und Schemamodi 48 5.2.1 Frühe maladaptive Schemata bei Patienten mit Somatoformen Störungen im Vergleich zu psychisch gesunden Personen 48 5.2.2 Vergleich der Schemamodi von Patienten und psychisch Gesunden 52 5.2.3 Spezifität früher maladaptiver Schemata – Vergleich unterschiedlicher klinischer Stichproben 53 5.2.4 Analyse von Subgruppen Somatoformer Störungen bzgl. ihrer Schemata 55 Zusammenhänge zwischen Schemata und somatoformen Diagnosen 55 Zusammenhänge zwischen Schemata und der Beschwerdeanzahl 55 Zusammenhänge zwischen Schemata und der Ausprägung somatoformer Beschwerden am Therapieende 56 Vergleich von somatoformen Patienten aus einer Allgemeinen Tagesklinik mit Patienten aus einer spezialisierten Tagesklinik 57 5.3 Zusammenhänge zwischen Schemata, somatoformen Beschwerden und traumatischen Erfahrungen 59 5.3.1 Korrelationen zwischen Schemata und somatoformen Beschwerden 59 5.3.2 Korrelationen zwischen Schemata und traumatischen Erfahrungen 60 5.4 Schemata als Prädiktoren 61 5.4.1 Beziehungen zwischen Schemata und Schemamodi 61 5.4.2 Vorhersage der Zugehörigkeit zur Patienten- oder Kontrollgruppe 64 5.4.3 Vorhersage der Zugehörigkeit zu einer klinischen Gruppe (Somatoforme Störung oder andere psychische Störung) 65 5.4.4 prädiktive Schemata für klinisch signifikante somatoforme Beschwerden am Beginn einer Therapie 66 6 Diskussion 68 6.1 Frühe maladaptive Schemata und Schemamodi bei somatoformen Patienten 68 6.1.1 Spezifität früher maladaptiver Schemata bei Somatoformen Störungen 71 6.1.2 Subgruppen Somatoformer Störungen und assoziierte Schemata 73 6.2 Zusammenhänge zwischen Schemata und somatoformen Beschwerden 75 6.2.1 Zusammenhänge zwischen Schemata und traumatischen Erlebnissen 76 6.3 Prädiktiver Wert von Schemata zur Vorhersage von Schemamodi 77 6.3.1 Prädiktiver Wert von Schemata zur Vorhersage der Zugehörigkeit zur Patientengruppe und zur klinischen Gruppe 79 6.3.2 Prädiktive Schemata für klinisch signifikante somatoforme Beschwerden 80 6.4 Limitierungen der Arbeit und Ausblick 81 7 Zusammenfassung/ Summary 83 8 Literatur 88 9 Anhang 97 Danksagung 105 weitere Anlagen: Fragebögen YSQ-S2 und SMIr 105 Anlage 1: Erklärung zur Eröffnung des Promotionsverfahrens 105 Anlage 2: Erklärung über Einhaltung aktueller gesetzlicher Vorgaben 105

Generalbass, Satzmodelle, tonale Netze:: Matthias Waldhör als Musiktheoretiker

Petersen, Birger 26 October 2023 (has links)
Der Kemptener Organist und Komponist Matthias Waldhör (1796–1833) ist nur noch aufgrund der starken Verbreitung seiner Neuen Volks-Gesang-Schule von 1830 bekannt, die sich in der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts vor allem im Alpenraum großer Beliebtheit erfreute. Weniger bekannt ist seine Theoretisch-practische Clavier-, Partitur-, Präludier- und Orgel-Schule aus den späten zwanziger Jahren des 19. Jahrhunderts, die nur noch sehr selten in Musikbibliotheken nachweisbar ist. Der dritte, 1827 erschienene Teil dieser Schule ist nahezu ausschließlich musiktheoretischen Fragestellungen gewidmet; seine geringe Verbreitung verwundert angesichts der stolzen Zahl von immerhin 900 Subskribenten. / Today the Bavarian organist and composer Matthias Waldhör (1796–1833) is well known because of the dissemination of his Neue Volks-Gesang-Schule, printed in 1830 and read very broadly in the first half of the nineteenth century, especially in the Alpine region. His Theoretisch-practische Clavier-, Partitur-, Präludier- und Orgel-Schule from the late 1820s is less known – and a rare book in music libraries and archives. The third part of it, published in 1827, is exclusively dedicated to aspects of music theory; the small circulation astonishes – because of the high number of more than 900 subscriptions.

Causal schemata of middle managers and the implementation of a radical change strategy

McMillen, Maria Cecilia. January 1991 (has links)
No description available.

Mitigation in Spanish discourse : social and cognitive motivations, linguistic analyses, and effects on interaction and interlocutors

Czerwionka, Lori Ann 12 October 2010 (has links)
Mitigation is the modification of language in response to social or cognitive challenges (stressors) in contexts of linguistic interaction (Martinovski, Mao, Gratch, & Marsella 2005). Previous mitigation research has been largely from social perspectives, addressing the word or utterance levels of language. This dissertation presents an empirical study of mitigating language resulting from both a cognitive stressor (degree of uncertainty) and social stressor (degree of imposition) in Spanish discourse, and the impacts of mitigation on interaction and interlocutors. The tripartite approach includes a: (1) quantitative analysis of discourse markers associated with mitigation (speaker-discourse, speaker-listener, and epistemic markers); (2) qualitative discourse analysis, relying on concepts from the Conversation Analysis framework; and (3) qualitative analysis of interlocutors’ perceptions of mitigation, using metalinguistic conversations. The results are discussed considering prior research on mitigation, politeness theories, and Clark’s (2006) model of ‘language use’ to address information types, interlocutor roles, and mutual knowledge. In addition, Caffi and Janney’s (1994) ‘anticipatory schemata’ and Pinker’s (2007) social psychological perspective of indirect language inform the theoretical framework. Results indicate that: (1) Mitigation devices vary depending on contextual factors prompting mitigation, significantly fewer speaker-listener markers are shown as evidence of mitigation, and epistemic markers, which are commonly analyzed mitigation devices, are infrequent overall in these data. These results provide evidence against the assumption that mitigation is associated with increased use of linguistic devices; (2) Two mitigating discourse structures were found, depending on the degree of uncertainty. Within contexts of high-imposition, the Co-reconstruction structure (CRS) is found in contexts with uncertainty and the Non-linear structure (NLS) is in contexts with certainty; and (3) The listeners’ metalinguistic comments indicate that the CRS, compared to the NLS, is preferred. Also, the results indicate how interlocutors address cognitive, social, and emotional stressors in interaction. Considering all analyses, a unifying definition of mitigation in discourse is provided. This phenomenon is characterized as the postponement of both confirmed knowledge and negotiation of the interlocutor relationship. This research contributes the first experimental investigation of mitigation as the result of cognitive and social stressors, and also the first systematic analysis of mitigation in Spanish discourse. / text

Büroarbeit im Intranet

Friedrich, Rico 17 January 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen der Diplomarbeit wurde ein modernes System zur Erledigung typischer Geschäftsvorfälle des URZ entwickelt. Die Arbeit betrachtet den Einsatz von XML als Grundlage der Implementation und unterschiedliche XML-Applikationen auf ihre Verwendbarkeit zur Repräsentation von URZ-Dokumenten. Laufende Geschäftsvorfälle wurden anhand ausgewählter Dokumententypen analysiert und deren Strukturen und Inhaltstypen in XML definiert. Die Dokumentenerstellung wird durch eine Web-basierte Nutzerschnittstelle gewährleistet.

Upplevelsen av HRM praxis i Skövde kommun : Medarbetares handlingsmönster utifrån ett psykologiskt kontrakt / The experience of HRM practice in a public sector : Employees behavioural pattern on the basis of the psychological contract

Cehic, Belma, Rutersten, Christine, Zahirovic, Mirza January 2011 (has links)
Den innevarande studien utforskar hur enhetschefer och avdelningschefer i Skövde kommun upplever sin arbetssituation utifrån personalchefens arbete med Human Resource Management (HRM) praxis. Fokus är att utifrån upplevelsen undersöka vilka indikatorer som föreligger för ett psykologiskt kontrakt och hur det kan inverka på medarbetarnas beteende. Teorin om mentala schemata applicerades slutligen på resultatet och illustrerades i en överskådlig modell av forskningsområdet. Utifrån en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod har HRM praxis i Guest modell av HRM (1997) format forskningsprocessen. Semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomfördes på ett urval av nio respondenter. Utifrån en hermeneutisk analys visade resultatet ett positivt psykologiskt kontrakt överlag vid utvecklings- och utbildningsmöjligheter, förtroende, trygghet och flexibilitet, medan studien lämnar förbättringspotential vid arbetsbelastning, lön, friskvård och riktlinjer.

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