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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Genetically Adjusted Propensity Score Matching: A Proposal of a Novel Analytical Tool to Help Close the Gap between Non-experimental Designs and True Experiments in the Social Sciences

Silver, Ian 30 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Integrating Ghosts

Antoniu, Dan A., Mr. 24 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.

I Lamenti d’Orfeo

Ristori, Giovanni Alberto, Pasquini, Giovanni Claudio 30 July 2014 (has links)
Am 4. April, dem Karfreitag des Jahres 1749, an dem am Dresdner Hof keine Opernaufführung stattfinden konnte, kam I Lamenti d’Orfeo, Festa di Camera consagrata alle Glorie Auguste di Ermelinda Talea. Patrocinio, e Decoro d’Arcadia, Poesia del Sig.re Ab:te Giov. Claudio Pasquini d:to Trigenio Migonitidio Pastore Arcade. Musica di Giov. Alberto Ristori 1749 zur Aufführung. Mitwirkende waren Calliope, eine Muse: Rosa Ravona, Orfeo, ihr Sohn: Regina Mingotti. Vermutlich hat Ristori die Hofkapelle vom Cembalo aus geleitet.

I Lamenti d’Orfeo: Festa di camera für 2 Soprane, 2 Hörner, 2 Flöten, 2 Oboen, 2 Fagotte, 2 Violinen, Viola und Basso continuo: Partitur

Ristori, Giovanni Alberto, Pasquini, Giovanni Claudio 22 June 2023 (has links)
Am 4. April, dem Karfreitag des Jahres 1749, an dem am Dresdner Hof keine Opernaufführung stattfinden konnte, kam I Lamenti d’Orfeo, Festa di Camera consagrata alle Glorie Auguste di Ermelinda Talea. Patrocinio, e Decoro d’Arcadia, Poesia del Sig.re Ab:te Giov. Claudio Pasquini d:to Trigenio Migonitidio Pastore Arcade. Musica di Giov. Alberto Ristori 1749 zur Aufführung. Mitwirkende waren Calliope, eine Muse: Rosa Ravona, Orfeo, ihr Sohn: Regina Mingotti. Vermutlich hat Ristori die Hofkapelle vom Cembalo aus geleitet.

Body Fat Determination of Stock-Type Horses in Varying Body Condition by Carcass Dissection, Rump Fat Thickness, and Deuterium Oxide Dilution and Fatty Acid Composition of Adipose Tissues

Ferjak, Emily Nicole 11 August 2017 (has links)
The primary objectives of the study were to compare 2 body fat (%, BF) prediction methods for stock-type horses by rump fat thickness (RFT) and D2O dilution with actual tissue fat analysis by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR) and to identify the relationships among BF, BCS, and physical measurements. Secondary objectives were to determine the fatty acid (FA) composition of mesenteric (MS), cardiac (CD), subcutaneous (SC), intermuscular (IM), and leaf fat (LF) and to identify relationships between of FA composition and BCS in horses. Results indicated that D2O dilution is an accurate predictor of BF, and RFT alone does not accurately predict BF. Additionally, BCS may be useful in predicting BF when used with other physical measurements. The effects of BCS and fat depot on FA composition were independent of each other. The more influential factor in FA composition of adipose tissues was fat depot as opposed to BCS.

The Impact of an Academic Integrity Module and Turnitin on Similarity Index Scores of Undergraduate Student Papers

Ballard, Iva B 11 May 2013 (has links)
The researcher of this quasi-experimental 2 x 2 factorial design study investigated the impact of an academic integrity module and Turnitin on undergraduate student similarity index scores. Similarity index scores were used to measure suggested plagiarism rates of student papers. The purposive sample was made up of 96 undergraduate education students enrolled in four sections of the same course in a Southeastern university. One main factor was submitting assignments through Turnitin, with two levels: yes or no. The second factor was completing the academic integrity module, with two levels: yes or no. The four intact groups were randomly assigned to the main factors. Although the findings from this study indicated that neither main factor nor their interaction were statistically significant at the .05 alpha level, the mean similarity index score of participants who submitted their paper through Turnitin was lower than the mean similarity index score of participants who did not submit their papers through Turnitin. Similarly, the mean similarity index score of participants who completed the academic integrity module was lower than the mean similarity index score of participants who did not complete the academic integrity module. Although not at the statistically significant level, the plagiarism rate as measured by the mean similarity index score of the group of participants who completed the academic integrity module and submitted papers through Turnitin was the lowest followed by the group of participants that completed the academic integrity module but did not submit papers through Turnitin, then the group of participants that did not complete the academic integrity module and did not submit papers through Turnitin. The group of participants who did not complete the academic integrity module but submitted papers through Turnitin had the highest mean similar index score suggesting a higher plagiarism rate as compared to the other groups. Finally, the researcher acknowledged the limitations of this study and made recommendations for future consideration. Other variables such as gender, demographics, major, and credit hours completed could be investigated. Replication of the study is recommended. Also, a qualitative approach could enhance future studies.

Radiographic Union Score for Tibia (RUST) scoring system in adult diaphyseal femoral fractures treated with intramedullary nailing: an assessment of interobserver and intraobserver reliability

Panchoo, Pravesh 14 April 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Objectives The Radiographic Union Score for Tibia (RUST) scoring system has been validated in multiple studies assessing the healing of tibial fractures. Our objective was to assess the inter and intraobserver reliability for the RUST in diaphyseal femoral fractures treated with intramedullary (IM) nailing. Patients and Methods A total of 60 sets of anteroposterior (AP) and lateral radiographs of diaphyseal femoral fractures treated by reamed IM nailing were randomly selected from a prospectively collected database. The 60 sets of radiographs were then scored by three reviewers using the RUST system. Interobserver reliability was measured at initial scoring. The 60 sets of radiographs were scored again by the three reviewers to calculate the intraobserver reliability. Results The RUST scores ranged from 4 to 12 with a mean score of 11.3 ± 1.3. The interobserver intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was 0.87 (95% CI, 0.81-0.92) and the intraobserver ICC was 0.91 (95% CI, 0.88-0.94), which indicated excellent agreement. Conclusion This study demonstrated that the RUST system can be used reliably in the assessment of healing in diaphyseal femur fractures treated by reamed intramedullary nailing, with excellent interobserver and intraobserver reliability.

Hållbarhet i svenska fastighetsbolag - påverkas lönsamheten?

Magnusson, Ellen, Hansson, Frida January 2023 (has links)
Aim & Problem definition: This study aims to examine potential relationships between sustainability and profitability in listed Swedish real estate companies, which leads to the following research question:  Does sustainability practice affect profitability in Swedish real estate companies?    Background: Previous studies have been conducted in different industries to investigate whether there are connections between sustainability and profitability. A research gap exists in studies on this topic regarding the Swedish real estate industry. The industry has a significant impact on the environment today and with increasing climate changes, it is of interest to study whether there is a connection between sustainability and profitability.       Method: The study has a quantitative character based on a positivistic research philosophy with a deductive research approach. The study is primarily based on two theories, the stakeholder theory, and the legitimacy theory. The hypotheses are based on these two theories as well as previous studies. The hypotheses are statistically tested through multiple regression analysis to confirm or reject the hypothesis, that there is a positive relationship between sustainability and profitability in Swedish real estate companies.    Results: The study has shown a non-significant result between ESG -score, its sub-sources, and profitability. This means that the study’s null hypothesis cannot be rejected. Furthermore, a positive statistically significant result has been obtained between total assets and ESG-score in Swedish real estate companies. Based on the results, the authors conclude that there is an opportunity for further sustainability work within the industry. To achieve profitability in the future it is therefore necessary to develop both the work and its reporting in the field. / Syfte & problemformulering: Studien syftar till att undersöka potentiella samband mellan hållbarhet och lönsamhet i svenska börsnoterade fastighetsbolag vilket mynnar ut i följande problemformulering: Påverkar hållbarhetsarbete lönsamheten i svenska fastighetsbolag?   Bakgrund: Tidigare har studier gjorts inom varierande branscher för att undersöka om det finns samband mellan hållbarhet och lönsamhet. Ett forskningsgap finns på studier inom ämnet i svenska fastighetsbranschen idag. Fastighetsbranschen har en stor påverkan på miljön och med de klimatutmaningar som väntar är det av intresse att studera om det finns ett samband mellan hållbarhet och lönsamhet.     Metod: Studien har en kvantitativ karaktär och utgår från en positivistisk forskningsfilosofi med en deduktiv ansats. Studien bygger på två teorier, intressentteorin och legitimitetsteorin. Hypoteserna grundar sig i dessa två teorier samt tidigare studier inom området. Hypoteserna testats statistiskt i studien genom multipla regressionsanalyser för att bekräfta eller förkasta hypoteserna, att det finns ett positivt samband mellan hållbarhet och lönsamhet i svenska fastighetsbolag.    Resultat: Studien har påvisat ett icke signifikant resultat mellan ESG-score, dess delbetyg och lönsamhet vilket gör att studiens nollhypotes inte kan förkastas. Ett positivt statistiskt signifikant resultat har dock erhållits mellan andel totala tillgångar och ESG-score i svenska fastighetsbolag. Utifrån de presenterade resultaten drar författarna slutsatsen att det finns en möjlighet till ytterligare hållbarhetsarbete inom branschen. För att uppnå lönsamhet i framtiden krävs således att arbetet och dess redovisning inom området utvecklas.

Sambandet mellan ESG-betyg och finansiell prestation på tillväxtmarknader : Financial slack – en moderator? / The relationship between ESG-score and financial performance in emerging markets.

Andersson, Samuel, Lundqvist, Viktor January 2023 (has links)
Syfte: I takt med att hållbarhet blir allt viktigare, erhåller företagen en betydelsefull roll i arbetet för ett hållbart samhälle. Vilket medfört ett stort intresse för hur ESG-betyget påverkar de finansiella aspekterna av verksamheten i både företagsvärlden och den akademiska världen. Mycket av den tidigare forskningen har fokuserat på välutvecklade marknader när denna relation studerats, till följd av detta riktar denna studie in sig på tillväxtmarknader. I denna kontext har institutionella faktorer bidragit till att resultaten från tidigare forskning är motstridiga. Studiens syfte är att undersöka sambandet mellan ESG-betyg och finansiell prestation, samt hur financial slack påverkar denna relation på tillväxtmarknader. Metod: Studien har en deduktiv ansats och tillämpar en kvantitativ metod. Med hjälp av regressionsanalyser undersöks sambandet mellan ESG-betyg och finansiell prestation, samt hur financial slack påverkar det studerade sambandet på tillväxtmarknader. Urvalet består av 2 287 företag från 19 tillväxtmarknader fördelat över 11 sektorer. Samtliga data avser år 2022 och är hämtade från Refinitiv Eikons databas. Sekundärdata har analyserats genom univariat-, bivariat- och multivariat analys i statistikprogrammet IBM SPSS. Resultat och slutsats: Resultaten antyder ett positivt samband mellan ESG-betyg och ROE, samt mellan G-betyg och finansiell prestation. Samtidigt som inget samband observeras mellan E- och S-betyg och finansiell prestation. Vidare antyder resultaten att financial slack inte påverkar relationen mellan ESG-betyg och finansiell prestation. Examensarbetets bidrag: Studien bidrar med ny och ökad kunskap beträffande sambandet mellan ESG-betyg och finansiell prestation. Dels genom att en relativt outforskad kontext, i form av tillväxtmarknader studeras, dels då de tre dimensionerna av ESG och dess effekt på den finansiella prestationen undersöks var för sig. Förslag till framtida forskning: Med bakgrund mot studiens begränsningar föreslås att framtida forskare tillämpar en longitudinell forskningsdesign när sambandet mellan ESG-betyg och finansiell prestation studeras, detta för att fånga upp förändringar över tid. Ett ytterligare förslag är att använda marknadsbaserade mått för att mäta finansiell prestation. / Aim: As sustainability becomes increasingly important, companies are given a significant role in the work towards a sustainable society. Which has led to a great deal of interest in how the ESG-rating affects the financial aspects of the business in the corporate community as well as in the academia. Much of the previous research has focused on developed markets when studying this relationship, as a result this study focuses on emerging markets. In this context, institutional factors have contributed to conflicting results from previous research. The purpose of the study is to investigate the relationship between ESG-score and financial performance, as well as how financial slack affects this relationship in emerging markets. Method: The study has a deductive research approach and uses a quantitative method. Using regression analyses, the relationship between ESG-score and financial performance is examined, as well as how financial slack affects this relationship in emerging markets. The sample consists of 2 287 companies from 19 emerging markets, operating in 11 different sectors. All data refer to the year 2022 and are retrieved from Refinitiv Eikon's database. The secondary data has been analyzed through univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis in the statistics program IBM SPSS. Results and conclusions: The results indicate a positive relationship between ESG-score and ROE, as well as between G-score and financial performance. Meanwhile, no relationship is observed between E-, and S-score and financial performance. Furthermore, the results suggest that financial slack does not affect the relationship between ESG-score and financial performance. Contribution of the thesis: The study contributes with new and increased knowledge regarding the relationship between ESG-score and financial performance. By studying a relatively unexplored context, in the form of emerging markets, and by examining the three dimensions of ESG and its effect on financial performance individually. Suggestions for future research: Due to the study's limitations, it is suggested that future researchers apply a longitudinal study design when investigating the relationship between ESG-score and financial performance, so that changes over time can be observed. Another suggestion is to use market-based key ratios to measure financial performance.

Der „Würzburger Herz-Score“, ein Modell zur tageweisen Vorhersage des Sterberisikos in den ersten 4 Wochen nach Herzklappen- oder Bypass-Operation bei 5555 Patienten / The Wuerzburg Heart-Score, a model to predict the mortality risk (daily ) in the first 4 weeks after heart valve or bypass surgery in 5555 patients

Stefenelli, Ulrich January 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Bei 5555 Patienten des Würzburger Zentrums für operative Medizin wurden Sterberisiken und assoziierte Faktoren nach Bypass- oder Aortenklappen-OP beschrieben. Eine Risikovorhersage war frühzeitig, sogar tageweise möglich, und nicht (wie bisher) mit Blick auf den 30. postoperativen Tag. Das stärkste Risiko ist ein fehlender Entlassungs-Sinusrhythmus, gefolgt von einer schweren präoperativen Einschränkung (ASA) und einem erhöhten Kreatinin, gefolgt vom kardiogenen anamnestischen Schock, vom zerebrovaskulären Ereignis, der Notwendigkeit von Frischplasma, von einer respiratorischen Insuffizienz, aber auch der Notwendigkeit mechanischer Kreislaufunterstützung. Hochprädiktiv war auch ein kürzlich stattgefundener Myokardinfarkt und eine Angina Pectoris in Ruhe. Liegen bis 4 dieser Ereignisse vor, so zeigt sich das Mortalitätsrisiko als statistisch normal (Verlauf der Grundgesamtheit): Es steigt je Woche nach OP um etwa 1% auf rund 5% nach 4 Wochen an. Bestehen 5 oder 6 Risiken, so erhöht sich das Sterberisiko deutlich: Es steigt um +10% je weitere Woche an und erreicht etwa 40% in der 4. postoperativen Woche. Ab 7 oder mehr erfüllte Risiken nimmt das Sterberisiko drastisch zu. Es erhöht sich um +20% je weitere Woche und kumuliert nach 3 Wochen auf rund 70%. Festzuhalten ist: Bis 4 Risiken ergibt sich je weitere Woche +1% Mortalitätsrisiko, ab 5 Risikofaktoren +10%, ab 7 und mehr Risikofaktoren finden sich je Woche nach der OP ein um +20% erhöhtes Sterberisiko. Diese Erkenntnisse wurden verwendet, um einen Risikoscore zu konstruieren. Die Einzelrisiken werden summiert, d.h. man betrachtet das Risiko als erfüllt oder nicht, und zählt. Das tageweise Risiko ist graphisch ablesbar und ist für die klinische Routine verwendbar, für Studien (Risikostratifizierung) oder für das präoperative Aufklärungsgespräch. Neu ist, dass dieser Score im klinischen Verlauf angepaßt werden kann, wenn neue Risikofaktoren auftreten hinzukommen oder Faktoren therapiebedingt wegfallen. / Mortality risks and associated factors after bypass or aortic valve surgery were described in 5555 patients at the Würzburg Center for Operative Medicine. A risk prediction was possible at an early stage, even on a daily basis, and not - as before - only with a view to the 30th postoperative day. The greatest risk is an absent discharge sinus rhythm, followed by severe impairment (ASA) and elevated creatinine, followed by a history of cardiogenic shock, cerebrovascular event, the need for fresh plasma, respiratory failure, but also the need for mechanical circulatory support . A recent history of myocardial infarction and angina pectoris at rest were also highly predictive. If up to 4 of these events are present, the mortality risk is statistically normal, because it roughly corresponds to the course of the population: it increases by around 1% per postoperative week to around 5% after 4 weeks (+ 2nd % as confidence range). If the patient has 5 or 6 risks, the risk of death increases significantly: it increases by +10% for each additional week and reaches about 40% in the 4th postoperative week. From 7 or more risk factors fulfilled, the risk of death increases drastically. It increases by +20% for each additional postoperative week and accumulates to around 70% (+ 15%) after 3 weeks of intensive care. It should be noted: Up to 4 risk factors result in a +1% mortality risk for each additional week, from 5 risk factors +10%, from 7 and more risk factors there is a +20% increased risk of death per week after the operation. Findings from this work were used to construct a risk score. The individual risks mentioned above are added up, i.e. the risk is considered to be fulfilled or not and counted. The daily risk can then be read graphically. This could be used for clinical routine, for studies (risk stratification) or for preoperative informational discussions. What is also new is that this score can be adjusted in the clinical course if new risk factors are added or factors are removed.

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